15 Stoic Principles to MASTER THE ART OF NOT CARING

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MASTER THE ART OF NOT CARING In today's video we delve into 15 lessons that master ones ability of ...
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the art of not caring is a pivotal concept in the art of stoicism when you master the art of not caring it allows you to be in total control of yourself others can no longer influence you or take control of you in this video today we will go over 15 stoic lessons in order for you to master the art of not caring before we start this video I would like to say thank you for watching and don't forget to like and if you are watching this and not subscribed make sure you subscribe and hit the bell for more life changing stoic content No. 1 focus on what you can control as Epic Tita stated the chief task in life is simply this to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control and which have to do with the choices I actually control when something happens that upsets or frustrates you pause before reacting take a few deep breaths then careful I consider what parts of the situation you have the power to influence first what parts you do not channel your energy into areas within your control such as your perspective attitudes and response let go of attachment to wanting to control or change anything outside yourself other people external events the past the future you will only drive yourself needlessly crazy serenely accept the bounds of your own realm of agency this act of focusing only on what is within your power creates freedom you break free of the endless disappointments caused by wanting control over things ultimately not up to you you gain mental space for purposeful action of course work to improve challenging situations when that is within reason but without attachment to particular results that rely on external factors your fulfillment comes from your values and choices not controlling what is not yours to control No. 2 accept that life is imperfect it's human nature to desire order and predictability we wish for things to make sense and go according to plan but inevitably child Angus arise people make mistakes and suffering occurs things will never be perfect when you expect or demand perfection from life yourself or others you set yourself up for constant frustration and disappointment demanding that things should be other than what they are leads to anxiety anger and resentment when reality refuses to comply instead acknowledge imperfections and direct your energy toward working with life as it is not as you wish it to be respond artful eye to difficulties as they come without judgment show others compassion for their flaws as we all have them and have self compassion for your own shortcomings of course continue improving yourself each day but do so motivated by growth not self flatulation over failures or setbacks along the way progress happens slowly in fits and starts make peace with the perpetual human condition of falling short of ideals recognize that the desire for perfect order often stems from a need for control and certainty have faith that you have the inner resources to navigate life's twists and turns even when they are painful or frightening let go of needing it to be otherwise embracing the fundamental messiness and unpredictability of life is tremendously freeing you stop struggling against the basic nature of reality and gain perspective to respond wisely to events as they unfold flow with life's UPS and downs with equinoimity acceptance and wisdom No.
3 practice mindfulness it's easy to lose yourself in regrets about the past or anxiety about the future but this squanders the only time that actually exists the present moment when you notice your mind wandering into reliving old memories or imagining future scenarios gently bring your attention back to the current experience engage your senses notice sights sounds sensations happening right now regular mindfulness meditation helps strengthen your concentration muscles and ability to return to the present sit comfortably close your eyes and focus on the inflow and outflow of breath when thoughts arise simply observe them non judgmentally and guide your attention back to the breath staying grounded in the ever changing present prevents getting lost in mental narratives about the static past or imaginary future each moment becomes vivid and precious when you inhabit it fully keep redirecting focus to the present throughout your day appreciate the positive details whenever you can a warm cup of coffee laughter with a friend the feeling of the wind presence fills life with richness missed when dwelling elsewhere while planning for the future has its place staying mindful of the present builds resilience you trust that by engaging fully with each experience as it unfolds you can handle whatever arises good or bad No. 4 perspective is everything when something upsetting occurs it's easy to get swept away by subjective emotional reactions but the Stoics advise taking a step back to view things more objectively before responding when you feel your emotions intensifying pause resist the urge to immediately vent or act while in a reactive state instead breathe deeply and create mental space then look at the situation rationally from an outsider's perspective ask yourself questions like is my response proportional to what actually happened how might this appear years from now looking back what's the wisest perspective to take this mental exercise loosens emotions grip over your thinking by putting space between the subjective reaction and objective event with distance you gain clarity to choose thoughtful next steps rather than reacting rashly of course honor your emotions but don't let them dictate your response as Marcus Aurelius stated if you are pained by external things it is not they that disturb you but your own judgement of them and it is in your power to wipe out that judgement now remember that you always have a choice in how you perceive situations even painful events can be viewed as opportunities for learning and growth if you look for the upside our experience depends profoundly on chosen perspective No. 5 let go of entitlement it's easy to feel your own a particular outcome just because you strongly want or expect it but destiny unfolds as it will not as we demand catch yourself when you notice frustrated reactions stemming from unmet expectations remind yourself that nothing in life is guaranteed events don't always conform to hopes and desires release the judgment that things should be going differently let go of needing reality to accommodate your rigid preferences except that other people in life owe you nothing you aren't entitled to get what you want instead of railing against the situation reflect on what lies within your power you always control your response values and how you use the tools currently available focus there as epic Tita said make the best use of what is in your power and take the rest as it happens give your full effort with equinoimity then let go of insisting life meet particular demands reducing entitled expectations leads to greater Serenity and wisdom to engage constructively with events as they unfold your happiness becomes dependent only on your own character and choices expect less and life naturally fulfills more No.
6 accept change nothing in life stays the same impermanence and change are woven into existence itself attempting to rigidly control or hold on to things as they are inevitable fails and leads to suffering reflect deeply on the reality that aging loss and death await us all relationships evolve circumstances change the wheel of life keeps turning accepting change all those flowing with it artfully when you notice yourself fighting change or clinging to how things used to be pause remind yourself that resisting the fundamental nature of life only brings anxiety and disappointment release the futile attempt at control after mindfully accepting change move into courageously embracing it each transition contains opportunities masked as problems have faith that closing one door opens another you couldn't have imagined grow through periods of upheaval of course honor what has passed and grieve losses mindfully but don't become stuck mourning a faded past shift focus to the possibilities in front of you by embracing life's dynamic nature you stay flexible and able to respond wizzily as situations evolve as Seneca stated every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end trust the cycles of life except endings that enable valuable new beginnings No. 7 judge judiciously it's easy to criticize others mistakes and weaknesses but harsh judgment often says more about ourselves than them before negatively judging someone pause consider if it stems from your own insecurity arrogance or pettiness does their benign quirk really merit your condemnation is it more a matter of personal taste examine your motives also reflect on whether positive intent could underlie their offending action might cultural differences be causing misunderstanding remember hurt people often unintentionally hurt others with hold judgment until you've walked a mile in their shoes focus criticism solely on issues that clearly involve in justice cruelty or harm even then aim more to understand why someone would act that way judgment often blocks teaching moments and reconciliation as the stoic Marcus are really estated when you wake up in the morning tell yourself the people I deal with today will be meddling ungrateful arrogant dishonest jealous and surly they are like this because they can't tell good from evil stay tolerant of course offer feedback compassionately when it could help others improve but avoid judging minor imperfections or matters of subjective opinion nurture growth in those around you by emphasizing their potential more than their flaws No. 8 forgive others when someone wrongs or harms you clinging to resentment ends up hurting you more than them in the long run of course seek justice if you've been legitimately wronged but be cautious about desiring vengeance as Nelson Mandela said resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies it chains you energetically to what hurt you forgiveness doesn't mean condoning poor behavior or forced reconciliation but you can forgive internal I by letting go of bitterness and wishing the best for those who've hurt you even from afar this unteathers you from past pain consider that hurt people often hurt people the one who harmed you likely suffers from their own unresolved traumas and flaws have compassion while protecting yourself as needed to let go of anger dig beneath it to find the unmet need causing it things like security respect belonging how can you nurture that need in healthy ways versus clinging to rage release and focus inward as Marcus Aurelius stated the best revenge is not to be like your enemy forgiveness is an act of self love that breaks cycles of revenge have courage and patience to let it heal your wounds the present and future open when we forgive the past No.
9 Laugh often being able to laugh at the absurdities ironies and frustrations you encounter generates perspective and joy necessary to weather storms in hard times look for humor and levity and simple pleasures funny animal videos amusing observations jokes with friends even when facing grim circumstances a moment of laughter relieves tension and renews spirit don't lose your will ignorance to be silhouette and not take yourself too seriously being playful and amusing engages creativity and imagination to find the lighter side of any difficulty shared laughter and comedy strengthen social bonds and resilience our shared humanity gets reaffirmed when we can chuckle at common foibles and jokes that cut through differences as Seneca stated if you have a cheerful heart smile and laugh at everything humor turns down the volume on adversity problems get cut down to size when made objects of amusement rather than towering seriousness of course let the depth of life touch you full lie including pain but balance it with laughter's medicine levity lifts you from despair and helps you bear the unbearable laughter heals No. 10 focus inward we have direct control over our own growth and habits but very little control over fundamentally altering other people catch yourself when frustrated that others won't change to match your vision of how they should be this usually leads to anger and resentment when the world refuses to bend to your will instead turn attention back to yourself what virtues can you cultivate how can you lead by positive example model the change you wish to see rather than demanding it of others as Marcus Aurelius stated waste no more time arguing what a good man should be be one we grow by doing the work ourselves not just wishing others would improve inspire excellence through your own actions of course lovingly help guide close relations who sincerely desire growth but most people must come to it themselves judging or coercing them is ineffective allow them their own path at their own pace focusing inward on self development brings Serenity and confidence when you excel at manifesting your highest values you won't be as concerned by what others do or don't do tend your own garden first the rest follows No. 11 live simply chasing money status symbols and luxuries rarely brings lasting fulfillment notice when you obsess over acquiring nice homes cars gadgets or other non essentials ask yourself what void am I really trying to fill why do I tie my self worth to appearances and things aim to live modestly purchasing ethical durable goods mindfully fulfill needs but avoid excess cultivate pleasures that gold cannot buy time and nature reading loving relationships also reflect on the personal cost of valuing career ambition and gain over purpose in people recognize how consumer culture feeds ego and distracts from higher aims does it truly enrich your spirit as Seneca stated it is not the man who has too little that is poor but the man who hankers after more true wealth lies in developing wisdom and character not expanding possessions of course financial security eases life stresses but past a certain point more money ceases to increase happiness avoid confusing the means of living with life's ends virtue service and realizing your gifts fully No.
12 be humble it's easy to inflate our own role and impact on situations but in truth many external factors are simply outside our control catch yourself when taking too much credit for when things go well recognize the role of luck help from others and variables beyond your influence don't get arrogant assuming it was all you're doing similarly don't blame solely yourself when problems arise external why avoid falling into shame and self criticism when events don't turn out as hoped you don't have total control over outcomes as the stoic Seneca stated all is opinion and opinion is not truth all depends on our senses and our senses easily mislead us our judgments and perceptions are often distorted by biases maintain modest perspective about your importance in the grand scheme individuals come and go but life continues do your part with humility and find peace in living well not pedestals of course cultivate empowering self belief balanced with unattached acceptance when things go awry aim to influence what you can without self flatulation when the world has other plans No. 13 silence is golden there is wisdom in resisting urges to speak impulsively and holding your tongue when it would be unwise or unkind to share your thoughts I notice when you feel compelled to blurred out whatever crosses your mind without filter pause first consider careful why if voicing these reactions or opinions is necessary or beneficial before giving them wings also be wary of excessive speech even when not overtly harmful as epic Titus advised nature gave us one tongue but two ears so we could hear twice as much as we speak listen more than you talk before communicating ask yourself is this true is it kind is it useful will it improve on silence if not breathe and let the impulse to speak dissipate without indulging it unnecessarily of course speak your truth with care when ethical and obligatory but not every passing notion requires public announcement or debate the cost is often needless discord and scattered energy with mindful silence you gather your mental forces and avoid much useless disturbance No. 14 Amor fati rather than constantly resenting circumstances we find displeasing the Stoics encourage mindfully accepting conditions as they are when faced with frustrating situations pause to reflect instead of just complaining or raging against reality ask yourself sincerely how can I engage constructively with this rather than resisting what cannot be changed lean into challenges and limitations as opportunities to practice virtues like courage wisdom and justice for example financial hardship can inspire voluntary simplicity illness allows developing fortitude betrayal improves discernment of allies as epic Titus advised do not seek to have events happen as you want them to but instead want them to happen as they do happen and your life will go well align yourself with reality of course taking sensible action to improve conditions when possible but accept what cannot be changed without resentment or self pity maintain equipoys in facing life's UPS and downs loving your fate means embracing the full spectrum of experience with mindfulness and good spirit you stop fighting reality and turn obstacles into opportunities practice Amor Fati No.
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