Astronauts Enter a Spaceship That Disappeared 7 Years Ago Only to Discover it Came Back From Hell

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A spaceship mysteriously reappears after missing for seven years so a new crew is sent to rescue it,...
Video Transcript:
In 2015, the first human colony is established  on the Moon. In 2040, a spaceship called Event Horizon is sent out to explore the limits of the  Solar System, but it disappears near Neptune. It’s now 2047 and inside Event Horizon, a disfigured  floating body yells it pain.
However this is a nightmare by Doctor Weir, who is awakened by  his alarm. He immediately grabs a picture of his dead wife Claire and says he misses her before  getting to work. He’s currently on a space station near Earth, but he receives orders to join the  crew of the ship known as “Lewis and Clark” for a top secret mission.
The crew isn’t very happy  because they were supposed to be going home now after a long journey and travelling so far it’s  dangerous. Soon Weir arrives and after all the introductions are done, he gets the feeling that  Captain Miller doesn’t like him. DJ gives Weir an injection to get him ready for the cryogenic tank. 
Everyone gets in their corresponding tank and goes to sleep. Fifty-six days later, Weir wakes up  when he hears Claire saying his name. He comes out of the tank and notices the others are still  asleep.
The voice continues to whisper things and Weir follows it, getting startled when a hatch  opens behind him. Weir makes it to the control room and is shocked to see Claire on the pilot  seat saying it’s cold. He turns her around and she suddenly appears behind him at the same  time, revealing her eyes are missing.
At that moment Weir wakes up in the tank from another  nightmare and comes out choking on the water. The crew immediately helps him and DJ reminds him  he’ll feel disorientated for a little while. Over breakfast, Peters watches videos of her son back  on Earth, lamenting she’s missing his birthday and Christmas.
The ship will be arriving to Neptune  in around two hours, so Weir finally shares the details of the mission while Miller reminds him  nobody is happy to be there. It appears that a radio transmission was picked near Neptune and  identified as the missing ship Event Horizon, which the crew has trouble believing. Weir  explains the official story behind that ship is a lie, it was actually a secret government  project to create a vessel capable off flying faster than light.
This was achieved thanks to  a device known as the Gravity Drve invented by Weir. That device could fold space-time to  jump across space, which Weir demonstrates with a piece of paper. The mission had been going  well but when they finally activated the drive, the Event Horizon simply disappeared.
Then Weir  plays the radio transmission they’ve received, which sounds like lots of screaming and growling.  By putting it through filters a human voice can be heard and DJ identifies it as Latin, translating  the words to “save me”. Moments later the ship enters Neptune’s turbulent atmosphere and it  starts shaking a lot.
The pilots work hard to keep control of the vessel and reverse the thrusters  to avoid crashing, allowing them to safely reach Event Horizon. The crew is amazed by its huge  size as they dock their ship. Starck does a quick scan and learns a few things: the reactor’s still  hot, there are several small radiation sources but no leaks, the hull’s intact yet it doesn’t have  gravity, and the thermal units are off-line so the ship is very cold.
The crew could’ve not survived  unless they were in their tanks. She uses a second scan and picks up some life form traces, but she  can’t pinpoint their location. The readings come from all over the ship, which doesn’t make sense. 
Miller orders Justin and Peters to come with him to search the ship. Weir wants to come too but  Miller tells him to stay and guide everyone from the communication station. The team suits up  and connects a bridge to the Horizon to enter it, using magnet boots to stay on the hatch.
They  use a tool to force it open and come inside, noticing the place is in a deep freeze and there  are ice crystals everywhere. Weir tells them where each corridor goes and the group splits.  Miller and Peters discover multiple explosives, so Weir explains they were added to the ship in  case it needed to be split in an emergency.
Miller reaches the medical bay and finds it empty, but  he quickly runs a scan just in case. He screams when someone suddenly touches him, but it’s just a  floating glove. Peters makes it to the main bridge and finds some blood on the panel, not noticing  all the rotting bodies stuck on the wall because of the flickering lights.
Weir asks her to get the  ship’s log, but the CD is stuck in the machine. She pulls to get it out and turns around to find  a dead body floating toward her. On the cameras, the rest of the crew notices the body is missing  its eyes and its scars look like an animal did it.
Meanwhile Justin reaches the engineering decks  and must cross a crazy looking bridge to get to the actual room, which has coolant leaking all  over the place. He scans the area as he notices a device spinning in the center, realizing this  is the Gravity Drve. When Justin comes closer, the drive stops and the crew back in the ship  loses contact with him, seeing only static.
The drive opens with bright lights and reveals a  mysterious liquid that Justin touches. He reaches inside it and suddenly the drive brings him in,  pulling at the rope attached to his ship. At that moment the drive sends out a massive gravity wave  that even reaches the Lewis and Clark, causing severe damage to the whole ship and causing the  debris to hurt the crew.
Soon the shaking ship catches on fire and DJ does what he can with a  small fire extinguisher while telling the others to run. All this doesn’t stop Cooper from going  aboard to rescue his friend. Justin is expelled out of the drive and Cooper catches him before  he can float away.
In the meantime Miller is also thrown back by the wave and after a few failed  tries, he manages to contact Smith, who explains the Lewis and Clark is terribly damaged and on the  verge of exploding. Weir points out the Horizon has air and water, so Miller orders everyone to  shut down the ship and come aboard the Horizon for safety. Peters activates the Horizon’s gravity and  thermal units, causing all the crystallization, the coolant, and even the body to crash on the  ground.
Moments later the crew is gathered in the Horizon and Weir confirms he’s brought most  of the primary systems online. However Starck discovers the antenna is fried, meaning they have  no radio or laser. The filters aren’t working well either so even if they use the filters from  their broken ship, they’ll only have breathable air for twenty hours.
DJ is checking the damage to  their ship’s hull and confirms he could repair it, but it’ll take a long time. At the medical bay,  Justin’s vital signs are stable, but he’s still unresponsive. Cooper explains what he saw and  Weir has trouble believing it because it would mean the gateway was open.
Miller believes Cooper  and demands to know what’s inside the Drve. Weir takes the crew to the Drve room and explains the  rings create an artificial black hole, but it’s still perfectly safe. He’s sure the gateway can’t  open by itself so he complains when Miller orders Starck to seal the room, but Miller reminds him  people are already hurt so obviously it’s not safe after all.
At the medical bay, Peters is looking  through the Horizon’s logs when suddenly she hears a weird noise behind her. She grabs a knife and  approaches a tent on top of a table, where she’s shocked to discover her son with heavily wounded  legs. Peters cries before she’s startled by DJ and when she looks back, the table is empty.
Afterward  Peters plays the last entry in the Horizon's logs. The crew appeared to be well, but when they turned  on the drive, the image became distorted. At that moment the power goes out in the Horizon and DJ  discovers it’s a power drain.
Weir and Miller run to the drive and Weir opens a hatch to check  the inner parts. At the medical bay, Justin’s body starts shaking and DJ runs to check on him,  only to be grabbed by Justin who says “the Dark is coming” before collapsing. Back to Weir, he starts  working inside the drive when suddenly he hears Claire’s voice again and the lights start pulsing. 
As Weir panics, Claire appears in front of him and says “forever” before disappearing and the  lights start working normally. In the drive room, Miller sees a fire on the liquid around the rings  from which a burning body starts arising. Moments later, the crew gathers again and DJ points out  the bad air may be causing hallucinations and impairing judgement.
However Peters and Miller  swear it felt real, and Miller even says he felt the heat. Smith snaps at Weir and blames his  invention for killing the last crew, so the others have to pull them apart to avoid a fight. DJ holds  Smith at knife point and reminds him there’s no such thing as haunted ships, but Smith tries to  punch Weir again.
A furious Miller grabs him and yells at him, telling him to go out and work on  repairing their old ship. In private, Starck tells Miller that those weird bioreadings plus the  hallucinations may mean the Horizon is reacting to them in self-defense. It’s as if the ship returned  with some kind of life force inside, making it sentient.
With only ten hours left of air, Peters  returns to the medical bay and discovers Justin is gone. As she looks for him, some lights go out and  others start flickering. Suddenly a light explodes behind her and she panics, running out of the room  to find the others.
As she asks them if they heard “that”, something begins pounding on the door to  the point of bending the metal. Weir stares at it rather calmly and whispers “open the door” before  trying to do so. Starck runs to stop him, bending his arm to snap him out of it.
At that moment an  alarm goes off and they notice someone is in the airlock. Peters realizes it must be Justin and  the group runs to find him, however the door closes behind him. While Starck informs Miller and  tries to override the lock, Justin asks Peters if she heard “it” and explains “it” shows terrible  things, like the dark inside of himself from another place.
Justin presses a button to open the  other end of the airlock and the resulting alarm makes him snap out of it. It’ll take a few seconds  for it to open, but now his attitude has gone from not wanting to go back to wanting to be saved.  The veins in Justin’s arms start popping and his body floats up as he has trouble breathing. 
His eyes begin bleeding and when the door opens, Justin throws up blood before Miller arrives to  catch him, pushing him back inside. Starck finally opens the main door and the crew rushes to give  Justin medical care. Meanwhile Weir sits around, feeling how the drive is reaching out to him. 
Moments later, Justin has been stabilized and put inside a tank. They have only four hours left  of clean air, so Miller asks Peters to work on the Horizon’s logs to discover what’s happening.  Starck asks about what Justin said and Weir thinks it was nothing, so a furious Miller follows him  out to demand answers.
Weir finally admits lots of things are happening that he doesn’t understand  and Miller walks away. In another corridor, Miller hears a voice asking for help. He tries reminding  himself it’s not real but he suddenly has a vision of an old crewmate being brutally killed.
Miller  goes to DJ and shares the story of how he had to leave a crewmate to die during his early working  days. He never shared this story with anyone, so the ship somehow knows their deepest fears.  In return DJ tells him that he’s fixed his translation from earlier and the message actually  says “save yourself from hell”.
If the drive can take a ship across the limits of the universe,  the duo wonders if it can reach even hell itself. At that moment Cooper finishes fixing the Lewis  and Clark, but the first test goes wrong and they need twenty more minutes to plug a hole. Peters  and Starck finish going over the remaining logs and are horrified to watch how the previous crew  was ruthlessly murdered.
A bleeding man smiled as he held his own eyes on his hands. Seeing this,  Miller announces they must leave. Weir protests, saying the mission isn’t over, however Miller  reminds him they came to rescue a crew and they’re all dead, so it’s indeed over.
He’ll allow them  to download all the Horizon’s information, but once they’re far enough, he’ll launch missiles to  destroy it. At that moment Starck informs Miller that the bioscan has gone off the scale, meaning  the Drve is draining power from the rest of the ship. Miller orders everyone to leave the Horizon  as fast as possible while Weir comments the ship won’t let them do so.
He says he’s already  home before disappearing in the darkness. In the drive room Parkers and Smith are collecting  as many carbon dioxide tanks as they can. Smith quickly leaves, but Peters hears the Drve and  starts seeing her son again.
Lost in her mind, she runs right into the core and climbs a ladder,  following her son. After having a vision of her own dead body, a door opens to reveal her son and  Peters tries to approach him, only to fall down a hole. Her body falls out of the drive and she  dies while looking at her kid.
Moments later Weir enters the room and finds Peters’ body. Suddenly  she hears Claire’s voice and finds himself back on the bathroom of the first space station. He tries  apologizing for being away for work for so long, but Claire gets in the tub and self-deletes like  it happened in real life.
Then Claire appears in front of him with no eyes and says now they  can be together forever before poking his eyes, causing him to scream in pain outside the  hallucination too. While Cooper finishes repairing the other ship, Smith notices Weir exiting the  Horizon and informs Miller, who has discovered one of the Horizon’s explosives is missing. Smith  starts searching through the equipment and notices an ID with blood on it.
Behind it he finds the  explosive and immediately tries turning it off, but it’s too late. An explosion happens and Smith  dies. The shockwave blows Cooper away from the hull as well, and now he’s floating around on a  piece of metal.
He decides to empty his air tank, hoping it’s strong enough to send him back to the  ship. At the medical bay, DJ is gathering supplies when Miller informs him of the latest deaths, so  he tells him to kill Weir on sight. Suddenly an eyeless Weir appears behind him and grabs him to  start throwing him around.
Then he puts him on a table and uses surgery tools on him. Miller hears  this on the intercom and runs to the medical bay, only to find a dead DJ hanging from the ceiling  with his guts spilled on the table. Afterward Miller arms himself and goes looking for Weir.
He  finds Starck unconscious on the ground and wakes her up, but before he can carry her away, Weir  appears on the command chair. He says the ship opened a gateway to another dimension of pure  evil and when it came back, it was alive. Then he starts up the Horizon to re-enter that evil  dimension and Starck tries attacking him to stop him, however Weir easily tosses her aside. 
Weir gets the gun and threatens Miller at the same time Cooper appears on the window, so Weir  shoots at him instead. Cooper quickly moves away and Miller jumps as Weir shoots again, destroying  all the machines. The window explodes and starts sucking out all the objects in the room.
Miller  slides around but manages to hold on while Weir’s chair breaks off its base. Weir also tries to  hold on and even manages to bend a floor panel, however the pressure is too much and he gets blown  off into space. The same almost happens to Miller, who finds a rope and uses it to move into another  room.
Then he grabs a tool to keep the door open and reaches out for Starck, grabbing her and  bringing her in right before the tool breaks and the door closes. At that moment they hear an alarm  at the airlock and the duo gets ready to fight, but it’s just cooper. The team agrees to blow  up the corridor and separate the foredecks as a lifeboat to escape, leaving the Drve  behind.
While Miller runs to activate the remaining explosives, Cooper and Starck go to the  foredecks to start sending an emergency beacon. Suddenly the ship starts filling with blood and a  capsule breaks, causing the blood to flood a room as well. Starck is pushed away by the liquid but  Cooper manages to save her.
In the main corridor, Miller sees his old crewmate, who blames him for  his death before shooting fire at him. Miller has no choice but to run into the drive room,  jumping right before the door closes. A flame manages to come through, causing an explosion  that lights the whole room on fire.
The fiery man suddenly appears inside and pushes Miller, causing  him to drop the detonator before revealing he’s not the old crewmate, he’s actually a very  scarred Weir who claims the shop brought him back. He grabs Miller’s head and shows him  all the horrific things he could do to the crew. Miller finds a tank in the water and starts  hitting Weir with it, however Weir overpowers him and throws him away.
As the gateway opens, Miller  reaches for the detonator and presses the button, activating the bomb. That area of the ship starts  exploding and the Horizon is effectively split in two. Cooper and Starck get to escape in the  foredecks while the drive is absorbed by a black hole that quickly closes.
The duo goes to  sleep inside the tanks and seventy-two days later, they’re found by a rescue team. Starck screams  when she notices one of the rescuers is Weir, however this is also a hallucination  and the rescuers assure her she’s safe.
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