producing wire uses a process similar to producing threads where the first step always includes a single steel wire for a sure success of this process each wire is examined if they have the right properties like strength likeability and durability for highquality wire rope production using a Reel Steel wires are winded in it while spools are being loaded into a stranding machine machine this machine is assigned to twist the steel cables together until the desired strand or length is made as it travels through dieses and rollers the stand formation is also modified The Continuous twisting of
many strands together creates the end product which is the wire rope [Music] to ensure accuracy the diameter of the ropes are checked from time to time this is done to know if the strands are sufficiently compressed after all that they will run an endurance test to test the wire rope's properties then once this is done the finished rope will be kept on a bigger reel and delivered to the client if you want to see a 40,000 kiloton hydraulic swaging a 6in diameter wire rope stick around for the Sam spice gmbh for this to function properly
a feral needs to be placed between the machine's hydraulic Jaws then the wire rope is formed into an eye Loop by bending it this will now be threaded through the ferals one end to the other after threading it the wire rope Loop is pulled while making sure that an aluminum piece is placed inside finally operators no longer need to manually Pull the Rope thanks to its rigging arm and the feral is tightened so the hydraulic press can also tighten the wire rope together [Music] [Music] powered by a 125 horsepower John Deere or cat turbo diesel
engine the cord King CS 27-40 is a machine that has the production rate of 8 to9 full cords per hour this is possible because of its 60-in caride too slasher saw and cut and split cycle time every 3 and 1/2 seconds it also has a splitter force of 42 tons and an operator safety cage with roof and Deluxe seat aside from that its maximum log diameter is at 27 in while the maximum log length is 40 in all while consuming just 3 Gall per hour of fuel pruning is a Horticultural a bicultural and civil cultural
practice involving the selective removal of certain parts of a plant such as branches buds or Roots this process is important so that dead and dying branches are removed making way for New Growth and at the same time prevents Pest and animal infest hence improving the natural shape and healthy growth of plants to help with your pruning needs we have the wood King Classic pruning saw even with this machine has an estimate weight of 210 kg its operating speed is still at an impressive level of about 8 kg an hour this is also very helpful in
pruning Big Trees since it has a cutting width of 2100 mm and saw blades with 60 wi tipped teeth on top of that its boom can extend up to 1200 mm to the side complet compl with a hydraulic drive with three special carbide tip saw blades [Music] [Music] next up we have the asphalt cutter from the RF system AB it has cutting wheels that drive diameters from 300 to 450 mm these diameters are adjustable depending on your needs and the type of excavator it will be working with their company also offers services on asphalt cting
specially intended to work with ground compactors therefore simplifying asphalt cutting significantly moreover some of its accessories are the asphalt cutter cutting wheel Complete Cutting wheel with Hub rods and bolts with spare parts the next machine is Tiger cat's 632 H skitter with higher capacity grapples and the strongest rear axle for extreme Duty Cycles and highest volume demands it weighs 48,2 lb 23 ft Square High and is powered by a 285 horsepower engine it also has a feature named turnaround 220 which enables the operator to lock and release the 220° rotating seat to any position in
just a touch of a button aside from that it also has a four-point harness that makes challenging terrains feel a lot Tamer this machine also has an electronic control technology that works with tiger cat's unique hydrostatic drive system this makes the skitter capable of operating at an automatic variable engine RPM hence improving fuel economy also known as the world's largest ppan scraper the ktech 12638 is undoubtedly one of the most impressive machines in the market this Mega scraper was designed to move millions and with st and Long Haul massive Earth moving projects this scraper has
an ultra high capacity bolt together design that enables simpler maintenance and affordable International container shipping aside from that the standard roller push block on the back of the scraper is smoothly matched for push support loading for Swift cycle times of the 63 cubic yard 48.1 cubic met Heap capacity scraper n [Music] taking things to a higher level let us now go to the fam Sr 800 P9 from codell Co chili this is a rotary shovel that moves at a speed of 15 m per minute as if that's not enough to increase the total productivity it
also has a bucket that can reach up to 25 M high and is also 52 M long in addition this Innovation also has a removal disc with a diameter of 19 M adding all these features up this machine is capable of reaching a maximum capacity of 14,500 tons of rubble per hour this is impressively 4,000 tons more than what its predecessor can handle hence making it worth every penny [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to fit for the modern generation we're now experiencing we have to introduce you to the new generation Wagner four-wheel drive log stackers also
known as the Wagner four-wheel drive log stackers a machine ideal for operation in unimproved and muddy yard conditions the four-wheel drive models range from 60,000 to 160,000 lb of lift capacity have a rear oscillating axle and a minimal center of gravity shift this makes it possible for the units to remain directly behind the load providing excellent stability with no loss of capacity in a turn like big wheel loaders selected four-wheel drive models also give the operators freedom to disengage the rear axle when seasonal ground conditions improve thereby reducing axle wear and improving fuel economy aside
from that it also has other interesting and amazing features such as faster hoist speeds ground level service Bay lighted stairways Force cooled wet dis brakes easy access cooler Bays selectable automatic transmission and this line of machines is also powered by a tier 4 final engine to ensure the successful completion of tasks [Music] [Music] when it comes to processing steel autoc claer is one of the trusted go-to companies their company uses an Innovative machine Fleet designed to perform tasks such as unique cutting cold forming and fine plasma Tech techniques if the steel needs to be processed
to transform it into either fine medium coarse and lining plates whether it is done in normal in Rust heat and acid proof versions you can count on them this company also does not mind the size of the steel because they are equipped to process even the large steel profiles especially in the forming technology using press brakes as well as bending steel products in non-standard sizes but how do they do this the the autoc cluster gmbh is a cast drop Rocko that makes use of forming technology this is a process where the steel can be folded
or bent their machines apply great force so that the sheet metal produced can be processed into specific shapes it can even work with customization or bending of Steel products outside of the standard or usual size thanks to all their modern machinery and Engineering they were able to make edge profiles from sheet metal of up to 20,000 mm in length and up to 200 mm in thickness this end product is an essential material in construction of buildings Bridges and other engineering structures ever since the 1950s the sylvenstein dam in Bavaria Germany has already been used since
a lot of time has already passed the dam has already had some damages and is already starting to wear out although this is normal considering the number of years this Dam has been in service these damages should never be ignored since it causes many other problems as a solution the bow power special aavu gmbh which is a german-based company that provides Foundation Engineering and Construction Services was commission to carry out the rehabilitation of this Dam the company is already experienced when it comes to similar projects and this time they will be working with strengthening of
the foundation upgrading of the spillway and installation of new gates Bower employed a process known as jet grouding to strengthen the foundation in order to generate Columns of increased soil strength this included pumping cement grout into the soil the column supported the dam and guarded against Distortion the construction of new reinforced concrete slab in place of the old concrete slabs was part of the spillway renovation to enhance the capacity of the dam to regulate flooding bow also installed additional Gates and related equipment to secure the security of both employees and the general public during the
project Bower implemented strict safety measures 2019 saw the Project's success uccessful completion and the restored dam is now capable of withstanding any natural calamities like floods and earthquakes while maintaining a steady supply of water to nearby towns a Belgian business called Jan denol group is focused on building and maintaining Maritime infrastructure including dredging offshore energy projects and civil engineering tasks the construction of the heric bridge in Germany was one of the tasks taken on by Jan denel group Germany's IC Bridge spans the river sail and is a cable stay structure it was constructed to take
the place of an outdated bridge that could not keep up with the growing traffic volume the Bridge's main span which spans 210 m in length and weighs roughly 1,000 tons was built by Jano group a barge mounted crane was used during the main span's construction and it was lifted into position between the Bridge's two abutments the bridge is pylon which Rises to a height of 80 5 m and supports the cables that support the main span was also built by janol group in addition to the main span preast concrete segments were used to build the
pylon and they were put together on site using a special lifting method created by Jan denl group to protect both workers and the general public janol group implemented strict safety precautions throughout the construction process just in 2013 the project was concluded the heric bridge is now one of the most essential Transportation link for the region that ensures motorists and pedestrians have an access to safe and efficient Crossing janol also took other projects just like the deepening of the tarot port in Ghana let's walk you through some parts of that in Ghana one of their ways
to trade to and from West Africa is through the Takara Port this is why it's also considered as one of the main commercial ports in Ghana the people in charge of the port wanted to increase the competitiveness of the port and one of the solutions they thought of was to do do the deepening project once done successfully the port is expected to be more capable of handling larger vessels the task of the jandl group was to remove around 2.5 million cubic M of sediment from the seabed if you really think about it this is quite
a lot so the company used their trailing suction Hopper dredgers to remove the sediment and dispose of it as designated locations offshore janol was also tasked to build an access channel to the port it was also part of the plan to to expand the Turning Basin so that larger vessels can be accommodated to ensure safe passage for ships entering and leaving the port the business also erected new navigational AIDS and carried out detailed surveys to protect both workers and the general public janol group implemented strict safety precautions throughout the project 2019 saw the Project's successful
completion and the deepened tacka port now acts as a crucial entry point for trade into and out of West Africa fostering economic development in the area the UK based Keller group is an expert in Geo Technical Solutions such as Ground Engineering foundations and drilling Services large diameter shaft drilling is one of the services offered by Keller group building vertical or inclined shafts with diameters between 2 and 8 m is required for large diameter shaft drilling mining civil engineering and infrastructure projects are just a few of the main uses for the shafts for drilling big diameter
shafts Color Group employs a range of drilling methods including rais boring rotary Drilling and conventional drilling the approach selected will rely on a number of variables including the geological conditions the shaft's depth and the size of the required Bor hole the adaptability of big diameter shaft drilling is one of its main benefits depending on the needs of the project either vertical or inclined shafts can be built using this technology with this method deep holes up to several hundred me deep can also be built which is advantageous for Mining and underground infrastructure projects to protect both
workers and the general public Keller group takes extreme safety precautions while drilling a lot of testing and monitoring is also done by the company to make sure that the shafts are stable and intact in addition to large diameter shaft drilling Keller group also provides its clients with a wide range of additional services such as gring soil stabilization and ground enhancement finally we have the manufacturing process of Atlas pipe piles using electric resistance welding Atlas is able to weld straight seamed pipe piles they make use of the process where two coppers are put into contact with
each other so the electrical current can be passed this electrical current will move through the strip edges of the coil then this will cause the heat to build up on the Strip let's continue watching this clip to learn some more you've seen the seven mind-blowing engineering projects and processes with incredible machines if you want to learn more about Mighty Machines and how they work we also have a separate video on Big Time projects how Mega ships and structures are constructed go ahead and be ready to be amazed that ends our video for today we hope
you've learned a thing or two if you did please like this video and leave a comment in the comment section below we'd love to hear your thoughts suggestions and reactions and if you want similar videos do not forget to subscribe to us and click the notification Bell so you can get notified whenever we post new videos until next time bye