15 Little Decisions That Determine How Your Life Will Play Out

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Here’s the truth: your life is built on the tiny, almost invisible decisions you make every day. The...
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you know most people think that life is shaped by the big moments the job you take the city you move to the person you marry but here's the truth okay your life is built on the tiny almost invisible decisions you make every single day and today that's exactly what we're talking about welcome to alux the place where future billionaires come to get inspired number one reaching out to an acquaintance who's also an expert look okay okay the person you spoke to for a second in college who's now a doctor could be the person who saves
your life but you have to reach out and you can't be shy about it sometimes the biggest shifts in life come from reaching out to the right person at the right time when you reach out to an expert you're not just getting answers you're leveraging their experience and gaining insights you wouldn't have found on your own it could be an old colleague who moved into a career you admire or a friend of a friend who's thriving in a field you want to enter when you reach out you're not just asking for advice you're showing respect
for their expertise and signaling that you're serious about Improvement when you do it right these small connections become mentorships collaborations or gateways to new networks the decision to reach out to an expert can unlock Clarity Solutions and opportunities you would not find alone you have to be proactive in every part of your life waiting for the right time can mean waiting forever the people who build momentum well they're the ones who act right now number two the coffee shop you usually go to even something as small as where you get your caffeine fix can shape
your life it can change how you feel how you interact and who you meet the coffee shop isn't just a pit stop it's a microcosm of opportunity people have met business partners mentors even investors over shared tables it's where ideas come alive and where chance encounters can shift your direction entirely but even when the coffee's gone what you take away with you the knowledge you've absorbed the conversations you've had keeps fueling you and that brings us to our next decision number three if you choose to become a reader or not now whether you become a
reader is a choice you have to make and honestly it's best done when you're young for some people it comes easily for others the first few books are a struggle but look okay read what you like until you like to read but if you can commit to reading for just a few months your mind will get used to Turning words into stories and with that you can live different lives understand stories from many sides and basically use it as a trial run for things you want to do in life over time readers learn to think
differently they're better at communicating and because they dive into so many different stories well they learn to see opportunities where others see obstacles books introduce you to the minds of experts giving you insights that can transform your career your relationships even the way you think about yourself reading isn't just for self-improvement it helps you be more creative and to be better at solving problems and handling stress number four how you use social media now social media is both an obsession and something that can be demonized but it doesn't have to be that way you shouldn't
see it as something that's either good or bad you should see it as a tool something that exposes you to the way other people think and behave by now you should know that social media is a highlight reel of people's lives and comparing your own life to that is frankly childish and immature you're the one who determines how you use social media and whether it's something that drains your potential or amplifies it it can build your network or it can lead you to wasting hours of your day creators use social media to share ideas build
a brand and connect with like-minded people they don't just participate in the noise they stand out how you use social media is a sign of your priorities it's up to you to decide if you let it Rob you of your time and focus or if you use it to create opportunities and get inspiration number five where you sit in class where you choose to sit in class might might seem kind of small but it builds a foundation of how focused noticed and connected you'll be sit at the back and you'll blend into the shads getting
distracted by people who also don't want to stand out the opportunities are all at the front though when you sit there you put yourself in the thick of things you position yourself to take in the information that will help you you get noticed more and your questions get heard and answered your presence matters more when you sit at the front at fashion shows the front row is just as important as the runway it's where all the most important and powerful people sit that's where the connections start your choice doesn't just affect your grades it also
affects your confidence your reputation and your attention span over time that small decision compounds you develop the ability to move through the world at center stage where you're a part of what's Happening instead of watching from the sidelines and following on this Point number six the decision to raise your hand and speak up or stay quiet raising your hand to ask or answer a question lets everyone know that you're confident in yourself and the things you know even when you're wrong because what you're actually doing is making a declaration you're saying I'm here I'm thinking
and I'm involved and in The Wider World these qualities lead to progress and success it's a small decision that has consequences that go beyond the classroom or the meeting room it allows you to build personality that naturally pushes you out of your comfort zone one that is resilient because you've developed immunity against rejection showing initiative and courage are stronger qualities for Success than being right that is how you're going to get opportunities that other people often miss or are afraid to take number seven what you do in the year after school now some people thrive
in diving straight into work after school they know what they want to do with their lives and they know that they'll gain more experience from starting as early as possible others will Thrive from taking a year off working traveling figuring out what they want to do and other people know that they'll be most successful if they head straight to college and start studying you have to know yourself and what works best for you and then you have to make the right choice the year after school is a fork in the road even if it doesn't
feel feel like it at the time the worst thing you could do is wait for something to happen instead of making it happen this year sets the tone for adulthood so floating by and just doing whatever is a choice that's going to carry some heavy consequences how you use this year matters it's the first real test of who you are without someone telling you what to do number eight whether you double check your work double-checking your work is the difference between getting an A and getting a c it's what determines if you deliver something good
or something great as you move through your life developing that quality of attention to detail is going to accelerate your career and make the admin of your daily life so much easier it's also a sign of respect for yourself and the person checking your work now you shouldn't suffer because you've made a small mistake but if you do that is totally on you double checking is more than just a habit it's a mindset it shows that you care enough to do things right if you want to build a reputation of someone who doesn't cut corners
of someone that people can trust to deliver High Lev work then this is where you start it might seem small but it can open doors that you never expected number nine who you ask for advice asking for advice from everyone in your life will only lead to dead ends okay some people are only good at giving advice for certain things and you should know who you can turn to depending on the answers you need the people you turn to for advice will shape the direction you take they need to be able to give you the
clarity you didn't even know you needed your friend can offer emotional support when you're too overwhelmed to think clearly but they're not going to be able to give you the same level guidance when it comes to your career not all advice is created equal the people you turn to need to know your goals and the situation that you're in the choice of who you listen to is just as important as the choice you're trying to make seek out the people who've walked the road you want to travel they're the ones who can help you with
the shortcuts and make sure that you avoid the mistakes they've already made and you know for the majority of people who don't have someone to act as a quality Mentor we would love to join you on your journey and we've leveled the playing field for you it is our mission to help create 1,000 new Millionaires and to do that we're banking hard on education but not the stuff that teach in schools no the stuff that really matters like learning how to learn understanding how to map out and execute specific goals and even how to redefine
your life and career as a freelancer and this Black Friday we're offering our biggest most life-changing bundle ever for $9.99 you'll get access to all six of our premium e-learning courses from al.org plus a lifetime membership to the alux app there's nothing like it out there with daily coaching sessions plus dozens of curated collections from industry experts teaching you on camera the ins and outs of what got them to their level of success the Alo app will keep you on a consistent growth trajectory and by this time next year everyone will be asking you how
you came so far so fast go to alux.com blackf Friday and use the code BF4 at checkout to score this lifechanging deal number 10 how often you thank people a simple thank you goes way further than you realize saying thank you builds your reputation as someone who understands relationships and reciprocity using their name when you do it will give you bonus points you're not just saying the words you're actually acknowledging them you're reinforcing a connection and letting them know that what they did no matter how small it mattered to you Gra attitude is magnetic okay
people will remember you because you've made them feel valued and they're more likely to go out of their way for you in the future nobody wants to help those who take them for granted and don't even acknowledge what they did in fact that lack of acknowledgement can be twice as powerful as that Thank You by not saying anything you're giving someone the ammunition to add a mental X to your name when you get in the habit of thanking people you'll start to see how differently the world responds to you number 11 whether you remember people's
names there's nothing sweeter to a person than the sound of their own name is it an ego thing who knows I mean probably yes but we all have a little bit of ego inside of us remembering someone's name shows care attention and respect it's a small effort with an outsized impact when people hear their name especially if it's coming from someone they just met they feel like they've made an impact you make them feel important and honestly pretty cool and if you're able to make someone feel that way they're going to think you're like that
too because how you make someone feel is how they will feel about you the worst thing you could do is to keep forgetting someone's name you get a pass for the first or second time but the third time it seems pretty rude and insulting you're not cool because you're so busy and popular you can't remember somebody's name okay so stop saying oh I for for got your name I'm sorry and make an effort to remember it it's a courtesy absolutely but it's also a skill and since so many people suck at something so simple but
impactful remembering names will set you apart once you master that skill you'll see how much faster it strengthens new relationships and how much smoother it makes your interactions that's how the best leaders and connectors move up in the world they know what people want and remembering their name is the easiest way to give them that gift number 12 the friends you make when you're young the friends you choose shape your social life these are the people who influence your habits your mindset and even your sense of what's possible a friend who encourages you to take
risks learn or grow can change your life trajectory on the flip side though a friend who drags you into drama or bad habits can hold you back in ways you won't notice until it's it's too late and your youthful friendships are the foundation of your support system they're the people who cheer for you and things go right and help to pick things up when things go wrong but here's the thing okay not all friendships are meant to last forever as you grow you'll find that some friends Elevate you While others pull you down you have
to surround yourself with people who align with your values who challenge you to be better and who cele celebrate your wins without jealousy number 13 if you date for marriage or date for fun how you approach relationships reflects what you value most at this point in your life dating for fun is about the thrill the connection the moment it's exciting and for a lot of people it's an important phase of Discovery figuring out who you are and what you want but make no mistake okay it is not the same as building a life with someone
dating for marriage shifts the focus it's no longer just about chemistry but compatibility you start to look at shared goals values and how someone fits into the bigger picture of your future while dating for fun might teach you about yourself dating for marriage teaches you about partnership how to grow together weather challenges and build something that will last number 14 whether you show up on time or not being on time might seem like a small thing but it's another clear signal of your values when you're on time you're showing other people that you're reliable and
disciplined qualities that people trust and admire and of course you're showing them that you respect their name being late on the other hand sends a very different message it might seem like a big deal in the moment but over time it chips away at your reputation people will begin to question your commitment and well they can depend on you a small habit like this has the power to reinforce your integrity and sets the tone for every future interaction and number 15 how you treat your body in your 20s in your 20s you feel Invincible right
late nights fast food skipped workouts it seems like your body can just take anything and bounce back looking for more and you know what that's kind of true at this stage the thing is though the habits you build at this point in your life lay the foundation for the next few decades you have fun but if it's all fun and no balance then you're going to keep falling down that spiral until you hit your own Rock Bottom your body is a long-term investment and every choice you make is going to impact the future of that
investment it's your choice to nurture and maintain your body health and energy levels but only if you want to nobody can force you to do it but if you don't trust it'll make your life a lot harder further on down the line by the time you hit your 30s 40s 50s that price of ignoring your health skyrockets so the time to make a difference hexer it is right now and that's all we've got for you today my friend it's been great having you with us let us know in the comments what little decisions have you
made that have completely changed your life we'd love to hear from you so please join the conversation we'll see you back here next time Al until then take care
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