at the start of the day you need to set your mind when you get out of bed father thank you for the gift of this day it's another day you've made I'm going to choose to be happy I'm going to see the best I'm going to be a blessing to others I'm going to live this day to the full if you don't set your mind the enemy will set it for you you'll wake up thinking about all your problems everything you've done wrong I'll never break this addiction I should have eaten better yesterday I can't
believe that coworker was rude to me don't start the day off negative don't bring yesterday's trouble yesterday's disappointment yesterday's failures into today start the day fresh and a new the psalmist said that God's mercies are new every morning not every afternoon not every evening each morning receive the new Mercy how you start the day many times will determine what kind of day it's going to be don't ever start the day in neutral don't wait to see what kind of day it's going to be determine what kind of day it's going to be make up your
mind this is going to be a great day I'm going to be productive today I'm going to enjoy my family I'm going to honor God I'm grateful to be alive that's setting your mind that's making plans for a blessed day it goes on to say keep it set that implies things are going to happen that will try to unset it challenges delays people that are rude doors that close you can't stop that from happening but you can choose to not let it get on the inside when worry comes say no my mind is set God
is still on the throne he's in control of my life when offense comes you get upset live bitter no God is my Vindicator he's fighting my battles the contract didn't go through you didn't get the position you could be down disappointed but your mind is set God I trust you I know you wouldn't have close this door unless you had something better in store don't let the challenges during the day unset your mind keep it set keep it stayed on him keep it full of pray days keep expecting good things keep believing for what God
promised you you know we don't make enough decisions for ourselves to be honest we let the devil make too many of them he comes and Whispers In Your Ear very early in the morning this is going to be a lousy day you feel bad you this that reminds you of all your problems but you can say no I've decided that this is going to be a good day I've decided that I'm going to enjoy everything no matter what and every day say God I believe that you're going to take care of this let your attitude
be if anything good can happen today it will and it will happen to me let's make a decision today and ask God to help us to be positive to talk positive not to ignore your problems but you can even find a positive way to talk about your problem yeah I've got a big problem but I've got a big God you wake up in the morning thoughts sometimes whisper it's going to be a lousy day I have so many problems I don't feel like dealing with these children you can either dwell on that believe that it's
true and you'll go around discouraged it'll become a reality you'll have a lousy day but a better approach is to say no thanks I'm not going to dwell on those discouraging thoughts they came to my mind but I know I control the doorway I don't have to allow them in I'm going to erase them and replace them with some better thoughts this is going to be a great day father thank you that I'm alive thank you that you woke me up this morning thank you that I'm healthy thank you that you have a bright future
in store for me when you wake up in the morning are your thoughts more characterized by worry or Panic or overwhelm or fear or more by peace and calm when you wake up does your mind start kind of racing like about you know what's going to go wrong today I'm worried about my kids I'm worried about the state of our nation our country is out of control is your default thinking more worried thoughts or peaceful ones in other words words even if it's a tough season do you actually find yourself saying no no I got
it I can cast my cares upon God today I can sense the Holy Spirit which transcends human understanding even if life is hard and complex right now I still sense God's goodness I sense his presence his spirit with me do your thoughts drift towards the negative or the positive do you wake up and find yourself just kind of like negative critical of people I'm going to be working with her today and who does she think she is kind of assuming the worst instead of believing the best do you look at your day and you say
man it's 700 a.m. and I'm already behind there's not enough of me to go around my family isn't going to help my spouse I can't wait for this day to be over and and you're like it's 7:15 or do you wake up with positive Faith again even if the day is loaded you'd say no no I know Christ is with me even when I feel weak he's strong and he's going to carry me and help me overcome today even the hard stuff I know God's working all things together for my good because I love him
and God loves me where you actually into the day with a sense of like man God's given me this amazing life to Steward and he's blessed me with some incredible spiritual gifts to use and so I don't want to waste a moment today I want to invest myself in things that matter and I want to make a difference in the lives of people especially those who are lost or last in the world so when everything else Falls away from my life on Earth it's going to count for eternity I I want you to listen to
me what you think about on a daily basis matters more than you can imagine this is the key he wants us to make a decision every day to enjoy our life said another way it is ultimately up to us if we're going to enjoy life even in the face of all that we're going through and I know so many of you are going through difficult times right now even in the face of the busyness of life he wants us to have joy in our lives he wants us to enjoy our life not dread life not
just get by in life not just endure life not to be stressed out all the time but to enjoy our life Jesus said it like this the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but I have come that they might have life listen to this they might have and enjoy life in abundance life to to the full life till it overflows think about it Jesus came so that we could have and enjoy Abundant Life the psalmist said this this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it God
wants us to rejoice and have joy and enjoy every day that he gives us instead of waking up and saying I dread the day I dread the day we need to wake up and think I can't hardly wait to see what God does today God wants me to have joy he wants my joy to be full he doesn't want me crying all day out of depression sadness or sorrow he wants me celebrating all day because he wants my joy to be made full if you want to enjoy life you've got to let God be God
and that means believe the word get up every day and do the best you can and know that God understands and sees your heart heart and if you love him just love God and let him love you when you get up in the morning what's the first thing you think about do you plan the day or is the day already planned do you stop to listen to him Lord speak to my heart about today what have you got in mind for today what's your plan we enjoy life more when we invite God into our everyday
life sometimes it's so easy to divide our life up into sacred and secular we fit God into a box of a Sunday morning church service and maybe a few minutes every morning when we have our quiet time and then the rest of the time the rest of our life it's like we leave God out but God doesn't want to be put into a box he wants to be involved in every part of uh our everyday life listen to what the scripture says in Romans 12 so here's what I want you to do God helping you
take your everyday ordinary life your sleeping eating going to work life and place it before God as an offering Paul tells us in Colossians let every detail in your lives words actions whatever be done in the name of the master Jesus thanking God the Father every step of the way I would encourage you to let God into your everyday life let him into every detail of your life we need to invite him into our parenting invite him into our marriages invite him into our work invite him into going to the grocery store with us invite
him into our car as we Face traffic invite him into every aspect of our life and then do everything we do as unto him do everything we do to please him ask him for his help as we go through our day you see friends when we start inviting God into every aspect of our life we find joy in the most common and ordinary parts of our Lives we enjoy life more every day the priority of our life ought to be time we spend alone with him being quiet and a good time to do that is
when you start the day out you cannot go into work wherever you work forgetting God get to the place in your life where you feel like you've been robbed if you don't have quality time with the Lord I like to do it when I first get up get up in the morning and just begin to praise God just lift your hands and say father I just want to praise you today and I just want you to know how wonderful it is to be able to be in your presence again today and I want to give
you praise and thanksgiving for all the wonderful things things that you've already done for me or the dreams that you've already brought to pass in my life and I want to thank you in advance for bringing the dream to pass that I'm believing for right now and I'm delighting myself in you I count it a great joy and a great honor to spend quality time with you spending time with God means thanking him continually you know in 1 Thessalonians 5:8 God says in everything give thanks for this is the will of God and he says
in everything give thanks why should I give thanks in everything because in everything God's going to provide one thing I found is that we enjoy life more when we're grateful we enjoy life when we recognize God's blessings in our lives and are grateful for them the Bible says every good gift every gift that we receive everything that's good in our Our Lives is from our father in Heaven I have found the more grateful I am the more I enjoy my life you see friends gratitude and enjoying life go hand in hand the more we recognize
and are grateful for God's blessings in our lives the more we enjoy our life we enjoy life more when we focus on the positive when we see the good in every situation when we see the glass half full in instead of half empty when we stop looking at what's wrong in our lives and see what's right in our lives gratitude will change your view of your world are you practicing gratitude are you practicing gratitude be grateful in all circumstances let me tell you the most powerful time when you can be grateful when nothing in your
circumstances tells you that you should be grateful because that's the time you get to be grateful for what's it eternal life at its best is a life that listens to God trusts God obeys God and thanks God that's life at its best