in this video 20 video editors from my school Community are going to be competing for a big cash prize of $850 each of these editors is going to be given 24 hours to create a complete short form video from scratch they're first going to start out by writing out their own scripts then they're going to be responsible for filming it and being creative with that process and lastly each of them is going to be editing their own video to turn it into a masterpiece after all this we will then judge all 13 videos that were
created based on creativity and quality of the end and with this being said if you'd like to beat in competitions like this I'll tell you more about that later on the video but first I had to get all 20 editors on a call to explain the rules everyone everyone shows up on the money is bunch of gold di that's the here bunch of fakies and then I had to break down the competition rules to these smooth brain editors you will basically be given 24 hours the challenge is to create the best file short completely from
scratch and what I mean completely from scratch I mean you're going to have to script it you're going to have to record it you're going to have to do everything absolutely from the beginning it's not about just creating a short and creating your subtitles and doing the VFS I want to make sure that I see creativity but this wouldn't be a regular competition if we didn't have some trash talking so I let them go fully at it for a few minutes all right can you record this bit for the YouTube yeah yeah all yeah yeah
yeah recorded I'm going to smash you get course is [ __ ] you have 20 followers I hope your pillows warm buddy yeah and with this being said I sent the editors off and waited for their submissions and while I was enjoying my break this is what was happening behind the scenes yo Joseph YouTube channel what's up uh so far it's been going pretty good I'd say I started doing some amazing cinematic uh effects and transitions they're not amazing but they're okay what's good my name is Chim pocket and come here this is my game
plan I'm using the one trick that every video editor is too scared to use I filmed outside and this is going to help me win the $500 competition in caffeine hi my name is Charles also known as the best video editor in Joseph's community and I'm going to win this $500 editing competition I think it's pretty evident that I don't have a game plan I'm not really estrogenic like yanelli for example what I'm going to do is I'm just going to animate everything do some sound design make it look disgusting make it look diabolical submit
it into Joseph and then win myself $500 I'm so tired I'm like I didn't sleep last night like I have only had like yo what is going on like Louis Vuitton you know what it is the one the only the vernacular is spectacular one thing I'm going to say is I'm not using crazy effects there's no time for that bro man does not have time for that I do think I have the most creative scripts it's the one that only vacul spectacular it the one the only the bacular the spectacular 24 hours later finally the
submissions came in do you have on yeah where where's that mustache come from where's the beard come from that angle just looks weird this is natur now it's finally time to review all these submissions and decide who the top three winners are the first place winner is going to be winning a $500 cash prize the second place winner is going to be winning a $200 cash prize and the third place winner will be winning a $100 $0000 cash price and you'll probably like to know that we host one of these $500 editing competitions every single
month in Ultimate editors we even give out leaderboard prizes like monitors keyboards and mouses but with this being said what even is Ultimate editors just give me 60 seconds and I'm going to explain it ultimate editors is a plan that teaches you how to master video editing and make $1 to $22,000 in your first two months how exactly do we do that well the first 30 days we get you to master video editing we'll basically use our Premier Pro courses After Effects courses our three short form editing style courses and our three long form editing
style courses and this is over 200 plus courses of 2024 editing knowledge and once you've mastered video editing we're going to go ahead and get you your first client we do this by getting you on our 30-day land the client plan where we basically build out your personal brand teach you how to do effective Outreach and even teach you the editor's sales script so if I told you that you could give me $97 and I could give you back $1,000 for it you'd probably instantly pay me $97 instead I'm telling you that you can invest
this $97 and within just 30 days Master video editing and start Landing clients that make you $1 to $2,000 every single month so if you want to learn more I'll explain all the details in a free video link down below and remember the price is increasing soon so take this opportunity while you can and join over 300 different video editors mastering video editing and making $1,000 to $2,000 a month but with this in mind it's now time to review these edits and put them on our tier list and if anyone watching this is interested in
hiring these editors you can find their socials down below but first up was Jack and this is what he was able to create in just 24 hours 2 weeks I turn my terrible shorts into masterpieces and here's how I did it first is setting the correct Pace pacing can make or break a video the video is too fast Vital Information will get missed too slow and it becomes boring one way to fix this is by using one of the techniques such as a j cut which helps the video flow smoothly but removing the dead space
between audio clip Jack can you run us through the idea that you had in mind when you were making this yeah so I was sort of going off of um the Isaac style cuz I just completed that course and I really really liked it um I really like the sound design that Isaac uses so I did do a bit of copying from that I think we're going to have to put you at I mean e is like absolutely horrible it's always D so we're going to have to put you at C okay all right the
places you could have worked on as I said it's just mainly like the editing and just the overall like style of the whole thing with that done Salim was up next the main man himself Sal what was this experience like man I kind of went out of my comfort zone and did some stuff like I've never done before so let's see so you put in a lot of a lot of work on the editing so let's go and check this out man video editing is easy is one of the dumbest statements I've ever heard let
me explain there are over a 100 different style of videos you can choose from and the magic it's all about how you bring your own twist to it you can go the simple route like the Alex rosi style all you need are some muscles a flanel shirt and a voloptuous beard or you could go bold like Dean Jaffa style all you need is a purple background and some clean effects and that's definitely going to take you from an average Editor to a pro editor and if you really want to stand out and create your own
unique style all you'll need is After Effects that's definitely going to can help you push boundaries and the best part you can learn it all on Ultimate editors for only $47 a month don't miss out on the opportunity trust me it's worth it dude this looks sick s you nailed it with the editing the editing's on point you nailed it with the music choice and even with the creativity and everything that comes to mind with this s I'm going to put you at a tier thanks bro and now it was time for R to come
through R do you want to run us through the experience uh yeah I was I was pretty excited because when I saw we can actually write our scripts and make something on our own I was like yes yeah let's go and check this out it's a 33 second C your videos are like a bad first date plenty of effort but just no spark it's not you it's your sound effects see it doesn't matter how amazing your content is if it lacks clicks to Captivate your audience there is one simple trick that Viral content creators use
adding clicks see this can make all the difference because these sounds grab attention and subconsciously keeps the viewer engaged from start to finish do you get it now just comment the word date below and I will send you a pack of Click sounds to boost your engagement don't miss out on making viral content oh okay ra you've always been insane at the The Styling of it you've always been insane at choosing the correct style all right let's go Ahad and give this a rating man let's talk about creativity the choice of the style is very
very interesting I like the ideation it's very very simple it's effective I'm going to have to give you B tier and I'll tell you why you're you're kind of in between the only reason I'm going to give you B tier is just cuz I would have loved to see a bit more variation yeah thanks I actually have to learn a bit more for one B more variations then it was charer all right next up we got the main man himself Charles oh wait next okay all right I'll walk you through the whole thing so first
of all I was on the call where you announced it and you're like I'm giving marks on creativity so I just AI generated every single asset the whole video is After Effects and I basically just uh aim to fry your eyes as much as possible let's let's let's go and watch this I'm excited the reason why you constantly face creative walk is not because you were born less creative than others it's because you just don't observe enough in my eyes creativity is anything the brain can think of so the reason why you keep facing creative
for is because you don't pay enough attention to the things around you which can actually inspire you and inspiration doesn't have to come from creators within your Niche recently I was watching a documentary for fun and in the first 10 minutes I was already able to write down three content ideas my personal brand including this one and no I wasn't born with the creativity of an artist either creative is learnable just like any other skill all you have to do is pay more attention wow Charles Charles man man this is good I made youell turn
his head man I love the fact that you like combined this is what I mean by creativity man this is this is insane the sound design is on point as well I love that everyone in the everyone in the chat is saying that they're done man honestly I try to Mo motivate you guys but it's going to be hard to beat this I hope you guys have something ready man girls for creativity the choice of style man that was so fun to watch Charles I'm going to put you at 8 you just so that I
can at the end select which one made the best edit but so far out of the two of you guys I'm not too sure which one is better we're going to have to rewatch them but both of you guys smashed it yeah it was fun after I got past the stress and and the panic attacks but um yeah F and after that it was Cadence submission let's go and check this out man I'm I'm interested you must have an ego to succeed if you go through life with no Ambitions you will never live up to
your own expect ation how do you get to the ultimate level of confidence and ego it's simple you have to start doing more you have to think less about the past and future and start worrying about the now I like the fact that you relied a lot more on shot selection trying to tell a story for someone who's in here for the first month this is like really really solid the fact that you even are doing this challenge it's really really good I'll put you at se here right with Jack looks good guys and with
these done it was time for madic it took me a lot of time like I was up till 5 and then I started filming again at 9 a.m. all right well I can't wait to watch this let's go ahead and check this out I've always been very fond of Photography even as a teenager I love photos not so much being in them but taking them as much as I loved it there was an element in photography that I felt was always lacking and this became even more apparent as I grew up but I wouldn't understand
what it was till I would start learning this this is what I meant when I like this is what I meant when I said creativity you relied a lot more on storytelling and this is really what I wanted to see I'll go ahead and give you cuz honestly you deserve it man then we had this mysterious submission come out of nowhere uh oh actually we've got this so I'm not sure who this is but we've got someone who posted something like called free fire intense yeah that was mine okay man let's check this out a
[ __ ] here we go [Music] again it's all about Humanity this is sick oh this is amazing man wait wait we got to continue [Music] this amazing I know it's nothing compared to the other no no I like I'm so happy I'm so happy that this made it through this is an epic Gaming Montage man what do you mean that c me so of God ready for that outro oh my God man I'm excited to see what you do what you make in the future but this is going to have to go on CT
right now but after that legendary video it was finally time for Jacob I think you'll be impressed but we'll see wait wait wait can I say something I really tried out a different style I went for I'm just going to say it now I went for a documentary style but I hope you like it I hope you like it it's a basic yourself let's go and check this out this is Ultimate editors join ultimate editors ultimate editors to join ultimate editors ultimate editors this is Ultimate editors ultimate editors maybe you've heard that the name maybe
you haven't for me it was a game Cher I went from knowing almost nothing about video editing to becoming a top tier editor with millions of views you might be wondering how did that happen well stick around because this is my story it all started on April 5th 2024 I was just scrolling through YouTube like any other day when A video popped up in my feed the title a stepbystep guide on how I edit my videos oh no you were going to continue it weren't you yeah yeah I I was going to continue but I
didn't have time it was so good I'm so mad at you it was so good the animations were obviously amazing the intro was very captivating and you focused on storytelling a lot more which I like I'm not sure if I can give you a or b because if I'm if I'm honest if you had finished it you definitely would have been up there and a I'm going to have to give you b Jacob then after Jacob madav was up next madav how was this experience I haven't slept since two days so it's going to be
amazing let's go a and check this out how to earn $1,000 as a video editor see going from 0 to $1,000 a month can be broken down into three simple steps first getting to a decent skill level where you are able to make high quality animations which are up to the market Standard for more idea I'll show you how to make one at the end of this video giving you a head start after getting skilled enough you need to make your own personal brand you can pick a platform according to your preference of what kind
of video you want to edit then pick our consistent posting schedule showing all your edits okay mother man that's tough the choice of style you you tried to choose both of them in terms of just how to make things look really really nice that's where you could have used a bit more work all right madav I'm going to put you at B tier you deserve it for the work that you're putting in you can definitely scale to the next level and after madav it was finally a bro turn okay I really hope you focused on
the stylization a bit more cuz that's something I'm really looking forward to and let's go and watch through this man imagine for a second and it's almost October and you have three months ahead until 2025 to master the skill you dream of and I'm going to reveal how I mastered video editing in three months and you can follow as well firstly I choose my editing software and stick to it and I found a mentor and joined his community I got guidance accountability and networking with professional content creators like oh this is good man so in
terms of the choice of style I like the fact that you used the mix of like buy maximize with some of your own stuff the editing style I think is where you could have used a bit more help I think you smashed it in terms of telling a story but I think you can work a bit more on the editing to kind of push you a bit further AB you're you're going at C sounds good man yeah sounds good sounds good then chinaka was up next and he was going to show us what he made
yeah yeah what's up guys I think you did something a bit different you've been doing content creations so I tried to do something different by like going outside because I knew like any of you would like step out of the Sun out of your editing C let's let's go ahead and watch through this this is sick still my one step process of how I made $1,000 in video editing in my first two months ask everybody you know if they need video editing now I know you're probably thinking but I'm too shy sh trust me on
this send this exact DM format your friends want to see you succeed especially if you help them out too if your closest friends don't even know what you're doing how are Strang is supposed to so go ahead take that first step and you'll be surprised by the results trust me you've got this your first client to be 1 DM away let's go man uh just like using different shot selections and still trying to make it educational but still like telling that story this is good man I I sweated so much I was like running around
traka creativity choice of style that's your own style really good sound design could have used it a lot more help I think sound design is where you could work and music choice is solid if we were to kind of compare it to everyone I that you should probably be at B tier simply just because of the stylization now as I spent some time analyzing these shorts it was clear who the top three winners are and after taking my final decision I decided that Charles deserves to have the number one spot I think we've got the
winner Charles congratulations you going to be in first place the sound design man oh look at him bro he come back man both of you guys did amazing let's just first of all clarify this Salem don't close the camera or else we'll think that you're probably like depressed something just keep the camera open just so we make sure nothing bad happens too his short simply showcased insane creativity with the 3D editing style and very out of box thinking so it was simply too good to be anything besides number one but then I had to decide
between both of these which one's going to be number two and number three super super happy to announce Charles you win the number one Salim you win the number two and Jacob you win the number three and with the winners now chosen it was finally time to hear what they had to say congratulations to all three of you guys feels feels premium to be in this room huh up in here I'm kidding I'm kidding been here before stop acting bro stop being so arrogant I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I've actually I've lost the two
challenges I've been here did you see the Easter egg uh I had in my video what the front double bicep no that was the one thing that stood up the front double b have definitely caught me off guard I was like guy flexing come on get out of here yo let's start with number three the worst one here Jakob and what do you want to say to the people watching us if they're watching us on YouTube go like And subscribe and uh s what was this experience like for you man honestly it was pretty good
until I beat Charles next time where can people find you you have an Instagram right uh yeah Instagram s. edits Charles finally win your first editing competition huh yeah finally feels good waiting for once and um yeah overall really fun and where can people find you people can find me at czm editing on both X and Instagram all right what do you have a as a quick message ultimate edits oh you guys you don't have to like I have one I have one thank you so much for everyone watching through till the very end and
if you also want to have an opportunity to win $500 with an editing competition just join ultimate editors link down below God bless all of you guys and please let me know if you enjoy this kind of video or this new editing style and as usual to finish things off you can check out one of these two edits over here now personally my favorite one is this one right over here