I now want to talk about setting goals and before we get into our goals Workshop let me give you a few ideas about goal setting it became terribly helpful for me in those early days of all the things Mr show taught this is the one I picked up on right away and started making major changes my income changed from a few hundred a month to a few thousand a month in a matter of months uh some personal development things took me a little longer to get underway but goal setting I picked it up immediately and
went to work on it no telling what we can do with it and sure enough by setting goals making designs and plans putting it together no telling what you can do for your personal life and social economic life whatever projects you've got in mind if you start paying a little more attention Mr shoaf said to me Mr Owen you've always set goals but before now you've probably done it haphazardly and spasmodically rather than deliberately and that's a good thing to note we've already set goals only we just haven't done it really thoughtfully and carefully and
with plan and with intent and with deliberation and consistently we didn't use it as a plan we just sort of did it by instinct or by sight or something grabbed our attention and we just worked hard and got it but now he said I want you to take that same ability and now I want you to work on goals deliberately thoughtfully with preparation and then he said you can add such a wider variety of ranges to what you get and what you accomplish and what you become and and where you go just by doing it
deliberately rather than spasmodically haphazardly and that made sense to me and what he did was he gave me credit for what I'd already done right gave me credit for what I already knew and that's what we want to start with it's a little credit for where we already are right we got here some way this was a goal to get here we've set some goals we've done some things but where you might have done it just sort of loosely and once in a while and and you know the ups and downs now from now on
with just a few pointers that that I found helpful I think you can start making real deliberate plans really setting it out so that goals and dreams for you have an incredible attraction we are primarily affected by five things and here they are first we're affected by the environment and all of us are affected by environment where we live the community and the traffic and the weather and the smog whatever we're all affected by environment the people around us what's happening what's going on we're all affected by that second we're affected by events things that
happen whether they're personal things or Community things National things some of us are happening you know affected by international events does anybody remember the missile crisis there's some here old enough right to remember the missile crisis back in what 61 60 61. incredible time we discovered khrushchev's got his missiles heading for Cuba they've already prepared the missile sites and we discovered right they bring the news to John Kennedy young president so Kennedy gets a hold of Khrushchev and says Nikita you cannot put your missiles in Cuba we've discovered the sites and we just can't let
that happen well cruise ship to test the young President says well I'll tell you what Mr Kennedy we will put our missiles wherever we darn well please hmm Kennedy says no no you don't understand you can't put your missiles 90 miles from Florida you can't as well you know if we wish we will Kennedy says you don't understand and now it's getting a little bit heavy right Khrushchev says the ships with the missiles are already on the way Kennedy says you don't understand we won't let them arrive [Music] now it is getting heavy right some
of my friends were booking passage to Australia let us get on the other side of the world Khrushchev says if you touch my ships we got War m Kennedy says well maybe you don't understand if it is war you will cease to exist people were buying bomb shelters remember back then digging holes in their backyard getting ready it was an event that affected us all and I think Dean Rusk Secretary of State at the time put it best he said Kennedy and Khrushchev were staring at each other and fortunately Khrushchev blinked and he decided he'd
better take his missiles and go home which he did and the whole world breathes a little easier right events that affect us all third we're affected by knowledge whatever you've learned up until now affects you the books you've read The Experience you've come into possession of the awareness you've accumulated up until now in your life certainly affects you next we're affected by results whatever results accomplishments or failures of the past all those effects the current economic results you have okay all of the results of the past affect us and fifth were affected by our view
of the future now of all of these five things I've mentioned in my opinion here's the best way to live the good life make sure the greatest pull on your life is the pull of the future make sure that exerts its greatest influence on you the influence of the future now see some people are mostly affected by the environment they're mostly affected by their associations they're mostly affected by what's going on around them some people are affected by the past the failures what they haven't done what they haven't got or some tragedy they've let that
take the greatest toll and make the greatest claim on their lives but if you really want to live what's known as The Good Life unique lifestyle make sure the future has the greatest influence on you now there's two ways to face the future one is with apprehension being afraid of the future being uncertain the what if this happens game I used to play what if the money goes wrong what if the government doesn't do well what if there's war this what if game you can play on the negative side and sure enough it is not
that difficult if you don't discipline your mind if you don't discipline your awareness it is not that difficult to be apprehensive about tomorrow about next week next month next year the future okay that's one way to face the future with apprehension here's another way to face the future with anticipation so if you can arrange it so that you anticipate the future rather than dread the future see that can alter your whole life because guess how close the future is the next minute that's the future okay the past is quickly receding and the future is quickly
coming so we're all concerned right away with the future right the next future couple of hours the next future couple of days the next future couple of years that's the future now the best way to anticipate the future is to make sure that a big share of it for your life is well designed some of the future we anticipate simply by speculation it looks like humans are figuring out better ways to do things we anticipate the coming explosion in electronics and and uh all of the things that are being invented for our safety and comfort
and productivity we can anticipate you know conquering some diseases finding a cure for cancer there's all kinds of positive things to think about to anticipate for the future but for your own personal personal life the way to anticipate the future is to design it well let me give you a little diagram to explain part of this in our lives here's what we're primarily involved with draw four little boxes this little box is called potential and this box is called action this box is called results and this box is called attitude now since everything affects everything
else we primarily proceed based on how we feel primarily now part of it is intellect but the biggest part of it is emotion how you feel how you feel determines whether you read or don't read right reading is not really a skill problem you learn some better skills for better reading but most of you knew how to read right before you ever got here so whether you read or not it's not really a skill problem it's an attitude problem the direction you take is attitude you can decide to be happy or sad that's attitude how
you react to a certain situation is primarily attitude right you can either care not care you can listen or not listen you can go or not go right you can be there or not be there you can decide or not decide oh that's all by attitude so attitude is the determining Factor so attitude determines our potential how much potential we tap guess how much capacity we have no telling I mean we are just now beginning to understand the mental emotional human capacity our lives are far too brief for the capacity for whatever mystery that is
in one of the old world sayings it gets it says we get too soon old and too late smart now it isn't that we couldn't be smarter but it just seems as though life is so brief we just don't really have a chance to tap in on all of our mental and emotional and awareness capacity but that's one of the mysteries of life and it's meant to ponder I'm sure but depending on how much potential we tap that really depends on how we feel now if we don't tap much potential of course we're going to
have a poor action plan the person says well I'm not getting there early and and leaving late if this is all they're paying most everybody wants to know not most everybody some people want to know how little can I do and how much can I get I found it a bit disturbing when I got to Australia I found the people incredibly vigorous but I also found that they were trying to figure out ways to work less and less and less and earn more and more and more have you heard of that philosophy the question was
how little can we do and how much can we get remember everything has four parts everything has four parts one is cause to is effect three is Direction and four is destination everything has those four parts cause and effect Direction and destination see the philosophy that says we want to work less and less and less and earn more and more and more puts us on a certain direction and I'm sure everybody will agree to that now the ultimate end of the philosophy is can we finally not do anything and get it all right that's the
final destination of the philosophy can we do less and less and less and earn more and more and more now the people who go for that philosophy usually say no no no we don't want to take you that far down the road because that would be bankruptcy for all of us which is true right they say we don't want to take you that far down the road well now the next question is how far down that road do you want to take us see there's always a danger point right of going down one road too
far because sometimes when momentum is created demise is soon you cross the line of no return once you go too far so you've always got to be careful of your philosophical approach to make sure the direction you're going and the ultimate destination because one of the major questions for all of us to ask if you keep pursuing your present plan that you've been engaged in for the past year where will it almost ultimately take you in the next 10 20 years because one of the major questions to ask is 10 years from now you will
surely arrive the question is where where are you headed with your current reading schedule where are you headed with your current philosophical position where are you headed with your current attitude toward the potential you tap from your own abilities and the action plan you have where will you finally wind up see those are major questions what we all want to make sure is that what we're doing is taking us in the direction we want to go and will cause us to arrive where we want to arrive otherwise sure enough 5-10 years from now you could
wind up being where you don't want to be where and what you don't want to wear driving what you don't want to drive living where you don't want to live Now's the Time to fix the next 10 years right now is the time to come to some better philosophical conclusions but we're all affected by this how we feel the potential we tap the action we take now the action we take brings certain amount of results if we've got a poor plan tapping little potential what kind of results do we get awful now if you've got
bad results how do you feel since everything affects everything else get lousy that's a good word lousy now if you feel bad what kind of potential dude how many classes do you take how many skills do you learn you just don't go right now you've got a poorer plan you get there later and leave earlier figure out a way to do less instead of more and that brings poorer results inflation finally starts eating you up here now you really feel bad now you're not going to tap very many of your skills you're going to come
up with a poorer plan poor results and this cycle now is going down and almost everything is either cycling up or cycling down nothing ever just sort of hangs in there right life is sort of like riding a bicycle you either got to get on or get off you know get going or get off you know you just can't hang in there right we're either climbing or sliding we're growing or dying and how we feel in the cycle of events that are happening in our lives is usually either taking us up or taking us down
now if we're going down we got to step in here somewhere and change all this now a question to change the cycle of what is happening in your life where do you step in to change this whole process attitude we only proceed from how we feel now what you know determines how you feel but what happens to you determines how you feel humans have the incredible ability to finish the future before they start it because we also talk about that in time management when should you start the day answer don't start the day until you
have it finished question is it possible to finish something before you start it answer of course humans have this unique ability it's like building a house so you don't start building your house till you have it finished you mean you can finish a house before you start it yes it would be dumb to start it until you had it finished okay we finish it by plan we finish it by Design now then goals can become like a magnet what you want now is the pull of the future now some things will pull just because intellectually
you're aware of the potential and the possibility of the future that will pull the discoveries and what can happen in the economy and living in this unique country in the market possibilities and the potentials I mean you can get excited about that simply intellectually however for the real pull on your constructive life to progress now you've got to design the future for your personal life in order for it to pull but if you'll design it well it will pull the goals will become like a magnet they will start to pull the better you define them
the stronger they pull now the next part here is give reasons for your goals and we'll get into that when we get to the goals Workshop just make a little note the reasons for your goals purpose and I have a little phrase for you that says purpose is stronger than object object will pull object well defined will really pull purpose given to object well-defined polls like you can't believe and that's the process of being enticed to get up early stay up late hit it all day enticed to read the books and find the answers develop
the game plan no detail is too small you're excited about facing the day simply because you've got it well designed and you've given excellent purpose for it see if you have a goal of a half million dollar home that will pull but the next question is what for what's your purpose of the half million dollar home you say well for the feelings my family how they're going to feel The Prestige I'll be able to entertain see now we're really getting to the stuff that pulls purpose really pulls now the purpose can also be for your
life and your lifestyle okay the purpose for becoming a unique person what kind of influence do you want to have right what kind of effect do you want to have on other people what kind of return do you want in the way of thanks and recognition for the person you've become and your life of sharing see once you start dreaming about what you can become the effect you can have the joy it's going to give you the return that's going to come you just start designing this incredible purpose for your life and make sure that
you include family and friends because many times what we do for others pulls greater than even what we want for ourselves if you can see yourself being uniquely benevolent providing things for people they never dreamed they could have helping them to accomplish things they never dreamed they could accomplish how that's going to make you feel the kind of person you're going to become from it the joy you're going to get from it you just must ponder that and think about it talk about it and design it see most of the answers for your life you're
not going to find this weekend you're going to find them out of your own experience but if we can just get you started if you can just get started reading if you can just get started asking questions if you can get started thinking on paper that's where the answers are going to flow I think some lectures they promise too much for the weekend one of my wealthy friends says Mr Roan I will not insult you by telling you what to think but I want to help you by showing you how to think because the answers
are going to come from your own experience they're going to come from your own brain power but if we can have some guidelines that'll help us to find the answers for the future see that can then become a very valuable weekend and perhaps we've gotten some answers here but most of them for your life and the rest of your life are going to come from your own experience your own awareness your own thinking power but your new ability to read better and think better and design your life better and have better goals and better time
management and a better appreciation of lifestyle and value and uniqueness and intelligence and awareness and intellect the that whole process now gives you incredibly High chances starting Monday to better your life in a short period of time you can't believe some of this and what's going to happen to you in the next week the next month I know those early days when I first got a hold of some of this from Mr show if I couldn't sleep nice I couldn't believe that I discovered the man who was going to teach me how to be wealthy
it was just too much for me at first it was unbelievable I went down to a 118 pounds I mean unbelievable I almost wasted away I was so excited I couldn't eat I lost my appetite it's unbelievable I'm so I'm just trembling with excitement to think that I found the answers for wealth happiness lifestyle Fortune World Travel Prestige affecting people personality I couldn't believe I was on the beginning edge of all of that and I got terribly excited I finally got to where I could better manage my emotions and handle it a little bit better
but I'm telling you once some of this opens up especially in the early going it is just incredibly exciting when you start thinking of what you can do and what you can earn what you can become the kind of person you can be the influence you can have and how far you can reach how many you can touch it's incredible I'm still Blown Away by it all somebody asked me you've been doing these seminars now 17 years doesn't it get a little old and the answer is no I'm just as excited about doing this one
this weekend as I was doing my first one in fact I'm more excited about this one because I'm better the first ones I was worried this one I'm just surely excited because I know some of you out there are going to be where I was at age 25. and some of this stuff is going to explode on your Consciousness and you're going to have some stories and who knows you may be writing your books given your seminars and you're going to be sharing maybe around the world who knows what'll come out of a weekend like
this and I know that so that's what gets me excited you never know who you're sharing with you never know who you've recommended an idea to you just don't know and out of a room full of this many people you know serious about making changes and getting information no telling what can happen from this and the letters and the stories I already know because I've had it happen to me now over the last Dozen Years especially but it can be exciting now the major value of reaching a goal is not to have the goal but
rather the person you have become to acquire it the major value of reaching a goal is not to have the goal but the person you have become to acquire it see it's a worthwhile objective to become a millionaire and the reason the major reason is not to get the million dollars the million dollars is second third fourth no telling how far down the list it is the real value is the person you became to acquire the money or the net worth see after you've become a millionaire you could throw the money away and not lose
very much and the reason is because you get to retain the person you became unless you throw yourself away but see once you become the person it takes to acquire the goal now the goal is not the most important value the most important value is what you became to get it that's why when you really philosophically understand put things in their proper perspective if you happen to lose you don't really you don't really mind right when they broke into my motorhome right and stole all the stuff I didn't care about the stuff you can always
buy some more televisions and and you know radios and and tape recorders and leather briefcases I mean you can always replace the stuff yeah I really didn't feel a bit concerned about my journals you know things just almost Irreplaceable but never regret the loss of things unless they're personal you know Family Treasures or something that have more than just the monetary value then you're going to be disappointed I remember once when I lost all my money what was unique about that experience was when I lost everything I really calculated that I lost only about 10
of all my assets because I only lost the money now some people when they lose their money they lose 90 percent so right and that's when you bail out of the 20th window try to make it like a bird but see if you lose all of your money and you really understand that the person you became to acquire it when the money's gone you're not gone you've still got the mental value you've still got the awareness and the uniqueness and the skills and whatever it took for you to acquire those positions that's the greater value
that's why it's true the love of money is evil and the reason is because if you put your love where the money is instead of the true value of the person you become to acquire it then see when it's gone you've lost everything when Jesus the master teacher told the rich man to sell all he had and give to the poor and become a disciple he was not asking him to do something that was so totally obnoxious and wrong to give away his possessions it's because the master teacher understood where the true possessions were right
if he'd become if he had become a wealthy Young Ruler if that's what he became then he could give all of his possessions away and still not lose any of his wealth because he could still be the person he was so once you understand where the True Values are then you use goals not just to reach the goal but you use goals as an enticement to become a better person now you're zeroing in on the true Enterprise of life you want to reap the Harvest not just for the Harvest and what you can cash it
in and what it'll bring to you but for the person you become to acquire this Harvest for the patience it takes for the brains it takes for the discipline it takes for the organizational ability it takes employing other people offering opportunity see to get a good harvest come fall you got to be quite an enterprising person so it isn't the harvesting that's the most value the most value is the skill and the person the personality the discipline all the things you learned and became to acquire it now becomes primary value that's why when you really
understand the acquisition of wealth then you don't worry now anymore about your money who's going to steal it and where is it going to go and who's going to get their hands on it when I'm gone and all that you just don't worry about that anymore because you've already gotten the greatest value out of your wealth if you if you earned the wealth and you made the wealth because the greatest value is the person you became to acquire it now if you will begin to apply that philosophical position on all your future projects you cannot
believe the happiness and the uniqueness and the joy that comes with it you just can't believe now see it's much easier to get up in the morning because you're going now for the greater value of the person you're going to become to acquire what you wish now you're eager to go for it see growing is one of those incredible chances and challenges in life and now it makes the day much more exciting and much more interesting because we all kind of know that just things are not where the True Values are so if we pursue
things sure enough we're going to wind up disappointed but if we let things entice us to become better persons to acquire them now we understand where the true value is now what you'll find happening is we're getting all these stories about people who come back and say you know things that I put on my three-year five-year list I got them the first year foreign one doctor and his wife came back to the ranch I guess two or three times Ron one year they drove their new roles and their new Bentley I said we just wanted
to show you all some of the stuff we've checked off our list they flew over to Europe to get a his and hers a rolls and a bin unbelievable they wanted to double their practice in three years they doubled it in about 10 months unbelievable and we we keep getting this little called progress report right about every six months we get this updated progress report that says let us tell you what's happening to us now right once they got started on this they just zeroed right in and they couldn't believe all these incredible things that
start happening see what you do is if you work on some of these things properly you let the good surprises of Life start stacking in your favor you know the good things happen to the people that are out there becoming enterprising and growing and changing some people call it luck let's see luck is merely taking advantage of opportunity operating in the marketplace where the good things happen see now if you're not out there it's just not going to happen you know luck does not come by and seek you out usually you know what we call
luck falls upon those people that are out there operating in the marketplace they're out there doing it you say to the sales person well you got a lucky sale no that was just the 20th sale they worked on the other 19 and then Here Comes one out of the sky but unless you're out there they won't fall on you hiding in a cave when they come from the sky make sure you're out there in the field working laboring where the good things fall