sit in I'll I like to think happiness is simple not that people don't get sad or that sadness isn't a part of life but happiness is in Simplicity these days we tie our happiness to a lot of things how other people see us how much money we've got in our bank whether that girl likes us but it doesn't need to be that hard in truth I feel like we get so caught up in the going on of life that we forget to step back and see the beauty that's really there the beauty of the mundane
the boring the slow there's this film I like called perfect days it's a movie about this toilet cleaner in Tokyo I mean nothing really happens to him there's no plot twist or Earth shattering Revelation he just cleans toilets but in there there's kind of a parable for our own lives most of us don't really have that much going on if we're lucky we'll have some good friends to laugh with a little projects keep us busy if we're really lucky we might even like the jobs that we do but that's about it no plot twist no
big reveal but that's where the beauty of life is right there between the pages of a book or the laugh of a friend or the coup of a bird everything I've been thinking about happiness a lot recently it's kind of a hard thing to pin down but what I slowly realize is it's a choice to a large extent if you take out the external you really can choose to be happy so I set out a framework I call them the six pillars the six things that at least for me if I do them every day
I feel good and maybe they'll work for you too the first one is train just moving the body looking after your health then next comes love some form of human interaction then there's purpose and learn which kind of explain themselves and finally suffer and breathe the idea that every day sure we should do something hard but also remember to pause sit down and focus on our breath for a while take some breaths with me now [Music] there's this philosopher called Albert kamu he was kind of like the Rockstar of philosophy I mean the guy was
pretty cool anyway he wrote this essay called the myth of cisus it's about this ancient Greek king who pissed off the gods and so is condemned to an eternity in hell every day you'd have to push a huge Boulder to the top of this hill and every night it would roll right back down again sounds kind of familiar huh well Kimu said that was kind of like The Human Condition life is inherently absurd a constant struggle to find meaning in a world that ultimately indifferent to us so what do we do about that well according
to kamu we should imagine Copus happy he's an absurd hero even though everything he does is kind of pointless every day he still gets up and rolls the boulder up the hill knowing it'll come crashing right back down in the evening he embodies a sort of defiant acceptance of the absurdity of his situation so in a way we should all try and be a bit more like Copus sure our lives are absurd they don't really mean too much and one day we'll all die but we might as well be happy while we're here maybe push
the boulder up backwards or as fast as we can or chase it while it rolls down the hill or maybe even stop halfway up to drink a coffee and listen to the birds I think at its call we just need to Embrace Life fully every experience every moment even the mundane the boring the slow so you see in a weird way happiness is kind of simple [Music] knows would be the time