10 Secret Choices You Didn't Know You Had in VIDEO GAMES

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Video games are filled with choices...but there are plenty you might not know about. Subscribe for m...
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video games are filled with choices and most of them are presented to you either in a dialogue box or with some visual representation you're given the opportunity to go One Direction or the other but some of them you do not know about hi folks it's Falcon and today on game ranks 10 secret choices you didn't know you had in video games and number 10 the fortune teller is useful for once Fallout 4 isn't one of those games with a whole lot of satisfying choices to make but it can surprise you some times there are some
hidden little interactions and optional decisions that most people play in the game are not going to see like Mama Murphy pretty much everybody's going to run into this character it's an old lady that claims to see the future in the museum of Freedom with Preston Garvey something pretty much everybody's going to see at least once and after you rescue her she becomes a settler in your first town most people probably see her around never really interact with her and if they do they see the part where she'll give your fortune in return for drug drugs
maybe do it once and just assume that it's a a pointless novelty something that doesn't matter the Little Slice of Life thing for all of the Fallout four players but actually some of her predictions unlock new options in a few quests like in the quest where you saved Nick Valentine in a vault if you have that Quest called unlikely Valentine and you talk to Mama Murphy she'll say some cryptic gibberish that sounds completely worthless when you meet the fat man and the angry woman tell them to remember the Quarry and Lily June on the rocks
and they'll let you and your friend pass but guess what it's not completely worthless if you repeat her message to the guy that ambushes you when you're leaving the Vault he will actually let you pass without getting into a fight remember the Quarry Lily June on the Rocks ring any bells how the hell did you know about that okay you two can go you got until a count of then I don't care what happened back in the old days you're dead and seriously the only way to bypass this encounter is talking to this fortune teller
it's not major I mean killing this guys isn't that hard but it's an obscure little choice that stands out you didn't know you had it in fact you thought you were just dealing with some annoying Old Lady Who Jibber jabbers a lot for drugs and you know this kind of stuff usually doesn't do anything in video games the last place I'd expect the developers to start getting clever like this as Fallout 4 but it's here and it works and I got to admit I'm impressed at number nine it's dragon's dog mat twos defeating the Talos
near the end of the game you encounter this gigantic walking statue called the tals or the gigantis I respect the clownish nature but I'll stick with the tals for now so you encounter this thing it just marches through this Canyon and to beat it you have to use giant crossbows and climb on top of it and attack its weak point blah blah blah you know but you don't actually have to kill it eventually if it progresses too far just falls into a lava flow and kills itself there's nothing to suggest that you're making some kind
of decision at this point but it actually matters whether you killed the tals in the valley or if it died on its own there is no way you could possibly guess why all this stuff is going down but even though there's no way anyone would know they're actually making a choice in this Mission whatever you did comes back in the unored world you know the secret ending part of the game where they finally title Dragon's Dogma 2 which is a lot harder to say than you could possibly imagine editing has saved you having to hear
me say those words incorrectly about three times but I skimming over a lot here and I'm getting distracted by my own lack of ability to speak there is kind of too much to go into here the important takeaway is that these are special dragon bosses they're all over the place you got to kill them now and if you manage to defeat the tals then at least one of these dragon battles is going to be a lot easier if the giant statue man died on its own you have to just fight these dragons on your own
but if you killed it the entire segment completely changes your main Pawn gets absorbed into the Giant's eye and it gets into a whole big Godzilla Battle they can kill the dragon entirely on their own and the entire cut scene fight is pretty amusing I mean it's a giant monster Throwdown in the middle is fantasy RPG and it's much easier to miss out on than you might think there are tons of little random choices like this all over Dragon zma 2 they don't tell you jack squat most of the time like you're generally getting just
a few pieces of dialogue but with this you get one of the longer more involved cutscenes like in the whole game it's crazy [Music] and number eight is Dead Rising Deluxe sparing the psycho one of the most frustrating psycho Encounters in Dead Rising is the hall family not one not two but three tough sobs with longrange rifles who are ready willing and excited to make your life a living hell if you don't come into this fight prepared it's going to suck so I don't blame anybody for just hacking these guys to pieces without a second
thought they're just that annoying to have to deal with if you're feeling real generous though the deluxe edition remaster let you do something the original game did not which lets you spare one of the hall brothers so when you first encounter these guys there's a dad who wants to shoot everyone and everything they see a brother who's all in on it and another brother who's a little reluctant but Daddy he ain't no zombie he's just a man Thomas that's Thomas Hall he's the easiest of the psychos to take down normally so it's tempting to go
after him first but if you actually watch him he seems like the one who doesn't really want to be a part of this I am pretty sure he still shoots at you though but if you're feeling kind you can make the choice of sparing ing him the only way to do it is to kill the other two first and then when you confront him he gives up and apologizes uh you can't take him back to the security room with you he refuses to go but he will stop attacking that at least gives him the possibility
of surviving I just thought Daddy and Jack like to hunt for sport when all this happened they became so excited they said they'd been waiting for a day like this I'm uh yeah I'm sorry for your loss guess I deserve this we shot at you first after all I I I could take you somewhere safe if you want huh I'm staying here with my brother and Daddy I can't just leave them behind like this keep in mind this was not an option in the original game you had to kill all of them even if felt
sorry for this kid so it's easy to assume things will play out the same way in the remake but the devs actually give you the chance to do something merciful for whatever that's worth and number seven is hollow Knight crushing one of the Watchers another game where a lot of unexpected little choices are there many of which don't matter a lot but they give the world some personality this is kind of like that it's a way to make a somewhat tricky mini boss easier but mostly I'm just putting it here cuz I forgot it was
possible in the Watchers Spire there's a fight with six Knights near the top of the tower it's not an impossible fight by any means but six guys isn't exactly easy and there's a hidden method to uh even the odds I guess is the right way to say it in the room directly before the actual boss area you can jump up and slash to reveal a breakable wall and inside the wall is a rope holding up a chandelier cut it with a few attacks and it'll fall into the room and kill well one of the Watcher
Knights but that's better than nothing most of the time these kinds of traps aren't that hard to sus out games will Telegraph tricks like this to make bosses easier H pretty hard like they throw it out there but this one's pretty well hidden actually there's nothing about this little room that suggests there's a breakable ceiling and it's so high that players exploring this place for the first time well I mean they may not even have the abilities required to get up there it's kind of a little pointless like you're killing only one out of the
six here but it's a Cool Secret either way it makes it a little bit easier I mean you understand why I was hesitant to say even the odds here it doesn't really even the odds but I guess it's not bad either it does make it less hard a [Music] bit and number six is saving the Normandy crew in Mass Effect 2 I admit everyone knows about this one but if you playing Mass Effect 2 back when it came out you probably screwed this Choice up and it was probably a real slab in the face like
how are we supposed to know there's a secret time limit on this you know how most RPGs go you get right up to the point of no return and that's when you go and you do all your side quests that's how almost every RPG works but Mass Effect 2 pulls this nasty trick on you see right before the end the majority of your ship's crew gets kidnapped by the bad guys characters in the game tell you that you need to rescue them in a hurry but it's an RPG they're always telling you time is of
the essence in an RPG and time is never of the essence remember in Final Fantasy 16 when the world was ending the world didn't end if you didn't progress if you'd have sat your happy ass down that would have been that the world never would have ended and it's basically like that in every RPG the ticking clock is it's an illusion but not Mass Effect 2 if you decide to wait and not rush to complete the suicide mission then by the time you actually reach the collector base and attempt to rescue your crew it's too
late they've all been converted into biomass and they are dead and that's just cuz you decided to do the side quests at the end of the game what makes this all the more frustrating is uh that the one thing the game does make extremely clear is that you need to complete all your companion side quests so that they're loyal to you so that they have the best chances possible to complete the suicide mission but if you haven't done most of them by the time the crew gets caught you don't have enough time to complete the
side quest you only have enough time to do Legions companion Mission which can only be done after everyone gets taken so it's easy to get into a situation where your entire crew just dies or most your companion die it sucks and it's all cuz they spring this invisible choice on you right before the final mission you have to respect them for actually making time matter for once in an RPG but the way they went about doing it was not exactly ideal and number five is Stellar Blade the secret ending choices if you've got an action
RPG anymore you better go in expecting there's some kind of secret ending so many games have them now but usually they're fairly forgiving with how they're implemented they tend to be obscure but the process of unlocking them is usually pretty obvious you know you do a bonus mission to find some secret information uh you find a hidden area or some [ __ ] like that with Stellar Blade the decision making is obscured and it's easy to miss and it makes no sense leading up to the final point of no return uh which also isn't obvious
it's one of those choices where the game does not tell you what choice you're making or even how it came to whatever conclusion it was coming to all you get is this little meter at the corner that slowly fills up as you complete quests or find information about the world there's no clues about what the bar is or what it's supposed to represent and it fills so slow that it's almost not possible to tell that it is filling up you basically have to ignore it for large swaths of time in order for it to look
like it's even different but if you fill it up before the point of no return you unlock the true ending where you still fight Lily but she doesn't die at the end the actual endgame choice you have to make between siding with Lily or Adam is pretty clear but how they shake out with that meter is confusing and unclear especially uh Because by the time you actually get to that choice it's far too late to go back and fill up the meter you have to go through the entire final mission before you get the choice
which you may not even realize has a third option [Music] [Music] [Music] Eve Lily are you all right Eve I thought I'd be left alone and number four is Silent Hill 2's endings another one where pretty much everyone knows it by now but if you're somehow unaware I'll explain it real quick in Silent Hill 2 the standard game has three different endings which are not determined by obvious choices you make but they're meant to represent the unconscious decisions that the player uh you know ended up making without knowing it the game gives you no information
about how these endings are actually determined they only provide some vague clues in a new game plus but of course at this point players have fully mapped out how it all works uh the first time through there's three endings leave where James leaves Silent Hill Maria where he chooses to stay with Maria and in water where he drives his car off a pier these endings are obtained through a scoring system where the game keeps a tally of certain actions related to each endings so you get the leave uh ending for example by having James Health
topped up all the time and actively try to rush through the game without exploring and uh instead be just beining for the hospital to get the inwater ending you have to do things that make James seem more depressed like examine Angela's knife in your inventory leave your health low instead of healing yourself right away that kind of thing the Maria one's the toughest one to get it involves doing things for Maria like spending time near her and not bumping into her or letting her take damage that kind of stuff like I said anyone who knows
anything about Silent Hill at this point has at least a broad understanding of how this works but it's all complex and vague enough that unless you really plan out what you're doing it's still hard to know exactly what ending you're going to get [Music] sh [Music] and number three is Chrono Trigger the trial one of the original invisible choices in gaming the trial is an all-time classic event that really puts the player to task for everything they did at the start of the game it's such a simple idea but it's executed to Perfection here here's
the deal after the first section of the game krono is put on trial for abducting the princess during the trial the game calls back to multiple seemingly pointless events from the start of the game uh in the millennium Fair all these events were actually secret tests of character and if you played through the opening like your typical RPG protagonist then you will fail this test with flying colors doing stuff like eating the old man's lunch and not bothering to rescue the little girl's cat will make the jurors think you're guilty but if you do good
deeds you're more likely to Telegraph innocence I guess the right way to say it even simple stuff that wouldn't seem to matter like talking to Marl first after knocking her over at the start and not moving when she goes to the candy Booth all count towards your innocent or guilt I'd say this is all simple stuff that we've all moved past but even in 2024 this level of reactivity isn't really seen that much or used in such a novel way ultimately whether you're guilty or not doesn't really matter you still have to break out of
prison because they still put you in prison but the first time going through the trial is amazing watching the game call out all your generic RPG protagonist misdeeds like selling a party member stuff skipping along and eating all the food you find lying around it's the only time anything like this happens in the game but there's a reason why we're still talking about about [Music] it at number two Resident Evil Revelations 2 wait there's a choice so you're telling me there's a choice they could have said something though I mean they didn't tell you there's
a choice the ending to Revelations 2 is baffling because for one thing that there even is a choice at the end Resident Evil games generally don't do that and for another thing the actual choice is almost impossible to figure out unless you just go online and look up what you're supposed to do I have to imagine that most people who played it the first time when they beat the game they got the bad ending and they were left scratching their head like wait this isn't how Resident Evil games end yeah their horror games where they
pretty much universally have Happy Endings where the good guys escape the zombie apocalypse couldn't beat them not this this time not anytime there doesn't even appear to be anything else to do at the end though there's no explicit choices just seems like that's just the end but nope there is a good ending but to get it you have to do something you never even imagine is possible what the game wants you to do is in the middle of a qte switch characters that's how you get the good ending it's not telegraphed or explained anywhere unless
you explicitly sit and wait on the qte for a little while and then the option to switch pops up the thing is qtees have trained us to act quickly otherwise you die and that's how these things work so nobody could possibly know that you wait sometimes though a hidden Choice can be satisfying and sometimes they're just annoying this is annoying and finally at number one Speck Ops the lines shooting of the Rope let's end it with a classic near the end of The Meta commentary on Military Shooters disguised as a game Speck Ops the Line
you're given a brutal Choice there are two men hanging by a rope and you're forced to choose which one lives and which one dies one's a soldier the other a civilian and if you don't kill one of them nearby snipers will kill both so you have to make a decision and trying to shoot the snipers doesn't work by the way they'll immediately turn and shoot both hanging men so yeah you can't opt out of this Choice It's seems like you're stuck actually and you have to do what the voice over the radio is saying but
there is actually a third unmentioned option shoot the Rope if you shoot the Rope you can free both men and this unexpected move will confuse the snipers which gives you enough time to take them [Music] out it still requires speed to be able to pull it off but it is possible to take the third option here and get away with it it's not something you see in most games most of the time when they give you a binary Choice like this you're stuck with it and any attempt to go your own way just doesn't work
but this game actually acknowledges the quick thinking even if it's ultimately a pointless gesture because D if you play the game you know things don't work out great regardless in spec Ops the Lin but at least they let you be the good guy once in a while kill the no disobeyed Captain [Music] attack Jesus need someone we're clear I didn't know you were the insubordinate type Captain let's get moving welome and that's all for today leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed
now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them first is of course of subscription so click subscribe don't forget to enable notifications and as always we thank you very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on Twitter at Falcon the hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
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