How to Use GOD Gifted Power To Manifest YOUR DESIRED Life - DR. ERNEST HOLMES (no bs guide)

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Philosophical Essence
Unlock the hidden potential within you with the teachings of Dr. Ernest Holmes. Discover how to acti...
Video Transcript:
imagine starting every day feeling Unstoppable with the knowledge that you hold the key to creating the life you've always dreamed of sounds too good to be true it's not the power to manifest your desires is already inside you as simple and effortless as flipping a switch Dr Ernest hope believe this divine power is always accessible waiting for you to activate it so many of us walk around feeling stuck not realizing we're carrying a secret superpower Dr Ernest Holmes taught that each of us has a divine power within just waiting to be used it's like electricity
running through your home always there but needing you to flip the switch flipping that inner switch is just the beginning there's another Universal Force that's been right under your nose this whole time it's so familiar you probably take it for granted but what if I told you this everyday power could be the key to effortlessly manifesting the life of your dreams think about the last time you dropped something did you worry that it might float away instead of falling to the ground of course not you instinctively know that gravity will do its job every single
time now imagine if you could approach your goals and dreams with that same unwavering confidence you might be thinking okay but how do I actually do this well it's simpler than you might think remember you're already using this power unconsciously every day the key is to start using it consciously it's like learning to walk at first it took all your concentration and effort but now you do it without even thinking using your inner divine power can become just as natural it's about shifting your mindset aligning your thoughts with this Universal energy and trusting in the
process Dr Holmes taught that we're all connected to this Divine intelligence like waves in an ocean we're not separate from this power we're part of it he said every man becomes a unique manifestation of the whole a microcosm within the macrocosm rooted in the infinite he personifies it in other words you're not just a drop in the ocean you are the ocean in a drop now I know what you might be thinking this sounds great but how does it actually help me in my everyday life well let me ask you this have you ever faced
a challenge maybe Financial struggles or relationship problems and felt completely stuck what if you could approach these situations with the same certainty you have about gravity just like gravity is always there supporting you without fail this inner power is always available to guide you towards Solutions it's about tapping into that Infinite Wisdom that's already within you and the best part you don't have to earn it or prove yourself worthy it's your Birthright always accessible always ready to support you let me share a quick story that illustrates this principle a friend of mine was struggling financially
for years no matter how hard she worked or how many budgets she made she always felt like she was swimming against the current then she learned about this concept of inner power she started to shift her Focus from her financial problems to the abundance that was always available to her she began to trust in this inner Force just as she trusted gravity to keep her feet on the ground within months opportunities started appearing out of nowhere a promotion of work a chance to start a side business even an unexpected inheritance it wasn't that she suddenly
became lucky she had simply aligned herself with the flow of abundance that was always there waiting for her to tap into it now you might be wondering how can I start using this power in my own life well it's simpler than you might think remember you're already using it unconsciously just like you use gravity without thinking about it the the key is to start using it consciously start by paying attention to your thoughts and beliefs are you constantly worrying about lack and scarcity that's like expecting things to fall up instead of down instead try to
align your thoughts with abundance and possibility trust that this inner power is always working for you just like you trust gravity to keep your feet on the ground practice gratitude for what you already have this isn't just feel-good advice it's a practical way to tune into the abundance that's already present in your life the more you notice and appreciate the good things around you the more you'll attract and here's a powerful truth to remember just like gravity your inner power is always on it doesn't need to be earned or activated it's a constant force in
your life the only question is whether you're working with it or against it you've heard about the power within you but did you know there's a way to switch it on instantly what if I told you that you could activate your Divine potential as easily as you turn on your bedroom light this isn't just a metaphor it's a practical technique that could transform your life Dr Ernest Holmes believed that accessing our inner power is as simple as flipping a switch but it requires conscious action on our part think about the last time you confidently flipped
a light switch knowing the room would illuminate you didn't doubt for a second that the light would come on did you that's the kind of certainty Holmes wants us to have about our own divine power he taught that we're all connected to what he called one mind a vast Universal Consciousness that we're all a part of like waves in an ocean now you might be wondering if we're all connected to this divine power why don't I feel it all the time well it's a bit like having a lamp that's always plugged in but not switched
on the power is there ready and waiting but it needs you to take that final step of flipping the switch here's where it gets really exciting home suggests that we can literally visualize flipping a switch in our minds to activate this power it's a simple yet powerful exercise that you can do anytime anywhere want to try it right now now close your eyes for a moment picture a light switch in your mind now as you flip that switch on say to yourself I am now activating my divine power Feel The Surge of energy and potential
flowing through you you might be thinking is it really that simple yes and no the act itself is simple but it requires practice and belief to truly harness its power remember you're not creating this power you're tapping into something that's always been there just like electricity in your home Holmes emphasizes that it is not God's mind that needs to be changed but ours this means that the power is always on always available we just need to align our thoughts and beliefs with it it's about shifting our perspective to see ourselves not as separate from this
divine power but as unique expressions of it think of it this way you are a unique unique wave in the vast ocean of divine Consciousness you're not separate from the ocean you're made of the same stuff your thoughts your actions your very being is an expression of this Universal Power when you flip that mental switch you're acknowledging and activating this connection now you might be wondering how this applies to your everyday life well let's say you're facing a challenge at work before you dive into problem solving mode take a moment to flip that mental switch
remind yourself that you're connected to an infinite source of wisdom and creativity you might be surprised at the solutions that come to you when you approach the problem from this perspective or maybe you're working on a personal goal like improving your health or relationships each time you make a choice related to that goal visualize flipping the switch you're not just making a decision you're aligning yourself with the divine power that's always supporting you Holmes believed that every man becomes a unique manifestation of the whole this means that by recognizing and activating your connection to the
Divine you're not just improving your life you're fulfilling your unique purpose in the world you're letting your individual light shine as part of the greater Cosmic illumination so youve flipped the switch and connected to your divine power but what if that light could shine even brighter imagine if changing your entire life was as simple as changing a single thought it sounds too good to be true but Dr Holmes believed this was not only possible but essential what if the key to unlocking your full potential is already in your hands let's talk about rewiring your mental
circuits Dr Holmes said if we do not like our outer circumstances can conditions or our personality the place to begin to change is Right within our own mind this isn't just positive thinking it's about fundamentally shifting how you perceive and interact with the world around you think about it how often do you catch yourself dwelling on problems instead of solutions it's a common habit but it's like trying to drive a car while constantly looking in the rear view mirror you're not going to get very far Holmes taught that the way we think is the way
we Act and the way we Act is what happens so if you want different results in your life you need to start with different thoughts but how do you actually do this it's not about forcing yourself to be positive all the time instead it's about consciously choosing where to focus your attention when you're faced with a challenge try asking yourself what's the opportunity here or what can I learn from this this simple shift can open up new possibilities you might never have considered before another powerful tool is daily spiritual practice Holmes emphasized that for every
science there must be a technique or a way of proving its truth this could be meditation prayer journaling or any activity that helps you connect with your inner wisdom the key is consistency just like you wouldn't expect to get by going to the gym once a month you can't expect to transform your mind without regular practice affirmations are another powerful way to rewire your thinking Holmes suggested saying things like I know there is a power for good which is responding to me and bringing into my experience everything that is necessary to my unfoldment it might
feel a bit strange at first but remember you're not trying to convince yourself of something that isn't true you're reminding yourself of the divine power that's always been within you now you might be thinking this all sounds great but how does it work in real life let's say you're dealing with a difficult coworker instead of focusing on how annoying they are try affirming I am open to understanding this person better you might be surprised at how this shift in perspective can lead to a more harmonious relationship or maybe you're working on improving your finances rather
than stressing about bills try visualizing yourself as already abundant feel the relief and joy of Financial Security this isn't about denying reality it's about aligning your thoughts with the abundance that's already available to you through your connection to divine power remember this is a process Holmes said nature will not let us stay in any one place too long you might have setbacks or moments of doubt that's okay the important thing is to keep trusting the process and returning to these practices you've been practicing these techniques but something still feels off could it be that you're
overlooking the most powerful tool at your disposal it's not found in any book or taught in any seminar it's been with you all along quietly Whispering the answers you've been searching for that's right we're talking about your intuition that gut feeling that often turns out to be right what if you could tap into that wisdom on demand Dr Ernest Holmes believed that our intuition is a direct line to Divine wisdom it's like having a personal hotline to the universe always ready to offer guidance and insights but here's the thing most of us are so caught
up in the noise of our daily lives that we've forgotten how to listen think about it when was the last time you really tuned in to your inner voice if you're like most people you might be thinking I don't have time for that but what if taking a few moments each day to listen could save you hours of struggle and uncertainty Holmes taught that the real creative power of the mind is deeper than the intellect it's not about thinking harder it's about feeling deeper it's about tapping into that place of knowing that goes beyond logic
and reason you know that feeling when you just know something is right even if you can't explain why that's your intuition at work so how do we strengthen this connection to our inner wisdom it's simpler than you might think start by setting aside a few minutes each day for quiet reflection this isn't about meditation or clearing your mind it's about creating space to listen you might be surprised at what comes up when you give yourself permission to be still another powerful tool is gratitude Holmes believed that recognizing and appreciating the good in our lives enhances
our connection to Divine wisdom it's like tuning your radio to the frequency of abundance and positivity when you focus on what's going right you become more attuned to the guidance that's always available to you try this at the end of each day write down three things you're grateful for they don't have to be big things maybe you're grateful for the warm sun on your face or the smile from a stranger as you do this consistently you might notice that you become more aware of the little nudges and insights throughout your day but here's where it
gets really interesting Holmes said the Mind should swing from inspiration to action it's not enough to just receive intuitive insights we need to act on them this is where trust comes in when you get a gut feeling about something don't dismiss it take a moment to consider it and if it feels right take action you might be thinking but what if I'm wrong here's the thing your intuition is like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it gets and even if things don't turn out exactly as you expected there's always a lesson to
be learned remember the universe is always working in your favor even when it doesn't seem like it imagine approaching your life with the confidence that you have access to Infinite Wisdom at all times how would that change the way you make decisions how would it affect your relationships your career your personal growth Holmes believed that challenges reveal our current Consciousness and urge us to go within to call forth Greater Love strength and awareness so the next time you're faced with a difficult situation instead of getting caught up in worry and stress try this take a
deep breath close your eyes and ask yourself what does my inner wisdom have to say about this you might be surprised at the clarity that comes by tuning into your inner wisdom you're opening direct channels to Divine guidance what messages might you be receiving right now pay attention to those subtle nudges those quiet Whispers of intuition they're not r random thoughts their signposts guiding you towards your highest good you've been listening to your intuition but have you been speaking back there's a powerful tool that lets you communicate directly with the Divine mind it's something you've
been doing your whole life without realizing its true potential are you ready to unlock it visualization isn't just daydreaming or wishful thinking Dr Ernest Holmes taught that it's a practical powerful way to to communicate your desires to the Divine mind think of it as sending a clear Vivid message to the universe about what you want to create in your life but here's the thing it's not enough to just think about what you want Holmes emphasize that this isn't a passive process it requires active engagement just like any other skill you want to master you wouldn't
expect to become a great pianist by just thinking about playing would you the same principle applies here so how do we put this into practice let's try a simple visualization exercise right now close your eyes for a moment think about something you really want to manifest in your life maybe it's a new job uh loving relationship or improved Health now don't just think about it see it feel it hear it what does it look like when you've achieved this goal how does it feel what sounds are associated with it the more senses you engage the
more real it becomes to your mind and remember your mind doesn't distinguish between what's real and what's vividly imagined that's why athletes use visualization to improve their performance their brains respond as if they're actually doing the activity now you might be thinking this sounds great but how often should I do this Holmes suggest guests making this a regular practice just like you wouldn't expect to get fit by going to the gym once a month you can't expect to manifest your desires by visualizing occasionally set aside time each day for this practice it doesn't have to
be long even a few minutes can make a difference but here's where many people go wrong they visualize once or twice and then give up when they don't see immediate results remember you're planting seeds in the fertile soil of the Divine mind seeds take time to grow trust the process keep nurturing those seeds with your consistent practice and be open to how they might manifest you see Holmes believed that everyone has access to this divine power it's not something reserved for a Chosen Few it's your Birthright in fact he said that God is more ready
to give than we are to receive isn't that a powerful thought the universe is just waiting for you to tap into its abundance think of it this way you're not creating something out of nothing you're aligning yourself with the infinite possibilities that already exist you're tuning into the frequency of your desires and allowing them to manifest in your life now let's talk about emotion when you're visualizing it's crucial to feel the emotions associated with achieving your desire if if you're visualizing Financial abundance feel the relief and joy of being debt-free if it's a loving relationship
you're after feel the warmth and happiness of being with your ideal partner these emotions are the fuel that powers your manifestations remember this isn't about forcing outcomes or manipulating the universe it's about aligning yourself with the natural flow of divine energy you're not creating the power you're tapping into what's all already there just like using the laws of nature so what desire are you ready to plant in the fertile soil of divine mind what seed will you nurture with your consistent visualization practice remember every great achievement started as a single thought a vivid image in
someone's mind you have that same power within you have you ever wondered why some people seem to thrive in the face of adversity While others crumble what if I told you that your perspective on challenges could be the key to unlocking a life of abundance and growth nnest Holmes believed that every problem we face is actually a doorway to Greater wisdom and power if we know how to use it think about the last time you faced a major challenge did you feel overwhelmed stressed maybe even a little hopeless we've all been there but what if
I told you that those feelings were actually blocking you from accessing your greatest power Holmes taught that our challenges aren't random obstacles thrown in our path they're actually invitations invitations to grow to learn and to tap into the infinite wisdom that's always within us it's like the universe is giving us a pop quiz not to test us but to teach us let's talk about money for a moment Financial struggles can feel suffocating right but homes with say that these challenges are actually revealing our current Consciousness about abundance instead of seeing a lack of money as
a dead end what if you saw it as a call to tap into your creative power maybe it's time to brainstorm new income streams or to look at your skills in a different light remember Holmes said we actually create the conditions in our life by the way we think about life so instead of thinking I never have enough money try shifting to I'm open to new opportunities for abundance now let's tackle relationships we've all had our share of heartaches and misunderstandings but what if these challenges were actually opportunities to practice unconditional love and understanding Holmes
believed that every interaction is a chance to express more of our divine nature next time you're in a disagreement with someone try this instead of focusing on what they're doing wrong ask yourself how can I bring more love into this situation you might be surprised at how this simple shift can transform even the most difficult relationships health issues can be some of the toughest challenges we face but even here Holmes saw an opportunity for growth while it's important to seek medical advice he emphasized complimenting it with a deep trust in the Life Force flowing through
us try visualizing your body as a perfect expression of Divine Health feel the energy of Life pulsing through every cell this isn't about denying reality it's about aligning yourself with the healing power that's always present within you now you might be thinking this all sounds great but how do I actually do this when I'm in the middle of a crisis great question Holmes emphasized the importance of daily spiritual practices to prepare us for life's challenges start by setting aside a few minutes each day for quiet reflection this isn't about forcing positive thoughts it's about creating
space to connect with your inner wisdom you might be surprised at the insights that come when you give yourself this time remember holes said what the world needs is spiritual conviction followed by spiritual experience so don't just think about these ideas put them into practice the next time you face a challenge big or small try asking yourself what's the opportunity here what is this situation inviting me to learn or become you see every challenge is like a workout for your spiritual muscles just like you wouldn't expect to get physically fit without some sweat you can't
expect to grow spiritually without facing some resistance but with each challenge you overcome you become stronger wiser and more connected to your divine power we've covered a lot of ground but here's the big takeaway you've got divine power within you right now it's not something you need to earn or find it's your Birthright all you need to do is remember it and use it start small apply these principles to your daily life shift your mindset listen to your intuition practice gratitude visualize your desires and reframe challenges as opportunities as Dr homes said what the world
needs is spiritual conviction followed by spiritual experience remember you're not separate from this power you're a unique expression of it like a wave in the ocean every time you tap into this power you're not just changing your life you're fulfilling Your Divine Purpose so how will you shine your light today the power is in your hands or rather in your mind use it wisely use it often and watch your world transform
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