5 Surprising Ways To Speed Up Fat Loss & Repair The Body Everyday | Dr. William Li

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Dr. William Li
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Video Transcript:
today I'm going to be talking about five great ways to speed up losing body fat and repairing your body every single day because a lot of us actually want to accomplish both of those things burn fat faster heal faster uh and so you want to know about some of these surprising strategies so I'm going to give you five science-based ways to speed this whole process up that's burn fat heal faster all with simple daily habits that you can actually do at home all right and of course I'm going to tell you about the foods that are going to actually do that and you might be surprised by some of them so grab a notebook if this is something you want to do I'm going to give you information that's going to be packed with helpful tips all right are you ready for the first food that can help you burn fat in accelerate healing first food is avocado now this is actually a delicious food that gets a bad wrap for being high in fat but in fact it's actually just the opposite there are healthy fats in avocado these are called monounsaturated fatty acids uh they've got the right kind of fat this is the exactly the kind of fat that you want because mufas mono unsaturated fatty acids help you lower your body's bad cholesterol all right in the bloodstream this has been shown by clinical studies and not long does it lower the bad cholesterol mufas and avocado raise the good cholesterol the HDL cholesterol that you actually want down with the bad up with the good that's what the fat healthy fats and in avocados actually help you do and by the way this is why avocados is good for heart health because you have less bad LDL uh that can deposit cholesterol in the walls of your blood vessels to cause narrowing less of that and you've got good HDL that can actually help get rid of the bad cholesterol extra cholesterol in your body which then lowers your risk of developing plaques in your arteries but there's something more all right the in a avocado mufas the monounsaturated fatty acids that are good for your cholesterol your blood cholesterol they actually are combined with healthy dietary fiber and avocado is is packed with dietary fiber it's a great way to actually improve um your gut microbiome but this uh healthy dietary fat also helps to lower uh your blood lipids as well about 7 gram of fiber in an average avocado all right not not only actually helps you lower cholesterol but it also feeds your gut microbiome uh makes you actually gut microbiome uh happier healthier and then they can actually lower inflammation in your body as well right so that's healing by lowering inflammation uh you want to actually burn down fat you want to make sure it doesn't build up so manage your lipid levels all right and it's got the right kind of fat versus the wrong kind of fat and it flips your cholesterol level so you've got less LDL harmful bad cholesterol more good cholesterol as well all right so overall your metabolism is going to be more efficient an efficient of metabolism means that you're going to be better able to actually you uh burn down harmful body fat while you're actually accelerating healing as well okay lowering inflammation will help speed up healing all right okay so turns out that a good microbiome by the way by being fed with the dietary fiber and this is research I've done can also speed up healing in your body we did an experiment with a colleague at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where we actually um were studying wound healing and what we found is that if you actually got good healthy gut microbiome and we were actually using probiotics at the time compared to animals that didn't have as good gut health you could actually double the rate of healing as well so the fiber in um avocados which helps the gut microbiome can actually support accelerated wound healing as well all right that's From the Inside Out by the way um then one additional thing about um the fiber and avocados guess what it helps you feel Fuller when you eat an avocado so at the next meal you're less likely to overeat all right I'll help you make feel Fuller for the meal you're eating the avoc avocado on as well but it's got this long tail to the feeling of satiety or fullness so you're less likely to overeat the next time by the way what does that do that helps you avoid that mistake that a lot of people make even if they're intermittent fasting and exercising is just overeating so by cutting down your calories you're also going to be able to lose fat faster so avocado all right little thing that is so easy to incorporate into breakfast lunch or dinner that actually helps you lose fat faster and also heal at the same time all right okay I hope by the way that that little tip of information just gave you helps you bust this myth that you shouldn't eat avocados because they're filled with harmful uh fat it's filled with good fat good fiber great by the way bioactives there's something called avocatin be in avocados it's a bioactive natural chemical that actually helps your body activate its own fat burning mechanisms as well all right uh how do I use avocados um well one thing that you can do is if you like uh bread and you don't want to use butter you can actually spread some avocado on it because it's kind of creamy and you got this like nice rich creamy like buttery kind of tasting uh topping onto your bread if you want to really uh make this healthy have sour dough bread as well all right that's a good choice of bread so an avocado um shmear on top of sourdough bread that's actually a healthy combination sprinkle a little bit of sea salt on it if you want it to be a little bit tastier and you like to zing and you want to Zing up your metabolism throw some chili flakes or tiny little ground up chilies on it all right uh squeeze a little bit of lemon lots of different ways to take basic avocado toast avocados on sourdough a little bit of salt a little bit of chili a little bit of squeeze of lemon can really make it pop all right that's the key thing you can actually make food feel indulgent while you're activating your health as well all right and what I was telling you by the way this is actually how to avoid butter on toast is it but to actually really dress it up and make it healthier at the same time this will actually help you um uh burn down um body fat helps your metabolism get better helps you avoid developing loading on extra body fat uh and it also helps that your lipids actually get better as well the uh improved metabolism healthier gut have to heal faster as well all right okay I give you another practical tip uh when you're buying avocados how do you get them how do you choose the right one right go to the grocery store there a big pile of avocados here's the right way that you choose an avocado so pick one um you want to know if it's basically ripening all right you don't want to get one that's like not anywhere close to ripening all right uh pick one that's got the flesh it's got kind of this hard dark purpley shell squeeze it a little bit it should have a slight give all right um when they have a slight give they're getting close to being eaten all right um they can't be too hard so you got to have a little bit of of of squeeze squeez to it all right and if it's a unripe avocado you want to take them home want to speed up the ripening process stick that avocado in a brown paper bag and stick a banana or something like that into it a banana for example is going to emit a gas as its own rip as as it ripens by itself it's called ethylene it's a natural gas that comes out of a banana that will speed up the ripening of the avocado as well and as soon as you can feel that give it's getting ready to be eaten so so you know make sure it's got a little bit more give and peel it and eat it all right you want to be able to spread it the way I just told you earlier okay ready for food number two food number two to help you fight harmful body fat and heal at the same time is wait for it dark chocolate all right dark chocolate is a food that does not suck all right most people love dark chocolate chocolate but I can explain this one all right chocolate as a concept is is a confection it's a candy It's Made in a factory I guess you can home make it yourself all right but it's often made this candy is always made with a lot of added sugar a lot of additives a lot of emulsifiers go ahead and take one of those candy bars that you would get at Halloween and take a look at the ingredient label it's got all kinds of stuff that you really don't want to have in your body but this is where dark chocolate comes in it's still a confection but a lot of times dark chocolate's actually made with less stuff in it and more less bad stuff more good stuff still got to check the ingredient label so make sure you're comfortable with what's in it but dark chocolate has a lot of cacao that's what makes dark chocolate dark the darker it is the more cacao there is and Cacao is a plant-based substance right so 70 or 80% cows what I look for when I look at chocolate all right um and you can always find out what percent there's there is that should be somewhere on the packaging if you're looking for dark chocolate 80% is kind of what I go for myself now that's a serious amount of cacao all right right uh and it can be a little bit bitter but that's actually part of the medicinal value bitter is better right you've heard that old saying and if you have dark chocolate with like coffee that's a great combination all right um so that's just a way to think about it but I want to explain to cacao and how cacao actually helps you burn off fat but also helps you heal cacao plant-based food caca is a plant all right um and it's packed with polyphenols one of those polyphenols is called proano and guess what proanthocyanidin in cacao all right what's used to make dark chocolate actually has been shown to turn on a process called thermogenesis what's thermogenesis all right let me explain it to you the term Thermo means heat Genesis means generating heat so thermogenesis is basically um saying that your body is able to generate heat and why would you want that well because the cells the tissue that generates heat using thermogenesis is kind of a body fat it's called Brown fat which is a good fat versus the bad fat right remember I talked about cholesterol good cholesterol and bad cholesterol well your Fat's the same way there's good fat and there's bad fat good fat is brown fat and when you uh eat dark chocolate those polyphenols have been shown to turn on ignite the process of thermogenesis in your good Brown fat and that in order to generate that heat you know what actually happens it actually has to steal the energy from your harmful white fat especially visceral fat so dark chocolate is a way to actually ignite your fat burning process your natural fat burning process um using brown fat and it burns down the energy stored in harmful white fats it shrinks your white fat um in a good way so good fat fights bad fat dark chocolate will actually do it but I got to tell you you want to actually have dark chocolate in moderation right because as I told you it's a confection um but it's a really powerful tool for speeding up burning down fat all right now what about the healing part of it well this is what's interesting as well those same polyphenols the bioactives the proanthocyanidin they've been studied um uh to actually stimulate androgenesis and stimulate regeneration which which you need for healing androgenesis is how your body grows blood vessels if you cut yourself you need new blood vessels to grow in to bring in oxygen and nutrients for healing and um stem cells all right dark chocolate also stimulates stem cells these are natural cells that are packed inside our bone marrow we got 70 million of them from where we're born and we use them all through our lives they heal Us From the Inside Out These stem cells can regenerate tissues that are injured even if you don't know it they can actually regenerate us from the inside out very silently all right so cacao dark chocolate Okay 80% or higher has been shown to be able to stimulate these stem cells in fact this one study that was done um the University of California San Francisco looked at uh a group of people who were in their 60s that had heart disease so they already had poor blood vessels that needed to be repaired and they gave them hot chocolate made with dark chocolate like 80% or higher to drink twice a day for a month and they measured their stem cells how much how many stem cells they had in their bloodstream at the very beginning of the study and they measured them at the end and having um hot cocoa made with dark chocolate twice a day um and in in older people who had heart known heart disease could double the number of stem cells uh in their bloodstream now how do we know that made a difference well they actually measured the resiliency or the stiffness of their blood vessels right uh using a test called flow mediated dilation or fmd that's where they put a blood pressure cuff on the arm they blow it up and now you're like basically cutting off the blood supply to the hand all right you feel some tingling and and then what they do is they relax it suddenly let off the cuff and now the blood comes rushing back and what they measure actually is how resilient your uh uh blood vessels are to be able to take that new uh surge of blood as as you're letting go of the blood pressure cup and it turns out that those people who actually were having uh hot chocolate made with dark chocolate twice a day for 30 days they actually had better not only stem cells but they also had better resiliency or recovery or generation of their circulation as well that's how we know that it works all right these stem cells by the way with dark chocolate they come pouring out of your bone marrow like bees coming out of a hun all right and this is actually one way clinical studies that we know I always talk about clinical studies I I do refer to some lab studies sometimes but at the end of the day what I talk about is like what counts um uh when it when it comes to people all right so dark chocolate 80% or higher good for metabolism good for healing something you can easily do at home all right now how do you actually make dark chocolate in a way that's healthy and easy to eat well you know what remember like when you were a kid you had like um chocolate and nut bark that's a great way to actually have a dark chocolate all right if you want to have little little bses of it you can break off and and nipple on maybe with a cup of coffee black coffee is what I suggest all right so enjoy dark chocolate by making a CH dark chocolate chocolate nut bark so you melt you buy dark chocolate um if you get a big heavy block of it might be a little bit cheaper but it's really hard to actually work with from a in a kitchen right so it's better to buy like slabs of dark chocolate or powder even better all right melt it out on a cookie sheet like a like a baking uh sheet all right and then sprinkle on top of it uh some mixed tree nuts all right so tree nuts are almonds macad macadamias um uh walnuts whatever you actually like actually just get them plain get them bulk and get them plain you want to uh roast them or toast them in roast them in the oven or toast them lightly on a cast iron pan that actually makes it even better but just sprinkle these uh uh plain that's please um onto the melted chocolate and you can crush them if you want as well make can you want to crush it down or you can have pieces of them as well Crush walnuts crushed almonds all right um and then what you do is you um take the chocolate up put in the fridge and let it set all right the next day you can actually have this like sheet of chocolate bark that nut chocolate and nut bark you can break off a piece and nibble on it and again I recommend doing it with some coffee why coffee guess what coffee's got something called chlorogenic acid the chlorogenic acid in the coffee actually lowers inflammation so so it's good for your overall health been shown by the way to be associated with longevity drink up to four five cups of coffee a day like that seems to be kind of a sweet spot if you stay to under 10 cups of coffee a day you won't dehydrate yourself that's another that's a kind of upper threshold I would say a lot of coffee but four cups of coffee you're probably staying within that um the chlorogenic acid activates your fat burning activates thermogenesis activates a brown fat just like uh the cacao polyphenols do as well so now you're doubling up um with the coffee all right and um chlorogenic acid is also good for stem cells so now you're actually dble doubling up adding backup to whatever the cacao polyphenols are doing for healing fat burning plus healing you get what I'm saying that's what this topic of this video is all about a little break off a piece of chocolate bark nibble on it now you get the dietary fiber from the tree nuts and the healthy uh monounsaturated fatty acids just like avocado but now from a tree nut so tasty right dark chocolate tree nuts coffee my idea of a great snack uh that by the way the caffeine that's in coffee also good for mind mental clarity as well you need to concentrate on something um uh that's a that's a good little tasty tip in order to go do it just remember chocolate no matter how it comes is really a confection all right so you don't want to eat too much of it practice moderation that's what I always say for anything even healthy habits all right what the third food for fight fat fighting and and healing green tea now I've written extensively about green tea in both of my books uh I wrote a book called eat to beat disease all sections and sections on green tea on it um and I wrote it about green tea in my book Eat to beat your diet green tea uh actually has got a polyphenol on it called a kakin specifically EG CG want to pronounce it epig Gallow kakin 3 gallate egcg don't bother memorizing it you should just know that people like me who study food is medicine we got it down all you need to know is that green tea you sip it is actually good what's the amount of green tea That's generally healthy for you about three to four cups of green tea um actually that's the Sweet Spot uh my great uncle by the way who lived to 100 like drank like 10 cups of green tea a day and he attributed his longevity to green tea these kakin These polyenals are actually good for longevity but they're good for fat fighting as well all right so egcg and green tea good for fat fighting um causes thermogenesis so it triggers your brown fat which lights up generates heat draws the energy from white fat shrinks down white fat and by the way the other thing that green tea does to fight fat is it cuts off the blood supply now green tea was study this way because you want to cut off the blood supply to cancer for tumors which also works that's another extra benefit of green tea is actually lowers the risk of cancer um in some types of cancer but also the uh kakin have been shown to cut off the blood supply to Growing fat so this was done by a colleague at The kolinska Institute in Sweden they actually had these obese mice that would get bigger and bigger B big fat mice all right they're like basically like little furry balls um you feed them green tea versus water and guess what they won't grow so fat and the ones that who had fat would actually start to shrink their fat as well so we know from research studies that this actually works as well and the mechanisms of action now the other thing that's good is that egcg the polyphenol and green tea is anti-inflammatory anti-inflammation is good if you're actually trying to heal all right uh uh egcg uh is is also able to cut off the blood supply to bad uh tissues like cancer but guess what it can actually grow new blood vessels for healing so wherever your body needs to heal it's going to grow blood vessels to help heal it it's going to lower inflammation wherever you don't want to have blood vessels like in a tumor the polyphenol green tea knows exactly where to go and where to work your body actually sends it in the right direction and it cuts off the blood supply to abnormal blood vessels as well so this is an example of a food that actually can do two good things at the same time in opposite directions you got to trust your body body on this trust Mother Nature on this all right and of course it burns down fat um with Thermo Genesis using brown fat um by the way I want to actually tell you a little bit about why Brown fat is uh so interesting um our body has two different kinds of fat You' got brown fat and white fat all right um and uh they do different things white fat is kind of like a padding right um You didn't have any fat in your body and you slip on the rug and fell on the floor your organs might split open so it's a good thing that we have a little bit of padding right in order to for our body white fat also creates a healthy hormone called adiponectin a p NEC tiin adpa nectin is a super important healthy hormone made by your fat white fat that works hand inand with insulin now insulin is another hormone that's made by your pancreas to actually help bring down glucose blood glucose so you got enough energy right you talk about insulin sensitivity important for health longevity and healing well if you want your insulin to work well you you need some of your white fat to make a dipo nective all right they're they're they partners working together so you so you want some fat so white fat in a proper amount makes a dip intin and white fat by the way also acts as a fuel tank so when you eat food it stores the energy like uh like the gas tank in your car car so it's a good thing these are all good things with white fat but when you have too much white fat Okay um it builds up that's why you get the double chin the fat under your arm the muffin top the fat in your thigh the fat in your butt the stuff you don't want but let me tell you the stuff you really don't want you don't want harmful extra white fat in the tube of your body because that is where your guts are your intestines and stuff like that your other organs and um fat that grows inside the tube of your body is called visceral fat because your guts are called visceral so visceral fat is a white a fat that can grow inside the tube of your body around your organs when you get too much of that like it's like fat that becomes like a glove that chokes your organs and it becomes very inflammatory so that's why green tea by um activating Brown fat steals the fuel from your white fat especially your visceral fat and you can actually burn down extra fat that way that's why tea is good for burning down fat now we talked about Brown fat but I need to give you a little bit more information on it if white fat is wiggly and jiggly okay it's under your skin like under your under your your double chin under your arms where's Brown fat Brown fat is not close to the surface you can't see it in the mirror brown fat is actually close to the Bone it's around your neck under your uh breast bone a little bit in the between your uh shoulder blades a little bit in your belly and brown fat uh you don't need very much of it to actually have powerful but Brown fat is like packed with these little tiny organel these are mini organs inside the brown fat cell and they're packed with mitochondria now you might have heard about mitochondria mitochondria are like little nuclear batteries and they can generate heat all right you know how a watch battery is like really small you can stick it in the back of a watch well guess what a mitochondria is like a nuclear battery that you can fit inside a cell you know how small cells are they are microscopic and so this is the microscopic battery that gets fit in inside your human cells in brown fat um and guess what the mitoch actually they're in all all cells but they are a ton of them in brown fat lots of them now you know why Brown fat is brown because a mitochondria there's so much of it makes it brown mitochondria this little organel is actually packed with iron and Iron Will oxidize right so what happens when you take a a handful of iron nails and stick them outside on your porch for a few days those silver nails are going to oxidize and turn brown they're going to rust and that's what actually happens to your mitochondria it's packed with iron a lot of them they oxidize and now the mitochondria is which is so abundant in brown fat when they oxidize their iron that's why Brown fat looks Brown now you're never going to forget about why Brown fat is brown right think about Rusty Nails but this is in this little nuclear power pack that can actually fire up when you drink tea or Ma or uh have dark chocolate that fires up that brown fat which would then draw down the fuel from the harmful white visceral fat especially it burns down fat now uh it's uh very very important to understand that brown fat uh also reacts to cold so if you're in cold temperatures uh the brown fat will fire up as well that's originally Mother Nature's um purpose of this brown fat is actually to animals that are hybernating they would actually fire up uh they would eat fat all uh all all before hibernation in the late fall and early winter they turn into big fat balls right think about the hibernating animal that Waddles into the cage well all winter they're not eating where are they getting their energy from they're getting it from the stor white fat how are they staying warm Brown fat actually fires up to keep them warm in the cave as well all right now how do we know that green tea burns down uh fat well a study from the Isfahan University medicine in Iran looked at 70 women okay who had metabolic syndrome so they had big waistlines all right and they just got 7 ounces of green tea now 8 ounces is a fluid cup 7 ounces just short of a cup they got to tea to drink three times a day right so in Iran they drink a lot of tea and they drank it for eight weeks so two months Three Cups of Tea a day remember I told you the sweet spots three to four cups a day half of the group got the tea another half of the group just got lukewarm water all right and at the end of the study what they found is that the tea drinkers lost more weight in fact 2 pounds more weight and their waist size shrank by 3/4 of an inch now waist size right this is the tube of your body waist size when you got visceral fat it pooches out the waistline expands a waistline that's why you need to loosen up your belt holes right okay got a bigger dress size um and that's what happens but actually at the end of of um of This research study for 8 weeks the uh waistline shrank because the visceral effect went away as well the waist size shrink by 3/4 of an inch more than the placebo all right now the other thing that was beneficial is that with less body fat guess what the green tea also lowered blood pressure is also improved blood glucose right and it also improved blood lipids your blood cholesterol as well so bad cholesterol went down good cholesterol increased so that's also really really helpful green tea does all these extra things but actually can help you turn down fat and improve healing now another study by Tyron University in Iran looked at 63 men and women and found that drinking four cups of tea a day help people lose almost three pounds over a couple of months and also found that there it would make their waist cumference decreased by 1. 7 in that's a lot more okay with just uh one extra cup of tea day compared to the three cups the four cups actually got you more fat shrinking and that makes sense that means in this particular case drinking four cups is better than drinking three cups all right doesn't mean you drink 20 cups a day but three or four cups a day all works and also for the people that drank four cups of tea a day blood pressure actually went down by 6% all right now how do they make the tea for these research studies they just took regular green tea in a tea bag and they sleeped it in hot water for just five minutes now why am I telling you this because the way that we actually prepare our tea if you want those cakin those fenos they're trapped in the tea leaves and in a tea bag they're stuck in the the leaves so you want to actually make sure that you're dunking the tea bag keep on dunking it so every time you shake up those leaves more of the cakin are going to come out if you want to get a lot of cakin all right just get loose leaf tea now the tea is just going to be sitting in the water the whole time you don't even need to dunk it not trapped in a bag that's to escape a a bag it's just sitting in it and you'll actually get polyphenols coming out of it if you want the the most polyphenols you know what you do you get matcha tea because matcha tea is just green tea but it's ground up into a fine powder so now you get all the polyphenols there's like nothing left there's no tea like when you get loose leaf tea you're not eating you're not chewing on a tea leaf but a matcha you are getting everything into a fine dust when you drink it the whole shebang goes down your throat you get all the polyphenols all right so that's actually what I would actually tell you is that um matcha actually uh has even more polyphenols and a study uh at the University of Chichester in the United Kingdom looked at Mach te and they found that actually four cups of matcha tea over a day could increase fat oxidation which is fat burning by uh 35% that's a lot all right okay so means that when you're drinking green tea your body is burning down stored fat there's even more benefit because the cakin in it uh uh in green tea are also preventing new fat from forming uh there's also fiber in matcha because you get a lot of dietary fiber in there and you're activating your gut microbiome you're actually lowering inflammation uh as well so this is a way of actually uh and by the way the green tea can actually um help uh protect your stem cells that are necessary for healing as well also lowers inflammation which is helpful for healing so again green tea fat burning lower inflammation improve healing support healing this is actually what I uh really love to talk about I I generally recommend people get whole leaf green tea this is what people in China do for example go ahead just soak the put some a handful of tea leaves into the bottom of your cup pour some hot water on it sip on that three or four cups you just keep on getting more polyphenols out you don't want to have the leaves there it's like too much of a pain for you get a tea ball a metal one please um not plastic a metal tea ball and load the teacups of in there and just like sit it into a teapot that's another great way by the way it doesn't have to be only hot tea it could be even ice tea ice tea also works and by the way here's another benefit of green tea it's good for brain health you know why because there's another bioactive in tea like green tea that's called lanine t h a n i NE e now that's an amino acid that when you combine that with caffeine that's been shown to improve focus and alertness all right for brain health so so many benefits right not surprisingly green tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world after drinking water right and I call Green Tea part of the Holy Trinity of beverages meaning these are things that are just good for you drinking water green tea and coffee the Holy Trinity of beverages we're talking about Green Tea right now keeps you metabolically healthy lowers inflammation helps you burn body fat supports healing that's what we're talking about hey there have you heard of intermittent fasting I'm sure you have it's not what you eat but it's about when you eat and I've got a simple guide to help you get started with intermittent fasting if you're looking for an easy way to boost your energy and improve your health and maybe shed a few pounds along the way this could be the perfect solution for you and my guide I'm going to show you how fasting helps your body burn fat and also repair itself it's an easy thing that you can do effortlessly every single day plus I'll give you tips on how to succeed with intermittent fasting and I'll tell you the science behind why this works just click the link below to grab your free copy or scan the QR code on the screen right now now let's get back to the video all right my next food I want to talk about food number four pomegranate right now I you probably heard me talk about pomegranates before pomegranates are loaded with polyphenols one of them is called elianin elit tanins actually are great for gut health because this bioactive elenin makes your gut secrete healthy mucus got to have some mucus in your gut right because you got stool poop in your gut it's got to keep moving its way all the way to the tail pipe right what happens if it doesn't move uh it gets stuck and that's constipation mucus which is natural and healthy secreted by the gut actually helps the poop go all the way down but the mucus has another function which is that it actually helps to feed certain healthy gut bacteria one of them being acromania acromania is a healthy gut bacteria that helps your metabolism it helps you burn fat body fat it helps looks like it helps reduce dementia helps good for brain health and it actually helps your immune system fight cancer particularly if you're receiving a cancer therapy called immunotherapy that depends on a good immune system right so this mucus is really really important so you want to grow as much mucus as possible having pomegranate eating the seeds that's where the juice is that's where the eltanin are in the juice um that actually uh can actually help to your body make your body secrete this mucus that is actually good for your metabolism because acromania this bacteria this healthy bacteria you can get it as a probiotic but your body can uh you can grow your own you need that mucose secreting pomegranate uh can actually do it pomegranate seeds the juice around it pomegranate juice itself can also help to grow acrania very very important all right now this bacteria can actually help you lose body fat as well one clinical study looked at 20 healthy adult volunteers and gave half of them just half a cup of 100% pomegranate juice all right every day for 30 days now you got to be careful about this because pomegranate juice itself is very very sweet half a cup almost nothing that's like two shots worth of pomegranate juice not your body can handle that amount of sugar all right um the other group and uh of this uh clinical study actually just received a placebo drink and at the end of the study what the researchers found is that the pomegranate drinkers lost 1. 1 pounds and reduced their body fat by 1.
4% all right and by contrast the placebo drinkers actually gained 2. 2% pounds and they increased their body fat by 1.
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The 7 Sugary Foods You May Never Eat Again...
Dr. William Li
Boost Your Bone Density with These 6 Life-Changing Tips
Boost Your Bone Density with These 6 Life-...
Talking With Docs
Eat your way to better gynecological health | Dr. Jennifer Ashton & Prof Sarah Berry
Eat your way to better gynecological healt...
The 3 Surprising Dairy Products You Should Consume For Longevity | Dr. William Li
The 3 Surprising Dairy Products You Should...
Dr. William Li
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