Capítulo 3 - A Guilhotina da Igualdade | Brasil - A Última Cruzada

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Brasil Paralelo
Torne-se Membro da Brasil Paralelo: A Guilhotina da Igualdade é o terceir...
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Previously. . .
It was around 700ad, the Muslim faith emerged. the entrance was very fast and gradually they were taking the villages, and the cities a group of nobles from France met and formed an order and that order was the; "Knights Templar" King Philip IV wanted to expand his power at any cost in order to face england England, and uses the pope who is under his rule to prohibit the Order and confiscate their goods Portugal recognizes the value of the Order and granted a safe-conduct and shelter to that Order then it will remain in Portugal but with the name Order of Christ So they were formed generation after generation in the conquest of territory and clearing of territory. until there is no more territory to conquer all they've got left is the sea Cabral was the grand master of the Order of Christ his fleet has moved far from the African coast, until landing in what they called: "Porto Seguro" Brazil was born right there The indigenous people would never be the same Portuguese also would never be the same these tribes lived in a state of permanent war and they didn't accept each other in any way note that the nature of the Captaincies it is opposed to an idea of economic cycles.
Brazilians until the 19th century weren’t called settlers. Its not racial, it becomes racial in the 19th century United against intruders, Indian, white and Black people carried within them the blossoming of brazilianity This struggle generated a sense of identity with the land itself and gave rise to the first Brazilian Army Marquis of Pombal organized Lisbon after the earthquake and had a continuous increase in Brazilian gold production for the reconstruction of Portugal's capital So, the greatest deal in Brazil, was in fact, miscegenation they are descendants of those who made the medieval Castles of Europe, and of those who made the Great Zimbabwe. All this enormous cultural weight, all this tradition, and all this history need to be returned Welcome to the third chapter of the series; Brazil - The Last Crusade This is a very special episode because it is the key to understand all the influences that were at stake and everything that will happen in Brazil's political scenario to date We are getting halfway through the series and there are already 1.
5 million people watching the episodes There are hundreds of testimonials every day and we feel very grateful for that. If you are not part of this cultural rescue then here is our invitation to become a member of Brasil Paralelo. This is your opportunity to guarantee the production of new series, totally free for thousands of Brazilians as well as being part of an exclusive debate group, and having a lifetime access the most complete content about our history.
enjoy and play a key role in the setting of Brasil Paralelo. now enjoy our third chapter and see you soon 1789 ad. .
. a meeting taking place in a small gymnasium in France changed the world forever On a French tennis court, they swore not to give up until a revolution was established which would happen in the following decade in France would change the history of the world. to the right of that gymnasium were the Girondins, who wanted to return stability to France and establish a constitution that created rules for kings.
on the left sat the Jacobins radicals who advocated illuminating the society from the complete rupture with the past, and the construction of a new Society. A new human nature whose powers would be unlimited. The two sides had one thing in common in the coming years would be buried together without glamour, amid the mire and blood with the bones of kings and queens, and another 40 thousand French.
There is no city, castle or church that does not keep reflections of the year in which revolutionaries would do anything under the argument for fighting for freedom, equality and fraternity. Bloodshed would stain the history of civilization, and would end up splashing in Brazil. THE LAST CRUSADE Chapter 3 - The Guillotine of Equality In the last thousand years small fiefdoms had each lived with their own rules there were no central decisions, and each location used to live life in their own way Muslim invasions in Europe were not as frequent as before.
the kings defended a territory and provided stability it was a new moment in our civilization that would be raised to new challenges It was in France that king Louis XIV made of the lack of rules and limits to manage his territory a spectacle of centralization Louis XIV and his heirs built pharaonic works and imposed a mentality that the king was the state itself, and the law itself. the period was called: "absolutism" by the figure of the absolute lord that was incorporated by the king this posture similar to that of a pharaoh from ancient Egypt, seemed inadequate with the stability that allowed individuals to rise economically by trade The court needed more and more money to support their decisions and traders were dissatisfied with high taxes and the direction of French economy the trigger was when France, in order to face England, financed the revolution of the United States. former colony of the English kingdom.
It was the exhaustion of the French economy and the beginning of the end. What does all of this have to do with the future of world politics? In the midst of French instability some thinkers began to criticize the period they lived in then they shaped people's opinion The heated debate rooms in Paris would give voice to a biography that no longer would be forgotten by humanity the Swiss; Jean Jacques Rousseau Rousseau was the one who tirelessly stated that man is born good, and that society corrupts him.
Along with other thinkers such as Voltaire and Diderot; a New Era was inaugurated. An Era with the strong belief that prosperity and private property destroyed the true character of humanity Spreading the theory that the problem of the society they lived in, was consequence of the development of commerce and Christianity has made them decide to write encyclopaedias that promised to organize the knowledge of Humanity by exclusively using reason. the exhaustive creation of several encyclopedias with criticisms to the government and the church, made them become known as the encyclopedists for many.
. . French revolution begins in the fall of the king for the most attentive, started in the books.
What is the French Enlightenment? Answer: the French Enlightenment is the result of a long process of secularization of culture, which begins right at the end of the Middle Ages. that extends to the time of the encyclopedists.
In the Great Lisbon earthquake that the Marquis of Pombal came to power, one of the French thinkers who changed his thinking had written: "the Christian God is vengeful and oppressive" the project to end the influence of religion and illuminate the new era of reason it was called; secularizing culture In England thinkers began to alert the new tragic consequences to invent new rights and wishing to build human nature by throwing away traditions, and religions arbitrarily A new ruler could not breach a man's natural rights, those rights that were born with him, the right to life, to property and the pursue for happiness The French decided to ignore and then continue with the project of evolution. The ideological thinking that were inherited were also not exactly the same. It's not the same thing if you have read John Lock, for example, and then you read Voltaire or Rousseau, it is certainly not the same thing.
You see, the French revolution provoked horror in England. When you read Edmund Burke's book; "Reflections on the Revolution in France" Edmund Burke's book was a great success. Everyone in England was horrified by the bloodshed in France.
England had had its bloodshed too, but for other reasons, religious reasons. It's one thing for you to hang Catholics, and it's another thing for you to hang everyone around. The economic crisis in France reached its peak and the king appointed a new minister of finances to fix the disaster Jacques Necker.
The king chose Jacques Necker for believing that he understood the demands of the people Necker was sympathetic to new ideologies and advocates a new idea The state should guarantee people's food and in the midst of the crisis caused the king convene an assembly to receive revolutionary voices and come to an agreement it was the first time in more than a century that it happened. On the day of the assembly an eloquent young man arrived in Versailles to fight for the Enlightenment ideas that he learned from Rousseau and Voltaire in the halls of Paris. the promise of equality was now represented by a powerful voice that even today generates chills in the history of humanity Maximilien de Robespierre.
The courts were frightened by the violent and revolutionary intentions, and decided to end the assembly. The revolutionaries decided they would not stop with or without the king They went to a nearby gymnasium. .
. and promised never giving up until achieving the revolution on this day, was declared the French revolution The terms "right" and "left" were born in the gymnasium that would decide the new constitution The French revolution begins with this idea of, “la nacion”, which means; those who identified themselves as “the people” of destituting from the power. .
. only that 2% of the population that corresponds to the clergy and nobility So they gather around a club, which is the club of Jacobins the Jacobins were also often noble, Its not only the bourgeois revolt, you may say, but when you get to see one by one it was not like this. There were some bourgeois.
There were also the Girondins who were actually noble reformers that group had to be organized, cause´ how the whole people would command? It doesn´t exist. left and right are pretty simple terms if we want to study French revolution That is, in 1789ad when you convene the assembly, which is a bit later.
. . you will have the three social classes represented and that would be the equivalent to our deputies today that votes we have today they divide into two groups Jacobines to one side and Girondins to the other side Maximilien de Robespierre would lead the assembly and would come to power being a defender of equality Nourished by an exacerbated passion for his ideas, he saw no limits to his actions as long as they were practised in the name of the cause.
"virtue without terror is pernicious, terror without vurtude is ineffective. Terror is nothing more than immediate, severe and inflexible justice. " Maximilien de Robespierre People should be afraid to follow the old traditions and everyone should join the revolution their policy was called the: "Reign of Terror" Maximilien de Robespierre was still in doubt about how to cause the necessary fear into the population in order to obey the pursuit for the new man It was then suggested at the assembly to be settled in the public square of Paris a simple mechanism that would make egalitarian and fair, the execution of the enemies of the revolution The author of that suggestion was the French doctor; Joseph-Ignace Guillotin The guillotine would be present in the day-to-day of France and among the victims would consist of teachers, scientists, priests, nuns, philosophers, nobles and another 40 thousand citizens who would be guillotined in less than a year The king and queen Marie Antoinette, would also be beheaded.
at the time of beheading the queen begged forgiveness seconds before being beheaded and having her head raised by the hair to the revolutionaries who shouted: "long live the republic". Then you have a government that can do everything absolutely no limit. .
. and this was the Jacobin terror that happened after the French revolution The motto of the Jacobins by the way made it very clear what the left is. Their motto was: "we need to hang the last king in the guts of the last priest" That´s the left you can have soft variations of that, or you can have extreme variations of this, you can have whatever you want.
but if you want to understand "left" easily just look on how much they want. . .
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to hang the last king in the guts of the last priest. it may be that she wants to do a symbolic hanging or it may be that she decides to poison homeopathically But this is left. The Jacobins simply denied the historical evolution, the historical learning that all liberals of the time had.
Nowadays it's hard to imagine what it would be like living in a city that had more than 100 beheadings in public square every day for a year. the impacts of the French revolution in Brazil, as we shall see, were many. But in that same time something brings us an incredible fact there was a Brazilian in the middle of this whole event a witness who would live on the skin the tragedies of the French revolution a man who would learn the importance of prudence caution and by the action alerted by the English, and would apply this learning by forever transforming the history of Brazil Born in 1763, José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva belonged to a family of nobles in the city of Santos, and from an early age the boy demonstrated great intellectuals interests which proved indispensable in the political career that he would pursue José Bonifácio contemplated the French terror with his own eyes which made him very skeptical in relation to revolutionary ideas.
He stays for while in Rio de Janeiro and then he goes to Coimbra and there he studies Philosophy, and as I said he did also Maths, but he did not conclude, and then he also studied Law. So he is a man who has at the same time a classical, scientific and Legal background José Bonifácio moves from Portugal to France come on, it was 1790, the year after the revolution broke out. They were there and the Jacobins were taking the streets they were fighting over on what the constitution would look like, how they would apply these newly written human rights.
that whole fight was taking place on the squares, and José Bonifácio is there. However on the other side of the Atlantic, a few years earlier had broken out another revolution; "The American revolution" that would also influence the thought of José Bonifácio even with the French and American revolution having similar names the ideas and the events that would motivate both movements, were very different The American revolution was a struggle that the settlers had in order to preserve their traditional ways of life. The American colonies since its foundations were autonomous and independent communities Self-government was a tradition and the revolt against British crown had the objective of getting rid of new imposed against their communities In 1776, the United States decided to declare Independence, and brake up political ties with the United Kingdom Unlike the French revolution the American revolutionaries were not aiming radically break with the past According to the story it all starts in Massachusetts So in Massachusetts you have first the fight against tax increases, which in fact it was not quite an increase, because in the United States were an inspection as taxes was already there.
they create some "acts", which are some new taxes, but then decided to charge. there was no use just adding tax it was necessary to charge and to the extent when they started to monitor and there was already a huge smuggling installed there which created a huge market the Americans revolted They decided to hold the first continental congress that brought together leaders five representatives of each colony, they all went to Philadelphia. .
. to think like; the rebels in Boston. .
. the tension escalated in the city, there are many British guards, the crown did not hear us, the taxation continues, decrees being edited without our consent. .
. and after all, we are free English or not? It was a revolt against the tax .
. . tax on tea and then they ended up known as rebels and gradually the English empire, which actually was the king of England, George III then starts to impose more and more pressure on Massachussetts but the other states are also starting to react and join the revolt.
Those that are part of the American revolution they were men who were often educated, many were farmers, others were military, others were lawyer And they all come together. . .
first to complaining about taxes were being levied without them participating in parliament, and was not allowed to them participating in parliament, so much that the king said if they continue with the meetings qualified useless, they would all be hanged American and the French revolution, are radically opposed phenomena on the one hand, the objective was continuity and the preservation of traditional rights the other was a movement aimed at creating a new world. The French motto of: freedom, equality, and fraternity in politics had nothing to do with the freedom proclaimed by Americans in the right to life, freedom and the pursue for happiness in the declaration of independence of united states France is a story of mistakes In the last 200 years it was like this. In the United States does not mean that it was a story of mistakes It has mistakes but successes too.
So if you see the growth of the American power and the withering of France it is a brutal contrast and they thought that and they were doing the same thing Both learnings would be elementary to form the biography of José Bonifácio that would still prove to be very important to the country's history Nobody seemed to be able to stop the revolutionary furor the proof of this is that the leader of the Revolution, Robespierre, would also end up guillotined And then he also beheaded and you have the return of the Girondines and the Girondines then have a model of improvised government in which it has three consuls and they need to call one more and they think; who can we call to offer legitimacy before the people, that is, in order for people to shut up, stop bothering, and not killing us, or taking everything down again then they think like; man who performed more miracles in this revolution than a general who commands the popular troops. . .
and overcome armies trained by other countries? Is can only be this crazy Bonaparte The monarchical families in the rest of Europe started to worry about the political chaos in France Kings feared that the catastrophe could become an example for the rest of the continent and they started to invest in the idea of regaining the territory In order to defend themselves from Europe the revolutionaries needed someone that could command an army composed by untrained people It is at that moment that a young officer named Napoleon Bonaparte former acquaintance of the revolutionary leadership who had already participated in some battles being so decisive for the victory, that they promoted him from Captain to General in only eight weeks. when he was only 24 years old Napoleon would take command of the army with two goals.
. . to put order in the house and face the alliance of others European monarchies at war with revolutionary France.
in the following years, Napoleon would prove to be the greatest military terror that humanity had known since the Roman Empire He not only defended France but advanced its territory to the rest of Europe imposing by the force of the guns the ideas that the revolution fails to put into practice by debates The leader of freedom and equality dethroned, arrested and humiliated the kings of the continent putting his own relatives on the thrones of the kingdoms he had destroyed. All European governments had been affected by this political upheaval. the church was persecuted and expropriated in several countries in France alone more than 2,000 priests and nuns were executed the pope himself would be a prisoner In 1807, French emperor was the absolute lord of Europe he had just failed to conquer England and Portugal the British avoided confrontation on land with the armies of Napoleon, who have already had won on the high seas when the famous British navy destroyed the police stations in france and spain Napoleon reacted by decreeing the closure of the ports across Europe to the trade of British products His orders were immediately obeyed by all countries with only one exception: Portugal for this reason French troops marched towards the border ready to invade the country, and dethrone its prince regent ending the Dom Bragança dynasty John VI had two bitter alternatives and exclusionary the first was to yield to pressures from Napoleon and acquire the Continental System becoming an ally of France and declaring war on England and the second; accept the offer of the English allies He was the most feared general of the history that the small Portuguese empire had to face Portugal and England have fought arm in arm since its foundation when the English Crusaders helped the young Dom Afonso Henriques (Alfonso I) first King of Portugal to win back the land taken by the Moors for many times the two countries would be great allies but now it was time to honor the cradle and help the English to expel the revolutionaries While pretending to accept the France ultimatum, John I, traded with England a different solution for the impasse.
And what did he do? was preparing at length, a brilliant strategic withdrawal. At the same time playing with the French and the English, and so on He was very smart But we get to a critical moment, and is like this.
. . French guys are there, they are about to invade Oh my god!
What we do now? The plan to go to brazil seemed reckless Although Europeans dominated huge colonies in several continents until that moment no king had set foot in territories overseas . .
. for a simple visit Especially not to live and rule there it was therefore an event without precedents It was an old idea on transfering the court to Brazil proclaiming the king, as the emperor of the west and appointing a viceroy to rule Portugal The existence of such old plans explains why the move from the court to Brazil worked in 1807 it was a strategy not as improvised as they usually tells us. The decision had already been taken and analyzed several times by different kings ministers and advisers over nearly three centuries At a certain moment the French troops headed by General Junot was at the gates of Lisbon, and were about to conquer Lisbon and arrest the king they saw the Portuguese ships that were coming and then comes the expression that they use in Brazil; “ficamos a ver navios” (to be left lost and bewildered) the origin of this expression is this one Napoleon's troops were watching ships.
(ficamos a ver navios) As the historian Oliveira Lima states how else is it explained that there had been time for after the announcement of the entry of French troops in the national territory. . .
embarked a whole court with their instruments, crockery, paintings, books and jewelry. If he had stayed there, Napoleon Bonaparte would have invaded, dethroned. .
. and was also possible that the house of Bragança also lost its legitimacy The revolution sought to take to the grave all the memory of the west and the old world The guillotine didn't just pass the men's neck, but passed into history, in customs, and in the great biographies and institutions of their time. The cause of Napoleon was no longer a fiscal crisis in France but the yearning for absolute power in Europe The revolution had turned against itself and once again the culture of thousands of years was under great danger By taking not only the king but the elite, the court, and the nobility to the other side of the ocean with the intention of saving western culture It was a hope in case the last empire to resist to the revolutionaries.
. . fell.
There would be a seed of western civilization planted the in new world On November 16th, the British navy appeared at the mouth of the Tagus River in Portuguese territory. . .
with seven thousand men to protect the royal family boarding, and escort them to Brazil Portugal was invaded by 50 thousand french and spanish soldiers who hunted the court, while they set sail towards the new world and left them all lost and bewildered Napoleon have said he respected three great generals General Winter, Russian, the one who defeated him in Waterloo. . .
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Wellington and also the Portuguese Regent Prince, and he ends up saying: He was the only one that deceived me He is the only monarch who has not been dethroned by Napoleon of those whose Napoleon decided to invade he just said, you're not going to get grabbed everything and crossed the Atlantic. And said: Now I want to see if you come . .
. then he won “He was the only one that deceived me” Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte. .
. in his memories written just before he died in exile on the island of Santa Helena referring John VI, king of Brasil and Portugal The coming of John VI here was not an untimely act but something that was already under consideration. that our country should become the seat of the Portuguese monarchy.
When a person strategically changes the capital. . .
from one area of the country to another area of the same country this is not an escape, it is a transfer for strategic reasons. in order to avoid being captured how and avoid being captured as was captured the king of Spain and became prisoner of Napoleon. and several other European kings were also under that circumstance When John VI leaves Portugal and comes to Brazil he made Portugal indisputable even that physically occupied, and it like chess, where if you don't take the king you didn't take the match And, strategically speaking that's an interesting aspect Portuguese from Portugal.
. . they wrote to the king and said that the future was here in Brazil.
the future of Portugal was in Brazil. Territory, people and sovereign power these are the three essential elements for the legal formation of a nation From all three only the last one was missing for the sovereign Brazil when the Portuguese royal family landed here Never any mail brought sadder. .
. and at the same time more flattering news. as tears flowed from everyone's eyes and many were unable to articulate a single word when hearing so terrifying news about the invasion in Portugal at the same time.
. . if great were the reasons for sorrow and affliction No lesser were the ones of comfort and pleasure a new order of things would take place in this part of the hemisphere this was the encounter of two worlds so far so strange and distant People of Rio de Janeiro made a point of paying all the honours that were at their fingertips It was a unique thing that you brought, with virtues and mistakes over 15 thousand people and you transferred the head of the Portuguese empire to Brazil And where is José Bonifácio in the midst of all this?
He didn't want to come. he stayed to take up arms against the French troops Then José Bonifácio fights, at first he helps, and he is responsible for an academic body. He takes the people from Coimbra, students and teachers, forms the academic staff, and helps with ammunition after all he understood about ore, and at the same time he goes to war.
But he's going to war and the guys had no ambition that he was going to play a big part. but he went ahead, he looked like a suicidal The history of Brazil would never be the same it was time to get to work The plans were great and there was everything to do in Brazil Roads, schools, courts, factories, banks, the currency, trade, press, library, hospitals, and efficient communications None of this worked like the old world John VI was in a hurry 48 hours after disembarking in Rio de Janeiro organized his new office and founded his first ministry with the function of creating the country from the little they had. It was time to build the so dreamed American empire of Portugal John VI, had brought the treasure of Portuguese crown equivalent to 220 million British pounds The news and investments started to appear at an unprecedented speed Well, John VI when he got here, he realized, so much that he laid all the foundations of our nationality.
It was John VI who landed here, and brought the notion, and built here notion of what is a nation. He created the military academy, the black needles and in the lobby of the military academy is a bust of John VI who is considered the founder of the military house and the Brazilian naval school. he would never have founded a military academy or a naval school if he wanted Brazil to remain dependent on Portugal.
What he did not want, is that Brazil had its own army, an authority of its own, military with autonomy, and so on. Look at Banco do Brasil, it was the first international bank of Portugal. And so he founded the public library, it was John VI, the botanical garden, the first universities.
From a cultural point of view, that is, the Portuguese legacy that had been built since 1500, it is consolidated with the coming of the royal family which brings us; the library, and also modes of behaviour, modes of language, habits, and modes of reading that were proper to the Portuguese monarchy, proper to the court itself Brazilians did not have access to this until the arrival of the royal family As much as they have come along our history government representatives from Portugal eventually noble, is not the same thing when you have a court installed in Brazil as a cultural point of view this is a huge opening for the ones who was here it is possible to observe the sophistication of society's habits from Rio when reading the ads published in the gazette of Rio de Janeiro from 1808 in the beginning, services and simple products were offered reflecting a closed society to the world It was about renting horses, and carts selling land, and houses and also some basic services such as Catechism classes, Portuguese language, history and geography from 1810 onwards the tone and the content changed shape radically instead of houses, slaves, and horses pianos were going on offering, books linen fabrics, silk sheets champagne, cologne, gloves porcelain vases, frames, clocks. . .
and a multitude of other imported commodities He came here, brought the court, brought the culture, brought the books, brought money, he brought everything from there to here and here he built, he founded all those essential things in a country that we did not have And more than that he achieved, and that point is rarely commented, he managed to establish a period of peace, calm in a colony. . .
that was still fluctuating after the reforms In fact the most important decision was the opening of ports for trade with other nations Back in Rio de Janeiro he granted freedom of commerce and industry in brazil it was the end of the colonial system. He opens up trade, and this is one of John VI's first measures And this opening of the trade it was extremely important because the so-called colonial pact which is the term used for the transportation of raw materials from Brazil to Portugal and with the monopoly of buying and selling between Brazil and Portugal it is broken with John VI, and he opens it to the so-called friendly nations and the main one was England Viscount of Cairu is in fact our, he can also be qualified as our founding father as a Brazilian founding myth. .
. he is surely in this category is that he's going to advise John VI will advise the Portuguese government to open up the ports I could say that, of all constituent deputies the one who best synthesized this harmony between scholasticism and liberalism has been Viscount of Cairu. And Brazil unlike the Spanish colonies which form Latin America, Brazil will conquer economic independence before achieving political independence Modern historiography tends to generalize the fact that English interest quoted how the opening of Brazilian ports would be Despite the measure benefiting mostly English trade, documents of the time prove that it is a visionary function that greatly benefited the Brazilian economy Europe plunged into chaos.
. . and suffering from a continental blockade and Napoleonic wars could not maintain the full trade with other countries leaving little competition for English products that were in accelerated development due to industrial revolution that happened at full speed in england Understanding the opening of ports as a submission of Brazilian trade to English interests is to undo the liberation of commercialism that became a landmark of economic freedom of Brazil The fact that there is an English interest it doesn´t mean that the English interest was decisive or it was the only motivation to happen what really happened something we learn, isn't it, like.
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. . the English government wanted a large consumer centre for their manufactures, and so they put pressure on the Portuguese government and this pressure the Portuguese government submits to that pressure and then opens the ports, that's not exactly how it happened.
There was a clear interest of the Portuguese government to survive and make the country, that was the seat of the empire, a country economically viable So it makes a lot more sense from a logical point of view. . .
how much we miss good teachings of mathematics and logics. The coming of John VI and the Portuguese court would cause a change in the behaviour and in the economy of Brazilian society Slavery was still pulsating in the new world would be transformed with the growth of urban centres caused by the changes brought by the royal family With the opening of ports for the trade. .
. the friendly nations and the cancellation of the law that did not allow building of factories in Brazil, there was a diversification of colony products and consequently a migration of slaves to meet the newest demands there was also an increase in the export of products like sugar and coffee, that were strongly linked to slave labour These changes would be unceasing. .
. until they reached the top on December 16, 1815 On that day, John VI took Brazil to the United Kingdom of Portugal and Algarves, and promoted Rio de Janeiro as the seat of the crown John VI, manages to congregate within our history actions they made in Brazil an icon. Brazil is now inserted in the west Brazil, note all the beauty of it Brazil becomes Portugal, kingdom.
. . and becomes the headquarters of the throne and becoming what?
South America, the old colony So John VI, when he arrived in Brazil he was already the Prince of Brazil since Maria the Pious was alive, so she was the Queen of Portugal and he as heir to the throne was the prince of Brazil Soon afterwards he became king of Brazil When he raised Brazil to kingdom Without a doubt John VI was a key man in the history of Brazil who collected the previous colonial inheritance and instituted, and founded the United Kingdom of Brazil and prepared the creation of the empire of Brazil Is a man who is currently being recovered by historiography but that for a long time it was put aside wrongly, and was wrongly criticized when in fact he was a brilliant statesman Portugal remained under the command of England the stubborn resistance of the Portuguese, Spanish, and Englishmen made it possible to stick the blocks imposed by Napoleon, and start the series of winning campaigns that would result in the fall of the French emperor at the battle of Waterloo Napoleon Bonaparte had misconfigured completely the borders and the European countries and after his defeat the western powers articulated to draw a new political map of the continent Representatives of France, UK, Austrian empire, Russia, Prussia and several smaller kingdoms came together in what became known as the Congress of Vienna French minister, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, sought to negotiate a political solution where France wouldn´t be responsible for the catastrophe of the revolution that had caused Resentment and hatred that Napoleon Bonaparte raised with his overwhelming desire for conquest. . .
caused the other countries to consider France guilty for the chaos caused by the previous decade The French minister's situation was complicated Portugal was occupied by England therefore it would decide the issues by Portugal, which not even would have the right to challenge them as their king was on the other side of the ocean On the other hand Talleyrand was looking for allies to vote in his favour, and needed to find a way for countries don't execrate in France as guilty It was when he alerted all the dangers of Revolutions, saying that what happened in France was just a sign of what was about to happen all over the world argued that Brazil was the only monarchic power on the other side of the ocean that could guarantee the monarchy overseas, and advised the entire congress to raise brazil to the status of kingdom with this consideration, the new united kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and Algarves would become a voting member of the European council the courts would believe to have a resistance against the revolutions of America, and France would gain an ally Talleyrand, in order to progress with his search for stand. . .
approached the royal family of Austria, the house of Hapsburg The Hapsburgs had as their philosophy to marry their daughters to expand the empire and the new idea was that marrying a Portuguese princess in America would put the Hapsburg on a new level of global power reigning also across the ocean While for Portugal it would be the chance to gain a strong ally, and repositioning themselves in the international political game It was with this vision in mind that the union between the Hapsburg house, and House of Bragança proposing a marriage between a descendant of the Austrian family, and a descendant of the Portuguese royal family The alliance between Portugal and Austria would not benefit only the two countries involved. . .
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but also France With unparalleled insight Talleyrand helped to negotiate the union between Austria and Portugal causing France to decrease its disadvantage in the game of powers The most genius of all politicians in the world and history Was Talleyrand. Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord He is that guy who was a bishop and was also a lecher, and then he became deputy by the clergy in the period of Louis XVI and in the assembly voted for the beheading of Louis XVI and then when they wanted to decapitate him, he went to the United States stayed there for a while, got some money, went back to France and became the great chancellor of Napoleon but in the end he fought with Napoleon then Louis XVIII, who succeeded Napoleon, appointed him ambassador in London in a conversation one of the king's ministers, of those who did not like him, in front of the king, he said: MrTalleyrand, could you explain to us, who is the real Talleyrand? The bishop, the deputy of the monarchy, the member of the assembly who voted for the guillotines the minister of Napoleon, the enemy of Napoleon, the ambassador of the king After all who is the real Talleyrand?
And he said: My dear, with all respect I have I've never served any of these, I've only served France Well, Leopoldine is a Hapsburg and when she was born her family had already developed a whole project to take over the power for centuries and for you to have an idea, the Hapsburgs they had a. . .
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motto which is something like; a,e,i,o,u, meaning: austria, east, imperar, orb and universe It´s like from Austria to dominate the whole world, at least the world that was known, And for a certain period of time they even got it, because they they had the throne of the Holy Roman Empire that was kind of the descendants of the Roman empire but only that in the part of Germany. . .
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or what we know today as Germany, Austria and other countries further east . . .
some part of Italy they also came to possess the throne of Spain, and with the possession of the throne of Spain at a time when the Iberian union occurred then it was Spain, along with Portugal and all the new world colonies united over the crown of the Hapsburgs they have reached an extraordinary apex of power and all this always reinventing themselves they never stuck in time they always looked for improvement of their princes, and mainly for education And then Dom João VI doesn't want to leave this place That´s the true So what does he do? He comes up with a strategy where he needs one ally as strong as England to counterbalance the English influence It was on May 13, 1817 that the son of John VI, descendant of the house of Braganza, married the Austrian princess To complement this whole story is good to remember that. .
. the marriage between him and Leopoldine from the beginning it seemed like a very good marriage, brilliant It was the so-called Missão Austríaca which brought to Brazil all methodological scientific question. .
. as everything started to be done here whether in botany, anthropology, mineralogy, even archaeology, alright, palaeontology, and many other areas John VI dream of building an empire in the tropics at last seemed to be accomplished within two years unexpected events on the two sides of the Atlantic would require changing plans and resume the role that destiny had imposed on him In Portugal, the hope that the war with Napoleon would end. The king would then return to Lisbon John VI saw his future here in Brazil and believed that the chances of prospering the country were unprecedented for the world England fears the alternative that if the court did not return the climate of dissatisfaction in Portugal could be uncontrollable and again harnessed by revolutionaries The English fears were confirmed and the ghost of the suffocated revolution that appeared in 1820 in the city of Porto Portuguese secret societies naturally begin to revolt A secret society that was born in Port get together and make the famous revolution liberal of the Port On the morning of August 24, troops rebelled in the port, and declared themselves against English domination and against John VI Constituents wanted to subject the crown that is, submitting the king to their will they wanted to submit Brazil.
. . and wanted to break Brazil into disjointed provinces and no longer connected, and interconnect all this to a centre in Lisbon that would be organized through its assembly, which means its parliament and it was a process absolutely stupid of the Portuguese courts of wanting to go back in time.
. . that is to say making Brazil back into a colony of Portugal because it was something that used to send a lot of money to Portugal and it is quite interesting from his point of view Some authors interprets as an attempt to recolonization not few authors and many interpreters of the time thought like this Three days later, the preparatory board of the courts has been established it was a council of state provided for in the Portuguese regime which had met for the last time more than 120 years before its simple call.
. . raises the ghost of the French guillotine And in that moment they felt that his authority was being restricted, that is, the idea that the provinces should go directly to Lisbon and no longer to Rio de Janeiro, anyway The French revolution.
. . and you may say; starts on the day that they destroy that prison.
. . "the bastille" strictly speaking, French revolution breaks out when they found that stuff called: "National Constituent Assembly" Then the foundation of constituent assembly brings the kings to shake That´s not gonna be any good Portuguese revolutionaries demanded the court to return from Brazil place they called the land of the monkeys, blacks and snakes When he heard about conflict.
. . John VI would again have to take the decision that fate brought him if he returned to Portugal he would lose Brazil that would erupt in revolts following the same course of neighbouring Spanish colonies if he stayed in Rio de Janeiro would lose Portugal and could sentence him to tragedy of the revolutionary events that seemed unstoppable would you risk losing your head?
facing a revolution like that one? Would risk losing the throne? Would risk to throw the House of Braganza into the bin?
so it was a lot of responsibility After many discussions, John VI surprised everyone with a new strategy announced that he would return to Portugal to negotiate with the courts It was an unexpectedly courageous attitude when he consulted the public treasury of the £ 220 million British pounds that he had brought from Portugal, there were now, only 15 available The resources to meet the challenge would be scarce He would leave a country behind. . .
completely changed which welcomed him with joy and optimism but John VI was not giving up Brazil that was the most daring strategy of his life. . .
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that was going on Everyone was supposed to go back, everyone The court to come back there The king had the difficult choice to return alone and leave his child in Rio de Janeiro with a new mission: to rule Brazil What did John VI do? He leaves Dom Pedro here in Brazil as his representative He is as the ruler but is a personal representative so much that when John VI arrives in Portugal, the courts and the deputies they get furious about it, because everyone was supposed to be wasn't for John VI stayed in brazil as a representative of anything Think about this, Portugal it is basically being governed by England, that the full potential was English So the English general rules Portugal while the John VI is here It goes away, after the Port revolution greatly sad he said that Brazil is the only place in the world he has been happy and that here he built and raised an empire. .
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