Why YOU SUCK at MACRO (And How to Fix It) - League of Legends

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Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
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Video Transcript:
learning how to make consistent decisions in a game as complex as League of Legends it's definitely not easy there's billions of variables Champions teammates are either sane or completely crazy and so on it's genuinely impossible to know what the correct decision is at every stage of the game at all times now instead of always focusing on what you should be doing though there's actually often a lot of value that can be gained from learning what not to do instead with macro you don't always have to make the best decision possible a decent choice is going
to get you ahead even if you missed a great opportunity in the process but making a poor choice can throw the game completely out of your hands giving you no opportunity to carry so in this guide we're going to be covering some of the most common pitfalls that we notice from low ELO players and how you can quickly fix them in your games so let's get into it if by the end you find the tips in this guide helpful then you should know that your you'll find way more information at our site over at skillcap
the concepts that we're going to be covering today are definitely super important but you're going to be learning a lot more information to help you climb from our Premiere courses we've got a dedicated macro course that you should definitely check out after this where you're going to learn how to master decision- making super easily not only that though we've also got amazing courses specific to every single role in the game so you're going to get a ton of value regardless of what you play and that's on top of all of our other courses ranging from
mechanics csing jungle clearing and so on if you're serious about improving then use the special discount link below to sign up today and the best part is there is zero risk to you we're so confident in our service that if you don't improve all actively using skill cap you're going to get your money back and we don't ask any questions about it and with that let's get back into the most common macro mistakes that you need to void when it comes to macro in a complex game like League you often have to weigh multiple different
choices at once do I push mid do I Shadow my teammate bot do I base and spin gold and so on and so forth you're constantly faced with multiple decisions that you have to choose from but there's also another perspective that you really need to take as well to show you though let's take a look at this game here and let's focus on this jyn and Janna who are doing amazingly well after this fight jyn ended up with four kills so he's in a prime position to carry the game now when they're back in Lane
let's take a look at the state of the map and only focus on their volar he's getting Rift Herald completely for free so if you're JY and Janna what would you do here let's watch what happens first they're playing very aggressively and are dominating the 2v2 with their lead unfortunately the enemy Kang comes in and they of course both end up dying we see this a whole lot when players get leads where they feel like they have to do something but there's actually often value in doing absolutely nothing with your lead to explain why though
let's go back to when volar is doing the herald to get better decisionmaking here a skill you want to develop is being able to quickly run through all the outcomes that could come from your play so in this case let's say Jen and Janna just sat back and chilled while volar did Herold that's a free OB objective for the blue team which is obviously a positive result now on the other hand let's say that they play aggressive as they did here there's two outcomes the first is what happened where you get Herald but both of
them die this is a negative result as throwing away that big of a shutdown is definitely not good on the other hand though let's say it works they get Herald and they live Andor get kills in the process that would be a really positive result this is a major recurring issue that we noticed from lower ELO players they tunnel Vision so much on this really positive result however High ELO players are way more risk ofers than they really appear to be usually at least good players always focus on the play that will yield a positive
result 90 to 100% of the time even if that positive result isn't as rewarding as other options going for the play that always works is how you can begin climbing way more consistently so sometimes when you have a lead and you're already getting ahead you shouldn't feel pressured to push your advantage taking the simple and consistent route will get you to a win if Jen and Jenna had just played safe here and done nothing at all they'd be guaranteed to break every structure eventually especially with the rift Herald instead the feeling that they needed to
randomly push their lead ended up being the reason they eventually lost this game now of course doing nothing doesn't mean we expect you to sit there and literally AFK in fact what you're about to see is what we'd recommend that previous Jen and Janna to go for which is trying to waste enemy time when your teammates are doing something on the map that will yield a positive result you should try to bait the enemy into wasting time on you but with as little risk as possible though let's take a look at what we mean we
have a similar situation going on here as before where the blue team is winning and three members are pushing in mid while Elise is doing Dragon let's watch what happens they keep aggressively pushing mid and eventually they end up getting flanked by the enemy jarvin Ezreal ease into the cataclysm because why wouldn't he and they all end up dying now if we were to ask you at the end of that whole sequence that you just watched who was at fault who do you think it was was it the Ezreal the CNA or the seraphim believe
it or not it wasn't ezreal's terrible mechanics that were the biggest issue here it was both the seraphine and the Senna if we go back to the start it's not a terrible plan to be mid here as three players this bit of pressure can buy time while El least secures dragon and or begins pushing out Top Lane baiting the enemy to come mid and wasting their time could be very beneficial but if you're going to make a play like this one you 100% need to be absolutely sure that you can't be engaged on this requires
simple positioning you want a mobile champion in the front or at least someone with flash or good disengage tools then everyone else should be behind away from any danger if their teammate in the front gets engaged on then they can just help him get out take a look at how CNA and sarapen were positioned here they stood next to or even further up than Ezreal almost the entire time they didn't understand their role in this position so when jarvin comes in to engage the C with no flash is easily just locked down and as a
result here ezreal's forced to fight otherwise he'd just be leaving his teammate to die and that's why everyone ends up throwing their lead learning how to waste your opponent's time properly is one of the best tools you need to learn to utilize for carrying games and the most effective version of it is actually something most players don't really appreciate enough rage splitting if you don't know what we mean here rage splitting is what your teammate does when they go 0 and 10 and are feeding the whole game they just sit in a sidelane pushing waves
and continue to die over and over and over now what's funny though is while everyone hates having this type of teammate it's actually one of the best comeback strategies in the entire game league is a game with a lot of different approaches to it and as a result even the best players in the world often disagree with each other on what the best way to play the game is you may have noticed this you're going to get very different advice depending on your source and the algorithm is going to feed you whatever you want now
despite on how much they can disagree though in any of this type of content a vast majority of Challenger players will generally agree that split pushing mindlessly can absolutely be very effective at least in Solo Que Now the reasoning here is pretty simple since you're worth little gold and less experience your death doesn't mean as much so if you die after pushing the wave to the enemy Tower very aggressively the enemy really can't accomplish much because you've denied them a wave to push Towers they're just forced to kill you and then slowly push the wave
back out then by the time you respawn on you can go collect the wave they've pushed into you rage splitting makes it so you keep your farm up while denying the enemy team from getting stuff done on the map but the reason it's so effective and what we are trying to explain here is because of the mistake that players make when their versus a raid splitter players tend to have a really bad mentality in this game that killing feeding Champions isn't worth their effort you see this really all the time in League you're going to
see comments like like bro I'm useless why are you killing me this leads to the biggest mistake of all in any game that you play when playing against this strategy let's show what we mean here this Dr Mundo is one in4 in having a really bad time while he's top he sees a dragon fight going on and he has TP while being fully HP he can easily join the fight here but he doesn't care in the slightest he just keeps pushing top and hopes for the best this is a classic case of Rage split Mundo
had a bad B time early so he's going to Sid Lane all game here's what the enemy top laner Aurora does in response while Mundo split she was at the dragon fight helping her team with the lead she had then when she sees Mundo in bot Lane later in the game she decides to go mid to look for an engage with a numbers Advantage she manages to find an engage and kills jyn this is a terrible play though but why do you remember the line of logic we used with our previous Jen and Vol bear
experience you want to go for consistent outcomes rather with an high variant place the problem with grouping versus a rage splitter is that there's three outcomes that can happen the first is what happened in this game Aurora made an okayish play securing one kill but meanwhile Mundo just pushed bot Lane and got himself a full tower this is the okay outcome where you come out kind of neutral your play was fine but the rage splitter traded even resources because you let them push in this specific case that Tower was way more Val valuable than one
kill well let's say it was neutral another scenario is where your play flops despite being up in numbers you sometimes are going to lose favored fights you guys know what happens you missplay or your teammates misplay whatever the reason you've now thrown the game very badly because not only did you lose the fight but the splitter is also getting a ton done in a sid Lane you lose two different areas the third outcome is going to be what people expect you group 5v4 you kill everyone in a perfect fight and then you secure a massive
lead like Baron off of it the problem is that this requires a lot of things going well for it to happen and it's pretty dang rare the enemy team has to choose to fight you down in numbers and your team has to play the fight well everything going perfectly like that it's not going to be super likely so grouping while the rage splitter sides leads to either a neutral-ish outcome a really bad outcome or a great outcome but only sometimes on a great outcome this level of variance is not really going to help you climb
so unless you're contesting dragon soul or something super important then you shouldn't group to counter rage Splitters the actual counter is really simple you just stay in their Lane and keep killing them or at least preventing them from pushing the wave this denies them from coming back into the game because you're not letting them push and farm also you can just group right after you kill them you're also guaranteed to get kills and CS which accelerates you a bit it's not a waste of time to kill someone who isn't worth a lot of gold maybe
they're just not worth as much as you'd like but it's a consistent result which as we've discussed is how you climb you can also pair that with an item like dark seal or Magi if you're playing AP to really Farm the feeder pushing waves is really really beneficial which is why rage splitting works so dang effectively and as many of you already know now the most important wave to keep pushed at all times is the one in mid you hear it constantly High ELO players preach about mid priority to anyone who's going to listen and
the benefits of pushing in mid before an important objective are pretty dang extensive as well which makes this next mistake that we're going to be talking about a simple but critical one that is very easy to make in the middle of a tense game as kaisa is trying to contest the midlane wave to make sure the enemy team doesn't get a free push her or randomly engages a fight near the enemy Raptors kaisa rotates over but or sadly whiffs his ultimate the fight goes pretty poorly but at least only or died right not too bad
oh wait what was happening over here that whole time oh man the game's completely falling apart now it wasn't just or going down the blue team loses everything after that misplayed fight and sadly it all comes down to this small but meaningful decision made by kaisa at the start of everything to react to or's play kaisa left a little bit of the enemy wave still alive these three nearly dead minions cause a massive chain of Unfortunate Events watch those three minions are moving up giving perfect information on what's Happening mid the vision minions give is
a big part of why mid priority is so important this gives Gwyn complete confidence to Walk This Way not only that but you all know Towers can feel like paper in this day and age even with barely no minion there Gwyn is threatening to take the mid Tower in just a few seconds this made Zyra Panic to try and defend which got her killed and due to that mistake now Gwyn had a natural flank on the rest of kaisa's team which is why everything fell apart this is why mid priority is talked about so so
often three nearly dead minions caus the game to fall apart instantly and that's just one example though losing mid priority can lead to thousands of different ways you can be punished especially with a healthier wave the mistake is simple it feels really bad but if your opponents get the mid push first and they move to a fight before you you should almost never ditch that wave to join the fight minion waves die so fast these days as kaisa even if you see your or engaging you have to make the tough call take two extra seconds
to finish that wave off yes you're going to sometimes be late to the fight but it's worth it to save yourself from all the advant vages that mid push gives your opponents so at the end of the day playing from behind isn't enjoyable and it often forces you to make really tough decisions and one of the toughest choices to make when playing from behind is knowing when to concede objectives for this mistake we're going to be focusing specifically on dragon as it has an extremely important mindset you need to learn in order to know when
to properly fight for each one let's take a look at a specific game situation here in this match the BL team has about a 3,000 gold lead over the red team but they're down a dragon with the objective up on the map both teams inevitably end up fighting for it and the blue team unsurprisingly wins with their gold lead obviously fighting down in gold is never good but you have to take a fight eventually right so when do you fight here's a simple mindset you need to learn we cover in our courses and our guides
that the individual dragons are pretty meaningless these days the Buffs they provide are almost never going to change anything and it's almost laughable how irrelevant they really are but the dragon soul is definitely a major power Spike that nearly guarantees that you're going to win the game this means that if you're playing from behind you shouldn't mind giving up two or even three dragons before you fight your opponents and here's why on average a team is going to earn about 10,000 gold every 5 minutes of the game which is of course how often dragons spawn
so to put it in this game's terms 5 minutes from now the blue team will have around 40,000 gold and the red team will have around 37,000 gold skipping ahead in the actual game here this is pretty dang close to being true again these are averages what you need to understand is that the relative value of your opponent's gold lead is going to drop as the game goes on so at the start their 3,000 gold lead gave them around an 11% lead but each 10,000 gold that both teams earn that value drops lower and lower
and lower and lower when playing from behind you shouldn't contest early dragons instead wait out as much as possible to make your opponent's lead relatively smaller before you inevitably do fight them the reason we chose this specific game though is because of a common situation as well one of the number one things you can do when behind is somehow sneaking or stealing an early Dragon that's because you're going to get an extra 5 minutes before you have to fight for dragon soul giving you another 10,000 gold to help catch up we're sure some of you
were thinking here what if the enemy team extends their lead before then though well they might they might also throw their lead as well that's exactly what happened in this game that you're seeing now the red team went from being behind 3,000 to only 2,000 gold the actual gold lead shrunk your opponents they won't always snowball properly you should know that because your team never really does either right you never really know what's going to happen in a game of League but generally waiting on things is usually going to be a good idea to give
your team a higher Fighting Chance in the long run balancing which objectives you can test isn't always a simple decision to make objectives are important and game states are infinite in variations as a player it's difficult to always know what objectives you should contest and which are the most important is dragon soul better than Baron should you focus GR bus over dragons early it's a common question that we get where players often ask what objectives are important and which they should contest but here's a different question what do you think is the least important objective
in the game is it the bot Lane tier 2 Tower is it Rift heral obviously Scuttle crab is the most important but what's the least important objective to contest what do you think so many games are stupidly thrown over this worthless objective mid inhibitor the reason reason it's pointless is that it doesn't give you any of the value an inhibitor typically would the point of taking Inhibitors is to spawn super minions which will destroy your base unless someone defends them so as a player is forced to defend a super minion wave you and your team
can force something on the opposite side of the map usually this means that top inhibitor is good for getting dragons and Bot inhibitor is good for securing Barron unfortunately mid inhibitor does almost nothing mid is always the first area area you can test before every objective as we previously discussed and since a carry is almost always farming mid that means that the super minion usually dies very quickly to a champion with strong wave clear mid inhibitor doesn't really do much you'll maybe get to end if the enemy team dies but that's really about it otherwise
it accomplishes absolutely nothing what we're getting at here is that it should usually be the last thing you go for you'll often find yourself in a situation where you've wiped the enemy team if you have the choice between mid inhibitor and something else like Baron or Dragon then always prioritize those two above it basically you'll eventually get it if you're winning otherwise if it isn't something to really go for it's definitely not worth risking your lead over as that's what this team did here the red team had just gotten Barren and had a massive lead
but decided to throw and lose the game over a completely worthless objective don't make that same mistake so thinking about the value you're getting from your actions compared to the risk that you're taking is a skill you really need to hone in on and there's a lot of traps in leag that really gets players to throw their games regularly midad himer it pales in comparison to the biggest bait of all Tower damage now we get it it sounds obvious when it's said out loud here but the value of hitting a tower is only relevant when
the structure collapses entirely there is literally no difference between a full health Tower and one at 50% % they both do the same damage and provide the same benefits but we constantly see plays like this where players overvalue Tower damage and they end up throwing their lives away Yasuo and lux's team are losing and the enemy mid tier 2 Tower is full HP everyone else had also based or left now the rift Herald being rable is definitely a big part in why we're giving this tip here despite everything Yasuo decides to ride in and Lux
tags along with him to deal 50% of a Tower's HP which ends up being completely meaningless they threw both their lives away for nothing it's such a silly mistake that you should definitely never be making now of course Towers being low it's obviously nice being able to destroy and finish them off quickly can sometimes when you a fight or bait you into dying here's a simple guideline to follow to know when you should be hitting Towers just to chip away at them if you have nothing else to do and there's very little risk you can
definitely go chip a Tower's HP if there's a jungle Camp to Clear Vision to set up a recall you want to get in then do those instead any other goal is going to be more important than hitting a tower that you're not going to immediately destroy but if you've got genuinely nothing else to do then you can hit towers for some damage sure it's just that simple so if you found these tips helpful but you're yearning for a little bit more of a comprehensive macro learning experience then make sure to check out our site at
skillcap tocom there you're going to find everything you need to help you clim we've got a dedicated macro course that covers way more than we taught in this short video that you just watched not only that but whether you main top jungle mid ADC or support we have got you covered with a course specific to your role and that's on top of a ton of other Great Courses ranging from mechanics farming csing and so on there is a ton of Great Value on our site and if you want to sign up we've got a special
discount Link in the description below and the best part is it comes with with zero risk to you if you don't improve while actively using our service you'll get your money back no questions asked all right that's going to be a wrap on this guide we will see you next time
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