Whats New In Dragon Rework Update

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NEW DRAGON REWORK INFO JUST DROPPED!! ⭐ Become a Member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM54DMdu...
Video Transcript:
get there all right what you just saw there was my NPC for the new dragon update a few hours ago gamer robot just released a new video explaining some news regarding the dragon update about time but for real I knew this was coming out so let me explain everything in this video this was for my stream not too long ago so let's just watch it together and then after that I'm going to be going over and explaining some things that might have been left out so stick to the end because I also got some important
information to share with y'all in this video guys are you ready for this video are you guys excited I'm I'm excited yo Z there better not be any copyrighted music in this here in here there we go here we go here we go here we go here we go we're cooking we're cooking we're cooking how many 15 wait 154,000 people are tuning in I'm scared hey but we got this all right you guys ready oh let's do it all right everybody shut up I'm trying to watch this all right what's good everyone I wanted to
make a quick video talking about the crazy upcoming Dragon update so the first thing I want to talk about is the lack of communication from BL team over the last year all right if you know BL SS as a whole you know we haven't really been very active with posting update progress outside of the trailers like we never really been about that we've never done that ever I know that sucks for you guys but we always let the word do the talk instead of yapping about the struggles all right for you guys that sucks and
I admit to it it really sucks you guys are left in the dark you guys don't know what's going on newy keep positive as a whole this update was really ambitious and it just kept getting more and more and you guys know the original plan was just to rework dragons and as the delay kept getting more and more we started deciding you know to add more content to the game to make up for the delay but that ended up making the delay even worse adding more and more content and the delay got even worse absolutely
insan thanks to you guys over the last few months video lagging no this update is going to introduce a couple of new islands in C3 I'm not talking but reworked and revamped visually and performance- wise they are nice so the three islands in the background that you can see right now are PK great tree and Hydra Islands so if you keep those in mind I'm going show you a before and after right now and if you guys have paid attention in the background this whole time I've already given you guys a sneak peek of what
some of it looks like but let's go more in depth all right uh wa I didn't expect this we showing off the new the three reworked Islands so [Applause] far welcome to Port Town hey this is sick okay I I've seen a lot of this island okay is that NPC animated yeah look at the NPCs they're standing differently hydr town oh look at that dragon logo wait did you guys see that chest in the background right there right there PVP Arena oh that's a new Hydra Hydra Arena Coliseum or whatever it's called oh I I
remember this from the zart sa okay these Maps look crazier now no Blaze honestly wa wait I don't I didn't see this room wait I actually I never saw that room where is this oh is that under the waterfall oh here we go here's my Dojo hey let's [Music] go this is the in the thumbnail oh look at that look at that bonfire I wonder know what that's going to be for I've been waiting 100 years I've waited all my life for this and now we're here oh and then the Secret Door I wonder what
that's for look at look at the icons look at the icons right here got changed the models got changed it looks amazing and I'm not even trying to be glazing right now but let's keep it real the before and after is wild okay so here we got Port we got the buildings right here and then we got Hydra Island which got a complete overhaul as well now Island looks beautiful and then last but not least we got the great tree which some expect it to be one of the three islands but here you can see
in the background the great tree also got revamped got a couple of new structures in the background easier to climb the great tree now to get to the V4 area I don't know all right so enough about the maps now I want to talk about some of the basic gameplay that has been enhanced as well all right so the first thing I want to show you guys new Quest NPC indicator all right so as you guys can see these little indicators got a visual update as well and not only that you can see that every
single NPC in this game now has a idle animation so as you guys can see on the screen right now they are not moving they are just froz NPC indicator isn't that good as well so right here we got a couple of more that I can show you guys it's pretty much the same but they have ID animations these NPCs are alive now and not only that we also have new chest animation so let me find a chest real quick here we go as you can see Bo with none of the chest move they would
just stand still and now you got some more V effect and they move got a new design you collect it take care of the little things in animation that plays with sound effects so it's not stale no more all right right here we have another chest which is the Golden One collect that now we have the Dual Flint locks which is a new weapon or a revamp weapon let me show you the before and after and this version of the current block version for you guys the mobs did not have a stunned animation let me
show you guys the revamp version and the updated version I'm telling you guys the devs was cooking all right let's see okay hey he you guys can see the mob got knocked back and it had a stun animation I don't know yes sir I'm like I didn't know this not just them standing like nothing happened actually have animation now they have animation now let's see with this one yeah just like what he said see how I start glowing red when I get hit they also start glowing red when they get hit I also want to
show off the new observation all right I know you guys have seen peek on Twitter but I just want to give you guys a closer look right here oh here I come here I come y'all seen that y'all seen the new animation in the sound effect check me out check me out you're going to see me in a second boy I feel like I got Ultra Instinct in here yo shut up shut up we weave weave weave yes sir all right next up I want to talk about is the gun itself and this is not
the only gun that got revamped every single gun in the whole game got a visual reat plus a gameplay reap but just know there's a trailer coming out soon all right so here's the M1 I'm sure you guys paid attention all right and this is what it looks like with the purple Aura tell me the new AA effects are not sick I can show you again before and after but I feel like you guys already know I feel like we're in a real what the new auras look like for some weapon another fact is with
the old gun system you can see how this gun shoots two times before reloading right the old gun system and the old system in general would not have allowed that so that's why the whole gun system and the fighting system had to be changed in order for that to work next up I want to talk about the new ability HUD all right as you guys can see right here okay these are the new icons and the new ability HUD in general okay so for those of you who struggle to keep track of your cooldowns and
stuff like that now you can see when is back off of cool down so T is obviously which also got a visual reamp and this is a little sneak PE down too AA so now you can see if it's active or not we'll have a little highlight right here for those of you who always forget to turn it on you can see if it's on or not right here now and then the same goes for your observation you can see how many charges you have left right here you have nine I have nine out of
nine hits me for example now you can see those charges go down weave weave weave told you guys Ultra instant you can see the Char only time see not using dragon and then next up we have the r key which is a flash step can also right here has a little timer and you can see when it's back up and you don't have to like assum when is back up you just know all right with all that said we hope this video shows you a glimp of division the de for so long all right for
anyone that's disappointed that this video isn't a trailer this was just to give you all some peace of mind which you guys deserve and that is finally time to reignite the hype for the update and again we do want to apologize for the long delay for the update we know it's been taking unreasonably long but it's almost stay tuned all right hope you guys enjoyed this video see you guys in the next one all right peace okay guys a lot to unpack initial thoughts initial thoughts okay listen I know some of y'all are saying now
but you guys heard him you heard him you heard him in the video right let me go over what everybody just said what was just said in the video trailer coming soon are you kidding me listen look Z said for a good reason sorry it's not a trailer cuz like come on it's been a year everyone we had to explain ourselves right uh I'm not going to throw myself in there cuz I don't want to get blamed too but he said it himself I mean they they got to release the trailer first listen guys before
you guys see the first trailer I don't know when it's happening what I don't know if it's Sunday Saturday Friday there is a lot to unpack there's a lot to show there's going to be three can I say it what did he say okay I already said it there's going to be three trailers three trailers that's how much there is to show in this update after a year's time you have earned so much for your patience all right there's a lot to unpack there I bet so yes this wasn't a trailer but don't worry zus
use the scary word soon for the trailer that we all hate now because it's overused this past year but let me cleanse your worries the owners have allowed me to let y'all know that this first trailer will be dropping this weekend oh let's go let's go baby hey I know right what a shocker for once it really was soon after we said it what we saw in this video was more of like explaining what happened why the update took so long what's coming in this video we also saw new NPCs of Animation mechanics vfxs and
more we saw the new combat system some of the guns skills reload animations the ability side where we can now visually track our cool down on skills like race V3 our observation Dodges and more look you can see the cool down on your V3 oh yeah this was in the trailer too so I'm not I'm not I'm not scared of showing you now we got the observation you can see the how many Dodges you got you can see the timer on your flash step it's great and the best part of all that that's only the
tip of the iceberg what you saw was just about let's say 2 to 3% of what's really in store for y'all with this trailer this weekend in the next few trailers what you're going to see will blow your mind and I'm sorry again you don't know how many times I've gotten harassed regarding this update not happening like when it should have even though there was nothing I could do about it but now I am able to talk about it look at that see how things work out and I'm just so happy that we're finally there
seeing all the development that was made and the hard work that was put into by all these developers all these people is not only just such a reliever but knowing all this is finally coming out and also knowing that there's updates Beyond this already planned out I mean we got the dragon update coming and the future ones are already planned out so we don't really got to wait too long come on it's mindboggling to me that we are finally at this point after a year or after 11 months to be clear and just in time
for December where a lot of y'all will be on winter break all right I think that's pretty much it but I guess it really was a winter update part two after all huh oh okay no I'm sorry that that wasn't funny anyways thank you all for watching stay tuned for more news and videos if you don't want to miss out on any news regarding the dragon update or future updates after this or even don't want to miss some of the crazy content I've been playing then make sure to subscribe and turn on your notifications because
you really don't want to miss out on this stuff all right I love y'all I'm so glad we're here finally thank you guys for being so patient I just know you all will be blown away with what development team has cooked for y'all thank you for watching I'll see y'all bye
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