41 TRUE Scary HORROR Stories from REDDIT // Lets Not Meet (Vol. 1-10)

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Video Transcript:
before the video begins I just want to thank everyone for all the amazing support thus far the channel has grown tremendously and I can't wait to see where it goes from here this video is a compilation of the first 10 volumes of the true scary horror stories or true terrifying tal series that either you as subscribers have submitted or have been narrated from the awesome authors over it redit let's not meet now it would be a dream to continue making narrations and videos here on let's read fulltime and every day that goes by it is
seeming more and more like a possibility if you'd wish to assist me in achieving that reality I've recently started my own patreon and PayPal accounts linked in the description below but I ask that you only donate should your heart feel inclined to be so generous all proceeds will go to continuing to generate better and more frequent content here for this awesome Community to enjoy so without further Ado let's begin I am 22 and this incident happened a year and a half ago I had just moved into my first apartment and was in the process of
moving in the door that led into my apartment locks itself up automatically when closed so I was going to the entrance of my apartment complex to get my mail while talking on the phone with my boyfriend I returned to my apartment and sat on the bed while opening the mail while using the phone I dropped the phone on the floor and it landed under the bed so I had to lie on the floor and stretch for it I saw something that caught my eye there was someone under my bed my eyes widened and I choked
the urge to scream the person under my bed was lying still with his back towards me and his head to his chest so I couldn't see his face and he didn't see me trying to be rational while so many thoughts rushed through my head I picked up the phone and said sorry I dropped my phone I'm just going to take a shower and call you back the bathroom is right by my bed so I hastily walked in quietly locked the door turned the shower on jumped out my window my apartment is on the first floor
and called the police they told me to wait nearby but to go across the street and see if anyone comes out the door of the apartment complex this was during summer and it was still light out I placed myself across the street hiding behind a car while watching my open bathroom window in the entry door I called my boyfriend and they came to me just before the police I gave them my keys and they went inside only moments later two cops came out holding a thin and tired looking man his eyes looked crazy but he
didn't try to get away the policeman that had stood beside me and comforted me while the police searched through my house I was a mess shivering and crying told me that the man stood outside my bathroom door with one of my kitchen knives waiting for me to come out this man had somehow crept in my entry door while I was getting my mail and hid under the bed the man that was trying to hurt me turned out to be a homeless person and was placed in a mental hospital my boyfriend moved in with me the
very next day Jane when I was about 11 I had a steady babysitter named Jane my brother and sister were 17 and 18 so they were either too cool to babysit me or busy with school around this time Jane was their age but I don't think think her family had a lot of money so she would babysit me almost every weekend instead of doing normal teenager stuff my family lived in a pretty well to-do CU AAC in the back of a large neighborhood it was one of those neighborhoods where the houses got nicer the further
you went back the houses at the front by the main road were not as nice but still not terrible or anything and this is where Jane lived since I was 11 and prep pubescent I was a huge pain in the ass but not to Jane I looked at her as a best friend we did so many fun things together and I could truly tell that Jane loved me one Saturday night my mom was making plans for the next week but for the first time Jane couldn't babysit she had her first prom she was very excited
because the boy had had a crush on her for years and asked her I knew because she had been telling me about him since she started High School my mother and I were both very excited for her and I saw my mom hand her way more money than usual Jane's eyes teared up and she gave us both a hug and left since this was the mid90s everyone got babysit sitters from Word of Mouth my mom heard from another mother that a girl that used to babysit for her kids had just moved back to her parents
house after grad school she lived down the street from Jane her name was Becky and my mom called her up to see if she could babysit me that Saturday Becky excitedly said yes and proceeded to ask my mom somewhat strange but not entirely alarming question like how tall I was what I look like Etc there might have been other questions but I was just hearing my mom's side of the conversation when she hung up the phone my mom said to my Dad wow she sure is thorough I was a little nervous as Jane had been
the only one to babysit me for years in the rare instances she couldn't do it my parents usually just canceled their plans but this was a work party and my dad was being honored so that wasn't an option A couple of days before Becky was to come I begged my mom to call Jane I wanted to see if I could come over the night of prom and see her in her dress my mom kept telling me she wouldn't want me there and that I could see pictures but I insisted so my mom called J and
handed the phone to me hey there may how are you I'm good I wanted to see if I could come over on Saturday and see you in your prom dress of course I'm getting my hair done but you can come after that maybe around 5:30 tell your mom to call first and make sure that I'm home it won't be my mom it'll be Becky dead Sil Ence wait what since you couldn't watch me my mom found a girl named Becky to do it long pause okay sweetie that's fine she hurly got me off the phone
I went to school the next day and came home to my mom hanging up the phone shaking her head poor Jane her date doesn't want to take her anymore I guess they had a fight she wanted to know if she could still watch you this Saturday I feel bad cancelling on Becky but it's completely up to you of course I chose Jane and as usual we had tons of fun I didn't bring up the prom because I didn't want to make her sad but then she asked me if I wanted to play dress up we
did each other 's hair and put on my mom's dresses and took pictures with my mother's Polaroid it was the best night of an 11-year-old's life Jane went to Community College and by the time she went to a four-year school I no longer needed a babysitter we kept in touch a little after that but before long we both got busy and we lost touch this is where the story ended until this past weekend I ran into Jane at a bar she was not sober in fact she was very drunk she didn't seem to be doing
well she was very thin and it looked like she had track marks on her arms this made me extremely sad because she was one of those people I loved most in the world at least at one time I sat next to her at the bar and asked how she was doing her face lit up and she gave me a big hug I always knew you would do well for yourself look at you you're all grown up and beautiful you look great too Jane no I don't but it's okay we started talking and she was drinking
even more I got the feeling that she was in blackout territory she was with a group of of people that seem to be her friends so I wasn't entirely worried for her but I still didn't want to leave her for some reason she seemed really happy to see me we started reminiscing and once it was my turn to bring up a story again I said remember that dirt bag that stood you up from prom so we staged our own prom with pictures and everything oh that was great he didn't stand me up the replacement babysitter
was a sick [ __ ] when I was little she beat me sexually abused me threatened me and locked me in closets then she would invite her boyfriend over and do the same things to me she told me if I ever told anyone she would kill my family and I would have to live in an orphanage she took pictures of me too I had repressed it until you said her name that day now it's all back all of it I should have told someone but it's too late now I just didn't want people to know
what had happened to me I thought they would look at me differently I regret so much who knows what else she did she sat down her drink and gave me a hug and a good to see you like she hadn't just dropped a major bomb on me she stumbled out with her boyfriend everything came flooding back to me the phone conversation with Becky with all the details Jane's silence when I said Becky's name how Jane stayed with me every single weekend until I was old enough to not need a babysitter some people might say Jane
should have told someone but she was just a kid but she was an extraordinary kid she gave up her prom to save me she gave up every single weekend after that so nothing would ever happen to me she was my guardian angel unfortunately Jane didn't have her own Jane and it makes me feel horrible so Becky let's not meet if we do I might just rip your throat out for changing the life of the most extraordinary person I had ever known no good deed goes unpunished this happened in the fall of 1993 when I was
20 years old in the interest of context this was before I started college and I was working in the material prep Department of a plastic factory on the the night shift I was the only woman in the department my male co-workers were initially skeptical that I could handle the job but I proved myself and earned their respect it was hard work but on the plus side it also put me in the best shape of my life it was also about this time that I'm dumped by my abusive boyfriend he was verbally emotionally and physically abusive
as well as an alcoholic this fact more than anything is probably why I got myself into this situation in the first place i' just gotten off of work and it was about 1:30 a.m. my car was running on fumes so I stopped at a local gas station to fill up while I was pumping gas a woman about my age approached me looking nervous and scared she said that she had been at her boyfriend's house and they had had a fight she'd walked to the gas station to use the pay phone and call a friend to
pick her up on her way up to the station A car pulled up as she was walking and the guys inside started cat calling and harassing her with a slight movement of her head she indicated a car that was parked off to the side by the gas station dumpsters I saw a large light green car like a caddy or a Lincoln with at least two or three shadowy figures inside she said they threatened her and she was too scared to call her friend and wait the woman was neat well dressed and didn't seem high or
drunk or anything like that she just seemed really nervous and freaked out so I didn't even hesitate I finished pumping my gas and told her to hop in the car that I'd take her home at that time on a week night there was little traffic so I booked it right out of the gas station and asked her where she had lived she kept twisting around in the seat to see if the car was behind us and when I asked her to put her seat belt on she ignored me and kept looking for the car I
assumed she was just scared a few blocks down the road however I noticed she was looking around the car and she started asking me about money where's your purse where's your bag I need money you need to give me some money my stomach sank I have this woman in my car and now she's going to rob me [ __ ] but when I thought about it robbery just didn't make much sense I I was driving a 1985 chevet affectionately named shitbox and was wearing my work clothes a ratty t-shirt and jeans with combat boots I
did not look like a person with a lot of cash primarily because I wasn't a person with a lot of cash she twisted around in the seat again and started yelling there they are there they are she didn't sound scared anymore I checked the rear view and sure enough the light green car is right behind me she started cackling and bouncing up and down in the seat my boys are going to [ __ ] you up [ __ ] they're going to [ __ ] you up she's laughing like crazy opening the glove box looking
in the back for a bag or purse telling me all the messed up [ __ ] these guys are planning to do to me now if I had been smart I would have just driven to the police station actually if I had been very smart I would have called the cops from the gas station and waited with her until they had arrived that would have been the intelligent thing to do unfortunately none of this crossed my mind until later in the moment I just got really really [ __ ] angry I realized three key things
all at once there was an intersection up ahead with cars on either side waiting to cross and the light had just turned yellow I had a spare box cutter that I had kept for work in the driver's side door compartment the crazy [ __ ] still hadn't put on her seat belt I didn't think I floored it and passed under the yellow light just as it turned red I glanced back to see if the green car was still behind me but the cross traffic at the intersection had started to move and they hadn't caught up
the [ __ ] started yelling and I slammed on the brakes and she hit the dash and winds sailed with a solid and viciously satisfying crack when she rebounded to the passenger seat I had the box cutter in her face and was screaming some serious batshit crazy I can't remember exactly what I said but it was along the lines of get the [ __ ] out get the [ __ ] out of my car before I cut your face and make you eat it [ __ ] the crazy screaming and box cutter combo worked she
grabbed blindly at the handle and popped the door open and I started shoving and punching her until the [ __ ] tumbled at the door to the curb I stopped on the gas got to the next turn and squealed around it with the passage passeng your door still open I made a few more turns because I was afraid that the green car might catch up to me after a little while I stopped to close the passenger door and then I cut across town and got onto the highway to go home I was on the highway
for about 5 minutes before the shake started I pulled off to the shoulder to calm down and get my [ __ ] together and then I drove home I told my older sister I was living with her temporarily after the breakup with my ex everything that had happened she wrapped me in a tight bear hug while simultaneously yelling about how stupid I was for not going to the police I'd never been so glad to be yelled at in my life I thought this was only an urban legend I was driving home from work at 2:00
a.m. I'm a nurse and I live in a small City the roads were totally deserted and it was a freezing night I don't live far from work maybe a couple of Miles I'm driving down a residential street around the corner from my house and I see a man laying face down in the street now remember I'm a nurse my first thought was great going to help this guy up I was coming off a long shift and Falls happen all the time as I slowed down the car I suddenly realized what an idiot move that was
I'm a 100b woman and I don't carry any weapons I thought I should do something to help the guy so I called 911 as I drove past him and slowed to a stop at the end of the block while I was stopped at the light I explained to the dispatcher that there was a man in the road who might need some assistance all of a sudden I hear a loud bang bang from the driver's side window I screamed and looked over a man was pounding on my window and jiggling the handle of my locked car
I looked in the rearview mirror and saw that there was no man laying in the street still on the phone with 911 I screamed I'm so scared to the dispatcher and floored through the red light I quickly told him what had happened and even though I was right by my house he told me to keep driving after a few minutes I had calmed down and he told me to loop back around I pulled over down the road from my house and stayed in the car I didn't see the man anywhere so I got off the
phone with the dispatcher who told me he was sending a police car to cruise the area as I gathered up my things I do a final scan of the area and I see the man he is walking with two other men I hunched way down in my car until they were far down the road then bolted into my house I don't know if he had ill intent but freaks me the hell out that he wasn't alone always lock your doors and Carri mace the weirdo at McDonald's aka the day I lost some of my innocence
when I was growing up my dad and I lived with my grandparents my parents had me while they were teenagers and my dad got full custody because he lived with grandparents and my mom was just living with random friends going from house to house every few weeks I was the daughter my grandparents never had and they doed on me when I was six my grandpa passed away from cancer this story takes place about 5 months after he passed away this was I believe a Saturday and my dad was at work my gram decided to take
me to McDonald's for lunch and like any six-year-old I was really excited so we go to the McDonald's that was about a mile and a half from our house order our lunch and sit down at the table to eat at the time we were the only ones eating inside about 10 minutes after we sit down a scraggly looking man walks in orders a meal and sits down at the table diagonally in front of us to the left the area we live in was middle and upper middle class so this guy looked pretty out of place
Graham had her back to him but I could see him perfectly this man was at least in his mid-50s with a really wiry ragly and dirty white hair and beard he had on blue shirts and a white T-shirt also kind of dirty and sandals it's amazing this happened 21 years ago and I can remember it like it was yesterday so I noticed that under the table the man had something dark pink and wrinkly in his lap and he kept glancing at me and rubbing it every few seconds in kindergarten we learned about stranger danger and
Good Touch Bad Touch and learned which parts of the body weren't supposed to be touched it clicked in my six-year-old head that this man was not supposed to have that out like that nor doing what he was doing I got really queasy and nervous I didn't want to tell my Graham right then and there because I thought the man would hurt us if my dad had been there I would have said something because my dad was my hero and could take on anybody instead I put my Happy Meal box in front of my face so
my view of the guy would be blocked I had about half my food left but it lost my appetite Graham asked me if I was full and I just nodded yes I was and still am very petite so not finishing a full meal was nothing new for me she asked me if I wanted to go play in the play area before we left but I just shook my head and quietly said I want to go home Graham cleared our table and we left when we got home I was still really nervous and felt like I
was going to throw up Graham asked me what's the matter munchkin and I started crying and told her about the man at the McDonald's and what I saw my Graham didn't Panic or freak or get hysterical she just hugged me and said it's all right go onto your room and play and I'll take care of it she wiped away my tears gave me a blueberry Kool-Aid burst and told our dog patches to go to my room with me which she did after I was out of earshot Graham called the McDonald's and told them about the
guy he was still there the manager told Graham he'd take care of it and call her back an hour later the manager calls back and tells Graham they called the police who showed up in record time and arrested the guy when the police told the man to stand up his Franken beans were still hanging out of the sh shorts the manager also told Graham that she could bring me back for a month's worth of coupons for free Happy [Music] Meals just to give you some background information I'm a 29-year-old female and this happened to me
4 years ago my family lived on a farm in rural Outback Western Australia just north of Geraldton in a modest looking wooden Farmhouse my son and I lived here alone most of the time while my husband worked on rotation up north on the mines we had no neighbors no mobile phone reception and very little connection with the outside world with the exception of the television there was only one window in the house situated above my bed in the bedroom it was a small old wooden framed window with no curtains however the window was completely jammed
and as much as I had tried to close it there was about 2 in of opening near the bottom of the window frame my husband and I spent a while trying to spil the hinges and loosen it up the day before he left to go to work again but we gave up as it wasn't a huge issue at the time fast forward to a couple of nights later I'm standing in front of the television doing the ironing and watching Sex in the City reruns while my son is asleep in my bed as I walk up
the hallway to enter the laundry to grab another load of washing I passed my bedroom and pop my head in to check on my son my heart stops the window frame above my bed is Shuffling from side to side my eyes scan down and what I see next will never leave my mind again there were two hands squeezing through the gap of my window trying to lift up the jammed frame I scream the house down grabbed my son the phone and locked myself in the bathroom and called the police I'd hate to think what would
happen if I hadn't been walking past the bedroom at that exact [Music] moment this happened when I was 13 years old I'm a female and much older now I lived in a quiet safe neighborhood with one sketchy block before mine it was a corner that had four bars one on each Corner my parents were strict they were the kind that had to not only meet my friends but their parents as well the year I turned 13 I was old enough to go to our community teen hangout I don't want to give the name as it
may give away my location he paid $3 to get in it was open only on Friday nights and the hours were from 700 p.m. to 10 p.m. I lived about a/4 mile from the center and it was located in town my path was well lit until I got the last four blocks that included the bars I was allowed to walk and meet my best friend halfway she lived closer than I did to the center because of the area one night after the center closed I was walking my usual route when I noticed a guy pacing
me on the other side of the street I had already left my friend and I had six more blocks to go I wasn't sure he was following me so I decided to try and play a game I would randomly stop and look at something in a store window using the glass to see if he stopped too and he did I tried this a few more times s and every time he stopped with me I was approaching the four bars and there were a lot of motorcycles and people out next to their bikes drinking and being
loud I wasn't apprehensive because these guys never bothered me and I had been walking this way for 3 weeks without any problem from them the guy kept up with me until we reached the bars then I noticed him turn around I relaxed and high tailed at home thinking I was going to be in trouble for being later than normal I didn't tell my mom and dad what happened because I reasoned nothing had happened and it was just my overactive imagination cue the next Friday with a repeat of the previous Friday I did tell my friend
who said she could get her mom to drive me home and I told her no because I didn't want to lose Privileges and he didn't really do anything yet I should also mention that around this time I was stopped one evening by the bikers at the bar a woman asked me why I was always coming home so late by myself she was nice and I explained what I was doing after that they would always wave but never stop me the next Friday the guy crossed the street I froze for the first time I could see
him he didn't seem too scary he was an older man and he was about 6 ft tall not really heavy and had dark hair and blue eyes I started to back away because it felt weird that he had crossed the street I was just about to the bar where the bikers were I started to run run and he chased after me saying I just want you to be my daughter I was starting to cry I was so scared and he was gaining on me fast what happened next is kind of a blur I remember yelling
stay away from me at this point and I was right next to the bar I was just screaming I felt someone grab me and heard men yelling I was trying to get up out of the grasp of whoever had me when I heard a familiar voice say stop I have you I froze looked up and collapsed into a ball of Tears the other bikers had the guy and someone called the police my parents picked me up and I thought I was in so much trouble with them but they had just hugged me and said it
would be okay I don't know what happened to the guy and my parents stopped me from going to the Center for a while I did get a chance to thank the people that help me and I hope that guy gets help so we won't try to kidnap someone else for a [Music] daughter I work inside of a pizzeria in a 24-hour gas station it's actually very small so we share a freezer refrigerator and back room with the gas station cashiers the pizza place is a new addition approximately 3 months to the gas station and so
far my boss has only hired three College age girls including myself to work here so I will begin this story from the time I was hired and work my way up to the present day the first few days of my employment at the gas station it was very nice the gas station cashier who I usually worked with would frequently offer me free food and drinks from the soda fountain which I often took home he was an older guy probably in his early to mid 40s with a very thick accent and a loose grasp on English
he was also very tall compared to us girls probably a foot and a half difference 6' 5 another cashier told me that he was Persian that was pretty neat I thought until things started getting weird one Saturday night while him and I were alone there common occurrence due to the small size of the station he asked me to come to his house party I poly declined he was clearly upset but didn't say much else until the next day I want to get to know you he would say throughout the day he wrote down his phone
number and awkwardly stuffed it into my backpack as I was leaving that night I smiled politely and told him sorry I'm very busy I didn't stick around to talk things escalated from there every few days he would ask me to go out for coffee or that he would buy me dinner and every time I would decline saying I was busy he was getting more and more frustrated every time I would say no but honestly he scared me I wasn't going to outright tell him that no I'm not interested and won't ever be for some small
fear in the back of my mind that he would hurt me this went on for about a month until the offers almost stopped completely by this point I was avoiding absolutely all contact with him and I'm sure he picked up on it when he and I were in the same room I was completely tense and refused to say anything I even started consistently locking the door to the pizzeria for fear that he would come in he tried to wander in once or twice but of course couldn't that made him angry I still wouldn't let him
in and handed him whatever he needed over the counter I drive a motorcycle so there's no getting in and locking the doors when I leave at 12:00 a.m. and he knew that one night about 2 months in I was leaving for the night he had already left but I was still tense I felt a little crazy at first for doing this but ever since I started reading let's not meet about 2 years ago I always carry a knife on me no exceptions so that night like most nights I had my knife open in my pocket
with my hand on it I looked around the rather empty cameralist parking lot and saw his car parked a few spaces away I wasn't sure it was even his so I wasn't worried and kind of laughed at myself for being so worked up I started my bike to give it time to warm up at that moment the door to his car opens and I am 100% in fear mode I frantically and awkwardly shov on my helmet hey he calls hey I don't answer I just start rolling my motorcycle out of the parking space he strolls
out from the shadows and stands a foot or so in front of me give me a kiss he says in a really unsettling tone he also puts his hand on my hammer bar big no no and I reach for my pocket he takes a slightly startled step back probably thinking that I have pepper spray or something in that second that he steps back my fighter flight kicks in and I tear out of that parking lot where are you going he shouted really angry I didn't say anything I rationalized that he didn't actually touch me so
who would care my bosses were all foreign as well wouldn't they stick up for him after that he stopped talking to me completely there were no more Awkward advances and I finally felt like I could relax until of course when my coworker was alone with him a few days ago he had always called her the fat girl and the Ugly one but I didn't say anything about that either when she went into the refrigerator to get some milk from the Shelf he was in there while her back was turned he grabbed her from behind forcibly
groped her and kissed her and she was too scared to fight back I don't know much else about the event she doesn't want to talk about it either but I know that if I had said something that probably wouldn't have happened to her he was immediately fired and is on his way back to Iran in the next week and I don't know what to do about it or how to help her but I'd like your advice and if all you want to say is that I'm an idiot well I deserve it sorry for the long
post and creepy gas station cashier let's not meet I am not afraid anymore [Music] this happened to me when I was a young boy I am now in my late 50s and haven't thought about being 10 years old in a long time my youngest kid told me about this website a while back so I thought you might all like to hear the story of someone I would never want to meet again I remember it being around my 10th birthday when everything changed in my life from my family I remember it being the best birthday yet
because my mom had secretly saved up enough money to buy me my own bicycle and I was more than thrilled no more borrowing my older brothers when he let me or standing on the back or sitting on the handlebars of a friend's bike we were by no means well off when I was young we didn't have much so getting that bike had meant a lot to me my father was a man who worked a lot and drank even more than he worked I was pretty sure he was drunk more than he was ever sober and
because of that he was hardly around that was okay with me my siblings and my mother for the most part things were actually nice and peaceful when he was not home in the nights he did actually come home we knew right a away to steer clear of him be quiet and leave him alone we lived outside of a small town down a long dirt road with not very many neighbors nearby the closest one was a good mile down from us a really big Farmhouse with a lot of fields around them I remember being friends with
their kids as they were around the same age as us and we went to school together their mom was very sweet and I always offered us something to eat or drink when we would stop down there and their dad well he was the complete opposite of our father I never seen him drink or yell or slap them or the mother around we knew that not every family was like ours and that some fathers out there actually seemed to care for them like I said I remember it being around my 10th birthday because my mom had
baked a big cake for myself my brother and my two younger sisters to share and of course she had some too then she took me out back where she had hidden the bike from me in one of the sheds and I remember screaming with excitement hugging and kissing her telling her I loved her and that she was the greatest mother ever I hopped on it right away and took off up and down the road to test it out it was a great feeling in that moment when something so great happens you kind of forget the
regular hell life you seem to live every other day it's hard to explain I guess I remember riding my bike down the dirt road on my way home from running into town to pick up something at the grocery store for my mom when my dad's pickup tra past me and kept heading on down toward home it made me want to not even go back home but really what else could I do the sun was just starting to go down and normally if he did come home it was right after work or very late at night
after he left who knows where so it was kind of odd he was on his way home at this time of day by the time I pulled up into the yard I could already hear the yelling I could hear my mom's voice trying trying to reason with him for something or other and then I would hear my dad's voice just overpower hers I heard something smash I didn't want to go inside I could hear my little sister's balling and then I heard my mom crying too my older brother just happened to be down at the
neighbor's place that had the Farmhouse I really didn't want to go inside at this point I heard another smash I decided wanted to go in because I couldn't leave my mom and sisters in there alone with him I peaked in the window of the door before I actually walked in and saw the house getting destroyed right in front of my family by my crazy drunk father I tried to open the door slightly and getting my sister's attention to come out but my dad had seen and went from focusing on them to me I blocked a
lot of this out but from what I can remember he turned and went straight for me and picked me up by my shoulders and started screaming in my face my mom was behind him begging him to put me down but he just turned around and gave her another slap in the face then she backed down from what I could tell that was coming out of him he was livid when he saw me riding down the road on a bike he knew wasn't my Brothers when he got home he confronted my mom on where it came
from and how I was on it he got out of her that she had secretly been stashing away money to save up to get me the bike and my dad lost it when she told him that I'm sure he was probably on a five or six day heavy drinking binge at this point because I remember the smell of his breath was like sour whiskey pouring into my nostrils as he screamed at me he was sure that my brother was hiding other things from him and he was going to find out what that is why he
started tearing up the house in the 5 minutes it took from him passing me on the road until I got there he had done quite a bit all the furniture was thrown around lamps and pictures had been smashed he threw me against one of the walls and as I looked up from the floor he had stormed into the kitchen and smashed what was left of my birthday cake against the back door both my sisters were huddled in the corner holding each other while my mom cried and had blood running down her face that was it
for me this was the worst I had ever seen my father and I was scared I ran out of the house hopped on my bike and started heading towards the neighbors we didn't have a telephone at the time but I knew they did and I was going to call the police in town and stop him I hardly got out of the driveway when I heard the front door open and heard my father yelling to me to get my ass back there I just kept on pedaling thinking I needed to get to the neighbors and everything
would be better that's when I heard his truck start up and I looked behind me as he was backing out of the driveway and started heading towards me I could see the neighbor's house in the distance and I just kept pedaling until I started to see the headlights getting closer and closer I looked behind me and he was so close that I knew he was going to hit me I remember just jumping off the bike towards the side of the road and tumbling down into the side of the field I shot up and just started
running across the field towards the neighbors he hearing my dad yelling but not really caring when I looked behind me I seen that my father had already turned around and was heading back towards our house I got to the neighbors a few minutes later and pounded on the door their mother opened the door and took a step back because at this point I was sobbing shaking and probably didn't look like my normal self she took me inside and called to her husband to get in there I was in the middle of telling them what happened
when my brother and his friend walked in from playing out back and in about 2 seconds he was at the door heading towards home the mother called the police in town and they said they would send someone out right away about 10 minutes had passed and no police had shown up so I begged the husband to please drive me down to my house I didn't know what was happening and I was scared he agreed since he knew my little sister and my mom were there about halfway down the road we passed my bike it was
completely mangled up my father had ran it over with his truck I started crying again partly because I love that bike and mostly because I could have still been on it when he did that we get to the house and my father's truck has gone a apparently my brother ran all the way home picked up a baseball bat that was on the side of the house and with no hesitation walked into the living room and smashed my dad's kneecap in as he laid there screaming my brother grabbed my sister and mother and ran into one
of the bedrooms he managed to crawl out to his truck and drive away though the cops showed up just a few minutes after the neighbor and I arrived and took a look at everything that had happened they found my father about an hour later one town over at the Local Tavern said it wasn't very hard to find someone since he was a well-known drunk in the area and the Bars were the first places they were going to look for him they arrested him pretty much on the spot that night after the police found my father
the neighbors invited us to stay with them for however long we needed to my mother was embarrassed but so very thankful for their help we only stayed a couple of days enough time for my mom to make arrangements to leave that town and go live with my aunt her sister for a while and a couple hundred miles away from where we lived I never did see my father again after that and I have never really minded I know he wasn't in jail for too long because shortly after we got settled in at my aunt's was
when we got the phone calls and letters but my mom never caved and went back who would after a year or so he gave up and agreed to a divorce I never really paid much attention to that as I was still young and was living a different life than I had before we stayed with my aunt for a couple of years until my mom saved up enough money after getting a job to get her own place at that point my brother was 16 or 17 so he also was helping bring in money from his job
as well as myself with a newspaper route I even saved up enough money to get myself another bike life was better than it had ever been [Music] Mad Jack a sweet old man with a dark side this happened when I was around 4 years old so around 1992 or 93 I've been trying to dig up some information on when it happened and possibly a newspaper article because it was actually a big deal in my town I guess I'll start off by giving some background my Nana was friends with an old man named Jack when I
was a very little girl jack was always a super nice guy but he also had a reputation for getting rowdy when he would drink a pretty typical angry drunk from what I heard although he was always kind and respectful to my family and I now Jack had some kind of Feud going on with a neighbor down the road for a bit it was a common thing to see Jack at the bar or at a party drinking and talking about this neighbor who he hated so much and he was always ranting about how one day he
was just going to walk down there and blow this guy away with a shotgun of course his friends always calmed him down and this was a typical routine for years so nobody thought he would actually do it everyone called him mad Jack as a nickname because he could change his mood so fast when he was drinking and could be a little crazy of course as a kid I didn't know any of this I just knew him as a nice old man who gave my family my first dog fast forward to one morning when I was
about 4: maybe 5 and I was up early sitting with my nana at The Breakfast Table there was a knock at the door which was pretty surprising as we didn't know a lot of early risers that wouldn't be off to work by that time I sat at the kitchen table while my nana answered the door and I heard Jack's voice I remember being curious because he sounded upset not just upset he sounded scared I remember thinking that something really scary must have happened to upset a big guy gu like Jack my nana sat Jack down
in the living room on the couch and got him a fresh cup of coffee I was still perched on the kitchen chair listening them talk but pretending not to my Nana just kept asking him what was wrong what's the matter Jack you seem really upset and you're scaring me just tell me what's wrong and we'll figure it out I was across the living room and kitchen but I still heard with my Sharp child ears when Jack said I think I killed someone last night bet my Nana was immediately in disbelief she talked to him about
details that he remembered there weren't many because he was incredibly drunk at the time he said that he couldn't remember a lot but that he had gotten drunk and he remembered walking down the road to shoot the neighbor he was always talking about out and that he thought he may have done it at this point my Nana was very worried Jack scared crying sitting there while me sitting there listening to it all hoping nobody is going to yell at me to leave the room or anything a few minutes pass and my Nana says Jack if
you really think you hurt someone you should talk to the police just tell them what you told me and they will find out what happened Jack said they did want to find out and that he was terrified he had hurt someone he said that he deserved to be put away if he had hurt somebody and then he didn't want to run away from it later that day Jack was arrested it turned out that he had gotten drunk and decided to shoot that neighbor that he had a feud with he had gotten his gun and prepared
to murder the guy he had walked down his long driveway turning in the direction he thought the guy lived he had gone the wrong way the man who answered the door was just a local guy that didn't even know Jack Jack in his drunken stuper fired when the door was open the man was shot in the chest with a shotgun and died on his doorstep for reference I am a female and I am 18 years old this encounter happened to me when I was about 6 or 7 years old and it still freaks me out
to think about it the neighborhood I lived in was quite a tight Community everyone knew everyone and all the kids played together in the street no matter how old they were one day all of the neighbor kids and myself were playing in the street like we usually us did that was until the oldest of us Marina being 13 at the time looked down the road to see a man watching us play looking back at it now it was clear that the man was homeless but at the time I just thought he smelt really weird Marina
started to get creeped out as the rest of us didn't understand the strange character of the man Marina who was riding a bike at the time rode up to the guy and asked him what he was doing the guy said nothing Marina wanted to go inside and tell her mom but the guy was standing outside her house and she didn't want to go near him so she went to the scariest person who lived on her street to sort the guy out my mom my mom is short pretty and quite innocent when you look at her
but in reality she was kind of a jack russle you know highly Territorial and would happily rip the [ __ ] out of you to protect her area one thing I forgot to mention the street we lived on was part of a cross Junction and on the opposite side to our street was woolwick Estates for those who don't know what that is it's the most dangerous estate in London so my mom being the scariest person out of the lot was a big deal so my mom came out of the house effing and blinding as she
was stomping up to this man by this noise all of the neighborhood was watching and all the parents came out fuming but this guy just stood there and didn't speak my mom then shouted to my older sister to call the police which my sister did this guy had never looked at any of us directly so it all gave us a bit of a jump when he stared into my mother's eyes my mother was determined to stand her ground and added to this as my mom screamed [ __ ] off right in this guy's face the
guy then turned around and walked off without saying a word police came my mom told them everything as well as what if it's not a someone but a something this happened to me last night and it was the scariest moment of my life I went to my friend's house with some other friends the only relevant friends in the story are Alex Maddie and Michael so we're at our friend's house and then he says we have to leave by 10:30 p.m. so 10:30 rolls around and we decide to go to my house Alex is driving us
back and my neighborhood is considered to be super safe but we didn't feel safe we go into the backyard because we have a fire P pit back there adjacent to the fire pit is a gate on the side of the house where we keep our trash cans in the sidey yard it wasn't trash day nor the day before trash day so we usually keep the gate closed but it was open I didn't think much of it until about 20 minutes after turning on the fire one of my dogs Bo who was a ban frer entered
into the sidey yard I didn't care because on the other end is another gate which was closed so she couldn't escape now on the opposite side where we are there was another side yard but there is no gate we keep our old bikes and old toys there I heard something digging or scratching I don't really know how to describe it but I thought it was my other dog Pepper who was a cockapoo I get up and turn on my phone flashlight and walk over to the sidey yard at this point the noise stopped I slowly
walked over there and my friends kept saying what are you doing but I didn't respond I turned the corner and nothing was there so I assumed it was a raccoon who had just jumped the fence mother dog B come comes back from the sidey yard with the gate and in her mouth was a tissue that was Bloody it freaked us out but Michael said that somebody probably had a bloody nose again we didn't think much of it now we're all talking and then I see the light in my brother's room go on my brother left
for college a few weeks ago and last I remembered he didn't have a car and was currently being hazed so there was no way he was home I looked up and I get this weird feeling that someone is watching us from the window I look in but I see nothing and then the lights turn off and here's where it gets freaky Alex starts freaking out saying he saw something peeping over the fence from my neighbor's house my neighbor that lives there is estaban and his mom estaban is one of our close friends but he was
at his dad's house in LA and his mom is usually gone so we turn off the fire and go inside I shut all the windows and turn off the lights in the background we decided to watch some Netflix we were watching and then Maddie went to use the restroom she came running out because she said she saw something run past the window everyone feeling very freaked out decides to leave I went to bed and around 2:30 a.m. I woke up to Pepper barking now pepper barks at anything but the way she was barking sounded oddly
strange it sounded like a human barking I peep around the corner of my bedroom because my bedroom is parallel to the the stairs and I see pepper halfway down the stairs barking at something at the top of the stairs is my other dog B just sitting there it really freaked me out and after 10 minutes it stopped so I woke up about an hour ago and mentioned the dog barking to my dad and he said he heard it too so much so that he was freaked out and hasn't moved since now I just got a
text from my friend Alex about 20 minutes ago stating what if it's not a someone but a something very brief but unsettling experience I had about 5 years ago my girlfriend at the time had a cottage we'd visit every chance we got a 2-hour drive up north ended with us turning down the old familiar dirt road that led to her Cottage the land this dirt road was on split into three properties a dirt road split off near the main entrance that led to their first neighbor's Cottage the remaining two were further down the end of
the dirt road turned into her Cottage and another path off theirs led to the final Cottage we were out by the fork in the road with a fire going around midnight drinking and chatting this being country we were surrounded by total darkness our only light source being the fire we had started footsteps turned sound from the room in the darkness turning our laughter into silence out of the black comes a man in black pants and a black hoodie with the hood up the only distinguishable feature was he was a white male this startled us as
we knew no one was up at the neighbor Cottage this weekend the man proceeded to walk through our site illuminated by a fire light up towards the neighbor's Cottage ignoring our greetings and pleasantries he carried on and disappeared into the darkness I am in no way insinuate this was a paranormal encounter no ghost or Spirit was Haunting us no Angry entity trying to scare us this was some guy we've never seen before walking down a pitch black Road and passing through our property there's no town in either direction for Miles so where the hell did
he come from we returned to our drinks and chattered before slowly making our way to bed nothing else happened that night no attempted break-ins no creeping around our Cottage silent through the night and next morning groggy and sporting a massive headache I headed up to the neighbor's Cottage to check out any signs of the guy we had seen some light impressions in the ground of footprints heading up to the cottage that was it the rest of the weekend went great and then we headed home the draff home gave me time to mle it all over
who was that guy where was he going where did he come from why did he ignore us I never experienced anything odd up there after that weird [Music] huh number one when I was younger each summer and almost every new year my family would pack the car and we would go on a road trip to visit family in Mexico we never had any problems until one particular trip when I was eight like every road trip before we left our home in north Texas at around 6:00 p.m. in order to reach our destination the next morning
at around 2:00 a.m. so we crossed into Mexico that's when things got weird when you're on the only stretch of freeway in the middle of the desert you don't tend to freak out about having the same car behind you for miles it was practically pitch black outside the car windows the only visible shapes being the dotted stars and the Eerie silhouettes of cactuses we' been in Mexico for about an hour and still had a few more hours to drive and I remember sleeping but still being semiconscious of what was around me because I didn't have
the skill to really fall asleep in the car suddenly my mom spoke suddenly and said my dad's name I hear her Mel that car behind us he's been there since we left leardo my dad picked at the car shrugging it off as nothing trying to lower my mother's tension a lot of cars use this road he's probably going to Reno or another city after he left it at that despite his shess my mom kept a very wey eye on the car behind us by this time my siblings were hyper aware of the car and the
entertainment of watching the car it was weird we saw the car through the gaps of the luggage that blocked the r window it was always trailing us and sometimes it is getting closer then creeping back again we got tired quickly but then my mom said he's getting closer and we turned to watch his is a car inch closer towards our one he's close Ming girl and she was right by this time the car was practically pressed against the rear of our car on such a lonely stretch of highway in the middle of nowhere with only
a few hours until daylight it was downright scary we couldn't do much my dad didn't slow down didn't stop he didn't speed either he just drove but the car it kept following us the next 30 minutes were the most tense I've ever experienced in my life the car would ease off sometimes I need to press it blinding headlights against our ones once more like he knew he was freaking us out and enjoyed this it was during one of these periods that the car had pulled away that Mom spotted a police car parked ahead on the
side of the road and she didn't miss a bit pull over right in front of the police car p all over right now mingel and he did so the car kept driving I wonder how confused the policeman must have been as he watched my dad park right in front of his car the policeman came over and asked what was wrong and my mother urgently told him everything that was happening the car the way it followed us the way it taunted us the police took her claim seriously and told us that people were victimized and had
their cars stolen on the empty Highway Ways by fogs and criminals he then offered to drive behind us for a while to make us feel safe we drove off with the police cruiser behind us until about 10 minutes later when we saw something that confirmed the policeman's words to my mother's worst fears 10 minutes later we saw the car pull over to the side of the road waiting it had been there if it wasn't that Poli car there God knows what would have happened number two at the end of May 1999 I was headed into
my freshman year of high school that summer me and a group of six girls from my church went on a missions trip up to the coast of Riverside California to Mount St Helen's Washington three of the girls' mothers acted as our driver and chaperon we basically all piled into an old Chevy van and a station wagon headed up PC and had the trip of a lifetime I got baptized at a historic mission in San Louis oisa we spent 3 days in San Francisco saw the capital Portland Oregon yede basically we got to see every worthy
landmark and stay in every noteworthy town from the SoCal to the Canadian border when we stayed in yuse National Park we spent three nights at the Cedar Lodge while in yuse and sightseeing the old Chevy van died in the middle of nowhere luckily even though we were unable to get a cell signal within an hour somebody stopped and helped us this was so long ago I don't remember all the details but basically the owner of the van told us later that the mechanic told her that somebody tampered with the engine she was very upset by
this and said that it was something that was done intentionally the van had to be abandoned and we had to use a rental the rest of the way I don't know if it's a coincidence but turns out that Carrie Anthony stainer AKA The yosity Killer was the maintenance man for the cedar Lodge during this time he had murdered and decapitated a park ranger by the time we were guests at the lodge the very next month he gained access to a room where a woman and her young daughter and her daughter's young friend were staying under
the guise of checking the room for something basically he knocked on the door in the middle of the night and because he worked for the lodge they opened the door he abducted them then raped and murdered and decapitated them I can't say that I remember seeing him but we probably did as we were there for three nights it's just one of those things that I look back on and think he could have easily knocked on one of our doors as it was just a few weeks before and decided he wanted to abduct and kill us
I feel incredibly lucky like I dodged a bullet if the time frame wasn't so close it wouldn't creep me out as much but it continues to haunt me 16 years later number three ever since I was younger I've had the most terrible fear of being around windows after dark it starts out as an uneasy feeling queasiness which I cannot suppress then comes a hyper awareness I can consciously feel it but I suddenly hear every little sound the fear moves into my lungs burning but my fingers are numb with cold I'm frozen in place the fear
is surging through my veins oozing out of my pores the small hairs on the back of my neck begin to stand up and I feel the need to bolt suddenly I'm standing in the kitchen drinking a glass of water reassuring myself that there's nothing to fear but fear itself this isn't a onetime thing though I'm 25 years old and I still lose my [ __ ] every time I'm near a window without blinds after dark I've tried to conquer my fear but at this point I've just chalked it up to being a quirk as a
child I was never afraid of the do monsters under my bed in fact in order to avoid the windows I would often sleep under my bed with the determination to show my parents that something was wrong sometimes they would check in on me and as soon as I saw their silhouette I would have a full-blown panic they even thought I got kidnapped once as a strongly independent child I never told them about my fear until recently my mother and I had been talking about spooky things I love it when she tells me her ghost stories
especially because how few and far between they are but every now and then I get lucky I do enjoy so much hearing about the creepy and paranormal In the Heat of the Moment I told my mother that I haven't really experienced any ghost but I had some weird dreams and this really strange fear which which is paralyzing of windows at night boy I wish she just continued with her ghost stories my mother looks me dead in the face she paused for a moment before responding when you were little we had to put blinds on your
windows at first we didn't the trees in front were thick enough that a passing car couldn't see through it one night we got a call from Anthony and Mike from the church they were driving home from Bible study when they passed your window they told us that the headlights illuminated a man standing there in the street watching you through your window just a plain stair one that couldn't be broken they called us when they arrived home and we immediately called the police but the man was gone by the time the police arrived they hadn't found
anything C other than one part of a camera Cartage on the floor we never told you because we didn't want to scare you so that man stood on the straight Corner probably every night when I was a kid just staring at me watching number four this happened to myself and a close friend both 23-year-old males just last month we decided to go up on a two night backpacking camping trip in the adonic mountains of New York we are both very comfortable with nature and spend a lot of time camping Hunting Fishing Etc we hiked about
5 miles in a small Lake and set up camp on a small Beach this is not a heavily trafficked area and we didn't expect to run into anyone our first night there as we were sitting around the fire we saw a flashlight moving on the other side of the lake around 10:30 this was fairly unusual however we did not think too much of it but as time went on this flashlight kept moving around the lake getting closer to our campsite we kept discussing who could possibly be wandering around the woods in the middle of the
night and we didn't particularly want an unwelcomed guest once it was clear that the person or people were heading for our campsite we moved of into the woods nearby to see who wandered up I took a small axe with me and he had a 22 rifle now we weren't expecting trouble and we certainly didn't want to make any but we figured we might as well cover our bases now the Moment of Truth the flashlight comes near the light of our fire and it is one man he has a beard and is probably in his mid-40s
the scary part was he was carrying what turned out to be a pump action shotgun he walked around the campsite a few times and then proceeded to enter to our tent after rumaging around for a minute or so he came out and started yelling I know you're out there why don't you come out and say hello my friend and I remained motionless under a hemlock tree about 50 yard away that is when the man proceeded to fire his shotgun into the woods not too far from where we were he also swung his flashlight around around
several times after what felt like hours he grabbed my friend's backpack and a few articles of clothing we had drying off near the fire and threw them in to burn my friend who had aimed the 22 at the man asked me if he should shoot I told him absolutely not unless he spots us and starts to point the gun in our Direction thankfully the man moved off from where he had come after a little while we waited until his flashlight was on the other side of the lake ran out grabbed everything we could fit into
my pack and took off it was now around 2: or 3:00 a.m. we ran out of the trail with flashlights and made it back to my car as the sun was coming up we immediately went to the police department and reported it where we also spoke with some forest rangers and that was it I haven't heard anything back from the police it wasn't mysterious however it creep the hell out of both of us number one I am a male and I'm now 30 years old my family moved to the states when I turned 14 but
I grew up in Russia in a small town called kirov it was big enough to house a full spread of criminal activity from organized crime to cannibalistic hobos these few stories are not tied together with anything else other than a cultural connection brief absolutely true and hopefully will give you a small glimpse of the state the country was in in the 1990s right after the collapse when I was very little we lived in a typical Russian five-story apartment building in a what would be considered middle class neighborhood it was fairly quiet with nothing much happening
so us kids could play outside for as long as we wanted without adult supervision I remember a man living on the first floor of our building his kitchen window overlooking the staircase which ran out onto the sidewalk he was probably in his mid to late 30s always wearing a dirty wife beater never a clean shave every time it seemed as I would walk or ride my bike by his window he would be sitting there sometimes a glass of milk in hand he then would jump up from his chair and begin to yell and shout as
loud as he could at me swearing calling me names threatening all of this he would do with excessive violent movements and facial expressions as a four-year-old kid I would just stand there in horror watching him do his crazy murderous acting he would fall on his elbows on the window seal and shake his head feverishly spitting out curses and deathly threats at me his eyes bulging he would punch his chest with all his strength and almost in tears of some deep rage would announce of his hatred towards me and how much he wished me dead and
if that wasn't enough he would then pretend to be going going for the door as if finally having found the resolution to go through with it then coming back to the window and more shouting more threats I just remember never being able to stand to stay there for the horror that overtook me and I would always run in the end leaving the crazy man just staring at me out of his window one day he was just gone disappeared no more insane man in the window being a kid I just moved on with my life and
didn't think about the matter for years until much later I told my parents about him and what he did for the first time the story they told me confirmed my suspicions of his true nature around the same time as one of the last that I've seen him a strange occurrence happened happened in our city body parts were found scattered throughout it all far from each other and all belonging to one unfortunate man whose wife plotted to kill him for the sake of acquiring his apartment and belongings her brother happened to be the freak living downstairs
who both violently killed the husband dismembering his body in a tub and distributed the pieces including the head all throughout town everything led to the wife and it didn't take her long to blame the entire Adventure on her dear brother who to this day is sleeping in some dark cell far away in the cold when I was in eighth grade my school started to have roof problems it was an old building which used to belong to some Merchant who lived back in the day of the Zars and every year it seemed to give more and
more until it finally gave a class full of students the ceiling falling on their heads for the time it would take to restore the building the student body would attend classes in public school number 22 I still remember it clearly a fortress of bad behavior bordering homicide the students of number number 22 mostly came from awful circumstances and enjoyed humiliation severe beatings just any kind of abuse at that time street fighting was also very common in the country and the fights rarely ended with just a black eye or a busted lip broken bones skull fractures
coma and death were routine one day as my friends and I were talking in a hallway between classes a big bald kid came up to us with his Entourage of hopeless degenerates he told us how they had had enough of us and were planning to beat the life out of any boy from our school once classes were over they didn't like us from the start because our school was considered preppy and they acted as if we were intruding on their territory he told us they were all going to be there and it was gearing up
to be a great show we knew immediately he meant what he said as this guy held a certain Authority in that dark place and most kids were afraid of him he was one of those people who learned to swing at anyone who did anything as much as annoy him and he wasn't alone they were many we told our teachers what he said and they let us go secretly 20 minutes before the class was over my friends and I all banded together as we got dressed for the winter day outside and left the school the plan
was to stick together and walked to the bus stop I got on my bus and stood by the window the route LED right by the school and I would be able to see the courtyard in front of the main entrance and what could be happening there as we were driving by what I saw became etched in my mind for the rest of my life on the white snow in the clearing before the large doors of number 22 was an assembly of 200 to 250 mostly male figures dressed in black colors and forming a giant Circle
in the middle of the circle I could see a fight underway just two of them one with his arms thrown open as if taunting his opponent and the other someone who did not look like they wanted to be there this turned out to be a big operation on their part as it looked like more were invited to what was being planned I later learned that once they found out we left early as the final bell rang all of my classmates and I were already gone they decided to beat on their own and some poor kid
was picked and beat so hard he ended up in an ICU since my school was very small in numbers and some parents all together decided to homeschool their kids for the time of the repairs we would have had easily been outnumbered 10 to one I hate to think what would have happened if our teachers did not let us out early that day on the next day armed security was on the school premises and they stayed there until we were able to attend our old but now dearly loved home of a dead Merchant going back to
a time when I was a kid this last story is my personal claim to victory in the Game of Life for death which happens to fall in our hands from time to time for no apparent reason at all all I was maybe nine at the time we moved to a better area more space better location our apartment was on the last sixth floor and the last one on the landing it was the furthest you could go from the entrance of the building and fairly secluded the staircase was also completely indoors essentially housing anyone who entered
in a climb floor after floor with four Apartments to a landing this day I came home from school around 2:00 p.m. my parents weren't due back home for at least 3 hours and I set about doing my usual homework watching TV and emptying the fridge it was around the time I settled in for an episode of Babylon 5 a plate with a bit of everything on my lap that I heard the front door door bell ring this was very odd as my parents both had their key and no one else usually visited around this time
of day I went over to the front door and asked who is it I heard a man answer back hi there I'm from the Electrical Company we're doing a routine check of the electric meters may I come in and inspect yours it'll only take a minute I looked through the people and saw a young man probably nearing 30 very clean neatly dressed with his hair combed to the side he even held a clipboard in his hand with some papers attached I was about to twist open the lock when I saw something because of the fishey
view I had on the landing I could also see a a little extra to the sides on my left the man's right I saw light bouncing from what looked like a sharp metal object then for a second I clearly saw what it was The Cutting Edge of an axe someone was standing to the right of the door attempting to hide from view holding an axe at this point point my memory gets blurry I remember getting away from the door and creeping into my room which was the farthest in the hallway closing the door and not
coming out until my parents got back the Bell kept ringing for a few more minutes and then it finally fell [Music] silent number two power outages in my two-story apartment were very common due to the fact that my apartment is shitty so I was not shocked when it went off one night while on my phone little backstory I was hearing strange shuffling and light footsteps upstairs so I was a tiny bit unsettled my brother Alex was out on the porch so he wasn't really aware of the power outage anyway what happened was it just went
off when I got up to go tell Alex something came from up the stairs speeding down then almost sprinting down while trying to stay careful I was scared I dropped my phone the only light supplied was the street light near my apartment that shined in from the window I Stood Still the whole time to make sure whatever the thing was didn't see me I heard footsteps around me but nothing my brother then waled in and asked what happened in a loud tone whatever was there sprinted towards the door pushing Alex to the ground and leaving
the door wide open puzzled my brother got up and tried to chase after it but it was long gone by that time he realized what just happened me and Alex moved out and now live in separate houses but it still freaks me out sometimes when the power shuts off now I don't ask any of you to believe me I have no proof because me and my brother decided instead of calling the police we call the landlord well strange creature that knocked my brother down and probably didn't have good intentions let's not meet ever [Music] number
three this is the story of me my baby daughter and an older Italian gentleman who became our Guardian Angel 6 months ago I gave birth to a little girl CA her father and I were over the moon that she had finally arrived but the process of getting her here was gruesome I'm a small woman and she was a surprisingly big baby almost 10 lb a very cute precious almost 10 lb baby but it made for a hard delivery 7 hours into labor with no signs of progress moonium signs of fetal distress showed up and I
was whisked into an emergency C-section we were finally sent home 3 days later with a bill of good health but my recovery was slow and painful I ended up having to take a much longer than standard maternity leave clay and I mainly Me Slowly made our way to feeling good and about 2 months ago I felt up to snuggling her into the baby sling and walking the four blocks to our yoga studio for a very simple Mommy and Me classes every Tuesday the real treat was afterwards at the Dunkin Donuts next door where I would
get a smoothie venard is a 60-year-old man who works behind the counter always telling me how bright I made his day he loves seeing me smile and one day I was going to have to ditch my rotten husband to come back to India with him this was said in a playful context and wasn't creepy at all he adored CA she's one of those babies that has rolls all over and was always saying how big and healthy she looked promise when she got old enough to eat real food he would give her as many munchkins as
she wanted the day CLA turned 5 months was Tuesday we headed to yoga and then to visit vard who as usual CED at the baby in Gujarati and gave me a free smoothie for being such a good mom at only 5 months if he could see the state of my house we said our goodbyes and I in a rare moment of absent-mindedness decided I'm going to take the alley shortcut across the street to get to the block I needed to be on it was such a bright day the alley only a little shadowy and it
was less than 14 ft long I didn't even have a concern in my mind and I know that's incredibly incredibly stupid I made it past the garage cans when I felt something cold against my shoulder blade turning around I saw a man with what looked like a stun gun pointed in my direction your wallet give me that give me your rings your earrings your phone anything of value on you is mine now I didn't know what to do so I started sobbing as I shakily reached from my shoulder bag he pressed the stun gun into
the side of my abdomen quiet I'll use this I don't care about the baby I don't care about I never found out what he didn't care about because the corner of my eye suddenly filled with a flash of brown pink and orange it was vad armed with one of those handled trays the employees used to slide Bagels into the oven he got in one good hit and the man was off like a shot I'm shaking and crying CA is Wailing and vanard well I was afraid he would Keel over red panting and looking around all
wild eyed walk me back to the shop to call the police and my husband nothing ever turned up but vard has my undying gratitude and appreciation for saving me in a moment of stupidity that went terribly wrong whatever major holiday it is I don't care if he doesn't celebrate it he gets a present from Clea he deserves more than that but I just don't don't know how to thank him to the degree he deserves so Ali mugger let's not meet again and also watch out for [Music] vanad number four so this happened to me about
9 or 10 years ago but I will never forget it at the time I was about 11 or 12 I was a competitive softball player and my team was nationally ranked so we traveled all over the United States to play this resulted in long car rides sometimes through the night one night in particular it was about midnight and we were on our way to a tournament and who knows where I had been sleeping in the car when we stopped at a gas station for a bathroom break my teammate who was also around 9 or 10
and I decided to stay in the car while our moms went inside because we really didn't have to go a few moments after the moms had left locking Us in the car I noticed another car in the parking lot it was a few spaces over and was the only other car at the station at the time I noticed a middle-aged man and a little girl who was about 6 to8 years old who I assumed was his daughter because she looked strikingly similar to him in this car I met eyes with the daughter and she smiled
at me I smiled backed and wave because she was adorable the little girl then said something to the man and he looked at me and smiled too too I went back to mining my own business as the man went into the store and left his daughter in the car when I looked back at the little girl she was looking at me with a scared look on her face she started hitting the windows and motioning for me to come over to the car instantly my adrenaline went into overdrive this girl was really acting like she needed
my help my mind was racing what if this man had kidnapped her and she needed my help my initial thought was that he was her father but you never know I just had no idea what to do I turned to my friend who had gone back to sleep and tried to wake her but she just shot me a dirty look and went back to sleep turning back to the girl I was about to get out of the car to go talk to her when I saw that she had made eye contact with the man in
the store who was just standing there watching through the window he smiled at her and nodded seemingly approvingly she smiled back and then turned to me and instantly went back to trying to get me to come over to the car after seeing that exchange I thought something was off it seemed this girl was acting at the direction of the man I then decided I was not getting out of the car and would just tell my mom about it when she got back because hey I was aware that I was a little girl myself and what
the heck could I do next thing I know the man is returning to the car he hadn't bought anything and had basically been standing in the the window watching the whole time when he got in the car they started having a conversation occasionally glancing at me eventually the little girl Shrugged and he kind of patted her on the shoulder they started to pull out of the parking lot and I glanced at the girl one last time and saw she was looking right at me with this huge smile I was so creeped out but didn't tell
my mom when she returned to the car because I was still so confused and shocked about what had just happened for a little bit I didn't tell anyone because I felt bad that I hadn't done anything when that girl could have actually been in trouble but thinking back after I had gotten over the initial shock I concluded that the man was using his daughter to try and learn me to the car by making me believe she was in some type of trouble who knows what would have happened next but my guess is he would have
run out from his watching spot and put me in the car and drove off with me the creepiest thing is it seemed so orchestrated I was sure this was not the first time they had done this so creepy man and his equally creepy daughter let's not meet number one I'm a 25-year-old female from Ireland this story happened when I was 20 it still creeps me out to think about it so I decided to take my parents' Caravan to a Seaside destination for 3 Days roughly 3 miles away from my Caravan site was a famous tourist
attraction and I got up early one morning and decided to make the trip there I borrowed my mom's bicycle for this we getaway and so set to cycling the three miles the journey consists of a mile through the village I was staying in and then two miles down a lovely country pathway the pathway leads straight to the tourist attraction I had cycled through the village and was on the pathway there was no one else that I passed along the way the pathway seemed empty but beautiful while cycling I saw a class old abandoned Railway track
up on a bank I think the railway track must have been an old children's ride because it was rather small it had trees all around it and their leaves were drooping over it and there was moss growing on the tracks all very picturesque I was into taking photographs at the time and I wanted to take photographs of this I stopped and got off my bike if you can imagine I was on the path and uper level was the bank that the tracks were on I put my bike on the stand and went up the bank
and began taking some Wei photographs I was happy snapping away and I didn't notice a man walking the path towards me at this point I was taking pictures of the birds and the trees I didn't think anything of the man until he stopped at my bike down on the path I looked at him but continued taking pictures as his presence made me feel uncomfortable immediately he was a middle-aged man roughly 5 six he was a bit overweight had a beard and he had those glasses that make your eyes look big he was wearing black trousers
and a blue waterproof coat for a few seconds he didn't say hello didn't smile just stared he asked me are you taking pictures of the birds I smiled politely and said yes they are very pretty now it didn't feel like he was looking at me if felt like he was watching me and although I understand that most people are harmless he gave me the heie jeebies after another prolonged pause as if he was thinking of something to say he said I saw a dead bird with his head broken off down in there do you want
to see it when he said down in there he was pointing to the right hand side of the pathway which went down another level into deep dark forestry the exact spot he was pointing to was an opening in the trees and an unofficial walkway down into the forest really just a muddy downward path I said no thank you he continued to watch stare at me and bearing in mind he was standing right beside my bicycle so I felt like I couldn't escape if I wanted to he asked me a third time if I wanted to
see it it was so unnerving because he wasn't smiling or acting friendly and relaxed it was as if he was just trying to get something done at this point I took out my phone from my bag and began to call my mom should have been the police when he saw me do that he took a second and then he finally said okay okay put his hand up and walked away looking back at me when he was far enough away I went straight to my bicycle and sped off all the while on the phone to my
mom telling her all about it when I got back to my Caravan that night I checked every cupboard in the bathroom so many times I made sure the door was absolutely locked I also rang the police and made them aware of what happened in case some poor girl would unfortunately say yes the police told me I was right to call because that doesn't sound like normal behavior I hate thinking about what he may have been up to maybe it was innocent but you can't take a chance with something like that I was tempted to go
back and check to see if there really was a dead bird but I think I made the right decision not to number two just to give you some context I'm 36 years old and was around 12 when this particular encounter had occurred I just started seventh grade which was Junior High School in the city that I grew up in I tried out for the girls baseball team and made The A Team which was the Varsity Squad where the B team was in to junior varsity I was one of three seventh graders that made the a
team so for me it was a great accomplishment on that Friday coach had given us a list of items we needed to buy for our uniform over the weekend one of the items were indoor basketball sneakers we were expecting an Indian summer that summer in Michigan and it was a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon I had to take advantage of the weather and walk to miles to done the sporting LS to buy my sneakers I was wearing a pair of cut off jean shorts that I had made out of an old pair of jeans that started
to rip due to wear and tear I had a Steelers jersey on but when I was made for women's it was shorter than the other jerseys that were designed for men it came down to about my belt on my shorts I threw on my pair of Converse and headed out the house when I arrived to the store I found myself a sweet pair of Air Jor I made my purchase and began the walk back home I had developed earlier than most females so cat calls from men driving past was something that though I never enjoyed
I'd grown accustomed to the previous year about halfway home a Jeep passed me and the teenage male on the passenger side was leaning over the door he shouted hey baby I'll give you a ride and then he stuck his tongue out as usual I ignored him and kept walking I hadn't quite mastered the middle finger maneuver yet I turned down the main street that my street intersected with however I saw it about 12 blocks to go though this was a busy road the speed limit was still 25 mph because it was a residential area out
of the corner of my eye I noticed the car slowing I didn't look thinking that the car was about to park in front of my house eventually as I walked I realized the car had no intention of parking but was attempting to keep Pace with me I looked without turning my head and could see that the man around 40 years old was learing at me the carled like a '90s Lincoln Town Car that was golden color an eerie feeling started to commence as the man just stared not saying anything thinking back he looked like a
predator stalking his prey I heard the motor of the power window as he pressed the button down to bring it down and said hey honey can I give you a ride somewhere I no you've been walking for quite a while I thought this guy's been following me and I wondered for how long I turned towards him smiled politely and said no thank you I live no more than a block up I was hoping that it would chase him off believing that I was close to my house he replied A no problem just get it and
I'll drive you the rest of the way that way you can let your little feet rest for a minute they must be ex exhausted at this point I remember thinking that he reminded me of a Jack Nicholson movie The Shining because his brow was low and near had the same ancal 100 yard stamp a small toddler playing at the apartment building on the side street kitty corner to the busy road caught my eye I replied no that's really nice of you to offer but I'm fine I make this track often I'm used to it at
that point he threw the passenger door open and said I'm not asking no get in the [ __ ] car for the moment I didn't think I heard him right I was thinking I must be mistaken who would just say something like that who would be so bold as to abduct a 12-year-old girl in broad daylight on a busy road I turned around and said what was that he unbuckled his seat belt and put his vehicle in park he yelled louder I said get the [ __ ] in the car a flood of adrenaline rushed
through my body and my eyes imely focused on the toddler playing across Street I thought to myself parents his parents must be home I darted into the road my mind told me that if this man grabbed me passing cars would probably think he was the father disciplining me for some reason I heard a car slam on its brakes I kept running to avoid impact you stupid little [ __ ] a middle-aged man yelled as he laid on his horn I didn't care the only thing I cared about was making my way toward that little boy
when I reached him I I picked him up and ran into his house where I saw his mother standing at the kitchen sink washing dishes her eyes were wide as I clearly startled her I put him down walking to her and she picked him up I duck down a little bit to hide from the windows just in case he was chasing me I said to the woman I'm so sorry but a man just tried to abduct Me on a busy road out there I'm only 12 and I don't know what to do so I I
ran toward your son playing outside because I knew an adult had to be home I'm so sorry for baring in your door without knocking but I didn't know what else to do after I explained myself she had calmed down I looked out the window and saw his car slowly creeping up the street that's the guy right there I said oh my God sweetie are you okay she said yeah I'm just really scared I said his tears started to fill my eyes I'm so sorry hun I'd take you home but my fiance took her car to
work and he won't be back until late tonight you can stay as long as you want would you like me to phone the police my mind was so flooded as I'm sure hers was but I said no I just want to get a hold of my mom may use your phone with that his car creeped by slowly again but this time going in the opposite direction I could see he didn't know where I was because his head was looking left and right over and over but he never looked directly at the apartment I died my
mom's number but the phone just rang over and over until the answering machine picked up I left a message explaining what happened and that if she heard it I needed her to wait by the phone until I rang back after hanging up I remember she had planned to mow the lawn that day I figured she could hear the telephone over the sound of the lawn mower I sat in the apartment for another 15 minutes and he hadn't driven by again I had repeatedly been trying to call my mom to no avail let me call the
police so they can get you home I don't think it's safe for you to be walking with this creeper out there looking for you the woman said that would have been the smart thing to do but I could only think of one thing which was to get to my mom the idea of a bunch of police officers around seemed pretty intimidating and overwhelming to me I said I want to tell you that I really appreciate you letting me stay here and I'm so sorry for bursting into your home like this but my mind just told
me I'd be safe with the parents oh no problem that was so smart of you I'm glad you were able to reason in a situation like that because I don't think I could have she replied I told her a little white lie and said I only live four blacks up and he hasn't driven by in a while now I'm just going to run for people's backyards until I get to my house it'll be okay are you sure I really feel like I should call the cops I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened
to you she said nothing's going to happen I'll be okay thank you so much again with that I immedately rushed out of her back door not giving her another chance to argue with me about calling the cops I was so full of adrenaline still I ran like the wind running the entire 10 blocks felt like nothing I kept my my word and back yarded it was the entire way I hopped fence after fence until I made it to my yard I could see my mother putting our lawn mower in the garage I ran to her
and collapsed in her arms sobbing when I was finally able to form the words to tell her what happened she said oh my God I heard police sirs and I felt scared I thank God you're okay she lectur me on not letting the woman call the police but she understood that I just wanted her and she felt bad she wasn't able to hear the phone my mom called the police and I sat in the living room with the officer who made the report I really wish I was able to get his license plate number but
I had one thing on my mind which was survival they never caught up with that creeper and ever since I prayed that no one else would be unfortunate enough to cross his path it's the woman that let me Rite it out in her house that day putting her and her child at risk I'd love to meet you again so I could thank you for your generosity number three I submitted a story about my mom yesterday but decided to write another this time about me please forgive me for my mistakes it's not one encounter but a
few and it's been happening for a while now whenever my male friends offered to lead me home I always declined after that I no longer do one night I was coming back from my evening class it was late and there were a few people in the Metro I try not to stare at people and usually watch my shoes but this time I felt someone watching me and saw a man with a red hoodie I thought nothing about it because people usually stare at each other on the train but then he moved closer to me I
had to transfer on another line when I noticed he followed me I got to that station and tried to go as far as possible this guy saw me and walked towards me and he stood behind me now it was getting on my nerves I saw three or four Iranian boys my age and headed to them they noticed this man too and stayed with me for some time I got on the train and when he ended up in my vagon I managed to get out of the Train on the last second and left him there I
waited for another train and started to walk to my house I don't need more than 10 minutes from Metro station and I've never felt unsafe also I know almost every straight dog in that area I often give them food and play with them so I felt like I had bodyguards as soon as I started walking I noticed the car started to follow me very slowly beside the sidewalk I tried to pretend I didn't notice while I picked my dad's number and asked him to pick me up but changed my mind because he's overprotected really emotional
about such things meanwhile this car won't go away I silently grabbed my hair stick from my bag it has three sticks and it's really really sharp and thick I'm sure I can kill a person with it I remember every kidnap story I've heard and start to think about what I would do if somebody touched me I'm ready to slip their throat with it or crave their eyes out but nobody got out of the car I went home safely I've seen this car parked nearby facing my windows but we have thick curtains and I turn off
the lights to peek outside what alarmed me is that I saw this car parked at my friend's house when we visited her I didn't mention it with anyone and and don't want to see K from the police because they haven't done anything but I gave a book to my friend and left them a not jokingly mentioning that if something happened to me start searching from here after that twice in the Metro two different men approached me and politely asked are you and I shook my head he said oh I'm sorry and left next time someone
else asked me if I knew and again I said I didn't because I really did not a few days ago someone's calls whooped me up saying something similar I was really pissed off by now ended the call saying you made a huge mistake by calling me huge I saved numbers and it didn't take me in my laptop more than an hour to find their names their family members names bank accounts addresses passport numbers fine if you're going to stalk me I'll stalk you back I wrote down everything about them and saved it on a place
where no one checks it but if something happens to me they'll start searching my belongings there no one has called me again but if they do I'll call them by name and that tell them that they chose the wrong person to [ __ ] with number [Music] four it was Friday night at around 4 in the morning I had just departed from a former roommate's house where there was a party being hosted we hadn't seen each other in a long time since is moving out and the uncomfortable distance between both of our house houses but
that night I decided to meet up with him based on the sheer Nostalgia we both live in relatively small towns and the distance between these towns is made up of 40 m of isolated Road wanting to feel the comfort of my own bed I decided to leave his house to embark on the desolate journey to mine the drive was calming I always loved driving at night and uneventful until around the halfway mark at around 25 miles down this long stretch I stumbled upon a small vehicle on the side of the road the door to the
driver's seat was wide open and the lights were still on Illuminating the interior what made me pull over to investigate was probably a combination of curiosity and concern but I can't say for sure I peaked my head through the door and saw an empty nevertheless disorganized interior of a car the keys were still in the ignition at this point I decided that amateur exploration was not a great idea and decided to contact the authorities letting them know that this probably wasn't an extreme emergency but I was dead wrong seconds after hanging up I heard a
low humanoid groan something that still resonates in my mind today I followed the noise for around 20 ft and find a woman she was bloodied and beaten and in desperate need for medical assistance I phon the police again this time with a different dispatcher I frantically informed him on the current situation and less than 10 minutes later a squad of cop cars came along the stretch of road I led them to the woman who was now groaning even louder not making out discernable words she was rushed to the hospital where she explained that she was
held at gunpoint in her apartment complex's parking lot and forced to drive out to this specific Road that's where the male as salant beat her senseless and left informing her that he'd return to finish the job despite the man's fleeing on foot there was no one found the woman kept her identity hidden amongst the media I presume as I was unable to track down any information on her other than what I was informed I was never able to find a different rout to my ex- roommate's house house so subsequently I still travel on that road
to this very [Music] day number one when I was 16 years old my dad started telling me about the middle of the night phone calls the caller would get my dad on the line ask for me and when he didn't get me he would start telling my dad the rudest most vile things about me I didn't know who was calling or why and I never woke up when the phone rang I wish I could sleep like that now so I never spoke with this guy fast forward and I'm 22 fresh out of the military and
landed at home for a year while I start college get a job and save money this time I hear the phone ring in the middle of the night Dad mentions the phone calls tapered off while I was away which was 4 years but have started again one day I'm at home and I get a phone call around noon some guy M don't recognize his voice ask for me and I I say speaking he proceeds to ask if I remember doing all sorts of sexual acts and describ some stuff before I hang up I am rattled
because I always thought if I could hear his voice I would know who it was I called the police who came out to take my statement this was just a year or so before caller ID became available in my city the they told me how to get the call traced next time gave me a case number I moved into my own apartment about a year later got my name listed in the phone book before the internet this was a big deal one day a few months after I moved in I have a message on my
answering machine hello I think you know who this is still click I promptly asked for an unlisted number and I was one of the first people to get residential caller ID in the city of Seattle but as far as I know he never called [Applause] [Music] again number two so this just happened a bit of background of the last 25 minutes I just got home from a reasonably big night it's 4:30 a.m. and stinking hot in this part of Australia right now I walked in the door and opened the fridge and was so happy to
find three icy cold beers in the fridge I take two of them and walk upstairs to bed to read and drink myself into a boozy sleep first issue the beers are not twist tops they need a bottle opener and after some sloppy drunken attempts at using the handle of the draw off my bedside table I head back downstairs to use an actual bottle opener I turn on the kitchen lights which are so bright that they make the space behind my eyes burn I squint around to find the bottle opener which I can't find so I
used the solid edge of a large kitchen knife it's a risky choice but the bottle cap is now off the beer and I'm happy I turn off the alien blinding kitchen light and go to head upstairs but something through the front window of my house that looks onto the street catches my eye I stop at the bottom of the stairs and all the hairs on the back of my neck and arms stand up I turn my head slowly and my eyes and brain are trying to make sense of what I'm actually looking at it looks
like a rain drenched woman in a fancy white dress gazing at me through the window oh [ __ ] it actually is I pause and take the longest inhale of my life she's glaring at me like she hates me she has mascara running down her face and she is drenched from the rain her arms are extended and she's leaning her head towards me like her body language was trying to say look at me look at what you've done I'm [ __ ] bricks but the rational side of my brain kicks in and I think [
__ ] is she okay does she need help help I slowly walk over to the window her gaze still locked on mine we are now literally within one meter of each other I State loudly through the glass are you okay do you need help is anyone with you then a dawn on me my gate is locked and there is an 8T high fence which is very difficult to climb how did she get in she doesn't respond to my inquiry she just keeps that hateful look in her eyes we stood there for about another 30 seconds
I was looking around nervously trying to make sense of this and she was just glaring into my soul and then she finally opened her mouth as if to say something finally but it wasn't words that came out of her mouth it was an insanely high-pitched me and then she starts clawing at the window with her novelty sized fingernails what the [ __ ] I'm frozen I don't know what to do she's clearly not very well not very well at all then in the background behind the fence I see another woman 20 something dressed in a
short black Club dress with a glow of her phone lighting up her face she sees the woman in white at my window and yells Michelle you pissed [ __ ] that's the wrong [ __ ] house the rain soaked nightmare Catwoman's eyes go from I hate you and want you to die to oh my God I'm so embarrassed and she runs over to the fence and impressively army Commando flings herself over it I can then hear a group of ladies pissing themselves laughing saying how Jason's house is number 25 not 23 you [ __ ]
idiot that poor guy is probably going to call the cops now all I know is that I am so happy that I was on the receiving end of a misdirected prank and I didn't have to be killed by A well-dressed hybrid cat demon woman and now I have to go back down to the kitchen to open my other beer but I'm still too [Music] [Applause] [Music] afraid number three when I was 18 years old I worked as a lifeguard in Toronto Canada i' had been doing this job for 2 years and worked a lot at
different pools I had picked up the shift that was every Friday night 6:30 p.m. to 10: p.m. during the winter season also known as the loser shift for people who don't have anything fun to do on Friday nights in early December I was the only one left in the pool building on my Friday night shift at about 10:30 p.m. the pool building is attached to a main Community Center that has an ice rink and a gym in it but the pool building has a completely different entrance and parking lot than the community center anyway I
was about to lock up and drop the key off at the main building when I saw a girl waiting outside in the parking lot she was about 10 years old and I recognized her as one of the people who came for free swim during my shift I was just about to ask her if she wanted to come wait inside because it was freezing outside when the phone rang I went back into the staff office to answer the call and after I was done the girl was gone I assumed her parents had come to pick her
up for something logical I then grabbed my stuff turn the lights off and lock the door to drop the key off and then walk home I was walking across the parking lot for about 15 M when I heard a faint muffled scream I turned around quickly and saw a truck idling at the far end of the parking lot it was kind of far away and I had to squint my eyes to see what was going on to my hor I realized a man was bent over and struggling to get something into his truck I moved
a little closer towards the truck and saw that the man was wearing all black and had a scarf covering half his face then I saw a girl's arm trying to hold the trunk open while the man was trying to shut it she had her legs sticking out of the trunk too kicking and also holding the trunk door open I recognized her as the girl that was waiting outside before I noticed her bright pink winner jacket two seconds after I realized what was going on I started panicking and looking for my phone in my bag the
parking lot was completely empty other than that one truck it was dimly lit and the ground was very icy I looked up once I found my phone at the bottom of my bag the man stopped struggling to get the girl into the trunk and turned to face me as quickly as I possibly could I turned around and started running back towards the pool door I looked over my shoulder while I was cautiously running trying not to slip on the ice he was charging towards me I was about 10 m away from the door and he
had gotten significantly closer to me I started screaming but it was hard to scream while running I got to the door and struggled to get the keys out of my coat pocket he was about 5 m away when I unlocked the door and shut it behind me then locked it I called the cops on my phone and told the operator what was happening and she said the police were on their way it was terrifying to watch the man come right up at the door and try to open it look looking at me through the glass
window at the top of the door he banged on it and was yelling at me I couldn't really hear what he was saying though I then gave him the finger and then I think he realized that I was on the phone and then he took off it was horrifying to be behind the building door and not being able to see what was going on with the truck and the girl I heard sirens pull into the parking lot about five long minutes after he left I then felt that it was safe to open the door and
walk outside when I got outside the girl was running towards the police cars and the truck was nowhere in sight turns out that he lured her to his truck not really sure how and then tried to abduct her once he stopped banging on the pole door he ran back to his car threw the girl out of the trunk then sped out of of the parking lot to never be seen again I gave the police my statement and as far as I know he was never [Applause] [Music] caught number four this took place after I graduated
high school and moved away from my family I moved up to Alka again and I say again because I lived there before and attended College there very conveniently my mother had been Renning out her old house instead of selling it I say conveniently because the long-standing residents had moved away and therefore I was awarded the old house I had to work quite a bit to keep up the payments but my mother pitched in thankfully at the beginning of the story I should make you aware that I had recently broken up with a girl who had
been staying with me in the old house I was running through my mother and this breakup was unclean and dysfunctional much like the relationship itself was so it was winter break which means I would be spending more time inside than I normally would it was somewhat lonely in the house being without a stable girlfriend then also there's no need neighbors really to speak of as the house was an extremely wooded region a few miles out of town one late afternoon soon after I thought the whole breakup predicament had come to a close I was made
quite aware that it wasn't my cell phone began ringing and ringing from an unknown number gliche I know and I decided to pick up it was of course my X she began telling me about how great her new boyfriend is and how horrible I was and am the sort of talk that you can almost smell the booze off the collar's breath from miles away I actually listened until she decided to hand the phone to her boyfriend where he was instead sounding oddly threatening and I decided to hang up in the most polite manner possible with
a [ __ ] you and a have a nice day Days Later again with my mind beginning to forget only this time about the most certainly drunk phone call I'm laying on the living room couch watching some TV while laying there I noticed something quite unsettling a person standing in the window behind me how did I notice this you ask the Reflection from the TV V screen as how I didn't move not an inch I had no gun I had no knife I had nothing but my wit in my fists I just lay there watching
the reflection eventually it moved away from the window that normally wouldn't spook me but I was taking into account that one the house was nowhere near another so that's red flag and two if someone was just wanting to talk they'd knock and three I was most certain it was that boyfriend of hers nothing became of that situation but similar situations continued such as a car pulling into the driveway and no one getting out and leaving inconspicuously this was worrisome at the least but but I didn't suspect a true threat a few days later I'm laying
in bed at night it was very late and I was getting ready to sleep I get another call from an unknown number it's her but this time she's asking me to come outside and come see her because she wants to deliver an apology at this time I was thinking oh shall we say [ __ ] off though I still went outside to see what the deal was I open the door and of course it's incredibly dark I say into the phone I'm outside come around back with this I begin to walk on the snow covered
ground in the darkness with my just put on boots the motion light turns on as I crossed the garage in the driveway the snow masking the ground is tinted yellow By the Light I around the corner of the garage and turn my phone to see there's a road that runs behind my house and connects to the driveway by bending and I make my way towards the road the snow crunches beneath my boots as I come ever closer there's a part in the trees that allows me to walk straight to the road otherwise one would have
to make his way around the entirety of the driveway and I reached this part I asked into the phone where are you in the car I can see you I step onto the road and see her car parked a few dozen feet from me with the lights dimmed so what's the deal I just want to talk come here I approached the car and make my way around to the passenger side and I finally see her face she waves me in and I go ahead and oblig sitting down in the car I look at her and
she says look I'm sorry I know I've been a real [ __ ] lately no it's okay I really wasn't good to you and I deserve it I don't agree but then of course she abruptly stopped speaking because car light shine from behind us naturally I assume it's her boyfriend and by the look on her face she did too the car parks behind us and sure enough the boyfriend gets out and storms over to my side of the car he Yanks on the door handle and the door swings open and he attempts to grab me
but I grabbed his wrist and got out of the car what the [ __ ] do you think you're doing with her huh we were talking I was about to leave [ __ ] you're trying to [ __ ] bang her look I'm trying to sleep I'm in no mood to do anything he gave me this look of utter enragement before swinging at me and of course missing a little scuffle ensued and all that happened was him swearing and eventually slipping and falling before yelling at both of us I'll [ __ ] kill you I
just stood by her car as she pulled away she gave me a lift back to the house and I invited her in and she obliged it was late in the night and I suggested she locks her car if she was going to stay the night and she again obliged we slept upstairs in my bed before I awoke hours later there was a banging at the back door and I knew this because the back door was directly below my room she woke up too and said oh my God I standed up quickly and got to my
closet and reached behind the coats that I'll never wear and grabbed my Louisville Slugger she was sitting upright in my bed with her hands seemingly embarrassingly covering her eyes I didn't say anything before walking down the stairs slowly attempting to be silent the lights were off and there's no windows on the staircase and the banging on the back door had audibly ceased I held the bat tightly making sure it didn't bang into the wall to Signal my position at the time I remember how slowly I stepped down especially on the bottom three steps which were
always the caki once I reached the last step I froze and it still gives me chills to this day the hardwood floors Creek around the bottom of the staircase and there was a creaking that was growing closer and closer I raised the bat above my head ready to slam whoever it was right on the top of the head the creaking grew closer until I could hear it from my side and I planned to swing as soon as it was in front of me as the staircase opened to the left from the bottom coming up I
listened ever so carefully holding my breath the creaking came to my Northeast and I squeezed my hands tighter than I ever had before around the bat waiting for it to become just north of me the creaking grew slower and closer and this time they were directly in front of me and I slammed the bat down hard I hit something hard and whatever it was was crumbled to the floor with a bang and a small flash I turned on the light and there he was the boyfriend he had shot his gun directly at the floor and
left a hole in the hardwood my ex came down the stairs and was crying profusely muttering I'm sorry I'm sorry over and over I called the local police station and four cop cars pulled into my driveway along with an ambulance in a matter of minutes I sat there at the base of the stairs watching the boyfriend he was breathing I could tell from his chest slowly inclining and declining off the floor I had grabbed what I think was a 9 mm off the floor and kept it in my hand with the safety turned on and
I just shook my head over and over in utter disbelief I explained the situation to the police as the paramedics rushed in and carried him out on a stretcher all in all I didn't get to sleep until in the afternoon later that day after all things had been finished he ended up actually being induced into a coma and eventually recovered but a restraining order had already been filed in advance my ex and I became good friends after the incident and she never dated that guy again I never ended up moving though I had considered it
heavily and nothing since has [Applause] [Music] [Music] happened [Music] number one so I'm headed out to my local mall a few days ago determined to do some serious Christmas shopping as a bit of reference I'm only about 5'5 and quite thin I have a Shaggy pixie cut and prefer the comfort of big t-shirts and skinny jeans most of the time so I get mistaken for a 12-year-old boy a lot more than I would like to admit so there I was Christmas list in hand and ready to take this thing on like a champ I had
more money than I had for Christmas in a long time and I was really excited to get some excellent gifts for my best friend and my parents I was walking along on the ground floor headed for the stairs when I passed this lady who was giving out hand lotions she had a few small packets in her hand and a larger bottle on a little table beside where she stood okay cool I think to myself grab a sweet ass lotion packet and keep going I didn't want to be rude and just keep walking so I took
the lotion and smiled in a sort of thanks for the lotion lady kind of way big mistake before I had the opportunity to keep going this chick grabs my wrists and let out a squeal that would hurt a banshee's ears you keep your nails natural hell freaking yeah I do I clean for a living so there's not much point in getting them done unless I'm going somewhere special uh sure I said and try to wrench myself free to my dismay this lady has a hold of me like a hungry anaconda and I knew I'd be
stuck listening to her sales pitch I was a bit confused as to why she had picked me out of the entire crowd of people walking especially because the boots and studded jacket usually scare off potential creeps and probably friends too but hey unfortunately all the leather and studs in the world did nothing for my baby face so I probably still seemed easy prey for this [ __ ] she's all look how great this makes your hands and nails while all I could think was why she thought I cared my hands are all scarred and callous
from various do-it-yourself mishaps and years of guitar practice so there really isn't much that can be done for them I attempted to get away by letting her know that I wasn't interested and that I had to get back to shopping before it got too late she batted her eyelashes and said that lucky me since I was so cute she would give me an entire set for the low low price of $20 if I followed her to go get it from her stand upstairs I had just come from the top floor of the mall since there
were exits and entrances on both floors and I knew for a fact that the only kiosk up there was an eyebrow threading place like hell I was going anywhere besides GameStop to get my little brother a new game for Christmas so I declined she tightened her hold and just repeated the sales pitch this time asking me weird questions in between trying to convince me to buy this lotion how old are you 19 where do you go to school I graduated do you have a sister no where's your boyfriend I don't have one I tried to
tell her again nicely because I hate hurting people's feelings to [ __ ] right off and let me get back to Christmas shopping when she stared dead into my eyes and said are you alone a million little alarms went off in my head and I lied and told her I was there with my dad she looked around and asked which one he was I pointed out the most intimidating looking guy I could find and she launched back into trying to sell me this product at warp speed like she was in some kind of huge hurry
I told her again more firmly this time that I was not spending any money on her hand lotion she started walking off in a random Direction Still Holding my wrist and insisted that I come with her to see more of the products she was selling because surely I would want something despite the fact that every freaking word out of my mouth said the complete opposite I yanked my arm free and stood my ground prepared to defend myself if she tried pulling me with her again I am not buying anything from you I need to get
back to shopping before I could even turn away she asked me what I used to wash my face a bit caught off guard I told her and she began launching a barrage of insults at me like you're too pale and your skin is so dry and featuring my personal favorite it looks like a shedding lizard ouch that hurt I didn't put any stock in her Petty attempts to insult me people had complimented me on my skin before and I like the way I looked anyway I walked away instead of throwing anything back at her and
headed upstairs to finish shopping but before I left the mall that night I marched my dry lizard skin right over to the nearest mall cop and informed him that he had some rude ass people working in the mall I wasn't sure who else to tell so I wasn't too surprised to see him scrunch up his face in confusion I expected him to direct me to a sort of complaints desk or something similar but nothing could have prepared me for what he said next um we don't sell that here well [ __ ] I described the
woman and told him what brand of lotion she had tried to get me to purchase but he only shook his head and told me the vendor for that particular brand had not been coming around that mall for years on my way back out to the parking lot I passed the spot where she had originally confronted me there was no woman no lotion samples no vendor's cart I later asked my cousin who worked in the mall if there was anyone selling that lotion there she said no and the quick peek at the malls online directory confirmed
it I'd hate the think where we would have ended up had I followed her number two my name is Lucy and I'm a mother of free from Detroit this happened about 10 years ago but it still sticks out in my mind as one of the most disturbing things that has ever happened to me it was Christmas night and about 12:00 p.m. and my kids had literally just got to sleep they are only 7 years old but since it was Christmas they were so excited they got to sleep later this night well at about 3:00 in
the morning my daughter Casey run into the room she started saying she could hear Santa and of course we told her to go back to bed or Santa wouldn't deliver the presents well she went back to bed and we went to sleep for an hour and that's where my other daughter Selena came into my room she said she could hear Santa too and she said she could hear him coming down the chimney since I told them we could get up at 6:00 I didn't see the point in going back to sleep and getting Disturbed time
after time again so I told them that we would go up into the Loft and look out the window and see if we can see Santa in his sigh well me my husband and my three daughters went up in the Loft and were up there however when we got up there we could hear footsteps on our roof this was very weird but we put it down to being a cat but to be cautious my husband told me and my three daughters to go and wait in our room when he looked down he looked mortified he
said that he could definitely hear human footsteps so he went downstairs and outside with a baseball bat however when he looked on the roof there was nobody there they must have got away so he went back inside but as my husband was coming back up the stairs he saw something that caught his eye he saw something red and black in the fireplace that obviously wasn't there before and when he walked up to it there was a dead cat in a father Christmas costume but not just one three of them someone had got a ladder climbed
onto our roof and put them down our chimney my husband told me to come down and look at it and it was absolutely disgusting the cat's heads have been almost ripped off we put them out in the backyard and dispose of them a few days after but I'm so glad my children didn't run downstairs St to see that sitting on the fireplace it really upsets me that some people can just be this cruel number three this story happened to me 5 years ago and it still bothers me that people can be this heartless it was
getting close to Christmas and I went for my jog I'm a 35-year-old woman and I've got a family of five as I was running around the corner I bumped into someone from the neighborhood bearing in mind this person is notorious for being extremely weird I was a little cautious to talk to him but he seemed to insist on talking to me so I guess I had to we were just having a general conversation about life when he handed me a present of course I took it and said thank you but I didn't have a gift
for him because well why would I I never really spoke to him and we put it under the tree a little background on this man he is the type of person that would just stand outside his house all day trying to talk to people and he had long hair unshaven and was generally scruffy everybody in the neighborhood tried to avoid him and nobody really knew what he did as a job fast forward about 5 days it's Christmas Day and I wake up and go downstairs we opened all the main presents first of course but at
the end we just had a few presents left from people we didn't really know so we decided to open them I said to my 5-year-old kids they can open it and I went in the kitchen to get my phone to take a picture or a video of them opening the presents well when I came back I was utterly shocked I saw my 5-year-old daughter open a Carell box with candy written on the front it looked a bit shudy so I took it off with my daughter and when I looked at it he had put blue
asbestos in the Box hoping that my kids would eat it I quickly grabbed the Box and put it outside and wake my husband up and ask him what to do 2 days later we told the neighbors and we were the only ones to get a present off of him needless to say we never spoke to him again number four I'm a member of the slam poetry scene basically it's an excuse to get people to listen to Performance poetry by adding a competitive element to things after running through the small scene in my city and wanting
to Branch out and push my career further I started visiting places within driving distance that I could spit this led me to Charlotte North Carolina I started at their local team venue where you compete to be part of a squad that goes to a national competition every year I was doing well and was accepted into the local crew pretty readily this led to longer stays and features at some of the other venues in the city I started going to the one that was particularly popular and good for selling CDs that's where I met him he
worked as a barback occasionally he got on stage and shared frankly shitty poems he was the brother of the host and everyone knew and liked him he slowly started flirting with me more and more although in my loose days searching for acceptance and love everywhere something always kept me leery I gladly accept the drinks he sent over smoke his weed with the group in a stock room between sets and hang out at parties and events I always had the tickle in my gut warning not to get too close but over for a year or two
we continued to become friends after a while he started calling and texting me more often poking me on Facebook daily sending messages about wanting to be more than friends that he wanted to find a snow bunny yes I'm white he's black and he wanted to settle down again I never entertained it there was something gnawing at me the crazy in his eyes was too hard to miss I eventually moved to Denver to take a position teaching poetry and work at a friend's Law Firm the second Christmas I was there I got the call a friend
from Charlotte relayed the following he had found his white girl and gotten married they seemed happy at first but slowly began fighting more and more it spilled over into the venue and often they had to be separated by friends from physically attacking one another in public one friend later thinking back remembers the last time she saw them together him pushing his wife followed by her throwing a drink in his face and scratching his neck deep enough to draw blood she said after the couple had been dragged away from each other she sat with him and
smoked a cigarette she says she laughed and said you guys are going to kill each other around Christmas last year his wife just stopped coming to the bi-weekly events they both attended regularly he explained it way that they were on a break time goes by no one really questions that they hadn't seen or heard from her in a while thinking she was breaking from the whole scene in order to put distance between herself and her husband her parents however hadn't heard from their daughter since the Thanksgiving dinner they would call him he would say everything
was fine and blow them off this continues until a week after Christmas knowing their daughter would never miss a holiday without at least a call they called the police send them to the coup's home for a wellbody check the cops arrive knock on the door and are let in they ask him where she is he replies she's in the bedroom he shows him to the room and there she lay dead for weeks rotting in their bed oh and he killed her little dog too during this time he had been attending events hosting hip-hop nights even
publishing a Blog on making a marriage work on one of the local organization sites never once letting on that every night he was going home and sleeping with his murdered wife the sickest part of it all he has a child from another relationship a daughter whom he gets to celebrate every other holiday with that Christmas they opened gifts had dinner cuddled up on the couch and watched movies less than 100 ft from her decaying stepmother I don't know what would have happened if I've ever taken him up on his offer to date but I do
know me and my gut are going to stay on speaking terms and I will always listen this happened about 2 years ago when I was 18 I was really into photography and I would love getting into Community groups and do cool stuff for our group page about 7 months into being a part of this group which mainly consisted of 30 to 40 year olds and their children a new person joined the group and of course we all welcome him this man was fairly old and to be honest he didn't look very appealing like a wrinklier
Jack Nicholson with really wiry white hair he asked us in group chat if we were going out on another hike soon as he'd like to join us the group leader and I arranged the meeting place in time come next weekend all the usual people were there and I asked if the new man had shown up yet they all replied with no we waited for a good 25 minutes and decided he couldn't make it so off we hiked up this hill and started getting some cool nature shots when all of a sudden the man we waited
for emerged from the bushes his clothes were dirty and he was silent he didn't have a camera with him which was a requirement when we go out to do activities like these he said he would tag along he made the whole group feel so uncomfortable and keep in mind we were far from our cars and halfway up a Forest Hill the group leader quietly whispered to me that we were going to circle back I was relieved because this guy was creeping all of us the hell out the leader announced we were going back now and
then probably a split second after that the man started yelling at all of us like a madman he started raving on how he was going to skin us and skull [ __ ] us and then he revealed a hunting knife strapped to his belt one of our members was ex Navy and reacted immediately and being the muscle of the group really showed his worth as he held this guy down and twisted his arm into a position that he could break easily if he didn't comply he eventually calmed down and we called the police back at
the parking lot the whole time we we waited he was saying some really cruel and nasty things he was going to do to us and at one point he bit the tip of his tongue off and blood went all over his face he did a high-pitched laugh and then never spoke again the sergeant came and took him away a few days later they found out his real name and where he lived when the police investigated his home they ended up finding pictures of the entire group on all of our hikes taken by this man there
must have been hundreds of photos he found out some of our names because we would sometimes talk loudly to one another if anything the intentions of this man were Pure Evil number two when my husband and I first moved out on our own we had this neighbor that we would sometimes see outside and would talk to we even went to the local pool hall and played some pool with him one day we were all hanging out at his house and were sitting outside the cutest little black kitten walks up in the yard my husband and
I are animal lovers so I'm all about this kitten my husband and the neighbor walk around the side of the house and were gone for maybe a minute or two and my husband Returns the look on his face was horror and fury he looks at me and says he killed that cat I get up and walk around there and my husband is holding this kitten the neighbor had hit him in the head with a rock but at this point the kitten was breathing it had knocked him out long story short we took the kitten to
the vet and he had to have an eye removed we've had the kitten which we Nam midnight for about 10 years he's good now and one hell of a mouse killer we found out a few years later that this neighbor had been out of town for work and was rooming with a coworker he later went on to stab his roomate to death and returned back to his home here it's scary to believe that someone like that lived right beside us and had been in our home and we had been in his obviously after the kitten
thing happened we stopped talking to him after letting him know what we thought about it and what a piece of [ __ ] he was so creepy ex neighbor let's not meet again [Music] number three it all happened to my father one stormy night in Glennwood Colorado it was the 1980s my father was an electrical engineer just returning home from a job site he worked long hours and it wasn't uncommon for him to be heading home around midnight to the small cabin he shared with a friend it was pouring rain lightning flashed only to illuminate
the murky puddles of washed out terrain as my father rounded the corner upon the dirt road he passed a large Willow Tree as his headlights crossed its base he noticed someone was crouched underneath it it was a woman who seemed to be in her late 20s with long Tangled blonde hair she had on fairly casual clothing and carried a somewhat large bundle under her arms wrapped in cloth my father being the gentleman that he was decided to pull over and offered her to take shelter from the storm in his cabin just up the road she
smiled and thanked him as she got into his vehicle she explained that she had been on a hike through the canyon that day when the storm hit and she had been caught off guard by the rain my dad smiled and pointed out that she wasn't exactly wearing the best clothing or shoes to go on a hike she laughed and said that she left her place on a whim unprepared he asked if she needed him to draw anything pointing to the bundle she held tightly under her arm her voice suddenly became very Stern and stated no
when my father asked her where she lived around there things got a little strange she started telling my dad that she had no family or friends in the area and was quite vague when asked about details of where she lived all she responded with was that it was too far to drive to tonight in this kind of weather at this point my dad said he felt something was a bit off but chocked it up to her exhaustion from hiking and standing out in the storm for several hours as they entered the cabin my dad remembered
that his roommate had left that morning to take a trip out of town and wouldn't be back for several days my dad would have offered her to stay in his friend's room but didn't feel comfortable doing so without his permission remember that this was the 1980s pocket cell phones weren't on everyone yet my dad told her that she was welcome to sleep on the couch and dry off as he handed her several towels she took them from him with her right hand but still never letting go of the bundle that she hugged under her left
arm my dad at this point realized that she had never given him a name so he introduced himself nice to meet you my name is Mary Lou she replied my dad started to feel a bit more comfortable and turned on the television for her and handed over the remote she scanned through the channels finally deciding on a gangster flick the scene involved a bunch of mobsters was getting shot to Pieces Mary found this to be quite amusing and started to laugh in a crackling high-pitch tone my dad started to get a bit creeped out by
this she was enjoying it a little too much he said then my dad started to ask about her life and things took a turn for the worse when asked if she was in a relationship she pointed down at her belt buckle and told my dad the story of of her breakup she claimed that her last boyfriend wanted to be domineering over her and she responded by bludgeoning him half to Death In His gravel driveway with her belt buckle the same one that she was wearing he kept saying stop please stop and begging but I wouldn't
show him Mercy she said with a note of pride in her voice my dad asked if he had abused her or if she was was reacting defensively and she merely scoffed and said no otherwise he would be dead my father's unease grew as the conversations progressed she told him about her mother dying on the operating table and how the surgeon who had been working on her walked out covered in blood and said that she would be fine how is she supposed to be okay with all of her guts in the trash can she spewed and
then she laughed glancing back at the TV screen littered with disheveled bullet-ridden corpses I love the sight of blood it excites me turns me on you know death draining them to death at this point my dad was officially done he was bigger and stronger than she was and he was quite StreetWise and had seen plenty of Horrors himself but the way she spoke with a violent confidence combined with her Sure Grip upon the bundle which lie under her arm sent chills down his spine he needed a plan finally an idea popped into my father's head
I have a friend who's a priest in town he has access to several shelters funded by the church you would be a lot more comfortable there instead of on our couch they can feed you too and arrange a ride for you to get home in the morning I can call him right now he's only a few miles from here he stated reassuringly Mary Lou's tone brightened to match his that sounds wonderful thank you so much my father smiled hiding his relief of course it's the least I could do for you as my dad walked over
to the phone and began to dial the number Mary Lou interrupted in a low gutal growl I ha hate priests I hate priests she didn't yell it she didn't scream it she said it with a tired hatred a clear distinct audible whisper disdained from the bottom of her heart with a unflinching resolve my dad had enough this wasn't a game to play anymore this was beyond a stranger with odd Tendencies a Darkness with coiled cruel had crossed the threshold of his door you need to leave you need to leave now my dad said pointing at
the front of the cabin there's the door I can't have you here and feel comfortable I'm sorry but the storm has stopped and I hate to have you walk in the dark but that's the way this has to go please leave Maryl gazed upon Him expressionless and finally just Shrugged my father walked her out standing close to her in the event that the bundle concealed some type of weapon he wasn't taking any further chances she smiled at him as she slowly walked out onto the front porch goodbye for now I'll see you when I see
you she said calmly with that she walked down the long dirt road with a single street light upon its path she looked back one last time before crossing the light and disappearing enveloped by the darkness with no trace of her to be seen my dad called the police the next day concerned that she may be hiding on the premises somewhere after speaking to his girlfriend who is now my mom about it and being convinced by her that she was going to cut the window screen when he was gone hide in the house and kill him
they found nothing and said that the area attracted a lot of transients and Nomads my father father then made the mistake of telling his engineer buddies at work which resulted in them bidding him farewell at the end of each shift in the form of asking him that he say hi to Mary Lou for them my dad never saw her again he still questions what could have been in that bundle that she adamantly protected he'll never know number four my great- grandmother was born in 1913 in Ukraine in 1932 when she was 19 something called the
Holland doore took place which was extermination by hunger this was recognized years later as genocide on Ukrainian people by the Soviet Union Millions died and as you might expect during a famine cannibalism became rampant it wasn't unheard of great grandma told me for families to kill the youngest child in order to eat as time passed and the famine ended things seemed to get better but food was still scarce it cost a lot just for the basics milk eggs bread Etc it also took a lot of time as these things weren't easy to find though it
happened less great grandma was certain that people were resorting to easier more Sinister methods to obtain food grandma was pregnant with my grandfather in 1936 and she wanted fresh vegetables desperately sort of a pregnancy craving I guess you could say so out she went trekking up and down the streets it looks like she wasn't going to have any luck until lady you need something it was a small boy about 8 years old his cheeks were unusually full she remembered most people these days had cheekbones that look like they would poke out from your face at
any slight pressure great grandma told the boy she wanted vegetables and his chubby face split into a grin he knew knew just the place he told her and gave her directions to a hoval a few blocks down she was wary but determined so off she went the hobo smelt like Slaughter she didn't think anything of it maybe these people had a lot of food and she had struck a gold mine perhaps they would take sympathy on a pregnant woman and not charge her an astronomical price for a droopy carrot when she pushed the curtain and
acting as a door aside and said hello three things happened simultaneously there was a man with a blank of wood raised above his head coming towards her she caught sight of a human head laying on the table causing her to scream and a woman in the corner shouted stop the woman examined my grandmother frowning at her stomach the boy knows we have standards we don't kill pregnant women go leave do not repeat what you saw we can change our minds great grandma didn't need to be told that again she left and came to America years
later to start a cannibalism free life I still wonder what would have happened had they not noticed she was pregnant [Music] [Music] number [Music] one so when I was around 9 to 10 years old I used to play play football on a local team who had their outdoor practices not far from where I lived I'm a girl by the way because it wasn't that far away me and a friend who was on the same team used to take our bikes there together the easiest way to get there is to go on the long walking Track
that for a long time ago used to be where the trains went but they later took away the train tracks and put cement on the ground so today it's a long walking Track that many dog owners love to use when walking their dogs there are some parts along the track that has like small woods but there are mostly houses so you feel quite safe when you walk there at night it is always lit up with a strong light so you can see at least 50 m ahead of you with no trouble so one night at
almost 8:00 p.m. me and my friend were riding our bikes from practice I have no memory of what we talked about but just that we laughed and joked around we were about to turn down from a sidewalk onto the long walking Track and we saw a man who came walking from the direction we were heading I remember how slowly he walked and how he kind of looked off like something wasn't quite right with him he stopped just in front of us and just stood there looking at us and because it was a small uphill we
had to jump off for bike so we could get up safely on the walking Track without falling off our bikes but he was blocking the way I remember how quiet it got between us and how big his eyes looked when he followed us with his gaze when we passed him it felt like he wanted to grab one of us so we could quickly jumped back on and continued in the corner of my eye I saw how he turned around facing our way in the same direction he just came from and then started walking behind us
it just seemed so weird but I wasn't scared at that moment just very uneasy I should mention it was just us three no one else my friend had also noticed how weird the man acted and told me we should go a little bit faster so that's exactly what we did we both looked back after speeding it up a bit and could see to our horror how he'd started half walking and half running behind us with his eyes nailed on us faster my friend yelled and took off with me behind I tried to keep up with
her but fell back a little bit I was ready to pee my pants when I look back to see the man with his long legs running like a maniac aiming directly at me I remember how she kept yelling faster faster faster how she kept looking back when I no longer dared to because I was so scared that was when two older women came from a sidewalk we finally dared to stop and when we turned around this time the guy had thrown himself into the woods and was nowhere to be seen my friend told me afterwards
after we had finished crying that the biggest reason why she kept screaming was because he was just a few inches from grabbing my bike I can imagine what he was planning on doing with the girl he managed to catch drag her down into one of the small woods and have his wife way it just seems so odd that he took his chances with two girls at the same time it sounds horrible to say but I'm pretty sure my friend wouldn't have stopped if he got a hold of my bike number two when I was about
11 years old I lived in a one-bedroom apartment with my mother we were very poor the bedroom had double sliding glass doors that led out to the balcony we lived on the third floor for safety and the cheaper rent that it offered my mother often stayed in the living room late into the evening because she liked to watch TV before bed and I preferred quiet we had a bunk bed with a full-size mattress on the bottom and a twin on top one night I was up in the top bunk and my mom came into the
room and called my name quietly I'm a light sleeper so I woke right up she said there's someone on the back porch don't move she was standing just outside the doorway to the room and had stopped entering when she saw the shadow of someone behind the blinds covering the glass doors the type of blinds that are flat when closed but with the lights around the complex you could see his shadow through them I just remember being shocked that someone could get up onto a third floor balcony then he started to knock really slowly that's when
I got scared my mom went into the kitchen and called 911 I stayed as still as I could hoping he would just go away it couldn't have been more than 3 minutes but the next time I opened my eyes he was gone when the police arrived about 3 minutes after that they looked all over the complex but could find no sign of him when one of the officers went onto our balcony there was no indication of how he'd gotten up to the third floor but there were two very evident palm prints where he leaned against
the glass for who knows how long before my mom walked in it never happened to us again I hope it didn't happen to anyone else either number three this happened in my old elementary school which is pretty much right behind our house I was walking to go and get my brother who's 11 to come back home as I approach the park he's nowhere in sight I start to get a little frantic because he's a smart kid and knows danger when he sees it but is so friendly that he'll jump to any offer to go and
play video games so at the time I'm thinking that he may have had a close friend that he is with so I call my mom and let her know she said that since a year ago nobody we knew lived in our neighborhood and we started freaking out as I began to look around and ask people if they saw him one kid knew who I was and told me that he was walking with with a few older teenagers to a house a few blocks down naturally I start sprinting to go and see where he went he's
a gullible kid and I'm thinking of the worse I end up finding the house he's at and it's an absolute [ __ ] hole there was some teenagers in the vicinity of the house and I asked what they were doing and one told me they were delivering a package to somebody and that somebody was the owner of this nasty house I freaked out I ran and Dro kick the door so damn hard I broke the door off the hinges and I ran inside to save my brother luckily he was playing video games as this [
__ ] was watching him the man was a fat sloppy greasy looking guy the type of guy that runs a butcher shop I immedi Ely start yelling at my brother to get up and leave now I'm a big guy at 6'1 and 250 lb a former Collegian fullback and as soon as I finished yelling at my brother I get this by the neck and lift him against the wall Michael Myers type of way I get the guy to spill the beans and found out the situation and what happened my brother told me that these teenagers
came up and said that they knew who I was invited my brother over to play video games this man paid these kids to find a little boy to bring to his house so he could fondle them and sexually assault them possibly kidnap or worse I've never been so angry or scared at the same time in my life I called the cops and they arrest the man on charges of abduction and is now in jail this happened 3 days days ago and I don't know how I could live with myself if my brother was killed right
before Christmas time please watch over your siblings whenever you can and stress to them the fact that you don't ever do anything without parental admission that man is so lucky he didn't die but I have too much of a future to murder a miserable sick man like that greasy [ __ ] let's hope you don't ever meet me again number four in the late '70s my mom was in her 20s and living in a brand new apartment complex in Houston Texas it was so brand new that the phone service wasn't even fully working yet and
her building was one of the last to get access my mom had just gotten back from a vacation to Cancun and so had made a pretty hefty trip to the grocery store to restock her fridge and Pantry it took her several trips to the car and back with her unlocking and relocking her front door each time she came in her out during her trip she noticed that a friend of her neighbors was waiting outside their door my mom had seen this man Sven and even hung out with him and her neighbors a young couple several
times he was Scandinavian and quite striking and friendly on her last trip up the stairs Sven and my mom made eye contact once again and he asked her are they home with a nod to his friend's apartment my mom replied that she didn't know svan explained that the three of them were meant to go to a movie but just assumed they were running late my mom felt bad for him and said that she would offer for him to use her phone but the service was out instead she invited him to wait inside her apartment until
her neighbors got home my mom is a cautious woman even by her 20s she had dealt with many creepy encounters she always locked doors always looked twice never made herself look timid and questioned everyone's motives she thought that she knew Sven well enough to know that he was well-intentioned and harmless she and Sven entered the apartment and he made himself comfortable on her couch my mom went to putting her groceries away and grabbed a can of soda she called to Sven do you want some coke he replied no thanks I brought my own my mom
peaked around the doorway to see Sven ranging lines of cocaine on her coffee table she walked out to him and he offered her some she said a quick no thanks and he told her to suit herself and lowered his face to the table with a rolled up dollar bill to his nose my mom stood over him watching in confused disbelief she had come to her senses and told him I think you should leave he scoffed and began to reach for her arm she tried to pull away but he grabbed her and began to pull her
down on top of him she ripped herself from grip and told him I am a big strong girl and I can [ __ ] you up I think you need to leave now he gave her an amused impressed grin and left her apartment without further trouble as soon as Fen was gone my mom locked her door and waited in a State of Shock after several minutes she looked out of her window to see Sven and his shiny Excalibur parked perpendicular behind her car effectively blocking her from leaving Panic set in her phone was out everyone
in her family and group of friends knew this they wouldn't know to be worried when they didn't hear from her she had no way of contacting anyone or leaving for help without Sven noticing she waited for nearly half an hour staring out of the window to keep an eye on Sven suddenly he pulled away my mom had her purse and keys ready and bolted out the door door ran down the stairs and jumped in her car locking the door instantly she thought she was home free but as she looked in her rearview mirror to reverse
she saw the Excalibur parked behind her again blocking her from leaving horror filled her as she realized that he had just circled the complex in hopes of this very thing happening he grinned at her from his window as she struggled with what to do she put her car in reverse but he didn't budge he just grinned even more laughing to himself then my mom realized that this Excalibur he was driving was worth a whole lot more than her beat up car she grinned back at Sven as she Slamm the gas pedal throttling her car backward
as fast as it would go Sven fearing the damage that would come to his car pulled out of the way quickly leaving room for my mom to escape my mom pulled out of the complex Sven followed she got onto Highway 59 a very busy freeway that went through the most populous parts of town Sven followed he was close behind her swerving and changing lanes when she did up ahead my mom saw traffic she swerved in front of a car that had been breaking for it and Sven got left behind my mom drove to her friend's
house banging on the door door to let her in they sat in her friend's apartment watching for Sven but he never came she had lost him when my mom told friends and family this tale they thought she was overreacting and embellishing the story they knew how cautious she was and figured it was an overact of imagination on her part nobody believed her fully until a few months later when looking at a magazine rack my mom saw sven's face on the cover of Houston City magazine she snatched it up and read the story Sven who worked
at the notorious screw magazine had been arrested for raping multiple women he would overpower them when they were in vulnerable positions tie them up rape them and urinate on them while doing all sorts of other demeaning humiliating acts to them he was only convicted of raping two of them but there were other victims whose cases just didn't have enough proof very soon after my mom's neighbors moved out quickly and Without a Trace left behind she wonders to this day if they had anything to do with sven's Antics or if they were just as unaware as
she had [Music] been
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