Obama official issues DIRE WARNING over Trump's Oval Office meltdown

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Brian Tyler Cohen
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Video Transcript:
I'm joined now by the co-host of pod saave America and pod save the world Tommy vtor Tommy thanks for joining me Brian what a day good to see you buddy a day you too um Okay so we've obviously just witnessed a complete disaster in the Oval Office between Trump JD Vance and zalinsky which culminated into zilinsky effectively being thrown out of the White House and of course peace talks are are you know out out the window at this point so for the immediate future right now as far as Ukraine is concerned and its effort to
to cast aside this Russian Onslaught what does this mean for Ukraine yeah I mean Vladimir Putin's having a good day uh Ben rhods and I uh just recorded an episode for YouTube for the Pod Save the World YouTube and we were debating whether this was the worst meeting we've ever seen or heard of in like American history I I mean there probably been some awful conversations that happened in the Oval Office behind closed doors but I can never remember the president of the United States and a foreign leader going at it like this in front
of the cameras it was just a disaster for Z I in a disaster for the people of Ukraine so the the US and Ukraine were supped were supposed to sign some sort of agreement today about working together to get rare earth minerals out of Ukraine that's obviously off the table but the bigger picture goal for zalinsky in this visit was to get some sort of reassurance from the United States that we have their backs still and it's hard to watch Trump's behavior in that meeting his mocking of zalinski uh when he talked about not wanting
running a ceasefire with Putin because Putin was going to break it the screaming from JD Vance I mean zalinsky must walk out of that out of the oval today feeling like he's just lost his most important Ally and and I'm not sure he knows how to get them back what was there any world in which this didn't end this way and I asked that because it feels like this is what they had intended on doing regardless I mean it's not like this just devolves into this just because because that's how events unfold I mean this
was clearly at least in my opinion premeditated it things can't devolve that quickly unless you had intended on them devolving that quickly yeah I mean I had the same impression you did Brian I think that Trump and JD Vance wanted to put on a show for the cameras and for a domestic political audience uh JD Vans kind of gave up the game I don't know if you noticed when he started complaining about zilinski going to Pennsylvania and October and he accused him of making a partisan uh campaign stop for the opposition so it's pretty clear
that was what uh JD Vance was mad about I I will say I do think zilinski is in an impossible situation this man has been through hell he is exhausted he is fried he is trying to save his country but I do think he made a strategic error getting in that back and forth with JD Vance challenging Vance uh and and spinning up Trump like that like we know how uh Donald Trump is He's a Bully he demands that you bow down before him and Kiss the Ring uh and seninsky just wasn't in the mood
to do it Tommy are we in a world where even your usual republ in so far as we even have moderate Republicans anymore but where where now already we've seen these Republicans that have that tweeted earlier today including Roger wicker delete tweets that cast aliny in a good light are we in a world where where not just the elected officials are going to completely abandon any any adherence to like democracy but but also the Republican base I'm curious what you think about both of those factions both elected officials even those who maybe you know as
early as this as late as this morning might have been might have been pro-democracy Pro Ukraine are now going to just cow toow to Trump because he sent the claron call out and what you think about uh the base more broadly yeah I mean unfortunately it's been a a slow but steady Evolution towards just completely politicizing this whole issue I mean in the early days of this war it was crystal clear to everyone that Russia was the aggressor that they invaded a Sovereign Nation that they tried to take out zalinsky a whole number of times
they tried to roll tanks into ke like there this was black and white there was an aggressor and someone who was inad like it was crystal clear over time this issue has become partisan and I'm not sure exactly why I mean there's sort of the weirdness of the Trump called is a lensy leading to an impeachment inquiry clearly that's something Trump is still pissed off about then there's the fact that you know the war in Ukraine happened on or The fullscale Invasion happened on Joe Biden's watch uh and Joe Biden made it really a a
feature of his messaging and uh you know one of he believes it to be one of his biggest accomplishments and of course Donald Trump is going to attack that but you're right I mean now this is just completely politicized people like Marco Rubio who are big supporters of Ukraine are now sitting on that couch you know shrinking into his seat looking like his soul has left his body as he watches JD Vance shout down this democratically elected leader who just a couple days ago Donald Trump called a dictator and and not only that then then
had the the the audacity to come out and tweet thank you pus for standing up for America in a way that no president ever has had the courage to do before thank you for putting America First America is with you I mean like talk about talk about a lack of spine Tommy what does Trump get out of this like what does the US get out of this and and the only thing that I can think of offhand is that look this guy wants to a there is the political aspect of this in the sense that
Joe Biden supported Ukraine and so inherently within that Donald Trump has to has to be hostile to Ukraine uh I mean clearly Trump wants to be part of the autocrat club and and Putin's in the autocrat club and so and so we've just kind of relinquished our our defense of democracies around the world but but is is that really what he gets out of this what's the what does he how does he stand to benefit from this I don't know man I mean look there there is a very sort of dark fact that I think
we all just have to face up to which is that our president looks at Vladimir Putin looks at Xi Jinping and thinks I like those guys I like their systems I share their values I have more in common with them than I do with a lot of uh leaders in Europe or democratically elected Europe and that is just a very weird scary thing and I think you know the part of this is a campaign pledge I do think that Donald Trump uh energized a lot of people who were fed up with the post 911 Wars
uh the the invasion of Iraq the fact that we were you know misled and lied into war um and ran on this kind of isolationist America First promised to end the war between Ukraine in Russia on one day uh he had this Hail Mary attempt at the end to try to get some money out of the deal and extort some rare earth minerals from the ukrainians but to your bigger question I mean what does he get out of this it is it is hard to see but you know all the places my mind goes are
are pretty dark well there is also the fact that we have seen that Russia's clearly willing and able to interfere in elections on our behalf whether they're doing it on social media or if there are other more nefarious avenues that they can do that and so maybe this is just Trump giving his end to the quidd pro quo like he knows what he got from Vladimir Putin and now and now he's giving Putin back what he needs which is which is for the us to stop funding Ukraine which is for the us to stop back
hacking the prospect of of Ukraine's uh access into NATO and so this is this is really just kind of a handshake agreement between Putin and and Trump where Trump knows that in so far as Putin can still be helpful to him or Republicans moving forward um whether it's you know with these social media campaigns with these bot Farms um with whatever interference efforts they can conjure up he'll keep doing that and in exchange for that uh you know Trump will give him what he wants on the international AG yeah it look it really is um
hard for me not to let my mind go back to sort of 2017 Muller probe era where you just I know and I say that I say that KN full well the like the resistance Twitter like like aura that that we bring but but alas it is just it is hard to understand but what people need to understand is Big Picture the United States was the architect of all these institutions that were set up after World War II to try to keep the peace things like the United Nations and NATO uh that have been incredibly
successful and have Allied us with you know allies in Europe democratically elected allies and now Trump is just definitively turning away from them and uh it started a bit in its first term but I think there were people around Trump like General Jim Mattis and other people on his National Security team that would offer reassurances to the Europeans into parts of NATO and say look of course we're going to support you if there's a war of course we still believe in Article 5 and now in the second Trump term you know you have Trump sending
JD Vance over to M Munich to the Munich security Summit to lecture them to condescend to them to boost the farri you know some would say Neo-Nazi party in Germany so it is just a very new political landscape and a very scary one this is a a big question here but 30,000 foot view what does this mean more broadly for like the global world order I mean really what we're seeing right now is a disintegration of or a dismantling of the postor War II order that's led to the longest period of prosperity I I think
in world history yeah I mean I think you know Kier starmer the British prime minister was in the Oval Office earlier this week um in the conversation he had with Trump in their pool spray Trump once again seem to back away or you know show sort of half-hearted support for Article 5 which is the part of the NATO Charter that says an attack upon one is an attack upon all and without Article Five NATO is nothing it's just sort of like a loose Alliance and I think what you're starting to see like big picture is
leaders in Europe like uh Fredick MZ who is just recent who will almost certainly be the next chancellor of Germany saying we need to plan a future without the United States um we need to come together and build our own something whatever that might be and that is just you know a dramatic change uh not just of a few years of foreign policy from Joe Biden but like 75 years of US foreign policy since the second world war and and what does that mean for for for NATO is NATO able to exist if the US
isn't isn't really a member in good standing of the organization like the whole point of NATO is to I guess is to be there to preserve preserve this postor War II order do without the US is it going to still be effective at preventing expansion uh from from Russia uh I know if the US fully pulls out of NATO absolutely not um NATO uh is incredibly reliant on the US on US military hardware on infrastructure on sort of like enabling functions on missile defense systems um we spend more uh than any other country on defense
Trump is not wrong when he criticizes countries in Europe for failing to meet their targets that they're supposed to hit in terms of the percentage of GDP they're supposed to invest in their own defenses um and so what might happen as a result of this is those countries start spending way way way more uh on their own domestic defense Industries and you know I don't doesn't take historian to know that like a remilitarized Germany is not necessarily a good thing for the world but uh yeah I mean it seems like they're just going to plot
a course without us okay so if we're in a situation where NATO is no longer a Bull workk against Russian expansionism or Chinese expansionism isn't that more likely to incentivize those countries to to try and and and get back to this imperialist posture wouldn't that be more likely to bring about the prospect of of World War II as opposed to what Trump is saying that zalinski is somehow ushering in World War II like isn't isn't what Trump is doing right now the exact thing that he's claiming to want to fight fight against a lot of
people think so I mean look the the point of NATO was to serve as a deterrent to say to the Russians if you invade a NATO country you will face a response from every single part of NATO uh and it will be overwhelming and you cannot possibly defeat it but if all these little countries uh that were part of the Soviet Empire are suddenly on their own you can imagine a scenario where you know Trump is is I'm sorry you can imagine a scenario where Putin is uh making incursions into the Baltic states or taking
a look at Poland or going back into Ukraine to take more territory there so yeah um I think a weakened NATO uh is is very scary for Eastern Ukraine in particular but that's the World War III that that that we should actually be concerned about not the prospect of of Ukraine defending its territory like if Russia's I mean I I know Adam kininger came forward and said this but if Russia stopped attacking Ukraine the war would be over if that's it it's as simple as that and so the notion that that Ukraine is doing anything
hostile by virtue of just defending its own territory or or or worse that they're ushering in World War III is completely backwards it it's absurd uh and this is what's so frustrating about this I mean Donald Trump never talks about the reality which is that Russia is the the aggressor that Russia is attacking Ukrainian troops on Ukrainian territory as we speak and has been for 3 years now um I think you know sort of the prospect of World War III that Trump would constantly conjure up was more I think the the potential of a direct
us Russia confrontation or Russian use of a nuclear weapon and I think those are those are real things to worry about but I think most kind of military experts would say that um looking weak in the face of that kind of aggression from Russia is more likely to incentivize Putin to do more and to do worse than unity and strength from NATO countries especially the United States finally Tommy I want to throw your attention to this clip second question for president zinski now do you ever why don't you wear a suit why don't you wear
a suit you're at the highest level in this country's office and you refuse to wear a suit just want to see if you do you own a suit yeah yeah have problems I a lot of Americans have problems with you not resp I don't have uh I will wear costume after this war will finish okay yes maybe well maybe something like yours yes maybe some something better I I don't know we will see maybe something cheaper than yeah thank you thank you so Tommy amid everything that's happening right now this is Brian Glenn Marg T
Green's boyfriend um speaking on behalf of uh real America's voice um uh real real upstanding Outlet make glad we had them in there instead of uh the AP and Reuters but he he used this opportunity to ask about um to ask about zilinski not coming in in a suit uh so we've got uh you know we're back to the days of uh of uh of uh the Obama tan suit scandals what did you make of that of of this being the focus for uh for right-wing media I I would just say imagine your zalinski uh
the US estimates that 70,000 Ukrainian troops have been killed in this war 100,000 been wounded uh tens of thousands of civilians have been wounded something like 19,000 Ukrainian children have been kidnapped and taken from Ukraine to Russia and this idiot is asking you about the clothes you wear I mean it's like you and I are so used to American politics being unserious and infuriating in the face of massive challenges but to see this through zelinsky's eyes like it just made me ashamed yeah it it is uh it it what we saw today was just uh
an international embarrassment and there's there's no way around that and look I you know I I've had I even with with all this stuff going on everybody kind of gets the you know that we adapt to the situation we're in the Overton window shifts as bad as it bad as it is but we we adapt to this kind of stuff it does to a degree become normalized I have had more people text me and say that they're just embarrassed to be an American today after what we saw than than than ever before even even with
all the normalization that happens in politics so um really just a a horrendous event that we just saw right now um for anybody watching right now uh please I would highly recommend that you check out pod save the world to get a more in-depth look at what's happening um for not just not just what we saw today between Trump JD Vance and zilinsky but just any um any International Affairs more broadly so I'll put the link to pod save the world right here on the screen Tommy thanks so much for taking the time thanks buddy
great talking to you
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