Good morning, good afternoon, good evening to everyone who watches me here now for this Live where we are going to talk about the first signs of heart failure, that disease that we popularly know as a weak heart, it was the disease, for example, that led to Faustão's heart transplant So in this video I'm going to tell you the first signs of symptoms of congestive heart failure. So I'm going to tell you the signs in your body that your heart is not well and seven symptoms of heart problems because I don't know if you know but when your heart is not working working well, it warns you, it sends you messages So, have you ever thought if that symptom sign that you don't even pay attention to was actually your heart telling you that it's going through bad times and how to know if your heart is working properly, cardiovascular diseases among they, heart attack, stroke are the main causes of death not only here in Brazil but also throughout the world, so here in Brazil there are around 400 million deaths every year resulting from these diseases and in the world there are around 14 to 15 million, even more depending on of the year so we're going to talk about seven signs, a sign is everything we can measure or see and I'm also going to talk about seven symptoms, which is everything you feel, so doctor, what is a sign, a sign is a spot on the skin, for example, a sign is a change in blood pressure a change in heart rate and what is a symptom a headache nausea so a symptom is what we feel a signal is what we measure or what we see and I will also teach you how to prevent it of these problems, so start writing in the chat, write in the comments. From which part of Brazil or the world do you watch me now, those who have known me here for a long time have already noticed that I 'm not in my usual place, so I'm here in Campos do Jordão São Paulo and you, where are you, tell me in the chat Tell me in the comments where you are talking about and also tell me, let me know and tell me if you have ever had a problem in your heart because I want to get to know you better and directly there for us talking about the seven signs, the first sign is a personal sign that appears in the ear, which we always say is called Frank's sign, Frank's sign, it indicates clogging of the arteries, in other words, if the person has a Frank sign, that groove in the ear here folks, right here, like a little line like this, a little scratch, a tear in the ear, this indicates that he has a greater chance of having clogged arteries DrJoão, everyone who has this Frank sign has a clogged artery, 30% of people have absolutely nothing Now, if the person is very young, if the person is not elderly, the younger they are, the greater the chance of having an obstruction in the coronary arteries and also in the carotid arteries, if they have Frank's sign, the second sign is the loss of hair on the legs, which we call distal rarefaction of hair, which is a sign of peripheral arterial disease because if you have an arterial obstruction, the blood will not arrive in the correct way.
And then the arterial blood, which is rich in nutrients, rich in oxygen, will not be able to nourish it will not be able to supply these fuels, these fundamental substances for the proper functioning of the hair follicles where the hair is born. So in this place, hair will not grow, the skin will be smoother, it will be shinier, it will be colder and it can also be associated with reduced growth of the nails wants to see a way for us to suspect that a person has arterial blockage in one leg and doesn't have it in the other if the nails on one of the feet grow faster than the nails on the other foot DrJoão, that's also the only reason for my hair not growing cannot be venous insufficiency which is also a circulatory problem or some genetic manifestation third sign is xanthelasma which is xanthelasma is a yellow plaque in this part here usually on the upper eyelid which means cholesterol deposits in the skin is more common in middle-aged women and this indicates that this person probably has high cholesterol and high triglycerides, which indicates a greater risk of heart attack and also stroke, the fourth sign is the allocenyl, which is the most common allenyl in the elderly, have you noticed that the person when the eye gets older It looks like it's getting lighter, it looks like it's getting gray, it's turning bluish. So this edge, right, is a ring around our eye around the iris, which indicates cholesterol deposits on the edge of the cornea, which can change the color of the eye to blue or for gray So that person who talks like that, no, my grandmother, after a certain age, her eye changed color, it turned blue, it turned gray My grandmother's eye was beautiful, in fact, this is senile allo, which does not affect vision and also does not require treatment but if it is present in young people, it can indicate severe dyslipidemia, that is, serious disorders of triglycerides and also cholesterol, the fifth sign is cyanosis, the bluish or rocky color of the skin, which indicates a problem with the arrival of oxygenated blood, which is red blood, then venous blood.
which is blood without oxygen, it is darker blood, while arterial blood rich in oxygen is more bright red blood, which we call bright red, so cyanosis can be the cause of a blocked artery, it does not excuse a consequence of clogged artery from emphysema from embolism from heart failure then for some reason that place there is not receiving the adequate amount of oxygenated arterial blood sixth sign are ulcers which are wounds that are difficult to heal which may indicate arterial insufficiency venous insufficiency Generally ulcers of origin arterial, they are located on the outside of the leg on the heels and toes and do not usually bleed, unlike venous ulcers that are usually on the inside of the legs on the inside and also tend to bleed and our seventh sign before the Let's go to the symptoms: swelling in the legs, dema, which can indicate heart failure, kidney failure. So how are we going to identify that the person has lower limbs, that they have a foot, that they have an ankle, that their leg is swollen, that swelling that it usually happens at the end of the day due to the severity of the person standing all day or sitting all day first when we look and see that the person's foot is fatter, fuller and another way we Identifying this is by doing what we call the lock sign test where you will take the person's foot. Let's say this is the foot.
You will press your finger. You will press your finger. the mark of your finger will remain there where it is swollen So guys These are the seven signs of a heart problem, heart failure, weak heart, now what are the symptoms, what do we first feel shortness of breath on exertion, disproportionate tiredness, so if you When you go to take a shower you are already tired, you are out of breath, and when you walk a little, you are already tired, you are already out of breath, this could indicate a heart problem, second symptom, but first, guys, leave a like, there are more than 200 people here on live and we are only 80 likes Why is a like important Ah, DrJoão wants us to like the video so he can make more money, that's not it guys, I ask for your like because your like will mean that someone else also has access to this content here the YouTube algorithm works this way when people interact with the video, whether positively or negatively, it understands that the video is relevant and then it poof distributes it to more people So even if you don't like this video comment, say DrJoão, this video is rubbish or put your finger down But interact with this video so we can make more people discover How to identify heart failure so the first symptom I mentioned is shortness of breath at efforts second persistent cough if it is Mainly white phlegm or pinkish phlegm may indicate acute pulmonary edema which is a serious problem may indicate fluid in the lungs which is a consequence of congestive heart failure third symptom shortness of breath when lying down is that person who cannot sleep with one pillow with two pillows with three pillows is that person who piles up a pile of pillows or even sleeps sitting up Because if he sleeps lying down like everyone else world sleeps, she will wake up in the middle of the night with shortness of breath, she will wake up suffocated, which we call nocturnal paroxysmal dyspineia .
heart problems are considerable, so seek care as soon as possible fourth symptom generalized weakness difficulty in carrying out everyday activities washing dishes cooking and work driving climbing stairs this happens because the weak heart in heart failure is unable to pump blood fifth symptom, in fact, this is a sign, right folks, which is nocturia, waking up frequently to urinate, which indicates an excessive accumulation of fluid, a very common characteristic of congestive heart failure, which happens to a person who has a swollen leg that has become with her swollen leg there at the end of the afternoon she goes to sleep where she sleeps her legs are at the level of her heart so the force of gravity no longer exerts a force opposing the rise of this liquid, right because let's imagine the force of gravity pulls it downwards, correct, so throughout the day the person remains standing, remains seated, the force of gravity pulls this liquid downwards or or or rather prevents it, it contributes to this liquid not returning to the heart and then when the person lies down when they lift their legs , this force of gravity ends, so it facilitates venous return . kidney filtering this liquid your gins filtering this liquid it will expel it in the form of urine Okay, so this change in position that we call it when the person lies down when the person raises their legs when they raise their legs literally makes the liquid from the legs drain for the rest of the body to fall into the circulation and be filtered by the kidney And then cause an increase in urinary frequency during the night sixth symptom intermittent claudication is that person who walks a little lameness is limping is that person who walks a little 100 m and then starts to feel a tremendous pain in the calf has to stop because the pain is very strong then the pain goes away she walks a little more the pain returns then intermittent claudication is a very characteristic problem of arterial problems it is a very characteristic symptom of peripheral arterial insufficiency which often it goes hand in hand with heart failure and it is a consequence of the fact that the blood does not reach the legs properly and now Guys, this here is the main symptom, okay, this here is the symptom that if it is happening you need to be very careful that it is the symptom that we can say more specifically Probably what makes us most suspicious that something is happening Something bad something wrong is happening to your heart Does anyone know so let's go let's see if people here are paying attention here in our lives write in the personal chat write in the comment in the comments what do you think what do you think is the symptom remembering the symptom is pain discomfort what is the most characteristic symptom of a heart problem I want to see if people will know write to chat, write it in the comments, I'll give you some tips. This symptom happens because blood doesn't reach the heart properly, so this symptom happens when a person has a blocked carotid artery, right?
Marta Maria said pain in the stomach? tiredness Joana tiredness lack of Mônica Vasques chest pain Mônica Vasques you got it right That's it folks, chest pain is the most characteristic symptom of a heart problem and we call it stable angina or unstable angina DrJoão What is the difference between the two stable angina is when angina chest pain appears after some apparent reason after physical exertion after emotional stress This is stable angina and what is unstable angina is when is this pain It appears even if the person is not doing physical activity or even that she is not having any emotional stress So that pain of the person who is calm Watching TV, right, as long as it's not watching Vasco's game, which is an emotional stress, but you're watching TV or you're talking to someone or you're eating And then you feel pain in your chest, that's unstable angina, stable angina that recurs, appears after exertion or after some physical stress and this chest pain with cardiac characteristics, it is a pain that is generally squeezing, pressure, constriction or burning and there are also anginal equivalents such as nausea, vomiting, a burning sensation as if it were Asia and pre-cordial pain, angina pectoris pain of cardiac origin it can also radiate to the left arm, back and jaw, so if you have signs, symptoms, pay attention, be sure to see your doctor immediately so you can start treatment and prevent the main complications of heart failure Ok how that we are going to prevent this serious disease, so common, in the same way that we prevent diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, in the same way that we prevent obesity, overweight, in the same way that we prevent anxiety, depression, cancer, which is like a lifestyle healthy So you have to do physical activity healthy eating stop smoking stop drinking maintain a healthy weight keep your exams controlled so if you have high blood pressure if you have diabetes if you have cholesterol you have to control these problems you have to control these changes and also look for the A doctor is essential, so if you want to learn how to prevent heart failure, cancer, heart attack, stroke, if you want to learn how to better treat your hypertension, your diabetes, your high cholesterol, your insomnia, your anxiety, your depression, your obesity, your smoking, your alcoholism, if you want to learn how to improve this without medicine, without exams and without doctors I recommend that you read my book The Longevity Code where I show you 100 habits to reach the age of 100 and these habits will help you prevent, treat and even reverse many of these diseases what I just said, then do the following, click now on the first link in the description or on the link fixed in the comments and purchase your longevity code right now for just 29. 90 in digital format, which is the only format available and if you don't If you like the book, don't worry DrJoão I don't want to spend R 29.
90 I don't know if I'll get a return on this investment, maybe I won't like the book. If you like the book, I'll give you your money back, no questions asked, no bureaucracy, no fuss, Unconditional guarantee of satisfaction because I'm absolutely certain that the book, if you read it and put into practice what 's written in it, your life will change for the better, so click now So first link in the description or link pinned in the comments and get your longevity code, I'm going to chat quickly, rate this video here guys, rating from 0 to 10 10 what did you think of this video here where we talk about signs and symptoms of heart failure signs symptoms also of circulation problems So write in the chat write in the comments and I want your evaluation So that we can always improve our work here A big hug, let me have a water here guys before sending a hug to everyone hugs to Marilene Dias Martins Maria Gino bouzon Silvina Domingos Libânia Rogério Rosângela Alves Petrúcio Barbosa from Recife Maria Nea from Fortaleza Mônica Vasques from Araraquara Vilma Gusmão from Jackson New Jersey hugs to mailine Oliveira to gisl from Caldas Novas to Ed Nelson Bonfim from Vera Cruz in Bahia Gilda Carneiro de Campos in the state of Rio, said Benedita from Goiás Laura Oliveira Maria Pereira from Portugal Sônia Maria Lopes menes Souza from Goiás dulen from Bahia Silvina Domingues I already sent Eduardo Matos directly from Angola a hug to everyone from Angola from Mozambique from Cape Verde, who are watching me, hugs for my dear Suel George for Alda Silva ferreir baru Branca in São Paulo for Libania Rogério also from Angola, the people of Angola are here in force, hugs also for Maria Oliveira Salazar with chalten I don't know where it is with chalten A hug also for Laura Oliveira G Carneiro speaking Wow, great doctor Thanks G thanks for the kindness hugs for Vanderle Preto always with us here for Rose Schuts who is saying that he wakes up tired and sleeps tired panting Rose let's investigate this panting then let's investigate this sinis lucili Teixeira symptoms are not millions they are 400,000 if I said there are 400 million deaths in Brazil obviously I said it wrong right there are 400 1000 deaths if I said millions I apologize then I ended up making a mistake a hug for Seila from Stepan to Laci Siqueira Marta Maria de Pernambuco Sofia AB Maria Trevisan asking for any way to strengthen your heart Sil healthy lifestyle In the end this is what will strengthen your heart A hug for Silvina Domingues for Maria Pereira I already sent Valden Crispin Eduardo from Angola is asking DrJoão I took medication given by a neurologist from that period onwards, from time to time, some part of my head and the hair grows less and becomes very bad, or it's a bad sign, Eduardo, I don't know, I don't know, I have to know what medication is happening.