one may not believe just by looking at this sloppy, insecure teenager consuming, brain rotting content that she's in fact. Considered by many to be. One of the most academically smart amongst her peers.
(pig laugh) Yeah. I think they should do a reevaluation of that. Ugh!
my face! ! Yeah.
If this is the smartest. Society is doomed. Hello, internet.
I'm not MatPat, But I was labeled growing up as the smart, smart/ gifted kid. Although I bet no one would be able to tell just by looking at my. Very sedentary.
Looking az- And I know it sounds pretentious to say that I was the smart kid growing up, but. Yeah, it sounds pretentious. There's nothing much I can do about that.
and believe it or not, being called a smart kid growing up was the one thing that set me up for failure in life. but probably not in the way that you think. being called a gifted or smart child is a trap.
Let me explain why. The term smart is defined as Having no showing a high degree of mental ability. Intelligent.
Bright. The gifted kids are perceived to have great aptitudes and to be able to learn faster. But in the real definition, it's more like.
Someone who procrastinates and leaves projects and test studies for last minute, but then magically turns on 120% of their brainpower to get everything done. On time and get away with it because they still manage to get good grades somehow. this is the definition that should be in the Urban Dictionary.
This experience pretty much sums up the gifted child experience. So this one time I hadn't studied at all for a test and I was super worried. Because the day before, I procrastinated all day by running bed, watching YouTube, or playing games.
it was an important physics test. and you could see every type of students reaction to it. Some were teaching their friends all the formulas last minute.
Some were panicking. Others just gave up. check the clock and the test is about to start in ten minutes.
I take a deep breath And look at the study sheets my friends had made. I open the textbook to check for examples where the formulas would be used. I close my eyes and.
Turned on 100% of my brain power. I had full concentration. Everything seemed very clear to me.
This formula I use in this case. I can understand this. I had all the power.
Let's get. my time was up. All right, class test starting now.
Good luck. Although you wouldn't need luck if you had studied. What do you mean?
I I answered the best I could, but on this one, the question in particular, I had come up with whatever result. That came out of the formula. But I took a second to imagine the actual scenario and had a weird gut feeling or brain feeling, if you will, then my answer was wrong.
Yeah. Something's not right here. So I canceled my first answer, and we did it without the formula.
Somehow, I don't remember how. couple minutes later, I finished the test and gave it to the teacher. Well, of course a little anxious.
I was sure I had done horrible and it I had not studied. I studied ten minutes before the test. It's obvious you're not going to do well.
I was having an internal fight with myself, thinking, Why the hell didn't I study earlier? I don't want to bomb and have to retake the exam. I won't be surprised if I get a two on the test.
Lollo 9 miljoner Hi, I'm such a disappointment. I talked to my friend who had studied, and we talked about that one question. I changed the answers.
So what did you answer? Oh, on that one, I put nine meters per second. Oh, damn.
That was my original answer. And they changed it to 10. 7m/s Wait, guys, I answered 2.
5m/s. Meters per second. guys.
The answer was in kilometers per hour. panic. Two weeks went by and it was time to get all great a test back.
Everyone is shaking. An existential crisis kicked in. Oh my God, I'm so bummed.
I'm a disappointment to my parents. Why the hell was I born? Well done.
Junior. Just make sure to show your work properly next time. Okay?
What the I got a. 75 out of ten. How The teachers only deducted a little because my work was too messy.
But honestly, I don't know what the hell I did to get that grade. It was like my brain did some magic and it just didn't feel earned. And I literally forgot everything.
I crammed ten minutes before the test, five minutes after finishing it. And because of this minimal effort I put in while still getting good grades, I was labeled a smart, smart, gifted kids by my parents, teachers, and classmates. So what?
You barely studied and still did well in school. Sounds great. What are you complaining about?
Yeah, I know it sounds great, right? But no, no, it's really not. Now think about it.
if one time you don't study and still do well on the test and face no consequences for not studying, what do you think will happen next time another test comes up? Exactly. You'll think that even if you don't study, you'll do well again.
You're reinforcing yourself. That study is a lot of effort, but not studying will give you pretty much the same result. So why study at all?
And with that, trying to stay at a desk to study became extremely harder and harder for me. Distracting. Everything just seemed so tedious.
Being forced to watch Sniper Wolf for three hours straight seemed more interesting than studying. If I could somehow talk to my younger self. I really want to say this.
Like I know that you're doing well right now, and you may be doing better than a lot of your peers academically without much effort. But that won't last because there will be a time in your life where your minimal effort won't be enough. People who are studying and working harder will eventually surpass you.
You may be doing relatively well right now, but if you don't stop the vicious cycle of putting in minimal effort and procrastination, you really feel left behind. One day. Because when a harder, actually difficult challenge came for me and I needed to work hard, I wasn't able to put up a fight.
Because I've actually never done that before. All I ever done was feed into the procrastination and cram cycle. I didn't learn how to be consistent and work hard.
And I became a disappointment for myself, my parents, my teachers. actually only got better when I learned the hard way that. I needed a goal in life other than just do.
Okay? At school. I only got to understand a little bit about this paradox of being smart, gifted kid and feeling like a failure by watching this video by a psychiatrist.
Called doctor K. literally the first meme he showed was this. oh boy, I sure do love being perceived as a gifted child.
I hope I don't wind up being a perfectionist. Burned out with depression, anxiety, and fear for the expectations and no real interest or goals. Holy that's me.
No watch. This video is honestly awesome. Anyways, Start slow and explore to find a goal for yourself.
Other than just doing all right at school. And. Just work hard for your future self.
They'll thank you. This was more like a message to my younger self. Who just felt like lost and a failure.
well let me know if you had a similar experience or I don't know if there's a story you want to share. Write them down in the comments below.