New Moon & Solar Eclipse [Oct 2/3rd 2024]| Karmic Closure in Relationships

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Video Transcript:
Hello, everybody! My name is Ria Vami, and I'm a shamanic astrologer. Today, I will be sharing with you astrological information about the upcoming new moon and solar eclipse that is happening in the energy of Libra on the 2nd or the 3rd of October, depending on your time zone.
This is a very, very potent time right now of karmic closure in our relationships. Whatever relationship is not aligned with your karmic destiny, with what your soul came to experience in this lifetime, is going to fall away. This is an important closure of significant relationships in our lives.
It's not going to be something that is really superficial; it can be a breakup of a marriage, a breakup of a long-term love relationship, and also can include relationships with friends or people we work with—people that we consider, let's say, important. This is an important time when we study our soul's journey and the collective energy because this is the last lunar eclipse—sorry, this is the last eclipse we have for 2024, and this is also the last eclipse we’re going to have in the axis of Aries and Libra. If you don't know what I'm talking about, we have the North and the South Nodes.
The North Node, which is our karmic destiny, has been in Aries for the last almost year, like 18 months, and the South Node has been in Libra, which is our karmic cleansing. The nodes stay 18 months in different signs, so this started back approximately a year ago, and the nodes will change signs and move into Pisces and Virgo from the middle of January. So, this is the last eclipse that is happening in this axis of Aries and Libra.
This eclipse also connects with what happened back in the beginning of this year, back in March and April 2024, when we had another eclipse happening in the energy of Aries and Libra. If you want to know what this closure is all about, you have to reflect on what was happening in your life in March and April 2024. What was happening there?
What was starting? What themes were emerging? Because this is also connecting with this lunar eclipse, and it represents a massive, massive karmic closure.
Before I analyze everything in detail, if you're not a subscriber, make sure you subscribe to my channel so you can support my work and so I can continue recording these videos. Also, if you want to work with the cosmic energies for the upcoming three months, I'm doing a three-month online course starting on the 1st of October, just the day before the new moon and solar eclipse. It is not in-person; it includes pre-recorded material.
If you're interested, there are some spots left. You can find the link down in the description, and also feel free to follow me on my social media, on my Instagram and Facebook page. Okay, let's start analyzing now.
As I said, this is such an important eclipse because it's the last one of the year, and also the last one that is happening in this axis of Aries and Libra. What does the Libra energy mean? First, we have to understand this.
In shamanic astrology, the archetype of Libra is connected a lot with harmony, with the energy of the goddess of harmony, balance, and fairness—giving and receiving. Libra is also a lot about partnership; it's a lot about our relationships with others. So, what did we learn from last year?
What did we learn from the end of March? Actually, it was literally the 25th of March when we had the lunar eclipse in Libra in 2024. What have we learned from this time until now?
This is an opening of this energy that started on the 25th of March and is now a closing of this energy. What relationships do we have to let go of that are not aligned with who we want to become or also with who we are right now? A lot of these themes are coming up, and the side of Libra also includes codependency, prioritizing the needs of others before our own needs.
So, it’s a lot about these themes we have been working on during this last year, like with codependency—how much we can also give to ourselves, how is this balance in our relationship with giving and receiving, fairness, and balance, the scale. Our relationships are important, and Libra is also a very important energy when we have a lunar eclipse in this sign because our relationships reflect—the oops, I should touch the mic again! I put it here so I don't touch it.
So, our relationships reflect the relationship we have with ourselves. Our relationships are mirrors to see what we have inside of us, mirrors to see how we are treating ourselves. This is what our relationships show us.
What have our relationships been mirroring to us in the last year? How is our relationship with ourselves? Are we toxic to ourselves?
Are we keeping attracting people who behave with toxic behavior towards us? Are we actually setting healthy boundaries with others? This is another side of Libra—boundaries, right?
Are we actually prioritizing our needs, or are we doing things to be people pleasers? Are we doing things for others to be nice, or are we afraid of losing someone? This is like we try to please other people.
I want you to. . .
Reflect on all these themes. So now, this new moon and solar eclipse are representing a closure, but at the same time, an opening. What I feel about this is a lot about closing all these things, all this karmic stuff.
This gives us the opportunity to create space for these new, beautiful relationships to come into our lives that are aligned with our purpose, with who we are, and who we are becoming. It’s very, very powerful. Also, it's powerful because we have the new moon at 10 degrees of Libra, next to the Sun.
Every time we have a new moon, the Moon and the Sun are together. Next to it, we have a conjunction with Mercury, which is the planet of our mind, how we communicate, and how we socialize. It’s also a manifestation planet.
Next to it, we have the South Node. So, this is super, super interesting; all of them are in Libra. If you look at the chart, you will see Mercury, the Moon, the Sun, and the South Node.
The South Node has to do with past lives and karmic relationships. We are not only closing relationship patterns that have to do with this incarnation, but also with all these layers of multi-dimensionality that we are and that are within us. So, all of this is a lot of past life clearing.
This is a very important time for all of us. This is an important period right now for our soul journey because we have to understand that these karmic relationships serve us up to a certain point, and we must also have the power to let them go to invite different people into our lives. Inviting different people will also help us create new experiences, right?
So, it’s very deep. This new moon is really, really deep, like going deep into some roots. When there’s this past life connection with people, it’s really hard to let go because it feels like a very strong bond.
This is also a sign that, where it feels heavy and has a strong bond, that can signify something karmic. Let’s study now the aspects of the Moon. The first thing I want to share is that, except for the conjunctions that the Moon makes, the Moon forms two disharmonious aspects.
The Moon squares Mars, which is the planet of action, the planet of masculine energy, and the planet of materializing. This new moon, actually, is kind of restricting our action. It’s not the best time right now to act on anything; it’s more of a time to really reflect on all these things that we are realizing about ourselves and about this balance in and out of us that reflects in our relationships.
This square shows us how much we may be restricting our action. Let’s say we might choose people with completely different dreams and lifestyles, and we are actually blocking ourselves with these relationships. That’s what this square wants us to see.
Another disharmonious aspect is that the Moon forms an opposition with the North Node. Remember, I told you that the Moon has a conjunction with the South Node, which represents the past life, so we’re cleansing a lot of these. The opposition is related to the North Node of karmic destiny.
I’ve already talked about this alignment; it’s about whatever we have to let go of that is not aligned with our karmic destiny and who we came here to be. I’m just repeating the same thing because sometimes we need to hear the same thing again for it to stay with us, right? Now, the ruler of this new moon is Venus.
Venus is the ruler of Libra and Taurus. Venus is the goddess; that’s why I put this painting behind that looks like Venus (in parentheses, also because I didn’t have time to paint anything new, so I used old paintings). Venus is in Scorpio at 11 degrees.
So, when we have a ruler, the ruler of the cosmic event determines the energy of this event. Above all, we have the goddess energy, and the goddess is in Scorpio. This influences us a lot in terms of our power—our power to create whatever we want.
We don’t have to stay with people that don’t make us feel 100% good. We don’t have to remain with people who don’t uplift us and may pull us down. The goddess in Scorpio signifies that you have the power; you can create anything you want.
Once you believe in yourself and in your power to manifest and create your reality, you can attract anything you want. This is also the archetype of the magician—the Scorpion energy in shamanic astrology. You see how much I love this new moon?
I love it so much; it’s really strong. In my astrological perspective, it will feel stronger than the full moon we’re already heading into in Pisces because of all this karmic significance, and also because of Venus being in Scorpio, really highlighting our power and our ability to create what we want. So, of course, the karmic relationships keep us.
. . In cycles, and we forgot that we create our reality.
We're like, "Oh, you know, Destiny, this came to me. " You know, like, "Okay, uh, what can I do? " So, Venus in Scorpio—like, no, you can have what you want; you can create.
So, I want also to make this very clear. When we talk about the North Node in astrology and the kic destiny, the kic destiny is not something we call it like that, but it's more like what our soul chose to experience before coming to Earth. It's something that we really, really want to do.
It's not something that a God above said, "Oh, you have to do this in this lifetime. " No, it's something that we really feel good about; we really want to experience. It's something that makes your soul really happy and shiny.
It's like your dream, right? So, I want to specify this because it's always interesting. So yeah, that's all I want to share with you.
Just to conclude, relationships that are not on the same path as you will leave, or you will leave them. It's going to be this kind of energetic resonance now; it's going to be like, "Uh, no. " So also, we are scaling these things—like, does this person uplift me, or actually suck my energy?
Or even if they don't suck my energy, it's like they're vibrating on a different frequency, so it’s like, "I don't really feel good. " So, all these things now we have to see. And, of course, when it comes to relationships with other people, it's the hardest thing to let go because we are naturally very much social beings, and we want to really attach to people, and we love people.
So it can be very hard, but it's something we have to let go of and detach from these things. So, thank you so much for watching. Again, I want to repeat: if you want to join my course, you will find the link down in the description.
Starting on the 1st of October, you will be working with me for three moons—three-month cycle. Yes, okay, my brain is like. .
. sto for a second. And also, a lot of you have been asking me about when I will open my readings.
I receive a lot of emails from you. I'm working on some new projects right now; I have lots of different inspirations about doing some very beautiful things, preparing beautiful things for you. So, please subscribe to my mailing list if you want to know when I'm going to open my readings again.
At the moment, I have only the Astro Cartography reading open, and I will put the link below if you want to know about this reading. Thank you so much! I wish you all a beautiful, beautiful new moon and solar eclipse, and see you again in my next video.
Bye for now!
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