yes I do believe women are delusional with what they want women have been hijacked with liberal values even women are now using women as sexual objects you defin hypergamy by can I manipulate you yes or no yes of course I would love it if you can just get as fat as you want and not make an effort ever again and no worries he'll still be loyal but it's just not realistic I always say men get cheated on so much more than women do I want to talk about cheating yeah so how do men put themselves
in a situation where they can avoid the kind of woman that's going to cheat on them here's the thing with men they this is a really key difference why I always say men get cheated on so much more than women do they with women we enter relationships with the Assumption the man is going to cheat at some stage and then we're looking for evidence that he's not going to do it so we go in with our you know with our like alertness on most women and I I think there's an evolutionary reason for that because
obviously we don't want to be left pregnant and all these things so most women when they meet a man they'll start to check his online when he's online who he's following and this and then over time they earn the trust and like okay I can relax he's actually quite good like I haven't seen any problems perfect with men they go into relationships with the Assumption she would never they go in with this naivity when they're dating that why no no go would and the other thing men do is because they've selected a Woman They want
to justify their selection so they assume she's a great girl they assume she's a good girl simply because they've selected her not because she's earned any of those values so what happens is they ignore a lot of the behaviors that predict cheating and the behaviors that predict cheating are so easy to see but they avoid those and they just focus on what they like because particularly if they're sexually satisfied they will literally avoid all the evidence so how are they get cheated on is they go into it with a naivity now men who have been
with lots of women will tell you that women are no more innocent than men are they've been on the receiving end when they've been in bed with a girl and she's called her boyfriend and said oh I'm just going to be home they've seen that side of women some men have never seen that side of women so they just think that doesn't exist so what happens is they go in with a little bit of naivity and they literally take words over behaviors as soon as a woman says oh no I don't do this I'm a
I'm a traditional woman they won't look at an well say well she's a traditional woman but she's been on a private jet recently or she's gone on holiday with and she didn't tell me who she was going with or you know she's always in the club and she doesn't tag me or any they don't connect the dots they simply go by what she says rather than what she does and I noticed this particularly with men who have terrible relationships with their fathers and just grow up in a single parent home I always say men who
grow up in a single parent home are far more likely to be cheated on and the reason I believe that is when you grow up with just one parent you have only one version of event you only have a female perspective of the world you kind of just think okay what mom says is almost true because you don't have a way of factchecking it when you grow up with your mom and dad you see that mom also you know she can be a bit annoying dad is difficult sometimes you see the dynamic and you can
fact check the truth and you validate what there being said when men grow up with just a female perspective they start to go into the real world believing everything a woman says and not double-checking it so when she when she says oh my ex is so controlling he used to always think I was cheating on him he won't say why did he think you were cheating did you do anything they'll just think oh my God what what how he's so toxic I'm going to prove I'm so much better than him and I'm not going to
say anything I'm going to let you do whatever you want they just adapt to her perspective so that's the first thing and the second thing is because they grew up not seeing what a wife looks like not seeing that women you know they tend to come home when they're happy they don't always go on holidays with their friends they don't come home super late they don't stay over really like you know when they're married they kind of stay home with their they want to come home to their husband they didn't get to see that Growing
Up So when their woman is hyper independent they don't see it as a signal that she's not attached they just see it as this is how women come and therefore they select women who are usually more likely to cheat on them because she has those traits of a single woman that they don't not it they don't notice does that make any sense or is that it does uh I assume the things that you went through are the behaviors that predict so they're going out clubbing they're not taking you um what are what are the things
that if somebody's being naive that they're being naive about so certainly that women are capable of it but um oh God I hate to even say this but like what are the red flags what do people well hasn't made naive thing they simply think that if they treat her better than what she normally goes for they've got no competition so what I mean by that is they walk into a room and they be like I'm the richest guy here I've got no competition or I'm the tallest guy she's been with I've got no competition your
competition is not defined by other men your competition is by how loose her boundaries are and her values you could be the best looking man she knows you could be the richest man she knows but if she is somebody who really values Independence and really really values her own kind of Liber Liberation she will not care if you're she's cheating with someone less than you more than you whatever it is it's her open her desire to be independent and not be caged now what they all do is they have this false sense of security that
they've created for themselves rather than based on her behavior your sense of security should come from her level of dedication how do you monitor her dedication she naturally respects the relationship more than her independence so what I mean by that is yes she might want to go to MOS you every summer and she might want to go Monica but she understands that you know when you're in a relationship in those environments it can get a little bit tricky so I'll go but I'll probably want my husband there or I probably want you what what they
think is my woman would never they don't think that my my actual loyal women would rather not put themselves in those environments they have this mentality that she wouldn't because I'm the best she has but if she if you were truly the best she has she wouldn't put herself in those environments so look at her choices look at what she chooses to do and if she places herself in environments where alternatives are presented regularly she does that then she's probably not satisfied and the other thing that they forget is some men particularly young men and
in this generation they are they you know if she's bisexual if she brings other women in and this that the other they're actually very happy about that yeah yeah they they really love that they're like oh my God she's so cool she got other women involved the biggest choke called you can have on a woman is when you're the only person that is able to sexually satisfy her when you invite other people in and well man woman whatever it is you're don't you're you're opening the door for her climaxing because of somebody else outside of
you you lose your choke hold in that moment I see some of these really like red pill kind of guys who be like oh my woman she lets me get with other girls and she even join seeing the moment she can climax because of somebody other than you you lose your choke hold over her there is there is women out there that I know that are beautiful got many options but because they haven't been with many men and they're a bit like scared of their they'll stay L to him even if he's in jail they
won't go anywhere because they haven't tried other men but other women that because the man has opened that door for her and invited other stimulants into the relationship they you have you lose your ability to get complete and utter sexual submission from her when you invite too many alternatives for her okay all right this is very interesting all right so the first uh thing you said that really sparked me is this IDE idea that uh too much Independence is a problem so remember men and women by the way I just want to make that clear
is for men and women I would say that this started with what should guys avoid if they want to avoid being cheated on and the answer is somebody who's too independent yeah uh it's very interesting okay so you're looking out for somebody that you want somebody that puts the relationship ahead of the independence they're willing to give something up to get that how do you begin to draw boundaries around that like what is the right amount of um submission to the relationship and at what point does it become controlling and stifling um reasonable requests are
not controlling and what I mean by reasonable requests is objectively we can agree it's not about me it's not about you we can agree that this isn't good for the relationship so objectively it might be the case that let's say you're going to live abroad for a couple of years or a couple of months or whatever it's probably not good for the relationship we can objectively agree on that and even if it was the other way around we were both agree or objectively we would agree that going out a lot on weekends drinking alcohol is
not good for the relationship so it's when we can both agree that it's not unreasonable the way to handle boundaries as a man is you don't sit there and beg her to listen to you and you don't sit there and be if you can't do this you se you see her own choices and you decide if it is an appropriate selection for you to be with this woman you don't force her to change you allow her to live how she wants to live and then you let her know what what you prefer and give her
time but if she if she decides this is not how she wants to live instead of being like well we got to do this you got to listen to me I'm the man I'm this you just say okay fair enough I totally want you to live the life you want but it's not compatible with the values and boundaries I have instead what they do is they stay there get really controlling really aggressive and be like you need to listen to me you need to but in that moment she learns you don't have a willingness to
walk away she learns and that is something you never want to teach man or woman you don't want to teach anybody that you have no willingness to walk away in instead what you want to teach them is the relationship means something to you you want to protect this relationship through boundaries and you want them to meet you in the Middle with that if they do that fantastic if they choose not to the goal is not to be with you the goal is to have a good relationship if you don't want this we wouldn't have a
we're not going to have a good relationship so no worries I wish you the best the toxicity comes from the inability to walk away that's one of those that it's so simple but it really is true as you were talking I was like is there really anything other than leaning away from somebody when they do a behavior that you don't like when they aavi and a to away that's theame the only and it works men and women it works for men and women like you can sit there and beg your husband to come home on
time you can do all of these things but the only thing that works it works is your willingness to work away now you might say now I walked away and they still didn't change then that person doesn't want you enough that's a signal instead of begging that person to want you accept their choices if they don't want you enough and you still want to be with them then let them live the life they want but if that you walked away and they didn't change they don't want the relationship enough yeah so don't keep using that
trick learn from that trick that it's not working so therefore this person doesn't want it enough whereas if you pull away and they actually love and appreciate you more they obviously want this relationship they want it to work man uh this is where self-esteem really becomes an important part of this equation it's the number one thing I honestly you can have every ingredient but without self-esteem man or woman no relationship can it can't flourish sadly is is such an important ingredient towards the any relationship because without self-esteem there's no self-respect and without self resect there's
no mutual respect so it's a really difficult one so if you if you're struggling in relationships you're not actually struggling relationships you're struggling in self-esteem you don't know how to love or be loved correctly and as a result your relationships are distructive what do you think has changed that makes it hard for women today to respect and fall for the average man uh men have worshiped sex in a way that they've never done before and as a result what before would make a man want to marry you would involve a woman having a lots of
good qualities before a woman would think okay I have to come from a good family or maybe should go to school I should maybe educate I should you know really learn how to cook I should do something with my life I should sew I should do something this is our grandma's generation they knew that the you know you make too many mistakes you're going to be left on the Shelf in this day and day and age the women that are actually the least promiscuous and most traditional or don't have sexual experience struggle to find a
man whereas a woman with every surgery with every tattoo with all of her body out everywhere she has endless cue of men now they're going to argue no no no but we don't you know we don't want to marry those girls they're they're actually lying men are very happy to marry the woman that gives them the most sexual pleasure they think that's not true but you ask them which of your exes or which woman had the biggest choke hold over you and it will be usually the woman that they enjoyed the sex with the most
and when a woman learns that she can get away with murder simply because you're hyper attracted to her it makes it impossible for her to respect and want to be with you impossible because it's like how did I get here so easily you must not be valuable whereas when we know that certain behaviors will make us insufferable to you because you don't give us a free pass because of our appearance or our sexual performance we can finally respect you so because of the culture we've got today and because how men have worshiped sex in a
way that they've never really did before um I'm I'm not blaming them I'm blaming societal changes it's made it very difficult for us to respect the man that we know you know if we just simply know exactly how he likes it he'll forgive us in five minutes or if we know when we turn our back he'll be on downloading an only fan subscription it's hard for us to respect that man okay you're touching on something really big here that there's a what I'll call a derangement in culture uh so you hinted at this idea that
in the past we had a very different culture what men wanted um incentivize women to invest in a set of skills their obsession with sex was being tampered by something yeah I want to know what what has changed in culture specifically what did it used to be and what is it now um we had realistic expectations of our sexual climaxing and what our what we deserve sexually so what I mean by that is when a person looked you know wasn't so appealing he would accept that he's going to be with a woman that doesn't isn't
the most appealing and they would have a relative be mundane sexual performance and that would be their life and the man that might be you know the jock in school he might get with a cheerleader and they'd have realistic expectations of what to expect from the opposite gender the Advent of social media and pornography has allowed the person with the least amount to offer a woman to still believe he deserves and still want to desire the topof the range woman who is the most sexually promiscuous who was most sexually over he still believes there's an
element of him who thinks he deserves that now and because they've got such inflated expectations of what they want and deserve sexually they can't match with people who are on the same level as them and it's leaving Le leading them to a lifetime of loneliness because they'd rather be alone than be with a woman on their same level whereas before they would just be like okay I'm a bit you know maybe I'm not so successful maybe I'm a bit overweight my wife's a bit chubby I can understand it I'll meet men who are now in
their 50s and saying oh she's she's let herself go a little bit she's got a few stretch marks and it's like but tell me about your body well you I need to work out but she and it's that complete hypocrisy that they've developed through constantly watching beautiful women online all right is that the core cultural wound that we no longer are being realistic about our own sexual market value yeah I believe so I think the inflated expectations from what we're watching um and not being aware of what we bring to the table is one of
the core issues but also the liberation of sex of how like it's got no cap on it anymore so just a normal you know we would kind of just probably expected by the time our parents got into our 50s or 60s and stuff they would have just a normal kind of sex life in in this day and age there's still the the endless desires and insatiable cup when it comes to your sexual desires and and because they're constantly bombarded with different ideas it feels like there is an endless hle and there's only so many women
that can keep up with that so they keep replacing the women rather than replacing this desire okay so if we were going to assign percentage blame to men and women um and I I definitely want to dive into the idea of deserve more but if we're going to assign blame to men and women is are men deranging it more or women deranging things more men entirely men entirely and they'll hate that they'll be like no women have lost their this women have I'll tell you why I say that I happen to be a woman in
a very unique position where I have a kind of presence on social media where I do help men like you we we help men on a regular basis and on a daily basis a short we'll get millions of views and I'll have men message me saying you saved me from suicide you saved my relationship you've helped me so much and then I will look and I'll think I remember I was going on my patreon I have a patreon where you can sign up and you can ask me questions and I'm doing fine on my patreon
but I looked at other content creators who I've never seen before like women that I've like oh I don't know what she's donees I've never SE she's got nowhere near the reach I have and this is not in a competitive way I was just curious and she would have hundreds of thousands of subscribers and I was like oh I wonder what she's doing it would all be pornography related so I just thought to myself I'm in a position I'm not saying this in a jealous way because I know that's how they're going to take it
I happen to help men on a daily basis but because I don't lead with sex I will never get the reaction or the following whereas if I just started posting pictures of feet toes this that and the other I would be inundated with subscribers so they reward the most um toxic behavior in society and then complain that women are no longer traditional there's only let's say I don't know the statistics but let's say for example there's only like 500,000 only fans creators or porn creators but there's billions of people watching it so the main problem
has to be the men there's only a tiny percentage of women that actually sell sex but there's not a tiny percentage of men that watch it so we have to think who is actually contributing to the problem more okay do you blame men in general for patronizing it or is there something else that sits on top of that like uh the capitalistic impulse to give people whatever they want so if they want uh a dating app where they can find quick hookups we're going to give it to them if they want an AI girlfriend we're
going to give it to them um so where do we start getting into the Nuance because what I'm trying to really tease out here is I I think you're right in that ultimately every individual man is able to start making better choices and get a better outcome but at the same time culture has energy and when cultural Energy starts moving in a direction um to look at an individual man who's now bearing the brunt of of not being able to attract a woman yeah um having to work I forget what the status that people throw
out having to work five times harder to get a girl that's half as good you know what I mean like that whole idea I think there really is something to that and so I'll look at guys and I will be deeply empathetic and uh something that I talk to my wife a lot about is you you really have to immerse yourself in the culture to see something is broken yeah and so do you see that that overlayer that's generating some of these problems or really is NOP just individual guys making mistakes do you know what
I started with a really different kind of message I was very much like you know on proen and really like trying to understand the core problem and the number one thing I've learned in my experience is for them every problem is alleviated through sex they alleviate a lot of problems through sex if they all have a marriage and instead of like you know the wonderful like techniques that the Gman Institute might say like where you know you say nice things to each other you can say the nicest things to a man you can cook for
him you can look after him but if you are not satisfying him sexually he'll risk it all to be with somebody who does it's like you have to go through that Gateway in order to access the best parts of them in order to get that attachment to get that appreciation to get that love out of them it's like you have to go in that Direction first and then they can reward you so it's almost like that's the Avenue now to get love out of them so it's very difficult I'm not saying women are any better
um but it seems like I I and I did this because I've been working with couples for so long and we'd be trying this that and the other and then now I just come in when couples come to me the first thing I ask is like are you sleeping together and she's like oh no we are not and I'm like than everything you've done like arranging birthdays for his mom cooking for him ironing his clothes it doesn't mean anything sexually satisfied so start with that I'm not saying actually that's a bad thing I'm thinking if
you know that it's actually a bit easier but I don't know if that's just my experience because I get the skewed end of it but would you say that men can only really appreciate the other aspects of a relationship once they're sex sexually satisfied women need to feel loved to have sex men need to have sex to feel loved the US Dollar's value is being rapidly eroded and if you want to have at least some of your investable dollars and assets that can't be inflated you should look at gold gold has proven to be a
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in the description please remember there is always risk involved in investing and there is absolutely no guarantee of any kind I'm so sorry if I sound a bit negative because I sound so different to how I came last year only because as my prices increased I saw more successful men and then the behavior of more successful men is so different to the behavior of less successful men which made me believe that the only reason men are being good is because they don't have the options and the ability to do what successful men do so it
made me then even get into that is this why you know you hear about royal families and they can become pedophiles or is this why you hear this so it makes me think that as men have more Financial Freedom their selection gets worse and worse which means that their true desires might be worse and worse but we they just can't access it when they're on the lower end of the financial status there is something very true about that and this brings us to um what has changed that's made women have a hard time falling for
average men now yeah um I would say materialism to that as well yeah I I like just like how men are a bit delusional about you know you'll get men in their 50s and still think that they can get a 25y old women are also very delusional about the wealth that they can access um they spend endless hours looking consuming content online which is just glorifying wealth and then assuming that they deserve that lifestyle and assuming it you know almost making fun of men that aren't quite on that same level and you know what beautiful
girls will do is use the use sex to access it but less beautiful women will just stay single they'll just say well I'm a CEO or I'm I'm you know working hedge funds so I'm not going to be settle for a guy that's on an average earning even if she's but they don't realize for men appearance means more than what you're earning so to get that top level guy he doesn't care that you're so smart and intelligent and you're a successful lawyer he wants to know if you have a 21y old sister yeah that's what
he's going to ask for so I think there's a delusion on both ends yeah I think that's really important to dive into and and I will uh ultimately answer the question of whether I think men can or should have multiple wives That's pretty interesting but um I do want to um tie some of these things up from the very beginning yeah uh where we're talking about what what what's changed what's broken um this idea of deserve I think is a really important idea um what do you think is driving this sense of um entitlement they
think if they see it they should have it as simple as that social media Mak that's the criteria now I've seen it so I want it there is no I've earned it there's no that I also provide this quality so therefore I could potentially ask for it back but it's just I've seen it therefore I want it and whenever you have a quality and you just you're Baseline for why you want it is because you've seen it that's not a valid reason for wanting something but if it's something that you also provide and in your
past experiences you've also received because that's what happens then chances are that's a realistic expectations but if it's something you've never accessed and you don't actually be you can't provide it yourself then it's an unrealistic expectation so what I mean by this is if you're a very beautiful girl you can expect a beautiful man yes or if you're a beautiful girl and men have spoiled you in the past and they've given you a lot of you know money or whatever is you can expect that if you've never experienced men spoiling you you've always had men
that are you know more on the lower end kind of dedicated to you and yet you want a really wealthy man to propose to you where is this expectation coming from because it's not from your lived experience expectations should come from our lived experiences if they're coming from vicarious experiences that you've seen online they are not realistic just take them out of your mind because they will keep you single and I I always say there's only two reasons why people are single one reason is is where they don't they have excessive self-hate where they don't
really love themselves enough and they have really low self-esteem so they avoid people or they only go for people who don't love them enough and as a result they find themselves in a Perpetual cycle of an unhealthy relationship until it ends or people who have which now more people are falling into where people have excessive self-love where they believe they deserve certain traits and refuse to settle until they access those traits and as a result they're perpetually single so I'll me men sometimes they'll get to 47 48 years old and say um I want to
have kids so therefore I'll only go for a 25 26 year old I want a woman in my in her 20s because you know I want to have kids which sounds valid on paper and I like okay but she's going to want financial compensation for the 20e age difference they no no I want it to be a a really genuine connection I but it's the price you pay when you get to a certain age you can't expect a genuine connection from a young girl when you're in your 40s and 50s you have to sacrifice the
the intimacy so they they think that they still deserve that connection but sometimes we pass that same thing I say the same thing with women I like if you get to a certain age and stage and you haven't had your kids you have and then they'll say no no I don't want to be a stepmom so you can't have any children but I want to have kids but if you're in your late 30s early 40s you have to adapt your expectations it's the refusal to adapt expectations and I'm stuck in almost a childlike state of
I want my dummy now that keeps people single should people settle well I think they should redefine what settling means is it is it settling in your case or is it just going for the people that love you here's what people think settling is just being with the person that likes you but that is the look your criteria should be what your type should be in people should be how somebody treats you that's it how they look what their size they are what they bring all of that stuff should be secondary your type should be
a treatment not a person so my type should be somebody who's kind who's loving who's loyal yes attraction is definitely important I'm not saying it's not important but the treatment is more my type where people get a bit wrong is that their type has become she has to be blonde she has to beue eyes and they forget completely treatment is not mentioned they don't even mention the type has to be how much he likes you back as well and how much she's attracted to you back they don't look at that they just look at in
from a unilateral perspective and therefore they end up either single or being used and abused in relationships yeah yeah uh sexual market value I think is important and I think people's delusions around that create a lot of trouble and figuring out what are the things that are most important to you I think is really it's really moreal who do you think is more men or women uh right now probably women because the way that social media works it really rewards women in a way that wildly disadvantages men so some of the things that we haven't
gotten into in terms of how we're in the system that we're in so you've said previously that back in the day you didn't have to be um you couldn't be beautiful for anybody more than the town that you're in and now you're beautiful for the whole world there's eques say yours for kind of a throw you're building the you're a bit of a [ __ ] you're you're not confident enough you don't know what you're doing I mean a select few but for the most part no it's just a dark time uh building blocks building
blocks exactly and so somewhere in your early to mid-30s you start to break out now somebody in their early to mid-30s can very much still connect with somebody in their early to mid 20s I don't think that's a big jump so and also the generation is in line with each other right exactly so now you've got somebody that's in their early 20s as a woman that can see a guy that's in their early 30s that's really starting to pop off and so now that 20-some guy that would naturally be going for the woman that's only
a couple years different than him is competing with somebody that's in their 30s and so now he's got all these years to really just get rejected over and over and over by women that have a growing sense of delusion we were just talking prepping for this episode was beyond fun we me and the producer Drew just started talking about it and slowly there was another person and then another person and then another person until there was like eight or nine of us like talking about relationships and everything and like where this is all going and
they're they're younger right they're in some of them yeah so we but we have people that are you know late 30 okay so everybody's perspective was accounted for exactly well and then I'm the old guy so that was also accounted for but the fascinating thing was the one universal comment was oh it's actually easier to get laid now it's just harder to get someone to commit both the guys and the girls felt like that was the case and so that's like sort of derangement Point number one is if what everybody's actually looking for is a
long-term committed relationship but there's this sort of invisible change in the sexual mores where people just feel like well I'm I'm just going to try the merchandise before I buy and so it's like you end up in yeah I'll have sex with you to see like is there anything here but and then point number two of just complete total derangement is you can be on the apps all the time endless Choice constantly being like well I had fun with them but was it the ultimate fun could I have more fun and so now in a
world where women are hypergamous they're dating over and up and they can see the level of success via Instagram whatever across a wide SWAT of humanity have you heard what I talk about when I say what hypergamy actually means for women tell me I I would I know that the traditional sense hypergamy is just you know women want someone older richer all these things I say actually none of that matters women actually their definition of hypergamy is the man that is she can't manipulate that's the only man you'll find high pergamus a 19-year-old who's dating
a CEO who's 40 years old far more successful than her taller than her uh more in more grades more qualifications everything is above her you would say that she's hypergamous I can guarantee you if she can manipulate every money every piece and get rent from him get a car she will still throw him in the dust and find somebody that she actually respects that's not hypergamy in a woman's eyes hypergamy in a woman's eyes is we can't fool you simple she would rather be with a man that is less successful less intell she not that
she'd rather be but she'd be more submissive to a man who's less successful less intelligent might even be a bit shorter but he doesn't fall for nonsense he knows when she he's she's trying to manipulate him she can't trick him she can't manipulate him so I believe hypergamy is finded purely by the art of manipulation not actually by the arbitrary things of course we want someone richer and taller but the uh Baseline of that only matters if you're more intelligent than us and we don't Define intelligence by financial success we Define intelligence by can I
manipulate you yes or no if the answer is no you are not an idiot you are not going to pay my rent while your own daughter's rent you don't even consider or you are not going to buy me a car because I slept with you a couple of times you're not stupid but if we find that oh my God I can tell him that need his card and he gives it to me straight away or I can tell him that you know I lost my job so I need rent he gives it to me straight
away without me even knowing him that well just because immediately she loses respect and therefore the hypergamy disappears so I think you're on to a really important addition to hypergamy but I can hear the men in the comments screaming right now like I can't be manipulated so yeah but I still can't get a date yeah uh I think the key to add to that is that uh it has to be someone that the woman would want to manipulate and so if she's not drawn to you attracted to you finds nothing interesting about you it doesn't
matter that if she tried to manipulate you tell her to [ __ ] off you're not interested whatever um there there is a dynamic there so first there has to be mutual desire and then there has to be a very mature uh thing in it it's funny so I don't think men look for Mutual desire anymore I think men with high self-esteem do I think men with super high self-esteem I think the Baseline is men with super high self-esteem reciprocity is more important than Beauty as long as she she wants him as much as he
wants her and this is like she they men with high self-esteem only know what women look like who like them so they know women to want to take their clothes off they want they know women that are calling their phone 24/7 they know women who are initiating sex that's with men with high self-esteem that's the type of women they're around men with low self-esteem which is getting more and more don't care if she wants him just as long as he gets to touch her so that's where you'll find these men that go to escorts you'll
find these men that go to webcams these men that go you know travel you know um passport boys they don't care if she wants him or not just does she let me have sex with her they're not looking for Mutual desire as much particularly as they get older you think they're not looking for Mutual desire or they have given up on finding I don't think they know what it even looks like because they're so replaced Mutual Desire with attraction from their perspective I had had a a video that was got a lot of hate where
I said that um the use of prostitutes is um legal rape and I believe that men who look for Mutual desire they realize that consent is not simply somebody saying yes it's somebody who wants you as much as you want them that's what true consent looks like in their eyes whereas men who use prostitutes consent simply means yes regardless of whether that's manipulated consent or whether that's you know groomed or whatever it is as long as she said yes so even if you had to get that yes an envelope on the table they'll take that
yes they just want permission but men with high self-esteem they don't want permission they want desire desire is their true form of consent when a woman desires them so I think yes I do believe women are delusional with what they want but there's nothing more delusional than that man that as he gets older and older and older still wants that 19 20y old but wants her to actually want him she doesn't she's not going to want you is Trump raping Melania uh consensual rap and there is a thing it's where the consent is bought on
and as a result it becomes consensual rapes so you don't think it's possible yeah that she thinks oo like he's so powerful and so good at what he does powerful and Status all of these things only matter when the underlying attraction is there let's say yeah that my wife is in a car accident and she gets burned is she raping me if I sleep with her uh no because the underlying attraction is there even though physically that's going to be tough phally now it's going to be tough but your premise for being together was is
not destroyed because it wasn't that wasn't the premise of you guys being together that wasn't the contract but if the premise of Melania and Trump is that this guy's smart he's uh an amazing politician businessman whatever do you think she would be with him if he was broke tomorrow like lost everything of course not right so then the premise is the the contract says you have to maintain the conditions of which when we first met yeah whereas when it's love and connection and commitment we understand the conditions can change but we're committed to you for
them they're committed to what their side of the deal was let me um change my answer slightly that would she stay with him if he lost everything and was trying to rebuild um I don't know I I literally when I'm surprised I remember her name so that is like how am but remember Lisa being very impressed when was asked question you know why are you with Trump he's just with you for your beauty and you're just with him for his money or just somebody said you're just with him for his money and she's like hold
on but he's just with me for my beauty like why is there such a double standard yeah now my thing is I really do think that there's probably more credit to give to cuz what I always tell people is don't worry about getting the money become the kind of person that can earn that money so it's like most NBA players will never earn a championship ring but they should still be just beyond proud of themselves for being so good at something that they were able to make into the NBA so they're still the 1% athlete
lse exactly become capable of a championship performance even if you never win a championship so it is possible that somebody is just so good at a thing that somebody finds intoxicating that they're able to get past that so I agree with my wife there are things that I'm into with her where the looks can and will fade and I'm still going to be way into her but I think that there are far more Dimensions upon which people can be connected where I wouldn't call it consensual rap not that I'm ruling out the con I the
only reason I would say that is you have to think that is if the condition in which you chose to marry this person if that was to change would you still be connected to the person or you connected to the condition I think it's all all conditions all the way down yeah so if I stopped um if I stopped having a growth mindset and being persistent and taking care of myself and finding my path to confidence I I I agree um and same with my partner I would say the conditions are you have to be
kind to me you have to be loyal to me you have to be loving to me those conditions have to be met but my underlying and your underlying conditions are not transactional they're more mut they create Mutual connection whereas for some people they are they don't those conditions don't create connection they are just conditions so it is just Rich you stay beautiful you stay rich and once either of us breaks the contract we go because there's no actual Connection in that creates longevity which I look I here's a thing I have no problem with transactional
relationships I actually think in this day and age I can actually understand why a woman would say you know what you can't trust men anymore they all cheat they all do all this nonsense I rather be with a rich guy have all my kids with a rich guy and then if he gets divorced we get divorced I completely understand that guy and similarly I totally understand the man that says you know what women they're all the same headache they all want the same thing why why would I be with one that doesn't give me any
sex when I could be with a young girl that's constantly got energy and she gives me sex I totally understand the transaction but what I don't understand is a delusion behind it if you know that's what you're going for don't expect intimacy from that connection so I I'll meet people in those relationships where the man genuinely believes there's an intimate long-lasting monogamous connection but it's not possible if you're just I agree with doing absolutely anything you want just don't be delusional about it if you're dating a woman half your age that doesn't speak the same
language totally fine you're using her for her beauty but expect her to be using you for your looks men are genuinely believe no no no she loves me she loves me because of the term hypergamy because I'm more powerful and more successful women only care about those things more once they're fundamentally attracted to you they have to be attracted to you first then we give a [ __ ] if you're intelligent and in powerful and successful but if that underlying attraction is not there then we're just using you and the underlying attraction can't be there
when there's a significant age Gap some people will say no no no it can 90% of the time when couples like that happen she always leaves with a younger man she'll leave with the broke personal trainer she'll leave with somebody that's around her saying because here's the thing with women we fall in love with connection and we have the most connection with people who are similar to us and when we got huge age grab he might be gorgeous but we are not connected to somebody that is from a completely different generation or anything they're just
not connected so this is something that and forget so what is it then that causes um a woman to really fall for somebody like what should guys be um aiming at she has to be naturally attracted to you first and foremost so she can't fall in love without some element of her what what like guys are going to go collect skills or attributes what are the skills attributes that women find enticing um well outside of her naturally being I always choose women who are attracted to you I always say to men you will never ever
get the same level of respect and love from a woman who's not attracted to you choose a woman who's attracted to you when you try and bypass that because you want a woman above out of your league and you just want that she can be out of your league as long as she's still attracted to you some women are just attracted to you regardless so she has to be attracted and how you measure how attracted she is to you is how much a physical affection she initiates doesn't have to be women won't always initiate sex
but when we're attracted to a man we constantly initiate physical contact so how much she has to be attracted to you once she's attracted to you she has to trust your judgment how does you trust your judgment you have intense amount of self-control you with at all areas of your life you're you're controlled with your money you're controlled with your food you're in control with with you know your intell everything you you have self-control if you are impulsive and you are chaotic some women will find that attractive but they are usually also very impulsive and
chaotic women most women want a man that they know is naturally somewhat responsible it might sound boring in the short term but in the long run there is nothing more unattractive than an old teenager what is an old teenager a grown man who's still impulsive so don't be that guy it's just not attractive to a woman learn to control your impulses whether that means your aggression whether that means your anger whether it means your sex whether it means your food you learn the art of self-control because only through self-control then you can achieve you can
achieve whatever you want without self-control it's like you have to stop and start everything you start in life you have to stop and start whether you make money or whether you have start a great relationship if you don't practice self-control you won't have self-respect and therefore you won't you won't actually achieve your long-term Vision so really practice a lot of self-control I would say that is really important for women and you know the usual obviously charm and skills and all those things but you live a life that you're proud of one problem with men that
you know not men but it can be for a lot of people is what's really unattractive is when a man lives a double life there are so many men that in public they might be very admirable might be very successful whatever it is but their private life is one that is shambolic or one that they're embarrassed of or they're asham ashamed of they might be doing things privately that they're not proud of you need to become a man that if there was a camera following you in private you would have no you would actually be
proud of the things that you do in private whereas when you live a double life the problem is you'll have to use your false self to attract a woman and then she'll discover the real you and she'll leave and you almost you know always tiptoeing around women because you know that if she knew the real you she wouldn't be attracted so the key is to become a person who whose private self is congruent with their public self and as a result you'll be more attractive I know that's a very vague answer but essentially we're attracted
to a man that is able to look after us and that requires responsibility yeah W say that it's a vague answer but I think it would be useful to understand um one why aren't men doing this now because this is just all from my generation just common sense yeah so why aren't men doing it now and then how does this manifest like uh go start a business go sadly the reason why they're not doing it now is impulsivity is still rewarded by women because before they would have to earn sex and they'd have to earn
access to women now on a drunken night out they can get her drunk you can get drunk and you can get her so impulsivity in this Society is really rewarded even when it comes toar making money if you impulsively invest invest in a particular cryptocurrency you can become a millionaire overnight so the the culture we live in has rewarded impulsivity when really we know that it's not actually good for you in terms of your mental health as a man that's really interesting so uh no restrictions on sex means that men don't have to grow up
they well they don't have to delay gratification they don't have to they don't have to do that they can literally live like a child forever I live in Dubai and you'll be so surprised that you'll see like men in their 50s still hitting the club every weekend you forget your age in a place like Dubai because of you men that are in their 40s and 50s and they still hit the club every night and they still feel like they're young now they're like and they'll say but my body's young I look young there's no problem
but you're not young I'm not saying you're old but you're not you should be responsible at this age and stage and they almost see it as like a badge of honor that they're 45 and they're still getting girls and they still sleep getting you know going to the club and that's something to be embarrassed about because your self-control should have inhibited that desire for you by now if you're still that guy that gets all these girls in your mid- 40s that means you don't attract women of quality because if you did you would have settle
down by now or you're just irresponsible and you don't like the responsibility of looking after a woman again that de decreases your masculinity you should enjoy the concept of looking after a woman rather than just spreading your seed all day every day you're not a fivey you're not 15year old but that might just be me because I'm such a grandma and I I reward kind of boring men and I think that that's actually a great life to to live in the long run cuz it's contentment well so I want to ask is that it the
goal is contentment the goal is peace over pleasure that's all why is that better uh because it's biochemically better there's you know there's different serotonin is released when we're actually at peace rather than you know doing dopam like dopamine releases so biologically it's better uh it's better for your nervous system it's better for your hormones it's better for that but also it's better for you psychologically it's better to just commit to what you have rather than focus on Alternatives because you always live like a crack addict always wish what's going on what's going the piece
that you get where it doesn't matter what's going on I've decided to commit to this situation whether it's work whether it's woman this and the other I've decided to commit and now I ward off Alternatives that's how we actually achieve peace in any decision we make the even when you're were deciding a holiday just pick one and stick to it and you're more likely to enjoy and appreciate than if you kept looking at Alternatives it's one of the reasons why buff people don't enjoy the food so much there's so many Alternatives the problem is we
are in undated men and women with Alternatives which makes peace a very distant dream now so how do we cultivate peace then in the modern world um you try and avoid um Alternatives whatever decision you make you try your best to absolutely avoid Alternatives but when you're picking something or picking a partner whatever it is in order to create peace is instead of focusing on the millions things that you like about the person just focus on your deal breakers she might be beautiful she might be great at sex she might be all of these things
but if she has one or two of your deal breakers maybe your deal breakers loyalty or maybe maybe your deal breaker is like she doesn't get on with your family whatever it is even if she's got one of those deal breakers there's no point going to it you'll get pleasure but you won't get peace from this relationship same thing with women he might be a million great things he might be a great father he might be really intelligent he might be all of these things but if he's really distant and cold to you or if
he's you know can be a bit abusive or if he's just not very affectionate to you and that's a deal breaker to you your relationship will be filled with chaos so pick somebody with no deal breakers rather than just all the things that you love about them you said earlier that you actually think people should wait to marriage to have sex M uh for real in practice well no I agree with the concept I really do agree with the concept I know it's going to be very difficult I I and I have to preface this
I have contradicted myself on this a couple of times and I'll tell you why because I recently said men who do not get women in their youth really struggle with commitment as an adult and what I mean by that is if there were a jock in school and got all the girls you'll find men that were the jocks and really successful and get all the girls when they're in high school you'll catch up with them on Facebook they have very average jobs have very average wives they're usually a bit overweight whatever it is and they're
just coasting along and I really whereas the men that didn't get any girls if they've had a glow up they're just surrounded by girls all day every day and I really think what happens is at a young age if you learn the art of getting the girls you want doesn't mean every girl but the girls you want you remove them from their pedestal and you can settle down a bit easier but when you don't have access to women when you're in your young age you will forever be motiv M ated by the desire to have
women so even your work you'll be like okay I can get more girls or even when you're working out I can get more girls everything becomes rols around girls so those men will they might get married they might settle down but they'll crave the women that they couldn't access when they were young because I feel like that's a formative age of your self-esteem so I always just say like I do understand that I've said that before but when I talk about getting girls I don't mean having sex with girls I mean the ability to reject
women some men have only been rejected by women and they've never said no to a woman ever because they've just been ones that are always getting rejected but other men have been with women not been with women got girls not got girls they're like okay I I can't be bothered with her today anymore they've learned that skill where you can say no you can turn it down those men I feel like tend to be better Partners what do you think um I don't think that people should wait to have sex uh don't not wait for
I don't think it's realistic in this day side not even realistic so I'm giving you what I think is just wise so if I'm trying to lead you to human flourishing um um I think there are a lot of things that go into sexual chemistry and you're not going to know if you have sexual chemistry until you actually have sex uh so I get but do you also think that when you um don't know if you're going to have it and then you're just with one person you don't have it you're more fix like committed
to making to creating sexual chemistry yes for sure and so going back to you and I both believe that there should be restrictions I just believe that they should be self-imposed yeah uh you believe they should come from God however people get them happy as long as they aren't forced upon them from the outside um but when I think about um there is sort of a you need to build up desire so you should be hungry so if I were single then yeah I'm not going to be looking at porn certainly not as we come
up towards the weekend if I'm about to try to go out and get laid because you're going to need that hunger built up before uh you're willing to take the risk and all of that um I am going to invest in my vision of what a shared future is going to be why I want a woman what are the things that are emotionally healthy for me what does that look like I'm going to map my values I'm going to talk about I've been talking about what I wanted in a wife since I was like 18
so just and the thing is that ended up working for me because one I knew it when I saw it yeah um because I literally laid out here are the things that I'm looking for from values from traits and and when I found it I was like oh wow like this is I remember saying I'm either never getting married or I'm marrying this girl so to say how that played out um so I do think all that is important but I also think that just like it is very fair of people to say that I
can't possibly understand what it actually means to have a child because I don't have a child yeah you can't possibly understand what it means to have sex if you've never had sex and given how important that's going to be for the rest of your life um not trying it be is there is there a reason why men value it so much more like like is it like why do you guys like why does your life Revol around it so much I'm so curious you you mentioned this earlier and you said a phrase that was so
accurate that I wanted to like say something well because I think it's good to map what somebody thinks first um but now I'll go back to it and say you said they're obsessed with vagina yes both of those words are accurate literally obsessed and well Evolution has guaranteed it right so I didn't do anything to want that and I didn't even grow up with pornography so I mean it was there but it was really hard to get a hold of so um until I was probably 25 I maybe saw 10 different women this didn't hijack
your young because your prefrontal cortex would have been developed by then so yeah well by the time by the mid 20s for sure but um pornography did completely derail me when I was a kid actually went on a trip when I was like 18 so I I went on it back to back so one year I was 16 or 17 can't remember exactly and then 18 and when I went and wasn't old enough to buy a Playboy magazine I actually think it was Penthouse but I wasn't old enough to buy it I went and hung
out with everybody and had like a little Summer Romance no sex or anything but it was because I had no game in high school but anyway it was unbelievable it's one of the strongest most interesting memories of my childhood can report report when they first saw SE um pornography because it had such an impact on their brain well no no no the the year without pornography becomes one of the most important memories of my childhood then the next year when I could buy a pornography magazine I just spent the whole time in the hotel reading
all the smudy Articles and so I ended up being kind of ashamed of that trip because I was like wait last year when I didn't have this I had such a ball because I engaged with everybody and now that I'm in the grips of this thing that has grabbed a hold of my brain I did something that I looked back on and go it wasn't is profound and don't get me wrong the amplitude of the being engrossed in the sex is very very high amplitude but it was devoid of meaning so thankfully I had that
sort of idea reinforced early on that connections with people are far more like emotionally satisfying and so that that was good that planted something in my head but it also makes me deeply concerned for people that just have unfettered access to pornog all the time every day and the way that it will um cause you to when you don't have a prefrontal cortex just be obsessed with that to the exclusion of the other things and when you're young if you don't have these profound experiences you don't have to compare to because you never go out
and don't have a phone and don't have access to porn but the thing is it's just one thing that men men don't realize is how much it is the miseducation of sex it's not actually teaching men how to make love it teaches them how to make hate they literally just learn sexual violence and they learn degradation which girls I'm not saying that they're perfect some of them love that but they love that in the short run they then want to transition into normal like love making if they really love you and care about you and
then get back to being like you know women that just want to cuddles and and this that the other because that's what we're primarily driven by a woman that wants you know to be thrown around for the rest of her life has probably had some kind of damage because usually they kind of settle down they want that here and there but usually they settle down with it the problem with that is men get used to that way of making love and they can access that in either hyper promiscuous women or in short-term casual relationships you
can't get that in a 20-year marriage all the time because there'll be times where she's like no no no because she's comfortable enough to say no leave my hair alone today so whereas they can't they can only access that in really short term or really promiscuous women so they end up being sexually compatible with women who are hyper promiscuous and when you're meeting a woman who's hyper promiscuous she's going to be 10 times more promiscuous than you because she's got leverage a promiscuous woman has far more men available to her than a promiscuous man so
they become compatible on this very extrinsic value they become compatible and then they end up losing her to that promiscuity or they just look for shortterm meeting short-term meeting because that's the only woman that can maintain that kind of behavior because she's only with you for a couple of months and then she can do it and then she leaves so that it gets them almost into a sociopathic way of making love it's not actually what women find attractive and the the thing is they think they're learning all these skills and moves but if you speak
to women they are far more satisfied with men who have not watched born or been in long-term relationships compared to men who do short-term one night stands some men will be like oh I slept with 100 girls this year if you've slept with so many men again sorry so many women and you've got loads of one night stands behind your belts that is an indicator you are not good at sex the man that actually has more long-term relationships is far better and far and this is there's been so much resour to support this because you
don't have any repeat customers if you're just doing one night St so you don't learn anything about women and you don't learn what pleases and what doesn't doesn't please them whereas men that have been in long-term relationships few are women but have been there with them longer they learn what how to read a woman's body whereas porn addicts learn how to just reenact moves and there's a complete difference in them and women are looking for men who let read her body rather than somebody who just reads a script that they saw on PornHub okay I'm
going to take you into nuanced Waters um everything you said makes total sense for maybe the average person somebody that doesn't have access to selfawareness whatever um going back to this idea of obsessed with vagina experiencing women made at sex even though um some of them were very Brief Encounters no repeat customers um because if one of them is honest with you about what they like yeah then uh all of a sudden it's like oh whoo like I never would have thought of that that's really interesting so little bits of feedback yeah but then doesn't
that then also suggest then women who've had more experience are going to be better at sex almost certainly yeah and therefore how do men fall in love through sex so they're going to end up falling in love with women who are more promiscuous um I something breaks for me with my personality on that train so again you're probably speaking to averages and I'm speaking to younger I think generation that grew up on like you Instagram and that that is their preferences um and haven't experienced loyalty in relationships but if we are suggesting that more experience
leads to better sex than men always fall in love with the woman that gives them the best sex they're going to fall in love with the more promiscuous woman overall in in the real world that's who they're going to be most attached to and therefore what are we rewarding and then we're complaining that women are so liberal and women are no longer mothers and women it's because you're falling in love with the women that know how to handle you sexually best rather than the women that know how to actually give you a b good life
best yeah it's interesting though if somebody can't figure that out I worry a lot about them so this is an inverted you so everything when you talk about this it's like look I am scared for people that I know and love I've got a lot of young guys on the staff and I don't know if they have my skill set and would be able to navigate that we take it for granted because we would think it's common sense but it's not common sense unfortunately it's really not common sense and you'll know it's not common sense
by how much of a reaction I get when I say it it's so common sense to us that you would think people would just scroll past my thing and not even think twice about it but the fact that people will literally fo at the mouth when I say it means that it's unfortunately not common sense isn't it bizarre that it's not common sense uh nothing surprises meore uh so well if it's not common sense let's give it to people so this is going to be an inverted u in my estimation from sexual experience standpoint uh
zero is problematic and somewhere I mean if I'm going to put numbers on it somewhere probably north of 25 it's I'm talking for guys that's a lot it starts to be 25 it is a lot is it a lot or not a lot in this day oh in this day and age I assum not lot it's probably not um but that to me is is you're for sure going to be on the side of like okay now we're we are you know women you know yeah you probably knew women somewhere around seven 8 nine 10
and there like you've had enough variety but anyway if somebody got to 25 going back to this idea of obsession with vagina nature squeezes your brain in a way you can't imagine when you're having sex with a novel female it it is it's really unbelievable now I love that I can talk to my wife about this cuz I'm like you just don't understand like there there are few things that are as gripping as that and you what's well I can't speak for all women but from a female perspective there's nothing more for me there would
be nothing more traumatizing than having to sleep with somebody in you yeah isn't that so weird it it is from because I'm obsessed with evolutionary it is not weird in the slightest uh everything about Evolution predicts that that would be true so in a world where you could die having kids and I could impregnate somebody in four minutes never see them again and now I have a child that's out there somewhere our strategies are just so different so you have to develop a uh detective agency for a brain anybody that hasn't read it I highly
encourage you to read the book a billion Wicked thoughts a billion Wicked thoughts uh and they talk about this idea of the detective agency so a woman has a detective agency is this guy going to be good are they going to have access to resources are my kids going to be okay all that stuff can I trust him blah blah blah uh a guy is just like am I going to be able to get a PR my climaxing so um it's very very different strategies now guys are more likely to have a child that survives
if they also invest at least for a short period of time so we are by way of species we are very much in the middle so which you can tell by the size of testicles I don't know if the audience cares about this but so humans have testicle size put right in the middle if we were um very monogamous we would have tiny testicles cuz we would not what animals have that uh there's certain gorillas that have tiny testicles yeah because they they basically hoard all the females so they don't have to there's no sperm
competition whereas you get some animals where they have gigantic testicles cuz they're just everybody's having sex with everybody and so they it's tons of sperm competition humans are somewhere in the middle um so anyway going back to this idea of the inverted youu a little bit of or no experience is bad is you get a reasonable amount it's good I would agree with you I I would probably look I morally I would disagree but I guess in terms of empirical and stuff I can I can agree I can understand why that and I would say
the same applies for women as a body count increases they learn something about male bodies from each man a different preference and therefore she comes like with a menu full of uh treats for a Man U which is totally fine but then just don't claim you want a good woman claim you want an experienced woman well we have to Define what we mean by good woman because here's the thing I work with men and women yeah I work primarily with men but I have you know a lot of female clients and the only women that
are struggling to find a partner are ones that are actually wife material you speak to a woman who has no intention of settling down who is very good at you know performing sexual acts and stuff she has no problem meeting men she's constantly surrounded by men so it's just the the message that men are giving online is that they want good women and stuff but it's not in line with their behavior and I just wish there was more honesty about what you truly want out of a woman and once you give women that Honesty they
know cuz I know men who'll say my wife you know she just stopped having sex with me years and years ago that's the primary thing and I was like but have you mentioned this to her have you said this to her I said it once or twice joking they're like scared to voice it they're scared so that lack of honesty about how important sex is so many women will say oh he never really spoke about it I didn't know that he was so deprived he seemed fine about it they don't talk about their true needs
and I get get it sounds predatory but it's better to give women that information than to hide it and mask it and tell women no no we don't want promiscuous we don't want this but then they go through life thinking that's what you truly want but that's not what you're rewarding at all so it's giving women a really um misinformation about how to actually attract a partner what do you think women believe they need to do to attract a partner women believe that in order to get a good man you have to be quite you
know quite reserved sexually they also believe that you have to you know be quite submissive and tolerant you know and you have to be quite very agreeable that's what women the message women are getting that you have to do to attract a woman what's really getting rewarded is hypersexual incredibly sexy rather than beautiful you know that gets rewarded and somewhat confrontational they reward women that give them some push back the woman that's actually incredibly nice and agreeable they are likely to keep her in their life and maybe they'll have their kids with her and stuff
but they don't seem to be um engulfed by her that they're almost indifferent to her they might use her for procreation but they're not actually attached to her the women that you are when you ask a man which woman had the biggest choke hold over you it would always be one that was sexually active and somewhat abusive and I don't know why that is this is very interesting um okay we we're going to have to dive into this because I this one feels to me like a bias given your job it is a buys given
my job and also the reason I would say that I have to preface that is that applies to low self-esteem men High self-esteemed men do not enjoy enjoy any form of kind of push back and aggression and like you know that they just don't like that crazy toxic cycle at all low self-esteem men see toxicity as a signal that she's to him rather than a signal that her mental health is unstable they see her overreacting to you liking a picture or overreacting to you to go you know see your ex-wife with the kids her overreactions
as oh she must really love me rather than a reaction to show that she is unstable and she's found a man that tolerates instability yeah uh I learned from sakan that women don't want a man that tolerates instability and I think that's true okay so I want to go through these because I think there's a really important picture that's emerging from this um okay so uh Nature's made men obsessed with vaginas they very much want how do they control that then by the way like what is the solution if you are if they are designed
to be obsessed with vaginas how does a man like yourself and stuff like that how do how do you manage that like uh it to me it's very easy to have control over my impulses so just like I want to eat ice cream every day I just go does this bring me what I want so I have a rule in my life I don't think people have enough rules in their life but I have a rule in my life self-imposed that I only do and believe that which moves me towards my goal uh my goal
is to um feel good about myself and I'm by myself this starts to stack but uh ultimately the point is that I really value relationships with a person that you can be their number one and they are your number one and that so I value the diad so I think a lot of people end up preferring the either Triad or tetrad um where they want a family so for me I hit the diad and it was so intoxicating I was like oh actually I don't need to go beyond this and every time because originally we
were going to have kids and then every time we were like okay but now we're going to start I was reading baby books and all this stuff and I just kept hesitating anyway so the diad for me is I think most men actually prefer the DI they just don't realize it I don't want to derail yet that's important we'll come back to that I don't know that that's true and I would certainly not advise men to follow my lead on that um but okay so uh we've got some olical things that are building up uh
what men say they want is reserve sexuality submissiveness and tolerance those are all true yeah so now obviously I'm only n of one but from everyone that I've ever spoken to all of these make sense uh but the reserved sexually is the Madonna horror complex that's only one side of the equation so you want someone who was reserved sexually before they met you and then becomes an absolute freak with you but when you're like whoa have you ever done this before you want her strapped to a lie detector and she's like no I've never done
it before you've only done that with me yes I've only done that with you right that is the fantasy dream now look over time you become way more secure and so these things bother you a lot less but there are things that my wife has only done with me and in the beginning it really meant something to me that she'd only done that with me and it would have then bothered me if she had done that with somebody else right so uh it's really intriguing like those things matter so I wanted Lisa to uh have
virtually no experience before meeting me and then just be like a total freak uh I think a lot of guys feel that way I agree that they want those things but do they stay loyal and reward those things I would agree every man wants somebody sexually reserved and tolerant and stuff like that absolutely they want those things but does that what women want is how we decide if you want us or not is how loyal you are to us you can say you want us but if you're not being loyal to us we just think
you don't truly want us I don't know how loyal they are to that kind that prototype of woman I know Tomy is a bit of an exceptional and all this but generally speaking the majority of men when they do meet a tolerant woman who's sexually reserved and is very you know submissive that is the woman that they're most likely to cheat on because that woman is the least likely to question their judgments and their behaviors and they want someone that doesn't question them so but the problem in when you never question a man or where
he's going what he's doing or anything like that he can come home and anytime or go wherever he wants is it leaves the door open and so yes they might want that but do they actually stay loyal to that I think that the thing that's broken is probably something slightly outside of the story yeah um I think going through each of the things that you said will bring the picture to light of what's really going on so you've got uh what they reward is hypersexuality um they don't want push back yeah uh they're not actually
attaching to these people and they end up stuck with people that are a little abusive and they're in these toxic Cycles okay so what I think is going on here is we have a breakdown of a value system and this is why when I was asking you earlier do you think that this is men or women making bad choices or is there something going on at a layer above that like in the food industry where there's something deranged with the way that food is made the way that food is explained like hey you're healthy at
any size and you should be able to eat whatever you want and you know as As Long As It Fits your Macros like it doesn't matter what you eat and so there are all these things that end up creating a false sense of how things ought to be so I really want the world to distinguish between what is and what ought to be so you've described very well what is what's happening right now certainly as men get more and more successful uh the is gets quite ugly for you it's jading you a little bit right
it's it's a bit of a um a bummer I think as you see more of this like oh my god when they're completely check this is ugly I don't like this but what I actually think this is these are bad values and so the reason that I think culture has gotten deranged is there have been a few really key pieces the pill being one of them the sexual Revolution being another where we changed morals and it had an immediate positive effect yeah Freedom which I really believe in but then it has these second and third
order consequences that unfortunately we had to let a couple Generations get mauled in this Machinery but there's now an Awakening and this is how I think it has to play out you have to let people do dumb things and then other people learn from the dumb things keep the good discard the bad and then now we're going to swing back in a more traditional Direction and history tells me it will just keep pendulum swinging back and forth how do you define Freedom how do you define Freedom uh the ability to choose what you want to
do for me that just sounds a bit like Freedom means the ability to give into your impulses correct but from giving to your impulses means that you're a slave to your impulses not free you pull the fast one so I am free to give into my impulses but I don't you choose not to yeah corre you excise selfcontrol and the reason this is important when I was at Quest we had made what I'll just be bold and say was a revolutionary new piece of food yes all the while the government was threatening to make us
put a warning label on our food because it was too high in fat but fat wasn't the problem they would have no problem with me putting sugar in it which we didn't but they would have loved that no problem green light everywhere but they were threatening to create this new label that would have made us put a red light on our product because it was high in fat but they're dumb they didn't know what they were talking about and I am so afraid of well-intentioned but unfortunately undereducated people doing these top- down Solutions so I
want to be able to decide whether or not I chase a bunch of different women or whether I go I don't think that's going to lead me where I want to go but I get to make my own decision would love to redefine Freedom as the ability to overcome your own impulses for your long-term goals then and I know that doesn't sound very freeing but I would say that I it's far more freedom when I know I can avoid giving into the desire for cake or desire for this I would feel like if I'm giving
into everything I want to do I'm a slave to my impulses and it feels like I'm a prisoner to my own desires I would say freedom has to remove desires and replace it with goals and I I mean it's not really the of freedom but I genuinely think that's far more uh constructive to human flourishing than actual freedom because we just Describe freedom in this day and age as low impulse control and giving into desires which is actually not so much freedom but self-indulgence why can't we replace Freedom with the ability to overcome desires and
that's where we're not giving into this and that's almost see your desires as a tyrannical government telling you can't do this you can't do that you can't or do this do that and we see our impulse as that like a you know a dictator in our brain that lives in our brain designed to self-sabotage us and our freedom comes from no [ __ ] you I'm not going to eat that piece of cake or [ __ ] you I'm not going to pay for that escort or no I'm not and it's going above the dictatorship
impulses that we have in our thoughts that is so brilliant do you know Joo willink no so oh my God so it is amazing that you and Joo have come to the same conclusion I think you're both right what does Jo do for so he he's a military leader uh Beyond extraordinary person has since left the military was a Navy SEAL left the military started several companies teaching leadership but he has a phrase discipline equals Freedom right and so I think he would have stood up and clapped at your description of the tyrannical desires love
to beet him at some point he's man you sitting there talking fascinating he he I want him to run for president I am one of many people that would like amazing he's been on the show recently or a long oh okay amazing I'll make going to much to my dism uh but yes so I agree with you discipline equals Freedom this is why but you and I have a I don't think it makes sense for us to spend more time on this but you and I have a difference of opinion about whether people should be
free to do dumb things but we both agree that in practice if you don't have discipline you don't have real world and I agree with your concept that it's almost good allow people to make their mistakes allow people to make moronic decisions at least we get to see what those play out as so I understand your perspective on that yep yeah uh okay okay so we have a value system G ay is my takeaway yeah that we believed so fervently in Liberty that we thought Liberty would have no consequences so creating the pill saying that
women can and should be able to sleep around as much as they want that a woman should be able to have any career that she wants uh that they don't need to have kids all of it all of it all of it they should have the ability to choose that but there's a reason that Lisa and I say hey we've DEC not to have kids PS This is a hyper dangerous strategy you should be very careful now why do we say that because there are evolutionary algorithms running in your mind the point is human flourishing
and we know that while this works for us it's probably not going to work for everybody you know what I I also changed my mind a lot on like children for men as well I would say to men um if you naturally have a low sex drive have children if you've got a hypers sex drive do not have children you'll end up causing a lot of mistakes in your marriage and I know that sounds terrible but what I because what I've noticed is men who have a really high sex drive they then have a woman
and they're very happy and then they have kids women they change their sex drive changes so they're in they become un incapable of being monogamous in that situation because obviously there's months or weeks or months without having sex and more so than anything the attention shifts to the child so I think men should pay attention to whether or not they as a man can cope with long periods of celibacy if you cannot then don't think twice before just jumping in and having kids know yourself enough to know what is going to trigger your polygamy and
if you know that there's something that might trigger your polygamy don't enter a monogamous relationship yes that's very interesting and so many of them get jealous with the amount of attention that a woman gives a children and so many of them then start seeking a feeling of being loved and adored that they used to get from their wife so look here's I always say to women that come to me and say how do you find a loyal man I say look there's two types of men there are some men that are loyal to their wife
regardless well throughout the marriage they'll be loyal to their wife there are other men who are loyal to the woman they fell in love with if she stays exactly like that woman they will be loyal and my husband falls into this category they will be loyal to her forever so as long as she doesn't change anything she still looks after herself she still gives them a lot of attention she's still you know available all of those things she's still affectionate they will be loyal to that woman until they die there's other men that will be
loyal to their wife so she can gain weight she can lose weight she can have kids she can not have kids she can be you know ups and downs but they're loyal to that wife they won't step out you have to figure out which one of those your man is if he's loyal to the woman that he fell in love with you better stay exactly the same if he's loyal to his wife go you can do whatever he will be loyal do you think that's true Well you certainly described me um I am loyal to
Alisa and so I have a whole thing in my psychology about I want to know what it looks like to share a life and so I married a woman who stayed at home who took care of my needs who was going to have kids and she ended up turning into an entrepreneur and all of that now what's interesting is that it's so funny when people watched the episode that I did recently with Lisa they're like oh she wears the pants and the family and oh Tom's it's like [ __ ] if you watch the whole
episode you're you were going to realize very quickly that isn't true that I have a really strong belief that my job is to uplift her and to help her become the best version of herself and who she wants to be um but that in no uncertain terms and Lisa will be the first to tell you this that my role is to be the emotionally stable one to be the rock to um if she's getting out of pocket quite frankly emotionally I'm there to nudge her back in and bring her back in line which is something
that I've heard you talk a lot about they Define beter so like childlike if you just have a strong woman and you support her or your beater beter is simply a case you have a wife that absolutely adores you and loves you you can't really be beater when you have a woman like that who is so unbelievably loyal so dedicated to you because whatever you've done has created that outcome in her so you're by Des sign Alpha whereas beta what I would say is when you have a in a relationship sense is when you have
a woman who's disrespectful disloyal is not madly in love with you and instead of leaving you reward that behavior that is beater but if you've got a very loving loyal wife which you praise be to God do have it's impossibility for you to be a beater because how did you manage to get this connection out of her how did you get this dedication out of her how did you get this loyalty out of her so the dynamic can't be beaten in my opinion yeah I I don't I haven't looked closely enough at the problem to
know if a woman can really fall and commit to a beta male there are relationships in my circle people that I know but not well where they very much fit the description of he really is beta and she really is Alpha I'm not inside their house I don't know if it's but is she dedicated and loyal to him uh it seems to be from the outside then it's limited in how beater it might be just a case of he's a people pleaser he's sensitive but I really think beater is more of a case of rewarding
dist loyalty rewarding Premier security begging for is a simp yeah no doubt yeah so I would say that's more what I lean into when I define beta if your wife is loving and loyal to you I don't care how you got that out of her you got that out of her so therefore your relationship is relatively good but if she is disrespectful and disloyal doesn't matter if you then stamp your Authority and you've got muscles you're still not Alpha you cannot be Alpha it's an impossibility so uh I would just say that the level of
loyalty that you've derived out of your wife would make it difficult for me to believe it's beta yeah no I I very much agree that God would I go into the alpha beta at least I used to talk in these terms for long time talk into these terms um and I also hate the high value low value kind of I got spoiled uh so I'm I don't know why I'm hesitant I don't like the terms Alpha and beta but I will say here's what I think is a mature Dynamic yeah uh there are things that
I'm better at than my wife in those moments I should lead there are things that my wife is better at than I am in those times she should lead when you balance it all out my wife will tell you that I'm the right person to lead most of the time and so if you say Lisa who's the leader in the family she'll say uh it's my husband for sure 100% um but I Was a Fool in the early days when I thought I had to lead all the time and she would only respect me if
I was like Alpha dominant yeah and so there there is a lack of maturity in that yeah um well good leadership is knowing when to delegate correct and therefore you have a wife that you can delegate things to if you've chosen a wife that you can't delegate anything to and you just have to lead everything you haven't got a wife you've got a child and that's not very good leadership that's just poor delegation yeah and I think so going back okay this is a breakdown of values this a breakdown of a vision of what the
future really should look like I think because uh I think that men now are in some ways getting confused about what they want do I want a partner or do I want a sex toy and if you want a sex toy fine but there you are there are trade-offs you are going to give up a meaningful part of The Human Experience um if you want a wife and you are letting women trample all over you you're going to end up being the child in the relationship and so people really have to understand like one thing
that happened to me and we talked in our last episode about this but um the girl that I was dating right before Lisa um started to pull away and I I really am I just live by a paradigm of things that I believe to be true and one of the things that I believe to be true was if somebody pulls away from you the only wise response is to reciprocate and pull away from them and so she pulled away from me I pulled away from her and then that brought her closer to me and I
was like I can't believe this works and so I was like okay that's hysterical but fine got it uh I was also told that you need to be an [ __ ] if you want to get laid it's not that it's confidence but so literally I'm not joking let's say I learned that at 5:00 p.m. on a Wednesday night uh by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday I was able to get laid it was hysterical it makes that much of a difference yeah from one day to the next because you actually now have the unlock oh I
get it I can't have fear of loss yeah and once I was like oh I can't have fear of loss like I just have to be like uh this is who I am if you're interested great and if not then you'll walk away and so I literally tried it as an experiment I'm not kidding instant yes and so I was like this is hysterical so this is what I talk about predictive validity when you have figured out the thing that is true then it will meet the real world and it will actually work so anyway
people just need to understand what their goal is what they're trying to achieve and then build a rule set that's actually going to get them there but they also need to know what their values are yeah values are tied to how you believe the world ought to be and so that you'll respect yourself when you're by yourself but here's what I would say to people your values are not what you think it's what you do so many people will think my values are I want somebody traditional I've got values I want a successful man or
whatever it is but what do you do in your real world who do you actually connect with who do you actually reward don't base your values on what you think are is going on what do you actually do now if your values are that you reward men who pull away from you you're always chasing after men or you're always going for the guy that's super attractive and got lots of girls but then doesn't give you attention you have to be honest with yourself is what do I actually value well I don't value commitment and responsibility
from Men I'm actually valuing this where people get wrong is they edit their values mentally but not actually in terms of behavior so mentally they'll say they've got all these great values if you speak to everybody they'll say I want this that and the other and they say it well but try and derive your values as almost do an invent of your actual behaviors and who you've been rewarding in your past who have you falling in love with what are your patterns who have you rejected and that shows you what your values actually are not
what you think they are don't airbrush your values just to sound like you're looking for someone great who you actually rewarding and if you do an inventory of your past relationships and you realize that I've always said no to guys that are actually very kind I've always been very attached to men that are toxic and you know unavailable I kind of always attached to men who are following a bunch of bikini girls online and so your values are a bit like they're not consistent that your values are you're looking for somebody who deprives you of
the commitment and connection now that you know your value you can either change it or accept it but don't delude yourself into thinking you've got the right values when you're in the dating pool because that will have you confused because you'll think you're doing nothing wrong and you just can't find the right guy but it's not that you're doing nothing wrong and you can't find the right guy it's because you're rewarding the wrong and then assuming you still want the right guy yeah getting your values right Liv according to yeah look at your behaviors they'll
tell you your values I can say I'm really healthy but I never go to the gym and I don't eat healthy that means I'm not so what you're saying has to be in line with what you're doing for it to be a value yes uh and if you live out of alignment even with your stated values you're going to lose respect for yourself that's where integrity and self-respect end up coming from um if you encounter somebody who doesn't want you and that breaks you and you can't bear to walk away and now you're trying to
convince cajo whatever that only further makes you seem weak and horrible I mean it's just that's such a spiral oh God it's gonna make you feel worse I'm so surprised the pharmaceutical industry hasn't invented a pill for self-esteem because they have it's called alcohol really yeah of course does that give you self-esteem or confidence uh it gives you confidence but confidence is the thing that you want from self-esteem if you had high self-esteem and you were just anxious you'd be like self-esteem is meaningless so it really is confidence is that byproduct because I feel like
confidence can just mean your ability to do a task but self-esteem is more your ability to understand what you deserve in life confidence is feeling good because you can do a task yeah so it's like you're walking in and like you know I'm going to be able to handle this that is a really awesome feeling yeah uh and it's an intoxicating feeling on the other side for a woman who's like oh I like the way this feels a person could be playful they can hold that tension but really yes there a reason that alcohol has
been a social lubricant for thousands of years uh I think it's as old if not older than the Bible itself imag and mentioned yeah we turn water right into that one but I don't want to leave this idea of okay what what is broken yeah who's to blame in the sense of if we can actually identify the issue then we can back out of it so I'm gonna ask you the same question but from a an oblique angle here okay so who's to blame if somebody's fat the fat person or the food industry microplast environment
culture Etc I would say you know the porn industry is very much responsible for destroying the masculinity of men and making them unappealing I would say the porn industry is very much dedicated its life to um kind of hijacking children from a very young age and then turning them into addicts by the time they're teenagers and then turns them into consumers of uh PR ution as adults it kind of goes in that order and um so I believe that the porn industry is very much you know highly responsible for it but I also think it's
a culture where we've replaced kind of there seems to be nothing else left to for people to feel part of a group anymore there isn't any male groups the way they used to be there isn't tribal experiences for men so their only way to feel the kind of um Euphoria is now just limited to sex I don't if there's as many tribes or is there as many problem solving going on in society I would imagine when life was more difficult men would have to be problem solvers and that kind of boost of ego that you
get for every problem you solve is now replaced by technology so the only boost that's left available is either food or you know pornography or just your basic primitive needs so I think that is also a lack of um just tribes in general and problem solving life is just a bit too comfortable and easy for men and women but I think it has a more detrimental effect on the psychology of a man when life is too easy and is too comfortable that that's very interesting and very insightful um I want to pin you down though
if somebody's fat whose fault is it there's yeah I think you you still have a choice and and and your choices can be inhibited by you know your U the original wounds of your trauma it can be inhibited by the the parents and the role models you've got some people have are left with really really bad start to life so they believe their choices are limited but doesn't mean their choices actually are limited so you might have really terrible parents where they just feed you endless rubbish they are really overweight so they don't role model
how to be you know how to be effective your school dinners might be unhealthy I understand all of that so your choices do get more limited but there's still a choice it's limited and it's difficult but there's still a choice what would you say um so this is interesting I've gone on such a journey with my thoughts on Obesity that I have a feeling it mirrors some of the journey that you've been on um but you may be at a midpoint uh so here's the journey that I went on so I grew up in a
morbidly obese family and I was able to escape that and I was able to escape that by taking just unrelenting control of what I put in my mouth and so I was like oh you can solve this problem and I used to loop around a very simple idea there were no obese people in aitz now I know how much that makes people angry but I needed to run a thought exercise to find out is this really a thing where some people just can't lose the weight or is this really if you reduce your calories enough
that you will lose fat okay so so genetically you had there was obesity in your family oh yes so there is a predisposition 100% so that's where I start right hey this is just a calorie problem if you reduce your calories enough you will lose weight that is a true statement and so it's very easy to stop there and say oh then you're to blame I was able to do it and you're to blame then I went into okay I really do understand that this is extremely hard for people for reasons that are out of
their control so for instance uh a hundred years ago virtually nobody grew up fat yeah so something has happened now to make that a problem so 100 years ago virtually nobody would be addicted to pornography it just be too it existed but it would be so hard to get a hold of that you're not going to be obese calories used to be hard to come by food was not engineered by the most brilliant scientist in the world to be literally perfect for triggering you to overeat they weren't as cheap and so we really have done
things including just arranging our metabolism by there being microplastics in the food the food being made from horrendous ingredients disrupting the microbiome I mean just on and on and on and so as I went through this journey at first I was like hey just eat less like I love you no there's no moral judgment but you you really can do this then I went to ooh like maybe people really are stuck and just in a terrible system and now I'm at you are in a terrible system you are in a problem not of your own
making CU this would have started when you were a kid and all that but only you can get you out of this problem and so that's the message that I I want guys to hear yeah hey you're in a bad situation absolutely I don't think because of your like you didn't start the cultural momentum that has led us to this moment and everything you've detailed I think is all accurate but no one person is to blame for any of that but they're the only ones that can solve the problem for them and so then it
starts to get very interesting in terms of how you look at the world and where all of this goes yeah um so okay you circle around porn a lot so what what is it about porn is it shaping the brain at a young age and then that has knun effects what is it about porn it's um destroying the selection process of men it's dehumanizing their selection process and then they're so devastated when their women have have no respect for them have cheated on them and d and left them with with all their money and now
lives with their new boyfriend but they don't realize it all stemms from their poor selection and their poor selection all came from pornography I did a video recently where I explained that I'll have men who might live in the states or might live in India or something like that but they are fixated on being with a young Colombian girl or a young Thai girl or a young girl from you know um Ukraine who's half their age a quarter of their age and speaks a completely different language but they're like that's my type and and I
just thought to myself how and I I kept hearing it and I was like thinking to myself how do you have anything in common with a girl in like from this culture and doesn't speak the same language and is very young how is that your type and he's like I've just always been attracted to it and I was like but then Therefore your attraction is based entirely physically and nothing to do with reciprocity like she's also attracted to me and no other form of connection is important to you so you have reduced women down to
a vagina and you just a vagina with a particular color size this and the other and age is now put it but that's what you've reduced it down to that can't happen if you had constant real life experience with women because you'd learn that women you know yes they're beautiful and they're sexy but they're also you know they're human they they bleed and they you know they go to the bathroom and if you live with a woman you know that you know there's her times of the months there so many messy non ual things about
them that it makes it difficult to attach them purely on sex because that part of it will always kind of decrease over years but the fact that they can select purely on that means something has hijacked their preferences and that's why I think it all bers down to selection so they'll come to me and they'll say I'm oh please I want you to speak to my ex-wife she's such a gold digger just like the girls you describe and I like okay tell me a little bit about her oh I met her you know she used
to be a webcam girl and we fell in love and um I met her and she you know I left my wife and kids and then I gave her everything and then she's so ungrateful and I said no she knows an idiot when she sees one and she did the exact right thing I would do I would high-five her she's found someone dumb enough to leave his wife and kids because you showed a bit of nipple and you're half his age you deserve everything that comes to you because the stupidity will get you nowhere in
the long run I'm you got no sympathy for me whereas if it was I chose a really good woman we grew up together then things happen and it turned out to go wrong that's a different level of empathy I have for you because you you went in with the right intentions but in this case you didn't go in with the right intentions I can't reward bad intentions with sympathy so um I for I digress but essentially what I would say is it's caused them to completely annihilate good selection when it comes to selecting a partner
and therefore the family unit is now breaking down going back to the selection process and what pornography is doing to it um are you saying that it's it is um a stimuli that is coming to somebody as their brain is developing it creates a hyper not to get too fancy here but a hyper dopaminergic feedback loop where it they're now associating um all of their female focused pleasure around the sexual aspect of a woman exactly they have um only one definition of intimacy left which is sexual they don't understand that there's pleasure associated with having
a woman that's going to be there when you're in hospital we're ready with some grapes or there's a woman you know that's going to be home to watch Judge Judy before bed they're replacing that form of intimacy with only one definition of intimacy who arouses me the best who can who stimulates me the most they don't actually their arousal comes purely from one form of intimacy and they ignore the importance of emotional intellectual and spiritual intimacy entirely and I understand why because what the porn does is just like kind of get their senses in a
choke hold so it's difficult to imagine how nice it is to have a wife that you can walk to the shops with and you have nice conversations on the way back when you think I can have this beautiful you know super model um talk to me in any language and take a clothes of it they're like oh it's an obvious thing like but to worship vagina over intimacy just seems like how can we respect men in this generation if this is what they're doing and this is what they're paying for and they'll deny it every
single one of them like we don't do that we don't do that then why are there billions and billions of streams of pornography why is every only fan Creator makes more money than most women on this planet I am a I can say this in a very privileged position I am a content creator I no man is ever messaging me saying here's $10,000 thank you so much you've helped me but if I had pictures of my feet online I would get that all day every day so let's let's just take away the pretense that that
doesn't happen it does happen how do we get rid of it rather than pretending it doesn't exist yeah wow okay I feel I feel like I'm angry today am I angry am I giving angry Vibes you're not giving angry Vibes at all but I what I did right as I'm taking notes Here is you're getting jaded I am accurate word and you've probably seen a complete change from last time you spoke to me one way I make sure my business is moving in the right direction is to ensure we are constantly becoming more efficient and
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the switch by popular demand netsuite has extended its one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks head to Theory again that's Theory head to SL Theory last time I SP you spoke to me and anybody who spoke to me a year ago would have said it's so refreshing to see an advocate for men coming in a female form because I am that that is genuinely my intention I have a wonderful part partner I have a wonderful father I have a wonderful like men in my life I've always had great relationships but
I forgot that I have high quality men in my life they have a completely different perspective of women when you speak to the majority of men what's caused me to become jaded is I realize that they come to me again and again that they've been hurt and naturally before I'd be on their side like what is she like a sister almost like a sister what has she done to you and then every time I trace it back I'm like why were you so obsessed with her oh it always comes back to the sex and they
risk everything for it so now I'm just like you know they'll come to me and they'll say look I think I've got an anxious attachment I think I've got this anxiety I can't stop thinking about this one girl and I say to was she the best sex you had yeah but that's not why I loved her I was like tell me something else you liked about her well she was quite rude and she never used to answer my calls I like that's what that's what it is okay bye and that's what the phone call looks
like now isn't that terrible uh it's indicative of the moment that we're in it may though be overly indicative of you as a therapist that is helping people through these problems tin yeah so you're there's a selection bias here there the people that fit that profile are going to come to you especially because you really did make a name for yourself as like hey guys I understand you I understand how we've ended up in this situation um and that was really my intention it really was and I and I remember constantly saying to women why
don't you cook for your husband it's such a joy in cooking for your husband or why don't you just why doesn't it make you feel happy when you iron his clothes and you know he's got work and why doesn't it make you feel good and I would realize that I'm always giving that advice but I didn't realize that the route for the appreciation has to come sexual first and I'm leared that over the year is you can do all of that but until there that part is not tapped in because I've met some very good
women who have said to me but I do all of this and he would vouch for it that I do everything but he just says to me he can't be sexually loyal he just says to me I don't know why I'm shocked by that I've heard that before but it's still scandalous to me I can't be sexually loyal uh okay that is um that is a thing but they can be loyal in the sense that they'll stay with you forever but they want her to believe that this is just how men are designed and I
don't it is how men are designed but what does that have to do with the relationship okay we're going to come back to that yeah uh okay I'm tracking now the transition where okay you're in the ring every day helping men and women overcome this issue uh of all the derangements that have come from apps pornography the modern world the pill sexual Liberation um the UN the the just complete obliteration of traditional Norms around sex uh which I think guys would have all said this is only good we want to rush in that direction um
and now we're seeing that there are second and third order consequences that are not IDE uh but I would like to know what's the role of women in all of this um what's happened is women can they can really manipulate this they have learned tricks that can really manipulate this now espe particularly if they grew up without a father when you grow up with a mom who's a wife she doesn't know these tricks she doesn't know that this is how men operate but when you when your mother's also leared this or she's become like this
she's understood this trick what's happened is women can go in two direction CS they either believe men on the surface and say I want to be a really good girl I'm not going to be this girl I'm going to I'm going to try and differentiate Myself by being a traditional woman and so she takes on the role of just being that woman that just wants to get married settle down she's not priscu she's not really good she actually avoids sexual contact with too many people she wants she wants to get married um but what will
happen is the women on the other end will say listen you might end up married I might end up married we're both probably going to end up divorced but I'll end up Divorced with a really successful man you're going to end up divorced and you're going to be paying his bills and so the promiscuous women have learned the tricks a lot better because when you speak to the average earner chances are he's going to be with an average woman who's not you know an only fans models but when you speak to men who are in
the Millionaires and billionaires range they only go for women who are like this they they select this and this is what scared me the most I think this is where I became a bit jaded is I as I as I increased my popularity online naturally my prices increased so I used to be dealing with my I was like $50 an hour at one point when I first so I was dealing with the average man who comes home from work and has the average problem as I started dealing with the more successful man As I Grew
and I started dealing with more successful men I learned very quickly successful men particularly if they had money young and they they reward the worst women they reward women who even when you look at rappers if you look at like you know rappers and like who have both money and uh you know looks usually they you to take care of themselves they Drake has a baby with a porn star they'll be married to dancers and strippers so you learn that if you want the top top range of men they don't look at any of those
qualities cuz they can Outsource that they can Outsource somebody to cook for them they can Outsource somebody to IR to them and one thing I learned from working with very successful men is they said to me a lot of the time they said to me well I don't care if she can't speak English when I come home from a busy day and I've been working all day all I care about is she's young and hot and she has sex I don't care about anything else so the busier they get the less vetting they need because
they're only looking for one item from their partner because they're too busy they don't have the time to have this really intellectual conversation at the end of the day they just want to get to bed so as they get busier the requirement decreases so what's happening is we're rewarding the worst women in the world is they're getting the top end of If you're looking at your financial terms they'll be more likely to access that higher end man and I know you're a complete anomaly to this so it sounds like a completely bizarre but that's unfortunately
what it looks like from my perspective yeah that's uh I mean this is a very intractable it's not intractable we will find our way out of this and I think it's it's going to start happening over the next three years but I feel like you actually are on to a thing that's real um okay I want to keep pushing down the road of what the role of women is so um I think the pill yeah is the nuclear bomb that actually went off yeah I agree and I don't think people understand that we're living in
the nuclear fallout and that there is a level of Devastation that people have not accurately pinpointed to this problem now before I can go down that road I have to first say that um I have a whole thesis around we all think we want to remove limitations all of science is basically trying to remove limitations and make the formerly impossible possible we celebrate that and rightly so but we're living at a moment in time where we're now being able to strip limitations that we probably shouldn't strip exactly and so talk to me about women's role
in sexual Liberation both from a a moralistic drive where they were marching in the streets for their right to essentially be more promiscuous like men um taking the pill which my wife was on the pill for ages God bless the pill I'm so grateful it's how we avoided having children uh which will certainly get into the importance of family and whether I'm a fool for not having one well I think what happens is we've now completely eliminated with sex with its primary role which is reproduction and as a result we can just give sex freely
and we can drop our standards freely as women when we knew that we if we sleep with a man there's a potential of having his baby we were far more selective and that's what sex should be it should be a very very selective process and think is his genes good enough it might is he worth risking dying for because that's what child birth used to be now what um what the contraceptive pill did is give them the same kind of um mindset towards sex as men have and I'm not saying they've got it right either
like I'm but I'm just saying in general both men and women have become so laxed with who they sleep with and as a result they have kids with the wrong people and therefore it just means that there's no families left because we're having kids with the person that we slept with the most rather than the person that we actually valued and respected the most and therefore kids are being born out of two people who didn't actually have any fundamental love and respect for each other but they're now co-parenting in the best case scenario worst case
scenario they're not even co-parenting and therefore we've got remnants of two very um two parents that had no self self-control and that's in the form of children and they're the ones that suffer so I think the contraceptive feels been awful for women but also the one thing I would say is women cannot take criticism anymore it's like they are incapable of it and that's one of the reasons why I get so much negativity online from women is any form they can worship me I'll have women that will worship me one minute the moment I say
that but you know you should share custody and you should never deprive men of their father because they need or children of their father they need their father regardless be cheated on you or it's not it's got nothing to do with the child then they'll launch a campaign so any criticism towards a woman is just completely completely shut down so I think the inability to hear any criticism I don't know if that's a new thing but this just seems like they just can't hear an alternative perspective anymore and I don't know have you noticed that
with women as well like they find difficult to hear an alternative perspective uh I have noticed that the internet likes to argue yeah and when I approach the internet as a fight it makes sense when I approach the internet as a place that will welcome new ideas that are designed to improve their life it's very confusing oh yeah you have to have that mentality with it then yeah so I have a feeling that just being on social media you're going to get that but there there is an amplitude of reaction to you that I find
very surprising yeah um and this goes back to a core belief that I have which is I will take a good idea from wherever it comes yeah um I will inevitably see in the comments here and then people for a while after the interview will follow me in lives on Instagram things like that like oh my God like you don't even know her qualifications they're not legitimate I want to be very clear I've looked into your background and know exactly what they are if if you had no qualifications had never even taken a class in
um psychology I wouldn't care I just want to know is there predictive validity to the things you say meaning if I adopt your belief system am I able to predict more of the world or less of the world if more idea is good if less idea is bad it's just not near ground truth um so I a big proponent of taking in ideas so there there I wouldn't say that I've noticed that women can't take criticism anymore I will just say that women have now entered The Fray of fighting online and so and because they're
highly verbal it's going to be a pretty wicked fate and they H they really really pretend that they girls girls this is the thing with the the comments and the the belief system amongst these women is they have this empty Banner that we're girls girls we're girls girls but what they re forget to realize is that women only support women that they're not threatened by simple as that the moment there's an element of threat they will not support that woman or they'll support women that they feel that they're similar to it's not a blanket statement
so when they say they're girls girls particularly I get a lot of backlash from sometimes only fans creators and they're like she's not a girls girl she's not a girls girl I'm like what could be less of a girls girl than a woman who has her boobs on your husband's screen every day if you're a true girls girl you would feel so uncomfortable that you're contributing to a culture where men are sneaking away from their wives making their wives feel so ugly because they would rather watch you play with yourself online than actually connect with
their wife how can you be a girls girl when you're contributing to that in other people's marriages and other women are suffering as a result so this whole girls girls concept I've never understood firstly because it's not true secondly because why are we allowed to have this particular bias if I said to you I'm a white people's white person or I'm a black person's black person that would make no sense because why are you on the side of the person who's similar to you on an arbitrary role you should be on the side of the
person that has who you believe is more correct or the person that has most sense so this whole girls girls attitude is what something that you know I now I feel like I'm going to be left in the dust because the men are going to hate me and the women are going to hate me so it's going to be like an equ level they can all just vond over how much they hate me but it's just human nature is human nature and I I really do think my work as a therapist and before I was
so limited to just the people in my area and just the people around me it was easy like it was just like people I kind of knew and I understood when you're open to the world and you're treating the world and you're treating people in the top levels of what they're going through you start to get a little bit jaded like I I feel like I sound jaded I feel Jaded by myself I actually feel it so I'm Jaded by women's reaction to self-help they just don't want self-help they just want reiteration of what they
believe is true so they just want me to say your ex is a narcissist that's the only sentence they want to hear he was a narcissist gaslighting breadcrumbing the buzzword when you say something like no no there's no such thing as a narc I actually go around saying there's no such thing as a narcissist I believe that there are people who are Perpetual victims and they like to find anyone that will abuse them and attach to them endlessly and so that they claim can claim that title as a victim forever and I believe that's a
form of narcissism cuz that way you don't have to improve and you can just stay the way you are and take no accountability you attach to people who abuse you and therefore you can remain a victim for the rest of your life and never improve and that's no nothing's more narcissistic than that all right we we've got some some black pill in the house today got a B I wouldn't like to say that I'm black pill I don't know if I'm just because I haven't spoken in a long time if I haven't been on a
podcast for a long time but I'm very I feel and know I don't know if I'm just a bit Moody but am I coming across negative uh you are coming here here's the thing I remind my team of this all the time the truth is an absolute defense so if you're saying what you actually believe to be true then we're good so uh look we we'll keep working through all this map out the thinking where things are broken we'll get to how we get to the other side which I know is your heart and soul
um but I think I think it is important to confront where we are culturally yeah and I really believe right now people can feel something is broken yeah and for us to navigate the path forward we have to be honest about where we are now if anything that you've said today isn't true then you're going to want to update your beliefs so that there's more predictive validity to the things that you're saying um so far I don't detect any obvious landmines other than it will be very important for us to walk through the way out
right because they're from where I'm sitting anyway there is a way out there is a way to navigate this m there is a way to bring culture back around but you know somebody like you who's not religious or not really like you know wouldn't say you're got any beliefs like you know traditional in that way um what makes you want to lean into or do you want to lean into a more traditional lifestyle or like do you think culture should shift more traditional I think people should do whatever they have to do in order to
achieve human flourishing and at sometimes that is to progress and at other times it is to hold tight to what's already working so I'm not religious but what I believe about religion is that religion is a set of ideas that have proven over a very long period of time to make people's lives better on mass and by tying it to a sense of God something bigger than you somebody that loves you forgives your sins all that kind of stuff um that that is the way to make those ideas spread through the medium of religion to
people of all intellectual um capacities and so whether you are um struggling intellectually or you are the smartest person in the world like religion is going to work for people across that entire bandwidth so that's why I think religion has withstood the test of time for sure for sure so you said in our last interview you're like in some ways you're I can't remember more religious or more Muslim than and I the reason that I sound like that is because I am obsessed with one thing and one thing only and that is efficacy does it
work okay work towards what for me my North Star is human flourishing so certainly my own and others so I just want to know what's true so when I look out at the world and people younger than me um I see a lot of pain I see a broken system I see a a romance environment that reminds me of the food environment in America that there is just all these things that are deranging it including one of my favorite things in the world capital I think capitalism is amazing um why why do you think that
because it is the way to increase uh human flourishing by way of um increased productivity and increased Freedom so if you do you think that it can cause people to worship money just a bit like her yeah of course so look there there are no Solutions there are only trade-offs so says my hero Thomas Soul so I know nothing is perfect certainly not capitalism and if uh I think Winston Churchill said uh capitalism is a terrible system it's just the best terrible system that we have yeah and I think that's the right way to look
at it like capitalism has pulled more people out of poverty than anything else in human history it's created more freedom more flourishing than any other system in the world don't get me going on my diet tribe about authoritarian regimes and communism and socialism that [ __ ] just kills literally millions if not 100 plus million people it's it's absolute insanity and I'm I'm happy to take take the Pepsi Challenge from a historical perspective with anybody that feels different um so going back to uh we are going to need to re-anchor our values it needs to
be around something that works um and the thing that works is going to be something that has withstood the test of time so it's going to sound a little traditional but that's only because we've swung so far in the opposite direction I would say that capitalism is the Baseline of what's made society so mentally distroy I would say the capitalist belief that you know make as much money as possible okay with women how do we make as much money as possible Aesthetics is a great way to make loads of money so why don't we and
IVF is another great way so why don't we just tell and pharmaceutical so why don't we just tell them to delay getting married delay having kids so they'll have to use loads of pharmaceuticals when it comes to that also let's tell them that they're ugly from early let's let them know that they're as ugly as possible so that they will go and buy every product and they'll do every surgery and they'll do everything like that and that has to be a capitalist driven society that pushes that mentality on women similarly with men it's like we
know that pornography and all these things are terrible for them but what does capitalism do it's like let's get them addicted to the their phones how do we get them addicted to their phones let's put games on there let's start with games on there then let's just put popups of beautiful girls that they just have to happen to click on when they're eight nine years old then by the time they're 17 18 they'll be hooked on it they got credit cards by then and we got them so the Baseline between behind the moral failure of
society I would say is linked to capitalism okay we're going to go down go down the road here I'm going to set my pen down uh okay so again it's the best of the worst systems because there's no question that it will derange in a couple ways one that all power law distributions tell you that a very small number of people are going to make all the gains because money really is a game that you can win and lose and so in any game where you can win and lose you're going to have people that
are better at it than others and they're going to collect all the resources and you're going to get a very terrifying thing that happens which is the Divide between the halves and the Have Nots and there is a I don't know if it's called a law but the thing called the jny coefficient and when the jny coefficient meaning the ratio of poor to wealthy when that divide gets too big uh you will almost certainly have War uh a revolution blood is going to be shed as a punchline and so you're going to yeah it's unsustainable
you just there will need to be a re Equalization of that playing field otherwise just all bad and so you get this sort of grand debt cycle can read ralo for a breakdown of that probably outside the scope of this interview um but just know everybody that history moves in um it's not a an exact Circle but man is it close there are things that make it just so predictable uh because the human mind works in a certain way and therefore history and the future are going to rhyme there's going to be a lot of
similarities okay so capitalism deeply flawed system so you morally flawed I wouldn't say financially flawed I would say morally and which then has an impact on psychology I think moral failure leads to psychological failure okay well then let me ask which is more morally flawed capitalism or communism well I would say look here's the thing I I don't know and I like to make it very clear when I don't know something I don't know enough about communism but as a mentality knowing that there's some level of distribution of wealth I just think is an is
a healthier mentality than one where it's like one man every man for themselves what I find really difficult about capitalism is the idea that there is no Society left it's just every man for themselves the one% other the 1% the others can just rot in hell and that's how the mentality that is cultured in capitalism communism I don't know enough about but the mentality of equal distribution just seems like a better mentality to put into children or into your own mind yeah there is a reason that uh people are drawn to communism so Thomas who
I mentioned earlier anybody that follows me for my financial content will probably know who he is uh he's an economist just an absolutely extraordinary thinker absolutely uh how about this I wish I were half as smart as Thomas absolutely brilliant man um but he started out as a socialist for sure maybe all the way to full communism and then when anybody asks hey why did you abandon the system he said I went to work for the government and always gets a big laugh yeah and what he means by that is that he saw the just
freakish level of inefficiency right so what ends up happening and and I'll use an analogy that will while be absurd it will point out the flaws in the system is beauty equally distributed no okay would it be nice if it were absolutely okay should I go and scratch the faces of the beautiful to even the playing field out no okay so that's essentially what give procedures to the less attractive if we were playing that analogy okay so but now the question becomes how do you get people to do those surgeries you have to pay them
right so you need doctors that spend inordinate amount of time getting good at their thing they've got to be paid well so now how are we going to pay those doctors to do those procedures right we're going to redistribute wealth right we're going to tax people of course like you should tax why would you not tax Tom this is why you have to redistribute wealth from the crazy 1centers like Elon Musk who just have this imaginable amount of wealth come on let's get it down to these people I don't know if we want to spend
it on beauty but sure as a thought exercise let's do it okay cool so now we're going to take money from that person and say hey even though you've shown that you are one of the greatest capital allocators on planet Earth that nobody living right now is better than Elon Musk Jeff Bezos at giving the world something they want so badly that people shovel money into their bank account let's remember they didn't steal money they create a thing Amazon Tesla whatever that people want so badly that they're willing to either invest their money in their
company or buy their products whatever and these guys amass money by doing a thing that people wanted them to do and so now we're going to say hey Bozo you don't know what to do with your money so why don't you give me a huge portion of your money and let me decide to distribute it and make all of those decisions but my question if I was to give an analogy my analogy would be let's say we take a tribe of monkeys and they they're all like one tribe they all need to survive they're One
Tribe of monkeys and they find one big banana tree and one of them decides he's going to take every single banana that has hoard it can't even finish it and give the rest of them half a banana to share amongst themselves would that tribe survive and and really what we would do is look at that monkey that's hoarding those millions of bananas not giving any of it to anybody else and you know we would have probably study that monkey in in a lab and think how did you become such a psychopath do you know what
happens to that monkey in real life they're on the cover of FS no no no no you're making you're making a mistake so uh the monkey yeah that kind of monkey that rules through tyrannical force that is inequitable in what they give to people will get destroyed they will that monkey convince them that listen you're going to want me to have this because what like you you're going to that one piece I'm going to give you is so so valuable what if they did it in what country does that describe oh you said ethical I'm
going to set that aside for a second I wouldn't say Des descries a country I would describe it a person I would to me descri North Korea so we'll start there so North Korea by the way can I preface that I'm not very versed in this push back so I mean one you'll either help me find the edge of my own thinking and I will update and be the wiser for it um or hopefully the audience will at least enjoy the journey so uh let's go back to the monkey just to take one piece at
a time uh any monkey that Rules by force ends up getting destroyed by a couple people lower down in the hierarchy and you realize to build a stable monkey troop you have to have um a coalition so you yes you can rule by force but it's usually going to be a very short tenure you're way better off doing favors for people making sure that your troop is well taken care of what if he didn't rule by force what if he said look you guys take the leaves of the tree I promise you you're going to
like the leaves right I'm going to take all the bananas you guys just eat the leaves for a little while you'll be fine don't worry about it you'll be fine and they're like oh okay how do we invest in you so that you can carry on you guys just have to make a shield around me so that nobody else can touch my bananas you think you're describing America or the west but you're describing North Korea no no I think I'm Des I think I'm describing Jeff Bezos and I think I'm describing Elon Musk I think
I'm describing the people that have I don't know what kind of mindset it takes to have an desire to allocate or to uh collect so much money that you physically can't complete in any of your lifetimes when you know there's people starving I know that sounds very like woo wo but there are human beings starving now when we put Power and status and you know capitalism because I created the iPhone so therefore I have the right to have a billion times more money than you I'm telling you as a woman that makes more money than
I should I don't I'm not a millionaire by any stand but I still think you know relatively it's you're speaking to people that's essentially what you're doing I would say that generally I don't work it's not humanly possible to work hard enough in your lifetime to earn a billion because you can't one person is not capable of that there's not that level of hard work Associated it's not possible to work hard enough to have a billion it's just you have to work smart enough to find something people want enough and then exploit their desires nobody
knew they needed an iPhone until you know so we were told we needed it then we didn't know that we need to change it in our adapters and our cable wires until they changed it then we didn't know we needed updates until they changed it they tell us what we want and then pretend we're the ones that are dying for this updates and we're dying for the iPhone you've just got us hooked I don't think they created anything the world was dying to have I was not dying to have Amazon I love it now I
wasn't dying to have an iPhone I love it now but that's because they gave us no Alternatives they created a market where we became a slave to what they produced rather than they produced something we're dying to have okay uh I think there is a flaw in your logic and so I want to go back to our monkey who is convincing the tribe that hey I'm going to take the bananas but you're going to get the leaves yeah leaves are going to be amazing you're going to love them the most and and in fact God
wants you to have the leaves and he wants me to have the bananas or maybe I am the representative of God here on Earth right this is why dictators normally get rid of religion so that they can be the sole Focus uh what ends up happening is you get slapped around by reality right so that person ends up running North Korea and people start going um sorry sir hold on really fast uh you having the bananas they have a higher glucose content it's it's got way more calories so we're actually starving to death by eating
the leaves so we're going to need to have some of those bananas or we're going to start dying uh would somebody please kill him really fast because I can't have anybody saying that and so all the sudden to make sure that they can monopolize the bananas they start killing people this is top- down authoritarian rule 101 you kill the centers that's why that description doesn't become Elon Musk it becomes North Korea I'll get to it because I know you really want me to address what what's happening with a I don't know if you call them
a sociopath but you're like I want to study their brains these Elon Musk these Jeff Bezos like what the hell BS of the world yes so one let's all remember I think capitalism is a flawed system I just think it's the best of the flawed because it doesn't require Force so that's like my core thesis pychological Force though o I will address psychologic Warfare uh it's a bigger Warfare yeah absolutely okay so um because it's it's a discret you don't realize it's going on so there is no you can't consent do you know what the
red famine is no I don't well I I hope that the red famine um makes you feel a little bit differently about psychological Force which is a very interesting concept and while we don't agree on the word Force I Will consent to it for the sake of this discussion uh okay so let's say psychological Force you really are being manipulated and bent into doing these things okay so we have one system that leverages that yeah and then we have Russia uh in the 1920s yeah and Russia in the 1920s decided hey we just had the
Bolshevik Revolution um we are going to give power back to the people and we are going to make sure that none of these farmers are um holding more than they should yeah and so they end up calling basically successful farmers were known as koks and so they're like these coocks think they're better than you this is class Warfare um they've grown up rich and they're just taking advantage of you they're exploiting you and so people were turning them in left right and center and so they literally go and kill all the koks they take all
their Stu all their food all their equipment everything and you could get labeled a kolok just for having like two horses I mean it did not take a lot but okay if you were a more effective farmer which is why you had a better yield more horses uh you got killed and so now all of a sudden what happens is the red famine you just killed your best Farmers guess what happens to everybody else they can't produce enough so guess what happens everyone starves to death and so in the red famine you had Parents eating
their own children so I'm saying hey everybody communis has been tried over and over and over the bad news is that there is an element to the human animal which is this extreme resentment and people have said of Communists I think it's a pretty interesting take that it isn't so much that they love the poor it's that they absolutely despise the rich and so as the bar comes down for who is Rich and you just start killing killing killing killing killing and I mean we're talking about tens of millions in the case of Russia probably
north of 100 million but at least 60 or 70 million in the case of M China it you Ely get people who go but I have a better idea and so all of these countries China Russia what do they end up doing to try to get back to a strong position after they absolutely decimate their country and have people eating their own children they open back up to capitalism because what you're saying is beauty is not evenly distributed intelligence is not even more dangerous when we penalize the poor than when we penalize the rich because
the poor have nothing to lose and they're more lik RK you're now moving off of psychological Force onto penalizing the poor when did we start penalizing the poor well as in you were saying that he was penalizing the rich in in Russia they hated the rich so much so they were destroying the rich basically and then as a result the whole society trembled but we live in a culture where we penalize the poor indirect because essentially they are not given the same rights they're more likely to end up in jail prison they get look here's
the thing I I really witnessed this a lot in uh lockdown uh the billionaires were just above the law for some reason Amazon packages had no Co but your local bakery store who lives and breeds like needs their money was not allowed to open open Uber by top down Authority or by bottom up capitalism by by essentially the government which is basically owned by you know lobbying and stuff and they make all the decisions so essentially your local person who who bread and butter is their shop had to close down but Amazon could deliver all
day every day Uber Eats could deliver you could have all the top people could still do their what they wanted to do so essentially what you're doing is you're still penalizing the poor like they can't go to get medical care but I'm sure the top can so we when you when you kind of deprive the those that have got nothing to lose you create a society filled with crime and you create a society filled with risk-taking and more likely to use um coping mechanisms involving drugs so you're more likely to create societal damage when you
penalize a poor than when you penalize just Jeff basil or someone uh one I will agree with that statement I just won't agree that that's what happened so uh I don't think you want to penalize anybody I think that's where we start what we witnessed in Co was a complete derangement yeah that was insane basically from top to bottom yeah everything about it yep and so at the time were you really Pro it or did you kind of spot that this is a bit bizarre um I spotted that it was bizarre but I had no
frame of reference for it whatsoever so I felt like I'd been punched in the head and I was completely dazed and I was just like I don't know how to make heads or tail Tales of this I just know something is broken this doesn't make sense uh I did not have a frame of reference for a corrupt government which I know is just hopelessly naive but I did not come in I came in with the de eyes of an 80s American child who was just like America's the best uh so I was really really caught
off guard uh so in no way shape or form do I think that Co was handled well I think that was an absolute nightmare of top- down authoritarian rule which is the whole thing I'm trying to avoid again I think capitalism is a deeply flawed system it is just the best system that we have if you socialize corporations now you're really in dangerous territory yeah don't want to go too far down that path the only thing um that I will come back to is psychological Force so uh this idea of what is worse where we're
going for something more communistic where we're using authoritarian force or psychological Force where we manipulate is that a reasonable word I look here's the thing I because I'm a I I observe human behavior and I would always say that the most dangerous people are those that manipulate you into thinking that they mean well when they don't and I'd Rather somebody stab me from the front then behind it's almost easier when you know somebody's a bit crazy than when they're not and I think governments where they pretend they've got your best interest inside when they really
haven't at least you know what they like the ones that are obviously bad firstly there's common consensus everyone agrees that they're obviously bad but also you can make a choice whether you want to be part of it or not but when they slowly manipulate you into thinking that they got you back I think that makes it takes away the freedom of choice you don't realize what you're actually doing so I think the lack of like in you can't make an informed judgment with a a government that creeps their intentions into your food or into your
drugs or into your Pharmaceuticals you can't make informed decisions with that whereas one that says oh you say this I'm going to cut your hands off so oh God I don't want to be a part of that I'm going to leave but one that's like no no no you can do that you could do that and then bam you're in jail that I don't I I for me I rather just know what it is with people with governments with humans with food with everything just tell me what it is and then I can make an
informed judgment good or bad at least I know what I'm doing okay so I will agree with you that I don't want a government being uh secretive hiding things manipulating which they do and I would be hardpressed to believe that there's any government that doesn't do that uh I just want to live somewhere where they can't cut my hands off okay that's uh that's sort of my i' rather live somewhere where they might cut my hands off as long as I just don't do the wrong thing rather than tell I don't even know what the
right or wrong thing is because they just make up the rules on the spot that is fair predictability predictability the rules you know what you're doing you know when to leave you know what you can and can't do but the whole like oh this person's Above the Law and this is below the law and you find out when your parents pass away that they've got taxes on your inheritance and this I let's just keep it real I cut my hands over I'd rather that then you don't tell me anything and then last minute I get
shoved in the dark so I don't want yeah but to each their own yeah uh so not defending either of those systems but thinking from first principles I'll say anything that maximizes human flourishing obviously I think the freedom is a huge part of that um I have a feeling you're coming at it from a uh UAE reference point which which is where I live yep I'm coming at it from the position of when countries break authoritarian they tend to not let you leave the country uh and so it isn't as simple as oh well I
don't like it so I'm going to leave anyway we should probably put a pin in that uh so getting back to um what we were talking about in terms of uh beauty is not equally distributed we know that we're not going to have even outcomes for people but how does this all begin to derange people um and what is the what do women have to I have to own but what where do they lie in the responsibility chain it's difficult for them I I think it's really difficult for them because they're so indoctrinated just like
our men have been indoctrinated with pornography women are indoctrinated with this idea of liberalism and freedom to the point where they've lost their own identity they don't even know they say now it's a trend like it they'll say like uh whether it's gender or whether it's sexual preferences but the real thing that I've noticed with women is that they don't even know what their sexual preferences are anymore they don't know if they're bisexual if they're straight if they're this that and the other and even women are now using women as sexual objects I know women
I know men and women in relationships and the woman will go Scout another woman for to spice up their marriage how have we got to a society where we're using other women as a tool to increase the novelty in your relationship and then you can just throw away the next day and yet we're claiming that we are becoming liberal and we have got women's rights there's nothing more degrading than using women as a device to pleasure your husband and then just throw her out the window the next day like where is this coming from so
I think what's really hard for women is what they've told is good for them is actually the exact opposite I have an Instagram account which I you know I got deactivated recently and it had like no originally it was on like 800,000 they deactivated it and I knew there was somebody in meta that was deactivating air so I spoke to the people on top to get it back unfortunately for me it landed in the hands of a woman and I knew as soon as I saw the name Heidi tram I knew straight away they're not
going to help me but they said no we deactivated your account it wasn't done by meta because you left a comment that was uh unacceptable and the comment was um H you guys can women can be [ __ ] men can be [ __ ] but it's nothing I will never condone [ __ ] behavior on my page if you want Liber liberal values you can have that but on my page I don't condone people sleeping around and they said that is insulting people's sexual preferences so even if you try and have your own opinion
when it comes to liberate liberal sexual values you're shut up shut down by even people in Instagram and meta so I I don't think there is a way of kind of getting them to understand that their identity is being completely destroyed and what they're told is good for them is actually the exact opposite what they told is liberating is actually more and more objectification of women you're being told that it's liberating go do whatever whatever you want no judgment no judgment but who are you benefiting when we're telling women that you can be as sexually
liberal as you want the only person that benefits from that is creepy men men who have no desire to invest in you who have no desire to marry you have no desire to look after you but because you've been indoctrinated into thinking it's liberating coming to his house at 3:00 a.m. and then leaving at 3:45 and not hearing from him the next day you are now going into the real world with such low self-esteem but not knowing why and they keep feeding into the liberal values that is's actually destroying their self worth because liberal values
basically what liberal values means is Hedonism just do whatever you want just be whatever you want whatever makes you happy but we as human beings don't realize what makes you happy and what makes you respect yourself are not the same thing it would make me very happy to eat whatever I want all day every day but it wouldn't actually help with my self-respect similarly it would make you very happy to post whatever you want do whatever you want sleep with whoever you want in the moment but you have to have a vision of how you
see yourself in the future and if you forget that Vision you will completely Hammer at your own self-esteem and then they're not I don't just like I said men have been hijacked with pornography women have been hijacked with liberal values women have been hijacked with liberal values okay so why isn't it liberating because essentially everything that they're told is liberating is actually catering to the male preference what what we told that is liberating the only thing that we actually got them to do is we've got women to start working but you know I actually love
working and there's nothing wrong with it but essentially it helps men they don't no longer have to pay every bill you now contribute to it it helps companies as well they you you get paid less than a man but you still work just as hard you get taxed whatever it is so it helps that or they might be told that you can sleep around and you don't have to have kids you can just sleep around with as many men as you want and no one can judge you who does that benefit what woman benefits from
that we the only people that benefit are the men that are profiting from it even when you tell them that you can be that the shame of being a sex worker has disappeared no problem but who does it benefit you now have to contort Your Existence to a male preference because if you gain too much weight you're no longer going to get as many subs or if you lose too much weight you won't get as many Subs so instead of being your own individual you have to think what do men like and that's what I
have to be in order to get this liberating existence it's the least liberating existence there can ever be if women are able to use use promiscuity to get men um which is something that you said earlier yeah which they do have we not given them a tool that they can use to given them a tool to access the men they don't want because we don't respect the men that we can manipulate through promiscuity because if I can manipulate you through my promiscuity so can she so can she so can she you are not a man
of substance so yes I might be able to use and abuse you for a limited period but in the the long run do I respect you do I want to be with you can can I be myself with you can I really show you what my true intentions are or do I have to be a bit sneaky I can't can you guide me absolutely not how can a man that I can manipulate sexually guide me in any area of Life I'll be like shut up you don't I I know how to manipulate you how would
you know what to tell me what to do so yes you can access men men and you can access very very very successful men and get a very great life for yourself but you can't access true intimacy and connection with those types of men because those men don't don't want true intimacy and connection should people be able to choose for themselves or do you think that restrictions should be placed on people restrictions should always be placed on people absolutely as long as the person doing the restrictions has their best interest in mind I think we
if look I one of the things I been online and you know I get a lot of positive but and negative but one of the positives I always get is sometimes they'll say to me how do you know all of this how do you know like where did you figure this out or how come you're so traditional where did you get that I don't necessarily think I'm traditional I just always had parents that guided me now if I didn't have that of course if I had this level of like if I a monopoly on the
internet of course I would use that for financial gains and I would just be you know in a a private jet and doing all these but I had restrictions growing up now what those restrictions led to for me personally and not for everybody for me personally what it meant is there was a cap on how much I can IND indulge in my own like desires there's a cap to it because I would have parents that would kind of restrict me so because my selfish desires were capped because of my restrictions I then had to think
outside of what just makes me happy in the moment and I had to kind of find an different identity so I think if we don't give people any restrictions where would they draw the line if I gave a man no no restriction on what type of woman he wants how do we know what where does it get to where if we give them complete utter Freedom similarly if you give women complete utter freedom of what they want in out of life most people will find that they need someone they need something even if it's not
their parents but it's somebody that loves them that restricts them they need some kind of guidance do you think people need restrictions or no I think that restrictions are Beyond critical that the sanity will come from time tested restrictions but I think people have to be free to choose to be morons and so it's interesting what I'm realizing is I think we have a core disagreement at the level of values yeah so so what would be one restriction you think everyone should follow what would be one law that will lead to human flourishing well just
in your opinion uh if you want to get to human flourishing you should restrict your diet massively okay that's a good one um I don't think it should be imposed top down and I think you should be allowed to to eat or drink yourself to death and if you want to shoot heroin until you die yeah go for it um it would not be what I advise and I'd be very sad to see anybody I love make that decision but as you were going I I wrote what I believe which is give me Li liberty
or give me death like I'm I'm such a 80s American it's but I think you believe that because you naturally have self-control that is a big part of it for sure but I also believe again norstar human flourishing I don't think you can have human flourishing with authoritarian top- down rule um so I think you can't have human flourishing with no restrictions we both agree so now the question becomes not do we need restrictions we both agree we need restrictions the question becomes how do you get the restrictions so well I I'm going to be
biased with that you know well I'm religious so it's always going to come from what I believe is like sent by God because only in in my personal opinion only um God has our long-term plan in mind and our actually cares about our you know wellbeing everybody else is you know motivated by either money or power or something status whereas so for me I'm going to give a very boring answer and it's not very interesting but for me like I I think I mentioned last time I was just very lucky that my my perspective and
this is something my partner finds a bit like he thinks I'm just a bit too gullible but I'm very lucky that every restriction that's placed on me through religion even though I might not follow it like for example I don't cover my hair I still agree with every thing and if I don't agree with anything if I find something I don't agree with I always just say well s you've probably misunderstood what God meant in that moment so I agree with the no alcohol I agree with the no sex before marriage I agree with like
you know being modestly dressed I agree with so many things that I just and now also another thing that I've learned which is I wouldn't tell my husband this but one thing I have learned is I Now understand why men are allowed more than one wife and through my work and do you know why I've learned this through my work nine times out of 10 when a man comes to me with some issues with his wife it's usually related to sex and what happens with women is when they are madly in love with you in
the beginning stages they're very sexually open so on and so forth and they give you good 10 10 15 years they'll give it to you and then after kids and after time they're like we' had our sex days like we don't need to still have sex come on we're like 50 years old now we're 60 years women can sometimes go years without wanting it or needing it they're content with cuddles but when they're fully fully secure in their relationship they're content with little sexual contact men particularly where men are a bit afraid to ask for
it they their their drive just doesn't decrease over the years it just doesn't change for women it very much changes for men it just does not change and I remember thinking that oh God I can't I can't imagine being still sexual like at 50 60 years old but I'm sure my husband would be in his grave still wanting sex so I think that it's something that men don't change that aspect and women are fluctuate a lot lot with that aspect so I can almost see why sometimes it's like you know if they don't have another
wife they're just going to have a mistress or they're going to do some nonsense or they're going to destroy their marriage in some way shape or form or not if that aspect is missing so giving people the concept of a second wife there where they actually have to be responsible and love and dedicated to another woman would make him think twice whereas when he can just get a prostitute and go it's like it's more likely that he's just going to indulge in that more regularly and often if I if I if I was a religious
man and I had one wife and she's not giving me sex and I was truly religious I'd be like oh god I've got to find another wife that's going to take long and she might be difficult and M it's a lot thought whereas if I'm not a religious man and my wife is not giving me sex I'll just go to the clerk or broth or and potentially bring all sorts of diseases or get into a different kind of world that is all sorts of like disgust so I can even see things that I never thought
I would agree with God shows me through life experience that he's always right okay um what do you think about that uh I think this is really insightful and uh going back to while I'm not religious I think religion is do you think um that men can have two wives or what do you think um I will answer that question in a moment but first I want to understand um if you agree that God is always right that there have been times where at first you think he's wrong only to then realize he's right yeah
why don't you wear a hijab oh great question uh vanity is the only answer that's the only answer I have tried I have tried many times and I felt um at the time I was working in an environment and I felt like it was I'll be honest it was in a British school and U British people are like automatically they assume that you're going to be very different here's the thing with Brit I I don't mean to use the word racism or anything like that but British culture is very different to American culture it's not
racially it's not racist in terms of your skin color if I if you are Black White doesn't actually it's not really a skin color it's a culture that they're racist about so if you have the same British values as everybody else they don't really have a problem with you you can be black you can be Indian you can be Asian there's no discrimination but if you show that you have very different to British values like you might be Muslim or you might be you know have completely different moral values there is an instant I wouldn't
call it racism but there's an instant discrimination against them believing that you're not going to have anything in common with them or believing that you're not going to you're not part of them or believe there's some kind of cap to your progress so because I felt that I ended up removing it but I do believe in modesty I do believe in it I don't practice it myself but I do see the benefits in it I just my parents my mom doesn't wear it none of my family members none of my sisters wear it so I
wasn't raised in a household with it and it's something I've always aspired to but I haven't got to and then I just went online and it kind I I thought it was just you know I just do one or two pictures online but it became a thing so now I almost feel a bit trapped like oh how do I make a reversal if I was to go and wear the hijab I don't know how that would pan out it's even more pressure to how how would I make that comeback if I was to do that
that's interesting I don't know that I track what you're worried about what are you worried the push back will be push back just in general the push back in general because I'm not when you have when you do wear hijab you do have to uh be mindful of other behaviors a bit better it's a bit like when a police officer wears his uniform you know you expect him to follow the law a bit better in general me I'm you know I can be nice as pie I've got a temp from me I'm a [ __
] I can't be like kind and it will never go yeah there something that just is ingrained so um it would be the this is me making excuses for not doing it because I should just do it regardless of the excuses but it would be me worried that I'm not going to do it justice and then also just push back in general I think I'm just a bit anxious about and vanity first and foremost I would say vanity yeah I was going to ask do you think that the lesson God is trying to teach you
with the hijab is how to get over your vanity yeah absolutely of course and I preach about like pornography and not being obsessed with women because of their looks and blah blah and yeah and and people have pointed this out which is very true I am a woman who takes care of her appearance and I've definitely used my appearance to my advantage when it comes to men in the in my past and where you know you get out of speeding tickets all the time and you get lots of promotions with it so I've definitely used
it to my advantage but at the same time I recognize it if we strip men of that obsession with it and we strip women of that obsession with it perhaps we can create more um intrinsic values okay let's push this into its natural extreme how do you feel about a burka uh I would say it's slightly more on the extreme side I do feel like it's a little bit less necessary because it's not prescribed it's not like you don't have to do the full it's just a hijab I do think it's a bit more extreme
only because I would say in cultures where everybody's wearing hijab if you want to do that extra thing to kind of make yourself modest I can understand but in cultures like here where it doesn't actually enhance modesty but actually creates more distance than than it does enhance modesty I would say it doesn't serve the right purpose yeah why do you say it doesn't enhance modesty because it just um it doesn't make the person seem more modest it just makes them seem a bit like well other people would just kind of the thing is when you're
fully covered that's modest enough in a culture like this and maybe in a culture where Saudi where everybody's in that you can still stand out with your face but in a culture like this you kind of almost you know when someone's fully covered they're they're modest enough the extra part actually draws more attention I think so it can actually reduce the modesty because it can actually draw more attention to it but that's no no offense to it I still I admire people's dedication but personally from from a personal perspective I'd say in this culture it
it attracts more attention than it decreases yeah this is um this is an important thing for us in culture to get right is okay if we've swung too far we're too promiscuous we're shaping kids Minds with pornography way too early uh we create an incentive system for for women to use their sexuality to get early easy wins um and that all of that put together begins to derange culture then you start saying okay so then how do we stop this do we just completely ban pornography from existing uh do we force people to cover up
so that you can't see it if we're going to make them cover up their hair do we make them cover up their whole bodies do we put them in a burka like how far do we go um and how like like how you said capitalism is the worst problem like it's the best of the bad worst problems I would say similarly like look there's so many problems associated If We R completely remove pornography and we make everybody really modest you're probably going to enhance the idea of sexual assault it's probably going to enhance some kind
of you know or you know where they end up experimenting with each other if they can't access women and stuff and you know it can cause a lot of problems in that response you just have to pick the problem that you're willing to handle and the Willing yeah whichever problems are more manageable but you know I've never tried alcohol yeah I do not missing anything do drink much or no much definitely not so I'll drink a few times a year uh unfortunately I said this exact same in our last episode it makes me feel like
I'm suppressing the urge to dance on a table uh it's just really destructive to the body now because I am unreasonably disciplined even when I'm drunk I don't do stupid things so um that isn't my problem it's just to so what is your like where which area of your life where is your self-control kind of um compromised the audience will be very bored by this answer but there's one area and it's actually devastating there's one area where I have just no discipline whatsoever I cannot find a way to embrace that you can be anything you
want in life but not everything and so I am constantly trying to do too many things so even if I were to teach you what to do from a business perspective I would say you have to narrow your focus even look at the interviews like the YouTube algorithm would say just do episodes on finance yeah and here we are talking about relationships and also the length of them yeah the length of them they would YouTube would suggest that you know you keep it YouTube rewards me for longer you have really great views for long 4our
episode then we'd really be in business it it is almost directly correlated how how do you find that because not many people can get that like that many views from such long content you have to run the experiment so here's what you need you need some percentage of your audience who's like no matter how long this is I will watch and so your average view duration gets longer the longer the episode and then if you're exploring interesting ideas then people like oh wow like I want this to be longer oh wow uh so yeah as
I made my episodes longer the channel started to grow amazing yeah because but it must be something in the dialogue that you're doing because that's not the same for everybody because people don't even sit through a movie that long yeah it's true well people break up podcasts as well so they'll watch this it's interesting you can watch over like the first four days the average reut duration just keeps going up up up up up cuz people like they started on day one they get a little deeper in day two and by day four they finish
the whole thing and do you have a like a YouTube moment that you're most proud of a YouTube moment that I'm most proud of um this is very much recency bias uh but and this episode so far people hate it but I can't tell you how much fun I had so I just had lease on the podcast for the third time yeah and it was it was awesome because I went into it and I said I'm going to pin her down even if she ends up embarrassing herself like I we can always edit it out
but like I'm not going to pull back I'm not going to interview her as her husband I'm going to treat her like I would treat any other guest and she [ __ ] hammered it it was awesome like so seeing like I was really like not pulling punches and to see her absolutely crush and uh the comments my audience apparently hates my wife which makes me sad in a way that I can't explain her audience hates me so I guess that way uh but uh I could not have had more fun I was so impressed
with my I've been with her 23 years and I was blown away a that's such a nice moment did she enjoy it did she did we were both like oh my God this may not perform but holy hell was that fun what moment so yeah she found a new gear in my opinion and I was like I think if she draws a line and says there's me before that interview and there's me after because it's really interesting as a podcast host H you bring something different out of the guest it's really fascinating and because guest
will often prepare for my show I get a more um serious prepared version formal perfect than somebody else might get and so to see her come be formal on my show really [ __ ] awesome and what did you learn new from her was there anything that you hadn't realized or um that she has thought about relationships even more deeply than I had thought that she has thought about independence even more than I thought she did and so there were a couple times where I'm like I'm she's backed herself into a dead end and then
she like really had um interesting ways to think about it that I hadn't considered it was fun and then she ended up sort of accidentally showing me that I had a flaw in the way that I was explaining a concept so that was really interesting yeah it was just a lot of fun a I'm so Happ for you guys it makes me very happy to see how you guys respect each other and it's the same off camera you know sometimes people think okay yeah it's just a camera thing and blah blah blah but it's definitely
not it's definitely not you can definitely spot the authenticity in it so I'm just always so happy for you guys when I see you guys happy to be proud of each other challenge each other and just be proud to be with one another it's such a nice feeling PSA yeah you you want to find somebody you have to contend with yeah so I think Jordan Peterson has it right and I I can't tell you enough like so one of the things you said earlier is guys don't want push back yeah I don't want push back
uh my wife pushes back all the [ __ ] time and the number of times I just want to be like can you please just let me lead for the love with God yeah and my life would be worse if she didn't push back she has made me a better person because she pushes back she's made me wiser she's made me more effective as an entrepreneur more effective as a husband a friend I mean just really really really and so it my marriage has really made me feel like hey some of these traditional things because
I'm way more of a progressive I'm a technologist I want to usher in just a new Utopia like make it all amazing but when I look at the traditional grounding of a marriage how much it's given me in fact here's an idea I want to run by you okay so we've just gone through all the things that create all these problems but when I think about um what made Lisa and I work is that we found each other young yeah and because of that she wasn't going after me because I had resources she was going
after me because she believed that together I could get access to resources now this feels like the most offensive thing that I ever say out loud but we may have been better off in fact I I will just say on balance even though I'm a liberty guy so I want people to be able to choose on balance I think everyone was happier when women had to work through men yeah and because I know how inflammatory that statement is I will ask the audience to give me a second to develop that idea when Lisa was a
housewife she was not interfacing with the world in a career way in a business way but her fate was so tied to mine that she very much was like okay what are the important things that are happening in our lives how are you handling it in in a fun wonderful way but like oh well did you ever think about this or you should push for that or you should ask for a raise or you should try to get Equity or whatever like but constantly like she had ambition and drive and motivation in her soul but
the only way to manifest that in the world was through me and so it was making me better it was pushing me in areas where I might not have pushed or at least not as pushed pushed as hard things I would tell her would make her angry but they wouldn't make me angry so she's like you should be mad about this and let me give you a different perspective on why and then even though I wasn't just going to run in and be like my wife says you're like okay let me internalize that let me
think about it that's an interesting perspective you're giving me a new frame of reference and so over time I realized whoa I'm getting better because of this person's influence on my life and she's getting better because of my influence on her life and then you start going is that why Evolution has gone hey I'm gonna make this diad and I'm Gonna Make You Different yeah I'm not gonna make you good at the same things and you guys are GNA come together now as two halves of a ho and so and then for fans of East
Asian philosophy there's this symbol known as the yinyang and the yinyang has these two sort of they're almost intertwined and then they have a piece of each other inside of it and I've always thought that's Lisa and I so I am very masculine but I have a bit of feminine in my temperament Lisa's very feminine has a bit masul in Herer and so we have a much deeper understanding of each other and we believe that together as a whole we're far more effective even though separately we're both very potent and very effective in real life
I you just look at our individual accomplishments we're very effective in our individual lives but when we come together that it's very much a more than doubling yeah and it could be you know sometimes I'll have clients that come to me and say should I stay or should I leave and the first thing I ask them is do you like the person you are more when you're with them or when you're not with them and usually the couples that last are the ones that they genuinely like the person they are when they're together whereas the
ones that have no chance are the ones that when they're together they're toxic they're brutal they're rude but to the rest of the world they're actually quite nice and they're actually quite calm it's just this relationship is bringing that out of them so it sounds like from your perspective you wouldn't like your life half as much if she wasn't in it that is for sure and you wouldn't like the person you are half as much if she wasn't the one in your life so and one more I wouldn't be half the person if she wasn't
in my life and so that's the reason that I say I think people may have been better off when they understood that part of this exchange is we meet each other at roughly post colle age so 22 to 25 and then we spend the rest of our lives together often Tied by kids which we are not but that we're going to share this life we're going to do it together that we're stronger as a couple that we're going to work through all the things that make relationships difficult because they can be difficult but that in
doing all of that we will get more out of this life emotionally and I mean even just as crassly as financially by being a team and what would you have done if you had to if you had met each other in like 2020 when you had to contend with Instagram and Tinder and stuff because luckily you met when you kind of just missed that stage uh but now the because when people meet young there's so many Alternatives and so much like oh I'm missing out I'm missing out how how do you think you would have
fared if you had met in this generation so I think that the there are benefits and disadvantages to the way that my brain is as a as a literal organ I think I am I am a very deep thinker but I'm a very slow thinker okay so it takes me a long time to think through very complicated topics uh so I think I would have gotten caught up just like anybody else so first of all I may respond to vagina in a disproportionately strong way I've always considered myself a hyper responder right two vaginas or
just oh wow really yeah so uh I I won't embarrass my wife but yes like that for sure is a thing for me um and it I think I would have thought Tinder was better than a spaceship or a time travel device like wait you're telling me that I can go on this thing and it will tell me people that are near me that want to have sex like you must be joking yeah so I would have way way way gotten caught up in that now thankfully praise be to God I've had enough experiences sexually
to go when I'm not into her I actually feel lonely and so there's a really interesting sense of a the the most alone I've ever been is when I was inside of a woman that I didn't care about yeah and that realization was [ __ ] fascinating and so here I am in the middle of having sex and I'm thinking like an anthropologist and I'm like ooh this is an important thing to know about myself but do you think that cheaters avoid that feeling by knowing that they have a stable partner at home and they
can focus on just the pleasure of that experience I've heard you talk about it so here's what happens if you as a man don't have a woman that looks at you like a hero none of the sacrifices you're making are worth it I'll spare you the time yeah and so if I I think that there's a guy named soldier niton who wrote a book about the goog called the gulg archipelago about the Russian prison camps and in it he says you have to understand that if only it was a bunch of evil people doing evil
Deeds yeah then we could just go find them kill them and we'd be done but the reality is that the line between good and evil runs straight through every human heart so I imagine myself as the person that would be the fool and so I know that I would get to the point where I wanted to cheat so badly I would go to Lee and say this either has to change or I'm leaving you yeah and the thing that would put me in that situation is she doesn't look at me like a hero anymore and
now someone else does and they make me feel powerful again and I think if you don't appreciate a man and make him feel powerful he's going to find that somewhere else and do they classify appreciation as sex no did two very different so can but can a man still feel appreciated by a woman that's not sexually fulfilling him or does he feel like because because yeah they can like say there was it would be a piece missing so I'll feel appreciated but I won't feel loved so if Lisa wanted to make me feel disconnected all
she needs to do is not have sex with me and then I'll be like wo I don't feel loved and she that is very disorienting for her and for both of us when we heard the phrase that we said earlier that women need to have women need to feel loved to have sex and men need to have sex to feel loved and I really can't emphasize that enough if you've gone more than a month two months with that and I sometimes I'm I'll say oh he say my me and my wife just don't sleep with
each other anymore and I'll say how often do you sleep together and they'll say three times a month and I'm thinking that's not that bad but in a man's world that's actually for him in that particular case that wasn't enough so if you are if you have a husband that's Moody and a bit ratty and all of these things and you've tried everything you tried like being nice to him and and it's not working have a look at your the the physical intimacy if that's even remotely missing it's like they they can't activate their happy
switch until that's been activated unfortunately so and I think women really underestimate it myself included until I been working with men it is the most important form of appreciation in their world like of course with everything else but they need it's it's a way of feeling all types of intimacy physical emotional everything comes from that so it is really important plus the verbal affirmations and all those other things but that's a really important element of it and it is a guard for infidelity as well if you can maintain your intimacy it does guard them against
infidelity hopefully yeah I think that that's one of those it just is it it should be that way but it certainly it just is and unfortunately another thing that I've said that kind of can upset people is that also they need to be somewhat attracted to each other like if you have Let Yourself Go I wouldn't say it's just men or women if you've let yourself go completely your partner might still love you but they do not desire you the desire decreases if you're totally different to the person they signed up for yes I know
there should be unconditional love but it's there's not unconditional desire desire is something that is more visual based so you owe it to each other to remain somewhat in the ballpark of what you were when you met and remain somewhat attracted to each other because there's just too many alternatives to that now it's just guarding your own marriage is to go place a guard where women get it wrong is that they just expect he should just be a desire me and he should just love me and he should just I know he should but he
just won't you've got to remain somewhat in the same physical capabilities as you were when you first met for him to remain satisfied some might stay loyal but they won't necessarily be satisfied it's interesting I think where people put their shoulds they need to be very careful cuz he should just be into me now you're setting yourself up for disaster uh but do you think men should also just realize that sometimes you can't maintain that level of physicality for the rest of your life or is it something that they can't always adap to they just
no I think dude look message to young men yeah for your own emotional well-being when you get with a woman and you decide this is you're going to make a shot at forever yeah you want to make sure that that person feels safe yeah and the safe isn't just physically safe the safe is emotionally safe and so when Lisa was 22 I was like I want you to hear me right now you are beautiful you're young you're gorgeous you're in great shape you have an amazing body beautiful face but you won't forever and I'm still
going to love you I'm still going to desire you and I want you to understand why I'm going to desire you at that age because we're going to spend the rest of our lives investing in each other being there for each other um sharing sexuality keep this as hot as we can like doing all these things so that there's a playfulness there's a bonding to it there's a celebration of that right now we have youthful skin and we look great and you know all that stuff but life moves in phases yeah and this is a
temporary phase and I want to take advantage of it while we have it but I don't want us to ever be surprised by how we will change and so making those invest ments early on of both telling her you're beautiful now I'm extremely attracted to you now and in the future I'm going to be just as attracted to what could you do that would make would could potentially make you less attracted to her because the problem is when men don't vocalize when they've lost attraction and then they just have a slow resentment towards their partner
because they're not satised don't do silence yeah so there have been times where both of us have not been in Peak physical condition and look I used to walk around with six-pack abs M I'm now more like a two-ish pack abber still still very impressive still in reasonable shape like I'm no big deal yeah um but it's not like Lisa's like hey what the [ __ ] she knows that I'm capable of being in better shape but there's a band in which she still finds me attractive also the band is like you not become a
physically lazy person I think it's more the laziness that finds that she might find unattractive but you're still in good shape it's just maybe we peek and at different stages but she she hasn't seen you turn into a gluttonous person that she can no longer recognize so but is there anything she could do that would make her nonattractive to you physically or both uh so emotionally yes that that would be very easy if she stopped appreciating me became hostile belligerent um if she ever used my insecurities against me in a weaponized way all of that
that's ugly to me uh so that would be very problematic obviously Infidel is just not start it wouldn't make you lose it's just lost the relationship over I would lose respect for and I certainly wouldn't be attracted to um physically yeah if she got lazy and let herself go and wasn't putting energy into her appearance um if she didn't try to be sexy for me um that would be problematic like I do expect her expect her to make an effort as she should expect me to make an effort and I think that's something that men
just need to be more vocal about when they're speaking to their wives because it's so much better to have that difficult conversation than to have the difficult conversation that you've been texting another girl or that you've been watching X Y and Zed it's just an easier conversation to have so be brave enough to have that conversation rather than tiptoeing that conversation and waiting until the car crashes and you know she finds something terrible out so it's just I don't know why why do you think some men struggle to have those open honest conversations is it
because the recipient is not very receptive probably not they don't understand it themselves they don't understand it themselves and when I say that if there's shakiness in your relationship your woman is not looking at you like a hero she doesn't make you powerful she doesn't anticipate your needs uh she's not making an effort or just any one of those things right there's a a thing that's off in your relationship and somebody else gives you that attention the way it feels is so intoxicating it's like when a woman feels like imagine your husband makes you feel
blah or even downright ugly and then somebody else is like whoo you are stunning what that's going to do it's going to light you up in a way and it doesn't matter who it's coming from just the feeling in itself is enough to attach to it so it's just creating those Moes around your relationship to prevent it rather than resenting these things because yes of course I would love it if you can just get as fat as you want and not make an effort ever again and no worries he'll still be loyal but it's just
not realistic let's just be realistic with each other as difficult as it might be let's just be realistic so that you protect your own marriages to guard your own marriage not to make you feel low but to elevate the your relationship also what is almost certainly happening to that person to let themselves go like that yeah is all bad yeah nothing's good about that nothing's good they're in a dark place you're spiraling and that's where you really want to reach out for help and work with your spouse you can't just wallow in your insecurities and
self-pity sometimes people when they like really let themselves go it makes them more susceptible to Affairs because they want a shortcut to self-esteem and usually that comes in the form of new attention and stuff so actually the more you let yourself go guys have always worried about the women that maintain themselves but you also need to worry about the person man or woman that's let themselves go they might look for cheap thrills to kind of elevate their self-esteem that's been dropping over the years so it is an important thing just self-respect is an important thing
to look for in your partner agreed yeah I want to talk about the future yes so what do you think is going to happen are we going to retreat from all of the promiscuity the dating apps and all of that or are AI girlfriends and sex robots going to take over uh it's going to go towards uh sex robots and AI is definitely going to go more towards that I remember when we first heard the word chat rooms we thought it's just where a bunch of pedophiles connect but really over time we now got to
the point where we're all talking online all day every day it's just got a different name to it so what seems so scary and so un like you know the idea of putting your relationship status online and all these things are so bizarre but then Facebook came and then Instagram came and then everything comes so what happens is um the devil is quite patient with how much disclosure and how much you do online so it starts very small very small foot in the door technique but it will get to the point where there's definitely Ai
and sex robots and that will definitely become um I I heard someone say something I might have been on your channel where he was saying that even the robots will create like fear of infidelity and fear of like fighting and that just to ignite the same human emotion but again without the man having or the woman having to work on any of the qualities that attracts through intimacy so it's a shortcut society that we created and I think for as long as men worship um vagina that is then it will get more the capitalist Society
will get is never going to forget that that men will pay endless and one thing I've learned and this is where my jadedness has come from is men are deeply transactional their generosity is limited to the women that they're actually touching and sleeping with and they pay for these kind of things and when you have a capitalist societ that understands that men would rather pay for webcam girls than pay their mom's medical bills or they would rather pay a random prostitutes uh you know um school fees then pay their own daughter's school fees you learn
that men are so like Eng engulfed in this area of Life the quickest way to become a billionaire is to provide men sexual access give them something that will give them sexual access and you will become a billionaire overnight because that's what men reward and invest in sadly and I don't know why that is but they will literally really really put lots of money I and I see this regularly you'll see men that will literally when it comes to say they they'll say to me oh I don't really talk to my dad that much every
time he calls me he just wants a bit of money or my brother he always wants a bit of money and yet they've got girls that they give so much money to they pay the rent for they pay the car for and she's nothing but disrespectful for but their wallet is open for that girl but for their own family they're like oh no I'm not going to pay him it's they they're transactional nature to their generosity and I don't know if that's a new thing or if that's always been there but I have noticed that
their generosity is very much linked to attraction and uh pleasure I admittedly could never be into a woman that was hostile towards me so that never resonates when you're like oh they're kind of toward them that's super weird to me however um if you look at the way that men engage with pornography versus the way that women engage with pornography first of all female pornography tends to be books so it's a written word describing the internal state how people are feeling all of that um a lot of buildup before the ACT uh whereas male pornography
is shots of the genitalia so when like if women really develop an understanding of male sexuality they will have a much easier time predicting men's behavior so when I hear that these guys put up with the belligerent or whatever and they put up with needing to pay for these girls um what's really going on is going to be something like the following I make so much money and I'm so powerful I can just pay this chick's rent and she'll spread her legs for me yeah and that's kind of evil and definitely gross but it's also
powerful it's like yep I can just I'm so good like like it's they're going to think of it in weird ways like this I'm going into this meeting with this guy and I'm going to be able to negotiate terms over him I'm going to win over him and that win is going to come to me in the form of money and then I can use that money to get this bimbo to do whatever I want now this I'm painting a very dark picture of a certain type of guy but it's like that kind of chain
is he isn't the Sheep that's oh being abused by this poor woman no and the reason that he doesn't want to do it for his dad or whatever is because they're not triggering any of he doesn't get access to anything from them that he finds interesting whereas if it's a woman that he is legitimately attracted to and he's effectively having a relationship with her genitals it's like there's still a thing look that that's just an evolutionary drive so wild like can you see why I get jaded I I I would advise you not to get
jaded I would I'm praying the reason that I would say don't be jaded is look it is yeah this is how Nature has made us if anything there's a humor to the fact that uh a billionaire like Jeff Bezos I love you and I would love to interview you one day and so I hate always using this reference but he's one of the most disciplined businessmen of all time what he build is just unbelievable and he still got caught out sending a dickpic to his mistress it's like it's you see even with like you know
um Elon Musk and both Johnny Depp and Elon Musk were in love with Amber herd and and so it just shows you that like you know this is obviously and people would be like oh but she's not all that and she's not this but because when you understand the male brain there must be something sexual that has got them attached and it's nothing more than that because the treatment is negative so yeah they do put that as a priority so yeah like I was saying the reason why I would say sex robots and all of
these things it is a dream come true for men that don't want to work on their skills and here's the main thing and the reason why sex robots will definitely replace everything else is men have confused their desire for intimacy with desire for sex when they finally meet a sex robot they can combine the two in their mind they get pseudo intimacy where you actually get a bit of a connection she'll call you and stuff and they might get to reenact the sex but really what most men are truly craving is intimacy and how you
know this is how quickly they can fall in love with a woman that makes them feel loved espe if they're attracted to a woman and she makes them feel loved it takes very few minutes for them to fall in love because their deep need is to they they don't look men particularly as a man you're built to be in tribes you're built for connection if you are lonely it is a slow death for a man and and literally in a tribal terms if you are lonely you are going to die you need a group to
stay alive so the loneliness they'll do anything to avoid loneliness and they'll do anything to have sex so when you've got when you create an AI girlfriend you have literally if you were going to invest in anything that would make you a quick billionaire invest in those companies that are creating AI or girlfriends sadly yeah yeah so let me ask you said earlier that you could now begin to understand why the Quran says that it's okay to have a second wife would you ever let your husband have an AI second wife no that would be
even worse i' would be like what that's worse way worse I'd be like you're a creep because here's the thing it's just like I would admire somebody's ability to have two wonderful women be in love with you that takes work and effort a man that can get two women to be madly in love with him and loyal to him I can admire that as a form of masculinity but having a man in love with me and I'm competing with a essentially a like a glorified iPad is insane to me like how am I competing with
something that you have to charge on a battery like I would be mortified not because of the competition element because he's not the man I would admire a man that is so desperate for affection that he will you take it in the form of something that is electronic is not a man I admire and that's what really my main issue and same thing some women I meet so many women that will say oh my husband he goes to escorts but I don't mind that as much because at least there's no feelings and it's just quick
dab or Diss that and the other and for me it's like I understand the psychology behind escorts it's not that they're not actually going because of the quick ease and release they're going because they want to avoid rejection they want to be in environments where they don't get any feedback on their sexual performance that's really the under lying reason they'll say they'll kind of mask it and say it's because it's easy and you get you pay them to leave I've worked with hundreds of guys that have used escorts every single one of them has an
insecurity in their sexual performance every single one because men who are secure in their sexual performance can get the same service from women that they don't have to pay they can get girls in the club that they'll sleep with that night and then she disappears and he disappears it's not the end of the world men who go to escorts every single one of them has either had issues with ejaculation premature ejaculation they're insecure about the size I'll always get it out of them at some point because they'll come to me they're like no no no
it's just quick and easy to get rid of them and this be honest with me because that you're you're handsome I can see that you've got lots going for you why would somebody like you go to an escort and they then they timidly admit I used to have a problem with ejaculation or I used to have a problem I'm not confident about the size of my penis or some girls have told me that they didn't like it so I just don't want that negative feedback so I I think women if you have a man that
said oh I go to escorts because it's quick and easy he's actually masking his deeper insecurity so to go to a robot I can't imagine the level of insecurity that must be involved there that's interesting I have a totally different take on that talk to me uh so the Tik Tok algorithm is one of the most brilliant algorithms in terms of understanding what you want yeah and giving you what you want to the point where you don't understand how much time just went by yeah and I think that the AI running the robots will be
the same so first of all they will get so good that they feel a real human but they'll just be that plus more so they'll pass the touring test so when you're talking to it yeah it's not like you're like well this is obviously a robot you like this is a real person and it will be a real person that will sometimes pull away just enough that you feel like you have to pursue and convince and all that stuff and but they will they will optimize for your almost certainly in the beginning anyway they'll optimize
for engagement so hopefully that's something positive and they don't turn into these hypertoxic relationships let's assume that they that you have a dial and you can be like I want to feel good and so it's getting feedback about how you feel and it's giving you more or less of what you need to actually be imbalanced and so someone like me is going to have an AI That's like adding to his life and like pushing me to be better and you know all those things uh but is also supportive and looks at me like a hero
and all that so um I am beginning to hear women leak anxiety about okay always had to compete against pornography yeah and the body standards and the sexual enthusiasm and all that and that's already exhausting and now I'm going to have to compete with the the perfect girlfriend who's literally like probably getting biometric data off of you so they know exactly what you're feeling and how to optimize it and oh I see you want my the my body temperature to be like half a degree warmer you're lacking oxytocin I need to do this it could
be anything that they could check yeah so then do you think that's only going to lead to women getting more lonely and lonely women tends to become more promiscuous women well I think they'll end up being a female solve so meaning that females will get their perfect man and so don't the thing is I highly I would be very surprised that women would attach to AI robots because here's the thing with men sex is enough to create an attachment for women attachment is enough is needed to create the sex so I the fact that the
attachment is invariably fake won't create the sexual desire well so now you're getting onto something else I guarantee it will be just as easy to fool a woman into generating desire unless they or is it like a robot no it'd be standing in front of you it it like literally in fact okay can I finally reveal the truth you're a robot I'm a robot you know the real Tom is upstairs right now so uh are you scared a second I because that's probably what it will be like do think in a way like I mean
I'm a very big skeptic and I I always the way I talk it's like the world is ending every day but do you do you think there's a part there's a room for this in our world because people are so lonely do you think it's a good resolution no oh God okay so here's what I think is going to happen technology will ultimately make things better but we will go through a brutal period of transition and that period of transition I will fingers crossed we don't annihilate ourselves with a nuclear weapon or with a biological
weapon but assuming we get on the other side of that yes it will be better but it the long Arc of History cares not for an individual generation so it will happily obliterate Millions hundreds of millions whether just outright death or just a terrible life where emotionally we're all super distraught because we're a transitional generation uh so I don't think we get on the other side in anything approaching a graceful manner yeah and will they create AI children as well like you can have children in now you're on to my fetish secretly I hold in
my head oh God my audience is going to hate me for this I brought it up once before and people went pretty nuts uh I will almost certainly at some point raise an AI child you think so but I'll do it over like a threeyear span yeah and so it'll go from yeah cuz you'll be able to dial this speed so it'll be uh I only want to spend a weekend with that as a baby because I do want to feel like I a baby robot I mean I'm making all of this up but I'm
just saying when you carry out how the technology moves so in the beginning it'll be like a um a top maachi where it'll just be a very convincing uh thing that you're interacting with on a computer screen eventually it will be embodied as a robot and they'll just get better and better but yeah you'll be able to dial it in the version that I think will be created where it's like okay the terrible twos I only want to last for a week and the teenager is oh my God like we're you know only going to
deal with that for a month but then isn't that just going to enhance depression because the whole our buffer for depression psychologically is our ability to deal with tough times and our ability to take rejection our ability to handle loneliness all negative emotion has it's our ability to thrive through it that's going to actually act as a buffer for depression but kind of warding ourselves away from it doesn't create the skills and tools we need for strong mental health so how do we prevent a nation of depressed people the AI will be optimized to make
you the strongest most resilient most anxiety and depression-free human on the planet remember we're going to pass through a brutal period you and I both agree it it will get very bad before it gets good and so in the early days it's going to be kids spending nine hours a day talking to replica on their phone and they you know aren't able to get a real girlfriend in the real world they don't have any of the advantages of it passing like a true touring test it'll be a nightmare but on the other side of this
you will be able to have relationships that are optimized completely to you the most loving what's the intention of this what's the intention of the people that are creating this uh well I mean now we're going to reopen the can of worms around capitalism and all that you you can't get people to work without compensation MH so that means that then money is going to be involved yeah and that's how you're going to motivate people and then if you don't allow them to Garner enough Capital they won't work which is why uh China started floundering
and they had to bring in state sponsor capitalism but nonetheless a variant of capitalism Russia had to do the same and so yeah capitalism will once again get involved so money is the intention okay money is the thing that but whenever the intention is money then we have to compromise human health that is false okay oh God we're going to derail again sorry for the for me this is fun this would be a good test to find out what my audience thinks Okay so money deranges people largely because it's a fiat currency that the government
says uh this is money and then they can manipulate it and they not only tax you to all hell but they do uh money Printing and when they money print money printing is the same as devaluing the money that you hold so it's it is another hidden tax so when you hear oh they're printing money and you get excited yay this is amazing the reality is that they're socializing the losses so they're buying assets which is why people get really mad but they don't understand why they're getting mad because they think I got a stimy
check from the government yes but the way that they do that is they inject that into the financial system by buying assets so the people that are rich that own the assets they benefit and then everybody even the poorest Among Us get diluted so their buying power goes down so they feel like but I got a $6,000 check this is insane I've never had this much money in one check ever in my life yes but your money is worth less now and so now the price of bread went up and so that $6,000 doesn't really
get you much unless you invest it which of course you won't uh so when you derange money now you make money deranging now I'm not letting capitalism off the hook for it just creates a win or take all scenario there really is that and you get this increasing divide and so you have to have very um smart policies that encourage people to pay their taxes re invest in their business and it's never going to be a an equitable system where everybody ends up with the same thing it just doesn't work that way that can only
be imposed by force and once you impose it by force just goes to hell in a hand basket so money is not inherently compromising but if you steal obviously problematic but often times a lot of the theft is coming from the government in terms of the way that they money print to get this hidden tax so on and so forth so do you recommend the AI girlfriend that we be ruled by AI yeah I don't know yet okay so this is one where I'm not willing to seed control yet I may see it and go
oh yeah we really should but right now I just have a knee-jerk reaction to I don't want anything to be able to tell me what to do I have a real problem with authority okay AI or otherwise and but you're an advocate technology you do agree as it's advancing or you do like the advancement of technology I like the advancement of technology I think it's a one-way Street the way that the human mind is designed you're never going to go backwards okay however I do think that Society will bate and that some people will completely
reject technology and go back to something akin to the 9s yeah I don't see it going back unfortunately but I just um I I think the measure of any kind of um whenever we introduce something new in society how we measure whether or not it's good or not is by the uh remnants on people's mental health because obviously I'm coming from a psychological perspective and if anything is decreasing our or increasing our depression anxiety loneliness it can't be a good thing even if it's causing people to make billions so that's why my it sounds bizarre
considering my life is all built on technology uh from an objective standpoint I don't think it's a a healthy thing for society to get more indulged in the one thing that has caused so much destruction to people's mental health over the last decade yeah but that's just my opinion I think it's a very wise take and I think that um technology is not a Utopia it will be a very bumpy ride but but probably will We Will We live through it or is it going to be in the next Generation we will live through it
live going to get walloped in the next 10 years the next 10 years your life will be unrecognizable to a level that will shock you so our husbands in the nursing homes might be having affairs with robots uh husbands in nursing homes probably won't be in nursing home because by then we will have mastered the health things that we need to keep going so yeah if I in 30 years I will be in my 70s uh so assuming I keep myself in good shape in in 30 years it wof you're probably past what's known as
The Singularity where things are changing so fast it is absolutely impossible to predict okay yeah it's an impossibility it's going to be crazy got it got it Sadia I enjoy every second I get to spend with you where can people find you uh the S the psychology on Psy on Instagram but and everything else is Saia psychology I do have a patron I do have programs I know I've been very like aggressive with men but I do have programs designed to help men rid themselves of these kind of problems that I've discussed today where it's
you know video calls and videos and all sorts of kind of activities to help reduce this dependency on any kind of addiction and help them become a more valuable man um and for couples as well so there's lots of ways to get in touch whether it's patreon Tik Tok Instagram and YouTube of course and again thank you so much for having me I do appreciate appreciate you giving me this platform and this experience with yourself it is absolutely my pleasure all right everybody speaking of pleasure if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until
next time my friends be legendary take care peace if you enjoyed this episode watch my conversation with the one and only Robert Green seduction involves the desire to lose control and Men share this as well which is why men are often attracted to women who's slightly dangerous women who are either a little bit crazy