The Dark Science of Manipulating Reality to Get ANYTHING you want.

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Quazi Johir
33rd degree knowledge this was taught to only few Entrepreneurs & professionals wanting to work clo...
Video Transcript:
quasi here this is a world that has always been run from the Shadows with secrets and only shared with those who were worthy enough to receive them now for a long time secret groups have quietly shaped our world you might have heard of some of them like the Illuminati or the Knights Templar these groups are believed to have had special knowledge that gave them power over others curiously though many of these groups have disappeared or gone into hiding but one still stands out even today the Freemasons the Freemasons are a group that started a long
long time ago around the time when Knights and castles were still around now at first they were Builders who made beautiful churches and cathedrals in Europe but over time they started focusing on something even bigger ideas and knowledge about life the universe and everything in it in 17 17 they officially became an organization in England and soon after they conquered the world from the Shadows when someone joins the Freemasons they start in a group called The Blue Lodge where they learn three basic lessons or degrees but here's the catch these lessons are like Puzzles they're
meant to keep the real Secrets hidden until the person is ready to understand many people say that the Freemason keep their true knowledge hidden until someone proves that they're truly worthy now after completing the basic training some Fring Masons go on to learn even more in something called the Scottish right the highest level you can reach in the Scottish right is the 33rd degree it's a big honor and only a few people ever achieve it but there's something even higher than the 33rd degree that most people don't even know about and this is called the
Grand Cross and a given to very few 33rd degree Freemasons for their amazing contributions you might be surprised to know that many important people in history were Freemasons in fact 14 US presidents along with many judges and lawmakers were Freemasons this means their ideas and decisions manipulated the country and the world in ways we don't even realize but what's so special about being a Freemason well famous people like George Washington Benjamin Franklin and even the composer MO saw or really Freemasons you know it seems they had access to some kind of secret knowledge that made
them stand out and after studying this for many many years I believe this knowledge isn't just for Freemasons it's connected to other ancient teachings from all over the world in today's video I want to share with you what I've learned over the last eight years of deeply studying the ancient laws that govern our universe of which there are four main laws that govern and everything now these laws are rules for how the world works and they've been around for centuries and appear across different cultures now once you master these four laws you'll essentially gain Mastery
over your own destiny your own self and gain the power to influence your reality in any way you please so without further delay let's get started one of the greatest 33rd degree Masons that has ever lived I believe is a gentleman by the name of manly arama hall now what's so interesting about Manley Hall is he was the only one who made an effort to reveal these secret teachings to the masses and he mainly did this through his books but unfortunately a lot of his books are very very difficult to comprehend and a lot of
people haven't been able to understand them so in this video I'm going to share with you the four main laws that keep reverberating through all of his texts but in particular this book called The Secret teachings of all ages so I'm going to be sharing with you what these laws are the issue is what most people try to do especially nowadays we try to take these symbolisms and all these teachings that are in all of these holy books a little too literally when we take these teachings literally we're actually doing them a disservice because they
weren't meant to be literal what you can see touch and what's subject to the senses you can't just take them literally you have to go beyond and learn to deconstruct these teachings so with all of these teachings they've either been forgotten throughout the ages and not properly passed on or they've just been taken way too literally another interesting thing to note is that in the Bible Christ's disciple asks him why do you speak in Parables to which he replies in Matthew 13:11 because knowledge of the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven has been granted to
you but to them it has not been granted to anyone who has more will be given and he will grow Rich from anyone who has not even what he has will be taken away this is why I speak to them in Parables because they look but do not see and hear but do not listen or understand Isaiah's prophecy is fulfilled in them but blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear from this particular verse we can take away something very very crucial true knowledge is not learned it is known you
simply know it just like the existence of God I always find it funny when people ask me if I believe in God to which I answer I don't believe in God I know God because to believe means there is room for doubt whenever you believe in something you're basically saying I don't know that it's real I believe in it I don't really know it but when you know deep down the existence of something it is simply known it is not questionable there is no doubt with these four laws my wish for you is to internalize
them to fully know them because I know that if you do and the realization occurs within you these laws will be a way of being for you not something that you have to do it is going to be your mode of operation and when that happens you will see profound transformation happen in your life and in a few short years you're going to wake up one morning and be like holy is this really my life this is unbelievable from where I was just a few years ago and that is my deepest wish for you for
all of the with all the videos that I make not just this one in particular so with that let's go and get started with the very first law that is a theme in freemasonic teachings manly Palmer Hall's teachings and also a lot of these ancient yoga knowledge Buddhist knowledge Hindu knowledge all of these ancient texts they all mention just these four laws so law number one that is a very common theme across all of these teachings is the law of awareness there's a direct quote that can be attributed to manly Hall wisdom fears no thing
but still bows humbly to its own source with its deeper understanding loves all things for it has seen the beauty the tenderness and the sweetness which underly life's mystery what's the crucial theme that you're seeing what's the crucial word here the word source so for most people they think that the source of my misery is are my thoughts so I have to get rid of my thoughts the source of my misery are my bills and all the problems happening outside so I have to get rid of those but life physical mental it happens in cycles
and waves there is no way to escape it and the more you try to resist it and Escape Escape it the only true escape is death is it not without getting Grim how do we become almost dead to those things so they don't cause us suffering how do we detach completely take a step back from it by going to the N Point the zero point or the source how do we go to The Source by stepping beyond all physical occurring outside and all the mental occurring here this too this mental internal occurring the thoughts the
feelings they are still outside of our true selves and in ancient yogic knowledge they knew this from the start the teachings of pangali in the yoga sutras which was written around 3,000 years ago in it he talks about the source of all reality and how everything came spontaneously from nothingness nothingness started to become aware of itself movement within nothingness it created awareness movement within awareness created Consciousness movement within Consciousness created mind movement within mind manifest the body and that's why a lot of these physical ailments that we have they can be simply cured by solving
problems within the mind the mind creates a lot of the times physical ailments so you can see the effectiveness of the placebo effect and simply changing your thought patterns creating a different outcome in your life a different healing in your body so to truly create anything worthwhile meaningful in our lives we have to tap into awareness how do you you do that awareness can be tapped into when we begin utilizing the faculty of witness when we start to witness all of the doings that are happening outside the physical and all of the doings that are
happening mentally when we watch the watching itself so right now with me you can watch what's happening outside all the problems that you're having all the good things that are happening they are watched all the good thoughts you're having all the bad thoughts that you're having they are also being watched so the key method here is witnessing we want to tap into emptiness before we create something otherwise anything we create will be convoluted by our current state of consciousness so anything you want to create that's going to be worthwhile and meaningful must be created by
first emptying our cups and the best way to empty your cup is to reside as awareness as true source to see yourself as the source to function as the source not to see the source as something separate from you that you're trying to reach but to realize to have the knowingness that I I am without any labels without any attachments when you say I am this I am this person this years old and I am the kind of person that experiences this that's already creating attachment and identifying with mind but if we go beyond that
to Simply realize that hold on without any definition I simply am there simply is a watching and observing when you do that you've already tapped into awareness so if you watch your breathing even some physical phenomenon that's happening subconscious iously like your natural breath without trying to interrupt your breathing pattern you simply watch the INB breath and the out breath and now you realize there is a watching of the breath this is a completely neutral activity there is no judgment happening this is neither good or bad so the two main prerequisites to tapping into awareness
is number one full acceptance of what's Happening whatever is happening either outside or within there is full complete acceptance of it this leads us to the second part the second quality of witness which is zero judgment not judging it this is neither good nor bad all of the events that happen to you this might be tough to accept all the events that are happening this is neither good nor bad this is simply happening when you can get into a state where you fully just accept whatever is happening the way it's happening nothing will shake you
you become imperturbable so that is the goal and that is the method the method is to Simply watch and observe everything that happens and now from that place we have a choice to create what we want so this leads me to the second law the law of clarity once we have tapped into a state of awareness and we have stepped beyond all of the happenings of mind and physical now we can create but to create we must first get clear so I want you to take a moment to reflect on something when do you become
confident do you become confident from a place of uncertainty and a lack of clarity or from a place of pure Clarity and complete certainty if I am clear confidence is a byproduct I don't have to fake confidence confidence is a natural byproduct of clarity so for most people who are trying to be confident in their lives they're trying to fake some confidence and huff and puff their chest work on getting clear on what it is that you want and I learned this lesson a very very long time ago around 2018 when I was doing a
summer internship at a multi-billion dollar company I had the pleasure the honor of meeting the CEO and I saw his Poise he was very calm and collected even though he had a very high stress job and I always wondered what does this guy do you know I would love to be like this guy one day I I aspire to be like him because back then I was a kid a junior in University and I didn't know the direction I wanted to take my life I for sure didn't know that I was going to start a
YouTube channel and talk about Concepts like these and have a dream like this come true so I always wondered what is it about him like what does he do maybe does some kind of meditation and I asked him hey do you do any kind of meditation what is it that you do how are you so calm and collected you're running such a huge organization you know like you're the CEO of it I bet you're like bogged down by all these decisions you have to make no he was like you know quasi that's a really great
question no one's really asked me that but for me I just have a clear vision of where I would like to take this business and where I would like to take my life that's it I just have Crystal Clarity and so from that moment onwards I realized that this is one of the fundamental laws to create anything worth while in your life you have to get clear you have to have a clear picture of what you want but you also have to have a clear picture of what you don't want so a quote manly Hall
actually says in secret teachings of all ages is man's status in the natural world is determined therefore by the quality of his thinking the quality of your thinking directly refers to the purity of your thought if your thoughts are suied by resistance by things that you don't want unconscious things that you don't really have a clear awareness of then you will present a dirty image to the mirror of reality which then it will reflect in your physical reality uncertain moving one step forward and one step backward so I always think if I'm seeing a result
outside what is it what unclear image am I presenting to the mirror with the clarity of my thoughts there is simply a formula to gaining Clarity that I have used with over a thousand clients of mine and it's very very simply put what plus why plus who equals how and when when I get clear on what I want why I want it and who I must become in order to effortlessly accomplish it the how it will happen and the when it will happen it will get figured out just by itself without your Interruption so three
things that we have to get clear on but there's also two types of clarity we have to get clear on what we want and we also have to get clear on what we don't want you have to get clear on why you don't want it why you want it and why you don't want the opposite to happen and you also have to get clear on who you must become and who you can can no longer tolerate being From This Moment forward the two types of clarity of desire and aversion has to happen for these three
main things so I would like to give you an example to exemplify for me personally how I think about this that has helped me so in the instance of one of the goals that I have this year which is to have a million subscribers on the channel and again I appreciate all of your help I know you know if you're enjoying this you're going to share it with a friend Etc and sharing this message really helps us out and helps me get my message out there and helps us reach our goal of getting to a
million subscribers and sharing this me message with a lot more people but anyway in the instance of my goal with getting to a million subscribers I know what it is that I want I want a million subscribers and I don't want to not have more subscribers or growth on the channel what I want what I don't want why why because I want to be exceptional for me one of my core desires is to be exceptional at whatever it is that I do and experience growth it why do I not want it why what do I
not want I don't want to be mediocre that's my why of what I would like to get away from I am fearful of being mediocre and not doing something exceptional who must I become I must become the kind of YouTuber that puts a lot of work into his videos that doesn't get lazy in his thinking the kind of YouTuber that's worthy of a million subscribers so just think about this right now anytime you think about the goal that you have the money that you want to make the kind of relationship that you want to have
you immediately know the answer of Who You must become you immediately know the answer of why you want it you just have to do some digging because only you have the answers to this question so for me why I want it is I fear mediocrity I would love to be exceptional which is the opposite end of that and who must I be well I must be that 1 million subscriber kind of YouTuber who works hard and I must not be someone who doesn't do his utmost to succeed with YouTube and gets lazy with making his
content and that's why a lot of my content is 20 30 minutes I make all of these extensive guides and I try to give away as much as I can for free so I can impact and help you guys but this is also an expression of who I have chosen to become does that make sense you have to get clear on these three things for every single goal that you have if you just take a piece of paper you make three columns and two sub Columns of what you want what you don't want why you
want it why you don't want the opposite who you must and who you must no longer continue to be moving forward if you get clear on these three things and you just remind yourself of this every single day the how and when will naturally come by itself and The crucial part here to understand is human beings we are driven by survival which means we have a natural aversion to pain and our biological programming to survive is a lot stronger than our biological programming to thrive we want to thrive because we want to avoid death right
so you have to use both pain and pleasure two manipulate your psychology and move towards what you want so you have to therefore get clear on what you don't want but the key is to focus 50% or more of your attention to what is wanted rather than what is not wanted so the problem with most people is because what they don't want is so unconscious they unconsciously focus on what they don't want they're not even clear why they want to move away from what they want to move away from they're not even clear on who
they must become and who they must avoid being so they keep focusing in on those old stories of how they're such a victim and how life never goes their way and how there's always a bill to be paid because they're not aware of this internal conversation that's happening it is deeply unconscious there is no awareness there is no consciousness and finally there is no Clarity just doing these two things alone will completely drastically change your life once you've gotten clear on these three things it's now time to move to law number three the law of
creation before I get to law number three I would really appre appreciate if you're enjoying this video right now you think this is valuable to share it with at least three friends of yours this again helps us get our message out there there's nothing more valuable than a friend sharing something valuable to another friend and give them one good reason why they would watch it because a lot of people just put things in the back burner and never really watch it so I would really really appreciate that really helps us grow and spread this message
out there as you can tell we don't really run ads or do any sponsorships on this channel so I would appreciate if you shared this with as many friends if not at least three friends of yours who would benefit from this so we can get this message out there and help us achieve our mission of helping every single human being on Earth to master their Destiny so let's continue to the regular programming which is law number three creation to understand creation I would like to invoke one of the greatest Masters that ever lived heres Tris
Magistas so if many of you have read this book called The cabalian you know who Hermes Tris Magistas is but did you know that the last name Tris magistus actually has a meaning Tris magistus literally translates to Thrice greatest why he mastered the three planes of existence the physical plane the lowest plane of all the mental plane the middle plane and the highest plane the spiritual plane the Mastery of these three planes makes you the God of all gods the Egyptians called him the God of all gods for us to master the creation process there
must be alignment and Harmony congruence in these three planes for example if my spirit wants to experience something but mentally I think something else and physically I do something else there is complete in congruency spiritually mentally and physically therefore the likelihood that that goal will come into play is very very low and that's why awareness and Clarity are so crucial okay so to master the lowest plane of all the physical plane we must take physical action to arrange this material plane the easiest way to do that is to go out there and act do what
you think you must do in order to move towards the goal you want to move towards that's simply it take physical action you might have heard many gurus and manifestation teachers tell you don't take action you must just sit on your couch and visualize until it happens by itself and to that I say complete because they have a fundamental misunderstanding that mindset and the internal world is a separate attachment from the external outer world and physical action but these three planes are interconnected you know it's that great story of the man who was drowning he
like God is going to save me God is going to save me and then someone sends a boat boat's like hey do you want do you need some help looks like you're drowning he's like no no no God's going to save me God's going to save me another boat comes no no no don't worry about it God is going to say I'm just waiting for God third boat comes fourth boat sixth boats God is going to save me don't worry and at the end God comes down he like I sent you six boats what gives
why why didn't you take them if the easiest path to you achieving your goals is simply to take action why would you not do it why would you take the hard path of trying to material realiz the goal with your crazy magician abilities we need alignment in all three planes therefore taking action is a complete necessity but it is not the only way it is only ineffective when you just take action when you have some incongruent beliefs within you in congruent thoughts and your spirit's not completely lyed to what you want and you're just forcing
yourself you're grinding your gears and you're just taking action because that's what you think you should do what we want to do is take the path of least resistance and this is how the next plane we must Master is the mental plane and this is done through visualization or mental conception of the achievement of the goal we want to see how the goal can get achieved either by itself or even through our action that is when you invoke the power of your intention so remember when we have an intention the most physical expression of the
intention is when we do something when we take physical action but the mental expression of intention is the conception of the achievement of the goal fancy words I know but simply you have to be able to see in your mind's eye now this doesn't have to be a visual picture for those of you who claim you have aphantasia it could also simply be an affirmation could be any other method that you use to mentally affirm to yourself to mentally conceive that the goal has been achieved finally the Mastery of the spiritual plane is involved through
meditation meditation AKA connecting with source that is why we enlist the law of awareness at all times to witness and observe and meditation simply means the practice of becoming meditative connecting with the source now you may simply meditate by breathing do different exercises different guided meditation whatever you do that allows you to connect to source is fine as one of my great friends described it he says meditation is receiving downloads from The Source or God and visualization is upload we're uploading information I know these are gross generalizations I actually made a playlist for you that
I'm going to share with you at the end that is going to show you how to implement each and every single one of these laws this is going to be like over an hour worth of material that I've compiled for you that is going to teach you how to um Implement every single each and every single one of these laws completely free for you to access our paid clients have access to this but I'm just going to share it with you for free because I really want you to get results and if the time is
right and you want to work together want my help to take your life to the next level I would love for that to happen as well but for the time being I would love for you to just literally get tangible results from watching my free videos so that is law number three the law of creation the final law that we have to master is the law of balance the law of balance is one of the Hallmarks of ancient Masonic teaching manle Hall in the book secret teachings of all ages directly says this the heart and
mind must be brought into perfect equilibrium before true thinking or true spirituality can be attained what does that mean in ancient yoga ackn knowledge there's this saying that we must attain balance between vagia and aasa patan talked about this in the yoga Sutra again 3,000 years ago so that you can see all of these similarities between all the teachings because if you do not bring yourself into balance the universe will create this balance because the universe is a perfectly balanced system it's never out of balance whenever you disturb a balance then there's a potential that
creates another balance so when I take an object and I raise it from ground level it gains gravitational potential energy drop that object the law of energy conservation is perfect the gravitational potential energy gets converted into kinetic energy as it drops until it hits the ground then that energy dissipates into impact and creating sound and creating uh an indent in the floor or whatever surface it drops in the law of conservation it's a perfect system and there is perfect balance within all of these systems to understand this further the law of viag and aasa states
that there must be balance between the efforts that we have and the surrender that we have so this is a fancy way of saying whatever we do we must do it without the expectation of receiving have you ever noticed how in your life whenever you've GI given up all expectation you've put in a lot of effort but you didn't expect anything you just said you know what I'm just doing for the sake of doing the fruits of Labor are not my responsibility that is up to God all of a sudden one day it just happened
naturally one day you just completely gave up on it then you look back at you you're like holy crap it happened or you go back to your vision board or some goal that you set maybe a few months or years down the line you're like holy crap I can't believe this happened has that ever happened to you it's happened to me multiple times and this is just a mechanism of focus and defocus when we focus on our goals we bring it to our mind when we defocus we surrender it to God God takes care of
the rest so in this manner we're co-creating our realities and when we focus a little bit too much and we feel anxious or we feel a little too attached we keep checking our phones we keep checking our bank accounts or we keep checking whatever it is that we're expecting we seemingly resist it the more we want that partner to like us or that person to like us or that interview to succeed the more we create resistance but as soon as we say you know what this is a game whatever happens will happen if this doesn't
happen then there's something better in store for me anyways all of a sudden the thing that you want happens when you're in equilibrium you're moving with a path at the path of least resistance you don't have a lot of resistance in the path that you're moving so imagine this we have intention energy that is utilized to achieve our goals when we have too much attachment we can't 100% use that intention energy it's getting sucked into resisting failure do you understand this when I'm thinking when I'm attached to my outcome I'm subconsciously saying to myself please
don't fail please don't it up please be careful so most of my intention energy is not being used up as intention energy 97% of my intention energy is getting directed to resisting failure and the 3% of my intention energy you know this is a hypothetical balance is getting directed into let's go towards the goal let's go towards the goal what if we could direct 100% of that intention energy to saying I don't care what happens I am free God is with me let's just go if we fail then we fail whatever then we're going to
learn a lesson whatever it is do you not feel the weight of the world just drop off your shoulders and you feel free like a child to move towards your goals you have so much energy there's so much of these light joyous High vibration feelings that you can just simply zip towards your goals well why can't goal achievement be like that all the time that is the crucial point when you reach this balance you will see that any Endeavor that you have in your life FASA will be an expression of it you will simply be
in balance at all times and move completely free completely uninhibited that is when you know that you are in balance and life just simply unfolds Naturally by itself and it's all miraculous and beautiful two key things I want you to understand to be able to implement this for yourself is number one know that all of us we have an outcome goal we would like to see an outcome happen but is the outcome goal 100% in out control absolutely not the outcome goal is often a second order or a third order consequence us doing something of
us focusing on something of us making an intention to achieving something does that mean you should never set outcome goals absolutely not you should always set outcome goals on what you would like to accomplish but what you should also do is set a process goal an input goal of what you are willing to sacrifice what you are willing to do in order to achieve this goal in ancient times there was always talk of sacrifice to the Gods in order to experience something what is the trade what is the transaction you're making because remember energy is
always conserved what you give is what you get if I'm giving to you guys and I'm sharing value I will get customers there is no doubt about it people will know like and trust me and will want to work with me but if I don't give and I just expect customers to come to me and I just hide everything and I keep it closed off then people are also going to reflect being closed off so this is always a transaction so you always have to think about the process goal and I'm going to give you
an example to demonstrate this so this makes a lot of sense to you last month in Jan I set the outcome goal for me to do 2 million views on the channel what am I willing to give what is the process goal that I think is going to help me get there well I think if I make four really good videos I will get there so what did I do I worked my ass off to make four really good videos edit them create really good thumbnails and just pour my heart into it and I just
left the rest of God did the goal happen did I get to 2 million views I did not we got 900,000 views am I unhappy with that absolutely not one important thing to note is it's not always going to come to life immediately because remember the Divine Works in its own timing it doesn't work on your timing it works on its own timing so what could have happened was I could have gotten 4 million views or I could have gotten even less that's not up to me I did what I said that I was going
to do the rest is up to God I'm not attached to it I'm completely surrendered what if this month we get to 3 million views I'm open to that but I know I have confidence within me the goal has already happened happened so I'm not too bothered about it and I know that it is going to happen and we might even hit it this month it looks like we're on track as of right now to hitting that goal this month and that is the law of Consciousness that is the law of balance whatever you hold
in mind long enough it has to manifest there is no other way if you keep focusing on it every single day you just keep reminding yourself of the goal every single day it has to manifest so I want to share with you a few case studies of people who've actually applied these four laws to reality creation and once they've applied these what happened to their lives so it's Ryan penley when he joined us in December 2023 he literally just launched this book and then he started working with us and uh literally a few months later
January of I believe it was January 23rd or 24th his book now is number one in the alcoholism genre his book's name is man up sober up it's become the bestseller the number one bestseller and the number one release in the alcoholism genre he is absolutely crushing it and this again is because of the Mastery of these four laws this other client of ours Kristoff joined us and he was doing around 2 to 3K a month he has a business in herbalism he was making 2 to 3K a month consistently he joined us worked with
us to get to 5K a month consistently so he can provide more for his family and create basically the life that he wanted to live what he didn't realize what he was he had subconscious money blocks and he just couldn't get himself to make more or pcture Services more after joining us literally when the first couple of weeks of January of 2024 he's already made 12K just that month he's sitting at higher than 12K right now I'm pretty sure this is the highest he's ever made and this is all a result again of the Mastery
of these four main laws one of our other clients who's done something really impressive he joined us at 60 to 80k a month he has a business in Chiropractic practice and you know he'd been in different coaching programs immersion events and since starting this program he mentions he's gone from a staff of four to a staff of nine High powerered performers went from 60 to 80k a month just last month he did his first $200,000 month working 70% of what he used to work so now he gets to spend more time with his daughters watch
them as they grow and his main thing was Vision becoming aware and connecting more and more with that vision of what he wants to create which is a eight figure business while he works less meditation is a key practice for him what I've gone and done for you is I made an unlisted playlist cannot be accessed by anyone else just by you for watching this video are four videos that is going to help you master each of these laws you can click right here to access it and it's completely free for you to access it's
literally right on YouTube there's no reason why you shouldn't watch it and make sure you save it as well so you can keep coming back to it and once you've done so what I want you to do is come here and comment to let me know your three biggest takeaways I'm really looking forward to your success fellow reality Creator thank you
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