3 TRUE Creepy Security Guard Horror Stories

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In today's episode, we will share a few true disturbing Security Guard horror stories. A man was wo...
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[Music] [Music] about 15 years ago I was living in the high desert of Los Angeles County attending College full-time and working two jobs jobs one of those jobs was as a night security guard at a church campus that also had a private school on the property the campus was pretty big with several buildings playgrounds and parking lots it had two main entrances one on the west side and another on the North side my job was to patrol the area making sure everything was safe and secure during the night at night we would close the gate on the North side and station a guard in a car nearby to prevent break-ins and guide any traffic to the main entrance the north side of the property had a few old trailer buildings that the church had bought secondhand and converted into classrooms these trailers were a bit rundown and often needed repairs one of them in particular was always causing issues whether it was strange noises faulty lights or doors that wouldn't stay locked so this building became the main source of problems during my night shifts whenever I was stationed at the back entrance I would get a strong feeling that someone was watching me it was so intense that my hair would stand on end I'd get goosebumps and I'd feel really paranoid it was clear I was being watched and it didn't feel like I was welcomed there I wasn't the only one who felt this way most of the crew experienced it too So eventually we decided to investigate it more seriously Whenever there was a new guy we would assign him to the back entrance on his first night without telling him anything and after a few hours we'd drive by to see how he was doing and he'd usually look nervous or he would have moved the car so it wasn't facing the building now part of our job was to make sure all the doors of the buildings were locked and if they weren't we had to go inside to ensure no one was staying there but this particular building was always strange like lights would turn on or flicker in the middle of the night and inside chairs and desk would be slightly move around like desk would be crooked or chairs pulled out then one night when I was back there I locked the building but when I checked it later the door was unlocked now I had to go inside and see what was going on the place felt creepy especially at night and I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right by now I was really scared and I could tell whatever was in there was angry I called in another guard and we entered the building in together checking every corner and closet but didn't find anything out of place as we were heading back to the front door we suddenly heard a loud noticeable Creek from the floor like someone had just taken a step we froze looking around but saw nothing the sound felt unsettling especially after everything else that had happened then we heard a sound that was like blowing air or wind moving quickly above the ceiling tiles from that classroom towards us when it reached right above us it suddenly stopped and went completely silent it wasn't the AC system because the Ducks weren't in that part of the ceiling and the system was turned off we ran out of there as fast as we could I'm not saying it was a ghost or a spirit but something was definitely in that building and it felt really [Music] creepy when I was around 21 I used to live in a small two-bedroom apartment with my 15-year-old sister and our mom how we ended up there is a whole other story but we had to make do with what we had the apartment complex was in the same town where I grew up so I was familiar with the area the complex wasn't the nicest the paint was peeling and some of the neighbors were loud but it wasn't the worst place either and also I felt safer knowing that we often saw security guards walking around the complex the laundry rooms were only in few buildings and our building didn't have one so I had to walk to a different building to do my laundry I usually did my my laundry late at night when it was quiet now it was a bit scary walking around in the dark but seeing the security guards made me feel more at ease I lived on the top floor so every time I needed to do laundry I had to carry my laundry basket down five flights of stairs then I'd walk outside to the next building and go down to the basement level where the laundry room was it wasn't easy especially at night but I got used to it then one day I noticed a new security guard patrolling the area he stood out because he was a big guy probably around 63 and very muscular if you need a better picture he looked like a mixed version of MrClean with a bald head and a tough noons look he didn't really talk to the residents or say hello which made him seem a bit scary and intimidating but I guess that was good for job my friend lived in the same complex in a building behind mine there was a small playground and a tennis court between the front buildings like mine and the back buildings where she lived one night around 10: p. m. my friend called me to say she went to do her laundry and saw the security guard hanging around the building she needed to go into now the guards were only supposed to patrol outside and only go inside a building if they saw something suspicious and also they had keys to the main building doors but didn't have keys for the laundry rooms or at least that's what we were told he followed her into the laundry room and she yelled at him and threatened to call management if he didn't leave she said he just stared at her and then left the building without saying anything a few weeks later I got home from work around 9:30 p.
m. when I pulled into the parking lot I noticed that the power was out the whole parking lot and all the buildings were completely dark with no lights at all it was so dark that I couldn't see anything around me to stay safe I decided to back my car into a parking spot this way I could keep a clear view of my building from inside the car just in case anything seemed off I was a bit unsure about getting out of the car as I had a few things with me like bags of hair products I bought at work some food I picked up my water bottle and my purse and I knew it would take a few minutes to gather everything and lock up the car and there was a one man in particular looked very strung out and unpredictable so I was worried about running into him when it was so dark so I called my mom hoping she could come down and open the door for me but she didn't pick up I didn't bother calling my sister because she never answers her phone anyway I sat in the car trying to figure out my next move by then my eyes had adjusted to the darkness and I decided to stop being so scared and just go inside as I was gathering my things the power suddenly came back on and I felt a huge sense of relief but when I looked at the windows of my building that relief quickly turned into fear and suspicion I saw the same security guard who had followed my friend standing on our top floor landing and staring at our door there were three other doors on my floor but he was standing right in front of ours he didn't move for a few seconds and just stared at our door with his head leaning forward like he was trying to listen through it he then slowly turned and walked down downstairs I tried calling my mom again and she picked up this time I quickly told her about the security guard and what I had seen she then came down right away to get me and then called building management to report the situation after that I never saw the security guard again I'm not sure if he quit got fired or was reassigned it turns out that other residents had strange experiences with him too from all the true crime stories I've seen there are often cases involving apartment or hotel maintenance and security staff so it's important to stay alert in a job like this it lets people get very close to you and your home which can be not good sometimes while getting access to Apartment keys isn't easy it's not impossible people with bad intentions might seek out jobs that give them the opportunity to get close to others like maintenance or security roles it's really unsettling to think that someone could use their position to invade your privacy or make you feel [Music] unsafe when I was a child I spent a lot of time at my grandma's house it was a big old mansion that looked like something from a horror movie the house is in the countryside surrounded by thick trees and tall hedges and there is a small one-bedroom Shack which we call the lodge right at the entrance just inside the gates the house used to be more isolated but over the years more buildings have been built around it and more people have moved in and this caused a lot of teenagers and young adults to take an interest in the creepy old house because of this break-ins and vandalism became a real problem I remember when I was a child I screamed loudly because I saw a man in a hoodie hiding in a tree while I was playing after several break-ins at the lodge which was an easy target as it was so close to the edge of the property we knew we had to do something the lodge was small and empty and no one had lived there for many years so it became a prime spot for troublemakers so to protect the property we hired a security company to send a guard to stay there at night the guard would Patrol the area around the lodge making sure no one tried to break in or cause damage it made us feel safer knowing someone was watching the place the next morning my uncle went to check on the guard but the guard was nowhere to be found even though his shift was not over my uncle called the security company angry and they apologized and promised to send a new guard the next night the same thing happened the next night and then again the night after that when my uncle called the security company they told him they had done everything they could they had even fired the last guard for not staying on the job and now they couldn't send anyone else to replace him feeling frustrated my uncle asked for the guard's phone number and set up a meeting with him when they met the guard explained what had happened he had been nervous about the job because his co-workers had been negative and unwilling to stay he was an experienced guard and had never left a job before his coworker told him about that night and said everything was normal until around 2: a. m.
he heard a loud bang from inside the lodge which was strange because it was boarded up with only one entrance the one he was guarding he quietly entered through the front door and stopped to listen for any more noises but it was completely silent he looked around the property which was mostly empty of Furniture before leaving 5 minutes later he heard the bang again this time clearly coming from upstairs he quickly ran up the stairs and went into the bedroom in the middle of the room was an armchair facing away from him sitting in the chair was a dark shadowy shape it looked almost like a shadow and was visible even in the dim light from the Moon he was Frozen with fear as the shadow shifted and started to stand up the shadow was about 2 m away from him and he heard the bang again but the shadow hadn't moved it seemed like the noise was coming from the shadow itself not from any movement the guard described how terrified he was he was frozen in place feeling an intense cold in the room despite the warm night outside a strong sense of danger overwhelmed him and his instincts told him to get out overwhelmed with fear he turned and ran out of the room and the house not looking looking back until he was safely in his car there he called his boss and refused to go back even when threatened with being fired but he said nothing on Earth could make him return the strong terrifying feeling he had made him believe that the thing was Pure Evil the guard described something so frightening that he was too scared to even think about going back my uncle believed him completely the guard had no reason to lie and the sweat on his face while he was telling the story convinced my uncle of his fear I have many stories about that place especially about the main house everyone who has lived there has had their own strange experiences eventually we got dogs which stopped the vandals but who knows maybe word got out about what was really there or maybe people just stopped coming because they were too [Music] [Music] scared I'm a 24-year-old woman who moved from Orlando to a family farm in the middle of nowhere I never had any problems in Orlando but after my divorce I I had to move in with my mom it was just me and my two little boys even though the house was big with eight bedrooms and a mother-in-law Suite but it was outdated and had peeling paint old floors and few broken windows when we move in we only had two rooms cleaned up and we spent around next 9 months working on fixing up the rest of the house it was a big job with a lot of cleaning painting and repairing the man who live across the street let's call him Henry was very helpful from the start he would come by almost every day while feeding his animals and offered to help with whatever I needed like fixing things moving furniture or even watching the kids for a bit and over those 9 months I never felt like Henry had any bad intentions The Farmhouse was shaped like a u and the room I chose had windows that looked out into the Courtyard area which was in the middle of the house now when I first move in Henry put up a fence around that area so my boys could play safely The Farmhouse was in the middle of the farm far from the road so I never worried about anyone watching us especially since my bedroom windows fa the fenced in area in the center of the house I didn't put any curtains on my bedroom or bathroom windows because I felt safe with them facing the fenced in Courtyard area then one day my son was playing under the carport when Henry drove up in his truck he was going to take a look at my car for me before Henry reached the carport my oldest son said to me hey I saw him outside my window last night later that night I talked to my son again to get more details and he told me he had seen Henry standing outside his window it made me start to wonder if Henry was really as friendly as I thought I asked my son if he saw Henry through the kitchen window since that window faces the horse pasture and Henry often stops there to feed his horses every morning and evening I thought maybe my son just saw him doing that so I didn't worry too much about it but looking back other things had happened that seemed strange I guess I wanted to believe Henry was the good person I thought he was so I ignored a lot of things one day after school I found my favorite candy in the fridge my mom said she remembered me telling Henry that it was my favorite someone also sent me flowers every Friday for a few months I thought they were from my ex-husband or maybe my boyfriend at the time but neither of them would Adit ad MIT to sending them my boyfriend joked that it might be Henry then a couple of weeks later I was mowing the overgrown grass in the courtyard as I got close to my window I suddenly felt a deep sense of dread I noticed that Center blocks had been placed outside both my bedroom and bathroom windows I can't explain how but I knew at that moment that I had made a big mistake and that everyone was right about Henry I called my friend and neighbor Josh to come over and check out the center blocks after inspecting them he suggested setting up a deer camera he then went to get the camera and set it up on a tree outside my window then on the same day when I came home around 600 and was getting the boys out of the car I turned around and saw Henry standing behind me he said hey didn't mean to scare you I heard your mom was out of town knowing he already knew because they are friends on Facebook I said yes then he told me to call him if I got scared or needed anything I got the boys inside and we all snuggled into bed they fell asleep in my bed and I realized I had missed Sunday's episode of Game of Thrones it was a good one so I went to my mom's bed to watch it I was lying there talking to my ex-husband about the boys and the show when Josh called then Josh said there was a man outside my window the dear camera took the first picture at around 900 p. m. Josh told me not to worry he was already on his way up the driveway and told me to meet him outside on the other side of the house I slowly walked back to my room carefully picked up my boys shut the door and ran through the house as fast as I could we waited in Josh's truck until the police arrived the deer camera took photos at around 9:02 9:22 and 9:30 p.
m. Henry stood outside my window for that long waiting for me to come back the police went into the field behind the house where he had been parking but he was already gone behind the house is a large produce field with a tractor Road for Access I showed the police the photos and they identified Henry he was caught around 2:00 a. m.
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