Where Did Satan's First Evil Desire Come From. (Bible Truths Explained)

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[Music] where did Satan's first evil desire come from God first formed Satan as an angel and created all Angels via the ministry of his son the Lord Jesus there is no creature that he did not create John chapter 1 verse 3. all things were made and came into existence through him and without him not even one thing was made that is common to being however God cannot be directly involved in the creation of evil for he is Holy therefore it is evident both from reason and from the Bible that all Angels were created in a holy state and that each Angel is a direct creation of God when Satan rebelled against God he not only incurred God's Wrath for himself but also persuaded some of the angels to turn against God with him some estimates place the number of angels that followed Satan's lead at one-third at this point Satan and his angels are genuinely evil and hostile against God his plan and the humans he created Ezekiel chapter 28 verses 12 to 19. and Isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 to 17.
are two significant chapters that are typically related with Satan's original state and fall Isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 to 17. how you have fallen from Heaven o star of the morning lightbringer son of the Dawn you have been cut down to the ground you who have weakened the nation's king of Babylon but you said in your heart I will Ascend to heaven I will raise my throne above the stars of God I will sit on the Mount of assembly in the remote parts of the North I will Ascend above the heights of the clouds I will make myself like the most high but in fact you will be brought down to sheol to the remote recesses of the pit the region of the Dead those who see you will gaze at you they will consider you saying is this the man who made the Earth tremble who shook kingdoms who made the world like a Wilderness and overthrow its cities who did not permit his prisoners to return home Privileges and perversion before his fall Satan appears to have enjoyed the highest levels of power and Prestige that have ever been bestowed upon a creature number one nature Satan belongs to the Cherub class of angelic being and these are probably of the greatest class and highest order Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 14. you were the anointed cherub who covers and protects and I placed you there you were on the Holy Mountain of God you walked in the midst of the stones of fire sparkling jewels Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 12.
son of man take up a dirge funeral poem To Be Sung for the king of tire and say to him thus says the Lord God full of wisdom and perfect and beauty the Expressions you had the Seal of perfection and full of wisdom and perfect Beauty both point to the fact that he was Superior to all other living things and intelligence and physical attractiveness the figurative language of this verse speaks of his Exquisite perfection number two position he was not only anointed leader but he was also called a guardian covering cherub twice this could reference his role as a guardian an honor guard and proclaimer of God's majesty and holiness number three habitation he appears to have been in God's presence because he walked amid the stones of fire Ezekiel chapter 28 verses 13 through 16. you were in Eden the Garden of God every precious stone was your covering the Ruby the topaz and the Diamond the barrel the Onyx and the Jasper the lapis lazuli the turquoise and the emerald and the gold the workmanship of your settings and your sockets was in you they were prepared on the day that you were created you were the anointed cherub who covers and protects and I placed you there you are on the Holy Mountain of God you walked in the midst of the stones of fire sparkling jewels you were blameless in your ways from the day you were created until unrighteousness and evil were found in you through the abundance of your Commerce you were internally filled with lawlessness and violence and you sinned therefore I have cast you out as a profane and Unholy thing from the Mountain of God and I have destroyed you o covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire number four perfection this phrase encapsulates his personal and moral qualities he had the Seal of perfection and was perfect in Beauty he was perfect or blameless in his ways from the day he was created until his first sin the angel was full of wisdom and beautiful like everything else God created this Angel was Flawless from the beginning not only that but he appeared particularly appealing cherubim and seraphim both appeared to be Supreme Heavenly beings all these sides point to this person having the highest rank of any created being in the universe the angel was on God's holy mountain the statement here refers to God's visible Glory as where he dwells this Angel was very close to the Lord the angel also walked amid fire Stones Inception of perversion without explaining how it occurred God says iniquity was found in thee the best clue as to what happened in Satan's mind is found in verse 17. Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 17.
your heart was proud and arrogant because of your beauty you destroyed your wisdom for the sake of your splendor I cast you to the ground I lay you before kings that they might look at you you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor prideful nature and preoccupation with himself are his sin meditating upon his god-endowed Beauty he became mesmerized with himself and was lifted up with pride in Luke chapter 10 verse 18 Jesus says I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven the context of these words is the return of the seventy disciples that Jesus had set out to evangelize and prepare his way to Jerusalem as the seventy returned from their assignment they were delighted to learn that even the demons had been subjugated to them Luke chapter 10 verses 17 and 18. the 70 returned with Joy saying Lord even the demons are subject to us in your name he said to them I watched Satan fall from Heaven like a flash of lightning Jesus statements are a caution against Pride and it is as if he were saying yes you were quite heady because even the demons have been subject to you but remember that pride is the sin that gives rise to all others his excessive amount of hubris brought Lucifer's Fall From Grace and his expulsion from heaven take care to steer clear of this potential hazard Lucifer had exalted himself due to his pride so God had removed him from his original position in heaven First Timothy chapter 3 verse 6. and he must not be a new convert so that he will not behave stupidly and become conceited by appointment to this High office fall into the same condemnation incurred by the devil for his arrogance and pride sin exploits the blessings of God for its benefit he also LED other Angels astray From the Path God had ordained for them Ezekiel chapter 28 verses 18 and 19.
you profane your sanctuaries by the great quantity of your sins and the enormity of your guilt by the unrighteousness of your trade therefore I have brought forth a fire from your midst it has consumed you and I have reduced you to ashes on the earth in the sight of all who look at you all the people's Nations who knew you were appalled at you you have come to a horrible and terrifying end will forever cease to be the words merchandise and traffic may refer to soliciting to his evil cause an enormous group of fellow angels his habitation was defiled by his sin also indictment and Punishment because of Satan's sin of arrogance and violence God cast him from his privileged position near the Throne of God out of the Mountain of God he may have been cast of the earth after his original sin as we read in the Bible I cast you to the ground so God indicted him a flagrant and unwarranted rebellion and expelled them from his company His Highest penalty is a Lake of Fire Christ said Matthew chapter 25 verse 41. then he will say to those on his left leave me you cursed ones into the Eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels demons his fall was against God but he continues to exercise tyranny over people his Doom is sure but not until the final judgment will he be confined to the Lake of Fire the basic sin of Satan seems to be Pride as we previously noted from Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 17. Paul specifically labels Pride or conceit as the reason for the condemnation incurred by the devil Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 17.
your heart was proud and arrogant because of your beauty you destroyed your wisdom for the sake of your splendor I cast you to the ground I lay you before kings that they might look at you Isaiah illustrates his pride expressed in determined Rebellion note the five I will occurrences in verses 13 and 14. expression of sin the five statements of I will specifically Express Satan's self-assertion and Rebellion these remarks are most likely flashbacks to his initial goals in his original circumstance right before he was expelled from the presence of God this seems to fit the indictment probably by God in verse 13. but you said in your heart the five assertions speak of Satan's aspiration to ascend above the sphere in which he was created and positioned when he was first ushered into existence he declared his own will against the benevolent will of the most high number one I will Ascend to heaven since Satan had access to the very presence of God as the leading cherub this statement does not mean he would visit but abide there this indicates that he sought to reside in the dwelling place of God and most likely desire to be recognized on an equal level with God number two I will raise my throne above the stars of God the stars as we have seen are references to Angels number three I will sit on the Mount of assembly according to Isaiah chapter 2 verse 2 and Psalm chapter 48 verse 2.
the Mount of the assembly is a center of God's kingdom Administration and it seems associated with messiah's Earthly rule from Jerusalem Satan would also then seek to rule over affairs Isaiah chapter 2 verse 2. now it will come to pass that in the last days the mountain of the house of the Lord will be firmly established as the highest of the mountains and will be exalted above the Hills and all the nations will stream to it number four I will Ascend above the heights of the clouds Lucifer possessed a magnificent Glory within him that was a reflection of his creator now though he craved in glory greater than or on par with gods number five I will make myself like the most high this is the culmination of all previous acts of self-assertion and Rebellion against God why out of all the titles that God has would Lucifer choose this one for himself two things are important to note first Satan did not want to be unlike God he admired God's power and authority and desired it for himself he would rather usurp God's Authority than submit to it because no one can be like God and still allow God to be God because there is none like him God will not share his glory or position with anyone else second would be similar to God primarily in terms of authority and control he intended to replace God but he ended up being a forger not a replacement with a rebellion came a change in personality all the Holiness he had derived from his creator was lost and Corruption took its place even in reflection he could no longer be like God Isaiah chapter 42 verse 8. I am the Lord that is my name my glory I will not give to another nor my praise to carved idols Isaiah chapter 43 Verse 10.
you are my Witnesses declares the Lord and my servant whom I have chosen that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he before me there was no God formed and there will be none after me Isaiah chapter 45 verses 5 and 6. I am a lord and there is no one else there is no God except me I will Embrace and arm you though you have not known me the people may know from the rising to the setting of the Sun the world over that there is no one except me I am the lord and there is no other Isaiah chapter 45 verses 21-33 declare and present your defense of idols indeed let them consult together who announced this rise of Cyrus and his Conquest long before it happened who declared it long ago was it not I the Lord and there is no other God besides me a consistently and uncompromisingly just and righteous God and a savior there is none except me for several reasons Satan's sin is particularly heinous number one there was no previous example it marked the beginning of a revolt against the most holy God number two when he was created he was lovely and perfect lacking in nothing number three the highest level of wisdom he possessed shed more light and insight on the glory and goodness of God whom he had sinned against number four because he held a high position God gave him the pleasure of Performing the important service number five because he was perfect and holy he was granted the pleasure of having an intimate fellowship with God Lucifer the star of the morning son of the Dawn who's shown with God's holy light has become Satan the opposer of all God is Satan retained some of his dignity despite being cast from his exalted position the passage implies that his influence and power were still felt even Michael the Archangel did not dare pronounce against him a railing judgment God's judgment had to come in his moral rectitude against so great a sin he will be thrust down to sheol to the recesses of the pit and so will all who follow him Isaiah Chapter 14 verse 15. but in fact you will be brought down to sheol the remote recesses of the pit the region of the Dead Isaiah chapter 24 verses 21 and 22.
so what will happen in that day that the Lord will visit and punish The Host fallen angels of heaven on high and the kings of the Earth on the Earth they will be gathered together as prisoners are gathered in a dungeon they will be shut up in prison and after many days they will be visited and punished the time of Satan's fall there is no clear Revelation as to when Satan fell but there are time limits that we can deduce from Biblical evidence if we assume that Angels were part of the creation of Genesis 1 verse 1. then their fall follows that point Genesis chapter 1 verse 31. God saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good and he validated it completely and there was evening and there was morning a sixth day however it is possible that Angels existed before the heavens and the Earth were created Angels were present when God laid the foundation of the earth and set its measurements because the morning Stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for Joy at that time Job chapter 38 verse 7.
when the morning Stars sang together and all the sons of God angels shelter for joy all of the angels rejoiced with God in this then sometime after the original creation of the heavens and the Earth all of which was very good Satan and his angels fell Satan certainly fell before Genesis chapter 3 where the temptation of Adam and Eve was recorded he fell before man but whether he fell before or after man's creation is unknown Satan's fall with angels the Bible makes it clear that Satan has angels and they obey his commands and fight for his causes Matthew chapter 12 verses 24 to 26. but the Pharisees heard it and said this man casts out demons only by the help of beelzebel Satan the prince of the Demons knowing their thoughts Jesus said to them any Kingdom that is divided against itself is being laid waste an old city or a house divided against itself will continue to stand if Satan castled Satan that is his demons he has become divided against himself and disunited how then will his kingdom stand Matthew chapter 25 verse 41. then he will say to those on his left leave me you cursed ones in the Eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels demons Revelation chapter 12 verse 7.
and war broke out in heaven Michael the Archangel and his angels Waging War with a dragon the dragon and his angels fought in his initial revolt against God Satan solicited their support the phrase the unrighteousness of your trade could refer to Satan selling his rebellious cause to other Angels this fits in with his plan to rule over angels in Isaiah Chapter 14 verse 13. after Satan had seduced these angels there was no turning back for them they were doomed to a life of moral decay it's possible that as much as a third of all the angels in existence went along with Satan in his Rebellion Revelation chapter 12 verse 4. and his tail swept across the sky and dragged away a third of the stars of heaven and flung them to the Earth and the dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth so that when she gave birth he might devour her child men naturally wonder why a good and powerful God would allows Satan and his angels to fall it brought sin into the universe affecting angels and all mankind we must remember that the same Bible that records the Inception and continued existence of evil also presents God as one who is Holy righteous and perfect in all his ways one in whose eye sin is exceedingly Wicked and worthy of judgment he could not and did not promote or perpetuate the sin James chapter 1 verse 13.
let no one say when he is tempted I am being tempted by God for Temptation does not originate from God but from our own flaws for God cannot be tempted by what is evil and he himself tempts no one simultaneously the Bible portrays God as both omnipotent and sovereign he has complete control over everything and he has no competitors Isaiah chapter 41 verse 4. who has performed and done this calling forth and guiding the Destinies of the generations of the nations from the beginning I the Lord the first and we're the last existing before history began the ever-present unchanging God I am he Isaiah chapter 43 Verse 13. even from eternity I am he and there is no one who can rescue from my hand I act and who can revoke or reverse it finally God will forever punish the evil doers in the Lake of Fire and manage the presence of Sin from the universe forever when he makes all things new Revelation chapter 20 verses 10 to 15.
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