How to legally disappear and create a new life!

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how to legally disappear welcome back to the channel over the years lots of people have asked me hypothetically how to do certain things some of which may not be legal there is however a legal way to create a new identity and there might be a number of reasons for this you might be in a witness protection program and they might help you do it you might be escaping an abusive relationship you might just be fed up with the mundane routine of your normal life and you want new friends and new surroundings there are as I
say legal ways of doing this and I'm going to help you understand those in this video and just as a heads up I'm not going to guide you on how to do something illegal although I'll warn you about what those illegal things would be and just as another heads up I have a partner for this video which is incognate which will help you on your quest for your right to be forgotten let's get to it so first of all with the legal caveats as I said there are some illegal ways of creating a new identity
it goes without saying if you are using fraudulent documents to obtain a new identity that is fraudulent if you're stealing someone else's identity in order to create a new identity that's called identity theft and that is illegal as well obtaining fake passports or fake documents those are also illegal using any fake name or any other fake identity to apply for credit or loans and these kind of things are also illegal and also hiding from law enforcement and authorities under a false identity when you are required to provide your information to the authorities is also illegal
just as is lying to the authorities or the officials about your identity and all of these sorts of things so having labored the point enough let's get on with how you might actually create a new identity or just erase yourself from the internet so let's take a look at your identity as a whole there are lots of bits of information all of which make up who you are and this makes up your identity online your identity in person and the identity with which you address yourselves to each of the company with whom you deal including
your Banks and everybody else now clearly one thing which is going to be essential for you to disappear is to removal traces of your existence online and this might just be because you're fed up of being online you're fed up of other people knowing information about you and you want all that to be gone and that's of course just one step but what if you want to go even further than that and create a whole new identity well as a brief recap to the legal scenario if you have a National Insurance number or in other
jurisdictions a social security number this is always going to stay the same in the case of a National Insurance number you will be assigned one as soon as you begin working and that will never change I don't know of any case where anyone's been issued a new National Insurance number although that's not to say it's impossible in certain extreme cases of witness protection perhaps they are issued with a new to National Insurance number if other people have it and it would put them in danger and so on but other than that your National Insurance number
will always stay the same and of course your birth certificate is going to stay the same because you're not going to be born twice but apart from that there are several things that you can do to legally try to disappear for example you could quite simply change your name now lots of people think that you need to go through a whole expensive legal process to change your name in fact it is just a deed of name change and as long as it is executed as a deed meaning it's got to be signed by you in
a wetting signature and it's got to be witnessed and various other things you can change your name and anybody that's got married will be familiar with this kind of process because most people that get married one party or both parties will change their surname one aside from this with which we've had clients come to us with difficulties before now is changing the name often disassociates them from their credit report meaning they can't get credit card cards they can't get loans they can't even get mobile phone contracts and to rectify this they just need to tell
the companies to associate their old name with their new name which most of them do because they will ask you have you been known by any former names that helps them to link your new name with your old name so you don't lose your credit history but as for general public they are not going to necessarily know your new name if you've ever looked for somebody that you knew at school and you can't find them in social media and you may eventually come across them but they have a different name different surname and so apart
from the first name which may not be something you necessarily remember you may very well not be able to find that person online simply because they've changed their name so one way of Legally disappearing is legally changing your name emphasis on the legally because there are some illegal ways of doing this for example if you're on certain kind of registers then you are required to notify the authorities of that name change and of course if you have a driving license and if you have a passport you are required to update the dvla with the up-to-date
information of your new name but that's just the dvla and that's just the passport office as for anybody else if you wanted to disappear they are not necessarily going to know who you are but then of course you're going to want to erase all online instances of yourself or your old self your old name so for that you might start going around online deleting accounts or simply changing your name but simply changing your name on online accounts is not necessarily going to be enough if you want to completely disappear and completely Escape then you'll want
a new set of friends and a new set of acquaintances and if you simply change your name on social media platforms then everybody's going to know that you've adopted a new name so one thing you might start doing is closing down those accounts online and pop up fresh ones when you have indeed legally changed your name but one other thing you might want to do is to remove yourself from all manner of different databases and one excellent way of doing that is with the service that I mentioned who I'm partnered with for this this video
called incognate because I would challenge you to find any of the data Brokers that would have your information stored on their databases which by the way they regularly sell onto other companies which is why once you're searching for one thing Donuts perhaps then sure enough up pop the adverts or for donuts just because you've searched for them once and this goes for members of your family and your friends as well just perhaps because you're sharing the same IP address but as I said I would challenge you to know who any of these data Brokers are
I certainly didn't know who any of these are in cogney however have a database of the database Brokers and they will go through a legal process all in an automated fashion for you to require them to remove your information from their databases not just stop them from selling it on to other parties but to legally remove it under gdpr the right to be forgotten and under various common law Provisions to require them to remove your information from their databases because once your information is out there on the dark web there is very little that you
can do about it but you can get in first you can go to these data Brokers using incogni there is a unique link on screen right now and I will put it in the description below with a unique deal that you can get because I'm partnered with incogni and in an automated process you can go through eliminating all of your information from these data Brokers but what else might you do if you want to totally disappear create a new identity new you new life new starter fresh well there's one little story that I'd like to
tell you because many years ago I worked with another entrepreneur to start a new business now we've parted ways some time ago but I'll never forget one or two things that he said to me one of which was if you want to be successful you need to get rid of all your friends and I found this a really odd thing to say because who wants to get rid of all their friends most people don't have many friends to begin with and those you've got you probably would want to keep but there was a really interesting
point behind the suggestion because if someone wants to be super successful then very often their friends are either going to be jealous or they're not going to share the vision or they're somehow going to jeopardize it or were still they're just going to take up all of your time and distract you and then you won't be focused on the new business and as the saying goes success is lonely when you do get very successful you do find that you have very few friends because a lot of friends will show themselves to be a little bit
selfish untrustworthy and perhaps only be around you because they think they can get something from you lucky if you can count on one hand your friends that are not going to do that so again if you want to legally and safely disappear whilst it might be pulling the plug on lots of things some people suggest that you tear up your friends list and you see who stays in contact with you after doing so because those who are true friends are going to check in and see how you are and if they don't clearly they've just
forgotten about you other practical things you can do to disappear and create a new identity are quite literally to move to a new place especially if you've adopted a new name legally I might add but also you might find new interests new hobbies you might just start doing those things that you always wanted to do but never thought you could for example you could meet lots of new people in a new place with a new name by volunteering and making yourself helpful if you've always wanted to be an accountant or a doctor or a lawyer
or an engineer or a nautical research scientist you can do each and any one of these things if you choose to you just have to know where to start on the path and get started you don't have to move cities or change names to do this this could be a new identity a new you because it's absolutely never too late to pick up a new study a new subject you can do a whole range of degrees for example with open University from anywhere in the world so you could literally move any way you'd like with
a new name doing what you wish start a new degree with open University and you start down that path and before you know it you've got the life that you always dreamed that you wanted only so many people told you it wouldn't be possible earlier on over the years of running my channels I've had so many emails and questions asking me is it too late to start studying law is it too late to become a barrister or a solicitor or anything else for that matter and my answer is always the same it is never too
late because you could always take up a degree take up a new study and create this new identity that you so desire and in fact many of my viewers some of you may be watching this video now if you are comment below have emailed me to say that they are on the path to becoming a barrister or they've just started a law degree and they stay in touch with me and I'm humbled that they say that I've been some inspiration to them to begin learning law to begin down a new education path a new career
path a new life and a new identity a new you and a few more words of wisdom that I don't own but I will pass on there will be a little voice in your head and there'll be voices from other people to say that you can't do something it's too difficult you're too old it's too long it's too expensive it's too competitive and you'll just never make it that little voice in your head give it a name and as soon as you hear that voice in your head saying you can't do something this is too
difficult or it's to this it's to that give that voice a name acknowledge that it's there there's an excellent book I will also Link in the description below called the chimp Paradox I will link that as a book for you to read in the description below which talks of the idea that there are two parts to our personality and one is more animal than the other and it reacts emotionally quickly and indefensively trying to protect you from different situations and that voice will very often tell you you can't do this it's too dangerous it's too
difficult it's this it's that give that voice a name in the book it refers to it as your inner chimp you can call it whatever you wish you can think of it as you wish so long as you acknowledge that it's there and by acknowledging the presence of this voice and this ulterior sort of thought process that goes on inside your head and sometimes is reinforced by other people usually out of bitterness jealousy or any number of different things give those voices a name as well acknowledge that they are there but then also acknowledge that
they are not your voice they don't control what you do they don't tell you what to do and they have absolutely zero impact on what you do with your life so I was motivated to make this video because lots of people just recently after kovid have asked me is it too late to start a new career is it too late to become a barrister is it too late to start studying law and all these kind of things well absolutely no it isn't because I was in that position of wanting to study law when I was
16. and I was told by the so-called careers advisor that it was too difficult too expensive too competitive and I'd never make it and then I said to them well in that case I'd like to go into business for myself then and again they said no it's too difficult too competitive too expensive and you'll never make it well guess what I've done both of those albeit that way around I did business first and I came back to law many years later at an age where many people might think that it's too late to come back
to law but that's exactly what I did and I went through the process headstrong started the degree and did two law degrees in fact back to back with bar school and became a practicing Barrister so it's absolutely never too late and even in the words of Tony Robbins he said that he created this person that you call Tony Robbins he said that everybody was telling him similar things that he'd never make it he's on to nothing he's just wasting his time because he spent years doing these seminars and not really getting anywhere but obviously today
he speaks to tens upon tens of millions of people and in his words he created that person that you call or Tony Robbins and you can create someone for yourself too and if you want an Absolutely Fresh Approach to this to prevent all of these companies from selling on your data to other people support me and my partner with my link on screen and in the description below with incogni you can have a one-step automated process to contact all of these data Brokers to remove your data from the internet and that can help you to
create a new you not only will that help to stop you getting bombarded with advertisements but it will also help prevent identity theft and all kinds of other difficulties you might have when they selling on your data so I hope you found this video interesting and useful remember my legal disclaimers at the beginning please do remember to like the video and subscribe because we're here on black belt Secrets created for you the secrets of a wonderful life thank you for watching
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