hey guys welcome back to my channel my name is Eddie Eiser and if you don't know who I am I'm a 20-year-old entrepreneur who makes his money through social media pretty much I've been doing this for around 4 years now I've run over 15 long form channels and I currently have eight that are active and as you saw on my YouTube dashboard a second ago I made $100,000 in 10 months with this one channel and I want to show you guys exactly how I did it so you can just copy what I did step by
step so the thing that a lot of social media gurus or whatever won't do is actually show you their channels and go in the analytics and not blur everything this channel is called squiz I made content kind of similar to daily dose of internet as you can see some of my videos have 2 million views 1.5 million 1.3 million Etc and the reason I'm showing you guys this channel out of all of mine is because as you can see right here sometime in June this channel actually got demonetized now I'm going to be honest I
tried to appeal this I'm not exactly sure why it got demonetized cuz they weren't very clear with me um and no other channels in this Niche really got demonetized as far as I know but now that it's demonetized I don't care if you guys know the niche because well I'm not making money off of it anymore plus this Niche is pretty old as you can see I made this channel uh in July of 2023 so even if you went into this now it probably wouldn't work in the first place but I do want to tell
you guys exactly how I found this Niche and all of that kind of stuff so that you can go and find your own Niche and if you don't know what a niche is it's just a category you make videos in obviously this is daily dose of Internet type Niche that's what I would call it and the thing about this channel this is actually one of the channels where the voiceover was done by me so if you go to this Channel and watch any of the videos it will be my voice and I'm just going to
dive right into things how did I find this Niche because I know you guys want to watch this as a step-by-step process so if you watch this from right now up until the end of the video I think you're actually going to learn exactly how you can do this for yourself now if we actually go over to my channel and let's go to my first video for example which has 2.3 million views I'm just going to skip to a random section and play it so you guys can kind of get an idea what this was
I'm okay this guy was way too tired to care so it's literally just me compiling Clips voicing over it and that is it besides the Transitions and some sound effects and editing which by the way I didn't do but we'll get to that in a second what I want to talk about is how did I find this Niche and I know you might be saying oh you didn't find this Niche you know daily dose of Internet does this some other people do it but the thing is the reason I'm saying find this Niche is how
did I know that this niche would work right I didn't go into this completely blind I knew that I would succeed when going into this Niche for a pretty good reason now you guys might know daily dose of internet but do you know Ramsey for example so if I go over here we have this guy Ramsey and this was one of the guys that first started in this Niche and if I sore by oldest he actually started his channel a really really long time ago now let me tell you right now the more recent a
channel is that's created the better of a chance that you have in just copying them and doing just as good as them and you might be thinking that this channel wasn't recent when I created mine and you are actually right but do you know whose channel was recent if we go over and we search up chevis this is another Creator in the niche and if we go to videos and sort by oldest you can see that he started not that long ago at least not that long ago compared to when I made this channel so
if we go back we see that his first video was actually June 10th of 2023 now let's go back to my channel analytics or just to my channel when was my first video uploaded July 22nd of 2023 so do you know what that means that means I created my channel just one month after his channel so what I'm telling you right now is if you can find a Channel having success that was created within the last 3 months as you're looking at the channel then that is a good channel to get into and just make
sure that all the videos are over 8 minutes plus if I go to shev's channel let's just show you this channel was doing good uh obviously the numbers weren't this high when I found it but the numbers were doing really well for just one month of uploads right and if we take a look all of these guys videos are over 8 minutes long which means he's purpose purposefully doing this to try and make money it's an automated channel right so over 8 minutes just means you can add mid-roll ads in your video so just when
you're looking for niches just look for something that's over 8 minutes created in the last 3 months in faceless and that's really all you need if you can find like that then you're good so now you kind of get why I got into this Niche right I found this Channel and I found the channels that he based his channel off of so you know how did I end up finding it though right this is just showing you know this is a good Niche because of this but how did I end up actually finding this well
it's pretty simple if I open a new incognito window and I go to YouTube it's going to say try searching to get started because obviously doesn't have any intel but if we go to like squiz for example which is my channel we go over here let's just watch you know this video for example and now if we go back to the YouTube homepage it should have enough data to guess what start giving me faceless channels right here we have daily dose of Internet we have a ton of other channels right here is a faceless Channel
some Minecraft Channel he only has 121 videos it's not even that many we saw by oldest so this guy started 3 years ago nothing too crazy this might not be the niche to get into right because this channel is pretty old but now what we can do is we can go through this guy's videos skip through it a little bit right and then now we're going to go back to the homepage once again and now we're getting something different right this guy isn't even verified so this guy has 15,000 subscribers immediately I'm already starting to
find stuff and and check out this guy's views right he has a ton of videos I'm guessing his old videos were just throwaway videos he didn't know what he was doing yep I'm exactly correct right see how many times I've done this I already knew what I was going to look at cuz as you see his Channel's recent videos has really good views but he has a lot of videos so I already knew he probably is an older Channel but as you can see he was kind of just doing random stuff back then so this
was an old Channel but it looks like he actually didn't start getting views that long ago guys look at this 300,000 views 400,000 views 880,000 starting 2 months ago this is exactly what I was talking about even though the channel wasn't cre 3 months ago this right here this is a niche you could get into I don't even know what this is um however the only problem here that I'm now noticing is that these videos are not 8 minutes long he is getting a lot of views though but the videos aren't long enough however we're
starting to get better better um search results right on on the YouTube homepage YouTube starting to suggest us and pretty much this is what you do you just do this start finding channels go in the incognito mode and just start looking through things right and that's literally exactly how I found this Niche I just searched up one faceless channel in Incognito that I already knew of and I just started looking clicking on other channels going back to the homepage clicking on other channels going back to the homepage and then eventually I found chevis so now
all I have to do let's go to shi's channel for example let's sort by popular and let's just copy and paste his most popular video title now guess what we found another Channel that's doing the exact same thing right this channel is also doing pretty well so this is how you find the competitors now that you found a good Niche and you want to see are other people in this Niche how many other competitors are there or other people having success recently you just copy and paste whoever you found video titles and then put them
into the YouTube search bar and that's how you found competitors it's pretty simple and that's pretty much how you find the niche the process is very simple but it is extremely important to make sure you find a good Niche because if you find a bad Niche and get into it make a bunch of videos then you pretty much did all that for nothing so I talked about this a little bit before I said I didn't do the sound effects myself right and that's because I didn't even make the videos myself yes the voice in all
the squid videos were voice acted by me but that's because it took no time at all to do I did this with no script and the reason I did it with no script is because I had two people working for me I had first of all an editor who pretty much the editor would make the intro he would compile all the clips together then add my voice over in between each clip then add a transition in between all of the clips then add sound effects subtitles to some of them and then also repeat the video
if my voice over was too long in the beginning so pretty simple stuff and I was paying the editor $45 per video and guess what I was uploading twice a week meaning 45 * 2 is 90 * 4 is $360 and I was making 15 to 20K a month on that channel but although I was paying 360 a month or for the editor that wasn't the only person I had right I said I had two people the other person was a clipfinder literally somebody that would go on Tik Tok Instagram and YouTube shorts find like
viral recent clips of the week and just download them and then send them to me he would send me like one clip set at a time um and each clip set had 90 Clips in it and for each clip set I was paying a total of guess what $15 so that's another 15 * 2 per week is 30 * 4 is 120 so all in all less than $500 per month to make $15 to 20 grand per month let that sink in and the way I recorded the voice over I would just open audacity on
my computer I would go through the clip folder and just record my voice over so I would just literally watch the clip for the first time ever I would watch it and then I would narrate what happened in the clip then go to next clip watch it and it doesn't matter if I messed up if I stuttered or whatever because I would just do one voice recording and then send it to the editor and he would cut out all the mistakes and then compile it in order to the clips which were ordered in the folder
by the clip um finder and I promise you I swear I'm not lying each single recording took me no more than 10 to 15 minutes to create meaning twice a week I would spend 10 to 15 minutes doing a voiceover now outside of the videos I actually was the one creating the thumbnail and I'll show you exactly how I created the thumbnail in a second as well but first of all how did I find these people who did I hire you know how did I do all of that in this little document I made thumbnails
is at the bottom so I'll talk about that in a second but first how did I find an editor how did I find the clipfinder you know how could you find a thumbnail artist if you don't know how to make thumbnails but in this case the thumbnails you're about to see how easy they were to make um and you'll see why I didn't hire somebody to do it so we got my favorite server here creative Paradise I'm actually going to link this Discord server in the description I have no affiliation with it I don't know
the owner I don't know a single admin mod nothing I don't know anybody in this server this is just my favorite server to actually find people so pretty much what this Discord server is this is the same thing as like Fiverr up upwork but on just way better pretty much and the reason I say that is because it's so much easier to find people because all you have to do rather than searching on Fiverr you know editor and looking through all the editors all you have to do is make a post like look at this
r random dude he posted what literally in the last 60 seconds he posted looking for a thumbnail editor for a Minecraft video who can make eye-catching thumbnails DM me and then he just Rises price what he needs pretty much and guess what he just in the next 24 hours I guarantee you this guy's going to have 150 thumbnail artists who are dming him and guess what this can be used this jobs tab can be used for anything you can find an editor a thumbnail artist a voice actor a clipfinder a manager uh pretty much anything
and this is where I found both the clipfinder and the editor literally I just made a post through here and then I just went through my DMs and for the editors what I did is I made one Sample video that was a minute long right just not 90 Clips but I think it was like 10 Clips or something and I told them to just edit it together um and I sent them purposefully a voiceover where I messed up I stuttered and I made sure that it was a little bit challenging for them so I sent
it off to probably 20 editors and like three of them got back to me and were good and I had two of them as backup editors in case my main one was unavailable and the guy who was the best and gave me the best price that was the main editor so that's how I found the editor clipfinder was the same thing I'm telling you the way I did it I literally had maybe 50 guys um for the clip finding and they dm' me they said hey I could be your clip finder so I just told
them compile me 20 clips from the past week 20 viral clips and you wouldn't believe like some of them really don't know what they're doing that's why so many tm' me and they would send me really garbage clips that weren't really what I was looking for or content that just wouldn't be monetizable on YouTube like that showed blood or anything like non PG but I had a few guys who sent me ex literally exactly what I was looking for and once again I just hired the main guy and then had backup guys now thankfully for
this channel I never even needed to use the backup editors or clip finders but in a lot of my other channels I actually do have to use backup guys a lot this channel somehow um everybody was like the two guys were just available every single time two times a week just never no fail and yes it's that simple that is how I found both the clipfinder and the editor in that server now the thumbnails how did I make these thumbnails so let's go back to my channel so you can actually see the thumbnails let's go
to my videos so these thumbnails they might look let me zoom in a little bit they might look like really good like really well edited like who wo look at this wasp right here you know how did I make that or let's sort by most popular here like wo how did I make this huge mosquito you know how did I do all this it's actually a lot more simple than you think I'll actually make one right now live on here and you can see how quickly I made these number one I would take my phone
go on the camera then pretty much I would just put my hand out like this and take a photo in case you guys are interested this is what the photo looks like now let's just aird drop the photo to my Mac or you could just you know send it to yourself on Discord whatever the case is now all I got to do is open Photoshop and put this in here now how do I make this crazy thumbnail uh well I actually can do this in you know 5 Seconds we take the lasso tool I'm just
going to make like a little shape right here and let's just write you know centipede with lots of legs and boom just like that guys we have our thumbnail whoo why did I touch the centipede uh and guess what they give me three variations and most of the time like this one like this one uh this one looks a little fake but like this one this one looks pretty real like look at this you know this could definitely pass as a YouTube thumbnail you have the the the shadows and boom I would just export this
and that was the thumbnail I I would literally spend exactly how much time I just showed you on creating the thumbnail every video which it would take me maybe 5 minutes so 15 minutes for the voiceover Max let's say 10 minutes max for the thumbnail so I was putting less than an hour a week into this into this Channel and spending less than $500 doar a month so 4 hours a month like $480 a month and I was making 15 to 20K I actually teach people one-on-one as well so if you're interested in replicating these
results in the description and comment section the link is going to be right there obviously I can only take on a certain amount of students at the same time so if you want to apply go apply now I'm just not sure when the spots will fill up but thank you guys for watching the video peace