Make ANY Prospect Open Up in Sales

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Jeremy Miner
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when you ask questions to your prospects do you notice that they give you vague generalized surface level answers and they never emotionally open up where there's a major reason why and today I'm going to show you why and then what to actually change so they actually want to open up to you they actually trust you and they want to tell you what's really going on because that's where the sale is made as you know come over here to the Whiteboard I'm going to show you a few cool things all right the biggest reason just so
you're aware that your prospect a surface level with you is because you don't understand yet how to use your tone okay your tonality to trigger certain emotional drivers in their brain that cause them to trust you and actually open up emotionally so there's five types of tone that you will need to learn if you want to acquire this skill and I'm going to show you these real quick the first one is a confused tone now a lot of people say Jeremy a confused tone you you have to show them that you're an expert I totally
agree with you but in certain context there's a reason why you want to act confused let me show you that okay let's say a prospect tells you some type of problem or emotional pain they're going through they're like oh my gosh this issue has caused us so much stress now what do I want to do do I want to just go on to the next surface level question on my script or do I want to clarify what they mean by that probe off that to get them to relive their pain probably want to relive their
pain right because what is the number one emotional driver in a human being that causes them to want to change it's pain or the fear of future pain so if we can't help them relive their pain or start to feel what the future pain will look like if they don't do anything about solving their problems well unfortunately for you your prospects don't feel any need to change and if they don't feel any need to change there is no sale it's actually the number one reason why you get a lot of objections that our clients who
are in your industry they just don't get those same issues same objections so I'm going to show you how to do this all right so a confused tone so let's say they're oh you know I've got a lot of tension here with XYZ hold on John how how do you mean by tension I'm not understanding what did you mean when you said now did you see my face facial expression my facial expression is I would say the remote control to how your tone comes across to the prospect okay this is a very important concept that
you might not have learned in sales that I'm going to show you here so your facial expression write this down is the remote control to how your tonality comes across to the prospect so if I want to have a confused tone I can't sit here like this how do you mean by you try it right now try to have a confused tone and keep your face dead silent dead still like this you can't do that in fact where did you know a lot of people ask me where did you learn tonality well I never learned
it from sales trainers as a salesperson because unfortunately nobody really knows how to do it themselves in the sales train word I had to go hire acting instructors that would teach me how to use my facial expressions you know some of the biggest Hollywood actors in the world that get paid tens of millions of dollars they are trained in this because they're trained on how to use your facial expressions to communicate different uh what would I say tones that triggers emotional drivers in their audience's mind that keep them engaged in the movie you probably don't
even know they're doing that but it's one thing that you really learn in acting all right so your facial expression how you come across your facial expression communicates to the prospect why you're asking the question in the first place so always write this down your tone is how the prospect interprets the intention behind everything you say and every question you ask so if I ask that in a confused tone hold on I'm not understanding how did you mean by or whoa whoa whoa whoa you're you're losing me here I'm not understanding what did you mean
when you said see that's a confused tone and that confused tone and that confused facial expression triggers their brain to say they don't even though they're saying it in their mind triggers their brain to basically say oh he's confused I need to clarify that better and when they clarify that better they open up more they go below the surface see why we would use a confused tone in those type of context or if I'm door too if I'm knocking on the door let's say if I'm selling solar or alarms or pest control or anything right
knock on the door Roofing yeah are you guys the um are you the the property owners here yeah yeah what's going on I'm automatically triggering curiosity based on a confus confused tone in that context now you don't want to use a confused Tone If you're like oh yeah our product you know like you're going to be an expert in that but okay I'm going to show you what I mean by that okay now the second tone you have to really acquire is a curious tone now what type of questions would you ask in a curious
tone there's are more like situation questions or connection questions to really find out what their real situation is let's say if I sold for a marketing agency uh can you John Maybe me through what are you guys doing now to generate new leads in clients so I understand that's a curious tone their brain automatically implies that you're asking that question because you're genuinely curious but if I said what do you do now to generate new leads in clients John just so I understand well now you sound like a scripted robot because your facial expression you
don't know how to use it to imply a different tone now the third type of tone you really have to master is what's called a challenging tone now can I ask a challenging tone at the very end or very beginning of a conversation with a prospect when have zero trust and zero credibility more than likely not because they're going to get defensive right let's say if I'm three4 of the way into a conversation it doesn't matter if it's B to C you know business to consumer or business to business more complex sell environment it's all
the same let's say I'm halfway three4 the way in that conversation I built a gap from where they are to where they want to be I can ask what's called a consequence question NQ consequence question to pull that like basically get them to defend themselves on why they want to make a change I'll give you a generic version what happens if you don't do anything about this and the situation gets even worse see that's a challenging tone now I communicated that my voice changed based on my facial expression watch my face again what happens if
you don't do anything about this what happens if you keep getting these lowquality leads and your salese keep leaving if I sold for a marketing agency see I could do that for any industry challenging tone now the fourth tone you have to really acquire this is one of the most important ones if you can learn this alone you will sell a lot more than you are now okay so I want to have I want to learn how to have a concern tone a tone that shows more empathy so I might lean in after they tell
me a problem or something and how it's impacting them and I might lean in and say what's that doing to you what's holding you back from moving forward so that you can see that's a concern tone I lower my voice into more of a soft concern tone now the prospect interprets that my question is implying that I'm concerned for them genuinely concerned for them and when a prospect feels that you are really concerned for them they start to what they start to trust you and people buy from people who they trust can get them the
best results people who they Trust understand their unique situation the most not just who they like you love Grandma but you're not necessarily going to buy off grandma if there's another company that you trust is going to get you a much better result right you love Grandma you know she might be selling some Tupperware but you're buying your Tupperware from Amazon you don't necessarily like Jeff Bezos maybe you do but you trust Amazon get you a better result that's why you buy from them instead of Grandma I love you Grandma okay I'm just joking all
right so you want to have that concern tone all right and then you also want to have a playful tone or a sarcastic tone it's the cccp tones right so playful tone so where would you use a playful tone let's say the prospect uh gets on with you virtually you have an inbound lead you're meeting on zoom and they immediately say hey how you doing today what would most salespeople say oh I'm doing great you know just working hard and that's okay it doesn't really hurt you but it doesn't really help you to say that
so I want to be playful to get them to kind of chuckle a little bit to get them to open up so if they say hey how you doing today oh you know just hanging out being the boring guy what about you what are you doing it I'm sure you're not boring oh just you know hanging out just trying to stay out of trouble what about you you getting in trouble oh gosh I'm sure you're not getting any trouble see opens them up emotionally I have to use a playful tone to do that because what
would happen if I did this hey how you doing today Jeremy oh you know just hanging out being the boring guy oh wow he is really boring that's really awkward right oh just hanging out being the boring guy what about you see playful tone all right now remember how do I communicate the right tone I have to start with my facial expressions what's really holding you back from moving forward concern tone see what I just did there okay now couple other things that's causing you to sound scripted in the prospect's mind and causing them to
stay surface level with you verbal pacing I want you to write this down now if you uh by the way if you want to start learning more of this type of thing that I'm showing you here you're welcome to subscribe this channel can I give you one piece of advice though if you subscribe don't share it with people in your company that you are competing with or don't share it with a friend who might work for a competing company you probably don't want them to learn what I show you here on this YouTube channel because
of why well now they're going to get better and they might take clients from you so if you're going to share this YouTube channel with anybody share it with friends who are in a different industry who sell something different than you because who cares you want them to do well you just don't want to share it with somebody in your company where they know what you know okay you want the advantage all right so you're welcome to subscribe if you'd like all right verbal pacing let's talk about that real quick I get a drink here
now verbal pacing is where you Pace out a question that causes the prospect to think deeper about what you're asking causes them to internalize one of the biggest reasons why your prospects stay surface level with you give you vague generalized surface level answers you ask him a question like yeah yeah yeah it's pretty good and you're like you're like oh okay and then you go to the next question and then at the end what type of injection they give you I want to think it over I want to talk to my spouse I want to
keep looking around I want to do more research I don't make rash decisions or you know um I need to talk with the board if you sold B2B or I need to talk my department head see what they think right you can eliminate most of those by simply getting them to emotionally open up that's where the sales made so let me give you a few examples these are called inq now inq stands for neural emotional persuasion questioning okay this is an example of a problem awareness question now I'm going to give you a few industry
specific examples and I'm going to show you the wrong way to do it that most salese do and then I'm going to show you the right way this let's say if you sold in the Life Insurance IND industry or final expense mortgage protection health insurance that's actually the largest industry R train out of 161 Now train tens of thousands in this space 161 Industries number one right here all right now most salespeople ask their questions too fast and when you ask questions too fast guess what your prospect has no time to internalize what you say
so they just give you a knee-jerk quick surface level answer you walk into a car car dealership or a furniture store and the salesperson says Hey welcome to the store how can I help you just looking because they ask that so fast it causes you to give a knee-jerk answer and return so instead let's say if you're selling furniture or a cers ship they walk in instead of saying it that fast hey welcome into the store today are you guys out just kind of looking around feedback the objection that's another training yeah yeah yeah we're
looking ah okay do you know what you're do you know what you're possibly looking for confused tone causes them to want to clarify they don't even know it triggers their brain to clarify because they feel like I'm confused about something okay confused tone works now here's what most sales people do at this question watch how fast I go I mean you already have this work policy what's caus you to feel like it's not enough though well I'm not saying it's not enough I just kind of want to look around you already have this work policy
what's caused you to feel like it's not enough though see I don't give the prospect any time to internalize that question now let me show you how to slow it down I mean you already have this 100K work policy I mean what's what's caused you to feel like that's not enough though did you feel the difference and how that question came across did you hear my tone it was more of a what more of a concerned tone okay a tone that shows more empathy now watch see where these little periods are these are verbal pauses
okay verbal pauses you're verbal pacing out the question I mean you already have this 100K work policy I mean what's what's caused you to feel like that's not enough though let's say if you sold cars I I could literally show you this for every industry your indust included I mean you already have the Toyota I mean that's a that's a fairly decent car I mean what's what's caused you to feel like you might want something newer well the reason why is see and they start to expand all right let me give you another example let's
say if you're a real estate agent okay real estate agents uh commercial uh could be residential maybe you're an investor who calls uh you know distressed properties that's the second largest we train uh second largest industry we train out of 161 the real estate uh uh term I mean your home is I mean gosh it's really beautiful I mean what's what's caused you to feel like you might want to sell it see concerned tone okay well I mean it's really beautiful but the reason why we're wanting to sell it is and they start to expand
their pain all right I mean your home is really beautiful pause what's caused you to feel like verbal pause you might want to sell it okay that causes the prospect to internalize and think deep deeper about the question I just asked are you with me so far okay let's keep going here I'm going to show you a few other things here all right now verbal pausing is something that's extremely important to you if you want to sell a lot more than you are now and get your prospects to emotionally open up two really really good
people you should always look at for verbal pausing and I don't get into politics I got friends that are Democrats friends that are Republicans I'm more in the middle like the independent I don't I just we train sales people out of cell War uh but one really good president that was a great communicator and was really good at verbal pausing uh was President Obama and when he spoke he would say he would say something like a sentence and he'd stop for about two seconds and then he would keep talking or he would stop two seconds
and then ask a question and you'd hear the audience is like just just let their guard just like so engaged so internalizing every word he's saying just they don't they're just right there in that conversation another really good person that does that is Tony Robbins if you ever seen Tony Robbins in Live on YouTube You're Going to notice he's out in the crowd he'll talk he'll pause a couple of seconds then he'll talk more or he'll he'll like in a question we'll kind of slow it down verbal Pace it out pause a couple seconds and
then ask the rest of the question and you notice the audience is like oh my gosh like crying it's because he's triggering different emotional drivers in the brain to cause that simply by verbal pauses and verbal pacing it out so let's say here's what an average rep would do okay you you might have been taught this let me ask you something what do you do now for your and you just go right into it let me ask you something and then you just force your question down their throat well the problem is is your prospect
a lot of them unless they're lay downs feels like you're just barreling them through you're just like running them over with your question now what does the top 1% earner do how did they verbal pause look at the verbal pauses right here I'm going to show you this can I can I ask you something can I can I ask you something sure what's going on might be important right I'm asking it in a curious tone can I can I ask you something uh sure jery what do you have in mind now they're engaged right rather
than like let me ask you something what do use now can I can I ask you something sure jery go ahead and now they're going to internalize that next question very deep now you want to start acquiring more of these skills cuz what I showed you today on this training very basic compared to what our clients learn who are in your industry and dare I say might be making two three five times what you're making and they're selling the same thing you're welcome to subscribe to this Channel and you go to our free Facebook group
sales revolution. proo there'll be a link here here there about 100,000 some salespeople in there and we go live in that thing I don't know maybe two three times a week we don't even charge you for it it's on us we'll give you some golden nuggets some some what I call Nibbles so you're welcome to subscribe to the channel don't share it with your competition I promise you you don't want them to know these things and you're welcome to go to one of our free Facebook groups sales revolution. proo hope that helped you today enjoy
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