10 Items Ronaldo Owns That Cost More Than Your Life

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Supercars.. Jets.. His own Private Islands.. Cristiano Ronaldo's been spending hundreds of millions ...
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these are 10 things ronaldo owns that cost more in your life and first up is 800 000 purchase that literally set a world record while playing for juventus ronaldo got the bag of a lifetime 117 million dollar deal so we just had to buy something crazy and that's why he hit up his jeweler and copped the most expensive watch in rolex history a 500k gmt master ice rollie completely covered in baguette cut and honeycomb diamonds damn you made his diamond ring and wedding band in comparison look like ring pops but listen eight hundred thousand dollars
on one hand are literally the cheapest things in this video what if i told you rinaldo owns something so expensive it literally needs 24 7 security and a museum in 2017 ronaldo was well on his way to winning back-to-back bail indoors and in celebration designer daniel decided to create something special he knew ronaldo just opened up his very own cr7 museum so he created something one of one customized cr7 nike cleaves and would it really be ronaldo's if they weren't icier in a glacier the cleats were designed to be exclusive and the only other athletes
i've heard of with diamonds on their feet are lebron james and dwyane wade which just like ronaldo's were completely covered in diamonds and those cost four mil but just look at the difference d-wade's still got i renew those cleats man there's a reason they refuse to make ronaldo's price public because he's a rare human being and that's why ronaldo's the only athlete in the world spending millions to literally save his fans lives right after ronaldo won his third ballon d'or it should have been one of the proudest moments of his life but that's when he
found out some disturbing news one of his biggest fans was suffering from a rare brain disorder and ronaldo's a man of the people so we sent the family a hundred thousand dollars for the boy's surgery and that donation literally saved the boy's life once the story became a trending topic ronaldo fans found out that he's secretly been saving kids all over the world and just a few years later ronaldo even decided to auction off all five of his ballon d'ors to donate his earnings to the make-a-wish foundation and save kids with terminal illnesses combining the
surgeries he's paid for and each ballon d'or selling for around 700k he spent around three and a half million just taking care of his fans and it's all been covered up by the hundreds of millions he spent on things like these but before we get to those first we gotta talk about the girl that's cost ronaldo 4 million because lately he's been making around 500 000 a week after taxes and he's realized that's way too much money to be iced out alone his girl georgina stuck alongside him through everything and they've even started a family
so ronald decided it's time to bless her after he caught her commenting on an instagram post from cartier right then and there he knew the perfect gift to pop the question this diamond ring is the most expensive engagement ring of any football player ever 872 thousand dollars and georgina was so happy right when she got it she had to drop a post revealing the masterpiece and uh i'm sure behind the scenes she's been paying ronaldo back big cause lately georgina's been spotted rocking sixty thousand dollar paddock felipes fifty thousand dollar diamond bracelets and here in
2021 ronaldo bought her hundred and forty thousand dollar custom louis vuitton jewelry trunk that's literally bigger than their kids georgina's entire jewelry collection is worth around four million dollars so it's safe to say her days of work in cash registers the gucci store are long gone cause whenever she ain't getting icy she's getting wet on ronaldo's 12 million dollar purchase back in 2020 right after ronaldo won his second straight serie title he just had to splash out literally and he spent over 12 m's on this this yacht has five cabins six bathrooms a kitchen bar
i mean there's a reason ronaldo and his family take so many vacations this yacht's damn near a mansion on the water but when you're making almost two thousand dollars an hour you can afford to live like jesus and that's why ronaldo has one of the most expensive car collections of any athlete ever growing up ronaldo dreamt of being behind the wheel of his favorite cars so in 2003 right when he went pro he instantly copped his first car and that was the start of a 30 million dollar addiction once he started stepping his football game
up to a new level his car collection got ridiculous rolls royces lambos porsches mercedes bentleys i'm not kidding ronaldo's made it a tradition to buy at least one new car every single month and lately his obsession started making his teammates pissed in early 2021 ronaldo decided to skip training for an exclusive ferrari event he flew to italy's factory where they dropped something rare for two million dollars and listen this ferrari manza sp1 is so exclusive you can only buy it if ferrari lets you so of course ronaldo needed one but there was a problem his
teammates got so mad at him for skipping training they damn to refuse to play so a few months after ronaldo was transferred and decided to get in trouble once just wasn't enough and hit the car dealership again ronaldo just signed a 72 million dollar deal and set aside 600k for some new whips a bentley flying spur and a lamborghini urus so right when paparazzi saw ronaldo and these dashing they made sure their cameras were flashing and when manu's manager saw his addiction of pulling up in new cars and how he was getting so much attention
he literally banned all menu players from driving any super cars as long as they're on the club so until ronoldo's contracts up in two years his entire 30 million dollar collection is forced to collect dust so i already know he's mad about his garage's most prized possession a 19 million dollar only 10 ever made bugatti shento diechi just look at this thing man it looks like it could transform and fly away but 236 miles an hour uh it just ain't fast enough for that sometimes ronaldo needs to go 600 and that's literally what led him
to setting a world record making a 60 million dollar purchase see ronaldo constantly has to travel from country to country and when he found out messi was flying around in this ronaldo just had to do him dirty 32 million dollar dirty so he went out and caught the most expensive plane of any football player ever a custom gulfstream g650 jet branded with his own cr7 logo now other than traveling faster than any car uh what other perks come with spending 32 m's well on the inside wi-fi a dining area with microwaves ovens a refrigerator and
to make things even crazier this ain't even ronaldo's only private jet he's also caught the gulfstream g200 but this time he wanted to save a little money on his rainy day plane so he spent just 28 million and ronaldo's second one put him alongside athletes like floyd mayweather and michael jordan as some of the only athletes with more than one jet but see ronaldo's used to be in an exclusive category cause right after he signed a billion dollar deal what he bought cost so many millions the only people who have one are him and donald
trump and now that we're getting into ronaldo's top three most expensive purchases ever this is where things actually get crazy one day when he traveled to san sebastian for a game against sociod he came up with a gazillion dollar plan ronaldo's team pulled up to this hotel and right when he saw the place it was love at first sight but instead of just embracing the experience ronaldo was actually inspired he hit up his boys back home and had them start sketching out designs to create his very own cr7 themed hotels and not long after he
had them built in funesha lisbon new york and paris these hotels cost ronaldo over 40 million dollars each and if ronaldo is spending over 40 amazon where his fans stay just imagine how him and his family live well let me give you a hint it cost way more than 40 m's it all started back in 2003 when he got his first career check see when all the ain't like people you and i know living in their mom's basement right when ronaldo got a chance to move out he did coppin an insane 7 000 square foot
mansion and for it being his first crib it was pretty crazy six bedrooms and bathrooms a full-size gym movie theater indoor swimming pool and a jacuzzi with it only being worth four mil this was just the beginning of ronaldo's spending problem right when he signed with real madrid he decided to upgrade and well he gave us a tour coming in this is where i live let's go i love this dog you know what because it's always quiet christiano play football we have the the nets there is already there and we create here the christmas tree
because soon hold up let me wipe off my glasses real quick did i just see this man of a basketball hoop two pools and an entire football field in his backyard man what the hell am i doing my life but listen this ain't even close to ronaldo's most expensive home in 2015 ronaldo copped his first crib in the u.s an 18 million l-shaped apartment in new york's trump tower yeah it's only three bedrooms and bathrooms but throughout the entire property there's views of literally everything in new york city but i mean are we really surprised
we're talking about a man who every single year makes a hundred million dollars and there's one person who's helped him become the man he is today so we're another one to celebrate his agent's big day making the most expensive purchase of his entire life in 2015 george mendes announced that he was finally engaged and ronaldo could have just been his best man and called it a day uh yeah right he couldn't just get george a car house helicopter or a rocket ship ronaldo really went out and spent 50 million dollars for george to have his
own island jesus christ i got to quit my job and become an elder's full-time friend or something but listen 50 million dollar islands 32 million dollar planes 19 million dollar bugattis none of that compares to renaldo's biggest secrets addictions jail time next year joining the nba there's a ton you don't know about ronaldo and i know you want to hear more about that so click this video right here [Music] you
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