Listen To Me Today | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

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God's Message Now
Listen To Me Today | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say ▬▬▬▬▬▬...
Video Transcript:
open your eyes because the tough times you're dealing with will disappear and the help you've been looking for is on its way the support you need will be given to you I love you and I'm proving it today you asked and I heard you I'm here to give you these promises so you can accept them with faith my word gives you assurance and my promise is solid your Victory is certain it comes straight from my Throne soon you'll get the rewards for your perseverance the award for your bravery the recognition for your steadfastness the Crown
of Life and endless blessings say out loud and believe in your heart that you will receive them even if you're feeling really tired today don't be scared cuz I'm right here to give your legs strength and stability make your feet quick and uplift your spirit I'm here to light up your faith can you feel that spark inside your heart as you listen and read your soul is bursting with an extraordinary eagerness to get up and Chase more winds my dear child that's just how I am I care a lot about my kids and it hurts
me to see them down and out beaten down by thoughts of losing and dying their body's suffering because of the heavy stuff they let stick in their minds I don't want to see you like that so every night when you shut your eyes and let me take over your rest I'll visit your dreams and whisper sweet nothing no more tossing and turning for you you'll sleep peacefully like a child and when morning comes and you open your eyes I'll be there stroking your hair and getting your soul ready for the day so you can get
up determined to be joyful wonderful blessings are coming your way way you will see your family come together again and meet new people who mean well your journey continues leave the past and its tears behind I am setting you free from any chains and fears giving you Liberty as you Embrace this blessing make a promise to Value it I am strengthening your bravery you've always been brave and I am proud of your good heart your faith and your hard work to make things better when you find yourself successful and feel my blessings enriching your life
with joy remember to come back to me daily even though you're strong and courageous you're still my beloved child I want you to be close to me to experience my love you'll always have a place in my heart I've seen your challenges your resilience in facing life's unfairness and obstacles I know your feelings well your tears and your calls for help for light for support you're never alone at night scared or isolated because I'm with you surrounding you with my presence and truth even if you can't see me know that I am there you can
feel my presence every night when you go to your room and kneel by your bed to talk to me in prayer I'm right there with you I never leave your side I'm I'm always there giving you peace showering you with my love strengthening you and refreshing your faith I watch over you sending my angels to keep you safe from the fears that come at night it's because of me that you wake up with the energy to face and overcome each day's hurdles when fear and worry try to attack you I'm the one who stops them
and keeps you from being overwhelmed have you noticed how sometimes you go to bed overwhelmed and sad but wake up feeling calm strong and refreshed your troubles will never be bigger than your God morning might last through the night but joy comes with the new day experience my love listen to what I'm saying and dream about the wonderful future you want but remember what I have planned for you is even better I've got incredible things waiting for you a future full of love unity success and New Opportunities maintain your faith do not allow sin to
take hold of your life stand firm and when malevolent thoughts seek to seduce you recall my promise and remain steadfast in my ways when confusion clouds your mind when you feel powerless in directionless pray Speak to Me Feel My Love let my Sur ity enter your heart dispelling all fears and doubts do this my child and no enemy shall harm you I shall pour my peace upon you and it shall be your strength to make the right decisions on your journey I love you I am your father your protector your guide no harm shall befall
you I am with you always listening to your prayers I shall restore what is rightfully yours I am pleased with your character though it has been assailed many times causing you pain you do not deserve I will keep showering you with Abundant Blessings accept them and don't worry about those who try to scare you you are greatly blessed hearing messages and insights that many have not stay strong and don't wander off the path people who were jealous tried to trap you in difficulties to pull you down and speak ill of you but you remain firm
you haven't given up on your faith I praise you for seeing the importance of what really matters and ignoring the harmful words and schemes of your foes they can't stand the brightness Shinning from you my presence in your life annoys them and the blessing on your family makes them extremely angry while they lie so whack at night filled with frustration you sleep in peace because I'm watching over you your family your home and your job I will calm them down and change their focus they've seen that their actions don't bother you at all their family
suffer because they turned away from my teachings and love I offered them guidance for their good but they ignored it and moved away from me but you chose to stick with me knowing that I have the answers and the way out of every problem you face you've given your yourself over to my plans completely you believed in my word entirely without doubt you know that not everyone is like you look around you many could be reving in my love but their hearts have hardened things have never unfolded as they desired and they blame me you
are different now you understand well that your happiness and your future do not hinge on people your life and your blessings depend solely on me I want you to continue in this manner each day you shall become better stronger until even your enemies shall come to seek you out to beseech you to speak of me there is a greater blessing in store for you further down the road maintain that faith in your Fidelity I'll be with you every single day keep on fighting and never give up I cherish you deeply my timing is impeccable never
too late or Too Soon you're hearing from me today because I have a special message for you I'm listening to your requests I'm not ignoring your please there's no delay on my part I'm not upset with you if I haven't responded yet it's because I'm preparing something even better for you what I plan to give you will exceed your requests I'll also provide you with wisdom to value and treasure your blessings the dream you've been holding on to is about to become reality soon within your reach get ready significant blessings and new opportunities are on
their way you'll encounter new positive friendships and leave behind those who block your path criticize you constantly and aim to bring you down they plot in their hearts concocting schemes and traps to hurt you I wish for your peace and calm I don't want you to feel alone look for friends who encourage your growth not those who mislead you in your times of need you call out to me and I respond right now you're hearing my voice and these words will stay with you whether spoken or read my pen continues to write the sound of
my voice gives you strength and encouragement letter by letter with punctuation and accents my Commandments are engraved in your heart tell me who can harm you who dares to raise their hand against you or bring me their name tell me who they are and here in my presence close your eyes bend your knees and pray for them that person is lost in darkness and evil forgive those who pursue you and those who threaten you I will take care of your enemies but keep your heart righteous do not hold grudges I do not want curses or
judgments to come from your lips many times I have spoken to you your sensitivity is growing your Supernatural sight is clearing now you can feel and see with your own eyes that I love you in my book I have your name and beneath it all your prayers your requests are recorded be strong and courageous and remember neither fast nor slow my timing is good and perfect in your distress I answer you in danger I protect you in your need I help you I have granted you my support forever for your family and all your Generations
don't be afraid I'm here with you my beloved child I'm the ultimate remedy for all your ailments those that harshly afflict your body and those that attack your emotions like venomous blades I desire your faith your honesty your obedience your patience your steadfastness and your unwavering commitment to me to my teachings and to being in my presence listen closely to my guidance trust obey and persist with patience don't fret about what's to come your task is to endure follow my lead and place everything in my care I am your father and your God for this
very reason the days I bestow upon you are not meant for worry if you choose not to trust in me and succumb to anxiety you wound my love you draw sorrow to your spirit and illness to your body I know there are times when you're weary and unsure of The Next Step losing your balance but I'll always stand by you to remind you that I'm not here to past judgment I'm also your friend I'm setting up a feast of blessings for you in front of your adversaries and I'll raise you high in the sight of
your family and friends I'll take you to places you've yet to see through your story and your message many will learn about me you are entering a new time of Miracles and Supernatural events you will also see wonderful things happen to all the people you love you must prepare for this new life that is coming you must accept with Temperance and humility all the blessings that come your way guard your heart and do not forget who blesses you give me time every day seek my face prepare your soul get ready for happiness tell me truly
that you believe in me continue to trust in me do not give up keep raising your hands to the sky when you are most tired on your journey when you feel you cannot go on know that the fire of my love always reminds you that I am with you do not place your eyes on humans they can all fail you let your spirit not depend on the affection and approval of people it is true that I have created you to love and be loved but it's also true that the only true eternal love that will
always be yours Through the Ages is my sweet love which never fails you and is close and sure for you do not entrust your heart to those who may abandon you nor give your future to those who after giving them everything stop loving you do not give the first place in your soul to people who could turn their backs on you hurt your heart and ruin your life you've sought hope and now it's here you've prayed for peace and it's given to you if it's time to rest then rest in peace if you need to
keep going then press on because when you rest In My Embrace you're secure and when you're active my mighty hand guards you from harm remember you're never alone you're not abandoned even if your parents relatives or children leave you you always have the most wonderful love available mine it's deeply comforting to realize and feel that your heavenly father cares for you I will openly honor your faith I will strengthen it those who ridiculed you will end up amazed and embarrass said and the jelus will watch as you ascend you'll see that trusting in your almighty
God your loving heavenly father is truly rewarding I've seen you face so much adversity with with foes so loud they made you doubt feel small and cry yet your faith was proven pure and became stronger through your trials your suffering turned into bravery your fear into boldness your worry into joy and your sorrow into Delight tremendous blessings are on their way to you I imprint this message on your heart it won't be forgotten these words will echo in your soul every morning when you wake up no longer shall you rise disheartened and burdened you shall
no longer feel as though you are bound the chains have been shattered Every curse that lurked over your life has receded receive my word accept it with faith engrave it in your mind inscribe it upon a piece of paper keep it in your Bible right where Psalm 23 begins speak my word before retiring to bed close your eyes and say aloud Jesus I trust in you and you shall feel my presence beside you the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want read the entire Psalm I am sending it to you obey me in this
and you will see how my word will impart to you a strength you have never known before you'll feel like you're soaring high like an eagle climbing to Great Heights of faith looking forward to the new blessings I'm about to give you tomorrow keep your Bible close to your bed in the early morning I'll wake you up I'll whisper in your ear and guide you showing you sacred words and amazing Visions meant just for you welcome to the realm of the supernatural this is where your joy is shaped in this place you learn gentl and
humility here I give you the strength to defeat all evil to walk safely among dangers don't be afraid you won't be harmed I'm opening the door and inviting you into the world of Miracles nothing's too hard for me everything's possible for you you stayed strong in your faith in me with the little you had you showed faithfulness so I will trust you with more I cherish you the dry spell is over and the time of reaping begins your trials have been getting you ready for this immense blessing that's on its way I hear you when
you're in distress wondering when it will come let me assure you again the Fulfillment of my promise is right at your doorstep do your part rise and open it activate your faith go forth to receive your blessing with the attitude of a Victor do not seek out obstacles do not linger in idleness do not allow doubt to wither your faith your talents and gifts are on the verge of blooming there is a wondrous Garden on Earth and it is here that I need you you are more than a flower you are a flourishing tree that
provides shade to all who seek my presence I intend to use you to bless many to speak of love to your family to extend your hand and Aid the suffering as you share and give blessings of abundance will shower down on your home get ready the time to gather your rewards is close at hand step out and sense the fragrance of a field ripe and ready for you are set to succeed you are among those I've picked out I will Empower you elevate you and eliminate all lack and need from your life but listen listen
carefully do not mimic those who disregard me who Fritter away their time in Trivial Pursuits when things go south they point fingers at me constantly grumbling and eyeing The Virtuous like you aiming to piler the blessings I plan to Grant you the yield of the forthcoming Harvest is yours alone do not delegate this task those unappreciative of my favor let my blessings fall to waste do not not pass the treasures I bestow on you to others Shield your Offspring from Harm's reach bar the entry of your home to ruin attend to my voice each morning
I will provide you the insight to Triumph in every Endeavor your Harvest will be plentiful and this phase is but a Prelude to the wondrous things I have in store for you anticipate this and more from your Divine Guardian I don't just provide you with scraps I lavish you with Bountiful blessings Embrace this affirm it and continuously express your love for me today I will come to your dwelling and transform your fate you are in distress seeking my intervention my encompassing love that heals and protects without passing judgment My caring presence that envelops you quietly
my attentive ear that hears you out fully without interrupt coruption confess your yearning for me because that reflects the truth your own strength has reached its limit this is the moment for you to acknowledge your need you have called upon me in prayer with faith and sincerity that is why I have come to rescue you and your family from the cruel desert where loneliness parches hope and your soul thirsts for love due to so much disdain the journey is arduous and you cry out as you tread upon the scorching Stones That Make You Weep with
pain I understand how you feel it is difficult to continue walking in to believe that even amidst this suffering my hand sustains you yet I have come to Shield you from the enemies that assail and wound you even if you feel beaten and faint I will revive your desire to live strengthened I will lift You From the Ashes and those around you and many generations to come we'll see how greatly blessed you are I will clothe you in Robes of Honor I will purify your paths your home will overflow with my Splendor what you face
now is merely a phase of cleansing like gold that only Sparkles after being refined by fire you too will emerge radiant cleared of any lingering negativity hear me my child I Elevate you not to put down your brother or sister but to show you how to lend a hand to those who have stumbled I wish for you to let go of anger Pride fear doubt and disbelief don't dwell on what's passed for it pales in comparison to the happiness you're about to embrace I encourage you to recognize and cherish both the big and small blessings
in your life walk uprightly carrying my virtues in your heart don't lose heart if today finds you feeling down or weak listen to my voice Voice open your heart wide welcome the gentle peace I bring and take a moment to ease your mind as the creator of all I command the tumult around you to cease The Whispers of worldly threats trying to intimidate you undermine your faith blur your vision of progress or belittle your achievements will no longer disturb you you may think yourself weak but pay close attention it is better that you realize your
own strength has limits and that you need me with your faith and my power combined you become invincible with renewed strength your spirit is indomitable and with this word of faith your weakness is vanquished you can confidently Proclaim I am strong walk with hope and never falter continuing onward to this mountain where I await you this is the peak where all your Big Dreams can become real it's your time to embrace my plan and let me act in your life from now on you're meant to rise not fall back spread your wings and climb high
to view the land of blessings I'm ready to give you no more nights of sorrow or mornings of Gloom starting today your life will be filled with vibrant Faith each new day as the sun comes up choose Joy No Matter What don't let any bad bad news or worry take away your bright smile you are dearly loved by me always keep that in mind you've given yourself to me my spirit lives in you you're unique and there's no need to copy others while many get shaken by rumors and give in to Despair and fear that's
not who you are my dear Supernatural Grace resides within you your faith is marvelous and from your lips flow prayers and powerful words fly now for you are free be happy go and share these words I have given you with your family I cherish you deeply and I'm guiding you out of your tough times towards Victory and the joy you deeply yearn for this is all because of my love for you you hold immense value to me and I have significant plans for your life listen carefully for the words you're hearing and reading now are
filled with truth and suff substance I understand the pain and sadness your current challenges bring making it hard for you to greet each day with happiness you're enduring tough times but you stand on the edge of incredible and divine transformation there have been many days of sorrow and confusion but now you're leaving this difficult phase behind the world may have tried to dim your light and weaken your faith but you remained unbroken my child you've come through this long tough Journey from here on I promise better days ahead I will bring back your smile everyone
will witness the remarkable way I renew your strength and power my wisdom will guide you through the challenges you've encountered after enduring the dryness and Solitude of your journey feeling parched exhausted and frail relief is on the way yet your faith and love for me and your family gave you the strength to rise and keep walking you persevered until the end and today I send clouds Laden with a special rain Living Water of blessing healing bomb for your heart I am filling your soul with my spirit of Love The Covenant I made with you remains
valid I always listen to you my ear attentive to your cries I give you my attention every time you come to me in prayer and invoke my Holy Name you are facing a time of great Miracles and wonders that will reach you and your family because of your loyalty your Fidelity your perseverance in not giving up amidst the difficult Journey for believing in me and entrusting me with your destiny I will not let you down because I hold deep affection for you my dear one my intentions for you are always good never harmful I will
grant what you ask from me share with me again your heart's wishes and I will listen from above and fulfill your sincerest desires be glad my child for your suffering is over your moment of Triumph is on the horizon tell me you trust me I cherish you could you spare me just a moment Hear My Words Be not anxious about anything I urge you to focus on me and cherish every word I say I need to express once again the profound love I have for you it's more than just words or feelings my love for
you is a Perpetual promise I have declared my love for you spoken by my own words it is confirmed and affirmed by my sacrifice and my stance is unwavering my commitments are steadfast you will forever occupy a special place in my heart each star twinkling in the night sky was placed there to light your way through the dark and to remind you of the genuine love I have for you the sun shining in the Heights Illuminating you with its light was crafted so you may feel upon your skin the warmth of a chariot unseen yet
so immense it dispels all darkness that may dwell within your soul Feel My Love every night before you retire to rest feel it a new each morning and each time you rise from your Slumber ready for a new day of life allow yourself to bask in the Embrace of feeling loved and believe steadfastly in this love for it is no mere fantasy nor figment of your imagination what you deeply desire is love and that's precisely what I'm giving you I'm showering your soul with something so wonderful and profound it will change how you see life
my love for you is intense and it's crucial for me that you thrive that you have the resilience to withstand any challenge whether small or large I want you to walk on the sea waves and stand firm amidst life's trials to endure the harsh Paths of your journey I love you and will give you the strength you need my promises will keep you steadfast on your your journey let me say it again I want you to Embrace Life fully value and cherish the future I'm eager to give you love is my gift to you you
need to believe in it and welcome it I'm offering you life and bravery and you should accept them with faith to succeed you will be all right everything will be set right this is the sign you've sought the response to your calls and prayers from the moment you first reached out an angel left my heavenly throne with the key to your freedom but you are a person of extraordinary significance a battle is waged in the celestial realm the adversary desires to see you gravel and does not wish for your Triumph my Legions fight for you
in the heavens against the forces of evil the conflicts that have suddenly befallen You Are Not Mere happen stance you must be aware and astute be prudent in your speech divulge not your secrets to anyone exercise great caution in whom you place your trust the adversary seeks to devour you to find a in your armor to destroy you with lies and deceit your faith is sought to be extinguished many are envious of the blessings I've placed upon you and ahead lies a life filled with wonders a supernatural existence though trials might besiege you momentarily remember
they are transient and will soon vanish the heaviness in your heart will lift before long those who've wronged you will come seeking your pardon and you following my path will grant it you'll show them kindness extending help wherever possible yet your faith should always be anchored in me [Music] for you in this hour is peace encouragement tranquility and confidence my peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you neither the world nor people shall Grant you the love and peace that I can bestow receive it today in your heart put your life your
hopes and your dreams on the strong Foundation that is Christ and you will achieve what you aim for my dear in this world you will face tough times and challenges including moments that will test your faith and your strength that's why I'm telling you today to build your life on the solid rock that is Christ Jesus not on the fleeting shallow things that the world chases after base your life on my words teachings and don't get carried away by the trends of these times don't be lured by worldly desires that can make your heart hard
they are like shifting Sands that can trap you lead to failure and ultimately bring you down remember my child the world's ways are empty and misleading and they can lead you to doubt and fear so always be ready to face any challenge that comes your way stand strong and steadfast equipped with the spirit's tools and covered in my power don't let the enemy's Shadows confuse you or his lies darken your heart don't be tricked by tempting words that only aim to take your blessing and Lead You Away from the special plan I have for you
trust in me and don't be misled by falsehoods trying to divert you from my path know that you are my child my creation my work of art holding my truth and the light of my teachings trust in my love and the guidance I provide today remember I always want what's best for you aim for your happiness and I'm here to steer and shield you from the enemy's plots so when deceitful voices and lies try to plant doubts in you dismiss them firmly find solace in my teachings and prayer hold on to them and they'll give
you the might and safeguarding your spirit needs in my presence You'll Always Find Tranquility contentment and the joy you seek so I tell you again my child anchor your life on the solid foundation when you do though storms and trials may come you won't be swayed even when tempests rise if your foundation is in the steadfastness and power only Christ provides you'll stand firm untroubled by the waves or the strongest gusts as long as your life is built upon the rock that is Christ you will endure trials and tribulations for he is the Gateway that
leads you to eternal life the source of salvation for your soul do not doubt my words beloved child trust in me and place all your dreams goals and concerns in my hands I will guide you and provide you with the comfort and strength you need to overcome all the challenges that you face each day so if ever you feel uncertain or weighed down hold on to this instruction anchor your life on the solid foundation of Christ this way you'll be ready for every positive action standing firm against the adversaries assaults engaging in the faith battle
with the spirit sword which is my word this is how you'll secure your Triumph and revel in the vast marvelous blessings I've set aside for you with me by your side nothing and nobody can overpower you always bear in mind my dear one that I am the Everlasting rock your unbreakable Foundation ever eager to enrich and Advance you if you remain in me and my teachings stay in you ask anything and it will be granted for I acknowledge and bless those who esteem and depend on me let my teachings imprint upon your heart and may
your existence deeply root in my words tenants practice fairness and kindness boldly declare the truth of my gopel goel at all times bring hope to those in need announce freedom to the Prisoners menend the hearts of the sorrowful Open the Eyes of the Blind and liberate those who are burdened do not forget that I am always with you and that I desire the best for you you are my child my greatest creation I will never leave you remember that my spirit dwells within you I have placed within you a firm Faith so that you may
not stumble or sink into quicksand now rise and walk by faith claim each of my promises with certainty and conviction knowing that your life is built upon the rock that is Christ trust in me my child and believe in my words then whatever you ask in the name of Jesus will be done for you get ready because I am about to do something amazing in your life and everyone will notice today I wish to connect with your heart so you truly grasp how much I love you my love is pure and NeverEnding and it's the
reason I've always stayed close even when you weren't looking for me in those lonely tough times when you felt cornered by life's trials and walked through Shadows I was right there with you I felt every tear every heavy breath bre every burden on your heart as if they were my own your struggles and your happiness affect me deeply no feeling of yours goes unnoticed no thought unknown to me you are precious to me and I would never turn away from you I know there are moments when you feel all alone misunderstood and as if your
kindness goes unnoticed but remember I am always with you with every step you take and every choice you make I am there offering my support and strength please never doubt my constant presence in your life for I am your steadfast Foundation your deliverer and your safe haven understand this you are the most precious to me I am always attentive to your needs and the deepest desires of your heart I know your longings your fears and your dreams and though there may be moments when you feel as if I am not listening to your prayers I
want to assure you that I am and I am silently working in your favor for the desire of my heart is to help you achieve your goals and Grant you the miracle that you have longed for from the depths of your heart therefore I tell you today with absolute certainty that I will perform a miracle in your life no matter what you're going through no matter how impossible the situ situation may seem I have the power to change everything in your favor I am the god of Miracles and nothing is impossible for me I know
you may have lost hope that you may have ceased to believe that things can improve but today my child I tell you do not give up no matter how dark the path may seem no matter how difficult it may be to cross the mountain those who wait upon me will always find a light at the end of the tunnel for that light is me so today I ask you to lift your gaze to the sky and trust that I will do something marvelous in your life because what seems impossible to man and what science struggles
to comprehend I make possible you might be feeling uncertain right now but I promise you what I'm about to do in your life will clear away any doubts it's going to be remarkable and will show you how powerful and kind I am am to those who trust me just believe and I will bring it to pass don't be scared trust in me and your Miracle will occur so never hesitate to reach out for support for I'm here to hear you out and supply all your Necessities remember no matter how shadowy the road or how high
the hill I'm right there with you keeping a watchful eye no matter the toughness of your situation believe that I'm always active in your life in ways beyond your comprehension no matter your past actions or what the future holds I'm continually working for your good because my love for you is endless and steadfast so lift your head my child lift your gaze my daughter and trust that the miracle I have prepared for you will soon manifest keep the flame of Faith alive in your heart and you will see your deepest dreams come true for I
am the god of the impossible and everything is possible for those who believe in me May my words today fill your heart with hope and strength reminding you that my love for you is greater than any obstacle you may face trust in me and you will see my power working wonders in your life and trust your worries your dreams and your desires into my hand hands and you will be amazed by my kindness and mercy dear one today find peace in my steadfast love and loyalty walk knowing I am with you at every moment on
the path you're meant to follow I cherish you my child my dear one have faith in the wonderful plan I have for your life and watch as a magnificent Miracle unfolds before you your difficult time and challenges will soon be over don't lose heart I will honor your bravery my beloved pay attention to my words today don't lose hope or be disheartened be brave and strong don't let fear take hold or doubts muddle your thoughts because even though the night seems long and the unknown looms large remember I am always by your side accompanying you
three through every Challenge and obstacle I will never leave you I'm here to support and guard you on your Earthly Journey so look up to the skies and call out to me and I will be there for you I will never leave you or forsake you no matter what you face I am always with you remember after the darkest night there's always a sunrise with every new day comes a chance for no storm lasts forever leading to peace after the turmoil everything in this life is temporary but my word and those who trust in me
endure forever for just as the heavens and the Earth will pass away so too will all things pass and at some point all these trials and struggles in your life will end trust for what I tell you today is true I will not leave you I will not let go of your hands for I Am with You embracing you with my love and illuminating your path with the most beautiful and radiant light my child always strive to do your best at every turn pursue your dreams vigorously and fight for what you believe in and aspire
to achieve continue boldly undeterred by critics or doubters ignore harmful comments and pointless chatter listen to me and heed my guidance for through me you'll find the support and favor needed to accomplish your Endeavors rely on me to reach your aims I'll provide you with a peace beyond all understanding one that fills your heart with calm and liberates your spirit my child I'm always with you overseeing your journey blessing your hard work and commitment greatly the time will come when you'll harvest the results of your perseverance and dedication planted earnestly and lovingly you will then
enjoy the Bountiful outcomes you've eagerly awaited leading to a fulfilled joyful and prosperous existence stand resilient against challenges remain steadfast and honorable for no trial will be too formidable for you I will Empower you to surmount any test or malice be brave and Valiant for no matter the severity of your trials I am ever present remember the more intense the challenge the more significant your Triumph will be what now appears as a great trial will soon transform into one of your most remarkable victories keep moving forward taking firm and confident steps fight with faith and
determination never forget that in every step you take in every challenge you face you are not alone my arms embrace you at every moment giving you strength and courage to press on if even when the path seems difficult and the burden's heavy you're capable of overcoming any obstacle that arises just keep the flame of Hope burning in your heart despite the storms and difficulties for there is reward in perseverance and a prize for those who endure to the end remember that you are stronger than you imagine and within that strength you will find the ability
to turn challenges into opportunities tears into smile smiles and fears into courage do not give up never Retreat for your determination and faith will lead you to places you never imagined believe in me trust in the strength I've given you to overcome life's hurdles you have within you not just skills and gifts but also a great power that will lead you to light even in the darkest times so my child step forward boldly and rise with resolve because I will accompany you at every turn have faith that I will work wonders in your life and
that all your hard work every tear and each prayer will be acknowledged and blessed in my boundless love let my love surround you now and steer you towards the bright and successful future I've planned for you always remember you are my cherished treasure and I am Forever by your side guiding your dreams ambitions and wishes with Endless Love know that your journey is still unfolding and in each new chapter you'll find learning love and growth cling to Hope and the knowledge that this tough phase will pass looking back you'll realize how much you've evolved and
how far you've journeyed powered by your resilience and determination keep moving forward my child I go before you like a mighty Giant filling you with love strength and hope if only you believe in my power you will see what you asked of me on your knees you are facing difficult times your days are not as you would like them to be your strength has depleted and you feel you can't go on you're tired on the verge of Despair yet my Grace has not been severed for you that's why I have chosen to speak to to
you today to tell you that nothing is impossible for me you don't have to live like this you know you can trust me and place all your needs in my hands I assure you that if you do so my grace and power will manifest in your life in amazing ways trust in me and there will be no power that can destroy you no one will steal the blessings I have for you my Grace will be upon you causing good things in your life and prospering the work of your hands step into my presence now let
me rejuvenate your energy and passion to persist I'm here to boost your morale to remind you not to lose heart to remember I'm always with you and with your faith in me nothing is Out Of Reach be brave and Valiant do not be scared or disheartened for I Am by your side I lead the way a towering figure providing you with Vigor and cheer setting A Feast for you amidst your adversaries under the watchful eyes of those who trouble you these are indeed challenging times filled with stress and concerns yet I call on you to
stay courageous and anchored in my teachings stand against evil it shall surely retreat in defeat do not Tire of prayer or dwell on my words stay true and live righteously I assure you things will will turn out well even when the Tempest rages you have many Ambitions and objectives to achieve your heart brims with grand dreams and Earnest wishes now is the moment to trust in my might do not hesitate don't let unexpected challenges curb the potential I've seated in you allow me to revive the Vigor and zest you've misplaced amidst your anxieties I have
Splendid plans for for you blessings Beyond Your Wildest Dreams just believe in my word and place all your trust in me I will fulfill all your dreams I will help you achieve your goals and Grant the desires of your heart I will make those dreams you've longed for a reality because nothing is greater than my power I only ask that you be brave that you change your way of thinking Cast Away those negative thoughts those mistaken ideas that do not come from my word have faith and cling to my promises then I shall breathe upon
you a refreshing wind that will spiritually renew you filling you with great motivation and joy I'll refresh your spirit so you can stand tall feeling like a winner blessed and cherished truly believe this with all your heart and watch your life transform you'll get back what was lost and reach for what you've longed for keep strong faith because with faith anything's possible I owe nothing to anyone and always keep my word remember I'm the one who gave sight back to the blind healed so many and pulled you from despair to give you a rich life
so put your trust in me and believe in my promises hold on to them tight and you'll be safe no one will stand against you for I'll be with you pouring out my favor and bless blessings even among your peers rely on me and you'll shine bright cutting through the darkness bringing my message of Hope to those lost in the night declaring freedom for the traid and comfort for the Brokenhearted your life will be a beacon for those in the dark so I ask you to trust in me don't try to fix everything on your
own bring your warries to me in prayer hand over your concerns and I'll handle them remember my strength is more than enough to answer all your prayers and when you match your desires with mine blessings will just keep on coming I'll guide you out of the tough spot you're in and when this turns around your happiness will be so big that you'll see it was all worth it believing and waiting for me I never let down those who put their trust in me today really believe with all your heart and mind then the promises I've
made in my words will happen all your heavy loads and concerns will vanish making way for a Time filled with blessings and all kinds of good stuff remember for those who have faith nothing is impossible the issue we're dealing with is about to be resolved I'll take care of everything soon tell me you trust me I want you to find peace in my promises if you need to share your feelings or if there's a secret burdening your heart that you can't hold on to any longer share it with me I won't judge or condemn you
for what you reveal your secrets are safe with me I gave my life for you so I could offer you forgiveness I don't want you to be consumed by worry stress or fear anymore I've spoken to you many times to bring you peace peace and confidence allowing worries to dominate your thoughts can harm your health and affect your family if bad news shakes your faith and confidence you're opening the door to defeat and despair I'm not upset with you nor am I planning to punish you you're facing many challenges but I promise because of my
love for you I'll turn all the bad into good so don't be afraid and feel free to talk to me I want to share my plans with you I aim to guide you and give you the wisdom to choose your paths wisely now is not the time to waste your days or fail to consider your future carefully you need to stay away from bad influences and those who mock your faith leave those people to me I'll handle them I can change their hearts and know the best course of action but you should focus on what's
ahead spend time daily with my teachings be mindful of your actions and your words keep your secrets and vulnerabilities between us not to be shared with just anyone I'm going to bring trustworthy people into your life those who believe in you who will stand by and assist you I have the capability to lift your burdens your heart will mend from the issues you've handed over to me I'll handle them personally I assure you of this because I love you your time of Sorrow is ending the days filled with despair are concluding I aim to reveal
my kindness and gentleness to you embrace my presence and love in your life I wish for you to genuinely grasp and believe that no one will love you as profoundly as I do I'm aware of every single thing that transpires within your heart and thoughts sometimes the agony is so intense that you've contemplated surrendering it's been ages since you woke up feeling the urge to embrace a new day brimming with bravery and happiness but I assure you your suffering is over now today I'm Reviving your spirit bestowing upon you the purest form of love imaginable
A Love That Will erase your grief and fill you with immense Joy right at this moment as you hear my words you can sense this love I'm easing your worries mending your emotions eradicating your distress and transforming your heart entirely you'll witness with your own eyes how I stand by you in every task you undertake my love will envelop you I'll be your Vigilant Guardian eager to keep you safe I wish for you to Showcase my strength and might in this world through your happiness and smiles I'm endowing you with unique gift gifts inspiring abilities
loyal Companions and a family that will grow to cherish and honor you when they witness the Wonders I'm working in your life see how I boost your strength and zest for living remember the enemy might send negative folks your way those who view everything gloomily have no dreams or vision and lack faith and excitement so I tell you don't mind them don't listen to them they aim to dishearten you to to fill your heart with Gloom be brave to stay true to yourself give your best don't waver because at every moment you're cherished and supported
blessed and held as I clear your path I've surrounded you with countless Warrior Angels stand up and smile my dear one you mean so much to me no problem will be too much for you as long as you stay strong in your faith knowing I've got your future in in my care I'll provide for you I'm the source of your blessings stay close to me find comfort in my presence especially when you're anxious turn to me and find peace don't let the enemy trick you into thinking your challenges are too big my power outshines all
and your faith in me should be solid your well-being happiness and peace won't come from people your J J or mere chance they'll come from me whenever you're in need approach me and you'll get what you need but don't just wait around get up and move forward in faith toward your goals even when chaos surrounds you in society you won't be disturbed by it your strength is drawn from me I'm the only one who can truly uplift you broaden your horizons and increase your joy when your faith starts to fade think back to those times
you felt alone and in pain thinking I had left you I was there to lift you up showing you my deep love I haven't stopped showing you this love so don't start doubting now especially now when you're on the brink of achieving so much don't stop or let doubt take over your thoughts in the past when tough times hit it was often because you rushed in without thinking praying or seeking my guidance you tried to pull away from me but I never left your side so I'll say it again hand over all your worries to
me and let your heart be calm and peaceful today I'm filling your heart with bravery so you can go where you need to go talk to whom you need to talk and stand up for what you need to stand up for I'll be right there with you making your dreams a reality I am your powerful God and with me you lack nothing I'm here to remind you that you're never alone just yesterday you cried over unexpected troubles things went wrong you felt betrayed and left behind by those you believed cared for you they turned away
when you needed them the most I know you're hurting and I understand but I want to assure you that your tears and sorrow have reached up to heaven to my sacred Throne this is where your future is shaped where all pain is healed where your troubles find resolution and where I offer you comfort in your pain you're not alone I haven't abandoned you even though those you trusted have gone I remain steadfastly by your side loving you more each day and that will never change you should live knowing that I'm always ready to listen and
Through My Sacrifice you have direct access to my heavenly Realm in my presence you can lay down your burdens I'm here to listen with patience and love like a true friend would I'm not asking you to stop crying it's better to let out all that burdens your heart so that I can fill you with my peace I need to tell you something important after your sorrow joy and Delight will follow they'll be tremendous because your time for blessing has arrived you're prepared now you're at a point where you can truly value what I bestow upon
you all the hardships you've faced were shaping you for this eagerly awaited moment now is when the heaven gates open to pour down vast blessings upon you in The Quiet Moments may you sense my peace and remember it doesn't matter if people walk away because I am here to hold and soothe your spirit you're growing and gaining strength every day you're coming to know me better you seek my presence and my words showing your faithfulness wisdom and understanding tonight as you reflect on my words again you'll feel my love wrapping around and healing you realize
you're never alone my presence fills your life with joy [Music] amen
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