what's up smart students welcome back to my channel my name is chelsea seaburn and today i want to talk about how you can find peer-reviewed articles in google scholar now let's talk about google scholar and peer-reviewed articles before we jump into my computer and i give you the goods so first things first what is google scholar why is google scholar important to you as a college student well simply put google scholar much like its big brother google which houses all the world's information google scholar focuses on the world's academic information it's a search engine just
like google google scholar is a search engine housing various sources for academic purposes so what does that mean well if you go on google scholar you can find things like journal articles both published and unpublished you can find an academic book maybe even a conference piece or a court opinion piece you can find dissertation papers thesis papers and of course those peer-reviewed articles now why does a peer review article matter to you as well simply put peer-reviewed which you might also hear called refereed refers to the steps that this researcher took to publish that article
so i like to say that peer-reviewed articles are articles written by experts that are then reviewed by experts you see when an article is peer reviewed that means that before it was published other experts in that same given field reviewed that piece of work to determine its accuracy the validity and quality of the research and to make sure that reasonable conclusions were drawn this is why peer-reviewed articles are important to college students because they are going to be considered the most credible of all credible sources and because i know that many of you turn to
google scholar for research in finding credible sources let me teach you three workarounds to weed out all of the sources so you can specifically find those peer reviewed articles alright let's jump into my computer and go and here we are welcome to your personal tutorial so i have three different methods to show you on google scholar and i have them listed from the first thing you should do to your last resort so let's go ahead and start with a basic search because i want to show you the difference so let's say your paper is about
time management and college students this is a basic search having done nothing specific yet to google scholar and we have all of these options here now reading through the titles let's say i'm interested in this fourth option down so i click on it and i see that okay i have a preview of this article but i don't have access to the full document okay let's start there now the first tip that i recommend doing for finding those peer-reviewed articles is to link your university's library to google scholar and so what you're going to do is
this drop down menu on the left hand side of the google scholar logo you want to click that go into your settings and then click on this right here that says library links it's going to bring you to a page that looks like this and simply put you're going to search for the university you're attending here to see if it is coordinated with google scholar so let's say i went to harvard because i was super super smart i'm going to type that in search and here we go harvard university try harvard library that's the name
of harvard university's academic online universe online library that was a mouthful so i'm going to click that select save and then now look at the right hand side where there's these pdf options there is also the try harvard library this is telling me that these articles are can be accessed through my university library so going back to that fourth article down i'm going to select my universities option which will bring you one second to your university login page now i can't log in so you're going to have to follow this all the way through on
your own but the reason this is helpful is because in your university you can filter out for peer-reviewed articles you can search specifically for them and so before you do anything else you want to link your university to google scholar that's method number one let's move on to method number two so let's go back home so we can start over brand new the second method i want to teach you how to do is to utilize google scholar's advanced search feature and so it's not a perfect search for peer-reviewed articles but it's pretty darn close so
again let's go over to the drop down menu but this time instead of going into settings we're going to select advanced search here we have a few different criterias filter criterias in which we can return based on the data we put into these spaces and so find articles with all of the words with the exact phrase with at least one of the words without the words and so on i want you to pay attention to with the exact phrase and in there you're going to type in peer reviewed i suggest leaving out article because not
all peer-reviewed will say article at the end of peer-reviewed articles but now we're telling google scholar that we want to search for sources that have the phrase peer-reviewed once i've typed peer-reviewed in the exact phrase section i want to think about which keywords that i want to associate with peer-reviewed let's say i'm doing the same search i was before time management and college students excellent now i'm going to select search and google scholar is going to return articles that have the keywords time management college students and it's going to look for the exact phrase peer
reviewed so as you can see here we have time management college students peer reviewed academic journals going down the line she has published several peer-reviewed academic papers peer-reviewed journal here we have peer-reviewed and so as you can see now we're starting to pull up closer to what we want to find but i do have to disclaim that anytime you find an article with this method you want to make sure that peer-reviewed they are referring to the actual article you're trying to use so let's click on this first one and so basically what i'm telling you
to do is that you just want to inquire and make sure that peer reviewed does pop up in reference to the article as we can see it does right there so we're good and it's not a phrase where they're describing that this author has written peer-reviewed articles but not this one that's rare but you just want to make sure to do the little step of looking for peer-reviewed making sure that it is indeed in the article but this is going to get you to pretty close pulling back all peer-reviewed sources in google scholar now i
do want to point out that if you didn't want to use the advanced search feature you could use the boolean operator exact phrase as you can see it populated here for us and so i want to show you both ways i'm not sure how skilled you are with boolean operators but essentially it's how you talk to google scholar with different symbols associated with the keywords that's how you'll tell google scholar what you're looking for and the double quotation surrounding a keyword that tells google scholar that you're looking for an exact phrase match so that's another
way you could type this in now the final way that i want to show you to find peer-reviewed articles on google scholar it's not a shortcut but it is a last resort keep it in your pocket and that is to search the name of the journal you find the article in to see if that is a journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles and so let's say this is the first example you pull up this article you don't see peer-reviewed anywhere within it but you really want to use the information that's in it but you need it
to be peer-reviewed so what you're going to do is use the name of the journal which is journal of education psychology perhaps you've never heard of this before go ahead and go to traditional google and type that in to locate the original source that this came from my little pro tip is to go ahead and use the exact phrase match boolean operator here as well so that way your searches are even more specific and so now your job is just to inquire to see if this is a peer-reviewed journal and right here before even clicking
on anything we can see that it is that the journal of education psychology is a peer-reviewed academic journal great let's look at another example let's say here's another article we we really want to use the information in it nowhere on here does it say peer reviewed so what are you going to do you're going to search the journal which is in this case science direct so let's go back to google and let's use our exact phrase match for science direct it's going to bring me right here to the journal where that article is housed and
look at that peer-reviewed journal articles so we've qualified both of those articles we're good to go now i want to show you an example of an instance where it may not be peer reviewed so once again we really like this article we see that it was published in researchgate we're not sure exactly what researchgate is so let's go back to google or you can quite literally type in researchgate there but i'm going to use google part of me here we go all right so here we go researchgate we click on this and we see that
it it's this is a site all about research it says discover research access over 135 million publication pages well that kind of sounds like you'd find peer-reviewed sources here but nothing on here actually says peer-reviewed so what i recommend doing is go back to google researchgate and type in something such as is this a peer reviewed even peer-reviewed journal simple as that ask google the question is researchgate a peer-reviewed journal and right away these are not peer reviewed by research gates so what does that mean it's that researchers facebook so researchgate is a social media
for research it's a sort of researcher's facebook with an option to upload papers or reprints of papers that were published elsewhere so basically what that tells you is that you might find a peer-reviewed paper on researchgate but researchgate itself is not enough to say that it's peer-reviewed because there's a handful of different types of research papers coming in like i said this is the last resort but it's important you know how to search to figure out if they are peer-reviewed or not if that's what you need for your research papers and we're back all right
friends i hope you found that tutorial on finding those peer-reviewed articles in google scholar helpful by the way for those of you that did find it helpful and want to help support this channel please know that you're welcome to buy the channel a coffee via youtube thanks there's a button next to the like button that says youtube thanks it's a great feature for supporting your favorite channels and videos you want to see more of but regardless if you have any questions please let me don't know down below say hello is always and i will see
you guys in the next video i know