The RAW TRUTH About Reincarnation & the Afterlife: The SHOCKING Process! | Grandmaster Wolf

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Spirit has its own miracles from its Dimension it can heal from a distance it can heal other people it has remote viewing abilities you see so they're the Miracles socalled miracles of the spirit they have different ways of doing [Music] things I'd like to welcome back to the show returning champion grandmas wolf how you doing grandmas wolf I'm very well thank you Alex it's been a 14-hour day so let's go slow I always I always get you tired sir I always get you very tired oh it's the way you talk to me Alex you just
exhaust [Laughter] me my friend the last conversation we had people uh really really enjoyed it's done very very well on the show is you're one of the more uh talked about guests I've had on the show and uh we we WR away said oh we have to do this again so we brought you back to uh this time we're going to talk about some interesting stuff and I'd love to hear uh your perspective on it uh the concepts of the afterlife and reincarnation is a topic that fascinates most every every human being on the planet
at one point or another is going to go H what's on the other side is there anything that happens with it when we die can you from a mystic's point of view from your point of view can you talk about the concept of reincarnation and how it fits into a spiritual journey oh is that it well that's the beginning sir okay okay to get your head around that kind of Truth you have to understand and remember that the universe is one enormous living thing and it goes on forever mind I'm talking about the life the
entity that we call life or being alive universally so there's only one life and all things are in it that life can be broken down very basically to matter and an animating force that animating force can build anything out of that matter matter is like a extremely Advanced Lego block kit you can make anything from Wales to people so Can Only Hold itself together for a certain amount of time whether it's a worm or a person or a tree different amounts of time for different forms like waves on an ocean some waves can travel hundreds
of miles some waves come up and go down right in front of you on the shoreline they'll have different lifespans but it's still only the one ocean producing all of those forms and those waves if each one of those waves thought that it was an individual character and if all the other waves are under the the same delusion every time a wave goes back down into the ocean the other waves are going to wonder I wonder if he will come back not realizing that they are waves on the same body of life so what I'm
getting at is part of the way the ocean is is constantly bringing up waves constantly bringing up forms but the ocean itself never disappears now in life life is experiencing itself and living through matter life is Immortal it's there forever matter has to keep being rebuilt and reconstituted that's basically your reincarnation what happens there is this and I need to say here that anything I speak about comes from experience and practice I will never ever speak of anything that someone's told me I will never speak of anything that I've read consequently I haven't read a
book for 30 years 20 30 years because it's here say you don't know who wrote the books you don't know who you're talking to it's all he say until you've actually done it for yourself and experienced it for yourself s and my experience is when you practice the death practices which is to stop your heart and die Etc I need to say something else first when most people are on their deathbed and they don't have much of a clue of what's going on they faint they faint out of fear because they don't know what's coming
up they are terrified most people unfortunately but that's the case so they faint and they miss the whole process of d when you learn to sit in the correct place in your mind and have all of the horrors that a mind a brain I should say have all of the horrors that a brain can produce whizzing around you inside here when you go in and sit in still meditation and your thoughts are chattering away about negative things and there other movements coming and going and there's the aching body the point to meditation is to focus
and be so still that your mind mind isn't darting from one thing to the other that's the movement you have to still in meditation don't still the things that are moving you still that part of you that is constantly moving from one to the other and you hold that and when you can hold that dead still for a minute or so Enlightenment will hit you like a truck now these thoughts that are whizzing around you have all of your fears and all of your likes and dislikes and all of your paranoia and everything that makes
a person's life terrible and I'm not saying all life is terrible but this is the context that we're speaking about you've learned to be absolutely dead still regardless of what the brain or life can throw at you so then once you've learned to do that hopefully when it comes time to die you'll be as still as still can be and you'll watch the process of dying and you'll see your body closed down you'll see your brain close down we did this twice a week I'm speaking I'm describing experiences that we have had here so you
watch a whole thing die and break down but you will not lose your Consciousness or Focus you'll still be there and then you will see the obligatory light at the end of the tunnel and you'll start heading towards that this whole process to you will seem like about 15 minutes but in actual reality about 40 weeks have gone by which is a pregnancy term so you start heading towards that light and when you come out of that light into it I should say you're not going to see St Peter or God you're going to see
your new mother and the doctor and the nurse that's what you're going to see because you're about to be reborn and that's what reincarnation is once you have done that once you will see and understand through experience that the only thing that comes and goes as the body and you the mind the spirit doesn't go anywhere it's always there always will be so now the question is is there such a thing as reincarnation interesting way of looking at it very interesting way so can we talk a little bit about what happens to us I know
you love laughing uh can we talk a little bit about you see when you talk to me about these kind of things they don't phas me very often so I just I just continue to move on I'm like sure that absolutely I agree with you 100% when you when you are born can you talk about what actually happens to the perfect enlightened being that comes out what is in that vessel and what happens to it while it is incarnating the first piece of what I'm about to say you've heard me say many times so bear
with that and then I shall attach the extension that you're asking about this will answer a lot of questions for a lot of people nature produces everything and in this case Nature by Nature I mean the universe nature so when you are born you have this beautiful pristine clean mind inside a pristine clean brain inside this beautiful little brand new body that's been put together by Nature that's what comes out of your mother's womb that's what nature and the planet made that's you beautiful stuff now from that point on all sorts of people are going
to start putting names and labels and opinions and judgments and ideas and beliefs and wrong thinking and a little bit of right thinking into this little head and those thoughts will accumulate when they get to about a 100 billion thoughts you now have this big lump of thought process that we call an ego or it calls itself an ego it will also give itself a name or to put it a better way the egos of your parents will give it a name very much so by the time you're 10 or 12 or whatever the age
is it's different for everyone you have an ego fully formed full of stuff and you think it thinks you think that that is you now all that information that's been put into that baby is other people's information other people's beliefs other people's opinions and judgments that's what's gone into that baby and that's what's made up that ego and that ego is what you think you are it thinks it's you it's you search your life everyone in the world has one of those now you take a thought from any one of those egos in this world
and you break it in half there's nothing in there it's not alive it doesn't know you're in there looking at it it is Data that's all that it is it has no life of its own that doesn't mean you can't use them but that's a whole the story so you've got this dead zombie ruling your life these dead thoughts ruling every second and dictating every second of your life and everyone has one and they're all made up of other people's rubbish and opinions as we've just said now there's 8 billion of those things in this
world right now and those things these 8 billion egos that have no wisdom of their own invented our education system invented our society they invented our law system Etc is it any Wonder life's very shitty for most people is it any Wonder after all these years of so-called higher education no one can still get their head around it it's still not making sense why because these things are what we are using to process it and think about it and they don't have a clue obviously and that's the problem so anyway is there such a thing
as you at that point this is very interesting this is something that just flew into my into my Noggin while you were saying all of this your Noggin my Noggin sir it's interesting because well you just said there at the end that we cannot process this reality well many times using the ego using all of these thoughts and opinions and and dogmas and everything that's been kind of piled into us over the years as I think either you said or someone has said you spend the first seven years being programmed and the rest of your
life trying to be deprogrammed to go to find yourself back to Source but it seems to me that people like yourself other spiritual Masters I've spoken to they process life from the inter etal Source power from the inner power inside of you that is within the heart let's say for an analogy not as much in the brain and they can process this reality at a much higher level going internally than externally for opinions and thoughts and ideas many great Masters that I've studied has said we don't read book books we don't we don't look at
other people's opinions and thoughts we look internally for those ideas now there are books that can start you on that Journey there's things that can ignite these ideas and these thoughts but at the end of the day it's a remembering of these things this is not new information this is remembering information so what do you think of that that idea because I think it's very that was the first thing that popped into my head I was like that makes so much sense because these spiritual know spiritual Masters they just process life differently than the rest
of us are running around like chickens without a head yeah they're not actually processing it that at that point you are the life that the ego is trying to process the ego tries to process the spirit just is it it's it's the life that you're trying to process you see here's the demonstration right there you can't approach it with thinking it's not possible the thought process is purely there for survival and let me back up okay obviously as I've said before we are of two things we are of matter and we are of an animating
Force you can call it mind or spirit it's irrelevant it doesn't have a name that's this ego thing giving it a name doesn't have a name so matter including the brain has its own ways of being its own ways of sustaining its own ways of continuing itself and procreating itself it also has the ability to create its own Miracles the brain can create Miracles such as placebo effect that's a good example actually of what it can do it can so eat an apple and turn it into you within 15 minutes that's not a bad Miracle
either so it can do lots of things miraculously with matter but it can't do anything about spirit Spirit has its own miracles from its Dimension it can heal from a distance it can heal other people it has remote viewing abilities you see so they're the Miracles socalled miracles of the spirit they have different ways of doing things and therefore matter trying to understand spirit is like comparing apples and oranges it can't be done there's they're different things from different places from different trees but you can grow apples and oranges in the same padic but that's
it that's as close as I get what I mean by that is on planets and other places matter and spirit can cohabit and if the matter happens to have a brain allocated to it you have an interface where Spirit can function through matter that's what the brain's for it's an interface between two Dimensions I've completely forgotten your question no no we've we've gone we've gone down the yeah we've we we've gone down the road a bit and no the statement was that how how spiritual Masters or people who really look internally process life differently but
it's really interesting as you were saying that it's kind of like there's a car which is matter and then it sits there doing nothing worthless useless doesn't do a thing until someone sits in it turns it on I wish I'd have said it like that and starts to drive the car because without that animating Force it's just a pile of matter yes uh or pile of bolts and chips and other things like that in the in the car analogy but so that is the animated matter which is the soul as a as a guest of
mine said once um without the soul uh the body starts to stink pretty quickly very quickly very quickly once the soul is gone the animating force is gone and death will death will come out of you and it will go back to the wave the wave will then go down back into the ocean which is the body going back into the Earth to start the process all over again it that it's fascinating now okay so so going back to when you come into this world as a New Soul when you come in you say we
are an empty vessel how does karma play into that because karma and kind of I always said because I have I have kids I always say that my daughter they came programmed from the factory like that because I didn't teach them that they have no experience in that and yet they lean in one they lean in the artistic standpoint or they want to do this or they want to do that or they lean into the physical they want to be in sports or something like that those are things that come programmed in them is and
I have actively seen that I didn't actively because I've been with them all their life haven't shown them these things so you know it's a mystery how they became that so how does k a play in to the programming of that Soul coming into a new Incarnation oh gosh karma karma works on many many levels I'll give you a very interesting for instance one level of karma only many many people see Karma as reward or punishment and that isn't true life is one living entity and it doesn't punish itself it's not that stupid stupid so
it's not about punishment or reward it's about remembering enough things to consistently develop and progress and become more erudite in our lives or in life itself that's what it's about if for instance and I think I've said this before if you spend your entire life wanting nothing but sex and have children after children after children that's all you want to do that's what you live for that's what you've dedicated your life to you will probably come back as a rabbit that's not a punishment that's you you you shaped your soul so to speak to fit
into a rabbit by your loves and needs and wants that's all there is to it that's a that's that's a level so then but when you're bringing in that's a level so when you're coming back in though as a human soul how does those well let me ask you this how do past lives affect that new Soul coming in these are easy questions GM I beautiful question I can I tell you a story do you mind please please I love your stories no oh thank you you wouldn't like my bedtime [Laughter] stories I had a
student many many many many years ago still in this lifetime many years ago and he was a bodybuilder in Australia and if he's listening to this he'll know exactly that I'm talking about him now he um in bodybuilding it's about symmetry it's not about size it's about Symmetry and this poor guy he was winning local bodybuilding competitions left right and Center he looked good but one shoulder was always smaller than the other he went to doctors he had steroid injections in the shoulder he did everything and it just would not come up to scratch so
he came to me and I suggested let's have a look at a past life regression so we go into a past life regression we bring up anyway we go into this past life regression and he comes out on a battlefield in Scot somewhere this is a guy in Australia so he's in Scotland someone comes running up to him on Horseback jumps off the horse Cuts him down through here his shoulder peels away he's laid up against a tree in absolute horror he's just been cut in half he's terrified he doesn't know what's going to happen
next in life so you pop up you're the one that's gone back in time into this past life so the you leaning against the tree is seeing this shimmering thing in front of it now what's it going to think ghost Angel it has no idea it's feeling better though because it's seeing something paranormal so what you need to do at that point and this is what I had the guy do you just lean over and you say you have no need to worry about anything I'm here to let you know that you are divinely loved
and life goes on and this is purely a small hurdle and a life that probably shouldn't have been but that is irrelevant Life Will Go On You are going to be reborn and there is so much more to life that you are about to experience so buck up don't worry about it go to sleep and then you drift back and you come back and you take away the post-traumatic stress that stays with your epigenetics you remove it so he comes back now back into this world 6 months later he won Mr Universe after that he
was off to the Anie Olympics sorry the Anie Arnold Schwarz bodying yeah he was after all of that and um his shoulder grew back we just broke his trauma from a memory that he didn't know he had that's genetic memory epigenetics so that that is how past life can affect this one what on one level on one level So when you say epigenetics um you know we I've had Bruce Bruce Lipton on the show who spoken a lot about epigenetics I didn't understand that epigenetics has I've heard this from other guests before about we bring
in through our DNA which is the code the programming of our of our matter traumas from not only our past lives but generational uh generational uh past lives so our my grandfather my great-grandfather and so on and so on uh that that stuff keeps carrying on until someone breaks that cycle of of source is that is that a fair statement oh absolutely the a good example of that is the um the poor Jewish people after the second world war they went through so much intense misery and everything else that I can't possibly think of words
to cover it they are now being born with underdeveloped adrenal glands there's a whole generation of young Germans being born with underdeveloped adrenal glands for that reason so yes you that's just one demonstration of course and there are many others and that's just on this ply little tiny planet one pixel in an in a a drivein movie screen sized Universe this planet is one pixel and there's all sorts of stuff going on everywhere else and that's just in the physical Universe there is at least 11 more Dimensions supporting this universe and there are beings that
live there as well some of them just look like transparent blankets moving around let me ask you let me let me ask you this what from your point of view what happens after we pass like what's I always love asking this question from people from past life uh past life regressionist uh also from near-death experiencers when the soul is on the other side is it hanging out at a bar is it is it watching movies like The in the time period between lives what is going on do you have an answer to that oh absolutely
next question I'm joking I do this quite often as you know one of my main things was death practices used to die twice a week stop the heart leave the body etc etc so from experience there's several things that can happen and you do have a choice you can leave your body and remain here especially if you can't let go but you can do it by choice and you can remain here you can do it while you're alive you can leave your body and you can float over to your friend's house and have a look
come back phone up your friend and say I've just been to your place do you have half a cup of coffee and a red rubber band sitting on your bedside table and he or she will go yeah you've been looking through the window but what that's doing is telling you that you actually there so that's one thing that can happen when you're alive when your body's alive you're still connected to the brain so you still have brain data coming towards you when you die the brain doesn't go with you obviously and neither does the thought
process so you're purely working from knowing pure knowing the knowing that you use to turn into thoughts when you're in a body is still there so that's the knowing so another thing you can do is you can remain within the death process and do absolutely nothing and let the death process work in a natural way with without your interference in which case you will see the light and you will do the whole 40 week thing and end up coming out in another hospital somewhere and the third option actually there's four now that I think about
it I'll go straight to the fourth first the fourth option is you can actually possess another body I know Mystics who on a regular basis visit coma Wards or coma hospitals where people are absolutely brain dead but there's nothing wrong with them for whatever reason and they keep an eye on these bodies and when it's time for this body to Die the one that the Mystic is in he will go into that spare car over there that no one's using and suddenly in the hospital the body wakes up comes out of coma you have access
to all of its thoughts but you also have your own your own knowing so that's another one that's kind of a ker position but not is that is is that like a Walkin Soul I've heard of that term the walkin Soul can yeah I'm sure there's plenty of names for it but that's a possibility and anyone can do it but the third option is you can leave your body and go into the astral realm and live there your job there would be inut put into livings people's creativity the astral realm is where you where we
make our blueprints when you sit down if you are a uh if you want to build a building you're going to build it here first and then you'll from there you'll put it on paper and then from the paper you'll put it on the road when you're building it up in here that's the astral that's where you're building it that's the blueprint so if you decide to hover in that astral real as an entity a creative entity you have the ability to influence people's creativity so they're the things you can do they're the options that
you will have how yeah anyway so that they your options but when you're saying that they have influences on people's creativity it the person's the person that they're trying to uh Inspire let's say it is part of their sole blueprint to go down that road in other words you're not going to give uh the the greatest screenplay for the the best movie ever written or the Great American novel to somebody who's not supposed to go down that road abolutely expor because there is that there's everyone has to honor their own soul blueprint so they are
there to assist in that process yes they all yes very very interesting um and you can go out there and talk to these things if you wanted to could I give you a quick idea of how I do it with people if you don't mind quick take me two minutes yeah sure sure sure sure so what happens is we go into a past life we pretty much kill the body down to about two three heartbeats a minute lots of internal stuff happens when you do that if you relax the body enough it releases its grip
on the spirit as well to a certain extent anyway one there's a certain process I take you through I'll have you out of your body in about 13 to 15 minutes anyone in the room with us falls into the same Vortex so if you come out the other side and you're seeing Blue Dolphins it it's not unusual for someone on the couch to go oh I'm seeing Blue Dolphins they're seeing what this person's seeing because they're bringing data from one dimension into another so anyway you to past life we go through a certain process to
make sure that you're not just using your imagination basically you turn your brain off you're dead brain dead so now we know it's not imagination you can put an electroen graph on there and make sure there's no brain activity as well so you go into your past life we look for some smoke coming out of the forest or a Mountaintop or somewhere we're looking for a road or we're looking for a path something that would indicate other life once you've done that let us say hypothetically we find a village you go to the Village you
find someone who looks like they are amicable enough and you would you would lie to them unfortunately and you would say something like excuse me I've just been on my horse and I've fallen off my horse and bashed my head on a tree and for some reason I forgot my name and I'm not sure which Village I've come from do you know me and if you're lucky they'll go oh yeah your name is John do and you live over there with your grandmother you've been there for 14 years now and you know me I'm I'm
the mayor of the village he'll tell you the name of the village they'll tell you the date you need to ask them what date this is so you know how far back you've gone and then you would go to your cottage and you would put take some things out of your cottage and put it under a stone somewhere and then when you come back back to this generation uh sorry this this time you would Google Earth the village that you went to and see if it's there you would look up the people you would look
up the houses you would look up the name that you were given you would go back there and find it and look under the rock that you plac something under and the thing will be there and that's how you prove that's where the evidence is that you've actually done it it's really so that's just one thing you can do and I forgot what your question was but it was a right answer it's a great answer to the question you said something really interesting and I want to dig into it a little bit you said that
when you relax the body down to uh two or three heartbeats it releases the grip on the spirit that statement is very interesting to me because two things one when you meditate you relax the body you drop your heartbeat and then you can loosen the spirit to go and connect to different a you can go astral projection you can go out of body but you could also have mystical experiences because the body has been it's literally releasing it and then secondly in the dream state when we go to sleep at night we are releasing the
spirit because the body has no grip over it hence we are living in the dream world or the astral plane when we are dreams is that correct oh AB absolutely and of course hypnosis that's another one right hynosis you're turning the ego off under hypnosis and um it it lets you go so I just I say that because it's just again I'm just in my own personal Journey trying to figure out again and again the how things work in so many way you know how hypnosis works please explain it to explain it to the audience
hypnosis is turning off the impus behind your thoughts or some people would call it the analytical Factor Apollo Robbins would call it Frank you know Apollo Robbins I do not he's the best pickpocket in the world okay only because he's brilliant at misdirection and what he points out is very correctly if I ask you what color your car is you got this little guy here called Frank and when I ask you that that question he's going to go back to a filing cabinet and go through there until he finds the color of your car and
then he'll pull that out and come up and go oh it's blue that happens in a millionth of a second but it's always happening that's Frank so if I ask you a question when Frank goes back to look for that there's a doorway there that's not being filtered and I can get into your head at that moment while he's not sitting there hypnosis knocks him out and this is how it works thousands of years ago if you and I were walking towards each other on a road we would do this I'm showing you I don't
have a weapon I'm not going to kill you I'm not going to rob you we're good friends couple of thousand years later that ended up as a wave and a handshake it is so ingrained in you now that if you walk down the street towards a total stranger and go hi my name's Alex he will probably shake your hand just out of EP genetics he will do that okay now that is so ingrained to the point where you don't think about it it becomes an automatic move which means Frank's having a yawn at that moment
you see because it's an automatic thing you don't need Frank so you go to shake the guy's hand he shakes your hand you don't do this anymore which is what he's expecting you don't shake the hand you turn his hand around put it in his face which is something completely left filled of what he was expecting ing now he's in a trans he's like oh oh what happened Frank jumps up what's going on it's a mess in there for about 3 seconds Frank's running around looking for a queue because you've just turned his off what's
your first queue sleep okay I'll do that Mom and he's gone he's under it's it's called um flash induction or a snap induction if you're bending over tying up a shoelace something you've done for 35 years you're tying your shoelace you're not thinking about it you're in a a neutral zone if I bend down in front of you and look you in the eye and put my hand on your shoelace so you can't tie it up I'll just stop you you'll go like that for a second because you don't know what's happening and I'll go
sleep and you'll just go bum and you're gone that's how hypnosis works it's that easy you just got to get Frank out of there and you just need to know that's awesome that's a amazing demonstration my friend I appreciate that now another thing that we talk about in regards to the afterlife and souls and reincarnation is soulmates or twin flames what is what is your take on this whole soulmate thing do we have uh a group or Soul family do we have groups of souls that we are continuously incarnating with in different ways to help
each other grow no not really something similar but no that's not really the way to look at it how would I give you an analogy if you were to take a liter of water ocean water and you turn that liter of ocean water into a dozen ice cubes in an in an ice cube tray you've taken this one entity of water and split it up and solidified 12 different entities out of it so now you got 12 ice cubes but they're all made of exactly the same entity the same water if you throw all of
them back into the ocean and they melt back into the ocean in some areas because of other laws like like attracts like and all of that the water that used to be this ice cube may feather through some of the water that was in that Ice Cube and you'll notice and so they endered they are they' come in contact with each other at some point in time as as water and as ice cubes and people are like those ice cubes if you are from if if a bunch of people have all come from how could
I put this a certain sector of mind let's say you've got a certain sector of mind that was just enough to split up into a dozen peoples bodies you got a dozen people they've all got that little bit of mind that all came from the same sector of universal mind so there's a connection there and then when these people die and get reborn into another car another form if you were one of those people and you just happen to brush past or walk past a total stranger that just happens to be from that same sector
of mind that you all came from you would feel a connection you would immediately look at each other you would immediately feel that connection you would probably go and have a coffee with each other if it's male and female and male and male even or female and female you'll probably think you're falling in love with each other because you've got such a deep connection that can't be described in words and you would go we must be soulmates you are but you're not different Souls off on different paths you're drops of milk that have come from
the same cotton oh that's that's really beautiful that's a really beautiful way of putting it because it's oh thank you gave me a headache so let me ask you then from your point of view what is the ultimate purpose of all of this the goal of this reincarnation in the spiritual Evolution and attaining what is that that's easy man you know this one do you want me to go all the way back to before there was matter because I think we've done that one yeah we did that one yeah we we we we spoke about
the very beginning of the universe in the last conversation well that's that's your answer life is trying to understand itself life has to just go on and go on and go on until it's reached the end of its potential before it can fully know itself and it's ful and that's endless and that's endless and there's there's your need for reincarnation there's your need for constantly recycling matter there's your need for retaining information it's all life wanting to know what it is and it's in all of us we're all curious we're all confused we all want
to know where we came from how can 8 billion people have the same question if we're not painted with the same brush oh that's another beautiful that's yeah that makes that makes all the sense in the world well truth generally does yeah you know that's the thing and that's another thing about TR truth um because when you hear it it's like a a beautiful piece of it's a beautiful piece of music that kind of just rings in you and you go oh that makes exactly it's exactly thank you for the special effects sir no it's
it's it's it's very true though that that when you hear truth you go oh that makes sense and it's just an automatic like okay that that just Rings true true to me no pun intended um would you like to know where truth lives oh I would love to know where truth lives well I'm not going to tell you here we go you ready if you want to buy a carton of milk you're not going to go to the library unless you're a total idiot you're going to go to the local shop because that's where you
get milk from I know C come before that but just you know if you want to buy cart mil you're going to go to the shop you would not go to the library because that's not where you're going to find milk you go to the library if you want a book where does truth reside where do you go to find that what is truth is reality therefore it has to be somewhere real it can't be in a belief or in an imagination or anything of that nature what is real now that's what's right now it's
the only thing that's happening not just in your Lounge room in the whole universe everything is sharing this now with us right now anything either side of now is memory or assumption neither exist past or future so now is all that really actually exists fear comes from the future if I have a gun in your face you're not scared of the gun you're scared of what's coming next and it may or may not come come next irrelevant fear comes from the future paranoia comes from the future regret guilt all of that sadness that all comes
from the past none of those actually exist it's memory or assumption what's left now okay truth lives here and now so you can't go into the past you can't use your memory you can't go into the future that's all assumption so what can you do with now you can experience it now we're talking we're we are now right up against truth now we're starting to experience as opposed to think for want of better words so if you're not getting your head around truth you need to be in the now if you're going to get your
head around truth you need to be in the now for quite a while so do you have the focus to be in the now I don't know how do I find out count backwards from 10 to one without veering off can you do that they will go most people will go 10 9 8 oh did I lock the front door failed that's most people if you can count backwards from 10 to one you're doing better than most people if you can do that without veering off it also means that you can now stay in the
moment for 10 seconds 10 seconds more than most people in the world if you can count backwards from 30 to one without veering off just once you have the focus that most people in the world will never have very few people in the world can do that now when you sit in this beautiful wonderful place in the middle of the Mind in deep meditation and if you've done it correctly you only have to hold that for one minute and Enlightenment will hit you like a truck and absolute truth and reality so all you got do
is train yourself to be in the moment for at least one minute and guess what will happen so that's truth that's where truth lives and that's how you get to it if you can't stay in the moment for more than a few seconds you don't have a hope in hell that doesn't mean it's the end of the world for you train yourself to focus there's many many many things that will do that and then you can sit with truth well I mean if you you take an ice cold bath with ice in it um that
really helps you focus quickly absolutely there you go you're not thinking about anything else other than the ice and the feeling that you have in that moment that's the only thoughts that I I challenge anyone listening to take an ice bath and think about any problems any depression any issues any sadness It All wipes away when you're in that moment because you are then in the moment and you don't allow the mind to do anything else other than to try to survive if you're not trained properly survive but I yes exactly now when you don't
have any thoughts going on for a few moments because you're in the moment what's disappeared fear belief paranoia all of it's gone self- disrespect confusion it's all gone it's that simple it's too simple for most but that's how simple it is it's simply said it's simply said harder to do harder to do it can be and a lot of people most people can't do it and won't do it they would like to do it most people in the world are striving to be special in the eyes of others because of this thing this e thing
and this ego thing will come up with all kinds of ridiculous and belief systems and stupidity and then they'll put it into a half hour documentary and put it on YouTube and people believe it all of this stuff you see on YouTube you've got to ask yourself where's this person got this information from have they done it or do they just believe it is it a theory that they've had for so long they now forgotten that it was a theory and they starting to believe that it's actually real and then they'll go and do a
YouTube thing about it they'll write a book about it it'll sound good to you so you'll buy the book but it probably written by a psychotic you don't know so this thing 99% of these videos on YouTube telling people how to do things and how to get here and how to get there I'm not saying they're all like this I don't know any of them but I can guarantee 90% of them are just coming from belief systems and theories not experienced I wouldn't talk about death unless I died a million times already I that's why
I interviewed people who have died there we go see what I mean and this is so I'm very reluctant to talk about these things as you know because there are a million PE a billion two five billion people out there striving to put their Ridiculousness into other people's lives through YouTube and um and through many other things as well and through many many many other things the books all of that kind of thing and like I said before this thing is what's coming up with all of that this thing is what's writing those books you
see what I mean so it's like 20th hand information you don't know who the people were that put the information into that kid before the kid grew up and wrote the book my god well let me ask you deal John well let me ask you this though if I mean because there is I think there is value in some of these things like you said 10% oh absolutely there is there's a lot of crap out there no question and in mass media there's a lot of fear and crap and all that other stuff as well
but there are there are there is knowledge that is out there that will ignite you to remember the information that you had forgotten there is that stuff there is that stuff that's what I strive to do with the show is to try to get these little nuggets of information out into the world but I agree with you 90% if not higher is just crap it is it is crap but I I do like the point of view of experiential if you could if you're listening to someone who's gone through it from their experience not secondhand
third hand 20th hand um you know is I think a it's very interesting it's an interesting interesting way of looking at things now going back to the soul can the Soul live multiple lifetimes at the same time haa yes please elaborate oh there is a wonderful Sida story actually it wasn't about sidur it was about one of the monks that revolved around sarur but this monk he um he was dying he was Ill it was time for him to depart very very wrong word it was time for him to leech out of the the vehicle
that he'd been using because it was sick let's put it that way so he went into deep meditation and sat there into the meditation where he could remain conscious through the death process and become a rimple shet a rache is merely someone who has been reincarnated and found their way back and pick up where they left off that's a rimple show basically I went way off track then give me the question again real quick can Souls can a soul have multiple thank you thank you thank you so he died they they can't find him at
all eventually one of the people who have been trained specifically to look for reincarnating Masters and monks had a dream and he dreamt that this master his master who had just died was in America anyway long long story short they all went out and found The Reincarnation of this dead monk Master but it came in three different children his humor went into one child because he had a fantastic sense of humor his compassion went into another child and his creativity went into another child and all of these children came together from completely different parts of
the planet and they knew each other and they tested them as they do in bed I'm pretty sure you understand how they do that with the bowl and the teeth and all the rest of it and they all passed the test one kid picked up the bowl and said oh this is my bowl and I am pretty sure my teeth are in that cabinet over there and they were wooden false teeth um and another one said oh that's my hat and my cape and they were so they all knew that that's my bow that's that
and this other kid knew that that hat was also part of this Monk and so they knew they get tested the Tibetans aren't stupid they know how to test a person and of course they've got their own Oracle which is like you like your mind to be blown you should sit in the same room as the D llamas Oracle that'll blow you out that's amazing what is the Dal Lama's Oracle I've never heard of that oh I know I know what an oracle is and I know who the Daly Lama is I've never heard of
both in the same I don't even know this concept can you explain it please there there are people in Tibet and it's a handed down thing Master to student Master to student usually father to son in the same vein and these people have dedicated since birth dedicated their entire life to being a vessel for spirits to come through and help and speak with Dalai Lama that's what they do that's all they do that's what they designed for and that's what they train for so when the D has to have some information spiritual information that the
ego simply can't approach he will go into the room he will call onto his Oracle they will bring the Oracle in and put all of this regalia on all of this enormous ancient clothing that they wear and armor and then this Oracle start to go into his Trans State and then Spirits start to speak through him and then they have another bunch of people and their only job is to be able to translate these really high squeaks and grunts that comes out of this Oracle and in those translations they give that to the do L
and he gets his answer and then he can go and use it in the world so that's a do Lama's Oracle but is that is that more are they is is the Oracle like a medium or a channel more like a walkie-talkie a medium or a channel both of those are very similar they they're they're conduits if you will to the other side yes yes agree some are yes others maybe not my my only thing with all of this kind of attitude Alex is look guys if you're searching for truth and reality you've got to
approach it with a scientific attitude if someone says oh I can do this and do that you go really have you done it and they you've got to find out if it's a theory you've got to find out where this person's getting their information from otherwise stop going down the slow Road and take the fast Road and I've said this a million times everything that makes up being alive is in your skin bag right now or you would be dead go in there and have a look all the answers are inside you it takes me
less than 2 minutes to take you there if you want to I would love to I was like is he inviting me to do this I would love to you could show us if you could show it to us I would oh my God that would be amazing GM do you want to do it towards the end or do you want to do it like nowish let's do it nowish why not all right I think I've done this before but it doesn't matter the reason I'm doing this is Clarity with people one thing you need
to know before we do this okay and as you know I have people people coming to me saying things like I've been meditating for 10 years GM and I'm just not getting anywhere with it I'm as depressed as I was 10 years ago why doesn't this work and I say how are you meditating and they told me and I say I'm sorry you've been visualizing for 10 years not meditating right and that is what most people teach and it's disgusting once again they don't know what they're doing so if you're quite content in life but
occasionally a thought process comes up that makes you feel a little bit sad and you don't know why that is you will contemplate that's what contemplation is for seeing where the glitch is in your program that will tell you that your brain thinks in picture form if you want to talk to your brain if you want your brain to create a miracle all you have to do is talk to it in its own language which is pictures and it will produce anything you want it to produce including healing cancer if that's what's necessary but you
got to learn its language I've said this to you before if I say to you what color is your house you don't see the words my house is white you see a white house your brain is going it's this color you see it talks so you have to talk back to it in pictures it doesn't know what words mean why because it's a dead thing we've just discussed that so contemplation is to fix the program visualization is to tell your brain what you want it to do meditation is to take you into the the enlightened
mind the spirit to take you out of ego that's what that's for and that's all it's for each one practice has a different objective and outcome people are trying to reach Enlightenment through visualization people trying etc etc using the wrong tool for the wrong thing in saying that here we go okay this is going to take three minutes maybe five let's go five you ready be very comfortable please take a nice easy deep breath and as you let your breath out make sure your eyes are closed nice and easy you take one more breath and
as you let this next breath out let every muscle and every organ in your body just drop and hang this is called an inner smile when you let everything inside you relax your upper diaphragm in your torso and your lower diaphragm starts to sink in the middle and it looks like a smile and that's called the inner smile it's a very very healthy thing to do now that you're in there and you're relaxed the first thing you're going to notice is the Blackness and in that Blackness there's going to be movement like watching a bowl
of black ink but that's okay you've gone in there to be still in yourself not to still the things that you can see so stilling the movement in the Blackness is an absolute ridiculous movement so don't do that somewhere back there in the background in that Darkness Alex is chattering away somewhere there's chatter internal chatter there's voices there's thinking don't worry about about that that's not you either obviously you are something else in there watching that also there may be colors coming and going from the Blackness there might be shapes coming and going in the
Blackness the shapes may be changing colors the colors may be changing colors right in front of you don't try and do anything with that either that's not you why the hell would you try and stop that so what have we got you are sitting there in this wonderful dark beautiful space in the middle of your brain somewhere and all around you there's movement there's chattering there's shapes there's voices there's there's colors there's aches and pains of the body all sorts of things and as we've said to try and stop those is an absolute irrelevant practice
what you will notice though is your f Focus tends to move from the Blackness to the movement from the movement to the shapes from the shapes to the thinking from the thinking to the voices that is what you have to still that is you stilling what you're aware of is irrelevant and inconsequent so what have we got now like being the eye in a storm you have this raging Storm whizzing around you and yet in that eyee there is absolute beautiful Stillness a clear blue sky sun beaming in absolute Stillness no movement of wind or
anything and yet going on around you is enormous amounts of Destruction but you in the middle are untouched and you are held there in the middle by that destruction going on around you nothing can get through there to you but unfortunately you can't get through it and that's a situation but that's not a problem so you're sitting in there absolutely wonderfully still you've got thoughts chattering away in the background and in those chattering thoughts somewhere in the background are all your fears and problems and beliefs and all the stupidity that have made all the things
in your life that were difficult difficult but they're not you do nothing about it you're your job is to sit there and stop your focus from moving from one thing to the other that is a Stillness you're after and when you can do that you can then go about watching Alex go through his day working in the world doing what Alex normally does but you yourself will consistently constantly be in that wonderful beautiful Stillness Untouched by the stupidity of the thoughts that Alex has at certain times but that's irrelevant too you sit there in that
wonderful Stillness and sitting there you can now see and realize that all of your problems are in that thinking back there somewhere now if you can sit there absolutely still for one minute Enlightenment will hit you like a truck and the this is why I said before if you can just count backwards and hold your focus for 30 seconds and then if you can extend that to one minute that's all you have to do train your focus to be in the moment for one minute and you'll start to realize Enlightenment and that's what the practices
are for so I'm going to leave you for 20 seconds and then I'll call you back out of it and we'll get back into the interview but watch notice but don't move okay Alex that's probably about 20 seconds take a deep breath buddy and slowly come back to your room Wonder Bar if you're not doing that you're not meditating right yeah it's exactly it it was it was beautiful it's it's I'm used to doing that with my meditation I just kind of go into a place where I stop and then I go and I'm gone
somewhere and then I come back and there sometimes there's 30 minutes that go by and I'm gone and that's where you actually have you have to stop that as well my friend eventually I was talking to a lady the other day she's been meditating for 30 years and she's still having problems she's not getting the ultimate what she wanted and she explained what she was doing she was doing exactly what I just did with you but then she starts to feel this beautiful sensation of melting and becoming one with the all and of course what's
just happened she shifted her Focus onto that doesn't matter how beautiful it is it can still be a trap there's nothing wrong with any of this if you're not trying to get to the ultimate point of Enlightenment at all it's just what happens and you need to understand that but you cannot move you've got to be still regardless of what's coming at you hold that Stillness for one minute if you're coming and going you're moving if you're focusing on wonderful feelings you just moved these things are grabbing you and moving this is your ego doing
this to you absolute Stillness and then when you can hold that with single movement you have arrived at that state of mind that you were before matter before the Big Bang and then you will experience Oneness with the all the entity of all at that moment guaranteed for all the obvious reasons beautiful it it yeah um it was nice to go there that shall we it was it was nice to go there my friend with you um GM it has been it's always such a pleasure talking to you my friend I know you are a
wealth of information experimental exper experiential uh information that uh we could talk forever we will definitely have to do this again and talk about some other subjects as well my friend do you um a question I have for you because I already asked you the other questions last time but I have a new question for you at the end uh if you could go back to a younger version of yourself what advice would you give them hang in it gets better [Laughter] hold on tight it's going to be one hell of a ride the only
certainty in life is change and if you are as low as you can possibly go the next change has to be upwards doesn't it so hitting absolute Rock Bottom is a good thing because the next movement's going to be upwards so relish the the the bottom because it's you're going to bounce from there and where can people find out more about you and if they want to reach out to you for a session or anything like that J where can they go well as you know um I have a website which is GM I
don't know what it is I I will put it in the show notes I will put it in the show us it'll be in the description of uh the Youtube video don't worry about it thank you very much here we go okay if you want to if you need to you can go there and from there you can make an appointment and I counsel people online I teach people online I consult people and companies online and I will ask sorry I will answer any question anyone has about any part of their life if
I can so you have access to me that way and of course I have a YouTube channel which I also don't know the name of grandm in the show thank you very much one thing may I ask a favor please Alex while we're still online sure of course I have an absolutely wonderful healing visualization most people would call it a meditation but it is not it's an exercise that heals everything I've seen it heal everything from tropical ulcers to brain tumors and it takes I can tell you how to do it in five minutes flat
would you like to do that sure honestly if you've only got the time or we can do it yeah oh we have the time absolutely I've got a couple ofit this couple a couple of aches and pains I would love to get rid of okay first thing you need to do is get yourself several grams of hash I'm joking here we go so you start off with you start off with uh crack cocaine and and then you work your way up yeah and then you work your way up to math and heroin no go you
experience death exactly no no no no see you're saying now as you we've just uh done the exercise that takes you toward towards Enlightenment realizing Enlightenment this one I'm about to do is an all over healing process and like I said it'll heal everything and anything from tropical ERS to brain tumors in saying that go to a doctor and all of that stuff okay I'm I'm not saying do this and you'll never have to see a doctor again don't take this I don't know how to say it you know how to say it Alex this
is this is uh please see you are not a physician you are not a doctor uh please please continue if if you are not feeling well please see a physician or a doctor uh you are not licensed to do so this is for uh entertainment purposes only if you would like to try it be my guest than thank you that was lovely my goodness here we go please close your eyes for me take a nice easy deep breath and relax everything wonderful now imagine a ball of Manuka Honey sitting on top of your head beautiful
glistening golden Healing Honey the size of a baseball just sitting on your head and now imagine that the heat from your body is melting that honey and that honey is starting to seep into your skin very warm very healing amazing fantastic glistening honey and allow it to sink through your skin and start to melt its way down through the skin through the bone saturating the bone of your skull through the brain and allow that honey to just melt its way through your entire head through the skin skin and the bone and everything within past your
eyes down past your nose and imagine this with your whole brain your whole mind and focus and as it melts down past your tongue and your throat and your neck you should be able to taste the honey and allow that honey now to spread across your shoulders and melt its way down through your arms your biceps and triceps and bones and as that that honey that Manuka Honey is melting and cleaning and healing doing all the wonderful things that it does as it Wes Works its way down through your arms and your forearms and your
hands towards your fingers you could almost feel any toxins or negativity or anything that you don't want in there is being pushed out of the end of your fingers by by this gorgeous wonderful warm honey now get back to the Torso and allow that honey to trickle down through the skin of your back and through your spine and through your internal organs your heart your lungs your chest with all your mind feel this honey and allow that to work its way down through your abdominals your stomach all the way down in into your pelvic area
into the bone into your genitals and your buttocks and everything and down into your legs through the bones of your legs through the meat through the muscles and when you get to the knees allow the honey to just circulate for a few moments around the knee area and just feel it just developing and fixing and cleaning and healing and let that go down now into your shins and your calf muscles and down past your ankles and as it starts to move into your feet you may feel a little pressure in your toes as it's pressing
and pushing anything in there that you don't want out of your toes and by the time that honey reaches the ends the tips of your toes the last drop of honey on your head should sink into your skull and you are totally absolutely saturated cleansed cleaned healed fixed by this gorgeous wonderful honey and this is how you use thought to create Miracles I have seen this heal tropical ulcers I've seen this heal everything eczema cancer but you have to do this for more than 5 minutes you should take half an hour 20 minutes to half
an hour to do this with your whole mind and do it as many times a day as you like and we're done very very cool my friend very very cool try it it is a good visual it's a visualization in many ways obviously it's a visualization you are talking to your brain you are telling your brain that you want your entire body to be cleansed healed and fixed please and this is what we're going to use as a focus now of course in the background there's all sorts of data that you have in regards to
the healing properties of honey and how important it is and that's all you need to know for it to do its job in India you would use ghee not honey right um GM do you have any final words for our audience I love everybody life is fantastic don't get caught up in everyone else's negative stupidity live life to the fullest whatever you are life is made you like that do it your follow your bliss I appreciate you and uh the amazing work you're doing in the world my friend thank you again for being on the
show until next time absolute pleasure Alex you take care my friend and thanks for watching click on one of the videos below to continue your journey and don't forget to subscribe
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