How To Wake Up Happy | 3 Simple Practices

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Aaron Abke
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Video Transcript:
[Music] so in a very simple way you know if you say well what does this practice look like that how do I practice a happy attitude Aaron I'm going to give you three ways as I love to do but this would be the first way is love your life be engaged with your life not just the Mountaintop moments but the valley moments as well right love every moment of your life be so grateful for your life be so grateful to be this person be grateful for being able to explore and discover who you are through
the vehicle of this person I know that this Avatar that everyone calls Aaron ABY is ultimately not real it's not what I am essentially but it is the medium through which what I am is expressing itself and so because of that I love Aaron ABY I love being Aaron ABY not because Aaron ABY has a platform or or anything like that but because Aaron ABY is a part of who God is and so to love your life is to wake up in the morning with gratitude you wake up eyes pop open happiness should be there
to greet you ah what a beautiful morning you get up you go through your morning routine you Med meditate meditate on love ah thank you God for your love today I'm so grateful to experience Your Love Today you go into the kitchen you start pouring your coffee and you're just enjoying the smell of the coffee beans you walk out into your backyard you feel the warm sunlight on your face ah thank you God for sunlight today that is devotion y'all that's the practice of devotion you're committed to being in gratitude for for everything you're committed
to having a happy attitude towards everything even if your partner is upset and flustered and frustrated you can have a happy attitude towards that and you know maybe they're upset at you for something and rather than lowering your vibration to their level and getting defensive or whatever you maintain that frequency of happiness and you meet them where they are with your happiness which again isn't this jovial everything's great no you're able to meet somebody where they are you're just not lowering your frequency to where they are you see the difference if someone's upset I'm not
going to say well come on up champ it's all good I'm going to let them be where they are but I'm going to maintain an aura of Happiness towards them if they have an upset to express I'll say I would love to hear what you have to say would you like to talk let's let's sit down and have a conversation you you're just shining you're just shining that's devot that is the Hallmark of a true devote somebody who is far down the path of devotion is carrying a happy attitude towards everything no reason happiness happiness
is how to be here happiness is how you be present with your life because happiness must come from appreciating and enjoying what's arising in this present moment so the the question to always ask yourself is can I just be happy with the way this moment is right now and if the ego is having a hard time finding something to be happy for then you just look for the closest most available thing to be grateful for thank you God for fresh water to drink see the ego is completely outnumbered you guys the ego's lack is a
total illusion that it's projecting everywhere but it actually exists nowhere right there isn't actually lack anywhere it is being imagined in the mind but what is everywhere is abundance yeah what is everywhere are blessings from above the fresh water to drink is a blessing the comfortable seat to sit in is a blessing being able to be with you all right now is a blessing so you can just look to your surroundings and start being grateful for what's right there and and you got the ego outnumbered cuz there's infinite things in reality to be grateful for
but there's nothing in reality to feel is lacking to feel upset about you know you have to go into story mode imagination fantasy land to think that something imperfect is happening or that something you need is lacking from you right now so happiness grounds you in reality it grounds you in the present moment the the the less present you are the less happy you are and the more present you are the more happy you are so happiness is much more than just being in a good mood happiness is a disposition of unconditional acceptance and gratitude
for what is so even when a painful emotion surfaces you can have a happy attitude towards it you can say ah welcome sorrow I welcome you here come be sorrowful with me and you can just have a Olaf like attitude towards it the first practice has to be this extreme mindfulness that we carry towards outcome happiness right we have to first become aware of where are the ego is taking us away from happiness if we're not noticing all the outcomes ego is shoving onto the pedestal you know we won't notice the way that ego is
carrying us from moment to moment always looking to the next outcome the next moment uh the next email I have to send the next chore I have to fulfill and most people are going through life this way right there's always a task on The Ledger of the computer in the brain that's processing next task next task and so we're just always in a little bit of a future moment so we have to first become aware of that tendency of the ego to keep us in the rat race climbing up the mountain chasing outcomes and the
way we re-qualify that is as soon as you notice that you're maybe you're you're rushing through life a little too fast you notice you're going through your day a little bit too fast and you go wait a minute I'm chasing outcomes right now I'm frantically hurrying from one moment to the next to get things done and we go to the mantra for the second belief right we we find the outcome that ego has on the pet pedestal and we say this outcome cannot give me anything that I want you're just remembering what's true what I
want is not an outcome what I want is to be in love with reality as it is right now what I want is peace of mind in this moment right now that's what I really want so another way we can do this is even when you are feeling happy ask yourself why you feel happy and this is a really potent practice that is also difficult to do because when we're happy when we feel happy we tend to not want to think about it much or or contemplate it much we just want to enjoy it while
it's there because we're used to like only having happiness as a fleeting State and not a permanent state of being so when we feel happy from some good thing that happened we don't really stop to question why we're feeling happy but remember Duality is a two-sided coin yeah so if you're resisting painful moments you're also going to be clinging to pleasurable moments and so we don't want to just notice when we're resisting painful moments we want to also notice when we're attaching to pleasurable moments so how do we cultivate awareness of outcome happiness when it's
happening is anytime you're happy get in the habit of asking asking yourself why do I feel happy right now and it's absolutely fine to be happy or feel joyful because of something that happens that's happiness too right happiness meets the present moment but if you notice that you're only happy because there's an expectation of oh I got a vacation coming this weekend I got a massage this afternoon you know you're noticing that's why I'm in such a good mood my mind is looking forward to a future moment then you say no no no don't need
to look forward to that I'll be happy when it happens but I'm actually happy because of this moment and just bring yourself back to the present moment you know catch yourself looking for outcomes as often as you can and keep taking them down from that pedestal keep grounding yourself in happiness and gratitude for what is right now in this moment you know this is how you re-qualify outcome happiness you re-qualify it by bringing yourself back to the present moment and making sure your happiness is always dependent upon now here what is you can also begin
practicing happiness this is our our second tip here from the attitude that happiness is the greatest service to others that you can give happiness is like the Baseline level of service you can offer anyone we talk a lot about service to others and being of service and we have a tendency to think that being of service has to look like this big huge deal you know feeding the poor or something and it that is service to others but service to others Begins by your ability to just be happy with people doesn't it cuz think about
it if you can't give somebody a happy attitude what good can you really give them how can you really serve them if you can't even just be happy in their presence but on the other hand just by being happy towards somebody think about all the ways you're serving them think about all the gifts that you're giving somebody when you're happy in their presence your happiness gives them a space to feel accepted as they are doesn't it when when you're happy around people they feel accepted by you so oh what a beautiful gift to give somebody
they feel accepted when they're around me that's service to others your happiness gives them an uplifted frequency because like attracts like right when you're truly radiating a joyful disposition then other people get happier when they're around you so you make other people happy when you're happy what a gift what a service your happiness gives people a reassurance that all is well right when somebody's lost in anxiety and fear and separateness then being around somebody who's happy at peace inside you know a nice smiling joyful calm disposition you're giving them through your energy a reassurance like
all is well my brother all is well my sister you may be suffering you may be in pain but look at me all is well that's a huge gift to give somebody who's suffering right your state of being your happiness is the undeniable living proof to everyone you meet that inner peace is available your happiness is hope to those you meet your happiness shows them what God is like your happiness is the light that you give right so by by seeing happiness as service to others you will have a very powerful attraction to this practice
you'll become very dedicated to I got become happy I got to live from happiness because being happy is the greatest gift I can give to the world and man you guys that is incredibly motivating to live from that place if you want to be of service to the world be happy be happy always so happiness as service to others is the second way to visualize to be motivated and to practice happiness number three and we've touched on this a little bit is is laugh more be more joyful laugh at life experiences be willing to have
a sense of humor about life because happiness or laughter rather is joy laughter is a effect of happiness and as the course says really what we did worse than anything was we forgot to laugh we started taking life so damn seriously and being so somber and heavy about everything and really reality is Joy reality is a gift it is a gift to be alive and so laughing at things learning to laugh at things really develops that awareness very fast I mean this this practice is so potent in its effects in terms of the way you
actually start to experience your Consciousness shifting when you make a radical commitment to being happy and part of that radical commitment is being willing to laugh at things practice having a strong sense of humor towards your challenges laugh at yourself when you slip back into ego Consciousness when the ego says or thinks or does something through you that you know that slips by as soon as you notice it laugh at it you know the ego is just a total contradiction of reality and so the enlightened mind doesn't see the ego as this enemy to be
fought against against or to eliminate or a foe to wage war with the enlightened mind sees the ego as something to laugh about you know to be in total delusion and denial of Truth is funny from the enlightened mind's perspective and isn't laughter a very powerful way of realizing truths isn't that why we love listening to standup comedians and why standup comedians in our culture actually play a really important role in calming down the collective um polarization and all the taboo topics that were so serious about comedians get on stage and they make jokes about
those things and we all can finally laugh and let off some steam and stop taking everything so damn seriously stop taking ourselves so seriously and through laughter through being able to laugh at you know the left the right the this the that this ideology that ideology it loses its potency in the mind laughter releases that steam right that the ego is trying to build up so being able to laugh at things that the ego wants to take seriously is an extremely powerful tool but more so than everything this third step is really just practicing loving
your life finding joy in the simple things because God is in everything right your day is filled filled with countless Beautiful Moments even if you stay home all day and don't even go outside every moment in God's reality is beautiful and full of meaning and full of Truth and full of life and if you have a happy attitude you'll have the eyes to see it and you'll laugh more you'll things will slide off of you you won't take everything so dang seriously but if you're always looking to the next outcome you'll miss those Beautiful Moments
right so prac practicing laughter practicing gratitude for life is a very overlooked spiritual discipline even the uh the twoe experience I had which you all know so so much about how did that experience happen if you remember I literally laughed myself out of ego Consciousness eart was making those jokes about the ego and kind of making light of things the ego says and I started laughing through the recognition of yeah that's exactly what my ego says to me and I started to laugh and the more I laughed the more I saw how fake it all
was and I kind of just ended up laughing myself into a somat state for 2 weeks and that is what gave me the glimpse of what is truly available in this life that not only is it absolutely possible to live without suffering to live happy but it's inevitable for the soul we're only moving through a short period of evolution where suffering seems to be the way of things and it's because the ego has flipped everything inside out turned everything upside down and so we're living in a backwards way of of perceiving life and as soon
as we straighten out our perception life is too good to be spoken of as roomie said out Beyond ideas of right and wrong there's a field and I'll meet you there when the soul lies down in that grass reality is too wonderful to even speak of it's like there's nothing you can say about how good reality is how do you represent how does a devotee even begin to represent what the Divine is like if you're in communion with God in your heart how could you possibly represent what it is you surely canot explain it with
words you surely can't articulate what God is like through words words can never do it justice it has to be experienced and so instead of trying to tell everyone about this wonderful State you've discovered in yourself what happens you exemplify it through your Stillness and through the happiness that radiates from you this is why the Buddha is always pictured with a small smile on his face and big long droopy ears you notice that the big ears represent what we've said here before that silence inner silence is the state of listening to reality I'm awake and
aware in reality itself I'm listening for what reality is saying I'm watching for what reality is doing and with the big ears symbolizing being present with reality paying attention to reality taking reality in there's also what a pleasant smile because that Pleasant smile is all we need to demonstrate to the world what God is like what love is like love is like happiness so we don't need to do anything other than to be happy to not only demonstrate it but to give it away to everybody in our world so that's the practice of devotion you
guys another way of viewing it is we got to start loving our life we got to start being grateful joyful laughing more laughing off our mistakes stop taking it so seriously but just know everything's perfect in God's world and that becomes the highest act of worship for the devote hey everyone thank you for watching today's video I hope that you were truly blessed by it and I wanted to let you know that I'm really excited to now be partnering with an amazing conscious supplement company called organifi a lot of you know that I'm also passionate
about holistic health and nutrition and organifi has been a staple in my daily Health routine for a very long time they make the most delicious organic and high quality superfood products that I've ever come across and as you know a healthy body is a great benefit for spiritual growth because the health of your body directly translates to the health of your mind everything is connected so feeding your body with high High vibrational superfoods straight from the earth is one of the best ways to create that environment for a healthy mind but getting all the superfoods
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