RFK Jr. reveals key details on closed-door talks with Trump and Harris

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Fox News
Former Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. reveals when it became ‘clear’ that h...
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and joining us now is Robert F Kennedy Jr welcome to Fox News Sunday Shannon thanks for having me okay so let's get this out of the way up front you and president Trump not always fans of each other he posted on social media earlier this year he's one of the most liberal lunatics ever to run for office a phony radical left fool whose poll numbers are terrible and getting worse the New Yorkers said just a couple of weeks ago this in a recent text exchange Kennedy told one person that Trump was a terrible human being
the worst president ever and barely human he is probably a sociopath now I haven't read your text so you can speak to that but how did you get from that position to Friday night well you know I I it became clear to me that I did not have a path to Victory um 16 months of censorship of not being able to get on any network really except for Fox and uh I had in fact when um when Ross perau ran in the 10 months that he ran he had 34 uh appearances on the networks I
had two appearances in 16 months I was blocked off the networks I was blocked off the debate I had no path to Victory president Trump had been reaching out to me and I talked to him few hours after the assassination attempt and we had a long conversation by phone I then had two extensive meetings and there there were issues the broad issues that were most important to me the ones that brought me into The Campaign which was ending the Ukraine War ending the censorship and protecting Children's Health were all and reforming our food supply all
the things that we need to do to make our children healthy again those are all things that President Trump also wanted to work on and he invited me to form a Unity government we agreed that we'd be able to continue to criticize each other on issues on which we don't agree but these issues are so important and their way of unifying our country we need in this country to reach a point where we love our children more than we hate each other it's a good uh unifying theme that I think a lot of people could
get around it's how we get there that's always the devil is in the details have you all negotiated over or talked about a cabinet position another position within a trump government in exchange for your endorsement no there was there's been no commitments um but I you know I met with President Trump with his family with his closer advisors and we just made a general um commitment that we're going to work together what about the states where you're trying to get off of a number of swing state ballots to say I'm going to stay on a
number of State ballots but in these swing States I'm going to try to withdraw myself and ask my supporters or at least you're telling them think about supporting president Trump did you negotiate over which states you would try to withdraw from yeah I mean we all knew which states they were there basically is 10 swing states where my presence in the race would have uh helped uh uh vice president Harris and would have harmed uh president Trump so I'm going to get off the ballot in those States and then we're going to stay on the
ballot in 30 States and you know I'm encouraging people to vote for me in those States those are states with the votes they're either all red or all blue states where their votes are not going to change the outcome of the race and but in the in the in the states where I would have been a spoiler I'm going to get out it's about 10 states okay so there were reports a couple weeks ago citing an official from your camp and also a democratic official saying that there had been Outreach to the Harris Camp as
well to possibly discuss you working within the Harris Administration in exchange for an endorsement of her is that true and what happened with that you know I reached out to them on the same basis that I reached out to president Trump and I we actually talk to other presidential candidates including Chase Oliver and the libertarian party about figuring out ways that we could and the polarization and the hatred and the vit all start talking about issues and you know I and I would have I was welcome to listen to anything from the Democrats that they
were going to do something about the war about the Ukraine war about the censorship about the child health crisis this epidemic of of chronic disease that has now disabled about 60% of our kids and you know when my uncle is President Shannon only 6% of Americans had chronic disease today over 60% to and you know it's hard to find a kid today that's not been damaged by it and it's coming from our food supply from cont from pollution in our environment from toxics in our environment and and mainly from corruption in our government that allows
that to happen you've talked about or there's been discussion that if you were to join the Trump Administration in some health rated position that you have real interest in dismantling things like the FDA the CDC NIH you would like to see Focus away from infectious diseases to what you're talking about more chronic diseases is it fair to say that you would try to dismantle some of those organizations no I wouldn't dismantle them I would change the focus and I would end the corruption I would right now 75% of fda's budget is coming from pharmaceutical companies
that is a perverse incentive in Ni the if you scientists and officials in NIH who work on drug development who incubate drugs for the pharmaceutical company get to collect lifetime royalties from those products these are Regulators they're supposed to be looking for problems in that those products we have these agencies that have become sock puppets for the industry they're supposed to regulate so they're not really interested in public health everybody the the the most profitable thing today in America is a sick child everybody's making money the hospitals are making money the pharmaceutical companies are making
money even the insurance companies make money and we need to end those perverse incentives we need to get the corruption out of FDA out of Ni out of CDC and make them function as they're supposed to function which is to protect public health and particularly Children's Health let me go back to your decision from Friday um both you and Nicole Shanahan your running mate have talked about how you feel like the Democrats completely mistreated you excluded you from the process how much of your decision Friday is about revenge or motivated by punishing Democrats in some
way zero I I really I don't act in anything in my life I don't act out of anger or revenge or resentment um it's a it's a bad motivation it's like swallowing poison and hoping someone else will die and so I don't do it I'm you know I am very pragmatic and practical and I am focused on one thing which is how do we restore health for our children and that touches many many other issues how do we regenerate our soils in this country how do we protect small family Farmers the incentives are all going
to commodity Agriculture and that's what is feeding this chronic disease epidemic the the processed foods that are created by commodity agriculture so we need to do all of these things at once protect small farmers restore our soils regenerative agriculture and to get the corruption out of the federal government and and make these agencies do what they were created to do which is to protect our health and not serve the mertile interests of the pharmaceutical companies in the processed food industry this decision is not without personal cost for you um your own family went to the
White House on St Patrick's Day took a huge picture with President Biden made clear who they were supporting Friday night your siblings issued this statement we believe in Harrison Waltz our brother Bobby's decision to endorse Trump today is a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear you posted on X Friday night saying you're grateful to your amazing wife because the decision that you've uh made is one that she's uncomfortable with so talk to us about the personal backlash you have to deal with in moving yeah I mean you know
my family is the center of the democratic party I have five members of my family that are working for the Biden Administration President Biden has a a um a bus to my father behind him at the Oval Office he's been a family friend for many many years and my family is I understand that they're troubled by my decisions but you know I love my family I feel like we were raised in a milu where we were encouraged to debate each other and debate ferociously and passionately about things but to still love each other so you
know they can um they're free to take their positions on these issues there are many many members of my family are working in my campaign who are supporting me I have a very big family there's a few of them that are are troubled uh but you know I think we all need to be able to disagree with each other and still love each other um Wall Street Journal has this they say it's a two a double-edged sword essentially that that it may help president Trump to pick up some of your followers if they're willing to
go over there um but they warn about what you would do in his administration they say this RFK Jr if he's anywhere near the healthcare or environmental agencies in a trump Administration Look Out Mr Trump's best response is to thank RFK Jr for his support make no promises about the future and by all means avoid joint campaign appearances you've already had one will you have others will you campaign for pres I'm going to be campaigning actively I I think president Trump is going to make uh a series of of announcements about other Democrats who are
uh joining his campaign and uh you know I want to I want to make America healthy again and so does President Trump so I I'm th those are objectives my um you know the Wall Street Journal may be worried about shareholder value for pharmaceutical companies and I think you know I talk spe specifically president Trump about that issue and he said that he wanted to leave as his legacy healthy children and that you know that he he uh that he was unconcerned about the other implications all right Robert F Kennedy Jr thank you for your
time today we'll see you on the campaign Trail then Shannon thanks so much for having me
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