I Hate Writing But Threads Pays Me $700 A Month: Threads Bonus Program

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Nicky Saunders
If you have ever been curious about Threads and the Threads Bonus Program and you hate writing. This...
Video Transcript:
I never wanted to be a writer but now threads pays me for my words let's talk about it I'm a video creator at heart I can even rock with audio but writing I was never a fan when it came to X or Twitter whatever you want to call it that felt foreign when we're talking about LinkedIn that felt draining now emails and newsletters I left that on drafts like I just writing was just not for me but for some reason when threads came out I was like you know what let's try this there's a quote
that I live by growth doesn't wait for Perfection it thrives off the daily attempts and my goal was to get 1% better day after day I started with what felt comfortable one thing I did was turned some of my old videos that have really good numbers and I turned them into written posts another thing I did was brainstorm with chat gbt or clawed and then I would turn that idea into a written post two other things that I did was post my daily affirmations and then anytime I had a quick thought I really took maybe
one or two sentences and put that on threads each post was an experiment and each day was another chance to improve the numbers that I got on my threads post began to tell a story low engagement taught me a valuable lesson don't ever do that again intentional engagement sparked meaningful conversation there were some days that I would just do filler post and I could tell that those were the low numbers so those were the low engagement ones where when I would put some effort into it and really concentrate on being 1% better and I started
seeing the numbers then it started to make sense and I would just take that as the blueprint so by showing up every day threads extended an invite to their bonus program now this is an invite only program has nothing to do with followers you can't apply to it but there are some key factors that can help you want to have original content you don't want to have any kind of copyright situations and of course you want to follow the guidelines monetization guidelines that threads and meta pretty much gives out and so I got invited the
one that hated writing is now getting paid monthly for her words so anything from 375 to now 700 in the tier that I'm in I have the chance of making about 1,500 a month and to be honest you couldn't get me to write before and the fact that I'm now getting paid to do that kind of interesting writing lowkey brought fear because I never thought I was good at it even to this day I lowkey don't think I'm the greatest at writing but I do believe in doing it anyways so even with this fear that
I never really admitted before I challenged myself when it came to my threads journey to post even when I'm not inspired I didn't want to wait for inspiration there's plenty of days that I don't feel inspired which would then probably create inconsistency we would probably create an excuse of why I'm not going to post but I got inspired a while back from a jcole documentary of where he would challenge himself to write Rhymes even when he's not inspired the thing is with creatives that we live off of inspiration some of our best work comes based
off some of the things that we've been inspired uh to do or inspired by and so if I wanted to have true Mastery the thing that jcole did really inspired me to challenge myself to post even when I'm not inspired true Mastery isn't born in the moments of inspiration is Born Into The Daily practice in the post that feel forced in the words that doesn't flow naturally until they do really until the Forum becomes familiar so I'm posting every single day I'm getting 1% better every single day I'm replying to other people we also have
to remember when it comes to threads bonuses not only your post helps but you replying to other people's post is a super hack so I got a tip for you one thing that has helped me gain momentum when it comes to views on threads to help me with the threads bonus is finding engaging post already so going through the threads post and finding those that have a lot of likes and a lot of comments and then giving my two cents on that but not just like praise hands and fires and any other type of emojis
I would actually add value I would give uh a conversation I would ask a question I would maybe summon day ones or other people who can relate to this particular comment that I'm making in order for it to get engagement as well real quick before I get real in on this this video is sponsored by Opus clip y'all know I love Opus clip it turns all your videos your long form videos into short form videos whether it's for reals Tik toks YouTube shorts squares for carousels even horizontal for more YouTube videos and it has a
new feature called clip anything so go check out Opus clip the link is in the description all right let's get back into the joint another tip that has helped me with the threads bonus is going into Twitter or X and finding what they're talking about over there we got to be honest meta normally copies platform So Meta copied Twitter X and made threads so what are they talking about over there how could I put my own spin to it because I know that's working and so let's take a proven formula from there and bring it
on to threads we've seen this pattern too many times when reals started out on Instagram and it was a direct copy of Tik Tok so anything that was happening on Tik Tok we just bring it into reals and and it started to work same thing if we think about when it came to stories and Snapchat and what everything was happening on Snapchat just did it on stories your views would go up another tip for the threads bonus program is trying all different types of content formats so even though threads is a written platform it does
take video it does take audio it does take pictures and just trying out what works uh especially based off of your audience but understanding with this algor rithm which is really good that it shows it more to the masses than anything else and so trying out different ones I used to only do text based and now I'm starting to get more into the pictures now I'm doing a little bit more videos um I'm well actually let's get to the next tip before I I say what I was going to say the next one is using
other people's content has really helped me so anything that has motivated me whether it's pictures or videos I have taken especially from Instagram right if you take the link from Instagram and post it on threads it almost creates like an embed look and makes it feel as if it is your post now they tag the original Creator so that's really dope and if you want to do that too that's cool too but it creates it as if it is your own post you put your own little caption your own little vibe to it and then
people will start liking it because it's already worked on Instagram and so that's been actually really helping me gain My Views and gain some comments is by going on Instagram and finding the videos that has already worked and then putting it on my own post last tip is trying all different lengths when it comes to your post meaning you can do a sentence or two and see how that goes or you can do a long one post or you could do multiple threads and so right now in the season that I'm in these long threads
have been working very well for me and so I'm going to continue to do it I'm trying to improve more on my storytelling but the short ones do well too the pictures do well the videos do well but it's all about experimenting remember each post is an experiment and so trying out all these different tips in order to increase your views because the threads bonus is based off views it has nothing to do with comments has nothing nothing to do with likes but that's a good indicator that the post is working but it has everything
to do with views unlike Facebook and Instagram where the more views that you get the more money you get there is a certain amount of views you have to get for each Post in order for it to qualify to make money on threads so that's why I'm saying to try out these different tips in order to qualify your post for Threads now I wouldn't have known all of this unless I had practiced unless I had intentionally tried to get better at least one% better every single day so remember growth doesn't wait for Perfection it thrives
in the daily attempts so are you going to get more active on threads are you even on threads let me know in the comments and of course watch this next video [Music]
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