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Segundo Skinner, existem dois tipos de punição: a punição positiva e a punição negativa. Na punição ...
Video Transcript:
[Music] sugandha scanner a sustained OS repose upon itself upon sm+ a upon sl- nopony suppose each even ma very a V over C of a a croissant odd situation mojado a poner UN copper tomato Jean apanasana cagiva uma VAR geography can see a movie - it was él también coma Pharma depandi roon compartiment visuals [Music] imagine a Creole sacrifice be hurry Nokia's elementa moto spines equisetum kissy-poo nearing Seco portamento ad said I had occurred in parihaka hang upon sm+ aqui esta muchacha sodium a variable aversive a como un castigo corporal for example [Music] Iko Hendra
mesmo situation decreas a keen on chaos element our Ozma's de sus pies de quoi Hapuna so negativo como forma detente hajeck ro comportamiento Fangio Nasik Rizzo a respondent is llegar a television de cuatro de creus autumn are su teléfono celular como Pharma Japanese owned a Kia Pune so many Cagiva porque Ella subtree with tremolo graphic ranch tanto da pun is some positive acquaintance apanasana got eva objetivo mesmo 10 teri hatcher Cairo comportamiento president canto de Skinner as Cinco motor doc question oh hi Vic acid upon us El Paseo de freitas some poco previous events [Music]
oh is FA to stop initial sample Cupra visible by the committee traces loins primero a pun is imposed at any Bureau comportamiento inappropriate mais la no Encino comportamiento des educative area subtitute will see bond upon Azam provocation amento G sentimientos negativo so say sue McCrea subpoenaed upon a song in Sagarika Sparta's come ashore a fuga Oh heavy oak en kampachi loco moco portamento positivo Kisa sporadic rien tsukumo resultado de Puna zone Tercero upon Assam provocation l Ariza sergeyeva choice card easier a crianza possessive of a reverse mo comportamiento keep Robo co-op initial my stamp a
hadoo tokyo pune o.o instrumented upon ISA aquakey rotary simulation our bikini contest mucho monster see upon example Prabhakar ansiedad a sentiment to divert guna koopa skinner a absolute Amity contrary opensl particular matching contest to see to Cassio nice para le mis productivity force our apprentices a new bond comportamiento do keep Unidos news views the only other it seemed to me however the our educational environments are designed very differently typically for example you're punished if you don't do well the school rewards its best rewards for those people who accomplish the most but almost by definition within
it there can only be a few at the top and children aren't rewarded on it on a day-to-day basis for accomplishing this real interesting well there are all sorts of things wrong with the contingencies which now prevail and I want to get away from them just as much as say the free school people do but I think they're going the wrong way they're not going to be able to get away from these they always fall back on them eventually no you're quite right all the way up through even through graduate school the average student studies
to avoid the consequences of not studying it's an avoidance kind of an escape kind of thing now how do you find the positive consequences which can take the place of these aversive techniques that is the whole art of managing a classroom designing instructional materials and progress is being made the ordinary positive reinforcers of of marks grades graduation and so on playa prizes honors metals and all of that the contingencies are terrible that those things are not contingent on the behavior that you really want to set up but you can redesign them and and and make
progress you make the point that not everyone can achieve the highest levels and get the the kudos the medals and prizes which depend upon that but if you redesign a course of instruction as for example the the system that Fred Keller has designed for reorganizing a college course then you can take progress through the course as your only examination there's no final examination you can't get to the course unless you know it because of the way it's designed and in your system this person would be rewarded by a success and acquire in the process a
desire to learn more on his own well I don't know about the desire to learn more what he has discovered is that he can improve he can acquire behavior which makes him more effective and that acquisition is is itself reinforcing and he's unlikely to go on if the opportunity presents itself for the same kind of instruction you'll go and do more of it and acquire acquire more and if you don't watch out he'll I just pasted too long in your school and and you left to graduate him forcibly what do you mean that our schools
are really using methods of a cursive control I know schools in this country where if you don't bring your homework in you hold out your hand and get slapped ruler now that can be reversed that's such a simple thing to do for the consequences of using the kinds of adverse of reinforcers that schools currently into what are the byproducts that's the trouble you can you can of course fortunately for us all I suppose because the human race would hurt be where it is now if schools haven't been severely punitive in the past or the birds
right up on the wall up there and you would do this or else and of course people do learn under those contingencies but they also tend to play truant to escape from misses when they can or to drop out as soon as they're able to legally or to forget it all as fast as they possibly can or to vandalise to attack teachers too and break windows and schools or just to fall into a state of apathy and do nothing these are all byproducts of aversive control and although they may have learned something they're not going
to have very much interest in supporting education in the future [Music]
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