5 Disturbing TRUE All Alone Horror Stories

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Whispered Diaries
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I was off of work this night and relaxing at home my roommate was out of town for a couple of days visiting his parents and I was somewhat of a night owl so I enjoyed staying up late it was around 12: and I was sipping on a beer while watching TV when a faint sound came from above me at first I didn't even process it like my body just ignored it but after a few seconds it kind of hit me as I realized it couldn't have been my roommate like it usually would have been I
looked up at the ceiling and muted the TV to try and listen for it again a few seconds went by and there was nothing the sound was so soft though and with the TV being on when I heard it I really had no idea what it could have been or even where upstairs it came from although this sounds pretty dumb of me I really didn't feel like getting up and wasn't worried enough about it to feel the need to check it out I opened the mini fridge I had next to the couch and grabbed another
beer cracking it open and taking a few sips to get back to relaxing but before I could even unmute the TV I heard that same thump sound above me I looked back up up at the ceiling and after a moment I could hear subtle footsteps slowly walking in the room right above me my whole body felt like it went numb I got up from the couch and went over to the stairs I stood at the bottom and could hear a thumping sound resonating through the hallway I called out my roommate's name I knew it couldn't
be him but I was just hoping that somehow it was after there was no reply I started scaling the stairs and flicked on the lights to the upstairs hallway it was empty but the door on the far end was open it was to my roommate's room but I was 100% certain that I'd closed it the day he left and I never went in there since so there should be no reason it was open right now my heart was pounding as I walked walked through the hallway and looked inside the room it looked the same as
it did when he left everything was clean and nothing was out of place I then went around and checked every room upstairs and still found nothing I didn't sleep that night and spent the next couple days on edge as I waited for my roommate to get home I never heard those sounds after that night or had any doors randomly open like that at this point I don't know what the hell happened maybe someone found a way in and out without me knowing or maybe it was something else to this day I still don't [Music] know
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highly recommend using this opportunity to find any leaked info and ensure it is taken care of and secured thank you again to Aura for sponsoring this portion of today's video I was camping in Utah for a small weekend getaway it really was nothing special I'd hiked up to a small Lake and was only going to stay overnight when I got there it was more crowded than I was hoping for I mean there were two groups near the beach so it wasn't flooding with people or anything but it definitely wasn't quiet either around 5 though both
groups started packing up and within the hour they left the area with only an hour left of sunlight and having the beach to myself I quickly changed into my swimsuit and jumped into the lake I was only in there for like 10 minutes not too long at all when I looked back at the campsite the woods were calm and the sun was setting over the trees but past the beach and a little ways into the forest a person was watching me they were too far for me to see much but it was definitely a man
and they were definitely looking at me as soon as I caught them looking they turned their head and walked further into the trees it was too creepy for me not to get a little shaken up was it just a guy from one of the groups that maybe forgot something or maybe a hiker that I happened to catch looking over at an awkward time the way they were just stopped and standing there looking directly at me was still super unnerving I walked back up to the beach and over to my tent I dried off and kept
my head on a swivel scanning the forest for that man I cooked up a small meal and continued to look around for him a whole hour passed and there were no sightings so I figured I was good I stayed up fairly late at least a couple hours after Sunset mostly looking up the stars and resting it sounds boring to just sit there but it's actually really nice after a while I got in my tent and laate on my sleeping mattress the hike up must have made me tired because I fell as sleep quickly as soon
as I woke up though I felt off I didn't know why it was the middle of the night and Pitch Black inside the tent all I could hear were the insects chirping outside and a calm Breeze blowing against the walls of the tent I kind of just laid there for a while maybe like 30 seconds as my eyes were open but completely unable to see anything then my eyes started to adjust a little I could see faint outlines of the things inside my tent and as I moved my eyes around they fell on the zipper
the tent flap was open and between the opening there was a shape I must have stared at it for a whole four or five seconds as my heart rate spiked before my vision became just clear enough for me to make out a pair of eyes looking into mine my adrenaline flooded through me and my instincts took over I grabbed my can of bear spray that I had laying next to me and shot it right at the opening they yelled and I could hear his footsteps moving away from the tent as I started tearing up and
coughing I fumbled through my backpack to get my pocket knife then I jumped out fully prepared to fight for my life but the man was gone I did didn't even know which direction he went or anything but I didn't waste any time I hurried to gather my things and used my handheld GPS to lead me back to the car without having to take the trail I called police to come out and take me home because by then my eyes were burning from the bear spray they didn't find anything but I don't know how much they
searched whoever that was and what they wanted I honestly couldn't tell you with the image of that guy staring into my tent burned into my head I won't be out camping again for a long time I work at a gas station I'd been there for several years and this night was one that I assumed would be like all the rest I came in at 8 and took over for the day worker who went home right away the first couple hours went by quickly as there were still customers coming in regularly to buy a few things
or to pay for gas with cash between 11: and 12 it slowed down to where it began feeling like the shift was dragging on I kept myself busy for another hour or at least tried to with with stocking whatever I could find but then I was left with the dreaded second half of my shift it was always slow boring and just not enjoyable around 1 though A car pulled in and parked in the spaces by the entrance Door a few other cars had come through recently but just to get gas real quick very rarely would
someone actually Park in the spots and come into the store this late Into the Night I stood up straight and tried to rub the tired look off my face expecting them to come in a couple minutes went by though and they didn't I leaned over the counter and looked out the glass door but couldn't really see anything the reflections on the door were blocking any way for me to see inside their car maybe they were just taking a break from a long drive I didn't bother caring too much about it I sat back back and
pulled up my phone I spaced out reading through random articles and whatnot for probably 20 or so minutes during that time I never heard anything or saw anything but eventually I looked up from my phone and my heart almost stopped there was a guy inside the store standing in one of the aisles and looking right at me his eyes darted away as soon as I saw him this guy looked like he was mid-40 with a dark jacket on and a scruffy beard I never saw or heard him enter so how the hell did he get
in while my mind was racing I just watched as the man kept walking around glancing over at me a few times to see if I was looking like he was planning to do something as soon as I looked away then after just 30 seconds he suddenly hurried toward the front door door and ran outside I got up and ran to look out this was when I noticed the car was still there but the guy walked right past it and just out to the road until I could no longer see him I immediately went to the
cameras to see how he got in and figure out what was going on it only took me a minute to find the footage of him slowly and quietly getting out of the car then going to the back of the gas station there were no cameras back there but those doors were never locked since the gas station was technically always open anyway what's really odd is that there were 15 minutes between the time he went around to the back to the time he walked out onto the sales floor police came to help me investigate ultimately finding
the car he left to have been a stolen vehicle from months ago they didn't know anything about the guy or his motives sneaking around though he clearly had something else intended for that night and I think I was really lucky that for one reason or another he decided not to go through with it this was a long time ago when I was 13 it was summer I spent pretty much all day playing on my PS3 or watching whatever was on TV sometimes I'd go outside or hang with some friends but it was raining this day
so I was hunkered down inside my dad always worked until 10: and my mom was a nurse so her schedule was all over the place most of this day I was playing on the PS3 but around 7ish I went to the kitchen to make food while I was in there a knock came at the front door I didn't really want to answer and as a kid I was always nervous when someone was at the door so I waited a minute and tried to just be quiet until they left after they knocked several more times though
I snuck over to the door and looked out the peephole to see if maybe it was a neighbor or someone else I knew I was really confused though and kind of alarmed to see a police officer he was standing on our porch looking around and waiting for me to answer and now I felt like I had to I opened the door it was still cold and rainy outside and the officer was drenched being a kid my eyes were immediately drawn toward the gun on his hip and overall I just felt scared or like I was
in trouble he asked my name then reassured me that everything was okay and I didn't have anything to worry about he then smiled as if trying to keep me calm but his teeth were noticeably rotting and yellow which then got me to notice how overall unkempt he looked like usually cops were well put together so this was really off-putting he definitely noticed my hesitation though because he tried to speed up the conversation saying he needed to search the home I was terrified and confused but I knew something was wrong and that's when I noticed that
there was no police car by my house especially with it raining all these red flags piled up and just as he was starting to step forward I slammed the door and locked it it he didn't even try to say anything else he immediately slammed something against the door hard enough to shake the entire door and push me back a little thinking the door would give out I ran to the home phone and dial 911 I was freaking out so much I'm surprised the operator even understood a word I said the guy outside didn't give up
the whole time though and was even there still banging on the door when the actual police showed up I heard him trying to convince them he was a real cop but obviously that didn't go well he was taken in and initially my parents didn't tell me much about the charges probably for my own safety but a few years later they told me that during the interrogation the man admitted to attempting to kidnap me had I been any more trusting I don't know where I'd be right now my name is Leo and I work for a
pizza shop in my small town I don't do deliveries or anything but I do mostly everything there is to do inside the shop I make p P organize the stations clean and get all the closing tasks done every night before I leave my interactions with customers is usually pretty minimal since we have a few high school kids to take orders and everything but they're only scheduled until 11:00 on weekdays the shop closes at 12:30 so any orders or customers that come in after that I have to take care of this was a regular Monday show
everything went smoothly for the most part and at 11: my coworker left so it was just me to close up it's usually really slow so I started the clean up process about a half hour before closing A call came in praying it wasn't for a last minute order I picked up the phone I said my generic thanks for calling how can I help you line and right after I finished there was a a quiet pause then they hung up I put the phone down and said a few Choice words thinking it was a prank call
from a couple immature kids I went back to the kitchen where I was cleaning but not even 30 seconds later I heard the bell ring by the door the timing was annoying but I put everything back down and walked back to the front a guy was now standing at the counter he had a heavy coat on and a black beanie over his shaggy hair his eyes were what really put me off though he had dark circles and bags like he hadn't slept in days yet his eyes were wide open uh how can I help you
I said standing a couple feet from the counter I'd like to place an order right now the way he said it was was odd and it very obviously told me that something was wrong with him I said okay and asked what he wanted but it almost seemed like he wasn't expecting me to say that his eyes just continued to hold this disturbing stare at me as he struggled to respond I looked away out of uncomfort but my eyes fell on his hand that was partially out of his jacket pocket he was holding a knife like
a typical kitchen knife I think he was trying to hide it but I could see the handle in his hand and part of the blade was sticking out of his pocket I felt my stomach drop and blood rush from my face almost like I was going to faint I looked back up and his eyes were still staring at me but his face was stiff and emotionless the sound of the door opening made both of us jump and both of us looked over it was some other random customer walking into the shop and they immediately seemed
to realize something was wrong they stopped in place stumbling over a few words before the guy by the register suddenly walked past him and out the door I used the phone to call 911 and tried to explain to the other customer what had happened we also watched out the window as the guy got into his car and sped out of the parking lot that was the last we saw of him though what I think happened was he parked outside the shop and watched in the window as he called us once he saw that it was
me answering the phone I guess he knew I was alone so that's when he walked in if not for the random customer walking inside in that moment I don't know what would have happened he was clearly insane and armed with a kitchen knife so it couldn't have been good since then I still haven't seen him come back and I really hope I never do for
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