You Were Never Born, and.... You’ll Never D*e...(watch it cautiously).

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Beyond the Veil
What if you were never born? What if the self you’ve always identified with is just an illusion? In ...
Video Transcript:
what if everything you've believed about yourself your name your memories your identity was nothing more than an illusion what if the story of your birth and the inevitability of your death were part of a cosmic misunderstanding you you were never born and you'll never die it sounds impossible right but stay with me this isn't just a philosophical riddle it's a key that unlocks the door to your true nature a nature that's boundless Timeless and Beyond the limits of the Mind the idea of being unborn isn't about denying the body or the physical world it's about
seeing through the illusion of separateness of believing that you are a limited individual navigating an external Universe John Wheeler a modern voice in non-duality made this clear you are not what you think you are you are not a person trying to reach Enlightenment you are the awareness in which all things appear and disappear imagine waves crashing on the shore each wave seems distinct separate one Rises one Falls and another follows but when when you look deeper you see there's no true separation between the wave and the ocean itself in the same way you are not
a separate wave but the infinite ocean you have no Beginning No End and nothing to lose this is not a theory it's something you can see for yourself right now and over the next few minutes we're going to peel back the layers of Illusion examine the nature of reality and explore why the concept of you the one you hold so tightly to is is the root of all suffering so let's Step Beyond the mind and into the truth because once you see it you'll realize you were never born and that's the most liberating discovery of
all close your eyes for a moment and ask yourself who am I your mind will immediately rush in with answers I'm a parent a teacher an artist I'm someone who loves who struggles who dreams but pause for a moment and dig deeper who is the one saying these things who is it that calls these thoughts mine this is where the illusion begins from the moment we're born we're conditioned to believe in a separate identity a me that stands apart from everything else we're taught that this self is boundaries that it starts with our skin and
ends with the world outside we carry this illusion like a badge reinforcing it with every thought every emotion every action but have you ever stopped to truly question it let's take a closer look imagine holding a cup of water it's easy to think of the water as separate from the ocean but if you pour it back into the sea where does the water go can you pinpoint the exact moment when it stops being water in a cup and becomes ocean the same is true for the self what we think of as me this bundle of
thoughts memories and Sensations is like the water in the cup it feels separate but in truth it is always been part of something infinite here's the problem we believe so deeply in this separate self that we spend our lives defending it nurturing it and fearing its loss we think this is my body my mind my life but is it really think about it your body is constantly changing the cells that make up your skin your organs even your brain they're replaced over time the body you have now is not the same body you had 10
years ago so how can you say it's truly you and what about your thoughts they're fleeting aren't they one moment you're happy the next you're sad one moment you believe in something with all your heart the next you've changed your mind if your thoughts are constantly shifting how can they Define who you are let's go even further imagine a thought arises I am afraid where is this fear located is it in your mind your body or is it simply a passing sensation like a cloud drifting across the sky when you stop identifying with the thought
you'll notice something remarkable it loses its power John Wheeler puts it plainly what you take yourself to be this limited struggling person is nothing more than a concept a story you've told yourself based on memories of the past and projections of the future but who you truly are is none of these things your true nature is like the space in a room the space doesn't change no matter what objects are placed within it a chair a table even people they come and go but the space remains un touched you are that space you are the
awareness in which all experiences arise and dissolve when you begin to see through this illusion of self something extraordinary happens you stop clinging to the stories of I am this or I am that you realize that your true Essence is boundless Limitless and completely free the illusion of self is not your enemy it's simply a misunderstanding and once you see through it the world World opens up in ways you never imagined so take a breath relax into the knowing that you are not the wave you are the ocean itself and this realization is just the
beginning let's take a moment to ask the most profound question of all who are you really you might answer I'm a person a mind a body a collection of experiences but let's go deeper strip away the labels the roles you play and the stories you tell yourself what remains start by considering your thoughts thoughts are like clouds in the sky always changing coming and going without warning one moment you're thinking about dinner the next you're replaying a conversation from yesterday but here's the key question who is noticing these thoughts think about it if you can
observe a thought you cannot be that thought you're the one watching and this awareness of your thoughts this unchanging presence has been with you your entire life it's been there in moments of joy in moments of pain and even in the quiet gaps between your thoughts now turn your attention to your emotions when anger arises you might say I am angry but pause and look closely is the anger who you are or is it just an energy passing through you like a storm moving across the sky it's intense for a time but eventually it fades
and yet the sky the space in which the storm appears remains untouched you are not the anger you are the sky what about your body it seems like such an obvious part of who you are but even the body is not constant cells die and regenerate your appearance changes over the years the body you inhabit today is not the same one you had as a child so can it truly be you and if you're not your body your thoughts or your emotions then who are you let's try something radical stop looking for answers in the
mind and turn your attention to awareness itself right now as you listen to this there's a knowingness a presence that is aware of these words aware of your surroundings aware of your very being this awareness is constant it doesn't come and go like thoughts or emotions it doesn't age or change like the body it's simply here always silently witnessing everything but awareness is not something you can grasp or hold on to it's not an object you can point to and say this is me and yet it's undeniably present you don't need anyone to tell you
it's there you can feel it here and now as was the foundation of your existence here's another way to look at it imagine sitting in a dark room with a candle the flame illuminates everything in the room but it doesn't need to light itself it's already shining in the same way awareness doesn't need to be aware of itself it simply is John Wheeler describes this awareness as your true nature what you've always been and what you'll always be it's not bound by your thoughts emotions or body it's free infinite and everpresent but what does this
mean for you practically it means you don't have to chase after Enlightenment or a future state of being the awareness you're seeking is already here it's the part of you that has never changed never suffered and never been lost here's a simple exercise to see this for yourself take a moment to notice your breath you don't need to control it just observe feel the air as it moves in and out now shift your attention to the awareness that is noticing the breath this awareness is not doing anything it's not trying to achieve or become anything
it's simply witnessing and in this witnessing you realize something profound you are not a person experiencing awareness you are awareness experiencing a person when you see this clearly the search for who you are comes to an end you realize that your true nature is not something you have to find or create it's something you've been all along so take a deep breath rest in this awareness this presence and let everything else the thoughts the emotions the roles you play Fade Into the background they're just passing waves you are the ocean infinite and still this is
the heart of who you are and once you see it you can never unsee it what does it mean to say you were never born at first glance it seems absurd after all you have memories of your childhood a birth certificate and photographs from when you were a baby but what if these were merely parts of a story a story that doesn't Define who you really are the idea of being unborn is not about denying the physical reality of your body it's about seeing through the illusion of separateness it's an invitation to recognize a truth
so profound that it challenges everything you've ever believed about yourself let's start here the belief that you were born implies a beginning doesn't it a starting point where you came into existence as an individual but here's the Paradox your true Essence has no beginning and no end it wasn't born and it cannot die it is timeless boundless and unchanging the belief in being Bor born traps you in the illusion of being a limited separate self a self with a story a name and a past but the truth is you are not your story you are
the awareness in which the story unfolds you are not a moment in time you are the Timeless presence that has always been here silently watching let's explore this further when you were a child your body was small your thoughts simple and your World limited to what you could see and touch over time your body grew your thoughts became more complex and your experiences multiplied but through it all wasn't there something constant that constant is the awareness that witnessed it all it wasn't born with your body and it won't end when your body dies it's like
the screen on which a movie plays the images and sounds may change but the screen itself remains untouched here's where where this understanding becomes truly transformative most of our fears and struggles come from clinging to the idea of being a separate self a self that was born a self that will die a self that can be hurt or lost but when you see that this self is just a concept an illusion those fears dissolve think about it if you were never truly born how can you truly die if you've never been separate what is there
to lose John John Wheeler describes this as the ultimate Liberation you realize that what you are is not bound by time space or form you are the awareness in which all of these things appear and disappear and this awareness your true Essence is free it has no limits no suffering no birth and no death here's a simple exercise to see this for yourself right now notice the thoughts in your mind they rise and fall like waves beles now notice your awareness of those thoughts does your awareness rise and fall or does it remain constant Untouched
by the coming and going of thoughts when you shift your attention to awareness itself you begin to see the truth you are not the story The Wave or the thought you are the unchanging presence in which everything appears this is the essence of being unborn it's not a denial of life but a recognition of what you are beyond the body beyond the Mind beyond the story it's the ultimate realization that frees you from Fear suffering and the illusion of Separation take a moment to sit with this you've never been bound you've never been limited and
you've never been born you are the ocean vast and infinite with no beginning and no end the ego it's the centerpiece of the story you tell yourself it Whispers I am this I am that it claims ownership of your thoughts your actions and even your worth but have you ever pause to ask what is the ego really for most of us the ego feels like the core of who we are it's the voice in our head that narrates every moment of Our Lives the sense of being a me distinct from everything else but when you
take a closer look you'll find something surprising the ego isn't real let's begin with a simple exercise close your eyes and bring to mind the thought I am me notice how it feels does it feel solid like an undeniable truth or does it feel like just another thought passing through your awareness here's the secret the ego exists only as a thought it's a mental construct a bundle of ideas about who you think you are it's the sum of your memories beliefs and desires but none of these things are constant they come and go and yet
you remain think about it if the ego were truly who you are wouldn't it be constant but it's not one moment you're confident the next you're doubtful one moment you feel successful the next you feel like a failure the ego shifts and changes with every passing thought and emotion and yet there is something within you that doesn't change something that has been with you in every moment of your life quietly witnessing it all this is your true Essence your awareness John Wheeler offers a powerful Insight the ego is nothing more than a story a concept
it's the centerpiece of a narrative we cling to believing it defines us but when you investigate this narrative you begin to see that it's built on assumptions let's dig a Little Deeper ask ask yourself where is the ego located is it in your body if so where exactly in your head your chest your heart when you look closely you won't find it anywhere it's not a physical thing it's not something you can touch hold or pin down then consider your mind is the ego your thoughts perhaps it seems that way but thoughts are transient they
arise they linger for a moment and then they dissolve if you are your thoughts then you would cease to exist every time a thought disappears but you don't here's where it gets interesting the ego's power lies in your belief in it it's like a shadow convincing but without substance when you believe the ego story you feel small limited and separate but when you see it for what it is a construct the whole illusion collapses so how do you break free from the grip of the ego it begins with awareness the next time you feel anxious
angry or fearful don't try to fix or suppress it instead pause and ask yourself who is feeling this you might say I am but who is this eye can you find it can you locate the one who is anxious angry or fearful what you'll discover is profound the feelings are real but the eye who claims them is not here's another way to look at it imagine you're watching a movie you get so absorbed in the story that you forget it's just a film the ego is like that movie it feels real because you're deeply invested
in it but when you step back and see it for what it is you realize you're not the character on the screen you're the one watching John Wheeler reminds us that breaking the myth of the ego doesn't require effort or struggle it's not about fighting the ego or trying to destroy it it's about seeing through it once you recognize that the ego is nothing more than a thought it loses its grip on you imagine the freedom of living without the constant need to defend or prove yourself without the burden of carrying your story like a
heavy backpack this is the freedom that comes from breaking the illusion of the ego take a deep breath in this moment let go go of the idea of being a me rest in the awareness that is always here always constant always free this awareness is your true self it doesn't need a story a label or a past it simply is this is the truth that has been waiting for you all along the ego was never real You Were Never Bound and now you are free imagine for a moment living without the con voice in your
head that says I am this I am that I need this I fear that imagine a life where you are no longer bound by the limits of a separate self where you move through the world with ease free from the weight of self-doubt fear and striving this isn't a fantasy it's your natural state living without a separate self doesn't mean giving up your individuality or ignoring your responsibilities it means seeing through the illusion of the ego and recognizing that life flows effortlessly without the need for a controlling me let's start with a simple observation have
you ever noticed how much energy you spend trying to defend the idea of who you are you want to be seen a certain way achieve certain things and avoid certain outcomes but who is this you your defending when you really investigate you find it's just a collection of thoughts a story you've believed in for so long that it feels real but what happens when you step back from that story consider this right now as you listen to these words life is happening effortlessly your heart is beating your lungs are breathing and your mind is understanding
these Concepts you didn't have to decide to make any of these things happen they simply arose on their own this is the nature of life when you stop clinging to the illusion of a separate self actions thoughts and emotions arise naturally without the need for a central me to control them it's like watching a river flow the water doesn't ask for permission to move it simply follows its natural course but here's the key Insight even the thought that says I am doing this is just another part of the flow it's not evidence of a separate
self it's like a wave in the ocean claiming to be independent from the sea it's still just the ocean in motion for example think about making a decision perhaps you agonize over it believing that the outcome rests solely on your shoulders but when you live without a separate self you begin to see that decisions arise naturally based on the situation without the need for a controlling ego you might think you're choosing but in reality the choice is simply happening John Wheeler offers a liberating perspective the idea of eye is not necessary for life to function
it's a habit a mental construct we've been conditioned to rely on but when you look closely you realize life unfolds perfectly well without it let's make this practical the next time you feel stressed or overwhelmed pause and ask yourself who is experiencing this stress look for the me who is supposedly struggling can you find it or do you just find a cluster of thoughts and Sensations arising in the present a moment when you see that there's no actual me at the center of your experience something extraordinary happens the stress doesn't disappear but your attachment to
it does you realize that the thoughts and feelings are just passing phenomena like clouds drifting across the sky living without a separate self doesn't mean life becomes perfect or free of challenges it means you meet those challenges without the baggage of a false identity if sadness arises you feel it fully without labeling it as my sadness if Joy arises you embrace it without clinging to it as my joy this doesn't make you detached or robotic on the contrary it makes you more alive more open without the constant chatter of the ego you're free to experience
life as it is not as your mind thinks it should be here's another practical Insight when you stop identifying with a separate self you stop taking things personally Al imagine someone criticizes you normally the ego would leap to defend itself creating conflict and tension but when you see that there's no me to defend the criticism loses its sting it becomes just another event like a leaf falling from a tree this shift doesn't require effort it's simply a matter of seeing clearly the more you look the more you realize that life flows effortlessly when you let
go of the illusion of control the ego doesn't run the show it never has it's like a passenger on a train claiming credit for the journey the train moves with or without its commentary and here's the beauty of it when you live without a separate self you begin to see the interconnectedness of all things the boundaries between me and you self and another start to dissolve you realize that the same awareness flowing through you is flowing through everyone and everything this is the essence of true Freedom not the freedom to do whatever you want but
the freedom from the illusion of being separate so take a deep breath and let this sink in you don't have to strive to live without a separate self it's already happening the only thing that changes is your recognition of it life is not something you control it's something you are the river flows the wind blows and you you you are the awareness in which it all arises living without a separate self is not a goal to achieve it's the truth of what you've always been it's natural to feel doubt when encountering ideas that challenge the
foundation of how you see yourself the concept of having no separate self of being unborn can feel unsettling even contradictory to your experience but doubts and misconceptions are not obstacles there are opportunities to see the truth more clear clearly let's begin by addressing a common question if there's no separate self then who is living this life it's a fair question you feel your emotions you make decisions you have memories doesn't that mean there's a you at the center of it all look closely though and you'll find that life unfolds naturally without the need for a
central me thoughts arise on their own feelings come and go actions happen spontaneously when you look for the self who claims ownership of all these experiences you find only an empty space a vast open awareness here's an analogy to help clarify this think of a whirlpool in a river it looks distinct separate from the water around it but the whirlpool has no independent existence it's simply the movement of the river itself the same is true of the self it appears distinct but it's just the flow of Life taking shape shaped temporarily in Awareness another common
doubt is this if there's no self how do I live in the world this is rooted in the belief that the ego is essential for functioning but pause and consider does the egoo really control your life did it make your heartbeat today did it decide to Breathe In This Moment life moves effortlessly without the need for a controlling eye decisions still happen actions still arise but they don't depend on the ego imagine driving a car at first you're hyperaware of every movement Your Hands on the Wheel your feet on the pedals but over time the
process becomes natural effortless the car moves without you needing to think about every action that's how life flows when you let go of the illusion of control here's another doubt you might encounter if I'm just awareness does that mean my life has no meaning it's a question that strikes at the heart of our conditioning we're taught that meaning comes from achieving from being someone from standing out but true meaning doesn't come from what you do or achieve it comes from Simply being in of the sun it doesn't strive to have meaning it simply shines yet
its light makes everything else possible in the same way you're awareness your presence is not something you have to prove or justify it is inherently meaning meaningful because it is the source of all experience now let's address a deeper misconception if there's no self does that mean I don't matter the ego thrives on being important on being seen on being validated but when you look beyond the ego you find that your true nature isn't small or insignificant it's vast boundless and deeply connected to everything John Wheeler explains this beautifully the idea of a separate self
is like a drop of water imagining it's isolated from the ocean but when the drop lets go of its boundaries it doesn't disappear it becomes the ocean letting go of the ego doesn't diminish you it reveals your infinite nature finally let's tackle one of the biggest doubts if I see through the self will I lose my Humanity the fear is that without a sense of me life will become cold detached or robotic but the opposite is true when you stop clinging to the ego you become more open more compassionate without the constant need to protect
or defend a separate self you're free to connect deeply with others and with life itself imagine this you're standing on the shore of a vast ocean watching the waves crash against the sand you don't try to own the waves or control them you simply Marvel at their beauty living without a separate self is like that you experience life fully without grasping without resistance without fear so the next time doubt arises don't push it away instead welcome it as a teacher ask yourself who is doubting who is questioning look for the one at the center of
the doubt and you'll find that it's not there the doubt itself dissolves in the clear light of awareness doubt is not your enemy me it's a doorway each time you question the illusion of the self you move closer to seeing the truth of what you are the awareness that has never been born never been bound and never been lost take a deep breath and rest in this knowing the doubts will pass but you will remain as we come to the end of this journey let's return to the core question who are you really you've looked
deeply into the nature of your thoughts your emotions and your sense of self you've questioned the stories you've carried the roles you've played and the boundaries you've believed in and now what Remains What remains is something so simple so ever presentent that it's often overlooked it's the awareness that has been here all along it's not something you need to create or find it's what you've always been this awareness is the ult ultimate truth of your being but let's clarify this truth isn't about rejecting life or denying your experiences it's about embracing the fullness of life
without being bound by the illusion of a separate self it's seeing the waves of joy and sorrow success and failure without identifying as the wave itself you are the ocean vast still and infinite here's the beauty of this realization nothing about your outer life needs to change for you to see the truth you don't need to renounce the world or perfect yourself to realize your true nature the awareness you are is already whole already complete it's like the sky unchanged by the storms that pass through it so what does this mean for how you live
it means you no longer have to chase after meaning or run from Fear you don't have to cling to the past or worry about the future life becomes an unfolding Moment by moment free from the need to control or resist think about it without the constant weight of the ego you're free to live with lightness and openness relationships become richer because you're no longer defending a false identity challenges become opportunities because they're no longer threats to a fragile sense of self and each moment becomes alive with presence because you're no longer distracted by the endless
chatter of the Mind John Wheeler reminds us that the search for truth ends when we realize we were never lost the idea of being unborn isn't a denial of life it's an affirmation of the boundless Timeless Essence that you are you've never been limited never been separate and never been incomplete take a moment now to rest in this realization feel the Stillness the peace the freedom that comes from knowing what you are this isn't something that will fade it's the unchanging Truth at the heart of your being so as you go back into the world
carry this understanding with you not as an idea but as a Living Truth let it guide your actions soften your fears and deepen your connections remember you are not a person striving to find awareness you are awareness itself and that awareness is free it has always been free thank you for walking this path with me May this truth continue to unfold in your life bringing Clarity peace and Liberation the journey is complete because you were never truly separate from the destination you've always been home [Music]
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