How To Lose Fat Easily Without Counting Calories

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you can only be able to eat 10 gram of fat at the next meal and I really wanted that protein bar but is 11 gram of fat and ah it's like just being utterly aware of the walls of your prison hey folks Dr Mike here for anos periodization and today's topic is to ask the question can you lose weight and fat hopefully without tracking what do I mean by that on occasion you guys will see this with clients if you coach clients and maybe even with yourself and some friends and people at the gym folks
you talk to people will sign up commit to losing some weight maybe it's a New Year's resolution maybe it's springtime maybe they just decide it's time for a change but they're not comfortable doing possibly one or both of two things they're not really interested in stepping on a scale to get their body weight regularly and they're not interested in meticulously tracking the macronutrients of their daily food consumption never mind meal by meal not even for the day there's really only one reason for this in most situations both of these practices stepping on a scale and
looking at scale numbers and tracking food make them feel icky where does the ickiness come from for some people looking at the scale gives them a combination of a few nasty psychological Downstream effects when they step on the scale for the first time the number that they see is so far outside of the psychosocial realm in which they consider it to be acceptable that they feel deeply hurt by how in a sense wrong and unacceptable that number makes them feel specifically with females uh way more often with females than males if a female weighs over
a certain amount and she has a certain kind of usually genetically mostly genetically determined psychology which is no fault of hers she's going to have a real hard time looking at that number without it making her feel really really really terrible so that's a big downside for example when you grow up and you read I don't know girls read I had a sister uh have a sister had a and had her growing up as well and you know she would read like 177 magazine so she was like well like 15 and I was like 13
so you know I get bored and I'd read them too there's a lot of quizzes like what is your perfect guy like I take them and usually fail not into guys zero zero I got zero points on all of them unless it's Orlando Bloon floor of the Rings and then yes just just write in the yes in any case there was like uh this is in the 90s so there was discussions of weight and uh sort of data on not not metadata not in columns and graphs but mentions of what celebrities weigh and of course
you know all the gossip magazines have it you know Cameron Diaz weighs you know 117 pounds or something like that and and generally women uh you know that are in sort of Hollywood or women that other girls look up to that are popular famous Etc they weigh somewhere between 90 lb and 140 or 50 lb especially they're really tall which is sociologically kind of uh a tough cell for a lot of girls who and women who later in their lives find themselves especially on the 200 plus side of things I mean they don't have a
reference character in their mind from when they were developing a sense of esteem and a sense of people to look up to to want to be like they don't have anyone in mind that was female what they considered an acceptable look that was over 200 lb it's just a non-starter and we can talk to we blue in the face about how your inherent value doesn't come from your weight and about how like you're still an awesome person no matter how much you weigh and it's weight scale weight is just a number which all those things
are true godamn it stings like crazy for a lot of people to see that number and they just don't want to see it because it makes them feel bad and on the other side another nasty feature is they think the number initially is bad and then it starts to go down which is good but then a lot of these folks get really obsessed with that number going down and the degree to which it slopes down starts to correlate and well really cause the kind of mood the kind of affect that they experience so if they
started died at 2011 PBS is the worst day of their adult lives the next time they weigh in three days later they weigh 197 lbs and they're like hey hey all right all right we're cooking we're in business the next time they weigh in another half week later they weigh 193 pounds and they're like holy crap here we go dream body so far so good sort of the beginning sucked and it's still you're really heavy but you know hey this is progress and then when that initial water weight comes off they find themselves next week
weighing 193 and they're like oh hold on I'm losing no weight I didn't lose any weight I did this fucking stupid diet for three and a half extra days and I lost nothing I knew it I'm never going to be able to lose weight my body is like oh up up NOP genetics uhuh and it just catches me and it Rockets me back up fuck this I quit and maybe you'll get them over that first one but then they'll lose another one pound and they're like d I'm never going to do this I weigh 192
my first week was amazing the second week was the worst thing that's ever happened to me how am I supposed to get down to my ideal weight of7 17 PBS or whatever Cameron Diaz weighed back in 1996 if I'm going to you know go at this slow pace and then later half a week later or something like that they're down to like 189 somehow because they're just Trucking along and body water does this whole Wiggly thing and then they're super ecstatic it's just this crazy emotional roller coaster for them and they've had experience with this
before it's not their first rodeo and they've just written it off that I can't do this anymore I definitely want to lose weight I want to get healthier I don't really even care about weight I want a certain shape I can't stare at that stupid number on the scale anymore and I feel that 100% I know where they're coming from on that 1,00% macr tracking is a similar version to that where you give someone a numbers to hit and they start thinking okay I have to hit these macro numbers but if I hit a little
under them I'm extra good and if I hit really far under them I'm like superwoman and then I'm starving and I'm hungry and then I have to admit defeat by going up and just hitting the macros normally again but like I already set a precedent for going Beyond and now I'm retreating I'm gonna fail because I tried to go harder and I couldn't and now these macro numbers as I get hungrier and more tired over the diet they they start to be like a fucking prison cell I if I eat 40 grams of fat at
this meal I'm going to only be able to eat 10 grams of fat at the next meal and I really wanted that protein bar but has 11 grams of fat and ah I hate this I feel totally constrained it's like just being utterly aware of the walls of your prison and by the way macros have to get lowered through the diet often when you adapt metabolically and with movement and your weight decreases so there the the walls of your prison cell just closing in all time awful and I just can't do it no more no
more too many bad experiences I can't do it anymore there's a question to you as a coach is can you actually accept clients like this that are in this position and can you make progress can you help them with these limitations the answer is absolutely yes and here's how you would do it without tracking you can still give help for example you give them a healthy eating plan sample meals sample portions with rough sizes you know like grain you know enough rice to fill up something the size of your fist you know a handful of
of lean meats two fistfuls of veggies get your two fingers out like this and that many almonds or something like that very rough amounts that they can just eyeball and you tell them it's no big deal if it's a little more it's a little less nobody cares you're good to go just eat something like this and you're totally golden that's a good start on occasion once you give them this plan you can check to see how hungry they are because there's a little trick in diet coaching if the person is continually a little bit hungry
on average there's a not 100% chance but a very high probability that they're in a hypocaloric condition and they're consistently losing weight you don't have to put them on the scale if they're eating way cleaner way more organized than ever and they're consistently hungry you're starting think they're probably losing weight and probably losing fat so you're winning every two we two weeks or so you can look at pictures of them that they send you preferably totally in the nude I'm kidding whatever clothes they feel comfortable in preferably tight clothes or like a bikini or whatever
so you can see more of you look at their pictures every two weeks you'll be able to tell if there's progress or not and you can say look take these pictures on your phone you don't even have to look at them just send them to me if you want to look at them and appraise them yourself hey sweet they're your pictures but you can just send them to me so I just know what's going on and I don't even have to tell you how you're doing if you don't want to hear it I'll just adjust
my on my side the diet or anything I need to do and another thing is you can ask them how well their clothes are fitting because if you're really working with folks like this and they're usually a bit on the heavy side when they lose weight it starts to become very apparent very fast you'll be able to tell they look different in pictures their belts will fit differently their clothes fit differently they'll tell you this and you're like hey you're a rock star let's do it do this for 3 to four months with them typical
diet duration and every time they seem to be pretty full for a week you ask them like every week like hey like how full are you feeling you feeling hungry and like for a week they might be like you know man I'm uh I'm actually good I'm not hungry at all you're like okay great you take the frood down just a little bit you know pull out a little bit of rice a little bit of almonds or something like that and then they're like okay actually after you made that change two days later like I'm
feeling the diet a little bit you're like great hey sweet and you never want them to be ultra psychotically hungry cuz that's a recipe for Burnout but youd also don't want them to be like oh man this diet's crazy I'm so full I can't eat anymore so what you're going to want to do is kind of manage that not fine line but that sort of gray area of just mild hunger and if they sort of bottom out they're not experiencing anymore you drop their nutrients again and they keep going that formula is likely to result
in pretty good fat loss progress after you do a maintenance phase they recover from the diet you can kick it again and repeat that process for long term results what you also want to do is psychologically check in with them a lot and focus on a few things things like buying like Hey we're doing the plan because we think it's going to work because it's worth it because you're worth it yes and they go yes because if they're fully bought into the plan and they own the plan they think yes this is me I'm doing
this it's going to work if that's the case you're going to get much better results and they're going to feel psychologically more in control when they see a scale with a weight they don't like they don't feel in control when they see macro numbers that they interpret as being super restrictive they don't feel in control but when they have a diet that's theirs and the process is theirs they have full Buy in they feel in control and generally that means they're going to coast along and eat the meals and do all the steps per day
that you tell them to do all that other stuff consistency is a big one say hey look like if you miss a meal here and there and you eat some junk no big deal but just try to do this like more often than not and try to do like your best job and stick into it as close as you can we don't need Perfection we need consistency all right you put a little bit of rice in too much rice this time next time you put not enough no big deal just try to do your best
consistency is going to be the key if you can get them to really understand that over and over with your sort of I was going to say indoctrination it's not too far off your uh continued support i' make a great propagandist no less uh then that's going to make their time easier and more likely that they're going to have success and also positivity especially in positivity about the great habits they are building because you tell them a real big secret you say listen if you can eat in this more organized way for some time what's
going to end up happening is you're going to build the healthy eating habits that will allow you to stay a certain leaner and smaller size in the future by kind of repeating this style of eating and having some BS and junk every now and again for the next three three months we're not going to do a whole lot of BS and junk because we're Mission oriented but once you get to where you're going we're going to have the same core healthy meals that you're learning how to make and eat now you're going to rely on
those for a long time with some BS and junk on the side and if you're positive about their outcome you're positive especially about the habits that they're building you're no longer super focused on the goal the goal lose 15 lbs or 20 lb or whatever it is you're po you're really really positive reminding them hey you're being real consistent you're being real dedicated and you're building amazing habits every single healthy meal you eat is a victory to us and that's really great because what that does is it generates a lot of momentum after a few
weeks one of their friends comes over from college or something to visit them and they're like oh my God Stacy you look so good did you like I don't want to say the W word but like lose weight and she's like yeah she like how like I'm like on this diet but like doesn't even feel like a diet I'm just like doing my thing swag girl yes they high five they hit the club pee popping come home with some s fellas drugs hard drugs wake up middle of the night desperately I don't even know where
I'm going just reciting my college experience as a overweight woman hell's wrong with me what you want to do is support them in building that habit-based Fitness lifestyle which is positively oriented of these are the good things we're doing not these are the bad things I want you to avoid if they say hey like I had two cheeseburgers last night you don't say well that's a bad thing no cheeseburgers fatty uhuh you say hey I'm shit happens cheeseburgers happen and they're like oh yeah okay what do I do to make up for it now there's
no making up for it no big deal like your body all cheeseburger no no big deal just like a next meal just do your best and just stick to the healthy food we've been practicing you know how to do it they like oh okay sweet you celebrate the victories the defeats don't don't uh fester in them for too long because folks of this kind of psychological makeup they don't do well with that they've been festering and defeat their entire lives and they've sensitized like shit to it and if you really point out like you suck
they just heard that from like every Bully from when they were in eighth grade all the way to when they were in college or whatever and it just doesn't work for them that's why they're so um recal about their weight and all this other stuff doing the thing is getting the job done not the tracking we don't need tracking if we're taking the right steps in a certain sense it's like flying a plane without instruments can you actually fly a plane in which the instruments are all broken well yeah yeah you can you just try
to feel out if you're climbing or descending you do have Windows in the plane and unless you're flying in absolutely terrible weather conditions you can see if you're going sort of up or sort of down or sort of at the Horizon and if the plane to shake you reduce the throttle you don't know how fast you're going but sure shit feels too fast or if the plane starts to feel really sluggish you don't need a stall warning you just boost the throttle a little bit now truth be told is flying with instruments better uh yeah
hell yeah it is so is tracking a better way to diet it is objectively superior you get more precise results you you don't have to wonder as much if the plan is working like if we got your weight and we got your Macros girl we got your steps we know it's working flat out in addition to that you can fly a plane with no instruments Landing a plane with no instruments is tougher you got to get the air speed right you got to be a real experienced pilot to land the plane with no instrument just
the same way if you want to get to a certain look or to a certain well I'll just say it body weight then you're going to need to know like your body weight now truth be told most girls don't actually want to get to a certain body weight the body weight's just a proxy for how they look and if you tell a girl like hey check this out we're going to do some crazy surgery on you you ready and she's like okay mask she's out wakes up 15 days later and she has a b bopper
Club ho body weighing 95 lbs little teen little waist everything's all fit finish little titties and shit little ABS whatever bullshit women are into I'm not in all that crap in any case I'm into thickness but that's neither here nor there whatever B Boer B Boer Club Body you can wear all the the mid riff and all the stuff and she's like oh my God this is unbelievable I I went to sleep at 250 lbs and that's when the scientists are gather around they go yeah yeah yeah totally totally do you like how you look
and she's like this is a miracle where is the club so I can finally use my body to have fun with other people in an adult way that if I continued this analogy YouTube would censor me and the scientist like yes but we need you to know something she's like okay I've seen movies like this it doesn't end well actually it ends quite well you are the first generation of enhanced cybernetic organism and the thing is is that that you're functionally Immortal your body is no no longer human body but it is going to look
young and fit and sexy as shit for yeah at least 900 years from now that's kind of how we design this thing your brain is totally preserved it's actually now digital we threw away your old body trust me I getting to a point here but um the thing is you're powered by a totally safe I mean the safest ever uh enriched plutonium reactor what do you get when PhD sport scientists collaborate with Pro bodybuilders the most effective muscle growth training app ever made get yours [Music] now and you actually weigh 700 lb now you don't
feel like you weigh 700 because you have Fusion powered actuators and technically you can also fly and fight crime you're going to feel like a totally normal person but you actually do wave 700 pound in this case she's going to be like I weigh 700 and she's looking down at her little tummy and shit she's like get get out of my way throws one of the surgeons aside goes to the mirror and she's like oh shit I look fucking amazing and they're like yeah I told you you look exactly like you weighing 95 pounds do
you think she's gonna care I have an answer for you it's a rhetorical question the answer is no one out of a thousand women is going to be like make me wake n make me weigh 95 I don't care care how I look so they just blow her up full of air and she looks insanely fat like job of the Hut but she actually weighs 95 PBS nobody wants that women don't actually care how much they weigh they care only about the look at the end of the day so when you are trying to guide
someone to a certain look you can do a lot just with the look itself and you never need to step on the scale but is the scale good for tracking and making sure they're going to that hypothetical look cuz looks change over weeks and it's tough to tell sometimes but if every few days you're losing a couple pounds you know the look at the end of the day is guaranteed somewhere down the road you're not just spending time doing this floating in the middle of nowhere not making progress that being said the conversation about accepting
that weigh-ins are totally cool can be a tough conversation the conversation about accepting macronutrient constraints and goals and targets can also be a tough conversation and at some point it's not the point to be having it with your clients but if you've had the same clients for a while you're star to know them really well and here's a big one they've already made a ton of progress you can potentially bring them back into the fold gently gingerly with tons of compassion and a preparation that it doesn't work and you need to be like okay JK
we're not looking at weight experiment failed you have to be gentle speak in terms of trial runs like Hey we're going to try to get your body weight for two weeks and if if it's super icky and you don't like it it's just too weeks and then we're done but if you're cool with it then maybe we'll try a little bit more you have to reassure them that the ickiness declines over time because you know what it really does you stare at your weight long enough it used to be 197 but recently it's like 163
and everyone in your Social Circle thinks you're beautiful and amazing and that one guy that you used to like in college from that one frat he's back and he's like hey what's up Samantha what's up Eric he's like hey you know what I'm saying like I don't mean to put this in a rude way like it's okay I can take it used to be fat and awful so I hated you and I avoided you but no I'm trying to have sex with you she's like oh my God I love sex and that's her experience so
she's well into the fold and now you're like hey like do you want to get your body weight going so we can take you from like 163 to 155 for the summer she's going to be like yeah hell yeah those are all right answers and maybe she's going to be totally cool with it because it's that time and you eased it in or maybe not and then no big deal you do it the oldfashioned way with no measurement because you can still do something at the end of the day your big weapon is two things
one the knowledge and understanding there's nothing inherently bad about the weight on the scale or the macronutrient number good and bad exist up here in the real world it's just all just machines it's all just stuff and your body is also just made of stuff like if aliens came down and they were super intelligent and they met a really just really fat girl and she's like what do you think of me and they're like well uh there you are she's like am I good or bad like you're just a human being so and she steps
in the scale she's like but watch this steps in the scale like 303 look what do you think about me now they're like why are you crying just that's what you weigh it's no big deal it's just a number it really is it's the look you don't like I feel that sometimes we don't like our look a number is a tool to change that look but we don't have to use the tool macers are the same way they're just numbers so your first Big Tool as a coach is understanding that the objective reality stuff is
is just does not have to bake in any morality or any making feel people feel bad about themselves whatsoever but your other tool is the flexibility of mind to understand that if somebody's not ready for that Journey not ready to use their weight not ready to use macros you're totally cool to be like hey no big deal we'll do this another way and you do it in the way I just described this video isn't that nice we got we got to hear plenty of impressions of this Chad and Stacy and Erica and whoever the hell
else boiled up in my insane mind am I losing it the answer is yes see you guys next time
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