Driver Resists Arrest After Refusing to Identify Himself During Traffic Stop

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Video Transcript:
8 George Charles Henry 137 hi I'm Brian C ready Police Department reason I stopped you is you're going to 60 MPH on pelli as you passed me c see your license registration and insurance please I'm I'm not in the process of of conducting business okay we're not going to play that game sir so if you don't want to identify yourself I'm just going to place you under arrest and tell your vehicle okay I'm traveling right now yeah we're not going to do that okay so I need to see your ID and I need to see
the registration and insurance on your vehicle okay and you're a grown adult so you're going to make an adult decision right now okay so that's up to you what do you want to do you're going to be placed under arrest step out of the vehicle out of the vehicle hey bro 47 I'll take a 1025 [ __ ] hilia bro that [ __ ] hurts let me get out don't get out right now undo your seat belt undo your seat Bel and get out I'm traveling sir undo your seat belt I'm not I'm not cond
bus the vehicle you are under arrest I'm not conducting get out of your vehicle out of your vehicle undo your seat belt do you understand me do you understand me undo your seat belt and step out of the vehicle ran dude okay undo your seat belt and get out of the vehicle [ __ ] you man undo your seat belt and get out of the vehicle [ __ ] break my arm I'm not going to break your arm I don't want to I want you to get out of the vehicle you not want to get
your seat belt off first [ __ ] bro why don't you just get your seat belt off and we'll and we'll do thisas [ __ ] breaking my arm bro no God damn it dude I'm not I'm try I'm not you're under cond business you're under arrest I'm not conducting business you're under arrest okay for what show me the magistrate yeah that's where we're going to go you don't want to identify yourself so we're going to do that okay you don't get to do this sir you don't either bro you don't get to go in
my car and [ __ ] take me out and break my [ __ ] arm I'm asking you to step out I'm asking you to let go of my arm I'm not going to do that I can't reach my seat belt you can do it with your right arm no I can't you can do it with your right arm so as soon as the other officer gets here we're going to pull you out and put you in handcuffs okay for traveling here yep not in the process of conducting business 47 I'll take another unit get
off of me dude what the [ __ ] is your problem don't get the [ __ ] off me stop get off me dude get the [ __ ] off stop no God damn it dude what the [ __ ] resisting me what the [ __ ] stop resisting I'm not do [ __ ] [ __ ] pull me over there dude stop the [ __ ] resisting me no dude you're [ __ ] attacking me dude stop no [ __ ] you dude the [ __ ] off me the [ __ ] the [
__ ] off me dude you stop get the [ __ ] off of me dude God damn it dude stop no you [ __ ] stop stop you [ __ ] stop you're not going anywhere I'm not arrested under arrest for what you're under arrest you caught me speeding give me a ticket so be on my way stop I got you stop what are you guys doing dude you're under arrest [ __ ] you guys [ __ ] what the [ __ ] smash my [ __ ] face dude stop reesing and put me under
arrested [ __ ] me to the magist you are under arrest got it what the [ __ ] is wrong with here let's get this arm okay stop you good bro stop I'm burning my face all right got it it's on my this one's not I got you I'm [Music] traveling nope my [Music] I'm traveling right now you're traveling to jail right now not in the cond not in the process of conducting business right now take me to see the magistrate please sit down feed in you any sanzer stuff wipes I don't know if I
have any wipes all right thanks my [Applause] huh you still need some uh hand sanitizer yeah yeah yeah like yep blood on my cool beans yeah I saw you I was driving this way and this guy said hey he needs help so I pulled over [ __ ] oh well so glad I could help yeah me too I'm Brian my you good yeah I'm fine [Music] okay no I got it I just need uh you have his ID and stuff this gu yep let me run it real quick and then we'll what's his name PHS
how long were you struggling for with them oh just actually right when you pulled up cuz I had him in a Twist lock yeah and I was just holding there waiting for another unit yeah and uh he then he kept trying to pull away and he trying to reach in undo his or undo his car his keys and then he just went crazy yeah so good times good yeah he's a constitution oh lot time to take care of that in jail yeah cool if you want to just write his name down what's your name actually
I just didn't have my I left all my paper stuff yeah I got it no let me let me I'll do it so we don't have to all do subs and [Music] stuff we H I'll do stuff I got okay cool cool what's that no I don't think so I don't think so okay what's that sir okay yeah it's going your car's going to get towed what's going on actually hold on good shoot I got citizens stopping to help you know that's how that's where I looked what was the guy doing what do you need
I need to be seen see the magistrate and show jail show my Victim where's my Victim I know me I'm just traveling yeah you're traveling to jail I'm not in the process of conducting business I'm a private American okay cool anything else you're under arrest I'm ready to see the judge yeah whenever the jail gets you over to the jail or to the judge absolutely able to see him right now perfect good all right thanks brother yep no problem for
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