The Most Demonic Thing Coming and No One Is Talking About It!

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who are they secret police just don't say anything everybody line up right now now which one of you are [Music] Christians answer me or I won't be so nice the next time I ask I am I'm a Christian I'm Christian me too I'm a Christian you too can [Music] go so gentlemen you are the real Jesus followers tell me something is he even real why doesn't he save you right now my Lord is real well I'll make it very simple for you are you prepared to be beaten for this Jesus of yours are you willing
to lose your job for Jesus are you willing to lose your life for him because that's the choice you'll have to make today deny Christ or face our wrath I will not deny Jesus Christ I am ready to suffer for Christ and give my life for his name's sake me too the Lord will give me strength take them away boys one last chance for the rest of you are you willing to die for Christ or do you want to go home to your wives and children what's your decision forgive me Lord I am weak at
a boy that's it why lose everything for something so small the rest of you should do the same no be strong in this hour my brothers Christ has not left us and we will not leave him when it comes to Judgment Day there will be two groups of people and I want you to notice this rule of two there are the sheep and the goats Matthew 25: 32-33 says all the nations will be gathered in his presence and he will separate the people as a Shepherd separates the sheep from the goats he will place the
Sheep at his right hand and the goats at his left the Sheep will be on Jesus's right hand and they are blessed by God and will receive eternal life but you see the goats on Jesus's left hand are cursed with eternal Hellfire another separation is to do with Judgment Day itself once again we see this rule of two there are two end time judgments of which the Bible speaks the great white Throne judgment and the Judgment seat of Christ for the great white Throne judgment only lost people appear at that judgment everyone there is cast
into the Lake of Fire the judgment is to determine their degree of punishment this judgment is detailed in Revelation 20 and then there is the Judgment seat of Christ which is detailed in 2 Corinthians 5:10 only Christians will appear at this judgment it is a judgment to determine Eternal Rewards or the loss of them it has nothing to do with determining salvation now I could go on and give you more examples of this rule of two in the Bible those who are on the broad Road living however they like versus those who walk on the
narrow road and live their lives for the glory of Christ there are those who will fulfill the prophecy given to us in 1 Timothy 3: 1:5 which details that in the last days people will be lovers of self lovers of money proud arrogant and so forth and then there are those who will fulfill the prophecy given to us in Acts 2:1 17 which says and in the last days it shall be God declares that I will pour out my spirit on All Flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see
visions and your old men shall dream dreams now in this video I want to talk to you or rather warn you about the danger of falling into the wrong category God wants everyone to be saved but the reality presented to us in the Bible is that not every everyone will be saved and I want to warn you about the type of person the type of character that will not be saved the first group is the most obvious these are the unbelievers those who do not believe in the birth death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ
the Bible explicitly states that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life and there is no way through to the father except through him on the cross Jesus was there and there were two criminals on either side of him one of the criminals hanging beside him scoffed so you're the Messiah are you prove it by Saving yourself and us too while you're at it but the other criminal protested don't you fear God even when you have been sentenced to die we deserve to die for our crimes but this man hasn't done anything wrong
then he said Jesus Remember me when you come into your kingdom and Jesus replied I assure you today you will be with me in Paradise one criminal believed in Jesus and he went to heaven to be with the Lord the other was an unbeliever and we can only assume based on the information we have that he was not saved nothing else can save a person not intelligence power money good looks or even family or friends we are saved only by the blood of Jesus and his death on the cross paid for our sins the second
group of people who will not be saved are Those who commit the unpardonable sin those who blaspheme the holy spirit in the New Testament the Pharisees and Sadducees knew deep in their hearts they knew Jesus was from God and that his miraculous power was from the holy spirit yet they accused him of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub in other words they called the Holy Spirit a fraud they consistently put Jesus's power to the test and questioned his authority despite witnessing his amazing works this is what blaspheming the Holy Spirit looks and sounds
like Jesus specifically mentioned this unforgivable sin in Matthew 12:31 saying therefore I tell you every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people but the blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven the the definition of blasphemy when looked up in the dictionary is the action or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things profane talk so why does Jesus say blasphemy can be forgiven in any form except for when it is directed at the Holy Spirit the next verse gives us some context and clarification in verse 32 he says and whoever speaks a word
against the son of man will be forgiven but whoever speaks against the holy spirit will not be forgiven either in this age or in the age to come that might be confusing to some why is blasphemy against the spirit worse than blaspheming the son Jesus makes it clear that the unforgivable blasphemy he is referring to isn't just saying something mean about God it's not simply mocking or talking disrespectfully about the son although this is definitely still a sin one can repent from it completely and God will forgive the sinner the the blasphemy against the spirit
isn't simply a bad thought or word it is the active rejection of the Holy Spirit his message the third group is the people who have a form of godliness the Hypocrites Envision a person who puts on an act while in public they pray the loudest they raise their hands the highest they sing with so much passion but when in private they live a different life behind closed doors in m Matthew 23 Jesus confronted the religious leaders hypocrisy denouncing their outward righteousness while neglecting Justice mercy and humility just as the Hypocrites actions betray their true heart
God despises hypocrisy that contradicts genuine Faith Jesus told this parable about a Pharisee who was proud and had great confidence in their own righteousness and scorned everyone else two men went to the temple to pray one was a pH pH and the other was a despised tax collector the Pharisee stood by himself and prayed this prayer I thank you God that I am not like other people cheaters Sinners adulterers I'm certainly not like that tax collector I fast twice a week and I give you a tenth of my income but the tax collector stood at
a distance and dared not even lift his eyes to Heaven as he prayed instead he beat his chest in sorrow saying oh God be merciful to me for I am a sinner I tell you this sinner not the Pharisee returned home Justified before God for those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted I'd like to tell you today that Jesus Christ can see he can see right through the facades he can see beyond your actions and right into your intentions and motives we may not be a Pharisee or
a scribe but here's what we all have in common we're all private people and we all don't like to announce to the world what we're really like inside we have secrets people have secrets secret thoughts secret intentions secret motives and most of the time secrets and sins go together as a pair is your public life matching up to your private life or are you one person when there's an audience but someone else when you're alone I believe that we all must be aware of becoming self-righteous a self-righteous person will appear to be morally Superior than
others in order to hide their own struggles a self-righteous person will strive to make others believe that they are a good Christian a strong Christian when in reality they are simply seeking the Applause of man the fourth and final group of people who cannot be saved are those with a hardened heart what does it mean to have a hardened heart it means spiritual blindness it means insensitivity toward God's Beauty And Glory it means chasing after our own desires instead of the things of God what are some of the Practical things that show when someone's heart
has been hardened Proverbs 6: 16-19 sums this up perfectly saying these six things the Lord hates yes seven are an Abomination to him a proud look a lying tongue hands that shed innocent blood a heart that devises Wicked plans feet that are Swift in running to evil a false witness who speaks lies one who SWS Discord among Brethren when someone's heart has become cold and hard they will not turn away from such things they will continue to be proud to lie to run to evil and so on one of the clearest and most powerful verses
in the Bible can be found in 1 John 2:6 the word of God says whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did I don't think the Bible can be any clearer here anyone who claims to be a Christian must walk and conduct themselves as Christ we ought to be imitators of Christ in every way possible and this means we need to strive to be as prayerful as Jesus was when he walked on this Earth We should strive to be as loving and merciful as Jesus was on this Earth we should fight to
be about our father's business we should fight to do God's Will and so dear friend our heart's cry should be Lord I want to walk like you did Teach Me How to Love like you did teach me how to be obedient just like you were teach me how to be forgiving just like you were and of course teach me how to pray like you did you see God couldn't care less about our outward appearance whether it's clothing or Public Image he is concerned with our heart and he is the only one who can truly judge
us Proverbs 16:2 says this all the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes but the Lord weighs the spirit we see ourselves as pure but God is the one who weighs the truth we could never accurately judge ourselves however we can identify when someone else is not what they claim to be in Matthew 7:15 Jesus warns us to beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves in the next verse he says you will recognize them by their fruits recognizing someone else's fruits is not the
same as judgment we wrongfully cast judgment when we think we can determine someone else's heart recognizing fruits however is examining someone's actions and determining if they are Godly or otherwise this is not judgment rather it is exercising caution in who we trust the Bible says in James 1:22 but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving yourselves the Bible here is saying prove yourselves to be people who put the word of God in practice prove that you obey God's principles his instructions and his precepts prove that you're not merely listeners who hear the
word but fail to internalize its meaning prove that you're not just listeners who hear the word even know the word but fail to do the word and the last couple of words in this verse are interesting because the Bible is telling us that if you do this if you hear the word but fail to do the word then you are actually deceiving yourself you are deluding yourselves it's not the devil deceiving you no you deceive yourself should you hear the word but fail to act on it we always think that Deception comes from Satan from
the Antichrist from some demonic false teacher but something as simple as knowing God's word but failing to do it that is an act of deception towards yourself because how can you claim to love Christ but fail to obey him how can you say you are a Christian striving to be Christlike but yet fail to Bow the knee to Bow your will and obey him the Amplified translation for James 1: 22- 24 says but prove yourselves doers of the word actively and continually obeying God's precepts and not merely listeners who hear the word but fail to
internalize its meaning deluding yourselves by unsound reasoning contrary to the truth for if anyone only listens to the word without obeying it he is like a man who looks very carefully at his natural face in a mirror for once he has looked at himself and gone away he immediately forgets what he looked like are you using God's word as a lamp to your feet are you obeying God's word and putting it into practice I do not believe that anyone can be a doer of God's word without being challenged by it God's word has to challenge
you and it will challenge you when you really try and put it into action some people are simply hard to trust in this world I'm sure if you thought about it you could think of a few people who you don't trust maybe it's a parent who hurt you in an unimaginable way it could be a friend who manipulated and used you possibly it's a coworker who tends to lie to get their way all of these people are hard to trust however what if I told you there was one person who was harder to trust than
any of those people well there is and the truth is this one person that's near enough impossible to trust is you that's my message today never trust yourself your heart cannot be trusted outside of the regeneration work of the Holy Spirit God made everything good this includes the human mind and heart however due to the fall we all have a sinful nature this makes it hard to trust your heart and mind and it needs to be fixed the Bible reminds us of this over and over again whenever it speaks of the state of our heart
Proverbs 28:26 says he who trusts in his own heart is a fool but whoever walks wisely will be delivered also Jeremiah 17:9 States the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it the world will tell you to trust your heart follow where your heart leads however that can not be farther from the truth you'd be a fool to trust your sinful nature allow me to give you an illustration that will help put my point across there was a man who was fond of alcohol he was a functioning alcoholic meaning that
you'd never know that he was an alcoholic however every time he walked into a bar he knew he would get drunk one morning after waking up extremely hung over after a drunken stuper he was filled with shame and regret he told himself he'd never do that again a few nights later he was sitting at home thinking about the promise he had had made to himself he then told himself if he went to the bar that night he would not drink he was just going to hang out with his friends as soon as he walked in
that night he knew he was getting drunk this cycle repeated itself over and over again he would promise himself this is the last time he'd be sober after this but after a little while he was back again he was drinking again now this is a real situation that plays out time and time again in our Wicked Hearts it may involve alcohol lust sexual sin or anger whatever the sin may be we tell ourselves we will never sin a certain way again due to that we put ourselves back into the same situation because our heart tells
us we will not give in however our hearts cannot be trusted and we do end up giving into the very sin we promise never to do again another way that we deceive ourselves is by making excuses isn't compromising we'll tell ourselves something like it's a guilty pleasure or it's only a white lie we tell a tiny lie to make our conscience feel at ease however a white lie is still a lie calling a sin a guilty pleasure doesn't hide the fact that it's still sin our Wicked Hearts can Trek us over and over again the
heart will also say God will forgive me so it's okay to sin why while it is true that in Christ we have forgiveness we should not try to take advantage of that forgiveness the end goal of our hearts is to get us to sin so does that leave us helpless without any help in the world that is also a lie that the heart will tell however there is hope that our hearts can be changed Ezekiel 36:26 says I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you I will take the Heart
of Stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of Flesh Ezekiel Was An Old Testament prophet in this scripture he's telling the people of God that there will be a day when God will change their evil Wicked Hearts under a New Covenant at that point they had hearts of stone when you squeeze a stone it cannot be changed or molded no matter how hard you try you cannot change a stone with your bare hands however under the New Covenant the people of God will receive a heart of Flesh try pinching your arm your
flesh can be moved and changed what God is telling his people is that there will be a new covenant in which God will give them new clean hearts that are not evil and full of sin well that New Covenant came it came through the person and work of Jesus Christ Jesus came to Earth even though he was God he was born of man but not with a Heart of Stone he had a heart of Flesh where we all fail and give into evil desires he never did though he never sinned he was treated as if
he did he was hung on a cross and his blood dripped to the ground he took the punishment for our sin and Rose from the grave he defeated death sin and Satan now those who trust in the blood of Christ are purified they receive a new heart of Flesh that can be shaped into the image of God this new heart is made of the very word of God it's only God's word that we can trust it's only Jesus that we can trust never should we try to trust in our own Hearts you may find yourself
constantly giving into the evil desires of your mind and heart it may satisfy you for a while but the truth is that satisfaction will run out that satisfaction may run out on earth when you experience every Earth L pleasure that you want it may take a lifetime but in the end when you stand before God and take account of your life that satisfaction will be gone God is calling you to him at this very moment he's not telling you to trust your heart as others will do but to trust him while your evil heart changes
constantly God never will he is willing to change your heart but you must come to him habitual sin is dangerous even the Apostle Paul seems to have been caught in a cycle something like this in Romans he almost Cries Out aloud in frustration he says that evil I do not want to do this I keep on doing I'm a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me what a Wretched Man I am and that's Paul who in the same chapter tells us that he Delights in God's law resisting temptation is not easy it's
not a simple matter of willpower we need more than willpower to resist temptation and God provides us with exactly what we need to do Paul explains this in 1 Corinthians 10: 13 he wrote The Temptations in your life are no different from what others experience God God is faithful he will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand when you are tempted he will show you a way out so that you can endure so the question is are you repeating a sin you desperately want to be rid of are you stuck in
a cycle of sin only Jesus has the power to break you out from that cycle of sin only the blood of Jesus can set you free from the bondage of sin the devil has infiltrated and embedded himself into so many things in society he's Blended right in to such an extent that people no longer see the sin in what many May considered to be normal people no longer see the parading of sexual immorality in movies and music today people no longer see the sin and how the world encourages and fosters the spirit of Pride and
the pursuit of things of money and power sin has become accepted as the norm doesn't even shock us anymore to see sexual immorality on screen or to hear music that blasphemes the devil has managed to embed himself and blend into society he's normalized the things that lead us to sin and the thing is the devil cunningly presents these things before our eyes so frequently that it almost desensitizes us it becomes normal to see sexual immorality on the screen and on social media it's become normal to pursue money and material things however what is normal to
the world tends to go hand inand with what is sin the Amplified translation of Romans 12:2 gives a detailed account of what we need as children of God the Bible says and do not be conformed to this world any longer with its superficial values and customs but be transformed and progressively changed as you mature spiritually by the renewing of your mind focusing on Godly values and ethical attitudes so that you may prove for yourselves what the will of God is that which is good and acceptable and perfect in his plan and purpose for you in
other words stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you don't allow this world to mold you in its own image the key for us as Believers is that we are to be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit doing what's wrong can deceptively appear rewarding or pleasurable after all satan is walking around like an angel of Light he makes sin attractive but in the end sin is deadly and rotten David prayed that God would help him face this and say no to sin the Apostle James also said resist the devil and he will
flee from you in other words say no to the devil enough times and he will flee sin almost always begins in the mind and that is exactly where you should be saying no so pray that God would give you the grace to say no when the tempter reminds us how delicious his offerings are of course the Apostle Paul says the same thing as King David listen to what he wrote to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2: 21 and 22 Paul said therefore if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable he will be a vessel for honorable
use set apart as holy useful to the master of the house ready for every good work so flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness Faith love and peace along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart so I encourage you to walk with God Walk With well-chosen Friends don't ever take the first small step to sin say no when the devil tries to entice you with the pleasures of sin [Music]
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