Details About Prophet Ezekiel's Vision Many Don't Know

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the most mysterious visions of Ezekiel number one ofm when God summoned Ezekiel to be a prophet he was a young priest living as an exile in Babylon this was a major change a priest's responsibility was to go before God on behalf of the people priests have a difficult but relatively simple job prophets had a considerably more challenging task a prophet went to the people on behalf of God his responsibility was to say thus says the Lord as a prophet stood before the people and declared God's judgments he also had to show that what God was
doing was righteous and just his goal was to encourage the people and offer them a message of Hope if they were prepared to listen to his word from the Lord this was the task God assigned to Ezekiel Ezekiel saw visions of God and the word of the Lord came directly to him what he saw was astounding his ministry was under Divine mandate and Authority the ofanim ofanim is an ancient Hebrew word for Wheels the singular is ofen of course wheels are cited several times in the Old Testament and dphm can refer to normal wheels on
a cart or Chariot but of particular interest are the wheels on the throne of god mentioned in ezekiel's Vision ofanim are mentioned in Ezekiel 1: 15- 21 the mysteries of the universe the heavens and spiritual creatures are revealed in the pages of the Bible so that we can better understand him the ofm reveal Our God as king and affirm the sovereignty of his Reign Ezekiel Witnesses a forboding cloud of lightning and Flame coming from the direction of the north Ezekiel 1: 15-9 New American Standard Bible now as I look to the living beings behold there
was one wheel on the ground beside the living beings for each of the four of them the appearance of the wheel and their workmanship was like sparkling topaz and all four of them had the same form their appearance and workmanship being as if one wheel were within another whenever they moved they moved in any of their four directions without turning as they moved as for their rims they were high and awesome and the rims of all four of them were covered with eyes all around whenever the living beings moved the wheels moved with them and
whenever the living beings Rose from the earth the wheels Rose also we read a wheel was on the earth beside each living creature what Ezekiel Saw or described In this passage is difficult to visualize in its entirety it is presumably an image of a magnificent Chariot with four wheels that is bringing the Throne of God the scene gives the impression of continuous motion and activity not only on the part of the living beings themselves but also on the part of the throne that God sits on Ezekiel 1:26 New American Standard Bible now above the expanse
that was over their heads there was something resembling a throne like lapis lazuli in appearance and on that which resembled the throne high up was a figure with the appearance of a man we read when they moved they went toward any one of four directions they did not turn aside when they went the sense seems to be that the wheels and their workings could move in any direction but there was no sense of chaos or disorder to their movements a popular bible commentator stated about this like a ball bearing they could move in any direction
without any steering mechanism as for their rims they were so high they were awesome and their rims were full of eyes again it is difficult to image in one's mind exactly what Ezekiel Saw or stated In this passage the description of full of eyes was how John described the cherubim themselves the sense is of excellent knowledge and intelligence they are not dead metal their livingness is shown by their eyes with which they can see the way and by their LifeLink with the living creatures above them ofanim are also mentioned similarly in Ezekiel eel 10: 9-13
Ezekiel 10: 9-13 New American Standard Bible then I looked and behold four wheels beside the cherubim one wheel beside each cherub and the appearance of the wheels was like The Gleam of a tarnished Stone and as for their appearance all four of them had the same likeness as if one wheel were within another wheel when they moved they went in any of their four directions without turning as they went but they followed in the direction which they faced without turning as they went and their whole body their backs their hands their wings and the wheels
were covered with eyes all around the wheels belonging to all four of them the wheels were called as I heard the whirling Wheels we read there were four wheels by the cherubim Ezekiel 1: 1521 described these wheels in some detail the general impression is of constant activity motion and free movement with no chaos or disorder they did not turn aside when they went but followed in the direction the head was facing the image seems bizarre to the modern reader but one must remember that this is a Visionary experience and surrealistic features May overwhelm realism what
did the aony reveal about God both in appearance and operation the aony that appear in ezekiel's Vision demonstrate God's absolute dominion over the entire Cosmos the omnidirectional Wheels themselves serve as a constant reminder to us that the God we serve is omnipresent meaning that he is able to be in all places at all times as the spirit of God guides the cherubim Ezekiel 1:12 that same Spirit indwells the ofm when the creatures moved they also moved when the creatures Stood Still They also stood still and when the creatures Rose from the ground the wheels Rose
along with them because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels Ezekiel 1:20 this symbolic Unity of submission displays God's supreme authority and right to rule and Reign his omnipotence and the eyes that cover the wheels and the cherubim are symbolic of God's omniscience he is allseeing all knowing why is it important for Christians to know about the supernatural realm in Ephesians 6 verse 12 we are told that our struggle is not against flesh God desires Believers to be aware of the world beyond what our temporal eyes can see so that we in
the Lord's Mighty power can be prepared to take on whatever scheme the enemy has in store number two cherubim the cherubim are a group of celestial beings created by God although Ezekiel meets them they are the first of the Angelic hierarchy to appear in the Bible immediately following Adam and Eve's Fall From Grace Genesis 3 records the events in the Garden of Eden having violated God's commandment not to partake of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil it would have been likely for Adam and Eve to reach out their hands and take also of
the tree of life and eat and live forever as a result they were forced to leave their Earthly Paradise but what would have stopped St Adam from going back to the garden and disobeying God again the answer is given in this verse Genesis 3: 24 New American Standard Bible so he drove the man out and at the east of the Garden of Eden he stationed the cherubim and the Flaming sword which turned every direction to guard the way to the tree of life we don't know Adam's reaction to witnessing those glorious cherub for the first
time in human history perhaps awe fright and wonder are all emotions that come to mind cherubim are real and Powerful beings however the cherubim in the Bible were often representative of heavenly things they were integrated into the design of the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle at God's command Ezekiel 10: 1-9 New American Standard Bible then I looked and behold in the expanse that was over the heads of the cherubim something like a sapphire stone in appearance resembling a throne appeared above them and he spoke to the man clothed in linen and said enter
between the whirling wheels under the cherubim and fill your hands with coals of fire from between the cherubim and scatter them over the city and he entered in my sight now the cherubim was standing on the right side of the temple when the man entered and the cloud filled the inner Courtyard then the glory of the Lord went up from the cherubim to the threshold of the temple and the temple was filled with the cloud and the courtyard was filled with the brightness of the glory of the Lord moreover the sound of the wings of
the cherubim Was Heard as far as the outer Courtyard like the voice of God Almighty when he speaks and it came about when he commanded the man clothed in linen saying take fire from between the whirling wheels from between the cherubim he entered and Stood Beside a wheel then the cherubim reached out with his hand from between the cherubim to the fire which was between the cherubim took some coals and put them into the hands of the one clothed in linen and he took them and went out the cherubim appeared to have something like a
human hand under its wings then I looked and behold four wheels beside the cherubim one wheel beside each cherub and the appearance of the wheels was like The Gleam of a tarnish Stone the cherubim are shown in Ezekiel 10 as having not only wings and hands but also being full of Eyes encompassed by Wheels within Wheels however Ezekiel also paints a gloomy tone in chapter 10 and the cherubim provide the hint the prophet presents his vision that prophesizes the destruction of Jerusalem in Ezekiel 9:3 the Lord has descended from his throne above the cherubim to
the threshold of the temple while in 10:1 he returns again to take his seat above them in the Calm before the storm we see the cherubim stationed on the south side of the sanctuary being stationed in position towards the city they witness the beginning of the gradual withdrawal of God's glory from Jerusalem the fluttering of their wings indicates immensely important events to follow 10:5 then the cherubim rise up in preparation for the departure while Ezekiel 10 is difficult to understand one point comes across clearly the inner sanctuary of God's Throne is always open to those
who have repented of sin and trusted Christ as Savior Ezekiel 24: 14-6 New American Standard Bible you were the anointed cherub who covers and I place you there you were on the Holy Mountain of God you walked in the midst of the stones of fire you were blameless in your ways from the day you were created until righteousness was found in You by the abundance of your trade you were internally filled with violence and you sinned therefore I have cast you as profane from the Mountain of God and I have destroyed you you covering cherub
from the midst of the stones of fire number three valley of dry bones in the time of Ezekiel difficult times prevailed zedekiah was judah's final puppet King the city was under siege and zedekiah was taken prisoner by Nebuchadnezzar's army they executed each of his sons in front of him so that he could see that there was no one left in the Royal lineage to succeed him they proceeded to remove his eyes which meant that the last thing he witnessed was the death of his sons then Nebuchadnezzar ordered the total Destruction of Jerusalem even though Ezekiel
was living in Babylon thousands of miles away from Jerusalem at the time he received the call to preach around this time after God had commanded Ezekiel to prophecy The Rebirth of Israel God then showed him a vision of the valley of dry bones Ezekiel 37: 1 to3 New American Standard Bible the hand of the Lord Lord was upon me and he brought me out by my spirit of the Lord and set me down in the middle of the valley and it was full of Bones he had me pass among them all around and behold there
were very many on the surface of the valley and behold they were very dry then he said to me son of man can these bones live and I answered Lord God you yourself know ezekiel's great prophetic experience is not precisely called a vision but that seems to be the sense of the phrase brought me out in the spirit of the Lord Ezekiel Saw a wide open space a valley this was Death Valley the valley floor was so densely packed with human bones that it was described as full of Bones aiel noticed them all around him
especially in the open Valley the people represent presented by these bones were not only dead but also disgraced an unburied remain with exposed remains was considered a shocking disgrace to the dead in ancient Israel and the ancient near East these bones were clearly not properly buried the bones lay on the surface of the valley like the remains of remains denied a proper burial and left for scavaging buzzards as an Israelite and especially as a priest Ezekiel understood the significance of proper human treatment apart from their presence in a living body bones are dead dry bones
are not only dead they have been long dead bones are What Remain when life has passed something that never had life would not leave Bones however when something has been dead for a long time we lose hope that it will ever come back to life one might hope that a recently deceased corpse will resuscitate nobody believes that scattered detached bones Will Survive Ezekiel responded admirably to God's question with the only hope available saying oh Lord God you know Ezekiel had no hope in the bones but he did have hope in God Ezekiel did not assume
to know what God wanted to do with the bones Ezekiel was assured that God did know Ezekiel 37 veres 4 to6 New American Standard Bible again he said to me prophecy over these bones and say to them you dry bones hear the word of the Lord this is what the Lord God says to these bones behold I am going to make breath enter you so that you may come to life and I will attach tendons to you make flesh grow back on you cover you with skin and put breath in you so that you may
come to life and you will know that I am the Lord Ezekiel purposefully left the matter to God to his power and wisdom in the previous verse in turn God assigned a task to the prophet God gave him the command to speak to prophecy to the dry dead bones from the outside this appeared to be a Vain and foolish act Ezekiel could only preach this message full of faith in God yet if he was convinced that he spoke the word of the Lord he knew God's word had mystical power I will surely cause breath to
enter into you and you will live God promised to breathe life into the dry bones he promised to put flesh on those bones and skin over them God would Resurrect The Once Dead and Dry Bones the bones could never create life by themselves as the word of the Lord was proclaimed over them they received God's promise of life the life would be marked by breath living once again in these bones this has a dual sense because the ancient Hebrew words for breath and spirit are the same this was a granting of God's SP spirit and
a restoration of lifegiving breath Ezekiel 37:27 New American Standard Bible and I will put my spirit within you and bring it about you that you walk in my statutes and are careful and follow my ordinances at its root ruer denotes the sense of air in motion this can change from a gentle breeze to a raging wind or from a breath to a raging passion it has come to represent both man's Spirit or disposition as well as emotional qualities such as Vigor courage impatience and ecstasy it includes not only a man's vital breath which is given
to him at Birth and leaves his body on his dying gasp but also the Holy Spirit who imparts that breath such is the rich variety of the word used here by Ezekiel the resurrection that follows does not refer directly to individual Resurrection from Death it is symbolic of the recreation and revitalizing of the nation as a whole as the interpretation shows Ezekiel 37: 7 to8 New American Standard Bible so I prophecied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a loud noise and behold a rattling and the bones came together bone to its
bone and I looked and behold tendons were on them and flesh grew and skin covered them but there was no breath in them if Ezekiel had any doubts he put them aside and followed God's instructions this proclamation of God's word appeared foolish to human I but aiel obeyed as Ezekiel prophecied there was first a rattling among the bones as he continued the bones began to assemble themselves into skeletons the text does not specifically say but it can be assumed that the bones assembled themselves properly as skeletons and not weird combinations of bones when God restores
he puts things together in the right way muscles and tissue grew up around the bones after they were put together the bones were alive with activity but they lacked the Breath of Life their Dry Bones were clearly resurrected in stages the sequence involving bones senu flesh and skin reflects an understanding of anatomy available to anyone who had witnessed the slaughter of an animal it also reverses the decomposition process the body is the Soul's sheath the Soul's suit the upper garment is the skin the inner the flesh the inner most of all bones and senu so
here were men in skin with flesh Senus bones but like Adam before inspired the Breath of Life the spirit of life was yet wanting there is no teaching in the scriptures that the resurrection of anyone from physical death will take place in stages such as is stated here for the dried bones of the people of Israel Ezekiel 37:9 to10 New American Standard Bible then he said to me prophecy to the breath prophecy son of man and say to the breath the Lord God says this come from the Four Winds breath and breathe on these slain
so that they come to life so I prophesied as he commanded me and the breath entered them and they came to life and stood on their feet an exceedingly great Army the previous verse left the V teeming with resurrected activated bodies that still lacked breath now Ezekiel was told to call upon the breath Spirit Wind praying the breath sspirit would come on these slain that they may live Ezekiel had already proclaimed God's word to the dead and dry bones in this vision and he had witnessed a remarkable work however it was not enough the holy
spirit's work was also required so I prophesied as he commanded me he had the incentive of seeing the beginning of a supernatural work with the activation of the dry bones now he prophesied and prayed for the work to be achieved after ezekiel's faithful proclamation of God's message the work of Reviving The Dry Bones was completed the Breath of God came into the reanimated bodies and they stood upon their feet the work of Reviving The Dry Bones was completed after ezekiel's faithful proclamation of God's message God's breath entered the reanimated bodies and they stood on their
feet decayed churches can most certainly be revived by the preaching of the word accompanied by the coming of the Heavenly breath from the Four Winds the bones were not brought back to life to become a group of spectators or to live for their own sake they grew into an army and a very large one at that they lived to carry out the commands of the one who gave them life we read of an exceedingly great Army so the Hebrew or Army of strong courageous and well-ordered Soldiers the phrase in Hebrew is very full a power
or great host very very great thus they rise that the prophet and we might know how safe they would be in themselves and how terrible to their enemies with all word and no Spirit we can be an army of the Dead solid but without the true Breath of Life Ezekiel 37: 11-14 New American Standard Bible then he said to me son of man these bones are the entire house of Israel Israel behold they say our bones are dried up and Our Hope Has perished we are completely cut off therefore prophecy and say to them this
is what the Lord God says behold I am going to open your Graves and cause you to come up out of your Graves my people I will bring you into the land of Israel then you will know that I am the Lord when I have opened your grave aves and caused you to come up out of your Graves my people and I will put my spirit within you and you will come to life and I will place you on your own land then you will know that I the Lord have spoken and done it declares
the Lord we could assume that Ezekiel realized the bones in his vision represented his people however God's revelation that they represented the entire house of Israel Israel not just those from the kingdom of Judah may have surprised him those from the Northern Kingdom of Israel which fell to the Assyrians 150 years ago would be included in the restoration our bones are dry our hope is lost and we ourselves are cut off both the Southern and Northern houses of Israel had reason to say this God was their only hope for survival restoration I will open your
Graves and cause you to come up the same message is conveyed via a slightly different picture instead of the bones being exposed here they are buried in Graves the result is the same life is brought to that which was dead we read I will put my spirit in you and you shall live the breath in the resurrected bones was more than just human breath it was the spirit of the Living God this chapter in Ezekiel contains a lot of applications first and foremost God accomplishes what he sets out to do he not only meets our
physical Necessities but he goes above and beyond God recognizes that we have a profound spiritual need that can only be met by him we can't survive without him because we can't breathe without the Breath of Life second it makes no difference how much we have messed up or fallen into sin God can repair All Things No matter how dry our bones have gotten ezekiel's task was not to be successful in the human sense instead he was to be truthful in stating this is what the Lord God says ezekiel's favored title for God was the compound
Name Lord God or Adonai Yahweh he used it over 200 times number four Gog Gog and MOG Ezekiel 38 and 39 offer one of the most remarkable but difficult to comprehend predictions in the Bible these chapters forell of a northern invasion of Israel that will arrive like a storm and cover the land like a cloud Israel will appear to be doomed yet God will intercede in this attack Ezekiel 38: 8-16 Amplified Bible after many days you will be summoned for service in the latter years you shall come into the land that is restored from the
ravages of the sword where people have been gathered out of many nations to the mountains of Israel which had been a continual Wasteland but its people were brought out of the nation Nations and they were living securely all of them you will go up against them you will come like a storm you shall be like a cloud covering the land you and all your troops and many peoples with you thus says the Lord God it will come about on that day that thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil plan and
you will say I will go up against an open country I will come against those who are at rest and peaceful who live securely all of them Living Without Walls and having neither bars nor gates to take spoil and seize plunder to turn your hand against the ruins which are now inhabited and against the people who are gathered from the Nations who have acquired cattle and goods who live at the center of the world Israel Sheba and dadan and merchants of tarnish southern Spain with all its Young Lions villages will say to you have you
come to take spoil have you assembled your hordes of fighting men to seize plunder to carry away silver and gold to take away cattle and goods to take great spoil therefore son of man prophecy and say to Gog thus says the Lord God on that day when my people Israel live securely will you not become aware of it and become active will you come from your place in the remote parts of the north you and many nations with you all of them riding horses a great horde and a mighty Army and you will go up
against my People Israel like a cloud to cover the land in the last days it will come about that I will bring you against my land so that the nations may know me when I show myself holy through you before their eyes oh Gog because we are told that the invasion of Gog will take place in the latter years or days this prophecy could be fulfilled in the first part of the tribulation this is because the Antichrist will have a solution to the Middle East dilemma and will sign a 7-year peace deal with Israel during
the tribulations The Invasion will thereafter take place God had promised to revive Israel from the dead through the vision Ezekiel received of the valley of dried bones as Exiles in the foreign land of Babylon the Israelites had lost faith but God assured them that they would once again live as a nation now the Lord continued to convey the wonderful hope and future he has for the children of Israel Ezekiel 37: 1-1 New King James Version chapter 38 introduces us to Gog and MOG the name Gog refers to the leader of the land of mog we
are merely told that these occurrences will take place in the later days the invasion of Israel will come from the north according to God's word Ezekiel 39:2 amplif Bible and I will turn you around and lead you along and bring you up from the remotest parts of the north and I will bring you against the mountains of Israel Ezekiel 38: 4-6 I will turn you around and put hooks in your jaw and I will bring you out and all your army horses and Horsemen all of them magnificently clothed in full armor a great horde with
with bucka small shield and large Shield all of them wielding swords Persia Iran Kush Ethiopia and put Libya North Africa with them all of them with shield and helmet goer and all its troops Beth togar from the remote parts of the north and all its troops many peoples with you Gog will not act alone in this Invasion but will be aided by a coalition of Nations many Bible teachers believe GMA refers to Germany whereas toar refers to Turkey in terms of this Coalition these countries will only believe they are in command the coalition's attack according
to God is meant to loot and Destroy Israel this is not a recent concept even now many Middle Eastern countries openly oppose his Israel any country that is a friend of Israel is viewed as a foe by these countries Ezekiel 38: 19- 23 Amplified Bible in my Zeal and in my blazing rage I declare that on this day there will most certainly be a great earthquake in the land of Israel so that the fishes of the sea the birds of the sky the animals of the field all the creatures that crawl on the earth and
all the men that are on the face of the Earth will tremble and shake at my presence the Mountains will crumble the Steep places will fall and every wall will fall to the ground I will call for a sword against Gog throughout all my mountains says the Lord God every man's invading solders sword will be against his brother Ally in panic and confusion with pestilence and with Bloodshed I will enter into judgment with Gog and I will re on him Torrance of rain with great hailstones fire and brimstone on his hordes and on The Many
Nations that are with Him thus I shall magnify myself and demonstrate my greatness and sanctify myself and I will be recognized and will make myself known in the sight of many nations they will know without any doubt that I am the Lord God informs us that he will allow this Invasion so that the nations of the world would be compelled to realize who he is when he intervenes and Exhibits his righteousness the Lord expresses his rage at this Invasion the phrasing in verse 19 is reminiscent of an earthquake or maybe a nuclear bomb in verse
20 we observe the aftermath of the disaster natural calamities confusion and Terror will be used by God to kill these Invaders when he has done with Gog and his Coalition everyone will know that God is in power gog's Annihilation Ezekiel 39: 1-6 Amplified Bible and you son of man prophecy against Gog thus says the Lord God behold I am against you oh Gog Chief Prince ruler of Meek and tubal and I will turn you around and lead you along and bring you up from the remotest parts of the north and I will bring you against
the mountains of Israel I will strike your bow from your left hand and make your arrows to fall out of your right hand you will fall dead on the mountains of Israel you and all your troops and the Nations who are with you I will give you every kind of Predator Bird and Animal of the field as food you will fall in the open field for I have spoken says the Lord God I will also send fire on Magog and on those who live securely in the coastlands and they will know without any doubt that
I am the Lord chapter 39 continues to inform us about the destruction of the alliance of countries with a focus on Gog and his land of mog the Lord began by emphasizing his opposition to Gog then he displayed the coalition's total Annihilation five sixths of God's invading Army will be defeated their weapons will be powerless against the Lord Ezekiel 39: 7-15 Amplified Bible I will make my Holy Name known in the midst of My People Israel I will not let them profane my Holy Name anymore more and the Nations will know that I am the
Lord the Holy One of Israel behold it is coming and it will be done says the Lord God that is the day of which I have spoken and when you Gog no longer exist those who live in the cities of Israel will go out and make fires with the weapons and burn them both the large Shields and the bucklers small Shields the bows and arrows the war clubs and Spears and for seven years they will burn they will not take any wood from the field or cut down and gather any firewood from the forests because
they will make their fires using the weapons and they will take the spoil from those who despoiled them and seize the plunder of those who plundered them says the Lord God and on that day I will give Gog a place for burial there in Israel the valley of those who pass through the east of the sea and it will block the way of those who would pass through so they will bury Gog there with all his hordes and they will call it the valley of hamong Gog multitude of Gog for seven months the house of
Israel will be burying them in order to cleanse the land yes all the people of the land will bury them and it will be to their Renown on the day that I appear in my glory and brilliance says the Lord God they will elect men who will constantly go through the land men commissioned to bury those who were passing through those bodies that lie unburied on the surface of the ground in order to cleanse it at the end of the seven months they will do a search as those who pass through the land pass through
and anyone sees a human bone he will set up a marker beside it until the buriers have buried it in the Val Valley of hamong Gog God's people will have adequate fuel for the next s years thanks to the weapons 7 months will be required for them to bury the dead special teams will be tasked in finding and burying any remaining deceased bodies
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