Chosen Ones, You Need To Vomit This Out Of Your Body Immediately🤮

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A Word of Wisdom
Chosen Ones, You Need To Vomit This Out Of Your Body Immediately In this powerful message, we dive ...
Video Transcript:
you might be surprised by what I'm about to share but it's crucial to stay silent and focused about what's coming your way you're watching another video exclusively for the chosen ones if you are not one of the chosen ones it is likely that you will not watch this video to the end feel free to turn it off as the content may not resonate or vibrate with your soul or Spirit however if you are a true chosen one you will fully understand everything I'm about to explain I stand before you today with a message that is
not for the faint of heart but for those who are ready to experience a transformation so profound that it will set your soul Ablaze I stand before you chosen ones to declare that the chains of unforgiveness that have held you captive for far too long are about to be shattered I stand before you to speak Words of Life of fire that will ignite your spirit and lead you into the freedom that only comes through radical Limitless forgiveness there is a fire that burns within the heart of every believer a fire kindled by the Holy Spirit
a fire that consumes all that is not of God but there is one thing that threatens to extinguish this holy flame unforgiveness unforgiveness is a poison a deadly toxin that eats away at your soul slowly and silently until All That Remains is bitterness anger and pain but today I declare that this poison will be purged from your system today we will confront the unforgiveness that has taken root in your heart and by the power of the Holy Spirit we will uproot It cast it out and set you free Jesus did not call us to live
in bondage but in Freedom he did not call us to carry the weight of bitterness and resentment but to walk in the lightness of grace and mercy and so as I stand before you today I invite you to embark on a journey a journey that will take you from the darkness of unforgiveness into the Glorious light of Limitless forgiveness a journey that will set your heart on fire with the love of Christ A Love That Forgives 70 * 7 welcome to a Word of Wisdom if you're not already Subs subscribed go ahead and subscribe like
the video and turn on notifications to keep up to dat with the word of God part one forgiveness Without Limits The Heart of Jesus teaching forgiveness is not a suggestion it is a command it is the very heartbeat of the Gospel the essence of what it means to follow Christ when Peter asked Jesus Lord how many times shall I forgive my brother or s sister who sins against me up to seven times Matthew 18: 21 he thought he was being generous but Jesus in his Divine wisdom blew Peter's expectations out of the water I tell
you not seven times but 70 * 7 Matthew 18:22 this was not a mathematical formula but a radical call to Limitless forgiveness to forgive 70 * 7 is to forgive without keeping score it is to forgive so completely so thoroughly that there is no room left for bitterness no place for resentment it is to forgive as Christ forgives us fully freely and forever this is the Heart of Jesus teaching on forgiveness it is a forgiveness that knows no bounds a forgiveness that is as endless as the grace of God but how do we live out
this command how do we forgive when the wounds are deep when the pain is real when the Betrayal cuts to the core it begins with understanding that forgiveness is not about the other person it's about you forgiveness is a choice a decision to release the offense to let go of the hurt and to trust God with the outcome it is an Act of Faith a step of obedience and a reflection of God's Own forgiveness towards us remember the words of Jesus on the cross father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing
Luke chap [Music] 23:34 in his darkest hour when he was suffering the most brutal and unjust punishment Jesus forgave he did not wait for an apology he did not demand repentance he forgave this is the model of forgiveness that we are called to follow a forgiveness that is unconditional unmerited and unlimited but let's be real this kind of forgiveness is not easy it goes against every Instinct of our flesh every impulse of our human nature we want Justice we want revenge we want to make them pay for what they did but Jesus calls us to
a higher way he calls us to forgive not because the other person deserves it but because we have been forgiven forgive and you will be forgiven Luke 6:37 this is the Divine exchange our forgiveness of others unlocks the Forgiveness of God in our own lives but there is more to this command than just a personal benefit forgiveness is not just about setting ourselves free it's about setting others free as well it's about breaking the chains of bitterness and resentment that bind our relationships and allowing in the love of Christ to flow freely between us when
we forgive we are not only healed but we become agents of healing in the lives of others we become conduits of God's grace vessels of his Mercy instruments of his peace this is the heart of jesus' teaching on forgiveness it is a forgiveness that knows no limits a forgiveness that heals restores and reconciles it is a forgiveness that sets us free free to love free to live free to be the people God created us to be part two forgiveness and Reconciliation I stand before you to declare that forgiveness is only the beginning it is the
first step on the journey towards reconciliation forgiveness releases you from the burden of anger and bitterness but reconciliation is the ultimate goal it is the restoration of relationships The Mending of what has been broken the healing of wounds that have fested for far too long the Bible is clear that God has given us the ministry of reconciliation in 2 Corinthians 5: 18-19 Paul writes all this is from God who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ not counting people's sins
against them and he has committed to us the message of reconciliation this is our calling our mission our purpose to be agents of reconciliation in a world that is broken and divided by sin but reconciliation is not easy it requires humility patience and a willingness to forgive and be forgiven it requires us to lay down our pride to swallow our ego and to reach out in love to those who have hurt us it requires us to seek God's guidance to rely on his strength and to trust in his timing reconciliation is not something we can
do on our own it is a work of the Holy Spirit a miracle of God's grace consider the story of Joseph in Genesis chapter 45 Joseph was betrayed by his own brothers sold into slavery and left for dead he had every reason to hold a grudge to seek revenge to cut them out of his life forever but when he was finally reunited with his brothers Joseph did something extraordinary he forgave them he embraced them wept with them and declared do not be afraid am I in the place of God you intended to harm me but
God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done the saving of many lives Genesis 50: 19-20 Joseph's forgiveness not only healed his own heart but it also restored his family and brought about the reconciliation of relationships that had been broken for years this is the power of forgiveness it not only sets us free but it also opens the door to reconciliation it paves the way for God's love to flow into our relationships bringing healing restoration and peace but reconciliation is not always possible at least not in the way we might hope sometimes
the other person is not ready or willing to reconcile sometimes the wounds are too deep the trust too shattered in these cases we must still forgive we must still release the offense and we must still trust God with the outcome but we must also be wise Discerning and protect our own Hearts reconciliation does not mean allowing yourself to be mistreated abused or taken advantage of it does not mean pretending that nothing happened or ignoring the reality of the hurt it means seeking God's wisdom following his leading and being open to the possibility of healing and
restoration but it also means setting healthy boundaries guarding your heart and trusting God to bring about his perfect will in his perfect time reconciliation is a journey and it often takes time but as we walk walk this journey we must remember that God is with us every step of the way he is the god of reconciliation the God who brings life out of death Beauty out of ashes and healing out of Brokenness as we forgive as we seek reconciliation we are partnering with God in his work of redemption and restoration we are joining him in
his mission to reconcile the world to himself one relationship at a time part three the cost of unforgiveness I am here to warn you of the dangers of unforgiveness unforgiveness is a silent killer a poison that seeps into your soul and slowly destroys you from the inside out it is a heavy burden a weight that you were never meant to carry and if you hold on to it it will take its toll physically emotionally and spiritually the Bible is clear that unforgiveness has serious consequences in Matthew 6:14-15 Jesus warns us for if you forgive other
people when they sin against you your heavenly father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive others their sins your father will not forgive your sins this is a sobering reminder that unforgiveness not only affects our relationships with others but it also affects our relationship with God unforgiveness is like a cancer that spreads throughout your body affecting every area of your life it affects your health causing stress anxiety and even physical illness it affects your mind filling it with negative thoughts anger and resentment it affects your spirit cutting you off from the grace
and mercy of God and it affects your relationships creating distance tension and Division but the cost of unforgiveness goes even deeper than that unforgiveness keeps you trapped in the past unable to move forward unable to experience the fullness of life that God has for you it keeps you bound to the person who hurt you tied to the pain and unable to heal it robs you of your peace your joy and your freedom and ultimately it robs you of your destiny Jesus came to set the captives free to break the chains of sin and death and
to give us life Abundant Life but unforgiveness Keeps Us in bondage chained to our past unable to walk in the freedom that Christ has purchased for us this is why forgiveness is so crucial because it is the key that unlocks the door to your freedom your healing and your destiny forgiveness is not just about the other person it's about you it's about your relationship ship with God your health your peace and your future it's about letting go of the past so that you can step into the future that God has for you it's about releasing
the hurt so that you can receive the healing it's about breaking the chains of bitterness so that you can walk in the freedom of Christ but forgiveness is not easy it is a process a journey and it takes time it requires humility so surrender and a deep trust in God it requires you to let go of your right to be right your need for justice and your desire for Revenge it requires you to trust God to deal with the person who hurt you and to trust him to heal your heart it requires you to step
out in faith to take the first step and to trust God with the rest but I promise you this if you are willing to take that step if you are willing to forgive God will meet you there he will give you the strength the grace and the power to forgive he will heal your heart restore your soul and set you free and he will lead you into a life of Freedom peace and joy that you never thought possible let us look at some practical steps to forgiveness forgiveness is not just a decision it is a
process a journey and it requires action it is not enough to simp simply say I forgive you you must Walk It Out live it out and let it become a part of who you are the first step to forgiveness is to acknowledge the hurt you cannot forgive what you do not acknowledge you must face the pain confront the hurt and be honest about what happened this is not about wallowing in the pain or playing the victim it is about being real being honest and facing the reality of the situation the second step is to release
the offense this is where you make the decision to forgive it is a choice a conscious decision to let go of the hurt the anger and the resentment it is a decision to release the person who hurt you from the debt they owe you this does not mean that what they did was okay or that you have to reconcile with them it simply means that you are choosing to let go of the offense and to trust God with the rest the third step is to pray for the person who hurtt you this is perhaps the
hardest step but it is also the most powerful Jesus commands us to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you Matthew 5:44 When you pray for someone who has hurt you you are releasing them to God and you are allowing his love and grace to flow into your heart prayer is the key to healing and it is the key to forgiveness the fourth step is to bless the person who hurt you this is where the rubber meets the road this is where you put your forgiveness into action Jesus said bless those who curse
you pray for those who mistreat You Luke 6: 28 this means that you not only forgive the person but you actively seek to do good to them this could mean speaking kindly about them helping them in some way or simply refusing to speak ill of them blessing the person who heard you is the ultimate Act of forgiveness and it is the key to walking in Freedom the fifth and final step is to trust God with the outcome forgiveness is not about getting a certain result it is about obedience to God it is about trusting him
to deal with the person who hurt you to heal your heart and to bring about his perfect will it is about letting go of your need for justice and trusting God to bring about Justice in his way and in his time forgiveness is a journey and it is not always easy but it is a journey that leads to freedom to healing and to life it is a journey that takes you from the darkness of unforgiveness into the light of God's love it is a journey that sets your heart on fire with the love of Christ
A Love That Forgives 70 times 7 I want you to take this word today chosen ones with a message of fire a message of Freedom a message of forgiveness the time has come to let go of the past to release the hurt and to walk in the freedom that Christ has purchased for you the time has come to forgive 70 * 7 to forgive as Christ has forgiven you and to experience the freedom the healing and the life that only comes through forgiveness as I close I want to leave you with a challenge I challenge
you to take a step of Faith to forgive that person who has hurt you to release that offense that has weighed you down and to trust God with the outcome I challenge you to walk in the freedom of forgiveness to live in the light of God's love and to experience the joy the peace and the life that he has for you forgiveness is not just a one-time event it is a lifestyle a way of Liv living a way of being it is the key to freedom to healing and to life it is the way of
Christ the way of love the way of life so I challenge you chosen ones to forgive 70 * 7 and to walk in the freedom that is yours in Christ the time is now the choice is yours will you forgive will you release the offense will you walk in the freedom that is yours in Christ as you take in this message of fire I invite you to let it ignite your soul to let it set you free to let it lead you into the life that God has for you and I challenge you to embrace
it to live it and to let it set you free May the fire of God's love burn brightly in your heart May the grace of Christ Empower you to forgive and May the peace of the Holy Spirit fill your soul as you walk in the freedom of forgiveness as you take in this message don't let it simply stir your heart and Fade Away Let It move you to action share this message with others who need to hear it there are countless Souls who are struggling under the weight of their calling who are battling in silence
and wondering if their faith is worth it be the voice that reminds them that God sees them that he honors their faith and that the reward is on its way if this message has touched your heart take a moment to comment amen affirming that you stand in agreement with God's word let this be your Declaration of Faith a bold step forward in embracing the cost and trusting God for the reward every amen is not just a comment it is a statement of belief a proclamation that you are chosen by God and ready to walk in
the fullness of your faith and for those who feel led subscribe and continue this journey with us God is speaking powerfully in this season and you don't want to miss the words that he is releasing to strengthen encourage and uplift his chosen ones when you subscribe you are stepping into a community of believers who are committed to walking out their faith together supporting one another through the trials and celebrating the victories that God brings finally I encourage you to share this message don't keep the fire to your yourself spread it so that others may be
ignited with the truth of God's word there are many who need this encouragement who need to be reminded that their small faith can move mountains together we can light a fire in the hearts of the chosen preparing them for the Glorious future that God has promised let's walk this journey together trusting in God's faithfulness every step of the way go forth today with the knowledge that you are chos chosen you are called and your faith no matter how small is more powerful than you realize stay connected to God trust him in all things and let
your faith grow into something unshakable you are about to see the mighty hand of God move in your life in ways you never thought possible your Mustard Seed Faith will grow and nothing absolutely nothing will be impossible for you let's pray this prayer of of faith today as one family Heavenly Father we come before you today recognizing your boundless love and infinite grace you are the god of Mercy The God Who forgives and The God Who heals our broken hearts we thank you Lord for the gift of forgiveness that you have extended to us through
the sacrifice of your son Jesus Christ we acknowledge that without your forgiveness we would be lost Bound by the chains of sin and regret but in your mercy you have set us free father we lift up every heart that will hear this message every soul that will encounter the truth of your word we ask that you would move mightily in their lives breaking the chains of unforgiveness that have held them captive for far too long let your word be like a hammer shattering the walls of bitterness and resentment and opening the floodgates of your healing
love Lord we know that forgiveness is not easy it requires strength humility and a deep trust in you so we pray for courage for every person struggling to let go of the hurt and pain they have endured Holy Spirit breathe upon them now filling them with the power to forgive the grace to release the offense and the peace to walk in Freedom Let the Fire of Your Love consume every trace of unforgiveness in their hearts burning away the bitterness and leaving behind the beauty of your grace father we pray for those who will share this
message for those who will spread the word of your Limitless forgiveness to others we ask that you would bless them abundantly that you would pour out your favor upon them and that you would use them as vessels of your grace and mercy May their lives be a testimony of your power a Beacon of Hope and a reflection of your life bless their hands as they share their lips as they speak and their hearts as they live out the truth of this message we also lift up those who will subscribe like and comment on this message
Father let their engagement be more than just a simple act let it be a declaration of their faith a commitment to walk in forgiveness and a step toward the freedom that you offer bless them Lord for their support and let your blessings overflow in their lives may they experience the fullness of Your Love The Joy of your salvation and the peace that comes from walking in the light of your forgiveness Lord we know that unforgiveness is a heavy burden but your word tells us that your yoke is easy and your burden is light so we
pray that you would lift the weight of unforgiveness from every heart that you would break the chains that have held them captive and that you would set them free to walk in the light of Your Love We declare in the mighty name of Jesus that unforgiveness has no power here we declare that every chain is broken every heart is healed and every soul is set free Let Your Fire Fall Lord consuming every trace of bitterness and filling every heart with the warmth of your love let this prayer be a hammer that shatters the hard places
in our hearts and let your word be a fire that ignites our Souls with a passion for forgiveness we thank you Lord for the victory that is ours in Christ we thank you for the freedom that comes through forgiveness and we thank you for the power of your love that never fails never gives up and never runs out on us in Jesus mighty name we pray amen if this message has touched your heart and you'd like to support our mission of spreading God's word there's a link pinned in the comments below no gift is too
small your generosity even just a penny can bring hope and joy to someone's life thank you for partnering with God in this important work
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