When the Military KILLER Gets 50 Years Younger and Goes Back to School | Manhwa Recap

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If you love manhwa and like storys you are in the right place, here i will give you the best manhwas...
Video Transcript:
The Story begins with someone asking if you'd like to hear a funny story he mentions that there are various armed groups around the world while there is one thing that all of them feared a man named Peter appears sitting resting on several corpses our protagonists says that the most impressive part wasn't that but rather that Peter is a 60-year-old man in a confrontation between criminals one of the survivors mentions that he could have died as a legend if he had died before being hunted by various assassins the Survivor discusses this with a man wearing a
mocking mask saying that he is being threatened by assassins from the organization at this point he wonders if the massed man could be Peter as he sees the man standing surrounded by the corpses of his pursuers despite recognizing Peter the Survivor mentions that he would still be pursued by millions of other assassins and all this effort make no sense he says that even being the legendary Peter wouldn't save him forever as he wonders how Peter was never discovered until Peter asks if he wants to know the answer our protagonist approaches the Survivor while saying that
even with so many pursuers he would never be found after approaching the Survivor he begins to remove his mask while explaining what happened at this moment the Survivor is impressed with what is revealed to him after discovering Peter's secret he is killed while wondering if he really is Peter with that we go back to 3 months earlier in a bookstore an elderly man is putting up a promotion notice while someone tells him he shouldn't continue working this person orders him to stop ignoring the calls and go visit the hospital otherwise he would die in 3
months while the old man looks at the various medicines he needs to take however the old man says he doesn't fear death because he's already been on the brink of life and death several times that's because he dedicated himself to the Assassin Organization for 50 years and has no regrets at that moment he looks at a photo book thinking that he never took a picture of himself in his life as he reorganizes things a girl enters the bookstore wearing a school uniform the girl says she was looking for elementary school textbooks with that the old
man turns with a smile to her saying that his old bookstore has books of all kinds she asks if he would have used books and the old man mentions that he had books from the 60s to the most recent ones asking if she wants the most recent at this the girl says the book would be for her brother our protagonist looks at the Shelf asking if she's a high school student and she confirms the old man says she must be in the third year based on her badge and she's impressed that he knows so much
at that moment the girl looks out the table and sees the books she was looking for all wrapped up even though she says she wouldn't be able to pay for all the books the old man mentions that she could keep them all after unwrapping the books he mentions that at least the books could be used instead of gathering dust the girl tries to refuse and the old man mentions that he could see how much she loves her brother asking her to be good to him while she can otherwise she might regret it in the future
after accepting his request the girl asks if he ever regretted anything while he was arranging the books at this the old man becomes thoughtful saying that the longer one lives the more regrets they have but he knows there's nothing that can be done as he remembers a girl being taken away with someone saying it was the only way they could survive the old man mentions that there's nothing one can do about the things they regret he mentions that even though she might not understand what he's talking about she should take care of her brother so
as not to regret it later with that the old man tells her to leave saying he wouldn't kill her if she left and ignored trying to kill him at that moment the girl realizes that he knew about her plans from the beginning our protagonist mentions that he had already memorized the faces of all the students and confirmed it when he asked if she was in the third year because the school in that neighborhood only went up to the second year making her understand that she was following his plan from the start the old man also
mentions that she couldn't hide the smell of Blood on the knife by using any perfume since he had smell that scent his entire life seeing that her plan was compromised she insists on trying to kill him even knowing that he was aware of it from the beginning but at that moment she hesitates realizing that even though she is the one arm she feels that this would end with her dying at that moment the old man has a firm look that surprises her until he shows that he has arranged the books she had requested our protagonist
turns back saying that he had noticed that the part about her brother was true and asked her to take the books he mentions that he has done this for so long that he recognizes things just by looking with that he mentions that the girl is from the glory orphanage just like he was and that she hasn't learned anything despite having the same teaching method from his time he mentions that in this organization they have a response in case the mission fails with that he leaps towards the girl saying that the response would be for planb
to come into action the old man grabs the Girl by the neck while pushing her confused about this idea of Plan B at that moment she looks up and sees two assassins emerging to kill her Peter stays in front of her to protect her from the Assassin's gunfire he explains that plan B would be to neutralize the agent sent along with the target the girl then watches Peter noticing that he has been shot in the stomach while protecting her but they are still being targeted by the the assassins and Peter continues to protect her with
that Peter stands up armed trying to take down the two until he notices that they have taken the girl hostage because of this Peter hesitates being struck by the other assassin with a direct punch to the face the Assassin begins mocking Peter for being defeated so easily at that moment a third assassin appears explaining that despite Peter's Feats and reputation he needed to do this this assassin was the informant of the boss known as octopus saying that not even the legendary Peter could remain incredible while being sick Peter gets angry and asks why they are
trying to kill he replies that the boss was upset with Peter who is confused octopus explains that after Peter retired thousands of people would come after him that's because a bounty of 76 billion one was placed on his head our protagonist recognizes that this was the amount he had accumulated in his life and the informant confirms it was the same amount because the idea was that after his death the accumulated money would go to whoever managed to kill him octopus then becomes obsessed with the idea of getting that money and asked for Peter to be
killed by him with that the Assassin who had hit him attacks again telling him to die quietly after a series of punches he throws Peter into another room believing that he had been knocked out the Assassin gets disappointed that it ended so quickly octopus approaches to make sure and at that moment Peter gives him a gift a flash grenade is thrown in front of the informant who is surprised as they flee the Assassins noticed that he had planned to be thrown towards the back door the informant mentions that he wouldn't get far while injured and
orders them to find him leaving the girl completely in disbelief with everything she just witnessed meanwhile in a public park in the rain Peter falls falls to the ground trying to stand up Peter limons not being able to fight properly because of his age at that moment he begins to recall his life and realizes that everything was tied to the organization he remembers his hard training to learn how to handle a knife and how to execute people and while other boys were learning to use social media he was learning to hack and wiretap or even
his moments with a Russian spy suffering from frostbite and fighting a terrorist group to survive Peter remembers that everything changed when the new boss took control because he complained that Peter didn't meet his expectations all because of the illness that left him debilitated leing the boss to believe that he needed to be discarded our protagonist acknowledges that he didn't desire praise or honor for the years he dedicated to the organization he only hoped they wouldn't try to discard him this way he can't accept dying like this and letting his money fall into their hands because
his money was meant to help his daughter until he falls to the ground bleeding meanwhile in octopus's Hideout the two assassins complain about losing the money due to Peter's death one of them mentions that the high amount was because of his history while the other says that it was irrelevant because nothing comes before money the Assassin stares at Peter's photo thinking about killing him to get the money at that moment someone appears saying that this was the first photo of him at that moment the two assassins turn around and see a man wearing Peter's clothes
but they recognize that it wasn't him because the man had black hair while saying that it was the first photo taken of him the man says he doesn't know what happened because when he woke up he was like that with that the Assassin grabs his shoulder trying to push him out saying that this is not a place for a student suddenly the man grabs his wrist saying that he knows everything and demands to be taken to octopus at that moment they face each other and recognize that he is also in the same line of work
as they are but he says that when someone from the same industry shows up in their place it should be killed when the Assassin tries to attack Peter he easily grabs his fist the Assassin is impressed by Peter's strength and blocking his strike and recalls how easily Peter had defeated him before Peter crushes the assassin's Fist with his hand while one of the Assassins feels his hand being destroyed the other tries to surprise him from behind with a knife but Peter manages to counter and lands a series of punches that easily take down the Assassin
after knocking him down the first assassin grabs the knife asking who sent him with that Peter begins to explain that assassins who Master Cutlery are third class while those who master all weapons are second class observing the surroundings he then picks up an octopus saying that first class assassins can use anything as a weapon the Assassin is astonished at him trying to use an octopus for defense but ignoring his comment the Assassin charges at Peter to attack him Peter uses the octopus like a whip to disarm the Assassin from a distance shocking him then he
uses the tentacles to strangle him after that he throws him against the pots and tosses him into a pot full of boiling liquid using the octopus as he throws him into the pot he ends up destroying it the Assassin lies on the ground wondering who this man could be Peter picks up the photo they took of him remembering octopus's comment about his Bounty he looks at the photo wondering if that was the only photo they had of his face he then mentions that he had become a younger version of himself when he opened his eyes
after that attack our protagonist lights his cigarette and burns his photo saying that the Peter they were looking for is already dead while revealing his new rejuvenated appearance meanwhile octopus is driving complaining about having lost track of Peter he comments to his subordinate that he needs to find Peter as soon as possible despite believing that he won't last much longer due to the cancer saying that he could surrender to them gently at the same time Peter opens the doors of the restaurant controlled by octopus but seeing that he wasn't there Peter believes that this extended
octopus's life a little longer after that he heads to the subway station the people around are curious about the strange man in the bathroom because Peter had taken off his shirt and was staring at his reflection Amazed by his Rejuvenation additionally he notices that he has been cured of cancer and the gunshot wound he received in the confrontation with the Assassins has disappeared he finally understands that he has become younger wondering if that could really happen even so he knows that thanks to this he will never be recognized because no one would be looking for
him as such a young man he realizes he needs to change his clothes to avoid drawing attention with that he overhears a conversation between two men about a job that paid 80 million one it turns out they had swindled a guy who was looking for money for his mother's medicine and the two mock the guy for not reading the contract properly the two continue talking while smoking in a prohibited area discussing the fancy clothes one of them is wearing he mentions that these clothes are useful to motivate victims to sign without thinking twice when they
see his wristatch Peter approaches them telling them to put out their cigarettes because it's a no smoking area however this irritates The Men Who complain telling him he should use form maladies with his Elders one of the men slaps Peter in the face telling him to leave while he's still in good mood after that Peter walks toward the bathroom door to avoid trouble with those two who laugh at him but then he locks the door wanting to end this quickly at that moment Hees back to the two men who start complaining again about him bothering
them our protagonist rolls up his sleeves saying he will show them what happens to those who don't show respect for their Elders in the East the man who slapped Peter intends to deliver another slap to get rid of him quickly but at that moment Peter hits him with two precise strikes knocking him down his partner pulls out a knife and threatens Peter saying that he doesn't know who they are but Peter says he recognizes that knife and that the guy is holding it the wrong way he explains that he would end up cutting his own
fingers if he swings the knife like that the man gets irritated saying he wouldn't swing the knife while still pointing it at Peter our protagonist mentioned that someone planning to stab wouldn't leave their arm out front while preparing take him down the guy charges at Peter who Dodges and disarms him in a quick move before landing a punch that takes him down the man starts screaming in pain and Peter tells him that he didn't stab him because if he had he'd already be dead with that the man asks who he is and Peter says that
although he doesn't care about the business of those two Peter squeezes his shoulder as he leans into whisper that if he found out who Peter was he'd have to kill him after this scare Peter warns that his pants won't be of much use as he notices the man wetting himself in fear as he leaves the bathroom he checks his phone and discovers that his 76 billion one has disappeared our protagonist walks through the station irritated that they mess with his money wearing the clothes of one of the criminals even so he acknowledges that this is
what his companions are really worth on the way he overhears a girl saying that she received a scholarship from the glory Club Peter then explains that he grew up in the glory orphanage which was run by a religious organization 50 years later the orphanage turned into a cartel with influence and politics and the business World using a front called The Glory Club Peter mentions that this was the organization he was part of and that now he will go after it to destroy it with his own hands meanwhile in a butcher shop a criminal finds himself
being threatened by someone coming to capture him that person threatening him was octopus who said it wouldn't take much to defeat him since he wasn't Peter the criminal taunts saying they would die young if they relied solely on Peter and octopus asks who cares if someone dies young or not octopus orders to finish this quickly so it will be less painful for him with that the criminal starts laughing thinking octopus was showing off too much he then reveals that he had called his companions from the vacum mercenary company to solve the problem that criminal knows
that octopus wasn't one of the 12 Apostles of the glory club and doesn't understand why he was so confident he then orders his subordinates to take down octopus and they all charged him shortly after the criminal is surrounded by Blood and trembling in fear on the ground seeing something absurd that didn't even seem human octopus says he found it very easy to deal with the subordinates he had brought as he contorts his body in an inhuman manner twisting the body of one of the subordinates using his hyper flexibility ability after getting rid of the subordinates
he charges at the criminal who becomes desperate back at his restaurant octopus learns about the attack Peter caused on his subordinates he asks if there really wasn't any evidence left and when it's confirmed he believes there's only one person capable of doing that octopus mentions that Peter was behind it and imagines that he's starting to kill his men while the girl continues to follow him but he remembers that the bounty on Peter would drop soon and you should get rid of him as soon as possible with he orders the girl to report as soon as
they know Peter's whereabouts while she recalls everything she's been through with Peter as they arrive at the restaurant Hall they see someone there and his subordinate says they were open he asks if the man sitting there had made a reservation the man says he didn't have a reservation but a grudge octopus asks if it had something to do with money and Peter mentions that it had to do with a large sum with that he mentions the amount of 76 billion knowing it would affect him at that moment octopus orders the doors to be locked and
mentions that he wouldn't leave there alive for having some connection with Pier but since Peter no longer looks the same octopus doesn't recognize him and wonders who he could be and what he's planning he imagines if that man could be Peter's son or disciple and knows it couldn't be either of the two realizing he might get information from him octopus decides to give him two options one of the options would be to tell where Peter wasn't be able to leave alive while the other would be to stay silent and be killed by his subordinate our
protagonist starts provoking him while eating the dish on the table which irritates the informant he mocks him saying that no one has ever survived after hearing this but then he says there could be a third option revealing that he is Peter octopus stares at him not understanding what Peter was saying Peter continues to provoke him saying that despite being so young he heard very poorly and that it was he who killed his subordinates though octopus understands that he killed his subordinates he doesn't believe he is Peter and wonders why he did it he then orders
the protagonist to tell the truth stating that the weapons were real and asks what his relationship with Peter was after glancing at the girl behind octopus Peter decides there's no other option and decides to speak he picks up the foo saying that octopus just needs to kill him which would make everything simpler for him octopus orders his subordinate to at least make sure he can still breathe and the subordinate points his gun confirming he heard the order but at that moment he is struck by something in the neck as he tries to fire as he
falls to the ground the girl notices he has a chopstick in his neck she realizes that he hit the man's vital Point while the other Chopstick was lodged in the gun barrel she stares at him thinking that he was the same age as her and that there was no one in the glory club or even in the country with such skill then octopus gets quite excited saying he liked the boy thinking it was purely luck and asked if he would like to join them suddenly octopus pulls out a pistol and unloads it in a fury
against the boy but Peter manages to protect himself using the table to shield from the bullets the informant mocks him saying that he was still too young and asks if he didn't know that you can't protect yourself from bullets using a table with that ocopus approaches reloading his weapon asking again where Peter was and telling him to join them because it would be ashamed if he died there he gets close to the side of the table to finish Peter off once and for all but then he notices that the is gone and that the red
liquid spread around is just sauce octopus continues searching for the boy around the place to get rid of him little by little he starts to lose patience thinking that he couldn't be a ghost to have disappeared like that then he finds Peter hanging from a part of the pillar with his mouth full of something Peter takes advantage of octopus turning to him and spits all the sauce he had in his mouth directly at his face with that he strikes octopus' arm to disrupt his aim right after that Peter uses his other hand to dismantle his
pistol after disarming him Peter begins to hit octopus who is unable to react the informant notices that he was incredibly fast and wonders if he really was just a kid Peter finishes his Enemy by completely twisting his neck octopus is impressed by the boy's skills because he has never encountered anyone as skilled as him at that moment octopus remembers his training which mentioned a tactic of taking advantage of a moment when his opponent's guard was down he recalls that at that moment he created an ability that only he could use his flexibility ability was very
useful in training where the trainers made him push harder each time to be able to kill his enemy but he had already been warned that the most dangerous thing to do was to turn your back when you think you've won because you can't trust yourself too much with this in mind he was confident that he wouldn't lose to anyone suddenly he grabs Peter's leg and wraps himself around it to immobilize him after trapping him octopus begins to twist Peter's body octopus mentions that he has been in this business since the boy was born and that
he has much more experience than a rookie like him he then finishes Peter off until he hears someone asking how long he has been there the informant looks up and sees Peter watching him while he was holding someone else with that he realizes he was contorting the body of his subordinate who had already been killed at that moment octopus recognizes that his time in this business was telling him that the boy was going to kill him he understands that this boy might be even better than the 12 Apostles of the glory Club understanding this octopus
cowers and asks to negotiate he then grabs his subordinate and says he would hand her over because even though she has no experience in the field she would still be useful the girl tries to refuse while octopus orders her to stay quiet because he was trying to negotiate with the boy Peter agrees and octopus is pleased saying that he was a smart young man with that resolve the informant fleas saying he would pretend he didn't see anything and that Peter could do whatever he wanted with her while thinking about finding out more about the boy
but Peter mentions the Do or Die tactic that octopus had recalled earlier this triggers octopus to remember his training and everything the boy had said starting to piece things together at that moment he stares at the boy and notices that he emanates the same Aura as Peter octopus remembers that no one who met Peter survived Peter confirms what he said as he rushes toward octopus gradually all of octopus's Limbs and his neck are twisted by a swift movement from Peter meanwhile the superiors received confirmation of octopus's death they reveal that the cameras were removed before
they could reach the scene and that there were no more pieces of evidence the leader mocks the whole situation while doing one-arm push-ups on the rooftop of his building he mentions that the 76 billion reward for this SSS level Mission will be sent to all the assassins of Glory because they were all authorized to hunt Pier back in the city people walk around until a child points out an announcement on the external screens this announcement catches Peter's attention who no is it's an ad for meals for the elderly using the only photo of him and
understands they are spreading information about him he continues down the streets until he receives a flyer from Glory that gives more details about him here figures they don't need to worry about finding him because he will be coming after them himself our protagonist realizes that he needs help to take down glory and only one person comes to mind however this person makes him quite uncomfortable meanwhile in an abandoned and barricaded place he arrives there and is struck by the sight of a Place full of people sleeping on the floor realizing that more more and more
people were ending up there after dodging the sleeping homeless he approaches a wall searching for something among the organ saale and prostitution ads until he finds a gap and upon touching it reveals a secret passage descending through the secret passage he finds a luxurious Place Peter recognizes that the place has been restored imagining it must have cost a lot of money then someone appears nearby threatening him with a point close to his neck he says that Silk clothes and Jade China work necessary for that person that's because the person is a blind woman holding her
cane pointed at him while her guide dog stares at him irritably the woman Smiles saying that even though things had been calm it seemed like she would need to take care of some bodies at that moment she begins to smell him and notices that Peter doesn't smell of alcohol indicating that he wasn't one of the Vagabonds in the area at the same time she realizes that he had such a strong thirst for blood that he couldn't be just any Thief to protect herself she tries to strike him with a cane asking if he was set
by Glory while Peter Dodges the blow even though she insists on trying to hit him Peter continues to evade her attacks at least until he's cornered against the wall making her point the cane at him the girl throws her cane telling him to be careful because the wallpaper was expensive and Peter Dodges the attack again he stares at the cane embedded in the wall starting to think about something Peter wonders if she's really blind because her skills are incredible and she even Praises herself until he manages to stop her attack by grabbing her leg and
flipping her upside down finally he throws her onto the sofa to end the fight but then she pulls out a Nik saying she didn't expect glory to have someone es skilled as him at that moment she notices that he no longer had a first for blood she mentions that although it wasn't pleasant to to kill someone so skilled someone had to die at that moment because it was part of their job with that she orders her dog Alexander McKing to attack him and Peter notices the dog charging at him however mckin ends up being tamed
by Peter which impresses the girl after they resolve everything and Peter explains what happened she's astonished to notice that Peter has rejuvenated the girl touches his face noting that his skin is much smoother and wonders if this is really possible suddenly she throws herself on the floor along with McKing leaving Peter confused she asks if this was the position and with she a die saying that she would like to try it too at that moment she approaches him again saying that the method might be the key to the issue asking what it killed him so
she could try the same after Peter playfully Taps her on the forehead he begins to explain his plan causing her to question how he intends to confront Glory Peter mentions that he plans to enter the eye of the storm which leaves her quite confused our protagonist explains that he will take advantage of Glory's search for him to place them in the palm of his hand to do this he intends to become an assassin for the glory Club the girl becomes worried and Peter acknowledges that it's sounds crazy but then she remembers that since he rejuvenated
no one recognizes him anymore so while they're all searching for Peter they'll actually be in the Palm with his hand this thought excites her and she says that he's a terrifying man to which Peter responds that she's even more so however the girl reminds him that it would be impossible to become a glorious assassin without having come from the honor orphanage she mentions that even he came from that orphanage while this young version of him is just an outsider who couldn't become a glory assassin but Peter says there is a way the next day in
a building someone asks what he is seeing in front of him a group of girls is impressed by the handsome new student who is there trying to catch his attention it turns out that Peter's plan is to become a student at the Divine honor school and thus he becomes the new hot student of the school to maintain his cover he uses the name kimsu which the girls mesmerized by him even say is a very sexy name at that moment a girl approaches inviting him to the auditorium and when he responds the girls are once again
impressed by his beautiful voice as he heads to the auditori and one of the teachers asks which girl is his type until she is scolded by someone else our protagonist explains that although it looks like a normal school from the outside it is actually a school for Assassins with students being discreetly taught in the Assassins class his goal is to enter that class and become an assassin while blending in with the students at the school upon arriving at the auditorium he receives a message from the blind girl reminding him that the class only accepts children
from the orphanage in asking how he plans to get in he mentions that there is a rare exception the girl is astonished that he plans to go that far so steps onto the stage and begins to introduce himself to everyone leaving them impressed his speech includes his hobbies and talents and he concludes by saying that he wants to become an assassin at that moment everyone is shocked by his statement including the blind girl and the dog but this was the plan because with his speech Peter caught the attention of the Assassin's class knowing that this
would get him recruited by them to calm the situation he mentions that he wants to be an assassin who is also good at academics this motivates the students who recorded the presentation to start mocking him but then a guy appears pushing a girl who was recording the presentation a group of students gathers in front of the protagonist who recognizes that his plan has worked then the guy who pushed the girl asks if he had seduced a girl named Yen leaving Peter confused the guy starts crying while complaining about protagonist it's revealed that his name is
Yang yel and the girl he mentioned was his girlfriend for 22 days and the most adored girl in the school but when Peter arrived she started getting excited about him and yang says she was stolen by the newcomer Yang decides to take revenge on him and charges at Peter while he tries to talk that boy is known for having managed to conquer the entire mapo district with his fists but when Peter retaliates Yang feels death approaching as the protagon stares at him with a fixed gaze he imagines he's about to be defeated lamenting that he
couldn't protect Yin even though he never actually tried to do so but then Peter stops just before hitting his forehead and merely flicks it with that Yang Falls unconscious trembling after being defeated by Peter the problem is that at that moment a staff member arrives complaining about them fighting at school and holding a red card he starts pulling Peter's cheek asking what his father does for a living and the protagonist responds that maybe he's dead as Peter is taken away by the teacher Yen keeps complaining about being h back trying to come up with an
excuse for his defeat at that moment the members of the Assassin's class wonder what they should do about Pier the decision is to try to find out more about him because it could be fun in doubt they believe they could simply kill him at the same time as the protagonist continues to be pulled by the teacher the girls keep praising him until octopus's subordinate girl finds him and becomes worried about why he's there imagining that Pier's plan is to take everyone down the next day the subordinate named unil here's someone asking if they could sit
next to her she's startled to see the protagonist and asks what he's doing there and Peter responds that he's been followed by the students and asks why she isolates herself LEL says she's not hungry even though she's taken an absurd amount of food which surprises Peter at that moment she begins to remember their last encounter Peter had told her to say that the old Peter was responsible for the deaths and that by doing so she could be saved the girl worries asking why he's come after her when she kept her promise and Peter mentions that
he wasn't coming after her she complains that because of him the company has been spying on her asking if he knows how difficult it's been for her even though Peter says she should thank him since she's only alive because of him unbal asserts that she survived on her own but Peter mentions that she doesn't fully understand how terrifying this place can be nor who he really is while the girl asks what he could do at that the girl decides to leave while Peter asks for her help because neither of them knows anything Peter says he's
counting on her help taking the opportunity to reveal that he knows her real name which is leuna but when she turns back to him Peter is gone a few days later the school's athletic competition begins during the event we meet the school's running record holder Jonathan as he runs imagining that it will be the day of his retirement that's because Peter is surpassing him with great ease after the race Jonathan is crying next to Yang while the protagonist is observed by a figure in the shadows sometime later he goes for a vision test and shows
he can see all the lines without much difficulty next is the home economics class where they have to learn how to cut fruit elegantly the teacher asks if he has ever cut fruit before telling him to be careful with the knives after preparing he manages to create a huge Apple rabbit making the teacher believe it's so well done that it looks like it's breathing at the same time time some students surround the teacher who scolded Peter saying they won't clean up anything while recording the teacher's reaction they ask what he could do besides lowering their
grades and complaining and the teacher tries to assert himself without any effect the students mention that he could have his license suspended for emotional abuse due to his questioning when he tries to assert himself again the students get irritated with his words at that moment the group leader throws the teacher against the equipment behind him he mentions that more frightening than lowering grades would be having his teaching license suspended or even being fired and then his friend says they should post the video at that moment they see Peter approaching them with a cup in one
hand a trash can in the other our protagonist asks if they attack the teacher and tries to intimidate the three into staying out of the matter Peter asks what will happen if he doesn't and the leader spits on his clothes and starts laughing afterward seeing that the newcomer is staring at him seriously the leader tells him to leave quietly and Peter questions again what will happen if he doesn't obey this irritates the group leader who decides to go after him but Peter easily Dodges each blow the attempts causing his friends to taunt him for not
being able to hit the newcomer as he wonders why he can't land a blow Peter hits him with a kick that knocks him face first to the ground because of this his friend decides to finish Peter off approaching him from behind with a brick however the newcomer quickly moves and destroys the brick in his hand before he can even realize it with that the three apologize to Peter and then to the teacher for what they did after that they run off telling him to wait because Justice always prevails and Peter emphasizes that's why he won
our protagonist turns to the teacher asking if he's okay and the teacher tries to scold him but pretending not to hear Peter nemesis is they forgot the phone they were using to record the teacher's humiliation the teacher asks if he has always been like this as a student until he tries to land a direct kick to Peter's head while he is distracted Peter defends against the strike showing that the teacher was right to suspect that he had something different the teacher holds up the cup Peter had handed him mentioning that even during the fight Peter
didn't spill a single drop of coffee with that he wonders where and why Peter learned these fighting skills at that moment Peter reveals that he seeks revenge but keeps hidden who the targets of his Vengeance are explaining that he has lost everything he had accumulated Peter says that he is just like the Dead the teacher asks if he plans to join the volunteer Club while displaying a firmer and more imposing stance this was all part of Peter's plan because he wanted Professor Lee Guang Yu to take an interest in him wangu is the instructor for
assassins from the glory Club at that school it turns out that at the school there's a volunteer Club where students can potentially become glorious assassins and the teacher recognizes Peter's Talent with that he takes Peter to the volunteer Club room where Glory assassins are promoted upon arriving in the room Peter is surprised to find that it's just a room with a group of normal students who don't seem out of the ordinary guu goes to the front of the room and orders them to pay attention when the teacher explains that Peter will be working with them
Yuna is once again impressed by his decision to join that club she becomes worried as Peter stares at her while he wishes she wouldn't say anything to try and help her relax Peter Winks at her and youa wonders why he did that imagining she might be his next victim our protagonist introduces himself and thanks the grud for having him while noting that the room is too ordinary to be a place where assassins are trained but then two students become become irritated and try to intimidate him they are D hyung and dco J Who question how
an outsider could be admitted when only people from the honor orphanage are accepted into the club as he recalls that even though he was a member of the orphanage he couldn't mention it the teacher suggests they have a simple welcome party two students ask if they should do the punch which leaves Peter confused what they're talking about is a club tradition called the bloody punch as they draw their weapons and Peter realizes they have indeed been trained by Glory however another group calls him over saying they will welcome him unit tries to calm everyone down
because she knows well that Peter could kill them all at that Jay tries to push her aside saying it could get ugly for her too while yaa thinks of herself that she's trying to save them all with that the doo Brothers approach him trying to figure out if he really knows how to fight or if he's just a talker Peter simply says he knows a little while remembering that he has fought more than 1,500 times the dude charges at him saying this will be his last fight but Peter manages to hit both of them simultaneously
G complains that this place isn't for just anyone because people don't understand what they're risking their lives for Jeff mentions that their desire is to become the world's greatest assassin just like their Idol this Idol was known as apostle Peter they mentioned that this isn't a place for a nepotist like him after backing off Peter says he's tired of this fight he's had enough of one completing the other's sentences and tells them to attack together the doco brothers get irritated and charge at him together again saying they'll show what their 18 years represent Peter recalls
that he has lived for 65 years and shows little interest in what they're saying even so the two managed to emerge Victorious trying to show off despite being exhausted and drenched in sweat with that the students boast that the newcomer only FL out of fear because he couldn't react at that moment Peter walks through the corridors until he is approached by Yuna again she asks if he's underestimating the volunteer Club saying he can't fool her the girl mentions that she was watching him during that fight it turns out that during the fight with the duo
Peter didn't use any strength to face them even though Peter tries to use the excuse that he always does his best yunas says she has proof that it's a lie because while the two were drenched in sweat he wasn't even tired Yuma then pushes him against the wall asking why he did that when he's already suspicious in the school wanting to know what he gains by hiding his true strength she asks what he intends to do and Peter asks if she really wants to know what he was planning Peter stares at her for a moment
before sliding down the wall and escaping from her saying it's lunchtime even though it's midnight meanwhile in a bus parking lot a driver was taking the opportunity to drink until the day broke he was happy saying he had received 1 million1 just to rent the bus but when he goes to meet the people with whom he had arranged the rental he's surprised thinking he would see a group however where he only finds one man standing in the parking lot the driver asks where the others are and the man says it's just him while handing over
a heavy suitcase at that moment he shows several other suitcases that need to be loaded saying there's a lot of stuff the driver starts loading the suitcases while getting annoyed with the absurd amount of luggage the man was planning to take then the man moves the driver's hand away from the suitcases asking if he would like to make a bet the man approaches him and asks him to try guessing what's inside those suitcases after being startled the driver continues the journey remembering that he didn't accept the BET while watching the man man through the rearview
mirror during the trip the man sits calmly and serenely with his arms crossed at the same time the driver recalls what he saw at that moment one of the suitcases he carried was moving back at the volunteer Club the teacher mentions they will have a guest the president of the DEA group Choy anang he says he will separate the students into teams and the winner will receive a volunteer certificate with the president's recommendation this means that the winning team would become assassins and both Yuna and Peter recognized that this would be the best chance to
get promoted the teacher explains that their mission is a recovery one it turns out that recently there have been many kidnappings of teenagers and the problem involves one of those kidnapped children because he is the only son of the group's president one of the students wonders why this would be their mission and not a police job the teacher explains that the reason is that the president wants revenge he mentions that the mission is limited to rescuing the president's son and asks the students who wish to participate in the mission to raise their hands it turns
out no one raises their hands and the teacher tries to motivate them by saying that if they don't do the mission they will have to wait another 2 years to become assassins everyone believes there's something wrong with this Mission until the doco brothers volunteer for it however they noticed they weren't the only ones who signed up for the mission because Peter and Yuna also volunteered causing them to start mocking the two when youa no is that Peter also volunteered she starts complaining to him after deciding who will go on the mission the D asks if
they just need to go beat up the kidnappers but then the teacher starts explaining the mission which leaves everyone impressed Peter recognizes that his chance to become a glory assassin again has arrived the problem is that their mission is to have fun in a park while trying to rescue the boy a group of dancers in carnival costumes starts passing in front of the group while being teased by the crowd this confuses the dco brothers who wonder if this would be fun while they're staring at the girls Yuna goost eats something commenting that they won't stop
staring at the dancers Peter begins to have girls wanting to exchange contacts with him while Yuna is the only one focused on their mission she remembers that Professor Guang Yu mentioned were the president's son that had been kidnapped the goal of their mission is to rescue the hostage and defeat the kidnapper however she realizes that this was the last place he was seen and wonders if he's still alive Yuna looks at Peter thinking that maybe he could solve their problem our protagonists suggests they go check out a place he's curious about and Yuna imagines that
he always seems to know everything but they can't enter the place because a reservation is required and the staff member asks them to leave because of this H gets irritated and argues with the staff attracting the attention of the people around at that moment Peter hears someone saying they need to download an app after that everyone gathers around her to check availability and H asks if she's still worried about the mission even so the two brothers start playing on the kitty rides making a lot of noise and drawing Lan attention which irritates Yuna meanwhile Yuna
and Peter go to a shooting Booth wondering what prize they might win the problem is that the attendant believes they'll never win anything because he added weights to the dolls while saying it was really easy to win Yuna starts staring at the toy gun thinking that she had never used a toy one while the attendant imagines he could make a lot of money off her in the end she won all the prizes and left the attendant completely speechless while everyone else enjoys the amusement park Peter observes the place from a distance until his companions call
out to him making him him realized that the group was having a great time our protagonist imagines that this might have been the first time they'd been to an amusement park considering what their childhoods must have been like because of that he believes the best thing is to let them have as much fun as they can sense there's no telling when they might have another chance after a while Yuna manages to slip away from her friends taking the opportunity to eat and think about the mission at that moment she notices something strange as she's able
to connect to the president's son's airpods she realizes that he must be nearby but she's confused because the signal is coming from the women's restroom unit IM someone might have taken his airpods and wonders if she should call her companions she decides to enter the restroom first to get an idea of the situation at first she doesn't see anything unusual even though the airpod's signal is coming from a girl applying makeup afraid she might be wrong Yuna decides to talk to the girl carefully not revealing too much while keeping a friendly smile the problem is
that her smile is so Sinister and sadistic that the woman gets scared at that moment the woman's boyfriend shows up and she says that Yuna came up behind her trying to hit her hearing his girlfriend's comment the guy approaches Yuna thinking of confronting her while Yuna tries to explain what happened he raises his hand to strike Yuna and his girlfriend complains saying she only wanted an apology but he says he's going to hit her first which makes youa alert to his movements meanwhile the three others are wandering around the park wondering where she could be
and Peter assumed she just went to get something to eat moreover Peter says they don't need to worry about her because she could handle anything dangerous that might come up Yuna uses the guy movement to flip over him she then grabs onto his back threatening to shove the lollipop stick into his ear but at that moment moment she realizes she overreacted and acted on Instinct avoiding killing him after letting go of the girl's boyfriend she gives him her lollipop as he trembles in fear then turns back to talk to the girl she grabs the girl's
face again and asks where she got the airpods meanwhile Peter checks his phone and doesn't notice the crowd Gathering to wash him because he's so handsome yit manages to reunite with a group saying she found the airpods and knows where they were lost Peter says they thought of the same place and she's confused it turns out that because the park is so crowded and Lively the kidnapper must have looked for a place where someone screaming or jumping on others would be normal he points out that although the tickets for The Haunted House showed us sold
out they hadn't seen anyone going all day Yuna and Peter realize that the place they should be checking is the haunted house the dco brothers say the fun is over and they should focus more on the mission because they don't know what might happen but Helen keeps holding on to yuna's clothes irritating her as she says he claimed he would lead the way while hen and Yuna argue Peter continues staring ahead and walking forward confused because there was no one at the attraction he recognizes the danger and tells them to be prepared which confuses H
our protagonist mentions that their mission is about to begin but at that moment Peter realizes the true purpose of this Mission the purpose was for them to be kidnapped by the culprits to get close to the hostage before passing out H manages to see a man approaching them at that moment Professor Guang Yu bursts into the director's office furiously demanding that he call the students the director says he can't reach them and Professor Guang Yu mentions that this Mission wasn't so simple he then mentions the name Park Sango which makes the director concerned because Park
Sango was a former Apostle candidate who was expelled fell from glory for being uncontrollable even so the director mentions that there shouldn't be any problems because the students have learned enough and could handle it however teacher Guang Yu is frozen sweating profusely as he recalls sango's Behavior at the moment he shows something to the director the director is shocked meanwhile in a warehouse full of suitcases Peter and Yuna are tied up and bound to a column sango is impressed that they knew chloroform was used to knock them out he recognized this because people knocked out
by chloroform typically pass out with their mouths open while yuna's mouth was closed back with the director he is desperate upon seeing what the professor had shown him his mechanical leg as he says that sango is an extremely cruel person wanu complains that there's no time to be stunned they need to save the students Yuna notices that he had figured out she was awake and wonders what she could do but Guang Yu warns the director that if their discovered sand would cut off their legs while the kidnapper prepares to grab Yuna as he's about to
grab yuna's neck her phone starts ringing he picks up her phone to see who's calling when he answers Professor Guang Yu recognizes sango's voice taking advantage of this Lee threatens to come after sang and kill him if he dares to touch a hair on his students heads Sago remains calm asking why so much violence he asks if Guang Yu is afraid that he'll them just like he did to the professor this infuriates Guang Yu while Sango asks if he would like to make a bet the bet would be on how many pairs of legs would
still be intact by the time he reaches The Hideout if you guess correctly Sango would spare the president's son and ask the professor what he would like to bet if he was wrong the director is surprised to see Guang Yu trembling with fear at the situation with this conversation Guang Yu becomes desperate demanding to know know where they are and trying to talk to Yuna and Peter at that moment he orders them to search quickly because they must have already become targets while sna warns them to hurry because he will start soon Yuna opens her
eyes and tries to see if she can talk to Peter noticing that he was really sleeping which irritates her because he's asleep in such a dangerous situation she starts thinking about what can be done while taking off one of her shoes Peter asks what she's doing as she puts her foot on his face revealing that he wasn't even asleep the girl says she was trying to wake him up by pinching him and Peter teases her after that she starts hitting her bound wrists against her legs saying she's using what she learned in training but at
that moment Peter shows that he's already free and asks what she's still doing revealing that he had freed himself some time ago it turns out he had freed himself discreetly in case something happened Yuna tries to explain that the kidnapper was a former member of glory and Peter says he already knew that he asks if she likes making bets which confuses Yuna meanwhile the Dao Brothers comment that they're in the middle of a mission asks Sango to tell them where the president's son is Sango recognizes their foul language and gets excited saying he wants to
make a bet with them the two accept the idea of Wu rushes desperately to that location and S says that if they win they can save the president's son however if they lose Sango will cut off their legs and guangyu knows that if they accept the bet they're doomed because they have no chance of beating him at that moment the two get excited about the idea of fighting Sango not knowing what he's really capable of they tear their shirts and charge at him saying they'll beat him so badly that he'll need to use a wheelchair
with that Sango drops one of his knives and throws it to them saying the best bets are the fair ones H grabs the knife all excited saying he's very good with knives and that Sango will regret giving it to him the knife du will extends as hon believes he has the advantage by causing cumulative damage and can win if he just keeps pressing on in the fight but K is almost hit in the face by his own knife and starts questioning if they're the same knives at that he backs off making Sango ask what happened
Kung stares at the knife and realizes what's going on and G asks what the problem is it turns out the knife he receive wasn't sharpened and Sanga looks at them with a sadistic smile at that moment Peter and Yuna arrive in the room to help but Kong tells them to stay back which impresses Yuna they say this fight is theirs and that the two of them can't interfere they believe that if they can't win this fight Yuna and Peter won't have a chance so they must stay behind with that the two prepare to fight saying
that Sanga doesn't know what their motivation to fight is at that moment they remember the last challenge of the orphanage called the hell month in this challenge instead of receiving water or food they were given only a pistol with a single bullet their goal was to survive amidst the wild beasts that surrounded them during this challenge they recall that the bullet was used for various reasons such as hunting or betraying their friends in some cases it was used to free themselves from that nightmare however the two refused to give up and tried to survive by
any means throughout the challenge they kept the bullet they received because they knew that the two bullets they had would determine their fate someday after that month ended they discovered they were the only survivors out of 181 children from that generation of the orphanage during that time they heard about a boy their age who became known as apostle Peter would set an incredible record his record was being the only person to survive without using his bullet in the last 58 years 10 years passed with the two trying to become like Peter and be the best
H mentions that Samuel was just a stone in their path at that moment J charges to try to hinder sango's movement while Hil prepares to attack him his brother uses him as a support to leap over their target and attack he repeats that Sango will regret giving him a knife but Sango says he's not going after his leg anymore while smiling sadistically at that moment sagno grabs H's wrist saying that maybe he should cut off his arm instead with that Hound drops the knife saying he knows he can't cut him with a blunt knife jakay
takes the neck showing that their plan was only to stab the target when they try to stab sango's neck he comments on their dream while Jay is shocked by what he's seeing Sango destroys the knife he gave them using his own knife asking if they really think they can become like Peter it turns out the knife he's using is a coui he explains that this knife is heavier than an Axe and faster than a knife and that this perfect killing weapon is something he trained his whole life to use the two charged him again while
trying to understand how he can wield such a heavy knife with no problem at that moment Sango attacks them demonstrating that he's not an ordinary man in a quick movement he strikes all their limbs and knocks them down with no effort making them realize that this guy is a monster after being knocked down they plead with their Partners to run away yauna panics and Sango mentions that he won't kill them because they're just kids but he says he will collect his reward from the two he then prepares to cut off a leg from each of
them meanwhile one you continues to panic wishing that sand won't harm his students willing to give up his other leg to save them that scene shocks Yuna who becomes worried that he might actually cut off their legs at that moment he hears someone offering to make a bet Peter offers his arms and legs saying he's willing to give up even his neck which catches sango's attention this excites him and he accepts Peter's bet acknowledging it as expected of the glory member once again Sango hands a knife to his enemy saying the conditions must be fair
Yuna panics afraid that Peter might take the knife but he refuses our protagonist shows a floral tray saying that it's more than enough Sno starts laughing saying that Peter is hilarious while Yuna goes to help her Partners Sango then charges at Peter saying he won't go easy on him when he tries to land his first strike Peter Dodges with a step back at that moment Sango starts a series of attacks and notices that Peter is using the tray as his shield recognizing it as a good idea however he asks how many attacks the try can
really withstand meanwhile wangu is worried about what might be happening afraid that another tragedy might occur the tragedy he fears so much is losing everyone again to Sango wangu starts to remember the day Sango was talking to a Creer asking her to make a bet with him he asks if she believes he can get out of there alive or not while saying she should bet all her chips on his survival at that moment he was surrounded by men holding chainsaws with a beding table damaged from the fight the leader of the Assassins explains that sand
was causing so many problems for the company and that's why he needed to be stopped they mentioned that he had been fired and guu remembers that this team was composed of Veteran B- rank assassins regardless of skill and experience it shouldn't have been possible to face five assassins of that level yet Sango was displaying abilities that seemed Beyond human capability as he cut through the Assassin's hands as if they were nothing Wu recalls that it was at that moment when he lost his leg and became useless as as an assassin no matter what weapon was
the strongest what really mattered was how monstrous Sango was and then he landed a strike that cut Peter's tray in half Sango acknowledges that Peter had a lot of luck and asks what happened Peter stares at the tray while Sango remarks that Peter's Shield was split in half yauna considers intervening in the fight while Peter mentions that Sango had said the knife was a kri our protagonist comments that this knife wasn't made to be used so ferociously and is impressed by his aggressiveness then Peter crushes the pieces of the tray and Yuna is amazed to
realize that the tray wasn't a shield now now that it was cut in half Peter could use the two pieces As Weapons while Sango tries to appear unconcerned he realizes that none of this was a coincidence as it wasn't the first time this had happened because when he believed he had cut through the trit in Peter's head Peter had managed to dodge the attack Sanga wonders if he really is a student saying doesn't know where Peter learned those tricks but he admits that it won't work on him as he throws his coat at Peter to
distract him using the coat to obscure Peter's vision Sanga charges at him he then executes a series of cuts to finish Peter off this time he believes he managed to cut him and notices that Peter was just an ordinary boy until he sees Peter appear behind him trying to strike him with a piece of the tray Sango then realizes that he had actually cut through a pillow just before being hit by Peter's attack he manages to back away by taking steps backward Sango understands that Peter's intention was to strike his cored artery to kill him
and that he only managed to protect himself by using his hand he asks if Peter is really a student while taking a Battle Stance at that moment he understands that the tray wouldn't cut through thick clothing or block his knife so Peter's plan was to Target his neck and then he charges at him Peter initiates a series of Rapid attacks that Sango can't fully keep up with Sango stops wondering if Peter is a student and starts questioning if his enemy is even human Yun understands that the kri movement destroys everything around it when swung and
if Peter were hit he would die but she also notices that sango is much slower than the protagonist this was caused by the way of his weapon and if the fight dragged on too long Peter would win however Peter is slightly hit on the face which worries Yuna Sango mentions that to kill cattle he needs the right tool and then pulls out another knife he reveals that there were knives hidden inside the kis Peter remembers that sango's kri weighed three times more than a regular knife by getting rid of it sango's speed was no longer
affected and Peter loses his Advantage with that Sango begins a series of attacks that Peter must defend against using his improvised weapons Yuna notices the change in Sango after he got rid of the CIS but she also realizes that those knives were designed for stabbing and wonders why he's using them in this way Sango looks to land a direct strike to finally end the fight when he's just inches away from striking Peter's neck his hand locks up and opens his hand drops the knife and he is shocked by this Peter asks if he could put
any strength into his hand after seeing the knife fall at that moment Sango realizes what Peter's plan was all along it turns out that Peter's Target was in his neck his goal was to hit sango's hands and then sang mimes his hand completely cut and covered in blood our protagonist starts talking about the muscles and nerves in the hands explaining that they are necessary to hold something what Peter did was cut each one of them using the weapons he explains that from the beginning he had no intention of killing sango Sango begins trembling and credulous
at what just happened that realization made Sango understand that his enemy was no ordinary student and he wonders how many men that boy had killed so far Peter mentions that he had warned him that there was no way to win against an iron knife with a silver tray with that he wraps the tray around his hand saying he would show how a rock can be shattered with a simple egg Saga Begins to remember his terrible past being bullied by Thugs who hung him upside down from a tree every day he imagined getting revenge on the
bullies but he never had the strength to fight back against them until one day they threw two dogs at him the bully said that if he could beat the dogs he would stop bullying him while Sango cowered in fear wishing to die at that moment the bully asked if he wanted to make a bet and this affected him deeply hearing that phrase Sango began to get up mentioning that his legs started to move on their own he couldn't explain how he managed to advance against the bully and punch him directly in the face but he
understood that betting his life made him stronger as he killed the bully from that point on all his fights followed the idea of betting his life to feel powerful gradually these bets became his addiction that's because he always won his bets being the strongest of all but at that moment he ends up being hit by Peter's fist wrapped with a tray like a glove with that he's thrown to the ground while Peter discards his metal glove Y is impressed by the fight and Peter charges at Sango who becomes desperate to keep him at a distance
at that moment Sango pulls out a grenade and orders Peter to kneel otherwise he plans to blow up the entire Place pointing the grenade at the suitcases Sango reveals that he had put the kidnapped children inside the suitcases including president Choice son the girl is shocked by his actions imagining that if he detonated the grenade everyone would die the kidnapper mentions that there's a gas pipe in the ceiling that would kill everyone had exploded he then orders Peter to kneel again and Peter tells him to go ahead and try to deonate it Peter grabs the
grenade and shoves it into Sam's mouth before he even realizes it he then explains how a grenade Works saying that Sango can't open his mouth or he'll die after pulling the pin from the grenade Peter clenches his fist saying that this is what a real threat looks like our protagonist takes the opportunity to beat Sango while he has the grenade in his mouth afterwards Peter puts the pin back in and tells Sango to stop crying and get up Peter mentions that he's not done yet as he holds the grenade he took from sango's mouth Sango
says he didn't want to resort to Desperate Measures as he tries to get up yuno once again worries about what the kidnapper's next move might be but at that moment Sango meals down crying begging them to call it a draw he promises to pretend that he never fought them and would release all the children as long as they end the fight right there finally W you arrives at The kidnapper's Hideout worried about his students but he's greeted by a completely destroyed Sango nowhere near the terrible man he once was Peter appears supporting his colleagues while
Yuna stands beside him smiling slightly with that the incident was resolved and the kidnapp children were successfully rescued meanwhile sango is placed in a black bag complaining and asking them to say it was a draw he is then taken to the glory headquarters and Guang Yu's nightmare finally ends Peter's group gathers with the dco brothers boasting about their teamwork while Guang Yu wonders what might have happened Peter tells youa to cover up properly to avoid catching a cold sometime later they are promoted to drank Assassins but but this leaves the dco brothers Furious for not
getting a higher rank and yaa gets annoyed with them they take the elevator descending several floors until they begin to worry about how much further they will keep going down when the elevator doors open they are met by two enormous women causing the brothers to believe they're going to die they try to close the doors saying they'll come back another time but then a beautiful woman appears between the two welcoming the group with that they change their minds saying they are the guests that were expected the woman asks them to follow her as she guides
them through the place she explains that the president is interested in them for saving the life of his son who is the hair to the Dana group she then leads them to a dining room saying that the president has ordered them to be well taken care of after that she takes them to get changed and the group is given suits while waiting the brothers simulate boastful conversations with others saying they know the president the girl opens the door to continue their way making everyone excited she explains that the main event would be Beyond this door
the room was filled with weapons and the girl explains that the Dana group is responsible for supplying armaments to the glory assassins as a reward for the rescue the president decided to give them as many weapons as they desired the brothers wonder if they really need Firearms however since they're being given for free they decide to take as many as they can you gets excited about the models of knives they have and that she could take as many as she wanted but as soon as she reaches out to grab them she remembers that she didn't
do anything that day and doesn't believe she has the right to take anything the girl asks if anything caught Peter's attention trying to figure out what he might choose Peter simply picks up a found pen saying it's all he means especially since he's used everything in that Arsenal before at that moment she receives a message from the president saying that he would like them to be brought to his office which makes the brothers complain about how long he's taking but then she corrects her statement saying that the president ask for only Peter to be escorted
to his office which irritates him since they fought so much for him so Peter goes up in the elevator alone with the girl who comments on the pen he chose and Peter mentions that he likes using that model however she recalls that the model was released 40 years ago and was discontinued early forcing Peter to improvise saying it was a gift from his grandfather when the girl thinks about asking if he came from the orphanage Peter changes the subject asking about the president and why he was the only one called finally they arrive at the
president's office and the girl mentions that she has brought the protagonist as requested with that Peter meets president Choy unchain he asked if Peter liked the rewards and Peter simply thanks him for everything our protagonist asks what Choy wanted with him and the answer is that he just wanted to meet him but then he gets closer saying that he did have a reason to want to bring Peter to his office Choy mentions that he knows who Peter really is which worries the protagonist approaching kimsu the man examines him closely and says that in a way
he can't quite explain he looks a lot like Peter a comparison that in fact is Not Unusual a faint smile escaped his face on Christmas Eve of 1978 in mson electricity surged through the head of an unsuspecting man the men want him to reveal the whereabouts of Choy unchain but he refuses to give any sense of information he had already endured a lot and still did not intend to give in after smiling he said that he had already told them the way they had to go to save the boy they from Korea would have to
hand over their missiles to the Soviet Union this is the only way refusal necessarily implies that permanent disappearance of the boy who would be killed by someone the president of the company feels unwell upon hearing this but learned that the United States is sending its best prepared troops to Moscow to rescue the boy on the phone A boy is speaking to someone an armed man is outside the train he's pointing his gun at a helicopter in the sky the aircraft explodes into several pieces lighting up the night sky the Delta team had been eliminated and
the company president is losing hope so he decided to go to the church of Honor someone is calling for the priest outside repeatedly it is Choy DHA and he says it is an urgent matter the priest wants to know why the confession is so late and he then says that his son has been kidnapped by the Russians with this the Deo group would give him the necessary support for 10 years or even 100 years if he wished he only asks that among the 12 disciples he has trained the best one be sent for this task
however the priest says he does not understand what he is talking about once again he says that his son has been kidnapped and the priest tells him not to worry for God's will shall be done he only needs to say his prayers but the man says he needs more than just prayers now God's missile had already landed in Moscow faced with this the man doubts as three well-prepared teams have been obliterated and one man alone seems insufficient but he does not know who this man is for even alone he is more than enough because his
son is the strongest of them all on the train the Russians want to know how he got there if he is alone in Russian he tells them that he is alone even they don't believe it without further delay the shootout begins as if they were in a slum one of the Russians tries to hit the intruder with his pistol however his agility is such that he passed through the carriage Taking Lives with his physical Integrity completely intact he said that their headcount matches perfectly with a number of bullets left in his pistol opening the carriage
door a man shouts for him to drop the weapon immediately if he doesn't do it the boy's brains will be splattered all over the carriage wall he had heard of this guy before the only one left alive wherever he goes and he didn't expect him to be so young this is him the disciple Peter now in Korean he speaks to the boy who is being held hostage as soon as he counts to three he should duck the boy didn't understand at first the countdown starts and the Russian becomes apprehensive about their communication halfway through the
orders the Intruder to kneel the countdown ends and he threatens to kill a boy with that the coin was thrown with brutal force the boy managed to duck while his cap was fly struck by the coin in Russian he apologizes to the KGB agent and bids him farewell terrified The Boy Thanks his savior asking if he is Korean too he said he would never forget this kindness in fact he would repay him for what was done placing a hat on the boy's head he said he wasn't there to save him he was there to ensure
the future of the daha group and if he understands that he should stand up immediately because they had a long way to go before they reached home the boy thought the guy was really cool 40 years after the incident he hasn't forgotten the face of his savior because he's only alive today thanks to him looking at the boy he asks if that's correct and calls him Peter once again and says that he must certainly be a relative a grandfather for the resemblance is very strong it's been a while since someone made him feel so scared
like this however that fragile boy he once saved had turned into a very bold man I heard that he chose only a pen on the armaments and the young man says that it's enough for him but he can't let that man's grandson leave like this it's a mod his gift but he hopes it will be accepted a long time ago his grandfather used something similar to save his life is the Pinnacle of this company's technology the St Petra V4 his engine is powerful and it reaches over 500 km per hour unofficially it has a stealth
function with a single blocker and with it there's no need to worry about GPS or anything of the sort I sold the motorcycle he says asking if that was really necessary the other two talk exchanging sub barbs they asked the woman if they could exchange all the weapons they had taken but she refused a helmet is thrown into his hands and he asks what she's waiting for he should hurry and get on the bike and the other guy says he should be the one to drive it there's a call from Professor guu on the phone
answer it he asks if his student managed to have some fun people from Glory want to speak to him and he assumes it's a meeting of Assassins wanting to know more about the newcomers who are already well employed this made them a bit suspicious they didn't like being called newcomers in the business they are dedicated rookies and they follow the motorcycle with their electric scooters which are too slow at the end of the call the professor told them to go and show everyone that the rookie is a monster and is here is stay being popular
is tiring and indeed they are curious about them because they assume they were ranked s he wants to know if Y is ready but he thinks the other two are too impatient the door in front of them is still closed it was time for them to go inside Yuna is impressed by everything she's seeing now she didn't expect that this was the place where the revelations are received Revelations are the missions that glorious assassins receive based on their rankings simply put it's where they receive their revelations in the center of the church the faithful line
up to receive the host attached to the small piece of bread is a note with the mission details low ranking assassins receive their missions this way the two fools are curious to know what ranking they received however they don't understand the message behind the bread it just says fight this is their first time and they don't give missions to Rookies one of them thinks they weren't recognize and the other says that if they were they would have received something for rookies they are given a little of the new blood which at first glance smells really
good thus the content of the Chalice is poured over one of their heads the priest asked if he liked it and if it tasted good they were already expecting these two classy buffoons they're just two idiots who can't tell the difference between chocolate and poop irritated he asks if the priest is one of them it doesn't take long for the Assassins to gather in the center of a church stretching they are preparing to beat them up and they won't go easy just because some of them are elderly who rely too much on the ranking classification
trying to intimidate them they say that the fools have no idea what it really means to be class D and of course they have no idea at all delivering the first kick he says they weren't born to be class D they should remember the doo brothers who will become ranked as disciples now it's time for them to stop wasting time the priest needs to defend himself and they begin to praise the boys who weren't intimidated in front of the seniors the girl is impressed with the progress of the brothers who seem much more confident one
of the Assassins is preparing to retaliate now the smaller one had disappeared from his field of vision then one of his legs is suddenly grabbed one of the brothers is now holding that man with him immobilized he shouted for his brother act quickly this is the perfect opportunity for him to use all his physical prowess while blood drips on his face they ask him if he dreamed of being like Peter because he did the the same thing when he was their age but now he needs to show them the real world and he will also
stop wasting time now the two just watch as the screams echo in the air he's worried about J however his face is already being punched before he could react yunas shouts for them to stop then an assassin stops behind them and asks how it feels to see the real world his director Jang ranked B that old man trained his whole life to reach rank B and those who achieve it are known to be special rank D only targets regular people they are a total of 336 the C rankers deal with Mafia and similar groups and
there are 200 in this category those in the B rank encounter other assassins in their missions with a total of 100 in a rank the jobs have a national impact and there are only 36 people at this level as long as you're an assassin you must hold your knife until death you must give your all until you're vomiting your own blood to reach a rank a lifetime of dedication is required however effort alone won't take you to the top at the top of the 12 disciples they stand above everyone else already beaten down the old
man asks if the boy wants to know how to become a disciple but he doesn't understand what the old man is trying to say continuing the beating he says that one needs to be reborn once again his face is smashed into the ground due to the blows then he asked if he has any idea how arrogant he is and that if he wasn't an orphan he should go back to his mother's lab Yuma is still terrified by the scene and tries to intervene and the director says she should be grateful for being dranked as she
has no skills to be an assassin but she does half of what her former boss did maybe she could buy medicine and then his hand is grabbed by someone the young man tells the senior not to cross the line and he doesn't know who this boy is irritated by what just happened he asks if the boy wants to fight him to which the boy remains silent then he remembered when he defeated Park Sango because he is talented it's only a matter of time before Glory suspects him and everyone would be at risk because of it
and to take down these guys he needs to hide behind the image of being a mere drank the director slaps his face saying that he's too arrogant while adults are talking continuing to hit him he says that he just wants to appear strong in front of the woman beside him then he told the director that he could hit him as much as he wanted and the director paused to listen but he didn't say anything more after that all he wants is to take the other two to the hospital because one is unconscious and the other
has a deep wound and their lives are at risk you don't speak of the disciples he learned this well so he asked please hearing this the director lost his motivation and said that they were done there however he extended his hand to the boy asking him to give up his volunteer license he looks at the director without showing any reaction he should come back to get it when he's grown and strong thus the four are outside the church the most beaten among them asks what that was all about they don't know what to say to
the teacher when he learns that they lost their licenses then he apologized to Y Kim and suo because they couldn't protect them but it was good that they didn't get involved otherwise the situation would have gotten worse as the leader he wants to show them only the cool side of life with a helmet placed on his head someone calls the leader to go because it was time for them to get something to eat at least that managed to cheer them up a bit on the highway the motorcycle makes its way Yuna is riding at the
back there are a few questions she would like to ask Kim she wants to know what she could do to become stronger in response he tells Yuna not to ask him stupid questions and once wants to know the reason why she desires this but yunice says she's just asking continuing she wants to know if Kim is okay but he wants to know in what sense all of their licenses were confiscated at the church but Kim says that if you're weak things get taken away and yit didn't like this response yet doesn't change the fact that
they're weak on the back seat Yuna holds him Tighter and Tighter everything that happened at the church was too complicated then she clutches Kim's jacket feeling desolate he continues looking at the road ahead of him this situation was too annoying to deal with at night thinking about it is refreshing fighting for Place against idiots is too boring if anything they can find another job but among them there was something special without knowing exactly what the director says it was the one who was with the woman his gaze was especially violent and he realizes that there's
a man there and this man says that the boy won't be able to become a man now they want to know if he came back to take more hits but he says nothing and they ask if he ignored them on purpose Kim wants to know what they really intend to take this matter so far for the director of the boy hadn't been beaten enough SP was going to teach him a lesson but Kim interrupted because he was there to show them something skills they had never seen before and would never see again the skills of
a rank s disciple for now they still don't understand what's happening inside the church so he asked the boy if he had mentioned anything about the skills of a disciple he then began to laugh uncontrollably as he's been in the business for 14 years and has never seen one the boy doesn't know how the world works so they are going to beat him up and send him away to reflect a little but when he looked at his friend he was met with the unexpected he's standing in the same place completely still there's no expression on
his face in front of him stands a high school student who's ranked D whose name they don't even remember not only is he unarmed but he's carrying only a rosary that doesn't even serve as a weapon and there are many openings in his stance feeling apprehensive he doesn't know what to do in front of this boy those eyes definitely don't match the information he has on him his friend asks if he's really afraid of a mere child then JN diverts the conversation saying that's not the case he's just a young man with a different look
it's not logical to hesitate before him there's an unspoken rule inferiors who rebel against superiors allow the latter to be justified in correcting them execution is the right thing to do so he threw the booked towards the boy expecting a reaction he already anticipated that one of the arms would be used to block the object this way his ribs would be exposed to a surprise attack that would naturally cause him to bend over in pain despite all that planning the boy's ribs weren't his Target what he truly aimed for was to reach his eyes now
it's the end before he could deliver his fatal blow the rosary beads inexplicably flew through the air he still doesn't know what happened but his hands aren't where they should be that thing in his hands wasn't an ordinary Rosary while contemplating what happened the rosary's thread is near wrapping around his neck its thickness is so thin that it's almost imperceptible to the eyes in the back of the church various objects begin to shatter around them the pews are being destroyed without any apparent cause everything is happening too fast and he still can't grasp what's going
on indeed there won't be time for him to understand what happened as his head is asking for a divorce from his body it was almost a hallucination for him terrified he puts his hands around his neck to ensure that his head is in the right place then he scolded by his colleague who said that Jang was too distracted at a crucial moment but it wasn't just distract action in his head he was utterly terrified looking at the young man he knows he can't do anything against him because in his mind he's already died thousands of
times trying to attack him with nothing happening so far the three of them are staring at each other in the church with his years of experience he learned one thing he can sense if he's capable of defeating his opponent before the fight even begins even so he had never felt that before that boy is simply terrifying he's on a completely different level than anything he's ever seen in his life never in his imagination did he conceive of someone with that kind of murderous Aura remembering his slaps he gave him earlier he doesn't know what to
do he'd rather die than face the consequences of that still lost in his thoughts Kim looks at them without any hurry however he had approached JN who unexpectedly says that he was wrong he desperately begs for forgiveness admitting he was wrong to behave that way however Kim just gives him a few pats on the face he said to him that the ability to sense the presence of death is your fundamental knowledge for an assassin saying this he leaves as he knows Jang learn an important lesson that day even though he's gone inside the church Jung's
friend asks what he had done because he must be crazy to have allowed that to happen outside a woman says he shouldn't have gone as he could be discovered if he fought with someone but Kim says that's not going to happen and that she should think about it the rank B assassin lost to a ranked D rookie he won't be able to continue in this business losing like that to a rookie who is still almost a kid she wants to know if she would be able to talk about it if she were in his place
Jan only went there because she was worried she just wanted him to stay quiet and not make her hate him Kim revs his motorcycle a few times and speeds down the highway leaving the place behind the man is furious that they lost their identifications as they are their Lifeline that's what the brothers are thinking and they sure they're in serious trouble various thoughts are running through the heads of the two who don't know how to explain what happened or if they should even talk about it someone calls them pulling them out of their sad moment
of reflection it's the Assassin from the previous day standing there the two are terrified even thinking he's a ghost scared they want to know if he came there to beat them up and he tells them not to call him sir because they're not in the Army he just came there to return their identifications the brothers start celebrating so much that Jong asks if they want to die but the truth is being there he can only notice that peculiar boy that one is definitely a very strange citizen the brothers keep thanking Jung who asked them to
at least be more discreete holding yuna's identification in his hand he thinks of returning it to her as soon as possible after all he hadn't seen her yet meanwhile the brothers brag about what happened in the training room someone is struggling with their own effort it's Yuna relentlessly striking the dummy a fight involving one of the brothers flashes through her memory her opponent was much more experienced there was nothing she could do to help the same thing happened inside the church she just watched the action unfold it's been bothering her a lot she doesn't want
to feel useless Furious she plunged her knife into the training dummy's neck thinking about what happened she feels pathetic for not being able to do anything if she continues like this her younger brother Eugen will be in danger entering the room unnoticed him asks what is so pathetic that Yuna is talking about before she can answer he says he came there to deliver her license but Yuna says it's okay she doesn't have the right to have that Kim wants to know if she said that because of her younger brother she says she is pathetic but
still tries to be an a assassin something she has no potential to do and Yuna yells at him to shut up he always talks as if he knows everything and Kim apologizes then Yuna tells him not to talk about things if he knows nothing however he did know something about her brother they aren't biological siblings and yuno wants to know how he found that out actually Ken wants to know what happened to her brother Yuna looks at him as memories start surfacing her little brother wants to go on one of the rides at the park
with her because they're family but she doesn't agree with that statement they are relatives she told the boy to go away as they aren't real siblings from the day he was born and abandoned at the subway he had no family he didn't die only because he was taken to an orphanage there were many things lacking but they weren't miserable growing up alone she didn't have the courage to make friends or build a family the truth is she didn't want to go through the experience of being abandoned again being alone is good that's what she thought
every day however she wanted to die soon and that almost happened to her during one of her missions she was hit and they were struggling to stop the bleeding not knowing what to do with her as there were no proper treatment facilities they said they could just dispose of the dying body and since resources were scarse it wouldn't be a complete loss maybe it would have been better if she had died right at the beginning of her life she knew what kind of place that was she just wished that day had come sooner even so
she carries no regrets unexpectedly she woke up the doctor said a miracle had happened after that Miracle leuin had disappeared from her life that boy was really insubordinate the teacher tried to stop him but his efforts were in vain that boy said he needed to save his sister and it would be fine if he died why on a stretcher he asks if his sister is safe now she swore that because of her life she had no family at all but he was there every moment taking care of her this moved the girl deeply as she
didn't want Lee eugin to put himself at risk for her to be saved the man says that a bag of blood costs a lot of money and the boy is draining all of their reserves they wanted to throw the boy away and stop his treatment Yuna had just bunked into them and asked the doctor not to throw the boy away she was already feeling better and said she could pay the hospital bill with her own work no matter how much it costs she is his sister and needs to do this it was the first time
she had a reason to live remembering this she says it doesn't matter if they aren't biological siblings or if they are a bit different Yuna is willing to do anything to save him Kim said he had meddled in her Affairs carelessly so he was going to leave so that she could finish her training but there's something youa wants to tell him he's the strongest person she has ever seen in her life stretching out her hand she tried to grab the sleeve of his jacket it's not time for him to leave yet looking at him Yuna
asks for help so that she can become stronger that wasn't just a request she was truly begging him to help her it was everything she desired the most and she was waiting for Kim's reaction it didn't take long for her to regret the requests and feel ashamed of saying those things she thought of many things and tried to retract her words after asking for help then she pointed at Kim and called him teacher saying he would be her Mentor even so he still didn't show any reaction faced with this she wants to know if that's
how she should be asking for favors and Yuna wonders if she needs to be more sincere than that she quickly responds saying she's getting by just fine without help and Kim says he was considering the possibility of accepting her as a student Yuna quickly approached him asking if the teacher had called her and Kim says that imagining her as an apprentice is horrible then he tells her that she's weak with a mediocre body easily frightened and with a terrible temper all traits an assassin shouldn't have but there was something in her that could be developed
for Kim Yuna has the best eyes and assassin could ever wish for since the incident at the restaurant she had shown something different even amidst the chaos of that day or during the fight against the brothers in every tense moment whether it was inside the Assassin's Church Yuna was there with them during every conflict in which she was present her eyes never strayed from the fight no matter the circumstances as if she was trying to absorb all the techniques she was seeing her visual acurity is far greater than that of Ordinary People and upon hearing
this Yuna felt embarrassed by the compliment for Kim he was merely stating the truth but there is something that could help the girl in her quest for strength a weapon that could turn her disadvantages into her greatest asset one that she could use to defeat anyone and he threw the weapon to her if she learned to master it she wouldn't even need a teacher that object would turn her into a true assassin looking at the item in her hands she couldn't believe its potential someone is sniffing money and says that it's very valuable the brothers
are quite pleased with the weekly payment and want to know how much a disciple earns while Kim thinks that disciples don't care about money because they can have whatever they want with money in hand they argue about what they should buy first Kim wants to know where Yuma is because he hasn't seen her and he hears that she went to her part-time job she's had it for a few weeks now and must be cleaning around this time she cleans up what the Assassins leave behind it's a job that requires a strong stomach because there are
always disgusting things left even though she's an assassin with a weekly salary she continues to do it they have no idea why she does all of this while youo looks at her brother's picture they assume it must be to pay for her food because the girl eats a lot but she eats so much at the cafeteria because the food there is free and she does it to save money the fool says that to be successful one must spend a lot and advise Kim to heat his wise words he completely ignores them because he thinks yina
must be doing it for some reason and probably hides it even from her brother looking at the phone they notice that Yuna just sent a message she asked for a scarf but the weather is too hot to wear such a piece of clothing inside a warehouse the temperature is quite different from outside in the place the brothers feel firsthand how cold it is Yuna called them to go there just to deliver the scarf to she says they complain too much and just want to hand over the item quickly to get out of there they ask
if she's working and if so she must be earning well but Unice says that she's training if that's the case they ask if she's breaking those ice blocks with punches inde D she's breaking them but with that small object one who gave it to her was Kim himself it's a rope dart an extremely uncommon weapon Yuna is a bit skeptical that it will help her become a real assassin a traditional wishu weapon the Rope is tied around the body and the dart is thrown towards the enemy a strong fast and extremely unpredictable weapon the brothers
make fun of her saying that if she's going to use that the idiot might as well use a firearm indeed the dart is strong but compared to a firearm it's just a toy because every shot from a gun is a guaranteed kill hearing the criticism she says the guys are not wrong Kim says that to kill five people five shots are needed but with that it's different then Yuna shows them what the dart is capable of the brothers watch completely in disbelief in yuna's hands the dart is becoming a devastating weapon with just one throw
she managed to break much more than just an ice block that should have been impossible ible and they think yaa might have just gotten lucky with her throw discreetly they start looking up the weapon on the internet and the girl tells them they need to be less obvious outside the day goes by the owner of the place is a drank assassin Park bingu and he asks if everything went well yauna says yes and that she'll leave as soon as she cleans up everything but he says she doesn't need to clean anything but wants to know
if she's really leuna he says he has seen many people they're breaking ice as training but destroying it like she did was the first time in his entire life she tries to apologize but the man says it's not necessary youa tries to pay the man for the ice she destroyed but he says it's not necessary either a few hours ago a friend of hers came by and paid for the ice giving him a million one she didn't expect that this is the value of their weekly salary he also gave him an item to deliver to
Yuna ointment for Burns and the friend said for her to apply it on her hands so she doesn't get hurt indeed it was a great concern shown for her with the conversation over there was nothing more to do at the place Yuna leaves the ice storage looking on her phone she doesn't know how to thank Kim for everything the more she tries to think of something the less confident she becomes since that's the situation she called him and Kim answered asking what's going on not knowing what to say she asked what was for lunch that
day he says she's annoying but mentioned that it was her favorite and as soon as she hears it Yuma says goodbye however before the call ends Kim congratulates her for training with a real weapon and says they'll see each other soon in the background the brothers are trying to master the Rope Dart without success Kim wonders if human knows that the strength and weapon she's perfecting have been within her reach for a long time because she was a gymnist inside a room some someone is being beaten a degenerate screams among them asking them to face
him all at once because he is Park Sango a truckload of B and C rankers isn't enough to contain him as they are nothing compared to him and things were already becoming boring indeed to take down Park who is in a rank none of them would be able to do it so it's necessary for a disciple to appear and solve the situation as he enters the place the living assassins bow before him Park watches him unsure of what to make of it as soon as the man approaches him he lets his Mash sheet fall to
the ground the disciple picks it up saying he heard that the man likes to gamble and wants them to make a bet together he returned the masth sheet to park Sango and says that he was already close to becoming a disciple the man wants to know if he could win a fight against a real disciple in his eyes the intimidating figure of a formidable assassin is reflected that is nathanel a child is thrashing on the ground because she hates all types of meals the brothers say she's weak and will have a long way to go
until adulthood the truth is just like the child they are also terrified of Hospital environments they start complaining that the nurse is taking too much blood and that they are not donating but knows that when one becomes an assassin it's necessary to undergo several tests at the Divine honor Hospital managed by Glory when asked about his year of birth he almost made a mistake by 40 years everything is going well there's only one thing that worries him and that thing is the blood collection it's time for him to do it the reason they collect blood
is very simple they're marking the Assassins because DNA and fingerprints don't change over time those who betray and abandon the organization are found this way it's only a matter of time before Kim's DNA and Peter's DNA are identical in other words what's going to happen is the complete exposure of his true identity looking closely the woman wants him to say what he did that day but Kim has already told her everything he had his blood collected at the hospital she starts slapping the boy saying that because of his old man she's going to end up
dying as if it wasn't enough to fight a rank be now they might discover that he's actually Peter this wasn't good and the woman wants to know if he wants to die that badly but he doesn't want to sit idle and has a plan to make them get confused during the chase full of confidence he says he's going to blow up the hospital once again Jan starts hitting him because she thought the idea was completely idiotic she said he's gone crazy for not being older and the hospital is huge but he's aware of the difficulties
moreover it's the place where Glory keeps valuable Treasures the Divine honor hospital is much more than appears to be it's one of the largest in all of Korea and it looks ordinary from the outside inside they disguise murders as accidental deaths they hide bodies and dispose of injured assassins it's a hospital made by assassins for Assassins na his DNA is in the hospital's data center there's no other choice but to blow up the place accepting the idea the woman asks if he knows who is protecting the hospital now the one in charge is the disciple
nathanel this guy is so bizarre that he might not even be human inside the room someone is doing their research that codename nathanel has a reason to be his social role is that of a doctor even though he's talented he got involved in a problem and had to go into hiding four years ago in Rio de Janeiro a policeman was patrolling near a community but he ended up seeing something unusual for the region in front of the precinct someone had hung clothes out to dry only upon getting closer did he realize what it was so
gra was his shock that he crashed the patrol car he was driving those were bodies all belonging to the leaders of the gangs in the state of Rio De Janeiro this triggered a war operation aimed at wiping out the remaining members before they entered the place they smelled gunpowder as if a conflict had just occurred the officer in the lead asked them to stop the infiltration all that was there was blood and twisted weapons there were no bodies more importantly the scene didn't even seem like it was done by humans it was unexpected and they
should report it to their superiors while talking the officer saw someone approaching the surgeon the terrifying ham is already within the officer's reach he had been captured and they immediately thought they were caught in an ambush they immediately called for reinforcements but he could only hear the cries for help from his colleague it didn't take long for there to be only puddles of Blood on the ground frightened the officer asked about his friend he has no idea what kind of monster could be behind that door a terrifying voice Came From Within asking for more victims
an object was thrown his Direction it was the boot of his colleague who had been there looking at the shoot he still didn't understand the situation but he was certainly terrified by all of it in front of him was the Assassin and on the ceiling his victims were hanging by their heads he only desires more victims preferably some that are more resilient the train officer screamed in fear as he fired his rifle at that grotesque figure he decided to empty his weapon on that person in one day nathanel took down the crime bosses and the
best crisis team of the Rio de Janeiro police the woman carefully knocks on the door it's hard for her to get this information and Kim wants to know if it's humanly possible to bend weapons with one's hands she says the information she has is highly confidential and that it's not a lie since this monster is at the hospital instead of confronting him head head on it's better to look for a gap and thanks to her Kim managed to think of a way to infiltrate the hospital the one just hopes he doesn't die soon but Kim
says that his life is privileged however he'll need her for that which leaves her both surprised and scared in the middle of the city people are going about their gay lives a little Boll points upwards and asks her father to look as well looking up people wonder if that is Peter Kim looks too and knows it's nothing in his hands there's a flyer asking for donations for elderly people that's just a small greeting in celebration of the hospital's 30th Anniversary Peter is going to visit Dr nathanel as requested he hacked Glory's server and posted the
advertisement that was sent to him if Glory finds out their lives are in danger all because of a joke by a 19-year-old boy even though it's risky it's an approach she's never seen before even if it's Reckless that old man hasn't failed a single mission in 50 long years inside the hospital a commotion have formed they don't believe Peter is really alive and many of them there are d rank assassins even though he's old they know they can't handle him but they're just the dorant the important ones are further inside Brazilian assassins under Nath himself
likely at least a or b rank assassins of that rank who are already difficult to encounter not to mention Nathaniel himself it's a privilege for them to witness a fight between disciples they want to know which one will win and think it will be the old man who was already 70 years old and has cancer before they could continue discussing someone mentions Peter's name they want to know why those two are rooting for the man they should be capturing the truth is that many among them hope the old man doesn't show up he definitely won't
show up but Kim who is Peter is already among them in the hospital the Brazilian assass assassin instructs the others not to face Peter they should use tranquilizers and be cautious as soon as he's spotted they should hit the emergency button and the A- rank assassins will come to support after giving the instructions he wants to know if everyone understood and they respond affirmatively observing everything Kim finds the situation quite interesting Peter is in the group of people tasked with capturing Peter now everyone was supposed to take their positions and so they did Kim was
going to carry out his task or rather Peter was a declaration of war from the old man is definitely unexpected the buzz among people grows as they want to know if glory is doing well and if its new boss is a capable person one of them started worrying since he began fighting with Peter and now they can't even find him it would be unfortunate if he caus a huge mess and they know how talented the old man is so it was time for the young man to act if he's not able to capture the old
man he should speak up so they won't have to take the lead the tattooed man apologizes to them as he hadn't thought that far ahead and said that from now on he'll stick to his competencies because his Hospitality towards the elderly May him forget his place if he's the chief of staff of the army he should at least be able to understand in that environment he should be fired from his job drowning the old man he wants to know if he really thinks he's stupid because he wants to know if his father's best creation is
capable of dealing with his own best creation and Human Resources an anonymous person is working quietly but he quickly realizes that someone is going to end his life then his neck is easily broken Kim is really skilled at what he does but it was just Chiropractic the man didn't imagine that young doctor was so skillful knowing vital points was part of his job talking to the patient he wants to know if he knows a doctor named nanel but he has never heard of that person in Disguise he continues walking through the hospital he needs to
find nathanel soon but the person named nayen doesn't exist it's possible he hit himself after getting rid of his identity one thing he's sure of the disciple is somewhere in that hospital now it all comes down the speed will be found first near him the brothers ask what he's doing however he tells them that the one with the injured leg should be sitting in the chair asking about Yuna they say she's not at their level even though she's a rank above them but if she sees anything suspicious she should call them as the brothers would
protect her without hesitation to which case says he'll remember that looking down the hallway the two think they found Peter seeing an old man wearing the same shirt they believe it must be a correct Target kries to tell them that they have the wrong person but they're already bothering the man they whispered him that he shouldn't be there and that they would help him Escape but the old man doesn't understand anything at all a nurse asks if he needs a siren Kim doesn't get it but she thinks that's the reason they restrained the old man
but Kim says it's fine and that they've already collected his blood the hunt for Peter is ongoing and they're taking blood from all the patients the old man does everything he to escape from the brothers who swear that he is the real Peter while they are distracted by him someone bumps into one of them irritated he called the person out asking if they were blind but it's Yuna to his surprise as she wasn't supposed to be there with a face that looks like she's making something up she says her younger brother is in the hospital
they've never heard that before and she quickly tries to leave sparking her curiosity watching the scene Kim wants to know why Yuna is at the hospital on the earpiece Jan says it's not the time for him to be worrying about students and Kim realizes that she knows him very well she wants to know know if he already knows how to find nathanel but Kim is still figuring out how to do that because at the moment they're both looking for each other right now he wants nathanel to expose himself without having to reveal his identity as
Kim in front of him is one of the disciples assassins this is Rodrigo who tells him to do his job properly if he doesn't want to die approaching him he introduces himself to the man he says he found him since he's not showing his face he wants to set a trap on the earpiece the woman thought that was absolute Madness it's time to use it he says to Jan and she should be ready to act if that's the case his men are ready to get their hands dirty elsewhere a doctor is preparing for surgery washing
his hands he performs his ritual calmly leaving the bathroom he opens the door with one of his feet in a room Rodrigo seems not to have understood what he heard he wants to know who that person is who's preparing for surgery Kim says it's his surgeon ranked de assassin Kim sunu more hostile he ordered him to get out and go look for Peter but Kim said he's not the one he's looking for right now looking at the Assassin he asks where the disciple nathanel is Rodrigo wants to know why a piece of trash like himen
would want to know that and Kim says there's only one reason an assassin asks about someone when they do it's because they want to kill that person Rodrigo was already bored and is quite pleased to have someone to try to kill running through the corridors a man says he has something to tell the Professor he wants to know what it is and the man says he should take a look at those documents they are recordings from one of the operating rooms the professor watches the footage carefully as it progresses a slight smile appears on his
face Rodrigo was having difficulty dealing with that doctor the action is too fast but he managed to notice everything cam had quickly gained the upper hand in the fight Su it turned into a one-sided beating session Rodrigo was being hit from all sides it didn't take long for him to be completely neutralized in fact everything happened and ended in just 10 seconds at the end of the confrontation Rodrigo is lying on the ground motionless that was all the time needed for a rank B assassin to be killed by him as if that wasn't enough he
looks at the room's security camera nathanel didn't expect to see that Pier was really there in that hospital no more doubts he wants to know where he is now and they are waiting for response from the security team moreover the hospital's video files are being deleted in real time and they aren't able to stop the attack faced with the bad news he asked the professor to spare him however he's excited that Peter is indeed in his hospital so excited that he can hardly wait Grayson Sawyer Carter Robert these are bodies inside the tubes they were
all waiting for Peter's arrival the VIP chair has been prepared and he hopes his guest enjoys the experience because he wants to put his body in one of those tubes as soon as possible experiment took the bait the expression and the wrinkles were all perfectly identical she's sure of her work was very good with that Kim believes that nathanel will reveal himself now she really wanted to know what he looks like but wants to know what Kim will do now that the bait has been set it's up to him to sit and wait for his
victim and that's exactly what he'll do now on the rooftop yaa is having her meal unaware of what just happened the one they call Professor is the disciple nathanel and he seems to want to meet with Yuna feeling anxious it's impossible that he found out about what happened between them it would be better if she didn't go to meet him or she might put everyone at risk especially Kim and she doesn't want to do that so someone calls her as soon as Kim touches the girl's shoulders she screams in fear and he asks her if
she saw a ghost Yuna says she was about to leave but Kim holds her back and tells her to stay there she wants to know what's wrong he says he's Kim and drank assassin and then he came to eat but she wants him to eat somewhere else however accidentally she ended up ordering food for two people yaa knew that the minimum order there was two chickens Kim wants to spend some time with her since he arrived too early to meet someone yo wants to know who all she can think is that if she's found talking
to him there she'll put everyone in danger she says she won't talk to him and wants him to leave but she takes all the chicken he brought tagn toying a middle ground she says she'll leave after eating one piece and Kim tells her to do as she wishes however she ends up eating all the chicken pieces and Kim says she's too Shameless Yuna wants to know who he's waiting for but Kim says if he tells her she'll be in danger the girl insists and wants to know the reason that brought him to that hospital she
knows it's hard for him to trust her because of the way they ended up meeting she knows that he and that old man are connected even if they can't find him she's going to say something she's sure of then she remembered the past and felt the urge to apologize to Kim that old man was seriously injured and that only happened because he tried to save her Peter is probably already dead Kim interupts and says he's looking for someone Yuna asks once more who that person is he didn't want to involve her in this but she
must have definitely seen him in the hospital before the disciple nathanel showing her a photo he asks if it's familiar to her he knows she knows him as she was called there separately from the other assassins calling him an idiot she says that the person in the photo is not nathanel before she could say more about the real one someone approached the two of them she wasn't supposed to walk around there without an escort as that man was wandering through the hospital looking at the girl he said she should remain in the infirmary Yuna began
trembling just by looking at that man this is the moment Kim had been waiting for nathanel had revealed himself however he still doesn't know Kim's true identity looking at her he waits for yuna's response he' already warned her about this but looking at the table he wants to know who's accompanying her Kim looks at him without any fear he stands up from the table to introduce himself and Yuna is hesitant about them inter acting in any way because she's sure they might end up fighting but Kim bowed and greeted the professor he said he is
a drank assassin assigned to that mission his name is Kim and he's honored to meet a disciple in person he promised to deliver Peter's head to him and continued his Pleasant performance in response the disciple showed no sign of emotion before leaving he ordered Yuna to go to his room and said he would send someone to escort her and that he would definitely see her later having had contact with that man for the first time she was now certain that nathanel is not an ordinary man a nurse stops nathanel to talk about the person who
captured Park Sango but according to the instructor the students were just lucky and he shouldn't worry about it but the professor says he's the one who decides that and wants to know where his report is it was already printed there so he extended his hand to take it the guy next to him got nervous and let the papers fall to the ground in response he began to apologize profusely saying the paper slipped from his hands his luck is that nathanel can't stop thinking about Kim who introduced himself to him ever since that handshake his hand
is still trembling then he asked what his name was and the guy said that if it's the Young ones from before they're Yuna and Kim Kim suu he immediately remembered wanting to keep an eye on him but he believes the young man will be a good sample on a radio she doesn't believe Nathan's men are going to escort Yuna he must be focused on Peter now and even so he accepted his offer to be one of his bodyguards it's going to be fun because he's not going to find Peter the one is very upset with
the risks that Kim is taking she warned him to get out of there quickly as the danger he's facing is only increasing as soon as he goes he'll find out what kind of place this is before leaving he congratulates the kid on his victory in chess and the other brat says the doctor went easy on him the man gave him a card that grants free access to any part of the hospital he usually doesn't make this type of offer to rank the individuals but he must remember three things only speak if spoken to don't get
suspicious about anything he does and the most important of all never refuse his favor but Kim doesn't know what that means also he wants to know why the man is so nervous while explaining now they should hurry as Nathaniel hates being kept waiting as the professor requested Kim is there now he's happy that he didn't arrive late but Kim senses that the scene is off the rounds are about to begin now and Kim knows this won't be easy at all these assassins are different from the others because their loyalty doesn't lie with Glory their Nath
animals team is personal assassins asking about Peter one of the goons says measures have been taken as he requested all exits are sealed under the excuse of a small quarantine they're gradually narrowing down the area and he wants to know about the DNA tests the Examination for people around his age will take 2 days it's not possible that he's left the hospital yet even if he's skilled there's no way to cheat DNA tests now he's trapped like a rat it's only a matter of time before he's found and Kim is very happy to hear their
plans even so he knows that nathanel isn't the type of person to make things easy walking through the hospital he starts talking to some patients he tells a boy that he needs to do this if he wants to play soccer again talking to nurses he discusses matters related to the surgeries that happen on that floor he knows he was summoned with a purpose but he doesn't know why he's doing his rounds anyway then nathel asks if he's disappointed because he didn't call him to do anything specific other than be his bodyguard however he thinks it's
because he's not showing his nature as a disciple but Kim says it's fine seeing the boredom on his face he asked him to follow as there's something he wants to show him that path isn't marked on the hospital's floor plan so he has no idea what might be at the end of this route they're just descending the stairs in silence and he wants to know what nathanel is going to show him then the professor swipes his card through a digital reader finally Kim comes face to face with what he was hiding it's too horrific and
Nath animal said that this is where his Ideal World becomes a reality he asked if Kim is interested in biology to which he replied that he only knows the Bas he simply stated that organisms evolve through natural selection and that it's sometimes a great coincidence however Darwin is wrong according to him evolution is caused by nothing but him they're at the hospital he could eliminate the weak as well as preserve the strong and develop them even further this is a more honest way to care for people which is why he's been keeping an eye on
Kim while they were talking a loud beep echoed and a code red was initiated a specimen had escaped and they should take shelter until the security team contained it the man runs desperately while the alarm warns everyone of the imminent danger given the circumstances it would be impossible to stop it with just tranquilizers the guards know they need to stop it and prevent it from escaping that place but it's very skill and pass through them without any difficulty it's almost at the exit and the gates will remain closed until the specimen is captured it knows
it needs to reach the gate before it closes or it won't be able to escape the countdown is almost over and its dream of Escape is slipping away suddenly diis flies from the wall towards its face it was the professor who been smashed through the wall with one hand and grabbed the specimen this Interruption left him annoyed as he was talking about something very important crushing the specimen's head he said it shouldn't have interrupted him only screams can be heard from the other side of the wall as soon as silence fills the space it's clear
that the situation has been resolved looking at Kim he apologizes for what happened and says you will now continue from where he left off he removes his bloodstained hand from the wall and says he likes strong people that's why he gect these bodies himself with his own hands because there is someone he wants to surpass looking at Kim he said he saw great potential in him having all that strength at a young age is rare and through him he wants to see the result of his Evolution he asked if Kim wasn't curious to see how
strong he could become and asked him to accept his grace he said that Kim could become an a rank and with his potential he could be as strong as a disciple K mui was abnormally strong breaking the wall with his hand was surreal said the woman on the earpiece but there was something even more surprising he felt Kim's presence through the wall and grabbed him by the head crushing his skull she wants Kim to get out of there immediately but he says he can't stop now after all he has even more questions now especially about
the source of that absurd power she says that the blood samples are being analyzed and his time is running out but they're still a away and she wants to know what it is she suggests swapping the results he just needs to break into his office because she has received a card that grants unrestricted access to the hospital she says he's completely crazy and could get caught but that won't happen says Kim because he has all the time he needs to do this while following nathanel during his rounds he carefully analyzed the route he takes this
way he has an estimate of the time spent on this process at the moment he has 4 and 1/2 minutes to do his job he just needs to swap the results within that short time frame without hesitation he began working in the room outside nathanel talks to his patients following his route he also interacts with one of the nurses on his way out he speaks with another nurse who provides more data he learned from his henchmen that the blood test results should already be in his office however until now not a single sample was compatible
with Peter's the blood analysis of the elderly patients none were compatible the henchman thinks Peter might be hiding in the ceiling ducked thinking of the possibilities he wants to use his imagination to consider what could be possible one of his conjectures is whether Peter no longer has the same appearance as before mathel wants to know how air drank is in a disciple room especially in his master's absence for the past two days he did his rounds the same time he was supposed to have 2 and a half minutes of available time left math anel wants
an explanation for what he found and Kim wants to know why he appeared there already unless he did all of this on purpose and perhaps offered his grace to him and showed all his secrets in the hospital's basement just to make Kim believe his plan was working that way he was underestimating him from the beginning and nathanel asked the boy to give him an answer there's not much that can be said but he concentrates to think of something then he extended a folder to him saying he was going there to deliver it to him Bano
wants to know what it is but he said Dr Hong ordered it to be delivered and didn't provide further details with that he said he was leaving but nathanel asked him to wait and grabbed him by the shoulder he wants to know how Kim doesn't know what it is since the document appears to have been opened thus Nathaniel asks if he's curious about the blood samples of the elderly if that's the case he wants to know what made him so interested in them since he doesn't even know what they are he wants to know what
Kim was looking for in his room since he sneaked in he has no answer there's only one conclusion to be made but Kim interrupts the professor a person can modulate facial expressions but there's one thing that can't be masked and that thing is DNA and since they haven't caught Peter yet you thought that the old man might not look the way they imagine so he compared it with patients who underwent plastic surgery or changed their gender but none were compatible either besides that he wanted to take another look then he intensified his performance and apologized
to the professor as he shouldn't have done it without informing him after hearing the explanation Nathaniel asked him to raise his head and placed one of his fingers on Kim's forehead indeed he has something in his mind but he shouldn't forget that he's a member of glory and should maintain his dignity he is now free to leave thinking he said he would leave now touching Kim's face he realized that this skin is real it's not makeup the texture is that of a young person's skin so he ended up dismissing Kim as Peter's possible identity having
returned to square one he became deeply irritated all nathanel wants to know now is where Peter is hiding this is Carter podman the champion of Mexico's Underground CR and no rules fights his nickname is slasher and said he has the strongest legs on the planet many have succumbed to his powerful kicks nathanel wants to know if what he heard about him is true and the fighter asks if the Asian guy came there to Die the world's strongest legs couldn't withstand a single Blow from the disciple P flaunted them like a tropy in the middle of
the arena in the same way he encountered the world's strongest fist whose arm shattered into pieces after being struck by him there was also the world's strongest gang and they had their heads mounted on the ceiling like chandeliers Nathan's pursuit of the strongest made him defeat them all not even he knows exactly why he did this and in agony the young man tells the Asian that he will not be the best at first he didn't understand what he heard as long as Peter is alive he is not the best of all nathanel is already tired
and sick of having to hear that name all they wanted was to know who this Peter is and what he needs to do to find him it's unfortunate that the body before him can no longer say anything nathanel is furious as it seems he is the only person who cannot meet Peter to be the strongest man he needs to find him and the last person who saw him must know how to locate him calling one of his henchmen he told him to bring that person to his office the brothers want to know what Yuna is
doing there she has her reasons and told them to pretend better that they are patients in the hospital they saw her in Nathaniel's office and want to know she has a secret mission but they don't suspect anything while they are talking the man calls her by name he said that the professor wants to see her immediately she asked why but the young man told Yuna not to ask questions that left the brothers impressed as he is an a rank assassin The Undertaker Santos after the interaction ended Yuna goes to the professor's office inside he presents
a photo of Peter to her it must have been her first time seeing him not even other disciples had this privilege and besides she left there alive she even thought that Peter let her Escape but she also managed to escape from an A- rank assassin and there's nothing special about her unit just thinks that maybe he has no proof and she just needs to stay quiet nathanel asked if the girl had witnessed a miracle certainly not and some disciples propose a hypothesis about what might have happened he must have helped her during the incident with
Park Sango and in return for that she must have made made a deal with Pier but she's an orphan and has nothing to offer him given that he wants to know if youa is a double agent working for him Yuna wants to know why there is all this suspicion but nathanel says it doesn't matter because she can't do anything because he knows she can't just die and leave her brother behind toid his hemophilia he has been bedridden for a long time with his health condition living three more years is practically impossible however mathel says he
can save her brother with the serum he developed which costs 4 and2 billion with one dose the disease is eradicated and he hopes she understands as she is smart she needs to choose his side and youa wants to know what she has to do Nath anal said that Peter told him he would come to meet him on August 24th no matter what he asks she is to reveal everything but that must be done on the 24th at 2: p.m. in the hospital Lobby she will be de baate she will never have the money to pay
for the serum and he wants Peter the situation where both win first he will give her a place to stay in the hospital with his diagnosis but she didn't understand the second part immediately her eyes widm what happened he had broken her arm effortlessly that made youa ride in pain and the professor said that healthy people cannot be admitted to his hospital and he pressed the injury with one of his feet not to mention that if she refuses his offer another person will end up with the same diagnosis as hers leaving her on the ground
he said he would see her again during his rounds with a broken arm she was now placed in a room at the hospital if he discovers that the person helping her is Kim they will all end up dead but there's a chance she can save her brother she just doesn't know what choice to make outside someone asks about the patient in room 604 and unit responds her eyes couldn't believe who had arrived it was Kim saying it was time to get her injection yunice says he shouldn't be there but the national singing Championship is on
and she insists he should watch it somewhere else she scratches her head Unsure how to explain things to him yaa tries everything to take control and push him away and Kim asks if this is all because of Nathaniel after all he's her professor even so he doesn't remember breaking his apprentice's arm now he wants her to tell him who did it yaa is a bit hesitant so she's thinking about what she can say to him and she asked what he'll do on the 24th wanting to know the reason for this specific question she says she
has something to ask him but can't tell him now on that day at 2 p.m. he should be in the hospital Lobby he should stop asking questions and just do as she says for yauna it's the only choice she has as he looks at her he insists once more that he needs to go so he said he would be there at the appointed time outside the hospital the rain pours heavily on yuna's phone screen tears fall on her brother's picture she still doesn't know if she did the right thing outside Kim hears that this is
the only thing she can do the hospital's birthday banner is still outside the 2 4 has arrived and the professor says he's been looking forward to this day because Peter said he would meet him on this very day and he can't wait to finally see him with an earpiece he tells Yuna what she must do after all he wants to know where Peter is thinking for a moment he says he's probably on his way to meet her in the lobby the clock is almost marking the time agreed upon between them the minutes are passing slowly
finally it's 2: p.m. sharp the girl is saddened by what may happen because of her decision meanwhile Nathaniel Waits attentively for Peter's arrival Kim walks through the hospital corridors on his way to Yuna the boy asks if her brother has a boyfriend he said he saw some guys in her profile picture and thought one might be her boyfriend but she said they're just friends which surprised him even more the guy in the middle is really handsome and he even liked to play soccer with him and in 3 years he wishes he could watch the World
Cup and cheer for Korea with him that would beat his first trip abroad to the other side of the sea all these are just the delusions of a berren young man dreaming like that is the only good thing left in his life with his eyes closed he continues to dream about their trip to the World Cup she told him that the new medicine could cured his condition and he only need the single dose it was the brief conversation she had with him while feeling the pain of her broken arm thinking about her brother's State she
can only imagine that there was no other way out for her in the earpiece nathanel wants to know where Peter is he must be on his way and Kim is also at the hospital she's waiting for him to fulfill the promise he made to her it's already 2: p.m. and she waits for him in the hospital Lobby the moment mathel has been Eberly waiting for however a few minutes go by and there's no sign of him the professor's mood is no longer as friendly he wants to know from you know what happened because Peter hasn't
shown up at the designated place meanwhile she wonders if Kim really won't keep his promise to her because it's already past 2 p.m. but he's at the clock outside not the one in the lobby the old man got the meeting place wrong in their conversation he asked if it was the lobby clock but she said no he should go to the clock outside in the garden if he went to the other one she would kill Kim who ended up agreeing and there he is looking at the clock's hands waiting for his friend that thanel might
end up killing Kim if he discovers that it was him and not Peter who killed octopus the professor's henchmen are all over the place in that building no matter how skill Kim is the situation is completely dangerous any precaution in that environment is still too little compared to the risk the only thing she wants now is for Kim to escape from that trap he appeared mysteriously in her life she doesn't know where he came from and because of that she became suspicious of the young man's intentions but with him she discovered how nice is to
share a meal with someone in his company she ended up experiencing many new things and they shared many good moments together besides she learned to trust him in times of need and that wasn't all about them Kim cared about Yuna up to that point and he was the first person to sincerely think about it about what she's good at doing because of that there's no way she could betray him like this definitely she couldn't betray someone as important as he is with Peter's delay there isn't much time left for her using the earpiece math will
ask what happened trembling with fear she began to explain she said that she had lied as she never saw Peter again after that day and was tempted by the offer of the medicine he made to her but she knows that if the old man knew she was there he would have come without knowing what to say about the situation she asked the professor to ask for anything she can do and she'll do her best crying she only asks that he doesn't do anything to her brother in the face of that emotional confession he said his
first words she didn't bring Peter there it's unfortunate but there's nothing they can do now she has to die unfortunately if she can't bring him there she's useless and he had already warned her about who would be next as the henchman approach her the fire alarm rings throughout the hospital the alarm called for the evacuation of everyone from the building even the Assassin Brothers flee the place forgetting their mission during the Escape one of them notices something the exits began to close the doors are blocked on all sides there's not a single emergency exit that
isn't sealed everyone who hasn't left the hospital yet won't be able to get out the brothers can't understand how that happened even with the fire alarm in the hospital Lobby Nathaniel is with several of his henchmen in response to the alarm he doubts that a fire really happened because he doesn't smell anything burning so he orders one of his henchmen to investigate the situation even for youa the fire alarm is completely unexpected near her someone asks why she's crying his steps approach her slowly it's Kim who's there and there's no reason to cry now yit
doesn't know why he is still there but Kim said he had promised her that they would meet at the clock during a fire same people try to run to a safe place so if none of them have fled yet it means that none of those people are doctors or patients in fact the man in the lab coat is an assassin another patient has a baseball bat in the middle of the hospital as well as another pair carrying M weapons now he has a message for the Assassins who are there for him y doesn't know what
Kim is doing now math animal still doesn't understand what he meant and asks if his intention is to save Yuna if that's the case he had already suspected it it wasn't just sympathy that he showed that handshake wasn't from a normal person Nath anal suspected that something was going on because a vag he wants to know if he is capable of dealing with all those assassins they all come from a violent community in Brazil the life expectancy of the youth there is 16 years and thanks to all that violence very cruel people are able to
develop most young people die before they even reach 10 years old because of the Unstoppable flow of bodies a community received the name of the city of funerals in that harsh reality the weak die and to survive you have to be strong through the various kidnappings that occur in the sea the stoppable drug trafficking even prostitution the funeral agents control the city they are the most powerful and violent organization in all of Brazil for him to know the 100 strongest members of that organization are in the hospital now Matel is curious to see how he's
going to deal with 100 people at the same time witnessing The Impossible scene makes him smile and as he had said before he saw potential in him he's like a tiger cub if he grows under his guidance he will become the greatest of predators however he cannot win against adults right now it was time for him to join the professor who would secure his future as an assassin but Kim isn't impressed by the offer at all thinking for a bit he even shrugs at it nathanel realizes that he has made a choice moreover he seems
to desire the imminent fight two degenerates charge at the protagonist of the story the bald one can't wait to let his blade sing finally after a long time gratuitous violence emerges and Kim took down the two extras those who were still alive can hardly believe what they have witnessed even yunic couldn't believe it he killed his opponents without looking at them without missing a single vital Point handling the pen he asked the professor a question after that does he still see him as a tiger cub math animal asks if they know how long it takes
for a person to die 1 minute if it's a major veine and only 12 seconds if the kateed artery is damaged with 100 people and taking 1 minute for each of them the truth is math anal is very curious to see what will happen because he wants to know if it will really last 100 minutes the Brazilians say that Korea is a terrible country too peaceful no legal betting no football no parag way and cigarettes a joke and that he felt alive in the community exchanging gunfire with Germans and already missed some good old violence
but there was no time for Nostalgia as he was killed before he could feel it the second one was already on a one-way trip to find out if God exists they try to intimidate the boy saying they'll put him in the microwave youa mistakenly thinks Kim is in trouble because now he's cornered in a dead end hallway Kim realizes that even with some punks dead the rest don't care they laugh and say that growing up in the community made them tough every day another Punk ended up in a grave someone who grew up in South
Korea would never understand what 20 minutes in Rio to Janeiro during rush hour are like especially when Flamingo is losing at home still outnumbered he skillfully evades his aggressors but they know he can't Dodge forever once again he's trapped and without a way out nathanel wants to know what he will do in this situation because there are dozens of guys from Rio blocking his exit ready to collect on him indeed there are many Brazilians and he doesn't know what to do if it were a soccer ball it would have already perished however staying in that
position was exactly what he wanted in the cabinet behind him there seems to be a record the guys from Rio start to watch curiously waiting to see what he's doing him and pul outout of fire hose from there the guy from Rio can't believe he's going to lose his life to a water jet this is unacceptable while he was thinking the Water started to sweep the punks down the hallway Kim tells them they shouldn't be surprised yet because they're just getting started the mass of Brazilians is pushed through the hospital now with a little more
space Kim looks at something his hose has run out of water it's been depleted it seems their water play ended sooner than expected the Brazilians praise His cleverness but say you can't kill anyone like that but once again he tells them they're just getting started with this game now in his hands there is a deflator placing both paddles on the wet floor he said that this is the true beginning immediately all the Brazilians nearby received a formidable shock kit was standing on a dry platform and in front of him they were now a few more
bodies nathanel is quite impressed with the boy's performance and can't wait to see more of it the more he looks at him the more captivated he is by his foolishness nathanel corrects himself and says that if their numbers drop by half Kim won't spend more than an hour playing but he doesn't think it will take him that long to get through them even so he thanked him for the generosity picking up a notebook from the ground he began to write a few things throwing to the floor and he started the Brazilians who were still alive
he made a mark on what would be the drawings neck he said that it represented the excessive bleeding caused by a kateed injury that's going to be the cause of death for all those guys from Rio the first of them even saw it but couldn't react in time that SC and Korean is not someone they can deal with he simply turned into a killing machine more efficient than Rio de Janeiro itself there wasn't a single exposed neck that could escape the reach of his little pen they were snails and Kim is the salt it doesn't
matter if they were tough guys in their Community this is Korea and the pen is meer in the rifle his skill is simply transcendent the further he advances the greater the number of bodies and dying people on the ground passing through them didn't even require everything he's capable of the discret pen is much more dangerous than any knife in the place there are more bodies than living people now but the small portion of the remaining karakas decides to fight back they leap and form a large human Mass over Kim however they are all repelled by
the power of the Assassin yit is still there and doesn't take her eyes off the fight for a single moment that must be the legend of the strongest man on Earth near her people couldn't stop talking about him contrary to what the legend said this man was an ordinary old man like any other she never imagined he would be able to fight all those people and come out Victorious when that happened it dawned on her she shouldn't believe in rumors but what if what if the rumors were true in front of her is Kim who
is Peter doing something unbelievable is handling all those assassins alone without difficulty and to do so he's using only his pen now everything on the ground is just blood nathanel who watched everything is definitely pleased he doesn't know if he's a fan or a hater but he expected Kim to be capable of doing that besid besides the entire action began and ended in just 13 minutes Kim says he's not done yet and the professor didn't understand he's still alive and it's up to him to choose if kin will go up or if he will come
down and throw punches with him like a JoJo villain he descends to the ground floor crushing the floor beneath his feet now that he's on the ground he asked Kim if that answered his question since they're going to fight there's something that makes the professor very curious he wants to know how he is so skilled despite being so young it doesn't make any sense to him he would imagined that he could be from another country but he's too young for that but Kim is also curious about the disciple he wants to know why those who
lack confidence tend to talk a lot smiling at the provocation he said the young man should know something as well arrogance and fighting Spirit are completely different things the attack comes with force and Kim puts his arms in front of him to block it the impact is strong enough to lift him off the ground indeed he is really very strong even the girl didn't expect the professor to be someone truly so powerful Kim falls to the ground that manages to maintain his stance he looks at his opponent focused all that superhuman strength he doesn't seem
real Yuna knows that things are much more dangerous now nathanel imagines that Kim used all his strength fighting the 100 assassins who were there it's only a matter of time before he loses y says that blocking all those attacks is very dangerous and he should Dodge soon nathanel asks if he's already tired since they only just begun and armed himself with the bodies of his henchmen that is definitely unexpected and caught Kim's attention even though he blocked it he was struck by two massive karaoke bodies nathanel says he can't do anything because he's exhausted but
you won't accept that as an excuse to go easy on him he threw Kim against the wall using just one of his hands more impressive than his strength is only Kim's physical resilience he had never seen someone so strong before and he would like to know what the source of all that strength is while standing still and reflecting natho land a flying me strike Yuna is already in tears because she's sure Kim will die at this rate going to the elevator she saw that it had gone down since he is very quick nathanel fought for
a moment in a confined space there's no way the young man can escape him Kim says nothing in response to the provocation meanwhile the disciple is engaged in trying to finish him off as soon as possible striking his face several times he asks if he's really going to stay like that doing nothing he wants to know where his fighting spirit is as he swore it would be a challenge but from what it seems he is no different from Ordinary People the blows are so strong that the elevator is being destroyed from the outside its walls
are already completely dented there's so much violence in the strikes that even the steel cables are breaking the two had to leave there otherwise it would have become their coffin thus the elevator hit the ground finishing destroying itself it doesn't take long for the dust to start rising in the place on the ground lies the elevator door marked by the disciples blows Yuna screams from above worried but she needs to find a way to get down quickly there are many things that Peak Nathan's curiosity he was supposed to have found Peter but it was Ken
who showed up and he wants to know what the connection between them is could that boy be something else let just an inanimate body now because he's no longer alive that's what always happens to his opponents everyone who fights him ends up dead because he is always sincere in his battles but the more he thinks about these results the more frustrated he becomes looking closer at Kim's body he notices that there are no wounds on his face that's a good sign for him the chaos hasn't ended yet earlier he had put a lot of violence
into that flying me strike not just in that one but in every single blow he threw and he has been blocking attacks from the beginning or simply dodging them Kim stands up and apologizes for his rudeness because he had taken a small nap just now as he found it all too boring that simple provocation made nathanel lose his composure now the violence was about to start he said something about being sincere earlier if that's the case it's fine he should come at him because Kim and is going to return a little sincerity as well nathanel
charges at him like a husband who just found out he's been cheated on now is the moment when things will be settled then Kim countered the disciples punch with a punch of his own the scene ended up being recorded by the cameras his team sees the recording and worries about him thinking Kim is being pressured but the woman isn't worried and says she heard an interesting story some time ago about 55 years ago someone asked the children what the source of strength is many answers were given by them indeed they were good answers among those
she heard now she wanted them to try to break that huge Boulder in front of them they had gone through the toughest week and should be able to handle something simple one of them thinks the task is impossible one of the kids says that Peter won't be able to break it and that the bandages won't help at all even so he hit the Boulder and the snotty kid said he would never break that stone time passed and continued striking the stone at night he was still there hitting the stone in the first minutes of dawn
someone went up to him it had been a month since he showed up to train with them and they imagined he must have given up not to mention the stone remains intact and they don't understand why Peter is still being favored the girl tells them to look to the side they knew that wasn't there before it's a different Boulder there are several broken stones and they wonder if Peter was the one who did all of that in the present the powerful fists collided math animal asks if he knows the maximum force a person can exert
in a deadlift a record-breaking strongman can pull over 500 kilos from the ground that guy is no challenge for him because of that he wants to know what Kim does as he's many times stronger than a normal human and doesn't even seem to be using any enhancement Kim asks if he's ever been hit by a car before and math animal says that's very specific they Ben he said his punch would hurt much more than being run over with the impact's force the disciple flies like a ragd doll destroying the wall even so Kim wasn't satisfied
with just that and started returning every punch he had to dodge nathanel doesn't even know what hit him at this moment he's getting beaten by Kim as if he owed him money it's all open hand slaps so as not to leave marks on the guy's face whether open or closed the beating session seems to have no end Kim is standing calmly waiting for the professor's reaction the old man thinks Kim has won because a head that gets smashed into the wall like that doesn't come out intact but his Joy quickly disappears even Kim is a
little surprised that he's still alive and says that nathanel won't understand why he's still breathing while the hands he used to hit him are already marked with wounds he said he had already told him about who controls Evolution now he will be the first not just to hear what he says but the first to witness the father showing off his form throwing his clothes on the floor he Reveals His body kidum looks at all of that and wonders what he had done to his own body he wasn't supposed to be shocked this is math andel's
Legacy for evolution he took the concept of being ripped very seriously that was truly a stunning and horrifying body he didn't have nipples Nathaniel says he is the epitome of antifragile if he isn't killed the pain he feels only makes him stronger his muscles get even stronger when they are damaged and he created a drug that significantly reduces anabolic recovery time the more he gets beaten the stronger his body becomes in case it wasn't clear because of this the probability of him losing this fight is zero Kim knows he must not get caught he thought
this as he was getting caught enraged nathanel prepares to slam that skinny body into the ground the force of the impact simply made the for Shatter a devastating blow the dust from the debris Rises like a Mist until now no one who received that grip on their neck Liv to tell the tale because of this he should congratulate Kim for managing to escape but he knows it's impossible he is certain he grabbed his neck there's no way in a tenth of a second he could have reacted but he managed to place his hands inside the
grip creating just enough space to escape in such a short time he made all those decisions and acted in perfect Harmon his reflexes are not human however Kim knows he narrowly escaped death if he had been held for just one full second he would have died not to mention that his hands hurt as if they had been pierced by Nails he had broken the wall at one of his hands as if it were absolutely nothing he crushed the skull of a grown man like someone crushing a fruit the certainty he has is that if those
hands grab him again there's no way he'll get out alive math animal says he saw Kim's medical data and judging by that he should be stronger than most A- rank assassins even so he wouldn't be able to beat him because he's always evolving however if you beg like a dog maybe he change his mind the truth is that he can't wait to make Kim embrace the juice and become even more incredible that possibility had been discarded a long time ago but seeing the boy raise his hand nathanel thinks he's agreeing for the cameras the old
man thinks Kim is surrendering and this could get them discovered nathanel knows he has potential and is willing to forget everything that way he can satisfy his desire to become even stronger looking at the boy he wants to know what he is doing for rude kids discipline is the best response and that's what Kim intends to give him it's so much arrogance per minute that he might just win the fight by driving nathel in insane the lunic charges forward breaking the ground beneath his feet Kim doesn't lag behind and also moves the fight between them
is fast and violent taking the entire place as the arena more Technical and faster Kim manages to land several clean hits practically every blow he throws hits its Target unfortunately the muscular wall in front of him doesn't seem to suffer any damage through to cameras his team can't tell what's happening only that violence is being Unleashed in fact it doesn't seem like a fight between two humans matho looks at the boy and acknowledges his strength completely different from all the people he had fought until now however the undeniable truth is that even during the fight
he keeps evolving the sensation is so good that it's the first time he really takes pleasure in fighting this makes him think about how strong he could become or how tough his muscles could get thinking about all these things he keeps fighting but there is a question lingering in his mind Kim's strength there must be something else that explains it his medical data must be hiding something maano would like to know what he's holding on to that allows him to keep fighting because after all this time he still hasn't given up for this there's certainly
only one Poss answer tired of getting hit he grabs the boy's leg and says he has made his decision even if he cries like a dog he will be dissected like a frog from the smallest bones to the most useless cells he promised that he would be thoroughly examined it's unfortunate that the last thing he will see will be his fist coming toward his face his team watches through the cameras is desperate they scream not knowing if he's still alive but it was he himself who said that he gets stronger when he takes hits and
that he reduced his Muscle Recovery time so all he had to do was wait and he did so for a long time now mathan is surprised Kim waited until he became as strong as possible so that his muscles would become so powerful that they would press against every mirror and bone in his body eventually rendering him useless and indeed nathanel can't move he was so focused on the fight that he didn't notice his entire body getting increasingly stiff that boy had noticed the flaw in his body within just a few minutes something that even he
the disciple matho couldn't detect with the battle practically won Kim Smiles then he says out loud that nathanel had asked for this which makes him see with rage it can't be happening it must be nightmare he had killed countless people just to obtain that power not to mention all the pain he had to endure to achieve it all those modifications to become the perfect human being even so that damn boy would be his executioner and would put an end to all his progress smiling malevolently he says he didn't expect to have to use that with
a little Mobility he had left he pulled a rainbow colored pin from his sandal that drug deteriorates his muscles but makes him the perfect organism it's only fair that Ken Witnesses this after 3 minutes nathanel won't be in the land of the living anymore kn this it'll make sure that Kim isn't either his body began to move again and blood spilled profusely from his mouth his steps were so powerful that the ground couldn't withstand the force Kim prepares to counter that charge the Apostle if he wasn't human before had now turned into a monster his
life would burn as fuel this is the epitome of all his research and achievements even so the Fight Continues all of his moves are being read fighting against just one person he still manages to be struck the sensation is like fighting against a thousand and battling with Kim awaken a new feeling Kim is definitely not a d rank he has an extraordinary amount of experience that someone like him could never obtain in a single lifetime it's unusual that such a young man even younger than him is so rich in experience as if he were in
an unreachable place the man closest to the position of God it almost seems like that boy is Peter in the year 2003 he made his vow he volunteered for the sake of humanity maintaining his dignity and ethics in practicing medicine not using his medical knowledge for malicious purposes in the audience some people couldn't believe it was him now hayen is a 13-year-old prodigy who had already entered medical school but he wasn't truly happy in 1994 he was bedridden in the Pediatric ward he was born sick and they told him that he was born that way
by God's choice he just wanted to know the reason why he had been chosen to be born with a weak body on television he watched the molting process of arthropods which allows them to grow and become stronger perhaps God wanted him to grow stronger like those creatures unlike what humans do now he was motivated to become the person who would make that happen in 2012 a patient with a gunshot wound was being treated in the emergency room no one really wanted to treat him because that person was a murderer nayen didn't care and did what
needed to be done for him that shouldn't have been something worth mentioning it was just a job and you shouldn't get involved with ethics or morality but it was his first time performing a surgery his heart was racing maybe because of that heavily built body in front of him the strongest body he had ever seen up close he wanted to know how he achieved that looking at all that vascularity and muscle volume he wanted to know why he was so different from the others his Fascination was so great that he wanted to see the body
from the inside there were so many thoughts that he lost lost focus on the surgery his hand hesitated and he thought he should preserve and help Humanity evolve the patient's hand fell off the struer he gave into those intrusive thoughts and ended up dissecting that man a nurse entered the room and was horrified by the scene that made him take refuge in a small town in South America but he did it for a reason because there he had an abundant supply of bodies to conduct his research he ended up noticing a phenomenon that validated his
study by killing strong people he could confirm his own strength's progress then he began to strengthen those who were his weak points a new existence a new Humanity that was what he should have become but he was obliterated by the young man in glasses his body crashes onto the ground bouncing multiple times the entire place is destroyed after the fight dust and smoke mix in the air nathanel is leaning against a pipe his life almost at its end his spine is shattered his muscles torn and truly can't move Kim tells him not to try moving
as it would only add more nails to the lid of his coffin Nathaniel wants him to tell him one last thing for 30 years all he's done is try to get stronger but being defeated by Kim he wants to know what that young man did that is so Effective Thinking for a moment Kim isn't sure if he can explain it in a way he would understand Kim acknowledges that he has a lot of tenacity but the difference between them is that Kim dedicated himself to hard work for a short period of 65 years this is
an amount of time incompatible with the young man's age looking at him from a distance he sees Peter's silhouette in him even being a doctor there are many things he cannot comprehend but he's happy to have met him before dying finishing his words whatever life was left in that body was exhausted thus ended the conflict at the hospital Nathaniel and his carrier because none of them remained alive all information about the glory assassins was erased life returned to its natural course in the car the twins want to hear something from their Professor to them it
was already time to become rank C being categorical the professor says they should be less arrogant they say they were just acting then they start to tell him how his fight against the Brazilian assassins went they wanted Yuna to recount how it was but she seems quite distracted on the other side of the seat Kim looks at her things ended well and she should be at least a little happy but with her brother bedridden she doesn't feel relieved that promise nathanel that could save her brother made her think too much a single dose would cure
him even though it was very expensive Kim knows she's worried about her brother and asks her if that's the case however she says she couldn't eat at the school cafeteria and that's what she's thinking about since the serum was destroyed nothing makes much sense now even so Kim believes that being who she is she'll find another way to help her brother though still a bit skeptical she thanked him for his words finally the van arrives and it's destination opening the door the young man says that Korea's scent is the best there is the professor tells
them to cut the chap and go to sleep so they won't be late for school the next day kib notices something left behind in the van he asks y if she's not going to take it but she says it's not hers Kim says e might like it and she wants to know how he knows her brother's name opening the package she wants to know what that is on her lap her eyes can hardly believe it Yuna is immediately moved by the gift there was the serum nathanel had promised her Kim had taken the suitcase from
the hospital apparently nathanel had destroyed the serum Yuna cries grateful for her friend's gesture she clings to the suitcase which is her brother's hope in the hospital Hospital things are no longer dangerous two men observe the destruction no one can say what happened there and they can't believe in results either the level of Destruction is so extreme that it's hard to accept it was caused by human hands the hospital is completely vandalized in some areas they even wonder if it was really Peter who did that one man repeats his question which is confirmed by the
other there is footage of him introducing himself to the camera besides that there are no Witnesses who saw him it's as if they had encountered a ghost the man tries to retract his words and some hooded figures ask if he really said that he tries hard to retract his statement but his effort is in vain thus he collapses in fear on the hospital floor suddenly several cuts are made on his body putting away his sword the Assassin asks if Peter is truly a ghost that word should not be said in his presence and he wants
to know if he stirred up anger in the other for killing the boss's subordinate but this man in turn felt nothing he's already used to it it's unfortunate that nathanel died before receiving the disciples new training on the other hand Peter deserves something a session of merciless beating that is the ghost of the sword a bald man asks them to pay attention to what he's about to say from now on they are volunteers the siblings are happy because they already wanted to go on a mission Kim and Yuna still can't get used to the way
these siblings act it's a comedic relief full of secondhand embarrassment he doesn't know why this mission was assigned to them but he hopes they'll do a good job at a port a few small boats are docked the siblings want to know what that is because they still don't understand the nature of the mission this wasn't the kind of volunteering they were expecting to do the truth is that real volunteering is also part of the job the siblings make a scene on the ground saying they want to volunteer for Glory and not for this situation soon
a beautiful woman appears asking if they are the volunteers for the day she is Yin the student's teacher the siblings glance briefly at her that was enough now they're working extremely motivated watching them Yuna says that their behavior is untreatable and Kim agrees with her what she doesn't understand is why they were sent to a place so far from their school a place 500 km away from the capital the professor told him that he doesn't know the reason either but that they should remain discreet and not reveal themselves so they proceed discreetly walking around the
area Kim reflects on the reason that might have brought them there looking at him Yuna wants to know why Kim is feeling down resting in the shade after working they talk with teacher asking if she's a student the woman understood that it was a compliment meant to say she looks young but they asked her not to say such things and turned it back on her saying they are just students while she is already a teacher youa didn't like that thinking they were being insolent knowing that the volunteers have arrived the janitor introduces himself to them
that's the only School in the area and he makes a dad joke but the young ones couldn't find it funny the place is very well taken care of and Yuna wants to know what they can do to help then the janitor tells them to follow him because he'll guide them around the place youit is suspicious she doesn't believe they were brought there just for this two monsters start extorting them saying that they live in peace there because of them but they don't have money to keep paying this kind of tribute and the Mobsters don't care
about that instead of money they offer something else which seems to please them there are several potatoes which are grown harvested there suddenly they throw the potatoes at the janitor and say they're still going easy on them they say they're businessmen and don't like it when rules are broken like that unit tells Kim not to get involved but he wasn't planning on doing anything the teacher says they have no money and that the school survives on donations then a mobster approaches her and says there's another way to pay she could get money in other ways
and with her looks she make a lot of money suddenly a hand appears between them saying that a man's hand doesn't exist to hit women it's meant to protect and for that reason he can't forgive him the mobster tries to say he didn't do anything before he could say anything else the mobster reacted he said his hand exists to hit clowns like him and the teacher begs them not to fight sitting down after being hit he says a mosquito is still flying around him it even makes him scratch a monster says he's bleeding a lot
and the young man says they shouldn't focus on the Small Things a brief beating session ensues now the two brothers are bedridden at the school taking care of them the teacher asks if they're okay and apologizes they tell her not to worry about them but rather about the fists that hit their faces the janitor said they were unlucky and that those Idol Mobsters go around charging others but thanks to the volunteers the school is a little better he asked them to rest and they talk tomorrow him asked if the captain is okay because he's recovered
a lot then he remembered other situations intimidation may have faced before the conflict inside the church with the Assassins Kim said that a strong person holds back when needed and that today they were pretty nice he tries to say something more but Kim tells him to keep resting in that place far from the capital the sky is filled with stars Yuna is sitting on the swing alone it seems she's reflecting on the past few days many things have happened to her recently she remembered the bag Kim left for her in the car inside it was
a different briefcase inside it the serum that would be able to cure her brother crying with emotion she wants to know how Kim was able to do that that suitcase could change her brother's life life she should have thanked him when she could but now she doesn't know how to do that Kim asks if she's thinking about her brother after having seen the children today and Yuna is greatly startled he asks if she saw a ghost but he always shows up in unexpected ways with him there beside her she wonders if she should bring up
the topic calling him he turns his attention to her but the words don't come out of her mouth she tries to explain to him what she wants to say and Kim says it's a thank you to her surprise looking at the sky he also remembers a few things she had told him to go to the clock but the one in the garden she had been adamant about that he also remembers her cry in the hospital lobby at that moment she must have been really scared yet she was able to protect him her bravery at that
moment was truly incredible she says it was nothing but Kim says he's very grateful Yuna is curious about something she wants to ask she wants to know if Kim has any relationship with Peter or something similar she seen many strong people but Kim had defeated nathanel it doesn't make sense for him to be a ranked e Sayan Kim says that when the time comes he will tell her everything she becomes downcast after hearing those words she really hoped to hear the truth right away now she's anxious as she's very curious Kim insists on knowing what's
wrong and Yuna says she had already thanked him faced with his persistence she lets out a loud shout saying she's grateful after that he asked her to calm down a little more she leaves thinking he did that on purpose and that she should be careful around him that's why she never knew how to properly apologize to men Kim is happy that the dco brothers and Yuna are progressing since things are being resolved he should be on his way too inside the school the light from the lamps passes through the window Kim walks down the corridor
heading to his dormatory the light from one room catch catches his attention he wonders if there's a way he can help the guard said he should go to sleep as staying awake will only make him weak and age faster he cracks a joke about losing weight and the guard lasts too much the joke wasn't that good and Kim doesn't react to it since he couldn't help he said he would leave advising the guard to rest as well before he left the room he said the boy is Clumsy he smelled blood for decades in his life
and the boy wouldn't be able to hide that scent from him with that behavior his scent of blood is very strong Kim could only go there as a volunteer and he did so with a goal in mind his objective in going to that school is to find the disciple Simon the one who handles a sword better than anyone on the planet the best swordsman of Glory the saint of the spinning blade it seems he did his research properly and if so he must also know that he won't be alive for much longer a single strike
is enough to create a small opening that is the opportunity given to his opponent to strike back but it wasn't easy with that man it seems like he's reading his mind he can't find any openings no matter the strength of the weapon a bullet can be avoided but there's no way to avoid a sword they are simply deadly within their range in a short time he cornered and blocked his movements Kim wants to know if the one before him is truly the best swordsman in the world or if it's just a rumor syon says that
only two people have seen 10 of his strikes the boy should be happy since he is one of those people he doesn't know how it is for other beings but humans are made up with habits walking talking sent ear people's breathing is different he wasn't sure before because it couldn't be true as it was impossible but during the fight he became certain then he planted his sword into the ground before him and he the disciple Simon the nights Sky did not expect this the samurai is bowing and salutes the disciple Peter who was in front
of him he said he missed his big brother perplexed he asked if he had reincarnated to which Peter says in a way yes he's relieved because he thought he had died but even Peter doesn't believe it Simon wants to visit the place where he's hiding but that's not possible yet he said that now he seems cool and acts cool something he didn't do before either way he is grateful because the title of the saint of the spinning sword suits him well Peter says he almost died but Simon knowing it was him thought it was impossible
he said that Peter is very skilled considering that for the past few years all he has handled is a broom and holding a sword felt a little strange and all of this only happened thanks to Peter who taught him how to use a sword he wants to know why he went to that part of the country Peter asks if he's heard the news about what happened at the hospital and with math enel and indeed he heard about the chaos he could hardly believe that it was Peter who did it and was wondering who was responsible
for that now he wants to know why Peter did all of that without beating around the bush Peter says he plans to take down Glory Simon says that even for him it's too dangerous glory is not the the same organization anymore so he hopes to join him in this task but Peter tells him he has to stay there and clean the school Simon wants to go with him but Peter asks if he really wants to throw away all the time he spent there hiding the samurai says he still dreams about that faithful night if it
weren't for Peter who stopped him he certainly wouldn't be alive today just like that child wouldn't have reached the highest step even if it cost him his head he would have done it gladly and he asks if Peter doesn't agree with him 60 years ago the honor orphanage was established by father Gabriel among the children who grew up there 12 were selected the Peter being one of them every day was a battle for survival after being treated like animals and going through the worst training the 12 who survived were promoted and became the nation's secret
agents the 12 disciples before anyone knew it they made great changes in the world one day something happened a young boy appeared at the orphanage and the priest decided to adopt him as time passed that child began to cover the crown and in the end he took the crown for himself arousing Simon's Fury it was on that night that Peter stoed him it wasn't the right moment for him or for anyone to do that in his hand Glory turned into an organization of Assassins stained with blood and Corruption and Peter who was powerless back then
obtained the greatest weapon of all his youth so if he wanted Simon not to get involved and just watch for everything would be destroyed the person in charge of doing that would be him Pier morning finally arrives at the school the siblings want to know what happened they had done all the hard work yet the children are idolizing Kim the teacher thought things would get chaotic but the Mobsters didn't return and the brothers said they won't come back shaking hands the man asked them if they need to go further than that the Mobsters murmur that
they won't mess up again and are warned not to return to the school or perach the teacher because if they do they'll witness the wrath of an srank assassin but the siblings say it wasn't a big deal and only they will remember it with their volunteering finished it was time for them to return to the capital the teacher thanks them for giving the children good memories the janitor makes a really bad dad joke and yauna had to be restrained before leaving they call out to the teacher they affirm that they will return every year and
she's happy but thinks it's because of the volunteering not to see her before kid leaves the janitor calls for for him he said that if needed he has the disciple Simon at his disposal if necessary he'll come to his Aid immediately Peter thanks him and hopes he stays safe and well in that place before the day ends the rain starts falling from the sky soon it becomes more intense turning into a storm the waves begin to rise and become much stronger lightning descends from the sky shaking the walls of the school meanwhile the janitor calmly
reads his newspaper that was quite unusual in his life he's been receiving things that made him very happy lately standing up he didn't expect to receive visitors they don't seem to be volunt tears and he wants to know what they want by visiting someone who lives in isolation the woman identifies him and says that's where he's been hiding one of Father Gabriel's Sons the sa of the spinning sword the disciple Simon the best swordsman in Korea Simon knows they are from Glory both the woman and the man accompanying her from what he's heard she seems
to be the most powerful swords woman in Japan the sword Phantom the man is happy that Simon knows who he is he doesn't know the reason for their visit but if it's Cal a title he holds he's not interested in that the woman said she only came there to earn a lot of money and nothing more Simon says they seem to have come from far away but they won't get that money moreover they are wrong about one thing it was very presumptuous of them to say that the Sate of the sword is the strongest in
Korea seeing his fighting Spirit the man says it was worth coming all the way there Simon tells them not to worry because he treats all this guest well now it was time for them to start fighting the woman reacts immediately to Simon's movement they are going to fight to the death the rain continues falling heavily a beam of light can be seen in the window of the janitor's room the clash between them is extremely Fierce their swords Collide violent ly Simon is thrown back by the impact but manages to stay firm on the ground b
w is equally skilled she was eager to meet Simon because of his reputation but expected more from him and thinks it's due to his age Simon has a cut on one of his arms indeed he hasn't been training and is a bit Rusty if it worked his past self she would no longer be alive hearing this she lets out a sadistic smile she says Simon shouldn't think so highly of himself she is good but what concerns him as the guy behind her he needs to move through a more open space to fight them both seeing
her approach he moved as well once again the swords Clash producing light with their Sparks Simon says the school is public property and that he's going to report her for what she's done there but she says she doesn't care because there will be no witnesses to that and that Simon will soon cease to live to escape the strike he jumped out the window of his room this irritated her because she thinks Simon is running away from them since it's raining heavily outside the man wants to know if everything is fine and the Ghost of the
sword says there are no problems the rain keeps pouring down Simon runs through the nearby forest with agility sharpening the sword to cut things this is the essence behind the sword but her Essence is different that's a saw made to cut human flesh even if it hasn't cut him many times the Saw's teeth are wide and cut deeply not to mention they definitely give off a bad feeling there's definitely something they're hiding from him the chase continues through the forest syon is now at a point that prevents his Escape he patiently looks at his pursuers
the woman says he's more romantic than she imagined because there he could try to die with a cooler aesthetic ston wants to know if she's interested in finding out why they call him the saint of the spinning sword but she doesn't want to know if she's a busy person but the man behind her showed interest he said Simon had become dangerous now indeed practical knowledge is much better than theory he is the saint of the spinning sword focused you can feel the air the waves of the sea even the rain and he is capable of
cutting all those things all thanks to his sword technique the man tries to tell a woman to dodge but she takes a moment to understand the cut had been made at the height of her neck didn't even give her time to react the trajectory of his sword continues endlessly an incredible technique refined over Decades of training the technique that made every swordsman tremble in fear Simon is in his Divine State the woman can only scream feeling the pain of the cuts on her body it had been a while since he had so much fun so
he called the next one it was time for the big guy do something too he says the technique is excellent if Simon hadn't stopped training it would have been formidable but now it's too late Simon doesn't understand if they already lost then he encounters a strange sensation he looks slowly at his abdomen there was a cut there and he didn't even realize when it happened there's no way he was wounded because he didn't see anything happen the man asks if Simon really thought he had won that's too funny here heing The Voice Simon is certain
he had cut the woman he even thought he might have been possessed by a ghost for something like that it's impossible that this really happened maybe he was just hallucinating there but the pain he feels is real searching his memories he remembered when the woman used a perfume maybe that was the hallucinogen used if that's the case he says it's pathetic and he's prepared for it his preparation is complete if he can't see a ghost he just needs to close his eyes he had repeated that technique thousands of times for someone at his level vision
is irrelevant in front of his sword he senses the presence of his attacker then then he approaches him with his sword seeing it once more it's clear that his skills are terrifying the infamous disciple Simon to think that he ended up like this Simon swings his sword aimlessly completely disoriented the woman Smiles at the scene because he can't even see her now she will show in why she's called The Phantom as her name suggests she's a phantom who carries a sword in the capital the day Dawns with a clear sky one of the siblings has
a question for his friends Yuna wants to know what happened and he asks if love has always been this painful he sent messages to the teacher but never got a response and yunas said he doesn't deserve one because he doesn't know how to communicate however she used to reply and he showed the old part of their conversation she sent him a picture yesterday and since then she hasn't responded he asks you know what they should do in a situation like that but quickly changes the subject saying she's not a girl listening to their conversation Kim
became very thoughtful they asked for Kim's help because Yuna is oppressing them he had called Jan and asked to meet her it's very cold and they met on a slope near the sea Kim is looking for pirates in that area the girl notices what's going on because e and her dogs sense something different she wants to know what happened as Peter isn't responding if Simon had gone back with him that day or even if he had stayed with him if a few things had been different he would still be alive thinking about the possibilities Peter
is genuinely angry far away they are being observed by someone the informant says the target received a gift and his boss wants to know if it's really Peter there he says there's an older man there and that he's not alone there's a woman with a dog and a younger guy who's not there anymore while talking to his boss Kim snatches the foam from the observer's hand this startled him because Kim got to his position too quickly and he couldn't couldn't do anything on the phone Kim asks if the person is the new Simon of Glory
the woman wants to know if Peter on the other side he asks if she's the one who calls herself the Phantom he says he doesn't know why she's acting so confidently but hopes she stays safe if she isn't already meanwhile he crushes her henchman's hands who screams uncontrollably she had signed her own death sentence she would die painfully at the hands of a real Phantom a yacht sails across the sea someone asks if the man is okay but he knows what kind of place he's heading to it's her home genuinely dangerous place an invisible vessel
everything about its crew no one knows a thing it's known as the ghost cruise whoever kidnaps Simon is inside how they got the ship and how they maintain it is a mystery but Peter knows who they are associated with if Korea has Glory Japan has them an ancient organization of Assassins not to mention the Oriental Yakuza famous in popular imagination for having inserted the story of the sword Phantom into the case of the Lost yamag Yumi on the day of the incident they were celebrating the leader 60th anniversary that day 2,000 people lost their lives
at the hands of of just two individuals an event that became wellknown incident doesn't do it justice it's more like a massacre but that's because it was two against 2000 in the place where such a battle unfolded there wasn't a single body left a reward was placed on them by the Japanese police but as their name suggests they'd vanished like ghosts after years they reappear and now she is the new Simon of Glory she says that if he knows all this he shouldn't go in there because he might have a feudal and insignificant death and
she's worried if everything will be okay since he doesn't have any support but Peter only cares about the number number of people he'll have to face no matter how many he has to kill there won't be any survivors he'll make sure they regret spilling his brother's blood and he has helpers there as well but that's exactly what the woman was talking about the siblings didn't like their clothes and want to be bodyguards too that's why Kim told them not to come along with him as he's not joking this is serious but they say he just
wants to monopolize the fun Kim says again they could end up dying there but they don't care death for Assassins is the final achievement on the yacht A man asks if he liked the vessel it's Troy unchain president of deha corporation that manufactures weapons Kim tells the president that it's cold outside and that he should come in quickly then he asks why he's so nervous to which the man replies that he should be there are drugs and smuggled weapons on board missing art pieces and even trafficked people this ship has things that an ordinary person
could only imagine existing even though he's rich and Powerful he only boards with the permission of that person and Kim says he's indebted to him once again but it's fine he owes him nothing finally they can see the ghost vessel more closely Peter can't wait to find out who this person is what kind kind of person they are to know exactly what they're like so he can bring judgment to that Soul already on board someone asks to call the boss over there the man had struck the woman in the head with an astray because she
didn't understand a word he said the woman tells him not to call the woman by that name and if he keeps calling for her she'll get angry it's not a boss but a lady she is Simon the ghost of the sword her appearance doesn't seem dangerous the same could be said of the man who always accompanies her while the woman is escorted by the man Simon invites the haet to talk in her room but he says she must have forgotten who he is one word from him could have her thrown off the ship he's the
CEO of a large company since he doesn't want to go to the room they can do it right there even though he's already drunk she'll make him even more into toxicated suddenly he feels something is off his hands are trembling violently his body is sweating cold and he's sure something is wrong within seconds he's already collapsing to the floor Simon begins to lament what happened what he likes is his business but he was doing really well squeezing his neck with him writhing on the ground she orders her henchman to throw his body into the ocean
they immediately obey removing the man who was still convulsing she wants to know her companion thinks Peter will come since this is the first auction since that phone call after receiving her gift you will definitely appear and he wants to know what the ghost would do if Peter were on the ship she coldly says she would find him kill him and take her money and she can't wait for it to happen the brothers look on in amazement because they don't know what that is that is an enormous and wonderful Club not to mention the massive
pool on the ship it's simply an incredibly luxurious Hotel the wealthy from all over the world are there people who must wipe their butts with money then he looks at J and asks if he's ready without hesitation he tells his brother that he's been ready since birth there must be no dirt in front of the important people and they dedicate themselves to cleaning the ship's floor a big shot calls for them and the brothers immediately offer their services they gave them a bunch of money because they were working hard cleaning the floor it was way
too much money they didn't expect such a generous tip they received the equivalent of a million one all that just for cleaning the floor they're already thinking they'll get rich if that's the case they won't need to be assassins in the middle of the hall a man asks for everyone's attention and thanks them for being there for the auction that's about to start they have a special product for them Simon's first impression was written on a piece of paper a woman with a sword and a man who looks like a bear Pier looking at her
knows that this woman is the new Simon of Glory the first item to be auctioned is photoo she urges people to imagine what that might be it's capable of killing thousands of people in just a few minutes a biochemical weapon Peter observing her can't believe she was a match for the Sint of the sword among the audience one of them knows that shouldn't exist because it was destroyed by the Soviet Union for being too dangerous it's quieter than a bullet and more lethal than a bomb an old man wants to know where they managed to
get it Victor Agora one of the largest Russian arms Smugglers claims the item was stolen from him he orders his men to grab the woman and bring her to him but her henchmen says they can't cross that line even so they push past him threatening him with death approaching her they told her that if she obediently went with them she wouldn't get hurt while she asked them to slow down if they understood what that meant she said it would take a while for them to feel it soon they were both on the ground writhing in
pain and Agony Peter was incredulous and wondered if he had really seen that the audience didn't understand why they ended up like that out of nowhere Peter also watched closely what was happening to the men their faces were literally melting the guy on the stairs had touched their faces that must have been enough contact even with that unexpected turn the event continued the Phantom apologize for what just happened and resumed the auction that item would indeed be auctioned the following day with a starting bid of 200 million in fact she didn't want to say this
tonight but she'll say it for all of them there is one more special item to be auction an item men of them would imagine to be there the curious attendees wanted to know what could be but she asked them to quiet down a bit all special items would be shown the following day this left the buyers very interested as there must be several intriguing items there the only thing Peter can think about is where Simon might be on that ship on stage they watch his people leave he wants to know if Peter was among those
people but the Phantom says they'll find out the next day the company's president is hungry perhaps just because he was nervous earlier so he suggested they go to where dinner is being served he also advised being very careful especially around that woman no matter who you are got to listen to what she says on this ship of all the people he knows she's the most unstable person he's ever seen just as he was about to mention the man accompanying her someone calls president Choy it's the woman saying it's always difficult to meet with him and
that he didn't come when he was invited but it seems photoo was enticing since they hadn't seen each other for a while she invited him to dine with her he tries to say that he wanted to avoid dinner that night because the drink was too strong approaching him the woman told him to relax this made him even more apprehensive that woman is dangerous then his bodyguards hand pushed her back Kim said they should have dinner another day because the president isn't feeling well today and if she insisted on having company he could go with her
Kim looked at her with a coldness that only Peter could have in front of him the Phantom seemed frustrated she observed quietly while Kim escorted the president through the corridor to his suite the Phantom didn't expect a bastard with a young face to do that that made her consider showing him something and she told him to wait he's right she does want company for dinner and she invited him on a date when he comes she suggested he leave his belt in the room because her dinner will take quite some time getting closer he noticed that
there was something strange about the scent she was giving off that fragrance wasn't normal then she said that men are all the same and can't control themselves when they're near her after saying that she entally ran her hand over Kim's lips then she asked if he didn't agree with her but some people started calling for her now it's the brothers saying they are the new staff in charge of cleaning and will clean anything she asked them to while Kim tries to regain his composure the two argue for her attention he's still deep in thought after
getting close to her trying to avoid that distraction she turned her attention back to Kim and said that he's a lucky guy after all after that she walked away leaving the area Kim doesn't know what just happened because he almost lost his senses it happened too quickly looking at the brothers he starts to think seeing that they're part of the cleaning Crew He seems to have put the pieces together about what's going on the brothers are engaged in cleaning hoping to receive Hefty tips they you expect her ask them to wash her feet to which
they promise they'll make them shine in her Suite the Phantom is taking a bath while the young man stands guard she asks if he's not curious to know how hot it will be but he doesn't seem to understand what she's implying then she says she's heard about the event where a 100 Brazilian assassins were killed and even the disciple nathanel is no longer alive that's Peter's ability a 70-year-old man at death's door while his opponent was a disciple in his prime given that she has her doubts if it was really him and the young man
says that getting into the ship isn't as easy as entering a hospital the chance of him getting in there without being noticed is non-existent maybe someone is impersonating him so the question is their motives and why they want to destroy the organization and to get close to them she has a very effective method this made the young man thoughtful the ghost wants to know if that person is bothering him somehow it's amusing because she doesn't even know if it's a man or a woman but she wants to know why it bothers him and if he's
jealous of her sing deeply each uses his words and says he's not jealous of her the ship continues on its unknown route Lively inside Kim is dressed as a waiter pushing a cart at no moment does he forget his Focus he remembered a conversation he had with Simon who said he was relieved the person closest to the concept of family he has is Peter and now he would be the first of them to Die the first to have a funeral portrait because of this Simon asked Peter not to get hurt because he's worried about the
one closest to him then Peter tells his friend that he will not die it'll fulfill what he promised him and recommended that Simon drink less and stay healthy if it's that promise he didn't expect him to still remember it but Peter has a good memory indeed there's no fooling him Simon was his brother his family and for him he would gladly kill as many as necessary all of this just to have him back Peter is definitely determined to do so the auction is taking place now in the main hall and everyone is focused on it
during this time he needs to find any clue that leads him to Simon and he walks through the corridors looking for details two men ask who he is and Kim says he's with room service then he continued his route through the ship it seems he didn't know about this but they don't have any Asians working on the ship right now they decide to capture him and take him to the Madam and Kim says that's interesting maybe because they are pirates but everything ended too quickly in the kitchen looking for his friend he left another large
trail of bodies the same happened in the ship's engine room wherever he passed he left bodies but he didn't find any clues about Simon there was only one place left to search that place is the only one he hasn't inspected yet yet the auction continues and soon another piece will be presented an 18th century check painting a unique and genuine piece that captivated the audience the starting bid for the painting was $1 million it didn't take long for its value to rise steeply reaching 1,300,000 the painting is apparently sold with no further bids the painting
was sold now she's going to auction something everyone their desires the last item of this auction day her precious baty the Crown Jewel of the day is something more valuable than any item presented so far it can't even be compared to these things an item more cherished than art and rarer than biological weapons and soon they will see what it is an item prepared for a special person among them who will certainly recognize its value the moment they see it the precious item of the day the only one that's kind in the world the former
disciple Simon the sing of the sword in the past he was called the strongest swordsman known as the sing of the spinning sword people think that maybe he's just a corpse now and she hopes to have provoked peer enough and wants to know if that makes his blood boil with rage because she can only imagine that he must be furious and will soon reveal himself to her because if he doesn't she will simply hunt him down within the ship there are only two types of Expressions when people look at Simon that way either they are
completely in shock at what they're seeing or they have a peculiar look even a young man who accompanies her is scanning the crowd because among those faces there must be one that stands out one that will be easy to spot because it stands out the ghost found what she was looking for the face of someone filled with hatred with that the ghost achieve what she wanted the young man asks if she found him indeed she did but there's something strange after finding him she l lost sight of him however she's certain he's there among them
in the middle of the people she saw his expression of hatred not only that but she sensed a murderous Aura she even thought she might be wrong about it but that shouldn't be the case from now on it doesn't matter anymore she wants to see if he's capable of making it through all this the presentation is over and the auction for Simon's dying body is about to begin the starting bid is $10 million and if Peter doesn't buy him Simon will die right there it's a delicate choice and the lives of both of them are
at stake Peter knows that his friend has become baked to lure him out the besides not having the money for the bid he participates in this he'll draw too much attention not to mention that there are too many Spectators for him to try to take Simon by force the situation is utterly detestable Peter doesn't know what he should do to save his friend's life the Phantom says that a disciple's life used to be worth more than a weapon of mass destruction and now nobody wants him and for him it's especially worse because he was abandoned
by his own once more she turns to the audience asking if no one wants him she even asked if they didn't want him because he was defective missing an arm if no one buys him she'll throw him away she'll count to five and then end his life right there the countdown begins every second that passes feels like an eternity Peter coldly thinks about what he should do it seems there's no more hope for Simon there's only 1 second left to prevent his death in the middle of the crowd someone places a bit of 20 million
it wasn't Peter who made this bid it was the person who is supposedly his boss the president of the dah group the offer is serious and he wishes to buy the disciple for that amount moreover he will pay the amount in cash this ended up complicating the Phantom's plans because she didn't expect this interference not to mention that he is very close to glor's leader due to their weapons dealings seeing this she seems to understand the situation she asks if anyone else wants to place a bid and Peter notices his boss's trembling hand the Phantom
did not like what happened in the absence of other bids he had won she wants to know if he's hiding something from her now Simon is bedridden and receiving care he asks if this is the person Peter was looking for indeed it is him and Peter is worried about the president's safety but he says he's always been involved with Glory if it weren't that way they couldn't have avoided the Trap buying him made them suspects and not buying would have meant Simon's death there remains to be seen if that was what she intended from the
start with everything that happened staying on the ship is dangerous and leaving it will be risky but Peter says he has a way to get out safely he' already prepared something for a situation like this pieter has an ace up his sleeve walking through the ship he found who he was looking for the brothers wearing expensive clothes want to know what their friend needs now and he would like to know what happened to them over the past few days they say Kim needs to make money and if he's stuck with them he'd be rich Kim
asked if they weren't there to become Legend like Peter hearing that they realized they had a greater focus and indeed they got distracted because they made a lot of money from tips remembering the dreams they have they ask Ken what he needs now the situation is dangerous the only ones who can Sol it are them who have cleaned the ship from top to bottom he wants to know how much they cleaned it and they say they clean the feet of everyone who is important that's good and it will become the fruit of their hard work
from now on the two are assigned to carry out a special A- rank Mission Kim is in the room where Simon is he looks at his friend who seems fivish this is not the the situation in which he wanted to meet him he looks at Simon and they're in another place it felt good to wear a uniform and bring a meal prepared by their mothers and it was great to be able to go to school with that group thoughts like these are ridiculous says Pier they can't go to school and Simon said it would be
hard to hold a pen with bloodstained hands maybe he's feeling melancholic because it's Autumn and Peter tells him to make one which Simon doesn't understand a school built by them where the poor and orphans could be welcomed they would build the first exclusive school for people like that he should go to that school and study there as for Peter Hill all the operational costs and wants to know what Simon thinks his eyes lit up before giving his response but he ended by saying that he hated the idea Peter wants to know what he didn't like
about it Simon said that he would buy his own books he remembers the conversation they had as he looks at his bedridden brother all she wishes for now is that he wakes up Simon had promised that they would go to school outside the president listens to Peter's words to his brother in another room the ghost is absolutely Furious that bastard Choy ruined her entire plan and she always hated him in Rage she throws some sculptures on the floor she screams that he shouldn't have meddled in her plans the young man tries to calm her down
saying she might get hurt so the ghost suggests they simply kill him rip off his head and hang it somewhere for everyone on the ship to see but he is the head of the daha group and doing that without the glory leader permission would be risky then the coost ask him who's the master there on the ship and you shouldn't forget that on this ship she's the law she then orders her henchmen to eliminate Troy as well as Simon who was bought by him because she's sure that after that Peter will reveal himself there's a
knock at the door K doesn't know who it is but Kim says he had ordered dinner so it must be room service since he's the one who ordered it he goes to the door to get the dinner he praised the young man's initiative and even though he didn't know what was ordered he was excited to have dinner when he returned there was only tea he sent the steak back because it was too cold now Choy is sure that the woman hates him for doing that to his food skipping a few meals wouldn't be a problem
for him but he thinks the young man should eat because of his age but Kim says he's fine serving the tea he is sure that he'd be back before it gets cold then he heads outside and enters another room in the sing Corridor that particular room is quite messy and the mess consists of the bodies of the ghost henchmen handling some seasonings he says that 60° is the perfect temperature for tea but what they were served was at 75° which means they failed to be good hosts one of the henchmen didn't understand anything but said
they were more than 20 and all armed and that The Bodyguard is armed with just two salt shakers but Peter says they clearly understand nothing and now he's going to show them just how terrifying those objects can be so the video ends here if you don't want to miss the next part activate the notification Bell and see you next time on to's Channel
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