so you want to get monetized on YouTube and if so you are in the right place in this entire free course that I'm going to be giving to you I'm going to show you exactly how to get monetized in the fastest way possible in order to make the most amount of money from YouTube now quick disclaimer before we get into the free course I can't guarantee that just by watching this course you're going to automatically get monetized however what I can guarantee is that I'm going to be showing you the same exact tactics and secrets
that have allowed me to get monetized in literally under a month on brand new channels and tons of my students have also been able to monetize their channels as well by following the steps that we're going to be outlining in this free course so you can go through this course at your own pace we're also going to be putting timestamps below as well so you can jump to whatever section that is going to be most helpful to you now this free course is going to be broken down into the following parts I'm going to show
you exactly how much money that channels can make on YouTube per thousand views depending on what Niche that you're in because it is going to differ depending on what type of content that you're uploading and then I'm going to show you how to avoid copyright so you can make sure that your channel gets monetized then I'm going to show you some specific niches that you need to avoid if you want to get monetized as fast as possible but not only that I'm going to also show you the best niches for monetizing your YouTube channel then
I'm going to break down exactly how I monetized a brand new channel in under 30 days to prove to you that this isn't just luck if you apply the right strategies it's very possible to get monetized fast I'm going to show you how to actually then monetize your channel within your YouTube settings exactly how to jump in there and get it monetized quickly and then I'm going to show you some different ways of monetizing that might be a little bit outside the box that you might not have even thought of that will allow you to
make a lot of money potentially on YouTube without even being monetized and without even hitting the requirements for monetization and I'm super excited for that part because that is what can potentially allow you to make way more money outside of just getting monetized on YouTube and now everybody who starts a YouTube channel they want to get monetized on YouTube the thing is most people just don't know how to do it and the thing is most people don't even understand how much money they could potentially make just by getting monetized it might be more than what
some people think and it might be less than what other people think but it depends on a few criteria which is what we're going to be going over in the first section of this free monetization course so without further Ado here's exactly how much money that YouTube pays you per thousand views on your channel YouTube shows ads on the videos that you upload at the beginning sometimes in the middle and at the end of your videos once you get 4,000 hours of watch time and 1,000 subscribers then you can join What's called the YouTube Partner
program then YouTube will pay you a cut of the revenue and that's what we're going to be talking about in this video how much you actually make now I personally run a ton of different YouTube channels and I did some research into both my own channels and other people who've uploaded videos talking about how much money they make per th000 views and the answer is that channels make between $1 and $30 per th000 views so the average Channel based on my research makes $115.50 per th000 views but with that being said most channels from my
personal experience only get around $5 to $10 per th000 views that you make now in order to make more money per th000 views you can do a couple things first of all you can create a channel and what's called a high RPM Niche now RPM is how much you actually make per thousand views and depending on the niche that you're in some advertisers pay more money to put ads on videos than others for example apple is one of the top advertisers on YouTube and they're likely going to be putting their ads on technology videos and
Expedia is another one of the top advertisers and they're likely going to be putting their ads on travel videos now here's a list of some of the highest CPM niches so feel free to pause this and screenshot if you want they include Finance make money online technology Health investing travel legal Insurance makeup marketing real estate Cars movies and DIY and tutorials but with that being said some channels in lower CPM niches can get more overall views some examples of low RPM niches include pranks scary videos gaming videos depending on the game that you're playing and
general top 10 videos another way to make more money per th000 views is to create videos longer than 8 minutes then you can go to your YouTube Studio then go to content and then go down here and select any of your videos once you're monetized go down here to the monetization tab and then from here you can add multiple different ad breaks if you click manage mid rolls right here and you can put multiple different ad breaks throughout your video as you can see in this video right here since it's longer than 8 minutes we
have 1 two three four ad breaks instead of just one if the video was shorter than 8 minutes and I recommend spacing out your ad breaks at least every couple minutes so it doesn't interrupt the viewing experience too much with that being said don't just make videos for the sake of them being long so you can put multiple ad breaks because there's a trade-off if you make long videos without actually providing value so if you make a longer video make sure to only make it longer by providing more value to the end viewer and remember
value can be either educational or entertainment value and keep in mind videos at every length can go viral now I'm going to let you in on a little secret and that secret is that this channel that you're watching right now makes over $200 per thousand views now you might be saying Matt how in the world is that possible if channels typically only range from $1 to $30 per th000 views and let me let you in on a secret this is by selling a digital product with my channel which is my YouTube course tube Mastery and
monetization and we average around $100,000 per month with this channel whereas ad Revenue only brings in like $6 to $12,000 per month make sure to check out my video on 12 different digital product ideas that you can sell from your channel I go over a bunch of different digital product ideas that you could potentially use to make even more money for, views and link to that video will be down in the description below now let's break down how much YouTube channels could be earning this channel right here called chills uploads videos within the scary Niche
and I'm using an extension called vid IQ to see how many views per month that they get so if I click this they're getting 6.5 million views per month now if we copy this number and open up a calculator I'll show you exactly how to do the math on this you take the number of views per month or they're getting divided by a th000 and this will show you how many thousands of views per month they're getting and then we multiply this by their likely RPM and in my opinion their RPM is probably $2 to
$3 per th000 views so let's say $3 per th000 views since this is a little bit of a low CPM Niche this channel would be making about $20,000 per month and this channel called new money uploads videos in the investing Niche and related to finance and if we see how many views per month they're getting they're getting 1.9 million if we do that same exact calculation where we take this divided by a th000 and then multiply by their CPM which I would estimate to be around $2 to $30 per th000 views since investing make money
online and finance is a really high CPM Niche let's say $20 per th000 views that means this channel would be making $39,000 per month and that's just from ad Revenue not counting if they sold a digital product so as you can see this channel could be making more money per month than that first channel we looked at even though it's getting less views this channel Tech Zone uploads technology videos and the channel pulls in 46 million views per month and if we do the same exact calculation but this time putting in an RPM of say
$10 per th000 views that means this channel would be making almost half a million dollars per month which is crazy and in this video I used RPM and CPM kind of interchangeably but RPM is how much you actually make per thousand views and when I say CPM I really mean RPM all right I hope you got a ton of value from that last section where I showed you exactly how much money that YouTube can pay you per thousand views I think it's really crucial to understand that and to understand that there's differences in the amount
of money that you're going to make depending on what type of content that you're doing now one of the things that can kill your chances of making any money from getting monetized on your channel is by not getting monetized in the first place and there's certain types of content that just cannot get monetized on YouTube and I personally have taught a lot in past videos about how to run faceless YouTube channels these are typically channels where you don't even show your face they're the channels that got me a lot of those play buttons back there
and it's typically content where you're just doing a voice over on top of the video however if you use certain content from YouTube you can sometimes get copyright stried which will lose any potential of getting monetized on YouTube so I want you to understand exactly how to avoid getting copyright stri and the reason this is really important to you because if you can avoid getting copyright stried you can make a lot of money potentially and there's a few key secrets for doing that which I'm going to be going over in the next section of our
monetization course right now there's honestly no other platform out there like YouTube that gives creators the ability to potentially make millions of dollars on it and the amount of Freedom that comes with that can be incredible but one thing that YouTube never compromises on is its copyright policy it does not allow creators to re-upload another person's original work yet you see tons of channels re-uploading people's videos and making tons of money doing so one great example that you may even be familiar with is the Channel watch Mojo it's a faceless channel in the movie and
celebrity Niche and it just re-uploads different movie parts does commentary on them welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 movie portrayals of real life gangsters come ony help me blade is fat and currently the channel has over 25 million subscribers and according to Social blade they're making millions of dollars per year just from ad Revenue alone another example is the channel Dr insanity this is a real life crime incident-based channel that uses other people's footage and Garners over a million views on every video and apart from just these
two there there's hundreds of other channels out there that are almost entirely based on other people's content they do not show their faces the clips do not belong to them and sometimes even the voices in these videos are not theirs but these channels are somehow ranking high in terms of views subscribers and most importantly revenue and this begs the literally million-dollar question if YouTube has such rigid copyright rules then how are such channels still working how are these faceless channels making millions avoiding copyright well in this video I'm going to be answering your copyright related
questions and this is coming from somebody who actually runs over 12 of these channels that do exactly this a lot of them are based on using other people's videos now a big disclaimer before we get into this video I am not a lawyer I'm not your lawyer so this is not legal or financial advice in any way take this for what it is the entertainment value that it is but today I'm just talking for my personal understanding in doing this now if you're interested in YouTube automation which obviously are if you click to watch this
video you should learn what copyright actually means and to find the answer to this question I'm not going to make you jump through a bunch of Hoops doing a ton of research to find this YouTube support page has this answered for us according to YouTube support when somebody creates an original work whether it be a video a song or a picture they automatically hold the copyright to that work only they or the people they allow can use reproduce or display this copyrighted content if we look at YouTube's copyright policy it strictly says creator should only
upload videos that they have made or that they are authorized to use this means they should not upload videos that they didn't make or use content that somebody else owns the copyright to and just looking at that it might seem like how could we possibly use somebody else's content with YouTube spelling it out like that you may think that nobody could use anybody else's content but still there's so many channels including many of my own that are using other people's content in the form of Clips within their own videos they might be asking Matt how
do these channels get away with this without getting tons of copyright claims and getting all of this shut down immediately well these channels are able to do this because they're protected by a copyright Doctrine known as fair use you might have heard of fair use before but you probably have some misconceptions about it if you haven't taken the time to really understand what fair use actually means fair use says that in certain situations you can use copyrighted material without asking for permission from the copyright owner and this is an exception to that rule that we
talked about earlier now this might sound like a magical word and you might think that this is specific to YouTube well no this is specific to anybody reusing anybody else's copyright material at least within the United States so therefore YouTube does not make the determination whether something is fair use or whether it's not fair use so if your channel deals with copyright claims or copyright strikes and we'll talk about those a little bit more later in this video it could theoretically go to court and then you'll have to comply with the local law of where
you're dealing with that dispute so different countries and regions have different laws and different rules when it applies to this but we're going to be talking about fair use under the American context since YouTube is an American company and there's four super important factors that we take into consideration whenever we are using content under the doctrine of fair use if the content that you're copying checks all four of these factors in my opinion it's going to be in a much better position and it'll be following the fair use guidelines that not only YouTube sets out
but the legal system also sets out in terms of fair use and remember I'm not a lawyer this is just my understanding of this but I hope this helps so let's first of all talk about what is not fair use compilations aren't fair use and just linking to another video in your description and saying that you gave them credit is also not unfortunately fair use now this may seem like a bad thing because then it's not super easy just to re-upload other people's videos and make compilations you've probably seen tons of compilations out there if
you literally just look up cat compilation you'll see tons of videos that have uploaded with millions of views a lot of them but unfortunately a lot of these videos are not able to get monetized and even if they are a lot of them get claimed by who owns the original footage and therefore the money can go to them in some circumstances and even if a channel does make money short-term like with compilation videos per se it might be just that short term it might not be building a real long-term business with YouTube which I want
to help you do I would much rather you build a long-term business that you're happy with that you're able to make money with over a long period of time because then the work you're putting into this is way more worth it and while you think this might be a bad thing it can actually be a good thing depending on how you look at it I choose to look at this as a really good thing because these copyright protections help our content first of all stay protected and secondly it adds a barrier to entry that a
lot of people who are just going into making money on YouTube don't want to do so the competition for us is less and there's not many people really doing this the right way and the ones that are doing this the right way are a lot of the ones running those big channels like watch Mojo for example they are doing this the right way in my opinion so Factor number one when it comes to fair use is the purpose of the content if your purpose of the content is to directly compete with the content that you're
using that is not going to be a good fair use defense in my opinion so say you find a video of like a cat video or something like that and you literally just re-upload it to YouTube it's going to be directly competing with that original cat video so the purpose of that content is not good in YouTube's eyes and in Fair use's eyes however if you make a piece of content that's for example news-based and you're reporting on news about something that have happened and you're talking about that cat video in the context of a
larger story that is a much better defense in terms of fair use in my opinion so if it's being used for news or entertainment or education in some way and it's part of a larger context in the video that you're using that's much better so if I was for example going to use that cat video example and I did an educational video let's say about the top 10 best cat breeds and I showed that video for only a couple seconds as I was talking about a particular cat breed that would be a much better use
in my opinion that's what I personally would do and to demonstrate this further let me give you some examples of some channels that are almost entirely based on using other people's content and the first one I'm going to point to is a channel called top fives this is a channel that actually inspired my faceless YouTube Journey was one of the first ones that I saw out there and it inspired me to start making some faceless videos myself and boy am I glad that I did because now I've made millions of dollars from YouTube and I've
been lucky enough to completely change my life not have to go to college work a 95 job apologies for going to that if this is the thousandth time that you've heard it but that top five's channel is mostly educational and entertainment based so they're going to be making videos where the footage that they use is part of a larger context within their video and there's always a voiceover on top of the video and it's talking about different subjects and using those videos that it might use from other YouTube channels within the context of that so
transforming the content and giving it another purpose is our first Factor when it comes to fair use now the second factor is the source of the content if you're going to be using content from highly copyrighted sources for example movies TV shows or stuff like that channels like watch Mojo have shown us that this is certainly possible but don't expect a low barrier to entry if you're going to be doing that you will likely still deal with copyright problems if you're using clips from movies and TVs and everything because you you as a built-in Content
ID system which will scan your video and you'll get a copyright claim much sooner you can always dispute that claim like watch Mojo probably has to deal with and they probably do that quite a bit but in my opinion the source of the content grabbing it from highly copyrighted places is not the best for beginners with faceless channels in my opinion Factor number three is the amount of content so if you're just using a couple seconds from a clip it's way more likely to be considered fair use than if you show a full 10-minute video
within your video so you want to be switching up Clips often and a way to really help with this is to intermix stock footage throughout your video you can get that from places like story blocks for example or if you want some free places pixabay or pexels and just keeping the amount of copyrighted material you use within your video especially specific Clips keeping that to a minimum really helps in the past I've said you know keep it under 10 13 seconds and I've called it the 13 second rule but really this isn't a hard Rule
and this is a big misconception that a lot of people have had and I always need to specify this isn't a hard rule but rather it's just the best practice for doing this in my personal opinion Factor number four is the nature of the copyrighted work so what this means is that using material from primarily factual sources is more likely to be considered fair use than from fictional sources and YouTube tells us this on their website and what this essentially means is that in general if you use footage from a factual Source you'll likely be
in a better position than from a fictional TV show or movie not to say that can't work cuz we've already talked about channels doing that but it's just one more factor to consider that YouTube gives us on their help page regarding fair use now at this point you might be saying Matt that's a lot to remember how am I going to actually implement this actionably on my YouTube channel and what does all this information actually mean well the reason I've told you all this so far is so you can start just understanding at a high
level exactly how fair use works and start thinking in a way that is beneficial to fair use on your channel but now I want go over some actionable steps that you can take think of this sort of like a checklist this is what I personally use when I'm generating more content paying other people to make it for me making some myself this is the checklist I look for in terms of fair use on my videos number one I always want to make sure to have an original voice over and a script for that voiceover that
is not only original but also provides value to the end viewer which can be educational or entertainment value any kind of value it's given to the end viewer is going to be very beneficial within this part of the checklist so I have an original voice over number two keep the amount of individual Clips used to a minimum I try to keep it under 10 seconds again not a hard rule of fair use but it's just a best practice that I've personally found it may also help videos not get flagged automatically with YouTube's content ID system
number three show Min Clips so this means for example putting stock footage in between your Clips maybe referencing articles that you're talking about showing those on the screen showing screen recordings all these type of things next give credit to the original clip that you're using in the description now this is optional you don't have to do this YouTube tells us that this might not even make a difference in the final analysis if something's fair use or not but what I found is that this typically increases Goodwill between you and the person's clip that you're using
cuz you're basically just giving them a free shout out so I think it can hurt to do that and in my opinion it's a good idea to do when you can now I typically only do this if I'm showing a super large portion of a clip within my video like for example I do a video about the top 10 fastest cars in the world and I show this one video for quite an extended period of time then I'll definitely want to give credit to that in the description and it's just a best practice in my
opinion now even doing all of this there is still a potential of dealing with copyright problems and if you run a YouTube channel you will probably have to deal with this sometime within your YouTube Journey it doesn't have to be this big scary thing I deal with this all the time on my faceless YouTube channels and the way that I deal with this is that number one I make sure that all of my content follows fair use and number two when these pop up I make sure to dispute these claims because at the end of
the day I'm following fair use guidelines so I've had to deal with this dozens upon dozens of times throughout my YouTube journey I just go into the YouTube Studio dispute the claim and it allows you to write in why your video is fair use so I make sure to mention that I follow all of the fair use guidelines that YouTube gives us I make sure to make it different in nature from the original and I make sure to actually have my video following fair use guidelines but even doing all this there's always a potential of
dealing with copyright claims copyright strikes whatever so make sure to dispute it as long as you actually followed fair use I've never had to deal legally with anything that's resulted from this but that is a possibility but there are ways of running channels where you never have to deal with copyright at all now at this point in the video you might be saying Matt that sounds really attractive to me I would love to just not even have to think about any of this stuff and if that's you you can look into channels like running stock
footage based channels which you literally only basically use stock footage within your videos and channels like world according to breaks in the travel Niche do this or channels like body Hub within the health Niche do this or channels like brainy dose within the psychology Niche also do this it's basically just stock footage throughout their videos and they do a voice over on top of that stock footage and they do incredibly well so you could do channels like that you could do like scary story channels which are basically just a story that you wrote yourself with
like a stock image or even a stock video in the background of it you won't have to deal with copyright right then run an animation Channel where you pay someone to animate the videos for you or if you have original content that you own for example I'm recording this video right here so I own this video therefore I own the copyrights to it won't have to deal with problems there make sure to use music from the YouTube audio library you don't have to deal with like copyright problems for music or anything like that make it
simple use music from the YouTube audio library or if you need a bigger selection in story blocks as you covered there also story blocks is what I personally use as well or do things like screen recording tutorials where you own the content that your screen recording now do not let this video scare you off from doing faceless YouTube channels I know we went over a lot within this video but I hope I made this subject a little bit less scary for you because at the end of the day YouTube has completely changed my life with
running faceless channels and if this video can just stop you from for example starting a compilation Channel where you'd have to deal with copyright all the time and instead run a channel where you either follow fair you Sky lines and you do it the right way as I specified throughout this video feel free to go back to the fair use checklist at any time screen shot that or whatever or you run one of those channels where you never have to deal with copyright either as long as I've helped you with that then I consider my
job well done hope you got a ton of value from that last section on exactly how to avoid getting copyright stried on your videos now at this point you might be asking Matt what types of content specifically what specific niches should I be avoiding in order to get monetized on YouTube because it's one thing to talk about how to avoid getting copyright strike for instance but there's specific types of content on YouTube that just can't get monetized in the first place so here are the niches to avoid in order to get monetized as fast as
possible right here so you may have heard of something called faceless YouTube channels which are essentially channels that you can run without ever stepping in front of a camera or showing your face my name is Matt par and I personally run over 12 of these different channels this channel you're watching right here is just one of my channels but most of them I don't ever even step in front of a camera or show my face and the first step in making money on YouTube with these YouTube automation channels is is to choose a niche which
is essentially just a category of content to upload in and by choosing a niche you'll grow a targeted audience that'll be more engaged with your videos and then all of your videos can feed each other which can result in a lot of growth and potentially a lot of money for you as well once you get monetized and now there are hundreds of different niches to choose from so it can be incredibly difficult especially in the beginning a lot of people get stuck on the step of choosing a niche but the reason I'm making this video
is to save people from choosing the wrong Niche and if you're out there you're looking for what Niche you do or you're even just thinking about starting another faceless channel to add to whatever business you have then I just want to make sure that you avoid a few different niches at all costs and that's what we're going to be going over in today's video we're going to be going over eight YouTube automation niches you should avoid at all costs and Niche number one that you should avoid at all costs is compilation videos now these are
videos where you just basically download a bunch of videos put them together into a compilation and re-upload to YouTube and you might be saying Matt what's wrong with that well there's a few things that are wrong with that that could potentially stop you from even making money doing this in the first place and that's because compilations are not what I would consider to be transformative and they're not what I would consider to be fair use essentially fair use on YouTube is a legal doctrine that potentially allows creators to reuse content from YouTube if they make
it different in nature from the original and if they add significant commentary on top of it now I'm not any lawyer or anything that's just my best understanding of this but the problem with compilation videos is that you're not making a transformative you're not doing a voiceover or any of those things and unfortunately a lot of times compilation videos can get copyright claimed by the original people who own the rights to the footage and not only that YouTube actually doesn't even monetize a lot of compilation videos and you've probably seen tons of these compilation videos
out there whether they're animal compilations or whether they're just Tik Tok compilations re-uploaded on YouTube you might be saying Matt but they're getting millions of views and that's all fine and well but don't you want to make money from your channel as well and if that's the case I highly suggest staying away from compilation videos and even if you do get monetized with a compilation channel it's very likely that that's going to be shortlived and I want you to build a real long-term business with YouTube and the way you do that is by following fair
use now there is a way of doing compilation videos correctly where you don't have to worry about copyright or anything like that and that is by getting permission from the respective owners of the clips to use in compilations for example Channel like daily dose of Internet do this as well as many others and essentially they not only reach out to people asking for permission to use their Clips but also people at this point submit their Clips to these channels in order to promote them essentially and also you can make compilations of your own videos like
for example I've done a bunch of videos talking about how to get monetized on YouTube and they're all teaching individual parts of the process of getting monetized but then eventually I just combine them all into a Mega tutorial about how to get monetized on YouTube so it's different than any one of those individual clips and it's content that I already own so I have the right to do that Niche number two to avoid on YouTube four faceless channels is meditation or relaxation videos now this one may be a bit confusing to a lot of people
granted that I recently uploaded a video called how to make money on YouTube with simple meditation videos so you might be asking Matt why are you saying that's bad now and the reason is that most people do meditation videos the absolute wrong way for example a lot of people simply download some music from the YouTube audio library put it on some royaltyfree video that they get from somewhere like reuploaded to YouTube and they call that a meditation or relaxation sleep music or something of that effect and the problem with that is it's not original
enough for YouTube to always like that type of content so a lot of these channels first of all never end up getting monetized in the first place or they end up getting demonetized and I want you guys to make real long-term money with YouTube so if you're going to do meditation or relaxation videos make sure you do it the right way and it's really simple to do that just do a human voice over saying a guided meditation or affirmations throughout the video or if you're just doing instrumentals or music make sure that you either paid
someone to make that for you from somewhere like upwork or Fiverr meaning you own the rights to that or you make it yourself and there's tons of meditation relaxation channels getting millions of views making tons of money but you just need to make sure that you're doing it the right way and I have a video like I mentioned that I recently did talking about how to do meditation videos the right way so feel free to check that out if you want I'll link it in the description for you as well Niche number three to avoid
is motivational content so you've probably seen motivational videos out there where it's simply some motivational speech from some famous motivational person and these can get a lot of views but the problem with them is that same fair use problem that we were talking about earlier a lot of times these types of videos aren't considered fair use since you're simply reusing clips from somebody else doing a motivational video and putting that in the background of like stock content or something like that it's not transformative enough at least in my opinion for that to be a safe
bed for you and the way to do motivation videos correctly and to actually potentially make money longterm doing this is to put things in your own words and to run Channels with an original voice over on it channels like brainy do are a brilliant example of this Niche number four to avoid for faceless YouTube content is kids channels now you might be saying Matt what's the problem with kids channels they get tons of views on YouTube what could possibly be the problem with that well unfortunately with kids channels they make a very small amount per
thousand views and that's due to the fact that YouTube has implemented something called Copa which essentially stands for the child online privacy protection act and what this basically States from my personal understanding is that advertisers can't put targeted ads to kids so therefore cpms or how much money you make per thousand views will be drastically lower than content that's aimed at older audiences so kids to my understanding are defined by people who are 13 years or younger so when you upload your content you have to check a box that says is this content made for
kids or not and basically you just check yes or no if that was the intention of what the content was for you can't really get around this cuz if you put the wrong label on the content YouTube will figure it out eventually they have people who review videos and everything so it's best to play it safe and while you can make money with kids content it's just not going to be near as much as you could with other types of content which is why I actually do not recommend doing it under any circumstances really unless
this was just your number one passion making this type of content and to demonstrate this I had somebody within my tube Mastery Community I run a course we have over like 10,000 people within this private Community who've paid for access to it and this one guy his name was Pete he ran a kids channel that was quite big he got hundreds of millions of total views on that channel and he was getting Millions upon millions of views per month but he shared in the group group how much he was making from that and it was
only a couple hundred per month and if you're going to be getting that amount of views you could potentially be making way more than a full-time income with other types of content so that's why I at least suggest steering clear from it if you can and I just think that there's so many better niches out there Niche number five to avoid on YouTube for faceless Niche channels is non- Advertiser safe content and this might seem broad but it's really simple once you understand what advertisers want to put their ads on and what they don't want
to put their ads on and once I explain this this will make perfect sense so essentially what advertisers are given the option when they put ads on YouTube videos is they can choose whether they want their ads on something called The Limited inventory which is standard or the expanded inventory which you have to actually go in into all these little settings and choose that individual setting and most people and most advertisers they don't do that extra work they just put it on the limited inventory and this is what essentially that means and this is the
difference between them the expanded inventory are videos on YouTube that could potentially include swearing or things that advertisers typically wouldn't deem to be safe content so like I said swearing and then there's a list of a bunch of others as well whereas The Limited inventory is where you as a content creator you want your content going into that category because the majority of advertisers will put ads on that content you'll make a lot more money as a result and so really to make this as clear as possible just to give you a quick checklist of
what to avoid on your cont contend for non- Advertiser safe content make sure you don't do swearing in your videos make sure there's no violence or other things just ask yourself from the perspective of a brand putting an ad on this like would I want to put an ad on this type of content if the answer is no I personally would steer clear from it now feel free to do what you want to do feel free to swear in your videos if you want to but from the perspective of making as much money as you
possibly can it's simply not a good idea Niche number six to avoid is AI content now you might be saying Matt AI has gotten really good over the past few years why couldn't not use like robot voices or anything like that or any of these AI video generation tools that are out there and the reasoning for that is due to the fact that not all of these tools are that good so for example there's a lot of robot voiceover tools out there that just don't sound that great and if you do content like that I've
had a lot of students not be able to get monetized with that that being said there are great textto speech voiceover platforms out there like 11 labs for example which is something that I could actually get behind since it sounds pretty much IND disting able from a human doing it also things like deep fake videos where you use someone else's likeness or video or audio of them and you basically transferred into another video and these are becoming more and more prominent on YouTube these types of videos may get you in trouble on YouTube because YouTube
is now talking about how they're implementing a process where when you upload videos you have to specify whether that video is using someone else's likeness or not so they can put a disclaimer on it and the person that you're using the likeness of could request that video to be taken down as well so in my opinion is it's best just to steer clear from that unless you're doing it obviously for like parody purposes and you have the person's permission because I saw some articles where YouTube was talking about if it's for one of those things
they could reconsider it Niche number seven to avoid on YouTube for automation channels is music and or lyric videos so this one's pretty self-explanatory If You re-upload music on YouTube it'll probably get flagged under YouTube's copyright system and you probably won't be able to make any money from it and the way it works is that if the video is claimed that money will then go to the person who claimed the video in a lot of circumstances in this case the owner of the music and this applies to Lyric videos this applies to any type of
video that you have copyrighted music without permission in the video so if you ever do use music in your video obviously look into places like the YouTube audio library which have tons of free music to use and also if you run a music specific Channel make sure that either you made that music yourself or you're paying someone from somewhere like upwork to make the music for you and you have the full rights to do that and Niche number eight to avoid is gaming content now at this point you might be saying Matt what I see
tons of gaming content get millions upon millions of views on YouTube why would you not suggest doing that and taking advantage of that well the thing is that the Space is really crowded at this point and I see so many gaming channels pop up like just thousands of them on individual games and unless you're doing something to stand out or be unique from that type of content I just think there's better niches out there now that's not to say there's not going to be new gaming channels that pop off there always is but you'll notice
they're typically doing something different there typically a reason they're getting that attention or they're just super valuable and they're doing unique walkthroughs of content or something like that if you can find a way of doing that more power to you in fact we recently did a video about exactly how to start a gaming channel the right way feel free to check that out I'll also link it in the description for you if you're at all interested in that type of content cuz you can do gaming content but you just need to make sure that you
do it the right way plus there's not a ton of money in like affiliate marketing within this Niche and some games re you to have permission from the actual game developer in order to play them on YouTube so always make sure to search if a game is copyrighted and make sure that you can upload it to YouTube and you have full permission of doing that and most games now have like privacy policies and terms and conditions that you can read and then just search for a YouTube videos on that now this video is not to
say that there is not potential in a lot of these niches there certainly is but if you want to have the potential of making a lot of money with faceless YouTube channels I hope this helps you kind of steer in the right direction for that and now at this point you might be saying Matt what is the right direction where should I be putting my time and attention into in terms of the type of content I upload and which niches should I choose and that is a fantastic question and some of the best niches on
YouTube in my opinion are related to finance Fitness and diet technology travel hope you got a ton of value from that last section on the niches to avoid this will hopefully save you a ton of time and energy that otherwise you may have invested in running any of those different channels in those niches now at the end of that section I did go over a couple of the best niches for monetizing your YouTube channel however I literally just mentioned them in a couple of seconds if you want a list of over a 100 plus of
the best niches on YouTube you can check out my software called tube magic tube magic is an all-in-one YouTube AI software that will allow you to generate amazing video ideas based on channels that have already worked it'll write scripts for you and it'll even upload and optimize your videos completely for you using the power of AI by scanning videos that have already worked and helping apply those principles to your videos but a new feature that we just launched on tube magic which relates to choosing the best Niche you possibly can that can actually get monetized
is the niche Explorer tool with this tool you can see over 100 plus different profitable niches and you can see the amount of money that you can potentially make per thousand views in those niches represented by the figure called RPM if you look at the RPM of any of these niches you can see an estimate based off of both my experience and all of My Success uccessful students experiences running channels Within These niches so you can get kind of a ballpark idea how much money you can potentially make per thousand views in any of these
niches and we're adding new niches all the time within the niche Explorer tool so feel free to check that out we have a completely free trial if you'd like to try out tube magic just click the link Down Below in the description but that being said I do want to give you as much value as I possibly can within this free monetization course so I am going to be going over 27 different profitable initiatives that you can also choose and showing you actual example channels Within those niches so you can understand exactly what to do
and we're going to be doing that right now here's the 27 best AI niches on YouTube I'm going to show you example channels Within These niches how they're making money and how you potentially can too well as it turns out there's seven main best niches on YouTube these are the broad category magic s niches as I like to call them and they are the following AI health wealth psychology relationships travel and technology now you might be saying Matt why are these the magic 7 why are these the overall best niches on all of YouTube well
in my opinion the best niches on YouTube have to meet a few criteria they have to have videos going up that regularly get over 100,000 views this in turn proves that there's high demand they have to have a decent to high CPM or RPM this is how much money that a channel makes per thousand views once it's monetized and the higher that number the better because it means more money for you and this allows you to make a good amount of money even if you don't have a ton of views and to make even more
money these niches have to have alternative monetization sources most people don't realize that their real money on YouTube is made through these alternative monetization sources we'll be getting into that a little bit later in this video series we're going to have a whole lesson in this video series that shows you exactly how to monetize your channels to the next level and I'm going to be showing you a few secrets that have allowed people with tiny channels to make insane amounts of money so make sure to stay tuned for that but these niches that I just
just went over the magic 7 all meet these criteria now at this point you might be saying Matt that's great but aren't these just very broad categories of niches that you listed like what are the best specific categories under these broad categories and my answer to that is yes these are broad categories and yes it is a good idea to choose what I like to call a sub Niche within one of these categories and the reason for this is that if one video takes off on your channel it'll feed all of the other videos on
your channel you'll have a higher View to subscriber ratio and you'll be able to implement my secret for getting views and subscribers super quickly which we'll be talking about in one of the next videos in this series so now let's go over all 27 of the best niches and I'm going to be showing you specific subcategories and example channels within them so you know exactly what are the best Niche is to potentially start on YouTube using AI now real quick before we get into the niches you might be asking Matt what if I want to
do a niche outside of the ones that you listed how can I ensure that it's actually a good Niche well if you open up the tool tube magic which we briefly mentioned in the last video in this series because it's vital that you get this tool in order to get the absolute most from this video series and you can follow along as I show you how to use it and Tube magic has an amazing market research feature called video research which allows you to find the most viewed videos within a niche and you can sign
up to tube magic for only $1 for your first week to try it out and follow along with me throughout this video series if you want to secure that just click the link below to sign up for your trial account and then you can follow along with me right here so if you go to the main tools page on tube magic it looks like this and we're going to want to go to the ideation section and then go over to video research from here then we can search any Niche that we're thinking about doing so
for example let's say we're thinking about doing make money online videos sort these by the past month and then go and sort these by the amount of views that the videos have gotten and that will show you the highest viewed videos and then if you see at least several videos with over 100,000 views going up regularly on YouTube you can be sure that you chose a great Niche because there's proven demand for it so for example the make money online Niche has multiple videos going up with over 100,000 views in the past month so that's
a good Niche so now let's get into that broad category number one which is AI and let's get into our first Niche which is a sub niche of AI and that is AI news here's a channel called digital engine which is within the AI news Niche and this channel pulls in 1.4 million views per month in ad Revenue alone depending on what their CPM is now this channel just uploads the latest developments and AI news and so forth but what's crazy about this channel is that they barely upload and most of this kind of channel
can be almost completely automated with the AI tools I'm going to be showing you in the next video in this series Niche number two is how to grow on YouTube with AI so there's a lot of people who want to discover how to grow their YouTube channels with artificial intelligence and these videos I'm making right here fall into that Niche and here's another channel that does this called AI guy this guy literally just does screen recordings teaching how to grow on YouTube using artificial intelligence to grow different types of channels and his channels pulling in
over 500,000 views per month which is awesome and you can use any screen recorder out there like OBS for example to record your screen for making these types of videos and he even uses an AI avatar on some of his videos which is why I also consider this to be an AI Niche and within the next video in this series I'm going to be showing you exactly how to generate a lot of these videos in the AI tools you can use to do so in a matter of minutes but if you were to do this
Niche here's a quick tip on how you could potentially make 10 times more than just ad Revenue so if that AI Guide channel is getting 500,000 views per month at a $15 CPM that would mean that he's making around $7,500 per month which is pretty nice right but what if I were to tell you could potentially make 10 times more by signing up to promote software just like tube magic for example if you go to the affiliate page of tube magic you can sign up for completely free and then you could promote it with a
channel like this and you will make a lot more on average than just from ad Revenue alone and you want to look for software that gives very high commissions like tube magic which gives 50% and ones that give you monthly recurring commissions for Life Niche number three is how to make money online using Ai and this channel called quirky Quest does exactly that showing different ways to make money online using AI with different social media platforms to make money again the videos can literally just be screen recordings for this you can put an AI voice
over on them even and like I said in the next video we'll be going over exactly how to do all of that and now it's time for Niche number four which is AI tutorials these can be tutorials showing how to use different AI software and my students Channel called debtbusters is a perfect example of this and this channel is actually ran by one of my top students this is one of my students who is responsible for me even getting on board with AI in the first place cuz he showed me himself making $10,000 per month
with AI and he shows tutorials on how to use different AI software and more and even though the channel doesn't get a million views on every single video he's still able to make a ton of money and that's because he's implementing the secrets that I'm going to be showing you within the monetization video within this series and we're going to be getting into Niche number five which is gaining muscle the channel body Hub is a great example of a channel like this that could be automated almost completely with AI and you could get stock videos
from places like pixabay pexels story blocks if you need a more broad selection of videos and to put in the backgrounds of your videos do a voiceover on top of that or even use an AI voiceover and body Hub gets 2.4 million views per month that could be $24,000 per month at a $10 CPM and health on average is a higher than normal CPM and body Hub mostly focuses around gaining muscle but Niche number six which is also within the health category is losing weight a lot of people also want to learn how to do
this this is a problem that a lot of people have in their lives so if you solve that problem with your videos not only can you potentially make a ton of money just like the channel bestie is doing on their Channel which is completely faceless and can be almost completely automated using AI as well but you can also even make additional money outside of that if you promote partner products that are also related to health and there's a lot of them out there on places like d store 24 bestie pulls 2.6 million views per month
which could be 20 to $30,000 per month from ad Revenue Niche number seven is natural remedies and the channel natural cures is a great example of a channel that's been doing this for a long time and has built up a big backlog of videos on their Channel and they pull in a whopping 4.7 million views per month which could be4 to $50,000 per month from ad Revenue that's absolutely amazing that this is possible from just one channel and this just shows the potential of doing this and this can also be automated almost completely using AI
as well now we're going to be jumping into the well broad category and that brings us to Niche number eight which is making money online now my personal Channel make money mad is a great example of a channel within the make money online Niche but you might be saying Matt that's a personal Channel isn't this supposed to be a list of the best faceless AI channels and yes I actually started make money Matt as a faceless Channel if you go back to the First videos on the channel you'll see that they're literally just screen recordings
teaching different concepts about YouTube and they were completely faceless and you can literally do this just by putting together slideshows and then recording your screen and you can generate videos just like that or even use AI tools to automate a lot of this as well Niche number nine is investing now you can check out the channel Chris invest he generates videos within the investing Niche and they're these whiteboard videos now you might be saying Matt aren't these videos going to be very hard and complicated to make don't I need to be an animator or a
designer no not at all you can literally use whiteboard software that's available out there online like video scribe for example to generate these whiteboard videos for you where you literally just d Dragon drop elements and it'll do all the animating for you and then you do a voiceover or even put an AI voice over on it and Chris invest for example pulls in 191,000 views per month and I can tell you from experience that doing channels within this Niche typically gets a very high CPM I've seen upwards of even $30 per thousand views I know
that sounds crazy but if you get a very high CPM that means that this channel could be making anywhere from $5 to $6,000 per month and this is just one channel imagine if you ran a bunch of channels like I personally do that got me all of these play buttons right here and all of the channels I got me all of those play buttons are consistently getting views every single month and consistently making me money I was out to dinner the other day with my family and my little sister was asking me how much have
you made from some of your old videos when you were just a kid living at home and we pulled it up I had an old video that had made over $30,000 that I completely forgot I even uploaded but it's been sitting there in the background making me money every single month since I was 15 years old Niche number 10 is is the luxury Niche and there's tons of great examples of channels within this Niche for example Mr luxury King luxury and alux all of these channels have gotten Millions upon millions of views on their Channel
and they just make videos about for example the best private jets and Yachts and mansions and stuff that people are interested in regarding that topic and while all that flashy fancy stuff is cool if you want to get more practically into what actually has grown businesses in the past you could look into Niche number 11 which is the business stories Niche the channel Hook is a great example of a faceless Channel within this Niche that's gotten a ton of views and they just make videos about how different businesses have grown in the back stories behind
them all right now it's time to jump into the psychology broad category of videos and that brings us into Niche number 12 which is ancient wisdom the channel philosophies for life is another whiteboard Channel and as we mentioned earlier you can literally just use AI whiteboard generating software to generate these videos for you and you can use an AI script generator like the ones that are built into tube magic it'll write the scripts for you and do almost everything for you you could run a channel like this and if this is something you're interested in
it may be a great Niche to go into Niche number 13 is confidence the channel Charisma on command is a great example of a channel within this Niche their videos are completely faceless and they pull in 5.3 million views per month which means they could be making $50 to $60,000 per month just from ad Revenue but it doesn't stop there they also sell a course from their Channel which could two three five 10x the amount that they make from ad revenue and I'm saying that from experience based on my own numbers from doing that and
now Niche number 14 is relationships this channel called Modern Love Potion makes videos about relationships and these videos are completely faceless and there's so many different subcategories under this as well like how to get an ex back how to find a boyfriend or a girlfriend how to fix a relationship how to fix a marriage there's so many different categories under this now we're going to be jumping into the broad category of travel and that brings us into Niche number 15 which is travel guides and channels like before you go travel tropia or Mojo travels are
all great examples of channels within this Niche that can almost be completely automated with AI with some of the tools I'm going to be showing you within the next video in this series you can essentially just make guides in top 10 list about the top 10 best things to do in certain cities and personally as someone who travels a lot I watch a lot of videos like this because they give me a lot of value and the thing about these videos is that you don't even need to travel to any places to generate them Niche
number number 16 is travel ideas and the channel world according to Briggs has a ton of faceless videos on it that have all been centered around controversial places to travel to or not travel to and due to the fact that they're a bit controversial they've gotten a lot of views so sometimes that can work as well Niche number 17 also within the travel category is retirement travel the channel scary hairy does videos on this about topics like the best places to retire if you have this much money or less the best places to retire in
different countries and continents and whatnot and how far money for example will go in different countries and overall a very unique Niche and one that I think has a ton of potential and the fact that it's Finance related as well because you're talking about money to some degree means that the cpms on average are going to be a lot higher because the way it works is that you have advertisers on YouTube and the top advertisers are going to be the ones that spend the most amount of money now who are the top advertisers well it's
companies like Expedia for example Apple a lot of huge investment companies and so forth and they're going to be putting their money on money related videos Expedia is going to put their money on travel related videos which is what this Niche is in and since it has two of the most high CPM topics could potentially be a great Niche now we're going to be jumping into the technology broad category and this brings us into Niche number 19 which is futuristic technology the channel Tech Zone does videos about this and a lot of this can be
automated with AI but they talk about new inventions and technology and Innovations they pull in a whopping 10 million views per month which at a $10 CPM would be$ 100,000 per month that's more than a full-time income for most people every single month on that channel and here's the thing about Tech Zone as well they translate their channel into a bunch of different languages and what if I were to tell you that you can use AI to even translate your videos which I'll be showing you as well so this Niche can definitely be a great
one Niche number 19 is technology tutorials so you could literally just screen record yourself showing how to do tutorials on different software and the channel Brett in Tech does exactly this most of the videos are completely faceless and he pulls in a ton of views and could potentially make a ton of money as well and then you sign up to be an affiliate for some of the software that you talk about and boom you can make even more money and now let's get into some bonus niches outside of those initial broad categories which I consider
to be the best Niche categories on YouTube but there's also other types of niches that can certainly work I'm going to be going over some that are working right now that are popping off right now that you can basically take and use if you'd like and that brings us into Niche number 20 which is animal videos now if you like animals you're at all interested in them this could be a great Niche to choose and the channel Forever Green does videos about animals specifically wild animals mostly and they pull in over 4 million views per
month which as we've discussed can be just an insane amount of money and this can definitely be a great Niche to do Niche number 21 is the food Niche and you have channels like mashed for example you can do top 10 list about different food and everything this can almost all be automated with AI in fact if you use tube Magics built in how to script writer feature you could even create food tutorials with it and you could put in for example how to bake a cake select 1500 words so it's a 10-minute video and
boom have an entire script ready about how to do that Niche number 22 is the carard niche and you have channels like modern muscle which create videos about cars but they specifically mostly focus on muscle cars think about how many different car types are out there you've also got super cars sports cars even just everyday driver cars you can make car comparisons top 10 list the ideas here are endless and again if you use tube magic go to the script writer feature go to list videos you could for example say make me a top five
video about the top five fastest cars and it'll generate that for you instantly Niche number 23 is scary videos typically videos that elicit some type of emotion within people are ones that people enjoy watching and you'll notice that's why scary movies are so popular because it makes us feel something and this same concept applies on YouTube You've Got channels like chills or top 15s which produce videos about scary topics and they pull in a ton of views Niche number 24 is the celebrities Niche channels like Nikki Swift or grunge or Looper are all great examples
of channels within this Niche and they create videos about different celebrities and the movies they're in and I actually think if you're going to be doing anything related to movies or entertainment or anything like this that focusing on the celebrity specifically is a better way of going about it so you don't have to deal with copyright or anything that might come if you are for example having to play movie clips within your videos I'd recommend focusing more so on the behind the scenes and the celebrities and everything like that which is why I'm putting this
on this list of some of the best AI niches and most of this can be generated with AI Niche number 25 is top 10 videos and the channel most amazing top 10 is a perfect example of a channel crushing it with top 10 videos in fact they're pulling in 4.6 million views per month and if you go to the most popular video on their Channel as you can see it's about 10 convicts who freaked out after a life sentence and that brings us into Niche number 26 and and this is one that's really blowing up
right now on YouTube I see so many channels doing this successfully honestly I think it's also one of the most underrated niches for this year and that is the true crime Niche and you got channels like the finest which pulls 6 million views per month and real crime which gets 7 million views per month and Niche number 27 is documentaries this is another hugely underrated Niche that I think there's a lot of potential in long form documentaries anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes long have a ton of potential on YouTube YouTube this has always been
a great Niche on YouTube but now with AI to automate a lot of doing this as well it can really help a lot you see channels like Jake Tran magnets media and a bunch others that are blowing up right now with documentaries about different subjects and if you do a subject for example related to finance you'll get a much higher on average CPM and in the past you'd have to do a ton of research into finding the nitty-gritty details with everything involved in a topic reading tons of Wikipedia pages and everything but now ai can
do all of that work for you which will be going over very soon in the next video in this series now all of the channels that we just went over they are faceless channels but that being said AI can also help you even if you're running a personal Channel I use all of the tools that I'm about to show you in the next video in the series even on my personal Channel make money Matt which gets over a million views per month so these can definitely be applied no matter which type of Channel you're running
and the strategies that I'm also going to be showing you within this series and my secret on how to grow super fast is also a applies to all types of channels and if you did run a personal channel for example you could run one in the AI Niche which is fantastic you could make one like the channel AI Andy he just reviews different AI tools and so forth gets a ton of views potentially makes a ton of money as well cuz lots of companies will pay you to sponsor those types of videos you can also
sell a course from your channel and of course sign up for affiliate programs like the tube magic affiliate program so you can get those monthly recurring commissions for life now throughout this video I've mentioned CPM and RPM a couple of times and this is how much money you make per thousand views on your channel and the higher the number the better so I'm just going to give you a list of the highest CPM niches here they are feel free to screenshot this or come back to it any time these are the highest CPM niches on
YouTube from my personal experience and seen tons of other people running these channels as well and just remember if you're ever in doubt about a niche or you don't know which Niche to choose just remember that this list of niches on the screen right here are the absolute best on YouTube in my opinion these are the best niches and that's wealth Health technology travel and tutorials especially ones related to AI cuz that's only going to become bigger and only going to become more trending over time all right so now you understand the best niches of
getting monetized which niches to avoid in order to get monetized how to avoid copyright and how much you can realistically make per th000 views once you do get monetized now what if I were to tell you that I personally monetized a YouTube channel in just 30 days to prove to you that it's not luck now obviously I can't guarantee you're going to monetize your channel within 30 days just by watch watching this I'm a professional at this I've been doing this for many years at this point but that being said I do believe that I
can show you the fundamental things that have worked for me and I truly believe that those fundamentals will work for you too as well as a few key Secrets which I'm going to be showing you in the next section as well as how I monetize that channel in just 30 days here it is it genuinely blows my mind that people aren't using these simple strategies to get monetized on YouTube faster I just monetized one of my newest faceless YouTube channels in under 30 days by applying these techniques and I did that to prove to you
that this is not luck I've been running successful faceless YouTube channel since I was in high school and I know for a fact that growing successful YouTube channels is more than just luck and these strategies are exactly how I'm running over a dozen different faceless YouTube channels I got me play buttons just like this and my absolute fastest record for getting monetized on a brand new channel and meeting the threshold of 4,000 hours of watch time and 1,000 subscribers which allows you to put ads on your videos and then you in turn get a of
that ad revenue is in just under 2 weeks in 13 days I was able to enter the YouTube Partner program which is absolutely insane and most channels do not do it that fast in fact most of my channels that I run have not done it that fast now at this point you might be saying Matt 4,000 hours watch time 1,000 subscribers isn't it going to take forever to reach those milestones and see that's the problem a lot of people are intimidated by these numbers and they think they're so big but what a lot of people
don't understand is that it's simply a math equation for example my personal channel that you're watching right now make money Matt it gets nearly 4,000 hours of watch time every single day now at this point you might be saying Matt but it's taking you years to build up this Channel and get to that point and my answer to that is absolutely however you only have to get 4,000 hours of watch time total on the history of your entire Channel and let's break down the math so we're not intimidated by this just understanding this and understanding
the math behind this is the first step for making this happen let's say you were to take a month and go all in on YouTube meaning you upload a new video every single day for the entire month and let's say that every one of your videos is about 12 minutes on average in length and let's say each one of those videos has an average view duration of about 50% now we might be being optimistic we might be even estimating low for some channels every channel is different these are just estimations that would mean that you're
getting 6 minutes of watch time for every new view that you get and in order to get 4,000 hours of watch time you would only need 40,000 views now you might be saying Matt 40,000 sounds like a huge number but it's really not if we break it down between 30 different videos if we take a whole month uploading a new video daily in fact you only need a little bit over a th000 views per video and this number can go even lower if you upload more videos now realistically you're not going to get the same
amount of views between all of your videos obviously in fact most of your views are going to come from a small percentage of your uploads typically what I've seen across my YouTube channels is that around 90% of the views come from only 10% of my videos and those 10% are would drive the majority of views so even if a lot of your videos barely get any views if you only have a couple pop off you can still hit that 40,000 total views across your channel 100% And also most of your first videos are barely going
to get any views but then a couple may explode if you implement the right strategies and I'm going to be sharing some secrets with you in this video now you might be thinking Matt that sounds great but what about the Thousand subscribers I have to get how am I going to get that well you see on average for YouTube channels the average channel has a 1 to 3% view to subscriber ratio this means that for every 100 views that an average channel gets they get 1 to three subscribers now for my faceless channels it's more
like 1% whereas on my personal channel right here it's upwards of 3% so let's put your number somewhere in the middle let's say you get two subscribers for every 100 views that you get so for those 40,000 views that we estimated if just 2% of people subscribe you're going to get 800 subscribers which pretty much brings you all the way there it's only a matter of time till you hit 1K now just a little disclaimer this is obviously a hypothetical scenario every channel is different I can't guarantee that if you upload videos every day you're
going to automatically get 100 subscribers however I want to help you hit that Milestone as fast as possible so I'm going to break down my secrets that I've learned on my decade here on the platform and what I can guarantee is that I'm going to straight up show you what I've done you see most people on YouTube they guess and hope what is going to work however not many people actually go with a plan and a strategy and I want that to be different for you I wish I had a video like this when I
was first starting my channel so let's get into secret number one you see a common mistake that a lot of YouTubers make when they're first starting on the platform is guessing what is going to work and what's not and you can't really blame them because they just don't know and I personally was the exact same way but a huge advantage that you can have if you're just starting a channel is to just not guess literally just take inspiration and model what has already worked on YouTube and if you see multiple videos on a certain subject
that you're thinking about doing getting over 100,000 views then check that box that could be an incredible video to model and this may seem trivial but this is actually how you get monetized on YouTube fast now let's get into secret number two and this is something not a lot of people think about and it's a little bit outside the box but trust me this works amazing once you find a few good video ideas on some different channels consider combining them into a single video let me explain for example on my personal Channel you're watching right
here my two top videos are the laziest way to make money online and then also how to make money on YouTube without making videos those are my two top videos so if we combined them what would that title look like well if we do some thinking here we could do a title similar to laziest way to make money on YouTube without making videos so we're taking two aspects that have already worked if they're within a single Niche this could be a match made in heaven and you can take inspiration from already viral YouTube channels so
let's say you're starting a faceless YouTube channel like a lot of my audience is and let's say say you're going into the travel retirement Niche which helps people figure out which countries are the best to retire in and as you can see this channel right here called scary hariry does exactly this gets a ton of views by the way doing this and let's say we want to implement this technique of combining two already popular videos what you can essentially do is take a look at a few of these videos like if we're going through here
as you can see one of the videos is 10 easiest countries to retire comfortably and another top video is 15 safest countries to live so what if we combine them and we did 15 safest countries to retire comfor right so I just want to show that this concept works for all types of channels for Evergreen content and if you're combining topics within a single Niche however you can even look outside of your Niche to see what types of videos are working and hopefully you can get some more ideas from that now let's get into secret
number three which is if you see titles thumbnails and topics working well on other people's channels they could potentially do really well for you also for example if you see that within your Niche there's a lot of text in thumbnails or the contrary if you see that faces in thumbnails seem to do good within your Niche make sure to model that and double down on what works and cut out what doesn't now you're probably asking Matt if I do all this and model what works how is my video going to stand out isn't it going
to just be one among thousands of other videos out there on YouTube that are the exact same and the answer to why people would watch your video over other people's is value and here's how you can make your videos more valuable and this will in turn help you get monetized way faster as well cuz at the end of the day the algorithm is literally just a reflection of people watching it to a large degree and it's pretty easy in theory to make your videos very valuable and here's how you do it what you do is
open up three of the top videos within the topic that you're thinking about and then watch through each video sometimes I like to do this at 2x speed and write down all the top points from all three of the top videos and then incorporate these points into the scripts in your videos and you will give 10 times the amount of value as any one of those videos cuz it'll all be in one for your desired end audience another great strategy is to go into the comment section of those videos see what questions people have any
additional comments or concerns or anything like that and make sure to answer those or include those within the video to give that additional value so that will make your video stand out a lot more while we're really modeling is for example the packaging of the video and the video idea itself but our video Will Stand Out by a ton if we implement this secret that I just shared with you and when I'm saying value I'm not just talking about how-to content either value can be either educational or entertainment value both of those are value propositions
Now secret number four is to upload 30 to 60 videos on your channel I recommend posting minimum once per week on your channel in the beginning and if you can upload three to five times per week and if you really want to take this seriously you can do daily content if you can produce valuable content as well now secret number five is to make sure that your content is monetizable cuz our worst case scenario is uploading tons of content to YouTube just to find out you can't even monetize it in the first place so what
types of content can't you monetize this is typically content like Tik Tok compilations or YouTube compilations where you don't change anything else in the video and you're just re-uploading Sports Clips or something something like that these can be things that advertisers may not want to put their videos on as well and I go way more into this in my YouTube course to Mastery and monetization but essentially my checklist for making sure that your videos can get monetized is the following number one follow YouTube's fair use policy number two make sure to have a human voice
over or a very realistic voice over within your video number three make sure your content is transformative and this in part means giving additional value in the form of your commentary on that video and making it suitable for a different Market than the original video was an intended for and I'm not a lawyer so this obviously isn't legal advice but this is my understanding of it and now secret number six which will help your videos explode and get monetized way faster is taking one of the juiciest best parts of your video and putting it at
the very beginning of your video in order to hook people and get their attention this is especially applicable if you're doing entertainment-based faceless content and another thing you can do is mention how at the end of the video there's this extra hidden value that will make them want to watch through to the end of that video for example if you're making a video about the top 10 fastest cars you might want to say something like and just wait for number two and especially number one these are cars you may not even believe exist sneak peeks
like this build suspense and improve audience retention and for example if a video has a 75% audience retention rate at the beginning of the video and 50% or more in the middle it's very likely to go viral across many niches obviously every Niche is different and every circumstance is different but these are the averages that I found after uploading hundreds of videos with over a million views each and another thing you can do is ask a question towards the beginning of your video that then you immediately answer and then another question Rises up and you
answer that one right after that which is kind of what I'm doing with this video and essentially the way of structuring these videos really just provides the end viewer with more value and that's what we're trying to do at the end of the day if people want to be entertained you hook them and then you give them a payoff if people want to learn something you ask questions that they're going to want to know about and you invoke curiosity and then you answer those questions and then ask the next logical question and then answer that
so you're giving people value along the way and also building up to a bigger payoff in the end like for this video for example your big payoff will be to get your Channel monetized or get another one of your channels monetized and the reason this is important for getting your channels monetized is that if people watch your videos longer they do better in the algorithm and you'll hit those Milestones faster now secret number seven is to make longer videos because longer videos will ACR more watch time on average even if you only get 10% audience
retention on a 1hour video boom you just got 6 minutes minutes of watch time also if your videos longer than 8 minutes you can put multiple ad breaks throughout your video and that will allow you once you get monetized to make way more money but you don't just want to make longer videos for the sake of them being longer for example I've had lots of videos blow up that are sub 10 minutes that are 5 minutes long for example one of the top videos here on make money mat it's only about 5 minutes long what
you want to do if you do go ahead and make longer content is to fill that content with extra values so it's worth it for people to watch as much of that video videos at every length can go viral because it's all relative and there's more factors within the algorithm for example session time if people go from one of your videos to another one of your videos but if you want to get monetized fast consider just making a couple of longer videos to see how they do now secret number eight is to get monetized before
you ever even get monetized and trust me I know that sounds absolutely crazy and you're probably asking how in the world would I ever do that and the answer is that you just have to implement a simple strategy which I'm going to be sharing with you right now you see on this channel you're watching right now I was able to monetize this Channel with only five videos on it and I started making hundreds of dollars per day before the channel ever got monetized with ads now how did I do that with alternative monetization sources now
an alternative monetization source is essentially a way of making money from YouTube by referring traffic somewhere else and then making money either through selling your own digital product or any type of product or promoting somebody else's product as an affiliate now if you go the affiliate route and promote somebody else's product I personally would make sure that it's a high payout partner digital product that means that it's charging over $500 so you'll get at least $250 every sale you refer and digital product means that it can be fulfilled digitally and the best type of digital
product is an online course now I have an online course called tube Mastery and we've paid out over $600,000 to Affiliates and a lot of those Affiliates are directly here on YouTube so that can certainly work to make a lot of money and I personally make over $10,000 a month with affiliate marketing on my channels Now secret number nine is to jump into your YouTube analytics and look at a couple key statistics so once you get about 30 videos uploaded on your YouTube channel it's vitally important that you look into what's working what's not and
then improve on the next batch of videos so the way you do that is jump into your channel just like I'm here right now and then go on over to your analytics and specifically what you want to go to is the content tab right here and you want to see what your channel average clickthrough rate is this is what percent of people click to watch your video as opposed to all the other videos out there that they come across and you want to make note of your Channel's average clickthrough rate mine right here is 5.7%
then on every new video that you upload if you go to your content tab right here and then go down to looking at an individual video for example this one and then click the analytics button under that video then what you want to see is what percent of people click to watch your video for example this one is 88.4% so this tells us that this thumbnail is a higher than average clickthrough rate for our channel so we're going to keep it but if you upload videos that have lower than your Channel's average percent then what
you want to do is design a new thumbnail modeling what's already working on YouTube and then throwing that thumbnail on that video that you already have uploaded and sometimes you can help explode videos doing that and next up if you go back to your content tab right here and scroll down you can see key moments for audience retention so take notes of what's keeping people's attention what's making retention go up and down and if you go to your audience tab right here you can see when your viewers are on YouTube so you know when to
post videos so for me that'd be about 10:00 a.m. in the time zone that I'm in you can see what other videos that your audience is watching to give you more video ideas and those are the key statistics to look at and now secret number 10 is to follow this action checklist I'm going to give you pick a niche that's been proven to work on YouTube post at least 30 videos to your channel and stay consistent with an upload schedule you can even schedule uploads directly within your YouTube studio if you want research and analyze
the data from those 30 videos to map out your next 30 videos come up with some alternative monetization methods and make sure you're within a niche that can do that the best ones are typically health wealth happiness relationships travel and Technology upload consistently don't look back a lot of people step into YouTube expecting hundreds of thousands of dollars their first month don't be one of those people instead be someone who actually takes action with this and follows through with it to its logical conclusion posting 60 to 100 videos so you can potentially have a huge
Channel down the line and once you start posting videos do not let that momentum give up keep posting and reward yourself for every little Milestone even your first 10 100 subscribers make sure to celebrate that so you stay motivated with this it's vitally important that you do that all right now you'd understand exactly how to grow your channel fast in order to hit those requirements for monetization as fast as possible now once once you actually hit those requirements of 4,000 hours of watch time and 1,000 subscribers on your channel now it's time to actually jump
into the settings and get your channel monetized which I'm going to show you how to do in this next section here we're going to be jumping on the computer together so once you hit those requirements you understand exactly how to get monetized and even if you haven't hit the requirements yet it's still very important to watch this section because I'm going to show you a few settings that you can do to make sure that once you hit those requirements you're not losing out on any money and we're going to be taking a look at that
right now and the first thing we need to do is make sure that we hit the requirements for monetization and in order to do that we can jump on the computer right here and I can show you exactly what to do all you need to do is go to your YouTube channel by clicking your profile picture clicking view your channel and then go down here to manage videos from here we're going to want to go to our analytics so if we go to the left- hand side we just click our analytics tab right there and
then from here we want to select the last 365 days to see the stats for the past year on your Channel and what we're looking for specifically is watch time we need 4,000 hours of watch time in the past 365 days in order to get in the YouTube Partner program and monetize our Channel and as you can see this channel right here has 8,000 hours of watch time in the past year so it hits our requirement number one but now we need to make sure that we hit requirement number two which is having 1,000 subscribers
on your channel and that is very easy to check just go to your YouTube channel see how many subscribers the channel has for example this one has five ,000 so we are all set and ready to monetize now in order to actually get your channel within the YouTube Partner program and monetized you need to go to the left hand side of your creator studio and then go down here and select this earn button right here and as you can see now the apply button is ready to be clicked so we just click apply now and
from here it's going to bring us to the steps to actually sign up to earn money from YouTube now all you have to do first and foremost is review the base terms and you can click Start to begin that process and they require that you actually scroll through and read all of these terms right here and upon doing that then you can click I accept base terms and click accept terms and then scroll down to step number two which is to sign up for Google AdSense and if you don't already have an AdSense account that's
totally fine AdSense is how you're going to actually get paid from YouTube when you make your money it's going to be deposited into an AdSense account which is a company owned by Google and then that money will be sent to you on a monthly basis depending on how much money you make and I'll get into that in just a second but let's begin this process of connecting an AdSense account to our Channel by clicking start and if you don't already have an existing account just click no I don't have an account and then on the
next screen it will prompt you to create your AdSense account you can use the same exact Gmail that you made for your YouTube channel it's totally fine now I already have an AdSense account since I run over a dozen different YouTube channels and I've been making money from YouTube back since I was a teenager so I'm going to click yes I have an existing account and all I had to do was select the Google account associated with my AdSense account and then from here once once you have that set up you can scroll down and
then click accept Association and then you'll be brought back to your YouTube Studio where you can start the next step so now that you have an AdSense account as you can see it says this step is done now it's time for step number three which is to get reviewed and get within the monetization program and as you can see down here it says that we'll email you a decision usually within a month I found that it usually takes much faster than this literally only a couple days in order to get into the YouTube Partner program
so this channel should be set and monetized very soon so I'm I'm going to do right now is log into one of my channels that is already monetized in making money which is my main personal Channel make money Matt right here as you can see this channel makes a lot of money every single month just from the YouTube Partner program and being monetized but our next step to do is to enable ads on all of your videos once you're accepted in the monetization program so you'll get an email notifying you that you've been accepted then
our next step is to go to your videos manager within your YouTube Creator studio and then you'll see a brand new tab added to your YouTube Studio where it says if monetization is on on individual videos on your channel now in order to make this faster so you don't have to go video by video you might have 100 videos on your channel to monetize you can just go to the left hand side click this select all button right there and then click edit and then go to monetization and then select on right there and then
click update videos now in order to make as much money as you possibly can from YouTube there's a few crucial settings that I recommend enabling which I'm going to show you right now so once you monetize your videos boom you're making money now from your YouTube videos every single time somebody views them and sees an ad on your video but in order to make the most amount of money you need to go into individual videos and edit a few settings what I recommend doing is sorting your videos by the highest view to the lowest so
that you're doing the videos that are getting the most amount of views first especially if you have a lot of videos on your channel so this doesn't take too long then just select your videos one by one and then go edit these settings go to the left hand side and then go down to the monetization tab and make make sure that you have all ad types selected so make sure you have before video pre-roll ads during video mid rolls and after video post rolls and select all types of ads so you can make as much
money as you possibly can and then for your videos that are longer than 8 minutes you can make even more money from them by putting what are called mid roll ads throughout your video and in order to do that go down here and click manage midrolls and what I recommend doing is placing ads about every 2 minutes throughout your video tapering them off towards the end of the video so as you can see this 11-minute video right here has 1 2 3 4 five ads throughout the video that'll help you make a lot more money
in fact multiple times in many circumstances than your videos that are shorter than 8 minutes so go do that with all of your most viewed videos then the next setting I recommend doing to make sure you make as much money as possible is go to the left hand side right here and go down and click this gear icon that says settings from here then go on up to upload defaults and then select monetization and from here you can select all ad types make sure all of these boxes are checked and that will enable all of
your new videos that you're uploading to be fully monetized to their maximum potential so you don't have to remember to do that every time you upload a YouTube video and there's something I wanted to mention about Google AdSense now once you're monetized which is that there is a $100 threshold before you get paid out your earnings so in most circumstances you'll get paid out every single month from your Google AdSense account to your bank account and you'll connect your bank account to Google AdSense during that sign up process and they will require some information for
example verifying your address in many cases totally normal I had to do the same exact thing when I was setting this all up myself but once you do that and you start making money from your channel then that money will be stored in your AdSense account and if we jump on my computer right here and go into my AdSense account as you can see it might sometimes be confusing because you might log into AdSense right here and see that it says $0 you might say wait I've made a lot of money on my channel if
I go into my Analytics right here it's saying that I'm making all this money but where is it in my AdSense account so this is very important so you don't get too confused make sure when you're clicking payments account that you click this drop down and select YouTube and that's because AdSense on websites where you put ads on websites in order to make money is a separate branch of AdSense so you want to make sure that you specify YouTube and now as you can see your last payment was issued right here for this much money
and it says paid monthly if the total is at least $100 AKA your pay out threshold so you do need to build up $100 but don't worry that money will be stored for you and it's your money as soon as you hit that threshold you'll start getting paid that amount monthly hope you got a ton of value from that last segment on exactly how to jump into the settings and monetize your channel now remember at the beginning of this course I talked about that there's a few key secrets that you can Implement in order to
make a ton of money from YouTube without even being monetized and that's because there's several key ways of monetizing your YouTube channel that extend beyond just ad Revenue and that's what I'm going to be showing you in this next section of the course some of the best ways of monetizing your YouTube channel so you can make way more than you can just from YouTube ad Revenue let's get into it right now YouTube puts ads on the videos that you upload and they do this once you reach 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time and
you join something called the YouTube Partner program and if you're in a higher CPM Niche you'll typically make around $10 per th000 views typically anything related to wealth Health technology or travel and the reason for that is because there's a lot of advertisers Within These niches so therefore they're going to be putting their ads on these types of videos which therefore drives up the amount of money that you'll make and that's why I mentioned in video number two in this series that choosing a high CPM Niche is very important now in some high CPM niches
like Finance for example I've seen channels get upwards of $30 or more per thousand views so that is certainly possible and let's say you were to get $30 per th000 views you do a channel within the make money online Niche for example you get just 100,000 views per month and boom you're making $3,000 per month and just imagine if you had just one channel making you $3,000 per month how could that potentially change your life imagine running five plus channels now a trick to make as much money as you possibly can from ads is to
generate videos that are longer than 8 minutes and the reason for that is because then at that point YouTube allows you to add multiple ad breaks throughout your video which can multiply the amount of money you make from those videos several times so if you make for example a 10-minute video and put an ad at 2 minutes 4 minutes 6 minutes 8 minutes and then an ad at the beginning and end of the video that will multiply the amount of money you make from that video by a lot and YouTube ad revenue is amazing like
imagine you had an income stream $3 to $55,000 per month obviously I can't guarantee that just by watching this video series but let's just say hypothetically you're able to do that that's awesome and I think anybody would be pretty happy with that just to have that extra money coming in to pay for whatever you want to pay for in your life but as good as YouTube ad revenue is it's not actually my favorite let me let you in on a secret which is how to make 10 times more money than 99% of YouTube channels out
there and the secret is to go to websites like digistore24 comom and sign up to promote what are known as high payout partner products these are primarily digital products that you can sign up to promote from your channel and if you're within a niche like health wealth happiness relationships or travel these are niches where people likely have problems in and if if you sign up to promotee a digital product that solves those people's problems usually in the form of an online course then you can promote that in the link in the description of all of
your different YouTube videos and let's say you got a 50% Commission on a $1,000 product which means you make $500 per sale get just 20 of those per month and if you're getting 50 100,000 views per month that is more than possible boom you're making $10,000 per month from a channel that otherwise you might only be making a couple thousand from from ad Revenue which like I said is awesome but imagine you can make $10,000 per month by implementing this secret and that's only if a tiny percentage of people buy based off of that math
and for example you can go to map Affiliates you can sign up to promote any of my personal courses as an affiliate as well and I give a crazy 50% commission if you go out there and do that because I like to view it is you're helping me by promoting my product might as well help you and give you a crazy good commission if you want to do that but you don't just have to promote my product there's tons of different digital products out there that you can promote there's things like ebooks guides but
my favorite is going to be online courses and you could always make your own online course if you wanted to but the benefit of promoting a proven online course that's already been made is that number one you don't need to be an expert and number two you don't have to spend potentially months building that product like I've had to do with tube Mastery but you can certainly do your own if you'd like to but I just want to give you that option so you have something that you can promote right away now digital products are
awesome and prom them as a high payout partner epic but what if I were to tell you that there's a way of not only making money once from your sales but making money again and again every single month that's the power of a secret that I was told by one of my top students named Ki and that secret is the power of recurring and let me just break down the math on this so you can understand how amazing it is if you get just 400 people paying you $50 per month and you get 50% of
that that's $10,000 per month for you and that's recurring for life as long as people stay subscribed for example take a look at this channel called AI guy we've mentioned him a couple times throughout this video series he generates videos about the latest AI software and using that to grow on YouTube now he's an affiliate for the tube magic software which we've also mentioned throughout this series and by doing that he's promoting a tool that not only is he going to make money once when he refers people to sign up but he's going to make
money again in again and that's why that's so smart and if you wanted to go out there run a channel like his you could sign up to promote products like tub Magic by going to tubem Affiliates and we've got tons of different affiliate resources there for you if you want to go out there and do that and we give 50% commissions which is crazy on a recurring product you will likely not find another affiliate product that offers that and now here's how you can take that to even the next level to make even more
money and that's by implementing something called a bridge page this is simply a page between the traffic from YouTube and the sale that you get when you refer people to your high payout partner product whether it's a software course whatever you have a page in between that and that page essentially lets people transition into that easier and also it allows you to collect their email you simply put a page sometimes with a video sometimes literally just a headline and you can do this with a variety of different software like kajabi for example you can collect
people's information and then refer them to the product that you're selling so not only are you getting sales but you're collecting emails and if you build up a sizable email list you can email them again and again into the future as long as they stay subscribed to your list and that way you can make a lot more sales like a common Benchmark with email marketing is that if you email your list consistently a lot of people have said you make around $1 per person on your list so you get 10,000 people on your list you'd
want to be making $10,000 per month so you can see how valuable an email list can be now that one YouTube channel called natural cures that we talked about earlier in this video series which does videos about health and wellness they could for example sign up to promote any of the health courses that are available on digiore 24 or click Bank this cryptocurrency channel called Satoshi stacker could sign up to promote these crypto courses from digistore 24 this animal channel called Animal Facts could promote this dog training course this technology Channel called top 10 Zone
could sign up to promote affiliate links from Amazon for each of the products that they mentioned throughout their videos and this channel called Celestial inspiration which produces spirituality videos could sign up to promote any of these spirituality products right here and there's tons of these products in all the niches that we mentioned health wealth happiness relationships and travel now you might be saying Matt what if there isn't a product to promote within my Niche and it is true that not every Niche will have a good product to promote and that's why you have to make
sure that you choose a good one and I go over those best ones in video number two in this series now that doesn't mean you can't make a ton of money with other niches you certainly can even if you run a general top 10 Channel you can make a lot of money I've done it myself and I continue to do so with a lot of my faceless channels that are primarily entertainment based but for making the most amount of money online with YouTube AI faceless channels it's imperative that you choose a good Niche and one
that will allow you to monetize in the ways that I'm talking about now ad revenue is awesome as well as I've mentioned I've had tons of students make a ton of money with revenue for example Dan right here makes $8,000 per month he's one of my students Alli right here making nearly $99,000 per month I talked with a student recently making $30,000 per month from his channel and IW interviewed him another one of my students David right here though went down the path of offering a digital product that he created himself made over 100 Grand
in the last year and guess what he has less than a couple thousand subscribers Luke right here made $2,400 promoting tube Mastery and monetization which is my YouTube course with less than 100 subscribers and my student Matthew right here who had a pretty small channel was able to make $100 his first day implementing the high payout partner product method and I wanted to just shoot a quick testimonial for Matt Paul in his YouTube Mastery course I actually purchased it 4 days ago I followed his strategies and on day2 my second upload I actually made a
$100 affiliate commission I highly recommend it obviously well worth it you know made a sale second day so now I do have to give a disclaimer these results are not typical don't expect just by watching these videos or buying a course or anything that you'll automatically make this much money obviously I can't guarantee that what I can guarantee is throughout this video series it's been my goal to provide you the exact information that all these people are doing as well as myself and all these people followed the exact same steps that I'm going to be
laying out in my upcoming program the tube AI system imagine being able to watch over my shoulder as I do this in front of you and give you step-by-step instructions and checklists so you know exactly what to do and when then imagine scaling to multiple different channels and all doing it with the power of AI to speed things up a 100 times think about how much time and money and effort that you'll save having a proven blueprint as opposed to guessing what's going to work now as you can imagine it's impossible for me to work
with everybody in fact I like to keep my private Community small so I'm able to answer every single question within them and so we're able to give as much support as we need to give so people can get the results that they want so please understand that spots are going to be granted on a first come first serve basis for this program all right I hope you've gotten a ton of value from this entire free course so far now at this point you have a couple different options you can take all the information that I've
given you throughout this free course so far you can start implementing it and you can start getting some results with it but monetizing your YouTube channel is just one of the parts of running a successful YouTube channel you also have to generate great content optimize your videos correctly and a few other key things that almost no other influencers talk about when it comes to truly growing on YouTube and that brings me to option number two which is discovering this process the entire process in a step-by-step checklist manner from someone who's already done this time and
time again and that's why I'd love to introduce you to my program called the tube AI system now even though this program is about running AI YouTube channels where you never have to show your face or step in front of a camera the fundamentals that I teach within this program work for any type of Channel I'm going to show you my secret keyword process using the power of AI to optimize your videos as much as possible which is one of my key growth hacks on YouTube I'm going to show you how to actually generate tons
of cont content super fast and systematize it with the power of AI and how to grow super fast and how to scale to that next level with AI now if you're at all interested in the tube AI system you can check it out down at the link below we have a small group of people in there we can't let too many people in there at one time so if you're at all interested in doing this please only join if you're truly serious about potentially changing your life with the power of YouTube like YouTube change my
life it brought me from a completely broke high schooler to making millions upon millions of dollars online so I'm for ever grateful for YouTube and if I can be a part of helping you start your YouTube Journey it would be an honor if this sounds cool to you check it out down at the link below it also even comes with a free one-year subscription to tube magic so if you're thinking about getting tube magic already this is a no-brainer in my opinion because you can just get a year subscription and basically get a free course
which should be several thousand doll with it at a huge discount so if you're at all interested in that just check it out down at the link below my name is Matt par I hope you got a ton of value from this free course so far let me know if you want to see more free courses like this and now throughout this course as well I have talked about running faceless YouTube channels if you're at all interested in running a faceless YouTube channel I put together another free course very similar to this that gives a
ton of value and you can check it out next to me right there but within this course I'm going to show you how to actually run these faceless channels and how to do this process successfully if you're at all interested in it check it out next to me right there my name is Matt par thanks for watching and I will see you there