all right we back we back we are back happy Monday another glorious Monday how y'all doing all right man these Mondays are getting more and more more active last Monday crazy this Monday yes a lot of news lot to talk about lot to talk about a ton everybody take a deep breath never at D moment this has been an exciting two weeks mike check mike check one two1 boy oh boy we here y we live all right bet bet bet bet bet let's go check mike check all right uh we got a special guest that's
going to be joining us later on in the show but there's a lot to talk about first and foremost shout out to White I was at the Mastermind oh yes in Atlanta that was amazing that was one of the ones so much information when it comes to trading investing I AI networking was on a thousand that um that's one of the ones man that was tremendously undervalued that's from that Black Friday s so that's tremendously undervalued for sure so yeah that was one of the ones man you know when it comes to so much information
man tremendously undervalued um man if you missed it don't miss it again that's all I gota say I think it was everybody best presentation if we gonna be honest Troy had 90 slides I went into all my prompts um we'll talk about I gas later but he killed it on AI and AI Frameworks and yeah that that was that was crazy I actually was in I got to sit down and just be like a spectator during the AI piece so I was taking those when you was up there I was taking notes it's just one
of those things like when you hear information and it's good information it's just advantageous it's like you just start writing down like hold on let me type that down and then watching Everybody do it like everybody had their iPad they had their notepad they was recording they didn't want to miss anything shout out to everybody that was in the building it was definitely definitely a learning experience for sure yeah so you know you'll probably be seeing some Instagram Clips or whatever but man that was the the information that was provided in that was just invaluable
y yeah at least $100,000 worth of information all right so we got a lot to talk about it's gonna be a great episode this week on Blackout we got our guy Roland Martin joining very timely convers some conversations I know what y'all want to ask right to it and um this week on Thursday following up on our series um the live series that we've been doing this will be a live this will be a YouTube live at 9 o'clock Eastern Standard Time where we're gonna go over how to boost your credit score quickly the quickest
ways to boost your credit score Shonda Martin okay last year we did an episode with her over 400,000 views absolutely she's incredible one of um so 9:00 easn Standard time or ear leers YouTu how to boost your credit score quickly yeah and February is that month I know everybody got their W2s everybody's trying to file for their tax return before you use any of that money let's get our Affairs in order let's get our Affairs in order make sure our credit straight make sure we have STS make sure we have a budget make sure we
have a plan before we do anything make sure we have a plan all right let's get into it um Ian anything you like to say yeah stock Club call will be tonight uh 9:00 p.m. central I'm looking forward to continuing the conversation that we have from this weekend go over some prompting information so you can learn how to invest in the market I want to give a quick notice before we start for everyone who's asking if they should sell off the portfolio because Elon is going to steal all my personal data biggest mistake you make
of your life just like that ter for I got shout out to president Sean bom and Senior Trump for working out their Affairs and if you want to get you have to you got you got to work it out that's a good lesson sometimes you have to appreciate what you have the trade agreement and work things out yeah go to war and it's not worth it yeah that's the Art of War don't go to war like sometimes you don't have the leverage and you you got to figure this thing out for sure and if you
want to get rich from the market and know want to know where to get in where to get out I told you about the droing Nvidia before the deeps information came came out and that what Bitcoin was going to go to go to Ian join the red panda stock Club over 95 prices are in for this month um gym of the day trading Secrets um how to trade the Futures Market go to en if you want to get rich from investing in the market hey you forgot something man oh come on come on
don't make me do it no no no and my baby shout out to Xander birthday is on Friday my baby's going to be 10 I love you so much you mean the world to me you've been my greatest Muse and Greatest Inspiration um I can't wait to have a blast with you this weekend go to bed don't let Mom come in and see that you on YouTube right now um but I love you deal you mean everything to me happy birthday happy birthday to Zander my dad's birthday is on Thursday too so happy birthday oh
that's dope yeah yeah he watching happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to him um 75th birthday oh man we got amazing got the party uh do something we gotta celebrate gota celebrate that I mean every year you gota celebrate for sure that's a fact for sure 75 one of them numbers man almost 80 um so yeah happy birthday Aquarius season no Aquarius and Pisces is like family February it's all February love um yeah yeah so shout out to all my everybody that I ever met that was aqu Aquarius has been good people I never really
met bad aquarius so Aquarius has always been good energy good people Good Vibes yeah I can't say the same thing about no go ahead I'm with J boy put in chat what what zodiac sign he what he have problems with a Scorpio what's the most toxic what's the most toxic sign put in chat they always say Scorpio who you going with I'll go with the consensus of Scorpio okay okay put in chat put in chat you got um January Capricorns just January chill my son a January Capricorn man shout out to Chris I know why
you said that oh man I've been here for a while folks I've been here for a while look do your own research and all walks of life do your own research our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances you should take independent Financial advice from a professional and connection with or independently research and verify any information that you find on our show and wish to rely upon whether for the purpose of
making an investment decision or otherwise continue do the research shout out to everybody that pulled up on us again and showed us the actual facts from doing research right what the outcome was them portfolios those brokerage accounts were looking crazy man I was impressed I was humbled by it so shout out to y'all and of course of course shout out to Queen Bee finally for sure she got her album of the year last night and of course shout out to Kendrick for five five Grammys for that that song that was ringing off last year two
two hands when Dr Dre El Lucian I said yo the Patty Cake five that's crazy so we gonna get into it um there's a lot to talk about but the we going to talk about the tariffs for sure but before we start um can we talk about the truth about deep deep seek situation let's talk about it and um what do you think about the situation since last week yeah since last week I feel like a documentary worth of information that's come out um from what I was told they have 40, h100s not 50 but
still a significant spin the $6 Million number that's been floating around to my journalist I love you all but I think everyone needs to start doing better reporting and not just copying what you heard off of a block that was for the last round of testing my question is hypothetically and allegedly how did they get 40,000 h100s into China for this company all the more reason when people kept being like deep se's going to kill Nvidia if I'm selling to the competitor allegedly and I'm selling to every one in the states how am I going
to lose talk about true diversification and I find it really interesting that as this war is heated up that Sam Alman dropped 03 mini High to combat it but it being open sourced everything the Deep seek is doing right now to beat open AI was the original plan that they had when him and Elon were teamed up nonprofit open source open data you're seeing the reasoning and the breakdown of why sometimes and I don't think Sam is probably a perfect person neither is Elon but we one day we have to talk about karma when you
don't do good in your business relationships how your competitors will use your advantage that you once had against you so I think it's fascinating that he screwed Elon out of open Ai and now his biggest threat is the weapon that he created with Elon yeah I'm with you on it I I think one of the the the regul that that were put in in place for the semiconductor space was that you can't sell to China and then they started doing the hey we'll give them modified and then it was like oh we can't give them
modified so maybe they got in between some of that litigation right but we spoke about this over the weekend right the one thing that we talk about the money for the H1 uh the hopper is that's questionable right that's that's a big spend but some of the information that wasn't spoken about was the energy cost right like how much energy did it take for them to actually get this uh to run at the the level is running the fact that it's open source by definition means that everyone can use it anybody can modify it and
anyone can distribute it for free now if you leave something open source that just to me means that more people will use it so if more people are going is a great strategy more people use it then you're going to need more energy right so if you need more energy that means you're going to need more gpus right because you have to have your actual open source running at a high level yep that means spend so if you need more gpus then you're going to need more infrastructure to house those gpus and so like you
start thinking like wait what are they really saying right at some point they're using the hoers but at some point yes blackw will pass that and Ruben will pass that and then it'll be something so they'll have to spend at some point right if they haven't spent already so just be mindful like when you hear things and you see like obviously the market took a huge hit and semispace took a hit and energy space took a hit some of them have not rebounded but had a nice little bounce back up yep look at the keywords
and take a deeper dive into what's actually being said right can this kill the space I probably not is it a more efficient way to do business we'll have to see right one thing that we know is that when it comes to numbers and being upfront with numbers and providing all the data and the information they haven't done that we know that China isn't the most revealing when it comes to the information that you may need but the international War this is the new arms race for sure um whoever dominates this space is going to
have a 10 or 20y year run in the market so the competition is real just the spend was not accurate and also it's a lot easier to build a model if you have two years to look and copy I know some of tried that in your business it didn't work I saw one of y'all creep out the little ground like Thriller right back in the ground right after Black History Month I'mma let you live because this what Dr King dreamed of but when March come what baby say what baby face say all right go do
that yeah go do that go do that go do that what and you can't be Pro ESG and pro Ai and Chip they conflict we told you long ago that ESG thing was some BS Exon was at the top of the we gonna need more than ever if we gonna win this race which is like you said that's the goal and I think that's a bipartisan like mission right like we have to win this race have to we're going to we're going to need more power what what are six deep seek proof stocks to invest
in if someone is concerned about a AI chip crash um this a great question um and I want to be clear deep sick is a threat but is not the biggest threat to a market by a long shot but three that I love visa for sure go look at their stock I got that look at American Express great mon Nite American Express second MasterCard third Fair Isaac Corporation so FICO will be fourth meta I will put at fifth and then McDonald's would be the six company that I would consider would never be affected so Visa
American Express Mastercard meta FICO and McDonald's it doesn't matter what deep SE creates or however they take your intellectual property um the interesting part even about deep seek like if you ran what is the sourcing for it most of it was open AI modeling it would tell you that in the prompt which is crazy as hell I'm I'm can I add I'mma add two for sure so we'll just make it eight because I think Visa is a strong one in fact yeah I put Visa in um inside the portfolio probably in April and was was
talking about just the the strangle hold that they had on their space like obviously they have competitors um but just that even their Partnerships I know they just announced something with u with Elon that they're going to be doing on Twitter visas there but I think especially when we're talking about hey data data data when I hear that coming from a foreign entity I always think cyber security right so Crow strike number one would be in that list for me for sure right in terms of cyber security Pao Alto would be in there as well
um those two in inside that space of like hey if deep seek is is able to succeed or it's able to crack some of the market there's going to be some security definitely that's going to be put in its way and it's as a barrier and as a protection I think those type of companies make sense Cloud fair is another one I know that's like that's like a sleeper but Cloud would be another one of those twoo on a side note if you sick quit coming to events um trying to shake rad hand coughing in
his face trying to give him co22 rude yo yo I just got the bird flu but I really I'm a little under the weather but stop I appreciate that yeah sweaty pal love but come on Save the influenza but a great um note on investing is that you have to and I said this to stock club last night you have to build a portfolio when you're looking at the SWAT analysis to start with all the threats that are there your portfolio has to be able to sustain any threat that is on the market so geopolitical
risk bad leadership inside of the country a country doing better techn technological advancements in other countries um degradation of innovation from said company that you like to invest in write all the threats and then like McDonald's no matter if deep seek destroys open AI McDonald's is still going to be okay Visa is still going to print cash hand overand and look at their profit margin probably could ask Striker to that list to if you wanted to but you need bomb proof stocks to put in your portfolio most of which are in red panda stock Club
once again go to en if you want to get a bag from investing in the market and you don't uh want to have to guess and go through 40 hours of material of what to what to buy so all right now let's talk about Nvidia um they got their earnings coming up soon they need to blow out earnings expectations to save the stock market s your account this February 26 that's the date um if we're gonna be very honest will it help yes but I think more importantly I think the political fears and tensions
need to ease Trump been going crazy with that executive order pin and the biggest lesson here is that no Market likes instability so when you're saying I'm going put tariffs on India China and Singapore and every country on Earth and then ultimately those costs are going to get passed on to US debt needs to ease we need to understand what interest rates are going to do and what's really going to happen so when you have a safe and nonvolatile environment that is what is going to push the stock market higher I think waiting for NVIDIA
to save the day like how BR pinka think Luca is gonna do for La is a mistake so yeah uh no I think they're going to have a great a great quarter it's just a matter of what people determine what great is right like if if we see margins that are 60% technically that's down from 87% from last quarter is that great anymore um so that'll be interesting Blackwell is supposed to be reporting inside of this quarter so we'll see some of the sales from there um the increase uh spend from what meta has said
from what Amazon has said from what Microsoft said I'm sure is going to help it and all all these AI prompts right deep seek or open AI again it speaks to the business that Nvidia has when they ask which dpu that that they're using is is very candid um who they're using right they're telling you Nvidia but I mean if you look at last week if we watched Jensen's travel he made a stop to 1,600 Pennsylvania nobody B the program he you sold it over you went to Singapore through a third party come have a
conversation so uh he you know obviously the tariffs going into effect at uh I think midnight tonight Jensen made the trip to the White House last week to have a conversation with Trump um the conversation hasn't been released so the excerts of what have happened during the conversation but I mean we've seen what has happened to every other CEO who's visited so we'll see yeah we'll see I mean the thing about it like you said I mean it's not really so much of if they're going to outperform expectations is if the market is happy with
that level of outperformance so they set the barall very high and there's nowhere there's nowhere to go but disappointment um so it's like it's like LeBron like I mean when you have when you're excellent for so long you only can go down as far as public opinion is concerned so Drake is another one um so the market is not really reacting off of numbers it's it's more a sentiment it's true was negative and they went up so Nvidia could still be positive and still go down for sure and if they go down then there's going
to be a domino effect for the whole industry so top yeah top and bottom line for Tesla we we'll see but just be prepared that just be just because they have what you think is good earning doesn't necessarily mean that that'll be so just be careful just wait to after earnings for sure um speaking of the 26th of February I forgot to mention but February 27th talk about it talk about it is my actual birthday it's his birthday ladies and gentlemen Pisces yes um so you know every year for the birthday he do something crazy
last year was Prince and Mink's legendary party what a time that was pretty historic time to be alive that was a pretty historic Vibe um and for the last three years we've been doing we've been playing Carnegie Hall and sure two years ago this year actually on my birthday again Carnegie H if you're not familiar when I say we play Carnegie Hall so Robert Smith um I'm not sure if you're familiar with him or not but uh do tell please elaborate on this this gentleman you speak of he's a he's a pretty wealthy guy man
um8 billion I think his net worth is one of the richest black people in in world history um good friend of ours great guy and um you know he's on the board of a so every every February he does an event um financial literacy business event and then they have a legendary rapper that because you know if you don't know Carnegie Halls is what is the opera house where they do like live musicals so um and then they play with a live band so two years ago was Buster Rhymes he played with a live band
last year it was Rick Ross he played with a live band like I said we come in and we interview people so we interviewed Robert Smith one year we interviewed West MO we interview we interview like great so this year yeah the lineup is uh Robert Smith he'll be there um we will we will be there CEO of Louis vitar um will be in the building and um as far as far as musical performances we got none other than one of the greatest of all time the god Rock Kim it's the original God MC yes
for real all you Hip Hop years Ro Kim will be performing with a live Orchestra man paid in full literally that's a fact that is a fact literally P the bbs's probably have some more so if you want tickets but this is a situation where you gota wear tuxedo this is like a tuxedo um gown type Vibe this this that black Excellence like you see Rich L Dennis all like this is they all in the building for this this that black Excellence five um go to Carnegie Hall .org power Network and there is a discount
code discount code is e53 298 not sure how to came with that number just thinking 53 298 five e l 53 298 Carnegie power Network February 27th all the movers and shakers will be in the building on it's my birthday we probably going to do something afterwards as well um that yo so SE don't even ask about that don't even ask invite only and I don't know so don't ask invite only don't tell a slouch if you get the invite that I like that I like that that invite for you it's not transferable don't
tell us yeah the invite is not transferable please can my guy go inside of me is crazy legendary crazy if you gonna bring somebody at least bring a female don't bring the whole crew last year was a movie though I don't know why you put up the documentary footage but what the time preferably yeah yeah we going to do something again this year you you'll be getting the special invitation in the golden package that self-destructs after you open it's like B impossible prefer it's like Bion impossible this message will self-destruct after reading all right yeah
so meet us there meet us there Carnegie Hall shout out to Robert Smith man for sure shout out to Lou Lou what's going on shout out to rock Kim too he got a new literacy platform that he just launched that's a fact yeah yeah yeah it's to help artists it's called notes so yeah we'll be talking out to rock Kim um okay so now let's get into the to the moment of the day the Tariff war that has been launched um so okay first it's important to understand I think what tariffs are um because a
lot of times people think that it's like okay if you put 25% tariffs on Mexico then Mexican government or Mexican companies have to pay that tariff to send so what happens is that like a company like Walmart right who gets a lot of products from China for sure so when they get products from China now they'll have to pay that 10% to import board games made in China right so if they were spending $10 million on board games made from China Shi to their warehouse now they would have to pay 10 10 11 million they
would have to pay1 million because you have to have a million doll um Surplus which is 10% and they China got hit with a 10% so they would they would pay 11 million instead of 10 million right so what happens is that how it affects everyday Americans is that they would increase the price they're not going to take a loss on their profit margin right so if the board games was now $50 then they would increase it whatever they needed to increase to to make sure they still making a profit margin so yeah 50 might
go to $55 right to stay in line with that 10% that they have to pay so now you pay $5 for every board game I setad of more than the $50 that you would have paid and that's true for lumber coming from Canada that's true from avocados coming from Mexico that's true from technology coming from uh China all of the aboard cars all that and then there retaliatory tariffs that the uh these countries said that they would Levy against American products but the problem is that American it's a consumer based land where we import a
lot of stuff right we don't really necessarily make a lot of stuff even chips like we import a lot of the technology we import a lot of the consumer goods we import if you look at Fashion sneakers all shoe wear all that stuff is imported so that it's it's it's harmful as far as that we would have to like redesign our economy to start making things here in America as opposed to shipping it but it affects these other countries because what also happens is that they will probably start to order less of of something so
that would hurt the local businesses in those particular countes so it's been said that it actually could send Canada and Mexico into a recession for sure um so on news of that the stock market dropped pretty drastically overnight and it was a lot of information about how you know tariffs don't really work historically the last time we had a real massive tariff plan um the country went into a Great Recession the Great Depression and then after that when the country started booming that was when you hear this term free trade that's when America started to
free trade right where they realized that it doesn't work to tax other countries we rather do free trade and bring the products in and that's actually what made the economy the number the biggest economy in the world but they're saying that it's going too far now and and that they have to then this fitting all things interesting because usually if tariffs is is because of economic situations or people feel like they you know usually it's not because of illegal drugs but Trump has made a major push on immigration illegal immigration and fit and all so
long story short he um he announced 25% tariffs on Mexico 25% tariffs on Canada and 10% tariffs on China in addition to the 10% that he put the last time to start tomorrow Tuesday and um Market reacted negatively but it kind of rebounded a little bit especially when news broke that for from Mexico it would be a 30-day extension on this because the president of Mexico agreed to send 10,000 troops to the Border immediately try to carve the smuggling of fentol um amongst other things so now it becomes a situation where because he said like
this will cause some shortterm pain but it's going it's going to be longterm it's going to be good for the country so is this a situ of bad governance as far as starting Wars with our allies or is a situation of great deal making and chicken right the winner the winner of the game of chicken is the person who has the strongest nerves and the biggest gun right like if you pull out a pistol and I got a bazooka nine times out of 10 the Bazooka is gonna win um so you play bully ball with
Mexico and Canada China's might be a little tougher but it's it's still some level of negotiation it leaves some level of negotiation if if if you can actually think if they think that you're serious about something then then we have to sit at a table and try to figure this thing out um is it an issue of bad governance I'll go to milen Freeman's quote um if we're in a boat together and I shoot into the bottom of the boat with teror s would it be smart for the other countries to retaliate and then shoot
in the boat again to add in in terms of retaliation we all end up losing and drowning together um I've never sat in a president's seat of course so I don't know how stressful that job could be but if you look historically like you said it's never worked out I think sometimes everyone there there's a part of business that is Doggy Dog very malicious very grimy the higher you are sitting though you have to find a way to say hey this isn't good for either country and I think president shine bom extended an offer to
say hey I'm going to S some people to the Border because we don't want to go out to all out War the Mexican peso the value dropped the value of the Canadian dollar dropped as well but at the highest level how real business is done is saying hey this is going to end badly for both of us what can we do to mitigate this and what concessions can I make that you need on my end and what concessions can you make so no one suffers when we get into this jousting between countries and Nations and
leaderships it hurts our country really bad and a lot of short-term decision making hurts this long term going back to the post you guys made a couple weeks ago like Chicago selling out that parking garage for a shortterm need for the city and now another country is making billions off of that so I pray that they find a way to come to a resolution so that we can get get along because China is the Real Enemy or bully that we have to worry about yeah and I think the direct people who are going to be
affected is the American people for sure the you're talking about prices going up you're talking about groceries you're talking about they said the average car obviously because we import a lot of car average car price is going to go up by3 to $5,000 electronics for sure are going to go up in price people are looking at Best Buy stock is a company that like they may take the toughest hit because a lot of their stuff comes from overseas the toy market so you're talking about Target all these consumer discretionary stores 85% of the toys that
come in America made in China so like you said these companies are going to say hey we'll just pay this they're just going to raise the prices and obviously the American population is going to have to take those prices so then the first thing is like yeah we'll make more stuff here well it's going to cost you more to make more stuff here and then if they're think people are making domestic products and they have no International barriers they're going to say all right well if we have no competition then we can just price guge
we'll make it to a price where we think that it should be there is no competition coming from anywhere else which hurts on the opposite end is like if you're looking at it from the FED standpoint if we see people watch prices go up and they stop spending well those are indications that hey if people are slowing down on spending can we bring down inflation right so like there's a there's a big game to play but It ultimately comes down to a leverage situation right who can withstand this longer when you look at the GDP
for Mexico 35% of its GDP comes from exports from the US how long can you withstand going to war with them you can't like that's nearly half of your gross domestic is coming from the US Canada 22% of their GDP comes from US exports so you're talking about a quarter of whatever the country brings in a quarter of it is coming from the US in terms of exports yep on the inverse 1% of the GDP for the United States comes from Mex Mexico and 1.5% from Canada so if we if we're going to play this
like the long game I know the president is saying hey it's going to be some short-term pain but eventually we'll get to this point where hey we're now back in the position where we need to be where we're not we're not getting quote unquote bullied it's dangerous right because how long countries can do this but the individual person like you're putting a lot of things in Jeopardy for the everyday person well we think of the same thing go ahead it's either two ways how this is gonna play out either the tariffs go through and it's
probably gonna be harmful or he's he's negotiating and it's gonna be helpful because he's gonna be able to get what he wants so agree I mean Trump he's not stupid you don't get to this level of life without being intelligent now you can say I'm a magga supporter if you want to but I'm just a rational person I don't think that he's stupid that's just my opinion and is he too not to cut you off but is he too shortsighted and too transactional to not think about what will happen in three or four years here
here's what I think he's doing I think that he's he's bullying his way to get what he wants there's a few ways to get what you want in life there's a diplomatic way to go about it and then there's a bully way to go about it the quickest way to get what you want in life is a bully way but that that usually leads to problems later on for sure if I want something out of you I could sit I can have a conversation and we can come to an understanding or I could beat you
to a and take take the money out of your pocket I can get it that way but six months down the line you gonna remember this right and when six years six years 10 how long it takes your son might remember whatever like I publicly humiliated you y there's going to be some level of repercussions for that this I I I I don't think he cares about that though but I think that he cares about getting what he wants right now in this moment and you can't you can't argue with I mean you can't argue
with it he wanted to have more fights for fit and all and they get 10,000 troops now he got what he wanted in less than 24 hours so right right it's worked Canada cannot survive this Canada Mexico cannot survive this so he gonna get what he wants now the thing about it too is like fit and all the biggest thing in the world now I am sensitive to drug abusers for sure but I also understand that a country's appetite for drugs will not change unless it's morally based meaning you look at the countries that have
low Drugs That's these these countries are not Democratic countries they're not these countries are based on moral standards of society like even if they are democratically based it's still like Japan is a morally standard based country right Saudi Arabia the UAE like you go to Asia these countries are based on moral standards that supersede military might Japan Japan doesn't even have a military really so so we can do everything drugs the War on Drugs has never worked and it never will work because there's did it work for who it's supposed to work for that's another
I'm saying as far as stopping drugs in America it's not it's not going to work you could send 20,000 troops to the Border it's not going to work because Americans have an insatiable appetite for drugs who planted that here though and truth be told so you're sending troops to the wrong border because you're afraid of gping well that's the part right so when we do the the this timeline right you look at where so fit and all is is the drug well fit all is made in what country been telling you China the even the
co which now everyone knows is a bioweapon that was sent to destroy our economy and Trump fumbled how to handle that I see where you're going with it right so like he put 10 that's why he put He included China 10% well that's what I'm saying triangle it come from let me I see where you're going with it right like how many times going to we're going to see like hey this is an intentional attack right so yeah Co we know where it started in Wuhan right fentanyl created in China you tie Mexico into it
by saying it's being illegally snuck into the country from their border right and so rather than saying let's send troops there let's send troops to the border to stop smuggling it in not to say like hey let's stop go to the source we're not going to the source we can't we don't have a border with China well that's true no I'm saying not send them to the Border we won't go to war with them right no but I'm saying he's putting tariffs on China and part of that is that they have to try to stop
the the the export and theya that they've already done a lot to try to stop the export but what I'm saying is this a war on drug is not going to work because a war if as as long as people want drugs they're going to get it and a society that has no normal social Equity as far as what we have standards you seen somebody we got all kind of degradation in this society that other countries don't have that we've normalized so we've degreg our moral compass so low as a as a country of course
we always going to have a drug problem like it's normalized so you go to these other countries you see that they don't have drugs there's no drugs in Singapore like that they G like yeah of course you might have one or two people that can get whatever you know a pill here some weed here but as a whole there's no drugs in Singapore there's really no drugs in Japan like I seen Jim Jones he said he was sober for the first time in 30 years when he was in here there's no the drugs planted here
though but what I'm saying is that there's drugs planted in other places but the society has not normalized it so what I'm saying all I'm saying is that I'm I'm I'm not against what Trump is doing I just don't think it's gonna work yeah I agree because we won't go to the S like China is investing into the port of manzan Neil nobody's talking about it so when they bring them other H1 100 uh Hopper [ __ ] gpus in the fitel is going to be there I mean that's that's three attacks right like you
think about that we know of allegedly allegedly right there might be more cyber attacks that we don't know of but like you think about covid you're thinking about obviously Fentanyl and then last week with the potential like hey let's crack the economy AI they're going to win this race now here let's crack this economy we have something that's gonna change everything right we're gonna do this we're gonna do this more efficiently yeah there's there's a pattern here well the problem is that we can't live without China China can live without us and even if go
back to you look at the apps there is no Twitter in China no there's no Instagram there's no meta in China there's no Facebook in China when we lost Tik Tok people was calling 911 for medical emergencies leverage we can't but it also goes back to the social construct of the country they've built their country to be self-sufficient they built their country from a standpoint of China first really China we say American first it doesn't mean anything because everything is American last they've built themselves through a communist construct that is China versus the world they
understand that they they are self-sufficient people they they fall in line they respect leadership these are all things that are you can't change that with just money that got to be in you as a people yeah yeah as a society yeah yeah so it's like when he's saying like it's shortterm pain people don't want to hear that they want Tik Tok they don't care about it's not it's they taking all your information they're reading your eyeballs they're doing this this is final data I want to see people twerking on Tik Tok that's more important to
me but that can be a considered effort too the argument can be made that that's been done intentionally right because the Tik Tok and the version that they have is completely different than the one that they've served to our people it's a thing called accountability in life I know that I know I said argument be we going keep ducking accountability we never going to move forward I'm not saying that I'm say and talk about the politicians who have sold our country away in the 1960s 7s and 80s and it's part of the reason of the
degradation of our country yeah it's like water Bridges infrastructure even the Mexico argument H it's a lot of Mexican influence here and a bunch of these cities and political ramps and nobody wants to [ __ ] talk about it who you think's the biggest beneficiary of avocado sales going up and down the last 15 years it ain't [ __ ] Tostitos in Jersey 91% of avocados come from sold 91% to s a law it's a lot we've been infiltrated y' like I'm surprised this country like even for people to say well Nvidia earnings determine the
value and health of the stock market tells you how we should not be dependent upon one country for all the gains or movement in the market we've been infiltrated but I agree on accountability but the politicians who help cause this problem are not talked about well we'll see we're gonna see if this actually works out or if it doesn't work you think Trudeau comes to the table he has no choice yeah right before by the end of before the end of the week I would assume get your cuter suit and you can talk firm in
Quebec when you get on the phone you better be H nice to meet you glad to see you backing up better be on your best behavior what would you like from us because if we're gonna be honest Toronto's economy I mean excuse me Canada's economy is in a soft recession right now anyway they got a big ass banking crisis that nobody's talking about same with our bond market yeah I mean for them is a lot there right if you look at based on that market the majority of the companies that are Prof are the financials
like us is technology is financial so if there's a banking crisis well even going back to China right when I said we can live China can live without us we can't live without China who makes all the shoes like we stopped make we stopped manufacturing shoes year ago years ago and they said it was too costly labor it's too labor intensive when China China had one incentive 60 years ago just to become a manufacturering power that was their one thing they just said all we need to do is become a manufacturering Power and by that
they became who they are now just by manufacturing so they can live without without our clothes cuz they don't get we get the clothes from them they could live without our technology they we we import the tech even American companies Apple all of those things are made in Asia and they're way ahead of us talk about it he's cooking like even America's the lead of innovation no no no no no if you've been to Japan or China like years ahead Japan for sure yeah even chips America America created the chips and now we make less
than 8% of the world's chips so now yeah it was now it's like oh what have we done let's bring it back here let's create fa Fabrics here yeah well why you have a South African in office leading and then the chip makers are what are we talking about Joe the country been infiltrated it's like when they let H go take over Death Jam it's like something sh what Rock Nation in the building shout out to Rock Nation shout out to Ho shout out to B it's too late yo if we are like think about
this we've been on the show five years we won't mention the Russell 2000 why because all the value there has gone it should be a national upro like we talked to one of the guys at the um at The Mastermind he said yo what's going on with the bond market everybody I talk to Citadel Goldman JP Morgan won't give me a straight [ __ ] answer about what's going on with our F market for those you don't know it's damn near like real estate being under or flat for five years Nationwide and then that call
into recession it's some scary [ __ ] going on and back to you R like China is outpacing us and there are Financial parent and the culture that they have there is much stronger than ours because we have sold ours off for pennies on the dollar to other countries while we built up India's middle class which is beat our middle class and China and them are teaming up and Japan's a look cousin at the LI Kitty table at Thanksgiving preparing to do the 20 V1 versus US you think the Indian middle class has passed us
for sure for sure I told everybody yo y'all got all them vas and you sending intellectual property over to let them manage and all of a sudden your data and listing companies are being built that resemble American companies in India should to check your terms of service I'm I only I asked that because there was gonna be a followup to it but what we saw this weekend in terms of artificial intelligence especially when we think Vaas yeah yeah completely disruptive gota right so now what does that do for economy if you're saying like a lot
of this is coming from that type of business yeah it nearly wi out part of the war that we are facing is a technological and software War we can't go into Indi and bond but if open Ai and the super agents which that I hear they're moving faster on um will for sure degrade that economy with vas cuz now the super agents can make the calls for you like he Illustrated and sent emails for you and um even when I was playing with 03 mini when I was getting ready for the presentation getting faster and
better every day yeah for sure so we have to fight back on we I can't say biologically but China has weaponized that the software they're using and Tech we're using we have to do that we have to pull a lot of things back into our country that have been outsourced for 30 or 40 years yeah this a war at the highest level there will be some areas that could potentially benefit from tariff though demestic manufacturing caterpillar deer General Electric yeah we told him that defense and Aros space no because that's a question no I'm say
defense in Aerospace locky Martin yep Ron yep North from Grumman us energy and commodities Exon Mobile Chevron um Agriculture and food pressing Archer Daniels um Tyson Steel and aluminum still questionable uh domestic retailers domestic retailers Dollar General Costco's Home Depot cost sure technology software companies well H Microsoft article Salesforce the the retail ones are questionable right because we know from an agricultural standpoint and we got the stats here 40% of of vegetables are imported from Canada and Mexico but what they did last time is so what they did was the money we made money on
tariffs last time from Agriculture and they said and what they did was end up pretty much giving that money to US Farmers for subsidies right to actually help the farming industry in America so you rob Peter to pay Paul right and then inside of those like even a Costco right not only do they sell uh food but they actually sell clothing and so we know that most of the manufacturing coming from overseas as well so it It's Tricky but those first key areas and we've been saying this for the past couple of weeks yeah domestic
domestic caterpillar is going to be there R uh RTX these are companies like again these are going to be tariff proof type situations but it's going to be interesting man that's why I said this has been the first 14 days of this Administration has been crazy crazy lit crazy interesting but he told us these things it's not like he didn't say these things were gonna happen it's just like oh they're happening like today like yeah he's not playing um okay Bitcoin was also down heavy so and then it rebounded the problem with and they're going
to have to really figure out this 24-hour trading thing because especially like something like ibit is that you really can't catch the dips to much because they happen overnight a lot of times so it can't huh set a pend in order I know but I'm saying by the time the Market opens it's so Vol like the volatility right so it's like Bitcoin was at 92,000 in the middle of the night and then is like 98,000 shortly after the market open so I mean you know it affects the price if you really trying to get at
the lowest price possible because I've noticed that's that's always been a trend though especially like the Asian Asian influx that comes in yeah but um we we have seen Bitcoin um drop drastically but we've also seen a lot of alt coins drop hit a lot 25% 30% so yeah I mean with I said it was goingon to go like now can we be honest stick with the main ones all of you trying to get into fart coin and all this other [ __ ] like yo what do you expect and why are we panicking over
a 10% a 5% Dro in Bitcoin yeah Bitcoin didn't really Dro that much but like I said it's the other coins that really took a major hit Trump coin is down 30% over the past seven days told you uh you got xrp I mean that's Back Down Under 260 a lot of them took a hit man so that and we talked about that proportionately right when Bitcoin obviously the dominance that it has if it drops 4% you're going to see some of these other ones drop 15 20 and like you said sometimes 30% um and
so that's the leader Follow the Leader yep yeah Michael C was on the cover of what Fortune Magazine he's on a cover of Forbes got they said that they might so they said like you know how there was a Madden Curse every time somebody's been on the cover I remember bill aan was on there as the next baby Buffett and yeah Sam free was on a cover of Forbes I mean a lot people no I'm talking about in terms when it comes to bitcoin like when it get to nting people yeah when they get to
n people in the cryptocurrency space so they they had um what's my man's name who was the CEO of binance oh yeah yeah when he was on the on the cover then Bitcoin dropped and then when bman freed obviously we so Happ with him and now saor is on the cover and he's been selling like I said remember I I'm like hey well how are they going to get the money to start buying more Bitcoin and what did they do they started selling sh to buy more Bitcoin they PR stock all yeah that's what I
said but the thing about it is um yeah Bitcoin and 90s you can't be mad at that but in the 80s you really gotta like Bitcoin you gotta love it in the 80s for sure you gota you gotta really like it if you believe in the space but a lot of stocks have been down so out of all the stocks that's down what's the best buying op what's the best one Nvidia stop asking me audience not Rashad for the rest of the audience Nvidia of Microsoft dips like once I always said and I said it
on stage I am focused on the companies that are going to move the GDP of the United States of America because if Nvidia or Microsoft goes down we are screwed shout out to the parent watching with your child do I give any credit that's yeah no I don't care about gevo or IQ or D It's Time like with the Lakers it's time to put up championships or you gonna get moves around shout to Adam Silver for David Stern would never would have veto that [ __ ] in his sleep nope just like they did Chris
Paul nope go back no no ST up now it's time for Mega market cap companies to buy the issue is are you playing around I talked to some of you privately you keep trying to reinvent the wheel and get exceptional gains out of non-exceptional companies that's a bar can't do it a bar I think that's that's the obvious choice right like we see it sitting at 115 116 and we're watching it and most people will say well it might go lower well I I'll wait till it goes lower well it was at 152 a month
ago yes how how much lower do you want it to go right every it's as the the stock has fallen like nobody I don't want to catch the Fallen knife no that that's not this right every analyst we talk about outperforming underperforming every analyst has kept the same average PR 12 month price Target it's at 172 you're G in three months and when invest come around and I'm screaming you deserve to be broke because you ain't listening you gonna be hella upset no buy and if you want to know where to get in and where
to get out swing trade price quick entry or loow the boat go to Ian and join stock Club if I made you money stock Club please put yes in chat let me get some pandas in chat it's not that hard you know what the hard part is like okay when I first started doing media I was like yo what's the blueprint just show up and don't miss no shows 99% of y'all podcasters yo got a lot to say a lot of y'all in space is got a lot to say you're not showing up every
day when you're supposed to a lot of can we just be honest the companies that are doing the the best are the ones who get the team to execute on time and the fastest consistently I don't know what the hell what's going on with Salesforce don't know love Mark Ben off but the team they were way behind on AI way behind on Innovation please go call Johnny I of apple and bring him back into the fold the company that hasn't that hasn't kept his ratings AMD they have not so that's a company that's been talked
about so what's the deal with that um in every space you have a leader shout to Scotty Pippen I know you met Satoshi in '92 when you was on the south side of Chicago or allegedly whatever you say now for your roll out I'm GNA go back to what we did year one Nvidia is Michael Jordan everybody else is co coach and pipp we gotd is is CUO it's the C it's that is 52 we low right now it's it's definitely piing all right let's keep it perspective it's it dropped 50% it say 52 we
low yeah is is this there's only there's only one or two options here that means that it's it's a bad company is Free Falling and it's time to sell it and cut your losses if you're in or this is a pivotal moment where you can't act for anything better where it's a good company number two in this space I mean no I'm saying I'm I'm painting the picture yes it is I'm painting the picture so it's like yeah there's only one LeBron James but you're not going to be mad if you get Dwayne Wade right
or you're not going to be mad if you're able to get yes they are stop man stop so is AMD better than tsmc two different things see or no no it's two different things so remember sario was running around and sound like ho to get to get it at 52 we low what he's saying is correct is this a good time to buy or this a good time to sell the only two options that there is I'll let him go first then I'll go but yes I have AMD going to 98 is in stock club
that was put out two and a half weeks ago three weeks ago AMD of course which I love dearly amazing company but mismanaged they missed the moment sometimes you can be in Pole Position get too comfortable AMD like okay you got a a tier and a b tier Salesforce B tier Intel bottom of B AMD B tier they're not a class who's a class Nvidia tsnc but here's why I'm saying it's two different things right like TMC is manufacturing right they're design right the companies design it they manufacture it so it's two different things when
you when you got when you compare an AMD you got to compare it to its class right if we're talking about gpus it's Nvidia we know that by far hands down 85% of the market share who's number two and CPU yeah to me not to you no no no not to you based on sales number two is AMD it's not even close okay they have so if they have 85% they have 133 to 15% so that that's pretty much the GPU Market yes are they catching Nvidia they're not g to catch Nvidia in the GPU
no and but they also do and this is why that Nvidia you know when they would talk when Jensen had that press conference when he's talking about the CPU Market and how they trying to come back into that that's concerning because for AMD has now passed Intel in the CPU market right which they are now becoming the more so the leader in that space so they're not Co coachs they're they're they are a d they're pipping at best that's what I they're piing I'm not leading my team with Scotty pipping I'm not I'm not saying
you should but that doesn't mean it's a bad company right this is still a whole he's still a whole fam you still still winning chips with them at this level yeah I don't even if it's 98 is the number right it's at 113 like we're not if you're talking about holding this long term is this a good place to buy yeah it's a good place to buy if you look at the history yeah if you look at the history since 2020 look at how it's traded we've seen it run up from and I had it
at $57 I watched it run up to 151 I watch it pull back down at 75 we watch it run up again it's pulled back it has these these moments these Cycles tomorrow is a big day for its earnings so we'll see what happens but I'm still I'm still I I gotta love hate Rel been AMD since 2017 I have the ryen chip in my personal desktop computer I probably spent 40 or $50,000 and upgrades with AMD over the last four or five years Scotty Pippen at best are you mad at that no they report
earnings tomorrow tomorrow yeah that's so but most people are bullish already on their earnings so yeah the the cinamon is negative but but wait bullish you said I mean bearish beish um but but below 98 I love it well 98 or below love it 98 Degrees all right so we got special special guest thanks now we gonna bring in and for the record Troy Rashad and I getting along perfectly flying for y'all do y little think pieces why they battling like this over Equity today are there any stocks under $100 that's worth buying um yeah
NV video when it get like all I'm being serious but all jokes aside please write this down look for the best asset at the cheapest price and leave everything else alone you guys do when you go car shopping you don't even get no discount at uh Louis shout out to the CEO going to be there February 27th get a ticket now um but when the best assets in the world are on sale that's what you should look to buy um before the stock split everyone was complaining that it's too high and now that it's a
118 people have concerns and in three years when it's at 350 what will the excuse be so if it dips underneath I don't know 100 flat 98 bucks at some point cool if you want to take a swing at AMD even though Troy not had a spirited debate can't wait to see the think pieces on that um AMD and Nvidia will be two two great ones the question is will you execute and hold it for the next five years stop thinking about everything in a short term framework yeah that that'll be the part right like
people need to have that long-term Vision since you said those two I will give two different ones I will go with Micron which is sitting at 90 now um obviously we talked about Nvidia they are partnered with Nvidia in terms of storage so like when these gpus and all this AI needs to figure out where it's being stored data storage is going to be important so Mike cronon at 90 and Dell we spoke about Dell I spoke about that in terms of the data center infrastructure in terms of cooling in terms of RX Dell is
sitting at a 100 um I mean this is this is one of those those companies that has been here for a long time but they're changing the way they're operating obviously now with the the revolution AI those are two that I would put the ones you said for sure and then those two are 100 and 90 so those are those are two M yeah some best practices uh you should definitely not risk more than 10% of your portfolio if you're trading that's important um because that's gonna lead to you making irrational decisions if you got
$100,000 to invest in the stock market you should and trade $50,000 mistake trade $10,000 yes yeah any disagreement with that no it speaks to a Bigg issue of H having a plan before you invest right like what is your plan that's the part yeah isn't a place where you can think dayto day week to week you need to have your plan mapped out for the next five years I said it at The Mastermind like do you have your trading plan mapped out for the year and your investment plan for the next five or 10 right
and then also um as your account speci but even earlier you might want to consider using the LLC for sure for sure so you can change your registration like if you with Charles Schwab or Fidelity you can create a LLC and move the registration of your trading account to an LLC that would help potentially if you have got Su lawsuit um you know you you don't really want to keep stuff in your personal name yep that's important this is co asset protection especially when you and we saw a couple broker accounts that you should be
listening to this Vice once you start hitting that 50 thou over 100,000 inside of that brok account protect yourself yeah people will try it that's how was yeah for sure so that's something that's something to consider as well definitely yeah um and then you don't want to overextend yourself in too many position stocks that's gonna water down your performance you got $300 in 89 different companies even if it goes up 100% well you made $300 yeah you won't make any real money y yeah yeah yeah safe bets defense wins championships that's that's what uh the
Dallas GM said [Laughter] oh Mark ke we need you I saw this in the notes man I'm I'm interested to hear your takes so uh Tempest AI uh if you haven't paying attention to that Nancy Pelosi you saw the things that she invested in a lot of option calls she had she had Tempest AI in her portfolio so is this a good long-term investment considering she obviously Nancy Pelosi has revealed that she's trading it what's your thoughts um I think we need to understand that there's a difference between a great trade and a good long-term
investment um in 2024 Tempest was at 27 bucks it's currently at 60 um this year got back down to 31 $32 range so it's a good trade I want to ask a couple questions real quick to the audience who is the CEO of Tempest what do they do and what competitive Advantage do they have over others in their space if you can't answer any three I would not invest in the long term most people who were asking me this had no clue what the company did everything in AI is not created equal now this the
Pete Meer section of the shti Myers of the bench like no no no no we going too deep into the rabbit hole like no tra maybe yeah J bushler yeah yeah yeah come on we cannot it I think the the the space is interesting this is like Ai and Healthcare combined and so when you hear the president talk about health care and being able to cure disease this is one of those companies that probably be will be involved in it she's not the only one Nancy pososi is not the only person that invested though uh
Kathy Wood I think bought 600,000 shares into one of her her Arc um funds um but it's new I mean just if you look back and I know one of those things like let's look back to the Inception of the company it only goes back to I think it started trading last year last June so it's fairly new which is interesting but the fact that she's investing in it already and the fact that Kathy Wood has put a substantial amount in there it's just something that I'm I'm definitely going to watch U because I think
Ai and Healthcare that is one of those spaces I watched a documentary with with Bill Gates and he said the two industries that it'll be able to disrupt and revolutionize would be education and Healthcare from a standpoint of getting all the medical data figuring out treatment that are more treatments that are more efficient uh finding out medicine that is more efficient and potentially cures for diseases and terminal diseases at that so definitely an industry but yeah I don't think they'll be the only one that'll be like what's the competitive Advantage but definitely a space to
look at hypothetically if he finds a cure does he keep a patent on it and keep it to himself or do they actually uh release it to the public allegedly you know the money is in the treatment man never in the Cure allegedly alleged allegedly allegedly we talked about it before um but we talked about it this weekend profit margin so gross profit margin for tempest AI is 53.1 18% amazing net profit margin negative 116% capex I get it oh capex they bought the Singapore h100 Hopper chips got you but but if a a negative
this is on negative 116% well they're technically still in year one so let's see like that would be that's the homework assignment go find companies who have made money but have overspent Uber would be in that category right they had a negative but they've turned that around recently find companies that have done that successfully yes difference between a hotline and a hot song and um Trump has already threatened uh tariffs on EU um as well so gota get gotta get them in line for sure everybody but um whenever you see opportunities to buy you
gotta buy good companies Microsoft is a good company NVIDIA is a good company things like that um and then there's that the ETF play is always a good choice as well QQQ xlk SMH stuff like that um um and it's never a bad time to buy index funds S&P 500 S&P 500 um Bitcoin anytime you see a dip in 90s you gota you gotta think that that's something that's beneficial and then if it ever gets to the 80s then that's gonna be great low yeah yeah low for sure for sure um but yeah Trump's thing
seems to be working so far they coming to the doorstep I mean he paused the tariffs on Mexico so maybe he'll pause on EU as well but they got a month to figure this out that's why I said it's working yeah did he pause it or or did they concede to his no he gave him they offered an they asked for an extension for a month to figure it out yeah and then after that he paused it they conceded to his demand they put 10,000 troops on On the Border my thing is uh if you
have a grievance with somebody go to the person with the head of the grievance not that little cousin in eighth grade well a bully is Only the Strong as his opponent you know that that's true very true it's a great lesson we we we deal we deal with how you deal with somebody depends on their strength um that's just the S of intelligence honestly if if you're gonna try to be Rambo and deal you're gonna get killed I mean you can go out like a kamakazi but that's not that's not intelligent you know I'm not
gonna deal with somebody that's 5'2 the same way I deal with somebody that's seven feet you can't give me Grace I'm trying to give you Grace that's a fact he who you can't get me Grace until the person that's 5'2 knocks you out for sure or pull a draco out shook Knight D couple times every everybody everybody can lose that's a fact at any time at any time that's a fact y nobody nobody's bulletproof in this world um but in the moment it seems to be working he seems to be working these Fortune 500 companies
have yo Donnie moving like bulletproof though they bubled he's not I'm saying he's moving like it I'm not saying he is but he's moving like well he is he is bulletproof until he's not until he's not he's he's Teflon they try to take him off it Achilles was bulletproof until they found out that he had one part that was vulnerable yeah he's definitely he's uh it's been working so far so we'll see we'll see but um got to invest in these strong companies when you see dra dips in the market yeah this is what you
waited for this is what you waited for right we said we're not going to invest at the 52 we highs we watch these companies run up well now they pulled back now what now what do you do the decisions you make now will be indicative of how the end of your year will look and why right now why hedge funds why hedge funds selling off stock before you bring on our guest um two-part reasons uh Al partially to take gains and I know it's like salacious when you see it um it's very intriguing but they
have a different schedule than us as retail investors so some of them are taking profit of course some sold off because of the reversal of Fortune but most are really taking profit to secure things for their client and a lot of money starts to get dispersed in March um for hedge funds as well so that's part of the reason as well sometime even when they like Jensen sold off 83 million worth of stock well it's like the reasons are different than our reasons for wanted to sell or take profit um the incentive structure is different
and some of these funds have to sell off by a certain time for a certain client bases for different reasons so and I'll say if we ever come to a point where the market is just going to fall apart I'll be the first one com on here and scream it Friday Night Live sell everything like Michael B did two years ago and was wrong we're not we're no not even close not even close not even close all right all right guys we got a special treat for you one of the greatest of all time okay
a legend in two games we gonna bring on our guy Timberland Timbo King Timbo what's the deal brother happy happy Monday happy Monday happy feeling my brother I'm feeling blessed how y'all feeling man happy to be here with you good man off did you go to the Grammys no strong not strong not no um first and foremost what's up my brother how you doing I'm blessed man I can't complain for sure man thank you for how y'all doing very good man doing good man same complain um Tim man obviously a legend when it comes to
music but just a brilliant mind and business and we' been seeing you all over in the business world like people don't really even know like Tim been making a lot of moves moving around um really really tapped in and and extremely educated even when we spoke with you in in Miami a few years ago like you know just talking about valuations and IPOs and stuff like that like really really smart smart guys so thought it just be good to have a conversation about a few different things but I wanted to start with the obvious question
it's a two-part question is um versus are we going to see versus again and then also I know you made the deal with X this is before all of this stuff happened but we've been seeing Elon on a rampage right now so has that affected your thought process as far as working with Elon all of the stuff that we've been seeing over the last six months um you know to be honest with I think versus is like a a separate you know it's we you know still it's still about versus you know what I'm saying
and um we really don't really pay attention to the other stuff you know because it's more about the core of what we have and it's really about you know live performance and um we haven't got crossed that bridge yet of like you know fors like I guess talking to Elon and anything like that but we're more focused on the core of what versus is and really ramping it back up so we gonna see it we gonna see it in 2025 oh yeah we defin you definitely gonna see it in 2025 that's the whole thing is
more um you know like greatness take time to make it all tied together and make sense of the whole bigger picture of what what we trying to build in the ego system and sometimes you can rush things and jump out the window too fast and now you playing catch up I rather just hold back fix all as many patch up as many holes as you possibly can before coming out because I see that we're in a different time and we are we do own our company and it's like you know we got to be very
strategic and smart on how we launch coming back out and I think y'all guys know about that and I think this as our culture you know sometimes we got to educate it's better to be patient than to rush things know all your stuff because what happens when you rush um you find yourself in a crisis later on and sometimes better just to you never going to fix everything but fix all the stuff that you possibly can fix and tighten up everything yeah it's definitely a different time and and I know one of the things that
you guys have been stringent on is ownership ownership ownership and happy to hear that you guys are back in ownership when versus returns here in this year 2025 I know ownership was something that was provided to a lot of the artists that were coming on to to the versus platform is it structurally similar or we seen something different because we've seen and a lot of people have you know catapulted their careers and restarted and rein re integrated their careers to a place where now they can actually go on tour so what what does that structure
look like now for the people that are going to take place in versus going forward um we still like you know still like kind of the same kind of way but we restructuring in a lot of different ways now so it's like we're really trying to make it a serious event I'm not trying to get too much away but it's gonna be it's gonna be something serious I'mma just let you know that like a like an iners inperson tour type thing I know you trying to pick my brain I'm just trying to figure out when
we just know it's gonna be great just know you're gonna be like wow that's all you got to say is like wow that's it cuz you you know what it is is like and I just keep it 100 I know my brother be like this sometimes you know like we're very quiet on what we do you know what I'm saying we move in silence we don't talk about it we don't hype it up we don't post but we let you know that the signal is in the air you see we change our logo we back
to V so it's let you know that we you know we mean business but it's it's we minding our business you know what I'm saying we stay out of everybody business and and get into our business you know what I'm saying we don't really like to I don't like to I don't talk about it I just be about it you just see it on the AI side can you talk to us about how you're using AI to produce and generate the next time I saw a clip on I think it was on Instagram where you
took the vocals and you made like eight different beats around the vocals can you talk to us about how you think music is going to change over the next four or five years due to AI uh I think um I think it's definitely going to be a a change a big switch the major switch is I think is you know adaptation I think I think AI is really for for for people that are hyper creative like I'm a hyper creative person so that means I can do a lot of stuff without traveling a lot of
places because this tool allows me to rethink my whole production you know what I'm saying and makes me say okay well what if I add this to it and then take it back over here put it back over there back it's like you know it's it's it's a tool for me that elevates my production it makes me feel like a kid again I feel like I'm 19 again it makes me rethink my own beats different you know what I'm saying because the way I use it and the way you know I think and that's the
beauty about it because everybody's going to use it in their own way and how they use it and I think the the way I'm looking at it and what I'm trying to build with it is a whole like ecosystem you know what I'm saying not just you got you got characters you got cartoons you got this it's a Multiverse of multitude of things that's why you have these tools to 10x your business and to build out your business and I feel like when I look at you know AI I look at it like at first
it was like cuz I'm a creative and I'm like man I don't know about this but once it got cuz you know it's just getting better it's learning every day every day is just getting better and better so now it's like wow if I might say I want to do this Latin beat right but I know my I know musicality and I know my music tastes I know what to do in my the Timbo way but now I have a tool that I can grab inspiration from to make that the right way yeah before I
probably have to make phone calls or do certain things if I you know tap in and I still would do that but to get that idea to get that what I'm feeling out I don't have to wait no more you know what I'm saying so me I I love that it's here this what I always was waiting for since I was a kid you know what I'm saying CU it's almost like playing you know ping pong or something like or playing a video game first player you know what I'm saying you challenging the computer you
know what I'm saying so it's like for me it's like it it it it's going to take it's taking my it's taking my creativity to uh to to the max now I'm like I'm I'm like Thanos when it come to music now so it's like now I got they got the ring likeo it's like you know what I'm saying and it's like for me it's like I know what it is versus some people you know I know some people got their things about it and against it but the the what you got to understand is
is AI doesn't work without the human component absolutely that's what people gotta realize it's like yeah a coder might say oh it's gonna take my job no you know how to code so I don't know how to code but you gonna know how to talk to it to code what you're looking for so look at it that way which would take you two weeks to do something now you could do it in a day yeah so it's like who wouldn't want that like you you're still operating it but you don't have to go do all
these things to probably make this functionality work you have a tool that you can do it at the drop of a dime and still get back to you to tighten up what the twool didn't so to me it's like man who wouldn't want that you know what I'm saying I'm seeing people having agents creating jobs making crazy money with this stuff so I'm like man the future is here like at a high rate so um you we had Swiss on our show uh as over liabilities like I think last year two years ago when he
had to explain when you guys first sold the company or portion to Thriller and it was a lot of misconfusion as far as the community so he kind of explained it in detail the company supposed to go public it never actually went public and then you guys retained ownership back now so what was that process of actually that deal it didn't work I'm assuming then you got the ownership back like how was you able to go about doing that I'm gonna say this we got a documentary and I'm GNA let the documentary speak smart move
can't give up everything on the internet for free a man he said document the process do speak for itself I I leave that on that note I listen you you just said that you're like Thanos now in my brain I'm like you've always been that but that's interesting to hear you say right and so we grew up with you in that sound right and we saw that sound be lent to plenty of artists from obviously from Aaliyah to jenu Juan Missy Jay and then Justin Timberlake there was that sound when you look at the landscape
of music now like is there artist that you're like wait that person would be dope with that Timberland sound like what what how do you look at the landscape right now I love all the Indie artists so it's like it's like you know like I think I'll be on I'll be on them first like sella I think she dope there's a lot of people I think is dope that hely Knox there a lot of people that are Indie people that I think is super dope and I feel like you know that's how that's what you
know those are the things I want to work on the stuff that you know the people don't know about but it's about a feeling because music Still is getting back to that feeling that's why like you got doce out here she bringing that feeling back it's that it's that it's that boom bap it's that Bop so that lets you know people want that feeling so it's not about how big you are is about who gonna give you that feeling and I'm like it's a lot of new cats out here to give me that feeling that
I just want to work with and I'm working with them as you see I do my show I work with them I do my thing and so that's what I'm excited about just working with the new Indies and just being a part of that world and watching cuz I feel like we're in the era of we gonna see who I don't really think it's gonna be a super superstar but I think it's going to be Stars you know what I'm saying I don't know we might see the next super superstar I know we usually like
that usually come around every five to 10 years of that superstar that big big one that shake up the world like how the weekend Drake Travis you know what I'm saying I think I don't know if we might see those again right away but we're going to see stars now I I say those are Mega stars and we'll see Superstars for you uh off of that question like what what are the components that make a superstar artist or Superstar company like the one you have in versus what makes the artist a superstar like like ver
no no I'm saying like what what makes a superstar company like ver versus and from building artist up like what makes a superstar artist in today's uh climate and Landscape you know what I think just content engagement I think that's really what and and really work ethic you know what I'm saying and how bad do you want it and I think who who has that and showing showing everybody for real how it's done is L Russell the Russell if you don't follow Russell I mean I don't I mean that's what it takes it takes uh
commit consistency and knowing that it's going to take time the beauty is you don't the marketing is can be on you it's on about the algorithm that we have today with all the technology and using that to your best ability you know what I'm saying before we had to go which I think you still have to once you get you know on a major and do and do your thing is to hit the streets but since you don't since you can't hit the streets like that people don't you don't you don't have that money to
have a street team then you got to do it digital and I think it's about the work eth it and how much time you you know put into your craft I I don't think nothing is it's all the same just work different you know I think it's all work you all gotta it's how much you work consistency when you don't see nothing and you still working that's that to me makes a superstar the baby is like that I mean no matter what he gonna keep going and that's what that's you don't find that in a
lot of lot of artists you know what I'm saying so to me it's like you can point them out um just they're very simple and that's why I say l Russell cuz L Russell I don't think nobody go as hard as him right now well we see the largest artist in the in the game with a lawsuit and it did bring up some interesting points as far as a level of collusion that people are saying as far as a record label working with Spotify and how much a record label actually has hands and dictating whether
artist is successful or if artist is not successful so I mean just the lawsuit aside do you think that the music label needs to be some level of broken up um or are you kind of like fine with get into the label stuff and all that I get I just stay in the craft of music you know what I'm saying like I kind of stay away from all of that stuff you know what I'm saying because that kind of take away from the love of what you do and I I just know that you know
was meant to be what's in God's hand and work yourself out you know what I'm saying I don't get caught into all what's going on and what this and no I just hey when when your stuff is great it just gonna flourish and it's gonna work yourself out but you but you working with a lot of Independent Artists though right like do it I'm assuming that that we've never seen an independent artist become successful like even L Russell that's our guy we we feature L Russell a million times but we've never seen an independent artist
well depends on what you call success no no not Su we never seen an independent artist become a star a superstar we've never seen that they are stars what do you mean they can sell a ticket they can sell a even Russell he ain't the he ain't on the he ain't the number one artist on the chart but he sell out a state Arena I mean to me I mean what what are we saying like what is a what is a star like you know what is a superstar I think today we in a young
world I feel like if you ain't up to the time today you going to be left behind the youth is taking over and they dictating what to me is what a star is and what's not a star you know what I'm saying I don't think it's what you used to think a star is I think we moved on to that we in the future it's 2025 we GNA see different things on on on on on in the world like right now Superstar is a screamer that's the new rapper period like that's just what it is
well that's that's that's a fact from a cont I just I was keeping it with 100 so the things that a superstar Superstar is different now it ain't what you think it used to be like if I if you go Kai and it's just a different world Kai Kai is bigger than any actor he's bigger than any black actor but if I try to if I said that last year when I saw it coming everybody are you crazy artist it's like it's it's a whole another we have to rewire what we used to know and
train oursel to what's going to be and take what we used to know and apply some of that to what's going to be it ain't going to be everything from this from the past you have to like okay that ingredient works over here well because I see where it's going they don't know about this ingredient that's you know but you know why Kai was able to become because there was no barri like there's no content gatekeeper right at least not now so that's why the YouTubers the streamers the podcasters there's really no sealing on how
far they can go the music industry still has some level of gatekeeper so what I mean by star is like mmore the last probably independent artist that I've seen sell out Arenas I I haven't seen Madison like he sold out Madison Square guard like maore Rush Russ sold out Arenas no no no not not basketball Arenas yeah bro yeah did a couple shows like that not not L about Rush Oh R Rush okay Rush Russ for Russ not rush oh yes Russ dependent absolutely ABS fact that's a fact no he's one of them here's the
thing and I'll go to the Russell because that is our guy and this is to find balance and I'm not sure if there is one it at some point can you oversaturate the audience cuz I know my boy got 35 albums right but he's putting out so much content so much content and his theory is like I'm just gonna keep working keep working and if something pops it does if it doesn't great I'm creating new stuff is there a balance on how much you should be giving to to the audience or just put out the
work as you do it future he slow down I think I think I think I think I mean I think the balance days it it works for certain people but it really you can tell that it's kind of like fading off because the world is moving so fast so I want to say I would say yes yesterday but I got to say no today because I think it's just in it short songs it's not like and music is not long no more so it's like after five five can be 30 minutes or five can be
10 minutes so those 30 songs can only equal up to maybe 20 minutes of listening to time yeah that's not a lot of that's it's a lot of songs but it's not a lot of listening time so it's like he gave you a so he's giving you so much of him in a short in a in a small window so it's kind of Genius in a way because if you look at it you watching that young man get better and better he's he he's showing you the process of okay you not you don't think I'm
great today but I'm going to be great tomorrow and I'mma show you the steps along the way and if you don't document that he's given to you live cuz I'm listen to his bars and I don't work with L Russell I listen to his bars and I'm just to where his bars at today there's a major growth now for a song structure and all that how we used to hearing it some things we not it's it's it's a taste it's what you you know what you like you know but I think there is a crowd
that loves that you know what I'm saying I think could it be some tweaks yeah it could be some tweaks but he's at a point he's built it to a point that I feel like he's building he's built a eego system that you can buy into and structure it's worth investing into because he's built it so big and now if he brought in a money guy or a market whatever he might want to bring in he has built his ecosystem to a valuable Place yeah I'm with you on that I I'm thinking about boss man
DLo he said the same thing like he's making one verse and that's the song that's what the kids want my daughter like they not they not you know don't get me wrong it's it's all taste you know what I'm saying certain songs you got to just know on the content that's being made do you want to hear three minutes of this you know what I'm saying do you want to hear uh four minutes of this you know just a subject matter you be like you know what that was cool rewind that back what he say
you know what I'm saying oh man and it's like certain things require longer than others but I I agree like I I I don't it's funny because I can listen to an instrumental a little longer than I can listen to a whole song of that length I could probably listen to an instrumental maybe three minutes and four minutes because it has Dynamics it got a lot of ear candy but a actual song for four minutes I think I don't know I mean I made song seven minutes you know I'm said don't give me WR five
minutes but I just I don't know I don't know yeah I don't know um who are the top three most talented people you've ever work with and what made each of those people special in your opinion you said talented yes artists yes man I would say [Music] Jay-Z Justin Timber Lake Missy Elliott um Jay-Z was like one of the first time I seen somebody not write down the lyrics and keep all that information in his head and scrap can scrap a verse and go to a whole another verse and still remember the verse that he
scrapped in his head like I'm like that's different that's human like you know how do you remember a verse that you scrapped in your head that you never wrote down and then start on a new verse and I'm like yo what you say in the other oh I said this I'm like oh that's different and then with with Missy she just taught me everything thing like she she just she knew I had a gift but she made me understand my gift meaning like she would point out things that I maybe didn't see for drum sounds
Sonics uh harmonies which I didn't know about she saw something in me she's like yo your beat's different and then as I start watching her and how she create it made me just be like it just tightened me up and then she made me not settle for uh for anything and like I didn't know like because I was such a producer I would put too much on the beat so she always kind of remind me like that's cool for a rapper but I'm a girl like you know say I got I want to make people
move dance and then she kind of she kind of like gave me the understanding of a song is based on just simplicity you know what I'm saying and as producers as a as a producer you want you want to uh do so much more cuz you feel like that's just too simple you're not really showing off your skills um but in reality a song is about a feel good and making you repeat it and sing along that's what song structure is and um she really made me understand that and then Justin he kind of was
like his his discipline in the studio the way he hear music his his his beat his rhythm just just and his pen game like how much he really like just thought about the song before the song was done and then he got to a point to where he didn't write down anything I think he started off kind of like that like a lot of songs we us do you know what he never wrote down his songs either he started to adapt that that whole that whole thing too and I was like to watch him piece
it together and put the harmonies and then say Okay I'mma do this but he might sometimes hum the melody first and then go back and fill in the you know and write the song he like okay I want to do a different melody or I change his Melody then he just go keep walking around the studio and just be writing the song like all right let's go you know what I'm saying I thought that was like you know genius activity right there because that shows like they you know just the memory of how they can
retain how much they were SN into the music they listen to all the instrumentation and the instrumentation of that of the songs helped them help him to write you know those those lyrics and come up with those sounds and his and actually all these people I'm talking about their voice was a big part of the of the of the of the Beats because they voices our instrument so you know saying and Shout out I didn't say Beyonce say three but her voice her vocals are one of top tier I don't know I don't know what
you would call it her because it's a it's it's like she giving you an instrument you ain't never heard before you know what I'm saying like it ain't a trumpet I don't know what it is you know what I'm saying so it's like shout out to all the artists I work with because they voices with instruments you know because I go by tone when I do a beat I think that's what make my beat Stand Out is the tones on those drums so from just you've worked with some of the most talented people as you
just said Beyonce JayZ Justin timlake Aaliyah n and on producer side I mean you worked with Kanye you worked with obviously Swiss forel yeah what yourself included like what's some some things that you've learned common denominators outside of music that you notice from these type of people that had you know some level of similarities as far as like okay like I can understand why they successful it's a great question um farel always was fashioned he did music he always was uh very like he all like I was against the grain when it comes to my
Beats he was against the grain when it comes to not just the music but the lifestyle you know what I'm saying like when people maybe thought it was weird the whole world adapted to it you know what I'm saying so it's like and he stayed 10 toes down since high school on everything like forever with a hot bomber jacket in the summertime you know what I'm saying like like like his fashion game always been like that so and the way he just I look at for real like a line of Richie like he writes those
songs that stay around for decades you know like you think about L Richie like hello is it me look he like the like he's that guy but very fat like his his music fix his fashion same with Kanye Kanye was just more what I learned from Kanye just believe in yourself like Kanye is a true leader of like just knowing your value and your worth you know what I'm saying and then like not ashamed to tell people what the real is I don't have this I don't do this I don't do that you know he
went to the club say he was in debt you know what I'm saying like his his way of communicating is the the the the non the he don't have no fear you know what I'm saying a lot of art we artists have a lot of fear Kanye is he is one of like the the one one of the best to ever do it not just not like music wise but just how to push past a no and make the world see yes you know what I'm saying to me like people talk about it but Kanye
somebody who do you know I'm saying and to me that's you can't find that you know what I'm saying and you could tell that like he he wouldn't he wouldn't stop until it would until the world knew you know what I'm saying I think Jay-Z you know he took his his what he was and just transferred over to the music and the business and he just it was a bigger asset for him and he really like monopolized the whole industry and he he really learned it ends out and being around great ones like Jimmy and
all these other people leor is like Jay is like a sponge man like his memory is insane so it's like anything that he see in business he GNA take it in 10x it he gonna be like okay if I get the best producer and I get this and I get that okay I'mma multiply I know I'mma do this so X time okay yeah good like he's like you be like what cuz he know he know he he's the culture so he's like if I got this I got that I'mma move this because I got these
pieces you know he's that type he's very strategist you know what I'm saying so I learned a lot from you know those those guys like for real Kanye um Swiss definitely Swiss was uh Swiss came in there with a with a crew and directed The Crew like he he he he he he showed me that he was uh a fierce leader you know what I'm saying because he had DMX he had the locks and I believe Swiss had like they all respected his ear and they all followed to the beat of Swiss you know what
I'm saying I think that is you can't a lot of people can't do that either you know what I'm saying like those are like and just the leadership I watch him just really be a voice even when it came for when it came to me like when we used to kick it he always gave me a lot of encouragement on like yo man you you Timbo like you know he just broke broke me down in a different way why I didn't see myself and that's why you know like we we best friends and we got
a business together you know I I I wouldn't thought in a million years that we had you know you know but the best business partner I could ever ask God for you know what I'm saying because we we we we Brothers at the same time you know what I'm saying it's like we really have talks on you know I tell them about my personal things and vice versa and um he always been a guy that's been there and listen and say yo we GNA make this I'm gonna make that we G we gonna do this
we gonna do that you I just and I just follow you know what I'm saying because I I understand his leadership there's been a lineage like even like the class that you're speaking of you Swiss yay for real that feels like a class of producers that we grew up on and we listen to and that comes from El lineage pretty all right it's Teddy Riley the Q-tips of the world like the prince Paul's of the world like just hip-hop producers that have gone Global when you listen to music now especially in hip-hop like who is
the the the the core group that you're saying like oh these guys are up next Let Me Lend them an ear let me give them some advice on how to navigate this space like do you do you look at the landscape and say like oh H Metro that guy's good even like a guy like cash who who's killing New York right now like what's your ear for the producers that are I love all the young producers I I I've been with cash I've been I've been on cash line for the minute before you know what
I'm saying I just know and the thing with cash is doing he love music that's what I'm saying like when you talk about the business when you love something everything finds itself to the right place you know what I'm saying like you said cash is running New York he been running it it's just now that you just hearing it like I've been seeing it from the underground with the other artists and other little things but it just when you stay consistent on something that's when it flares up to like to the Our Generation when we
be like okay who is this young guy Metro always been like that Metro to me always been like that 808 Mafia uh uh Wheezy out of here turbo I call I call them guys out of Atlanta the five deadly venoms you know I'm because them boys is nasty you know what I'm saying like them boys is nasty boy you know what I'm saying like they just just they are they have a sound that's very unique and you could it just feels good same thing with mustard mustard has a Bop that's just he just changed he
took what La was but it made it new and I think that's just like you know that ain't easy to do Mike Will did something he broke an artist he broke race shum you know what I'm saying like Mike Will had a sound like he still got to sound like these guys I all like love and look up to you know being being a creative and being a producer like I look up to all upand cominging producers because it's looking at their mind and how they think so when they putting the beat together I'm like
damn what made them put that snare right there because I wouldn't put it right there so it's like then you start ask questions like hey do you like what what kind of like do you play do you do crypto do you do C things because of like certain ways a person might do something you be like oh he got to be into this he got to be into because yeah yeah a odd person would have put that right there like that's just different like so I'mma ask him about other things in life you know what
I'm saying because everybody just don't put the snare right there you know what I'm saying so it it it it brings on other conversations you know what I'm saying so I love all the new creatives out there you know I think they doing their thing the only thing I I I that kind of like every dude that kind of like bothers me a little bit some stuff do sound like right now music is kind of like it's kind of dead everything do kind of sound alike sound it do I ain't gonna sit there and hold
you on that like yeah that's why I love cash cash cash gotta sound just like it just it stands out on its own it's either you love it or you it ain't caught up to you yet you know what I'm saying so and I like that he's just getting better with it you know what I'm saying but other than that it ain't really nothing that's like everything sound the same kind of I mean I don't know I could be tripping but I don't think I am as a um Creator and entrepreneur how do you stay
in love with the craft without letting the politics of the industry take that love away that's how I came into the game the love of The Craft you know what I'm saying like you if you don't love the craft like you can't be in the game you just can't you can't talk about a game you got to love it if you lose the love then all the other stuff is out the window too so for me it's like I always fall I'm just in love with music if I didn't do music or just be around
it even the talks sometimes it's like just being in different talks cuz music is all around us every day so you know so it's just being in the facility of just music good music I can I have to do that but and then I always have to just make it you know just because it's therapy for me you know what I'm saying music music was my therapy just growing up period just was you know what I'm saying I I I I know I W to go to school I know I to go to college you
know certain things and I'm just like okay life gets real what what's going on and as a teenager you know my parents going through you know certain you know as as a as a black you know family you know hard times but then it then it became good times right but doing a hard time was the love of the the love of music that had that bubble around me where I didn't feel anything because I always love what I did and that just God just put that in my spirit like that's just a part of
me when I do music it a lot of things go away a lot of problems that we think about the every day person you know you got exercising and talking to God man want to thank you for your time bro I know busy man but thank you for taking some time out day to chop it up with us and um yeah man looking for to to verses and everything else you got going on for sure yeah the return all right I got one last question though and I'm upset all of New York and the vers
is between future andas Timbo who you think win there you go man I got he I I I got I know all the New York mad at me I don't think future gets enough credit for being a new goat and I'm no no no no future is the goat the goat talk about it future that boy that boy catalog you better you better come on now I tell everybody I said future is the only guy probably can make an album he could be 60 years old and still and you still gonna Bop to it like
he's 20 20 years old it's it like future has a formula that you don't get tired of yeah you just I don't get tired of it I love it I think that man what he's doing you're right he don't well he do get the credit because everybody give him that's why I said down down south they they say he is Theo but I still I don't think Nas is the best one I think a Wayne future situation would make more sense Wayne not on that level I love Wayne Wayne way no yo be careful man
I'm great be careful man careful come on y'all czy that's still D Wayne Carter that's crazy better that's still D Wayne Carter don't do that to Lil Wayne man I don't even know why you brought him up man that's like little Wayne Bro like what are we talking about that's Wayne Carter bro that's the Wayne Carter like when you talk about these high level people that's this is not a conversation you have on camera this is when you go to the back oh oh my bad you know these not this is where you go to
the back room like you know like the trade just happen Luka and stuff nobody knew you know what I'm saying so got to be like high level people we talk about it's like oh we gota go on the drawing board and like write this out yeah yeah yeah but but it's like they C they that they top tier that's top tier a fact that's a fact well shout out to like I said we actually went to two versus we was we was front row for the dipet locks battle Legendary Legendary there and then we was
at La for the um the rage agen no Ray J wasn't the headliner though it was but that's people remember that omaran watermelon out I was like oh man that was crazy how was that one wow that we there we went to the dip set one so did y' catch that Dip set one people I did I did I ended up in the hospital after that yeah for real Co was definitely in the building yeah full of fact I'll tell you this everybody watched it the energy that you saw from it wasn't comparable to the
inperson experience now that what I will say nothing was compared to you right you a th% right about that like even it was popping I still kept that MK tight yeah yeah yeah that could have went a couple of ways man we were sitting there like this could this is this still all good right no that was that was that was a great great great great night but man because that's the first time people really got outside for real for real yeah yeah yeah yeah so it was it was just it was a great Fellowship
night it was just everything just lined up that that night you know what I'm saying is people really coming outside and it was a it was a great event I never felt that that the last time I felt like that was Summer Jam when Jay-Z did it back in the day yeah yeah yeah yeah that was that was a moment that that was a hip-hop moment that's gonna live forever that was a moment hipop moment all right my brother thank youate we appreciate you bro Timbo The King The King shout out to Timberland man I
was tripping the way comment thank you for the clarification baby all right well it's been real ladies and gentlemen um we'll we'll be watching earnings we'll uh see what happens sweets for sure fact fact and uh it's Super Bowl weekend I know who you got winning just you want to give me a score no I don't do the scores but you know we we definitely go with Pat Mahomes and we know that that's easy to ride it out you know three three PE first time ever NFL history ever shout out to to the goat um
but yeah man shout out to Larry the whole city of New Orleans they get that's gonna be that's gonna be a big Vibe Kendrick Lamar looking forward to that g he gonna bring out s is Wayne gonna come out 5050 5050 I hope not 50 I just hope not I'm just I'm spoke so it's no problem yeah heard is that public yeah I heard that too said he better he better kill it so I mean they already had the conversation so I'm sure he asked them at the very least I'm sure he asked them it's
just a matter of way if Wayne accepted it or not I just hope he doesn't come out but um gota do it gotta do it New Orleans emergency Blackout episode six foot 7even foot I mean I think he going do it but like I said I put it at 5050 but I I had to if I had to bet I say he gon do because why not it's in New Orleans they obviously don't have no problem because he spoke to him on the phone and Wayne was in was one of the finalists they um Dez
uh Dez Perez who who was a head of Rock Nation she had an interview and said that Wayne was one of the finalists it was it came down to him uh Kendrick and another artist and um some some guy decided to choose Kendrick I let you feeling the blanks shout out to shout out to that guy yeah I who you got man uh I got Chiefs by 10 10 at least damn even with slow Kelsey we GNA have a conversation about if him growing out that hair like that and my boy aging like spoil milk
yo I don't like to go against Mahomes but since y'all both picked Kansas City and they beat my team I I can't go against no home but I would not be surprised if Philly wins and they win by at least five or six they went by six I think a 30 24 score shout out to Philly no love but you know can't my guy Drew yo I'm still I want your team to win but the refs like if you put a shoulder on on momes oh unnecessary roughness rough in the passer 15 yards can't go
against should be a good one can't go against the family but um it's been real it's been real blackout Wednesday uh we got Roland Martin 10 o00 we going to be asking if the Democrat sold out black for sure first question tune in um and then 11 I mean nine o'clock on Thursday YouTube live how to how to improve your credit score quickly was Sandra Martin that's gonna be a really really really important episode e 9 o' on Thursday anything else um got it all man I got uh February 27th Carnegie Hall Carnegie Hall pull
up on us in the building shout out to Robert Smith have your finest attire laid out go get it now get it tailored now yeah keynote get it tailored yes stop shopping at Macy's thanks for for sure I'm sorry I didn't mean that y'all they got me talking crazy Macy's dead company too dead man walking he dead dead dead all right y'all stay real love