Saudável sem Remédios: Como tratar a Má Circulação Naturalmente

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Amato - Instituto de Medicina Avançada
Veja o vídeo indicado do momento: #institutoamato O Dr. Alexandre Ama...
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Hello, I'm Doctor Alexandre Amato, vascular surgeon from the Instituto Amato and today I'm going to talk about home remedies to treating poor circulation. This is a subject that always concerns me asked here in the comments, in fact, comment below because I get my ideas from there for the next videos and this one is certainly an answer to several questions they were made for me there. And tell me something, if you like have a home remedy?
Do you believe in home remedies? Do you think that the solution is there, do you know of any home remedies to treat poor circulation? Tell me below, do I also I learn a lot from you.
I've already said a lot here about how cause poor circulation due to inflammation, but I wanted remind you of poor circulation. When we talk about circulation, we are talking about in a way generic and to the circulatory system it is very broad, we have arteries, veins, the lymphatic system, so poor circulation could be any of them. Ah, so talking about varicose veins here, no, we're not talking about varicose veins, we are talking about inflammation of the arterial wall, we are also talking about clots, thrombosis and in the end atherosclerosis us, you'll also end up mentioning the plaque deposit at cholesterol is still a consequence of inflammation.
. This is the poor circulation that I will comment on today in the video. So, inflammation is the main cause of .
So, atherosclerosis is the hardening from the wall with the deposition of plaques with fat, with calcium and this plaque deposition will end up closing these arteries that can cause heart attack acute arterial occlusion thrombosis and everything else. In the end, this inflammation, this plaque, atherosclerosis happens due to a dysfunction of endothelial this endothelial dysfunction is damage to that first layer of cells that we have in the arteries and the worsening factors, the cardiovascular risk factors, that is, can cause this inflammation and damage to the arterial wall is , you also know, obesity, smoking, stress, lack of sleep, high blood pressure, would be sedentary, sitting still, not exercising, , wrong diet. All these are factors of cardiovascular risk, so when we're cardiovascular, both the heart and the vessels peripherals are the arteries, so much so that the cardio, the risk cardiac merit is the coronary arteries which are the arteries that nourish the the heart itself, it's not the blood that's passing inside the heart that nourishes the heart, right?
This blood will go to starting another little thing. little girl that will nurture the child heart muscle, it's these coronary arteries, it's the arteries that suffer from atherosclerosis with the formation of atherosclerosis, but this same injury, it can happen when any artery in the body, it can happen in the carotid arteries, can happen in the lower limbs, the difference is that when we're symptoms that will be different and when a plaque occurs in the heart, for example, let's assume that this plaque goes there, it unstable plaque, it releases a little fat there, forms a of clots, it closes, what will happen? You're going to have a heart attack.
Then if the same thing happens in the leg, the same thing happens in the leg, there will be a leg ischemia and if it happens in the carotid artery, right? That irrigates the brain, you're going to have a stroke, it's going have a stroke. The cause is the same, but different things.
So, there always comes doubt, right? If the cause is the same and the problem is the atherosclerotic plaque, which is body, we need to do it to clean the fat, remove this fat causes this plaque, unblocking this artery, whatever we can do it, right? And that's exactly what we're talking about can talk about.
I've seen it all, I've already made a video here on I've already made video about garlic and poor circulation, I have a video about know about ketins, I've seen people talking about water with lemon, so I saw talking about propolis, I've heard people talk about a lot of something happens. I myself have made several videos here on the channel, have I done them video about garlic and poor circulation, I've already made a video about it, nuts and poor circulation, sugar, sweetener, the influence for each of these foods, I've seen people suggesting water lemon, there is a recent video here talking about turmeric and poor circulation, so there are several foods that can of time. The question is, we are talking about prophylaxis, or from the treatment before something or then, that is the first question, because often if the injury is already present, just change the food or adding some food to your in the your daily habit, it may not be enough.
Many of these foods can have an effect platelet antiplatelet, an effect sometimes even takes anticoagulants, Gincobiloba for example, but are the effects relatively weak when we have compared to some medicine that causes the same things , so we cannot replace a medicine prescribed by the doctor because of some food, especially if this medicine was prescribed by treatment and not for prophylaxis, then prophylaxis for us to avoid, that is, not having a lesion on the vessel wall still have, then the use of food is well recommended for us to avoid the progression. I'm not going to add a food like it was a medicine. I'm changing my habits foods to use its effect.
All this because there is no juice, there is no tea, none of which soup, no mixture that is miraculous. These days I took a salesman selling a miracle mixture with mine the name, it took some work, but just so you understand the there are many people who will try to offer a solution ready, a miracle and there is no such thing, it depends on resilience, it depends on you implementing healthy habits daily. First of all, if you have any symptoms, you have to find out the cause, it's not a matter of changing your diet before find out what's going on, the problem could be being someone else, this is super common, right?
The patient eh, enough saying, oh I have a problem with poor circulation and then we will examine and the problem is orthopedic, there are a huge problem in the joint, you don't have to nothing in the circulation. So first find out the cause and one who will help with this is your doctor. And if you're doing and it doesn't improve, probably cause it are wrong, you are treating a cause that is not the origin of of symptoms.
There is no shortcut, people. I know that everyone wants the miracle fruit or who wants it , ready-made solution or juice that you mix a lot of something work for everyone. Unfortunately, no , that solution or even a juice that unclogs the arteries, right?
If this existed, my entire field, my specialty is in medicine, which is ultra-processed surgery there was a fruit that could unclog the arteries, which , there was no vascular surgeon treating arteries, such fruit as makes the varicose veins disappear. If it really existed, you Don't you think everyone would be using it? Even though it's not there being large industries wanting to do work scientists to show this, everyone would know.
It would be . What really works are habits and repeat it over and over again, then it is miraculous, but is not easy, which is physical exercise. So, during exercise with a good frequency, according to , recent works that even talk about three hundred minutes a week, Before it was one hundred and fifty, now it has gone three hundred minutes a week.
So, physical exercise routinely, this has a huge positive impact on health both in terms of prophylaxis, prevention, and treatment. The other habit is hydration. You have no idea of how often patients arrive here at the office dehydrated and sometimes he even comes to me patiently and says , wow, I drink a lot of water.
I drink a liter of water and okay. A liter is nothing, right? It has to be two liters, and a half to three liters or more.
And then, I go there, do the bioimpedance, would not exist. I see that the person is a complete physicist dry, which it is. Hydration is very important.
See, in blood is liquid, we need it to stay fluid and and running within arteries and veins and for that water is essential. I've also talked here in my videos about benefits of flavonoids from resveratrol that we the grapes that bring some benefits to the wall arterial test, vitamin C, we also have the impact of vitamin D, Turmeric is its main substance there, curcumin also helps to combat this inflammation, but in reality what we really need is a big one variety of foods. There's no point in me saying, okay, instructions .
? No problem, in fact what you need is to vary between all the very well-known healthy foods to have a long-term and sustainable result. preservatives, sodium, everything there are harmful and we already know that, right?
It probably also already that will worsen circulation? Sugar is one of them, it is clear or negative impact of sugar on inflammation in the vessel walls . Now carbohydrates in general, I like to talk a lot about ketogenic diet in which we remove all the carbohydrates, but together to transform that into glucose very quickly.
What general, eating too many carbohydrates is harmful to the vessel walls. Do people embedded poison, so all the chemicals are know, so what are the foods that will cause damage, extremely inflammatory. The biggest poison today with these are definitely ultra-processed foods, those that goes through several industrialization processes.
If you have, you opening a lot of bags for lunch or for dinner is because you are eating a lot of industrialized food, a lot of food . Can see the common knowledge industry objective food is being able to convince you to eat a styrofoam and thinking it's delicious, so what will they do ? They're going to stuff a bunch of seasoning into a Styrofoam, you can get any snack, it's not far from Styrofoam.
Why is that? Add a salty flavor, sweet, bittersweet, puts an extra seasoning, add one extra cheese, can they convince you to eat paper without even realizing it, biscuits, cookies, without going into fight it out whether it's a cookie or a biscuit. , those noodles instant, processed broth, ready-made meat broth, all this is a food bomb.
So I say it about the anti-inflammatory diet, right? Looking for foods that do not inflame you, so it is important remembering the concept of individuality, something that that might not inflame another person, so I might not be comfortable with certain foods that are fine for other people. so any list of these foods can't here, it may be flawed because there may be something there in a you should eat and what you can't.
This self-knowledge going through this phase of eh eh understanding your body is Much important, but removing sugar and reducing salt are concepts generic content that applies to everyone. Let's talk a little about how to reduce plaques or how to unclog arteries like regressing atherosclerotic plaques. First you have to I think that regressing or unclogging is too strong.
Not how to say that. The most we can do is stabilize a board. So, there's also a lot of plaque there greasy, very unstable, a sign that any small damaged plaque on your wall, spilling out all that necrotic inside of us, with treatment stabilizes, transforming this plaque into a more fatty content to a more fibrotic plaque, which is plaque more stable and less likely to problems, unclogging it like a plumber, is that all surgically, there is no food that we eat and make this happen.
Even though I saw a lot of people, oh, eat what unclogs your arteries, is here that will clean the fat and calcium from the arteries. Guys, it's not that simple, after the disease doesn't set in, it will be a food that will release what on the arteries. Usually the disease sets in because of decades of unhealthy lifestyle habits.
These are things that make you were created and that were accumulated There on the wall, pot. We are not talking about a small injury here because there and do an ultrasound, some other test, it will appear, plate, atherosclerosis. Okay, I just have an injury there.
No, if things all over the body, it will appear in other places too. But you don't even need to know, because if bringing symptoms, the injury is there, you already know what’s wrong do. You have to start adopting healthy lifestyle habits.
And I I know there is a lot of discussion about statins. I don't know if because they are very controversial, right? Have you people who speak badly about statins say that the prescribed by a doctor, see, I'm a vascular surgeon, when I prescribe a statin it is to treat a illness that is already present.
So, you can't just stick with other things. Oh, I'm going to start eating turmeric or water, lemon and think that that alone is enough to solve or a problem or it will do everything that the statin does. In fact, in those who are taking or are advised to take statins, are people who already have several little problems for a long time, .
So these people, they already they are more likely to have, for example, leg pain. So, do statins cause leg pain for everyone? Look, that it can happen for some but the incidence is small and even these people who have leg pain while using statins, it will be they wouldn't have either, even if they hadn't been using it.
statin plaque? Because they are people who were sedentary, were eating wrong, they were smoking, they were doing a lot of thing? So, it was the statin, the cause of the pain in the leg, big work, huge work shows that the statin stabilize this plaque, helps reduce the risk.
So, you can't just because you saw a video on YouTube or , someone commented and said that statins are a poison, you can't stop the treatment, follow your doctor, especially if you are treating a disease. I'm talking here about treatment, but it also helps using statins for prophylaxis. So, if you're with high cholesterol.
Using a statin can help control it. So, ah, you have to use it. Look, in prophylaxis, if you start practicing healthy habits, start eat well, start doing physical exercise, you can taking the statin causes symptoms.
I ended up using statins for a period from my life when I was more sedentary and eating, wrong, right? I got this right, I started with exercise in a higher frequency, I managed to give up the statin. So, I no longer need it for prophylaxis and as I wasn't treatment, I don't have the need for it, so no tend to blame it on the medication and not do their own thing.
, your part is to get your lifestyle habits right. There are other medications too to help control how and some newer injectables. If the doctor indicated this and If you have any doubts, bring them the doubts, talk about him, but don't forget to follow some pseudo-indication it's not scientific, right?
Don't follow fads. Now, what are the best foods for those with poor circulation, , right? So, see, after all this preamble that I said, I'm going to have to be very generic to be foods that can helping everyone, right?
So, what can I suggest? At first of all, water, right? Water is essential for us, well hydrated.
Now, fibers, dietary fibers, healthy and we have been eating less and less fiber, exactly also because of industrialized foods. We find a lot of fiber in beans, vegetables, and when oats and in some more whole foods. The olive oil is without a shadow of a doubt the best of all oil, right?
There are some aspects, for example, people which says that they cannot be heated, do not lose , but in fact, yes, you can and you still a of the healthiest. Foods rich in omega three, especially fish rich in omega three. I have one whole video about this, it's a food that reduces enough inflammation.
I already talked about resveratrol, so it red wine has a lot of resveratrol, which is something that you have in the grape skin, it is also quite healthy, it contains to be careful with, obviously, with alcohol, because the alcohol has a harmful effect, so it would be a good amount little to do with the wine to have the effect of resveratrol don't have the harm from alcohol. I also have a video talking about regarding the beneficial effect of chocolate. Now I'm not saying chocolate with milk full of sugar, nothing like that, I'm talking about chocolate, cocoa chocolate, the closest to cocoa that have more flavonoids that have more of these substances that even at work helps a lot with fiber, it also improves a lot and is beneficial for circulatory health.
Among the fruits, we have avocado which is full of healthy fats. red fruits and they don't have a high glycemic peak. As nuts consumed in moderation also have a which has already been demonstrated concept of the ketogenic diet, right?
We go looking for healthy foods and it will greatly reduce the costs, carbohydrates is one way of thinking and that you end up with knowing other foods that are healthy. So tell me here, do you have fatty plaque? That's why you watched this video, write down below, where is your plate?
What is your fear? Why are you seeing this this video? What food do you consume thinking that it contains to improve or unclog circulation.
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