when I was young I made a crucial observation I had to earn with my mind not my time I made the distinction between labor workers and creative workers labor workers would try to accomplish as much as their body could handle and as much time as they had creative workers would focus on solving the problems that led to the most results regardless of the time they spent labor workers were locked into a salary and schedule that paid them a certain amount of money for their efforts creative workers created their own salary and schedule that paid them
according to the level of problem they solved there's nothing wrong with labor work understand that you are trading time for money and your time is limited doctors can be paid a great salary this is obvious this is what most people or a lot of people want to go into they want to be a doctor they want to be an engineer etc etc but a doctor is paid the same amount whether they save a life or just tell someone to take aspirin as an example of a creative worker a writer can be paid as much as
they want depending on what they write what their product is and how far their writing spreads the main difference between labor workers and creative workers is owning a business because business is about solving creative problems and developing a product that is valuable and can sell at any time as soon as you stop solving creative problems around product and reach your income stagnates and you become a slave to the work you built yourself into now let's quickly discuss my Evolution from time to mind and we'll start off with this those that monetize their mind unlock a
luxury unfathomable to those who monetize their time when I first started in business the first logical option was to freelance with a skill it seemed beginner friendly and it cost $0 to start that was the promise that people were saying online that were teaching how to freelance and it's true with years of manual effort the joy that I got out of building the business slowly declined as my responsibilities increased I could only take on a specific amount of clients I only had so much time in the day and unless I wanted to stay at my
self-made 9o5 I had to solve creative problems I had to evolve creativity is dependent on the expansion of your mind and this is why I always say that personal growth equals business growth because personal growth expanding yourself is expanding your mind to allow for the expansion of self so through education and exposing myself to the unknown I registered new opportunities to solve my problem I wasn't going to be able to solve the problem that I had from the same mind that created it so I had to explore new business opportunities that I probably wouldn't understand
or even register as an opportunity before I started because I didn't see it possible to start a business that required money or a certain skill set because I hadn't had that money or skill set and that's why I started a freelance business to start so for Freelancers out there here's an early lesson is that if you're looking for more then you have to break out of the freelancer mindset by learning and educating yourself on a potentially new business model that you want to evolve into that's the business model that we're going to talk about in
this video I began writing online to attract new clients this removed the time suck of manually reaching out to potential clients with cold email cold call and cold messages I built a digital product that could sell while I sleep this removed my absolute dependence on client work to survive I pivoted my freelance offer into a Consulting offer this cut my client work times in half I could charge more and do less because I was helping someone rather than doing it for them during this time I made a discovery that changed the direction of my life
if I could gain one reader I could gain 1 million and if I could gain one buyer I could gain 1,000 2.8 million readers and 20,000 buyers later my Discovery held true now my creative problem solving has evolved Beyond a one-person business now I'm focused on building cortex and that requires a team in order for me to achieve the goal related to that and with starting anything new you're usually you can't digest the information you can't digest the workload until your mental or work related metabolism can catch up or you get used to that or
you build the muscle that allows you to lift that emotional weight and so I'm focusing on providing quality work of course but then Outsourcing and delegating so that I can kind of gain my time back one lesson before we begin you can't eradicate manual labor from your life altogether it is a slow and painful Evolution and sometimes you regress now that I've taken on the responsibility of starting a larger company my manual work has increased substantially but iust that I can lower it quickly with my prior experience so here's what we're going to discuss in
this video One the macronutrients of business two Progressive overload of skill three time under attention four how to re reinvent yourself five documenting your mind on the internet and six how to create a brand content product and promotions that make you money one more thing before we start is that we've opened up more spots for our VIP and Mastermind which is under cortex as the software is being developed so this is a chance while we have the time and are actually offering the services to work with myself and Justin Scott and Joey Justice to create
a brand or independent income source and learn to write online to build digital leverage and sell whatever it is that you want to sell based on your interests or skills and if you're a Founder that just wants to kind of bring more leads and authority to the company that you own then that is also an option but you can apply with the cortex Link in the description let's talk about the parallels of bodybuilding and business building when you deconstruct the mind and body you can map patterns that deepen your understanding across most domains of life
we will connect these patterns to the Financial domain of Life by starting a business and we can start to think of our mind as a mental body that you build like you would in bodybuilding like we discussed in my video on mental Aesthetics the video is called how to reprogram your mind and build your intelligence so we can think of yourself as your mental body that you can build like you would with bodybuilding where you digest information like you digest food you acquire skill like you build muscle but connecting that to business with a personal
brand which is arguably the most potent lead generation just front end of a business right now because people follow humans they don't follow Company accounts like how Red Bull doesn't post any of their product pictures like companies don't know how to run social media they don't have individuals being the face of the brand so that's what building a business nowadays is it's displaying your character or yourself or the mental body that you've built and constructed to be valuable over time in order to create content and a product that sell and make you an independent income
a business is just that a vessel for Value exchange personal growth is self-development business growth is other development so in nutrition there are four macronutrients fat carbs protein alcohol and in business there are four pillars that will determine your success the macronutrients of business which is brand content product promotions we're going to break these all down later in nutrition there's a plethora of micro nutrients that are vital for just bodily function in business there are skills interests experience knowledge creativity and personality that determine the potency of your efforts your job is to fuel your business
with the proper Creative Nutrition to succeed and now there is the option to opt for the business keto diet which is like removing carbs from your diet but it'd be removing content from your business and only going after ads but there are many reasons I would advise solely against that only doing doing that many people go the direct response marketing route and only use ads to fuel their business but the benefits of content make it an unreasonable approach especially for beginners without money to invest in making mistakes to learn advertising now of course I'm not
saying this is bad it's a clearly a very viable way of getting customers and growing your business but by just having a daily writing habit you can validate High performing ideas as content to use in your ads or promotions you get to keep the audience you acquire you aren't always burning through money to acquire new customers and last you create customers over time by writing content for all levels of awareness we're going to talk about this in future videos but the problem is that marketers will go to try and build a social media audience and
then their page is just promotions they're just writing ads the entire time that doesn't work you have to focus on education you have to create customers by having a broad personal brand where you are the niche build trust and educate them over time and then it compounds until you have a let's say YouTube following of 1 million people every YouTube video is as powerful as a webinar and if your webinar makes you seven figures then do the math you can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on ads or you can build a 100,000
follower audience over a year and get the same amount of Impressions now that's very good if you can build 100,000 followers in a year that's extremely good that's for people that have like a lot of experience and do it well and almost near perfect so don't expect that much but aim big so that's the macronutrients of business let's talk about Progressive overload of skill and challenge so I've used this graphic before but on the left axis we have the challenge level on the bottom axis we have the skill level so when the challenge is too
high but your skill is too low you get anxious or self-conscious you start thinking about yourself and how you aren't good enough and when the challenge is too low but your skill is too high you get bored and you become self-centered like oh what what could I be doing better with my time when you're bored at work all the time because it's repetitive and you don't realize that you need to evolve in order to find fulfillment in life you start thinking all day about better things you could be doing and then the Middle where skill
and challenge match that's when you get into the Flow State so when you're just starting out it's unwise to take on too much as a oneperson business because you have to become the Marketing sales operations and media Department you are a media company you're a marketing company you're a sales company you're everything you can't just focus on the one skill that you want to sell and not learn how to sell it and beyond that you can't not learn how to fulfill a service after you sell it to create a brand content product and promotions you
will need to learn at least the fundamentals of marketing and sales graphic design web design copywriting content writing email marketing social media this is a blessing and a curse and this is also why the people nowadays with the most business failures like trying to start businesses and failing like dropshipping and faceb Facebook ads social media marketing agency etc etc that's why they eventually do so well is because they stack so much lessons and skills from their failures the next Endeavor just makes sense because they have all of the pieces so if you've never learned any
modern skills this is obviously going to take a while you will get overwhelmed and anxious at the thought of a future you don't have the skill to create Clarity with but the thing here is is this business model that I always talk about a Ju Just a personal brand with a product you and a product that you would personally buy and treating yourself as the niche and using your content as traffic to that product and making a meaningful income that way it's that simple beautiful thing about this social media is the perfect vessel to build
as you learn and that's the only way to truly learn something is to build with your learning and so just an example of what I mean by this is if you want to learn graphic design then go and create your profile picture and then create your bio and create your banner and create your website featured image and create those things and learn via specific tutorials as you go that's how you learn what you actually need to learn in order to help your own business or then have a skill that you can help another business because
this is all businesses are they're all media companies nowadays if a company isn't a media company then you need to turn them into one because that's what your skill is going to help them with with this digital transformation everyone going digital and huge Company accounts having no idea how to create a social media account in bodybuilding you progressively over overload the muscle by adding weight to the bar over time if you ego lift and put on too much weight you won't be able to lift it and you'll probably look like an idiot start small and
build your skill stack with time do not start learning until you start building buy courses books and search for Content that teaches how to do all of this well as you are building create one project set one goal learn one skill get good at it so you have mental energy for the next and repeat so first build your profile study social media and graphic design for your banner and profile picture second start writing content study copywriting content writing marketing and post structures third ideate a product study Marketing sales and offer creation fourth learn to promote
study email marketing promotions and copywriting again with all of this don't get complacent if you don't seek a higher challenge after you stop seeing good results from the first you will get bored boredom leads to thoughts of quitting because you feel like there is something better you could be doing with your time so in the gym a great thing you can do to learn this is how I mean this is how you learn as a child as you're learning to walk or speak or whatever it is you go to the gym and You observe what
the advanced people are doing and how they're lifting now some people obviously are just training how they like and they may not be using the best form there's a lot to actually distinguish here so watching them observing them emulating them and then also supplementing that style of learning learning via something like YouTube videos or something else to actually figure out okay what's the best form how do I eat the best etc etc relating this to business you can pull inspiration from the accounts you most want to be like because that's who you are anyways that's
how your identity was forged is you're following these people online you're taking in their worldview you like that worldview because of the results that it's brought your life so it is wise to this is what creativity is is pulling from a bunch of different sources in order to create your own original one and that process repeats itself as the universe evolves and slowly things get better and better so there's just one thing to understand here is that not everyone is at the same level if you go to my let's say like Instagram profile and you
look at my bio that's just what I want to put there I've gotten to the point where I've played by the rules so much and I've gotten good results with the rules that it's like hey I'm not going to play by the rules anymore so if you want to create a bio that leads to better stuff then you're probably not going to be better you're not going to be well off copying me you're going to be better off learning from me when I actually had a specific bio that was tailored to the level that I
was at and that's what I teach in my courses because I don't teach how to do what I do now because that wouldn't apply to you I teach what I did in order to get where I am so the lesson is to just learn from people that are slightly above your skill level progressively overload now let's talk about time under attention I finally labeled this concept I created this concept I'm so I'm proud of this time under attention is the amount of attention you hold with each piece of content times the quantity of content times
the quality of content times how often your ideas live in their head times how much they spread your ideas without effort equals the authority profitability and power your brand holds so in weight training there's a concept called time under tension that's how long your muscles are under tension of the weight and some argue that it is a main driver of muscle growth along with Progressive overload but I'm here here to argue the same thing with business growth rather than it being time under attention it's time under attention this is arguably the most important thing that
you should pay attention to when you're building your brand or writing your content attention is the currency of the third millennium the more people pay attention to you the more power you have authors podcasters and YouTubers often have the most loyal audiences why because information creates identity the more attention you hold the more information you deliver you program the minds of your audience in a way that is conducive to actually changing their life and people attribute results to the people that change their life you can write short posts for social media all day long but
someone that has held more attention than you is always going to outperform you I always bring up the example of James clear so we're going to talk about this again hopefully this may cause the click for you James Clear will get more engagement and reach because one people have adopted his worldview two people quote him in their content newsletters and podast podcast this is extremely important I saw like growth of 50,000 subscribers over the past like 2 weeks and I had no idea where it was coming from because my videos weren't performing any better than
usual and then I started talking to people and they're like yeah dude you're just being mentioned everywhere like in other people's YouTube videos and you're being quoted and other things and so these bigger accounts that are mentioning me are just giving me more Authority because I help them and third anytime someone else posts a related idea to clear the authority is given to him because he comes to mind while reading your content clear is still holding their attention while they read others content so he wrote the book Atomic habits anytime someone's read Atomic habits and
then they go and read another piece of content about habits James Clear is sitting in the back of their mind they're internally giving James CLE more attention so if a tweet holds 30 seconds of attention a book that lives in their head rentree has a lot more attention than just 30 seconds or even the the 5 hours it took to read that book it could consume days weeks months years of attention over their lifetime depending on how well they resonated with the long form time under attention that came with the book Atomic habits or any
book you've read this is why I'm writing a book even when books are like the least profitable thing you can make directly profitable now this does not mean that short form posts on things like X or Tik Tok or YouTube shorts or Instagram or LinkedIn are useless they're not it's the complete opposite they have their use cases this isn't black and white you have to think holistically here I'm making a point that time under attention is extremely important like in bodybuilding that's not the only driver of muscle growth it's like yeah you can sit there
and hold a weit so your time under attention is like increasing a bunch but if you're not eating food like if you're just sitting there starving not eating anything are you going to build muscle are you going to grow your brand no I see short form platforms as a way to attract a broad audience quicker to fuel your long form platforms that are are arguably more difficult to grow I almost always recommend starting with short form to build an audience build a network and validate High performing ideas that you can then turn into long form
videos newsletters or combine all of them into a book and the longer you do it the more attention you hold quitting after 1 to 6 months is stupid 1% of 50 years is 6 months if this is the work you see yourself doing for your entire life don't quit during the tutorial phase if I create 365 posts a year on all platforms and those posts hold attention for 30 seconds that's 3 hours of attention held per reader on each platform over a year if I create one long form post a week for newsletter YouTube and
podcast all being the same and these posts hold 20 minutes of attention that's 52 hours of attention held per reader for all platforms compared to 3 hours per reader for short form so it's important that you treat short form platforms for what they are a way to build a broad audience faster validate ideas and funnel people into various products and long form content for writers I always recommend using X and a newsletter one short form and one long form platform to start then when you do this long enough and see enough growth you can start
to repurpose the newsletter to YouTube podcast Etc and you can start to repurpose your tweets to uh LinkedIn YouTube Community posts Instagram use them as scripts for reels and shorts Etc this is what I teach into our writer this is why writing is is the most important and valuable skill you can learn because it's the foundation of all of this now let's turn yourself into the business or understand mental monetization brand is your character content is your mindset and skill set product is how you achieve a meaningful goal promotions are why you achieve the meaningful
goal your self or identity is your mental body the self is a web of Concepts beliefs ideas experiences and perceptions that allow you to navigate the world the information you learn and use since birth is what shapes the self your identity shapes your perspective and your perspective is the most important thing you can understand and expand your perspective is your reality a perspective is a frame composed of goals problems and skill to overcome those problems to achieve those goals it is also composed of beliefs knowledge and experiences that either limit or Aid in the achievement
of goals solving of problems and understanding of knowledge when we aren't conscious of the goals that compose our perspective we are not choosing how we act the goals were assigned to us if we don't have the skill to overcome problems to achieve goals we get anxious overwhelmed and negative to the point of lashing out when you don't seek to understand the goal of someone else in life social media politics religion or the rest it's easy for us to misinterpret their situation and think they are stupid for doing what they do in reality we lack perspective
the reason I'm explaining the importance of perspective is because your perspective shapes the entirety of your brand that is your Niche we're going to talk about this in a video two to three videos from now called The anti- Niche or again talking about how the most profitable Niche is you because if you break down a perspective where it's goal problem Clarity or path or skill or knowledge to achieve that goal that's all a brand is you're leading people towards a goal you're helping them with skill set and mindset with content and you're giving them a
system or Clarity to achieve the goal with a product that's turning yourself into the business turning your mind or perspective into the business that's earning with your mind and it's just human behavior in general once you peel back to just what the foundation of life is life and business becomes pretty [ __ ] easy let's break down the macronutrients of business one brand is your online character or identity the front end of a business is a brand this is what they display online to attract the right people and illustrate their digital identity since we are
turning yourself or identity into the business your job job is to attract the people you can help the most people that are like you the people who share the same goals and problems as your past or present self but don't have the skill to achieve and overcome them you already have the knowledge experience and skills to pass down to those who are one step behind you that's all you need to start a business so your job on your website or landing page or social media profiles or anywhere where you're trying to explain and articulate your
brand is this imply a meaningful goal you help people achieve imply a burning problem you can help them solve imply the interests or skills that you teach to bridge the gap between problem and goal this creates your digital reality this is what people are doing they're adopting your worldview by following you it creates the frame that you and your customers can perceive information through so that you can exchange knowledge and skill when you're having an argument with your partner it's usually because you aren't sharing the same perspective you don't have the same goal that is
top of mind that you're working towards you don't have the same problem top of mind that you're trying to solve you're perceiving the situation differently all of this whether it be marketing for a product or creating content or whatever you're trying to create a shared perspective with Goal problem Clarity to achieve it so with this when you're trying to imply these things on your website or your landing page or social media profile like your bio you don't have to State them explicitly this is where getting creative and writing stories short stories like single sentence stories
come into play your brand is created with time under attention as people learn more about you through your content and products my brand slogan is work less earn more enjoy life my bio was occasionally I write about human potential writing and mental Mastery so you can do what you want I don't recommend copying these because obviously like different levels require different things but you can see that I'm implying something there even just by saying I write about human potential you can start to shape what problem I'm solving and what goal I'm helping people pursue so
it just has to be implied brand is very brand is built with time don't worry about this too much but just understand it number two content is your mindset and skill set content is extremely powerful so I'm going to try to be as detailed as I can without just taking up like hours of your time content becomes a necessity when you realize its power marketers know the power of traffic a list of interested customers and the power of long form writing or video but many of them come around to the content game late like my
myself they don't realize that the long webinar that made you Millions can just be a video on YouTube that gets hundreds of thousands of views once you get the hang of the social media game I understand that like a webinar funnel or whatever kind of marketing you're going through is strategic and specific and it may be more uh funneled than something else but that doesn't rule out the other benefits of content one is that you enhance your thinking your ideas become clear with time and it ripples into the rest of your life you can't have
a great idea if you don't write a good idea first your first content won't be that good that's okay second is that it's free most of the time you can grow organically or you can move your ads spend to paid growth by connecting with and having big players share your posts don't listen to anyone that tells you this doesn't work they don't understand it it doesn't work for them because their brand and content strategy suck I talk about this in the video how to build an audience with zero followers the way you grow on social
media is by leveraging people that already have the audience there's two ways to go about it be a slave to the algorithm or find Network and potentially pay people that have an audience that you want that's what you're doing with ads anyways as you're being like hey Facebook I want you to Target this audience for me I'm going to give you money to do so bypass that pay less go to the people that have your audience have them share your content attract the followers in a way where they actually want to read your content and
then you create them over time customers over time and they're a part of your audience they don't just disappear after the ad disappears you can sell anything to anyone when you create that person because identities are created through information AKA content so that leads into number three which is you create customers unlike ads you keep your audience and can remarket to them at any time as you create educational content people become customers because your information shapes who they are and the fourth is that you validate and test ideas fast you can send out a tweet
and if it does better than usual I can turn that into a sales page headline you title or entire product that I know will sell I don't have to split test newsletter headlines or YouTube titles I can just write it as a tweet and see if it does well and grow an audience along the way so here is how I help people that I work with in cortex Link in the description to apply to work with me to build their brand by dissecting their mind and putting it on the internet first we're going to answer
these questions it would be wise to pull out a notebook or screenshot the questions that come and fill it out later or put it in like a Word document or something question one what are 5 to 10 beliefs that are are seen as extreme or crazy to other people but are normal to you this is what differentiates you and leads to the most growth example is I believe entrepreneurship is for everyone and have reasoning from psychology mechanics history and philosophy to back that number two is what are five to 10 interests or skills that help
you create the lifestyle you live and help your followers achieve number three is why are those interests or skills important what do they help people avoid or gain in life number four is what foundational knowledge do people need to understand about those skills or interests this keeps you from being too advanced or high level so you actually resonate with people now when you pair these with the Ten Commandments of Engagement content writing becomes pretty seamless so if you go and watch the video the greatest skill of the 21st century which is just a few videos
ago I talk about the ten commandments of Engagement and I have a PDF in that link in that description that you can download and write content with another thing that you should understand is the principles of value creation I made a video on this it's called value creation the single skill that built my solo business and during this process something that is very important is that you write so that a fifth grader could understand you you don't need to water down your writing per se you just need to write so that it's understandable to the
average reading level which is fifth grade because that's just a huge problem that I see in the space people over complicate the wording that they're using and they use these like Niche phrases or they they were told to be super specific with their audience so they just talk to that audience the entire time they don't give themselves room to attract people that can become interested in their interest so they can create customers over time with the content they're creating there is a way you can word it to maintain the same impact for more people to
attract them to your audience there isn't a reason any measure to make your writing hyp specific to only apply or register with a specific amount of person you write with specificity for impact because if your content doesn't get spread then you're not going to be exposed to new audiences and you're not going to grow cuz that's the thing is you aren't only attracting people that are already interested in what you do that's not marketing you are making them interested through persuasion and time under attention lastly here are a few traps that people fall into trap
one they focus way too much on promotions or making sure they only talk about their products talk about your beliefs opinions and educate people on the information necessary to become above average in your interest and skills 80% of the time promote sparingly it's like cashing in Goodwill with your audience trap two they don't understand the importance of structure versus content this goes far beyond writing content for business it is a metaphysical principle for now take your ideas and use high- performing structures and Frameworks as training wheels until you actually develop your writing ability look at
quotes newsletter structures post structures and the rest and try plugging your ideas into them trap three is that they don't research or use high performing angles any idea can go viral but only when it is positioned in an attention grav way that entertains educates or inspires you are a dopamine dealer dopamine is not a bad thing if you're doing it for Mindless pleasure and entertainment sure and you're not taking action sure that's not what Educators do learning and dopamine associated with that is good dopamine you raise dopamine levels in your readers brains by teaching them
something new giving them a new point of view entertaining them or showing them they are capable of more in life and sparking Behavior change study your favorite accounts most popular posts Instagram posts YouTube videos and start programming your mind to think in high performing headlines the lesson of content good content occurs when you attempt to inject your mindset and skill set into your readers over the course of 6 to 12 months not in one post and number three product is how you achieved a meaningful goal when you are the niche people follow you because they
want to achieve the lifestyle that you have or mindset or skill set that allowed you to achieve that lifestyle they want to do what you do or speak like you speak or look like you look for Fitness people it's like walking down the street you do the same thing just it's online now where you're walking down the street and I'm like pretty cool shirt all black it fits well I need to figure out what brand that is and I'm going to buy it and then I kind of become a piece of that person or I
integrate that piece to create who I am so the thing here with your lifestyle mindset skill set people wanting to become like you you already educating them on how to do it with your content the difference between content and product is convenient ience Clarity and a replicable system that gets results what is the most meaningful goal you've achieved in your life up until now these are questions that I'm asking you in order to create a product my example is that I earn a living writing about my interests that's something desirable that people want and it's
meaningful a potential example is I got a six-pack without doing cardio another example is I unlocked extreme Focus to build my side business now next question is what steps do people need to take to get there my example is write build a readership persuade and sell a potential example is minimalist training and intermittent fasting next question is what do people need to learn to take those steps my example is social media copywriting content a potential example is the principles of training and nutrition the last question is what can people practice and Implement in their day
to get results my example is the 2hour content ecosystem the potential example is the executive training system for busy people and I'm giving these fancy names just because it's in my nature as a marketer the are called unique mechanisms so your system or process or steps in order to achieve your desired outcome when you slap a compelling name on it that is a novel thing that catches attention and it makes people think oh this may finally be the thing that solves my problems for good so boom that is the outline of your product I'll repeat
the questions what is the most meaningful goal you achieved in your life what steps do people need to take to get there what can those people practice and Implement in their day to get there and please note that the examples I gave are not specific they're kind of mediocre you can do a lot better a meaningful goal that you help people achieve is determined by solving a burning problem within human nature in the Eternal markets health wealth relationships and happiness if you haven't already achieved a meaningful goal in a unique way I will help you
in another video on mastering new skills fast until then set a goal in one domain of your life drown yourself in knowledge and education around it document that knowledge as content teaching is how you learn and identify what you don't know so that you can learn efficiently this is crucial experiment with different techniques like training programs diets ways to make money Etc fourth is identify the fundamentals truths and principles between the different techniques fifth is Achieve the goal by creating your own way of getting there then distribute it as a digital product that sells while
you sleep with obscenely high profit margins from there you have the resources which is readership and income to build whatever other businesses you desire now lastly number four promotions are why you achieve the goal people don't care about features they care about benefits assume that everyone is selfish because they are even if that selfishness comes from feeling good about themselves by being selfless marketing is about creating the most powerful why a why implies a transformation Transformations are what people want like how a physique transformation always gets a lot of views on YouTube or how life
Transformations get you emotionally invested in another person a transformation is a story and that's what our minds are wired to be attracted to trust and connected to so you need to do one of two things one is tell people why the product will change their life two tell people why it changed your life because they will read it as if they were changing theirs I've been a marketer technically for almost 6 years now that means I've been marketing my own products or services and here's all you need to know in order to actually make money
a story or transformation is composed of three things one is a burning problem two is a desirable outcome three is a clear solution we talked about about this earlier this is a perspective you're giving people a new mind you're changing people's minds in order to earn with your mind that's your entire marketing campaign goal problem path to get there in other words desired outcome burning problem clear solution you will have to test each one until you strike gold with the right positioning but then you are set for a while so for each of those components
write about them non-stop in your short content in order to test and validate the ideas and then you know it will do well when you turn it into a product or if you've already written so much look for a high performing goal in your content look for a high performing problem in your content look for a high performing system in your content create a product out of it it will sell those three components will be used whenever you ask someone to buy your product in your emails landing page IG Story YouTube promotion or the rest
long form promotions are like a full sales page you have to fill up the Page by guiding people through that structure go and watch the introduction of this video if you want to understand that so short form promotions are like a call to action in let's say an email if you've tried the latest and greatest business models without any success and are considering accepting your fate at a day job it's because you are falling for tactics in digital economics I teach the principles of building a purposeful business brand content product and promotion so you can
talk about your interests and earn a creative income you see what I did there now when you're writing promotions you need to understand which part of your audience you're talking to because if you attract a broad audience you Niche down with your product you don't Niche down far with your audience you Niche down further with your product to Target a specific person you have to understand how long they've been reading your content and if they understand your philosophy or worldview or the importance of it because I see this mistake often people have very high level
language like manifesting a life of alignment to a peaceful being and Their audience couldn't care less if you haven't defined alignment or manifesting to your beginner level audience which everyone is 80% of the market are beginners they don't understand it they know what they know they don't know what you're teaching them it's why you're teaching it so if you haven't find it then don't write it that way be straightforward be simple be impactful give people what they want don't give people what you think they want that's it for this video I hope you enjoyed subscribe
to our writer learn digital writing digital economics I already promoted that uh buy my book download my free stuff I'll see you in the next video peace