Welcome to our English lesson today we will practice our listening and speaking skills and also learn some interesting vocabulary and expressions our story for today is my day listen carefully my day hi I'm Grace my day starts early well I'm a morning person I wake up at 5:30 a. m. and take a moment to meditate meditation helps me start the day with a calm mind then I go to the bathroom brush my teeth and take a shower after that I get dressed in my favorite clothes preferring to wear something comfortable then I go to the dining room to have breakfast when I get there I always find my mom preparing breakfast for us in the kitchen my parents and I have breakfast together with fresh orange juice as my favorite drink after breakfast I check my timetable and get ready for school I take the metro to school the Metro is very crowded in the morning at school we have different classes like science math and history history is my favorite subject because it helps me learn about the past and understand how things have changed over time we have five periods of history a week at lunchtime I eat with my friends at the school's cafeteria we talk and laugh and sometimes we share our food in the afternoon I continue with my classes when school is over I go home once I arrive if teachers have given us homework I do it first as I want to finish early dinner is at 700 p.
m. mom always surprises dad and me with a dessert at dinner my favorite dessert is cheesecake after dinner I relax for a bit either playing games or reading a book I usually go to bed early around 900 p. m.
I change into my pajamas brush my teeth and then get into bed and turn off the lights I fall asleep quickly however I sometimes stay up late on weekends to watch my favorite movies interesting vocabulary and expressions before we practice our speaking skills let's learn interesting English words from the story we've just covered to improve our English the phrase a morning person means someone who finds it easy to wake up early and feels energetic in the morning example I'm not a morning person so I find it hard to get out of bed before 8 a. m. meditate is a verb that means to spend time in quiet thought for relax ation or religious purposes when someone meditates they focus their mind often in silence example when I feel stressed I find a quiet place to sit and meditate a timetable in a school is a list that shows what times different classes happen it helps students know when and where to go for their lessons example she looked at the school timetable to see when her math class was a Metro is a type of train that runs in a city it travels underground or on tracks above the ground people use the metro to go to different places in the city example the metro stops at many stations in the city when a place is crowded it means there are many people there it can be hard to move or find space in a crowded place example on holidays the beach is crowded in school a period is a time for one class for instance you might have a math class during one period and a science class in another period example her favorite period at school is our class a cafeteria is a big room in a school where students eat lunch there are tables to sit at and food to choose from example she met her friends in the cafeteria during lunch break in this story over means finished or ended when school is over it means school is done for the day example the movie is over so let's go home dessert is a sweet food eaten at the end of a meal it is usually something like cake ice cream or fruit example do you want ice cream for dessert stay up late this means not going to bed early when someone stays up late they are awake until late at night example on her birthday she stayed up late to celebrate with her family now it's time to practice repeat off to grace my day starts early my day starts early well I'm a morning person well I'm a morning person I wake up at 5:30 a.
m. I wake up at 5:30 a. m.
and take a moment to meditate and take a moment to meditate meditation helps me start the day with a Calm Mind meditation helps me start the day with a calm mind then I go to the bathroom then I go to the bathroom brush my teeth brush my teeth and take a shower and take a shower after that I get dressed in my favorite clothes after that I get dressed in my favorite clothes preferring to wear something comfortable preferring to wear something comfortable then I go to the dining room to have breakfast then I go to the dining room to have breakfast when I get there when I get there I always find my mom preparing breakfast for us in the kitchen I always find my mom preparing breakfast for us in the kitchen my parents and I have breakfast together my parents and I have breakfast together with fresh orange juice as my favorite drink with fresh orange juice as my favorite drink after breakfast after breakfast I check my timetable and get ready for school I check my timetable and get ready for school I take the metro to school I take the metro to school the Metro is very crowded in the morning the Metro is very crowded in the morning at school we have different classes like science math and history at school we have different classes like science math and history history is my favorite subject history is my favorite subject because it helps me learn about the past because it helps me learn about the past and understand how things have changed over time and understand how things have changed over time we have five five periods of History a week we have five periods of History a week at lunchtime I eat with my friends at the school's cafeteria at lunchtime I eat with my friends at the school's cafeteria we talk and laugh we talk and laugh and sometimes we share our food and sometimes we share our food in the afternoon I continue with my classes in the afternoon I continue with my classes when school is over I go home when school is over I go home once I arrive once I arrive if teachers have given us homework if teachers have given us homework I do it first as I want to finish early I do it first as I want to finish early dinner is at 700 p. m. dinner is at 700 p.
m. mom always surprises dad and me with a dessert at dinner mom always surprises dad and me with a dessert at dinner my favorite dessert is cheesecake my favorite dessert is cheesecake after dinner I relax for a bit after dinner I relax for a bit either playing games or reading a book either playing games or reading a book I usually go to bed early around 9 p. m.
I usually go to bed early around 9900 p. m. I change into my pajamas I change into my pajamas brush my teeth brush my teeth and then get into bed and turn off the lights and then get into bed and turn off the lights I fall asleep quickly I fall asleep quickly however I sometimes stay up late on weekends to watch my favorite movies however I sometimes stay up late on weekends to watch my favorite movies listen to the story carefully one more time hi I'm Grace my day starts early well I'm a morning person I wake up at 5:30 a.
m. and take a moment to meditate meditation helps me start the day with a calm mind then I go to the bathroom brush my teeth and take a shower after that I get dressed in my favorite clothes preferring to wear something comfortable then I go to the dining room to have breakfast when I get there I'd always find my mom preparing breakfast for us in the kitchen my parents and I have breakfast together with fresh orange juice as my favorite drink after breakfast I check my timetable and get ready for school I take the metro to school the Metro is very crowded in the morning at school we have different classes like science math and history history is my favorite subject because it helps me learn about the past and understand how things have changed over time we have five periods of History a week at lunchtime I eat with my friends at the school's cafeteria we talk and laugh and sometimes we share our food in the afternoon I continue with my classes when school is over I go home once I arrive if teachers have given us homework I do it first as I want to finish early dinner is at 700 p. m.
mom always surprises dad and me with a dessert at dinner my favorite dessert is cheesecake after dinner I relax for a bit either playing games or reading a book I usually go to bed early around 900 p. m.