Be a Pro: The SEAL Team 6 Mindset | DEVGRU Operator: DJ Shipley

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people expect you to look a certain way talk a certain way but they don't expect you to be vulnerable for whatever reason they don't expect you're going to say that they don't expect it out of all the Mystique and the Glamour and all the [ __ ] they paint on you that you're actually just a normal dude put my pants on just like you did I this whole thing up just like you have I'm still back here just trying to make it better am I perfect no man not even close still back here applying steady
pressure every single day still doing my morning routine I can always be better always I think that's the difference I just accept it I am I am flawed I had messed this whole thing up and I will give it a voice because you won't all the people you're hanging around with with their hands in your pockets aren't saying [ __ ] I'll say it cuz people need to cuz I've been the only guy on the island I've been the only person suffering through it with no one else to turn to I don't want anybody else
to feel like that so putting my story out on the Internet connects a couple million people to realize like damn that dude struggling with mental health that guy's got anxiety depression man I killed to have that guy's life yeah from the outside you would it's not always grassing always greener man today's episode was powered by hu a quick affordable nutritionally complete source of food with everything that your body needs that's probably the thing that means the most is I've had I've had a ton of people that have come up me with their families here when
their wives are and they'll come up and like hey man I I watch your podcast I really appreciate it and yeah yeah thank blah blah blah we'll take a selfie they'll walk away and their wives will turn around and run back like you sa his life like and I know it's the truth she got tears rolling down her eyes I start crying I'm like I know and she's like you have no idea how bad he was yeah I do I know how bad it'll get I've heard it all I've Seen It All I've FaceTime dudes
I know and it's one of those things to think that I almost didn't do it and all the people that I could have helped that I wouldn't have helped like I couldn't imagine it now I think that's the thing we push out now is give it a voice at the end of the day be a pro and if you be a pro in everything you do it gives you the accountability it gives you the ownership and it gives you an opportunity to be the person that people are trying to emulate people are trying to be
like and that's really what we're trying to push like are we trying to mass-produce you are we trying to put you in a position where people want to emulate your actions and be a better version of you my God I hope so man I hope that's what I'm doing that's most certainly what I'm trying whatever you're doing do it at an ultra high level I don't care if you're a banker a baker orthodontist whatever you're going to be if you do it at a super high level the professionalism cannot be ignored it's infectious when you
walk into a room the way you stand the way you speak the way you present it encapsulates the entire room it's like everybody is better now that you're there because you're a pro at everything you do and that's what you want I want you doing whatever you're doing at an ultra high level because I want people back filling you I want you to inspire a generation faster people get on board with that the better off will all be it's like I'm trying to be the best version of me because that profession deserves it it cripples
me like to think back of who I was 5 years ago and to think I could still be that person now that's one of the biggest scares I have if I would have maintained that trajectory where I'd be at right now if I wouldn't have surrounded myself with positive people if I somehow would have managed the storm and where I'd be at like nobody I'd want to be definitely not clonable I wouldn't want 25 me running around not back then there are moments in my life where Ultra proud of who I am and what I've
done and what I've contributed and moments in my life where I couldn't be more embarrassed I look at it is that a professional answer why' I do it here stone cold sober I have no idea I think that's the thing that plagues me the most if I look back on the big errors I've made there's only one thing I'll I'll tell you and I think a lot of people get a lot out of this every single mistake I've ever made in my life that I can recall right now could have been solved with a singular
question is what I'm doing now or what I'm about to do benefit my group in any way no does me drinking a six-pack and driving make my team better nope it's me getting shitfaced and staying out till 4:00 a.m. and downtown LA when I've got a wife and two kids at home make me better nope does it make my family better no does it hurt my family does that affect my job too so you're actually hurting the team yep the skipping the gym make my team better no taking all these drugs make better no it's
like at the end of the day if you just look at in that everything I do physically everything I do in my morning routine is for the optimal instate does that support the optimal instate no what are you doing it solves itself and I had a troop chief that told me that everything you're doing should be purpose built is wearing that t-shirt represent my my group no you can take it off r that right just as simple as that everything you do everything you say represents all of us are you proud of what you just
said you proud of the way you act in front of these people no neither way it's heavy man like the responsibility you have you know I'm a steward of people's time and energy and attention you're a professional you spent your whole life earning your position in this team and I just piss It Away by wearing this stupid ass t-shirt and saying out of my mouth okay so now everything I do now I just I just ask myself that is this potential to hurt your team my team being my family yeah so I'm not going to
do it does this potentially hurt gbrs potentially don't do it and I don't and it solves itself like now there's there's more checks and balances I just look at it objectively that doesn't make them better I'm not doing it I'm not doing it kind of a boring life but it really keeps keeps you accountable any scenario you throw on the table anything just throw it on the table does make your does make the company better no that doesn't why the you doing it because you're putting your individual needs above the needs of the group and
that's the big thing that cannot happen if you start thinking like an individual in team setting that's an issue like well I need this you need that or we need that we don't need that oh okay it really does start to solve everything you ever wanted to know if you ever want to be part of a team team being your family your best friend whatever that is is what you're doing or about to do help that team if the answer is no don't do it just don't and I think when people start to adopt that
kind of mindset they really become accountable and they really become professional and they really see how important they are to that entire team concept like your position really does matter we don't just grow you on trees we need for you to be here at 100% And if you're not going to be pack your [ __ ] and leave matters though how far you're willing to go for the group how much you're willing to sacrifice to put them before youself dials and switches you know when you're 19 years old fresh out of high school joining a
new whatever it's really easy just to go I'll be a Navy SEAL the only thing that matters Nothing Else Matters how good I can shoot move communicate parachute dive whatever it is it's a lot of things you really got to be good at and it's a lot easier if I don't have any distractions so let me just focus on this one thing and where a lot of guys make mistake is they try to introduce a family into that foundational phase like well instead of just focusing my first four five 6 10 years on developing my
Kata my style my Foundation I'm going to try to manage a bunch of things at one time I'll try to get a girlfriend I'll get a puppy I'll buy a house I'll do this I'll take it wind surfing no nope I think it's necessary to limit your options and narrow your focus I don't want any external factors pulling bandwidth me I just want to focus on this one thing right now that's the only thing I truly care about because it matters so I'm going to hammer down on this one thing right now I can introduce
the concept thousand and switches as early as possible if you think they can retain the information they can understand the concept I would say I do not recommend anybody who is setting their foundation and trying to achieve a high level to try to focus on D and switches I wouldn't you're representing the team in everywhere you go your performance in class is direct representative of this team right like it all matters and if you don't do those Di and switches if you're only thinging about football every day you can't focus on class you have to
be able to focus on class so in that concept it is dial and switches but those are the only two dials you should have it shouldn't be your toxic girlfriend or this drama you have here this social media [ __ ] you need to take the two things that only matter and focus on those dials but the majority of people while you're single while you don't have any distractions really focus focus on sitting your Baseline focus on the obsession like why you have the opportunity why you have the clarity to do so start to introduce
those Concepts it's a consistency am I better than I was to day before yeah because naturally I have more experience I have more experience today than I did yesterday have I been living in this vessel for one day longer yeah I naturally have more experience so it could be as simple as that I work out today yep did I do one extra rep mhm did I do more weight than I did last week yeah 3 lbs not a big jump just enough just enough to keep myself on track am I am I still pushing forward
am I still applying steady pressure every single day yeah I haven't let myself go you haven't missed a workout nope you haven't missed 20-minute walk nope why cuz I said said I wouldn't doesn't have to be just I don't have to climb Mount Everest I just need to wake up every single day with a reason to swing my feet out of bed and pop up quick CU W be better than I wish YY because the people that I support deserve it like I'm not perfect I'm an imperfect creature ask anybody they'll tell you the only
difference between me and you is I'm actively trying to get better A lot of people just want to sit there like Ah that's good enough I said the same thing dude and you realize good enough isn't good enough you can always be better there's a lot of room on the table man like I can really be better I can be better A lot of things that I never even cared about before let's hammer down set the example goes back to the B pro thing that 1% better that's how the professionals do it how you want
to get better than anything do it 10 minutes every day 3 and 65 days a year the end of that year you'll be better than 80% of the population that does that one thing this doesn't matter what it is like that's the truth it does not take an exuberant amount of time or attention it just takes steady pressure and a lot of times instead of doing it you just want to scroll through IG for an extra 10 months you don't have to you could learn new skill you could polish on the existing skill you could
have a better have a better conversation with your kids your wife grandmother your mother whatever A lot of people just don't want to do it it sounds too hard he like I don't have the time for that you don't have the time for that you're not making the time for that same people that you know they want to lose weight but they don't want to diet they'll go through 40 years of being overweight and then all of a sudden you see them you're like what happened to you you're like yeah you know I finally did
this diet and I finally just stuck with it he's like come to think of it you know I never really tried before I kind of just stopped in The Lean Cuisines and I gained 40 lbs back yeah takes what it takes you just didn't think you'd be able to do it so you just stopped trying if you make it digestible and not easy but maintainable people get on board with it and a lot of times they need to see someone show them like it doesn't have to be rocket science does not have to be so
complicated that you couldn't figure this out tell everybody do a 20-minute walk every night after dinner do it for a week do it for two weeks then do it for a month if you're not losing weight if you're not doing this your diet is really really terrible introduce another walk I know you feel better off the walk I know you do I've never had any like man I did those 20-minute walks your week I really feel like sh like no you don't never had anybody say that I've had hundred I've had thousands of people call
me like change my life me too that's why I keep saying it like I don't I don't get paid every time somebody does a 20-minute walk I only do it because I know how much it's helped me like without those 20-minute walks man I'm not kidding you I would be screwed right now and I just don't want to see people suffer I've been there I've been the only guy on my Island alone I've been there and I hate when I hate when it happens to people cuz it doesn't have to be like we can get
through this thing together but not if you're not willing to help yourself if you're going to lay down the feetal position and cry to me about how hard your life is it's not going to work got to be open honest and we have to be willing to put in some work not going to make it impossible but got to make it work if I could give everyone in the room a singular gift it'd be the power of that 20-minute walk and it really helps the mental health job stressful man work is stressful if you don't
take time for yourself you'll never find it like if you have to get it done sacrifices must be made maybe you're not staying up till 10:00 maybe you're going to bed at 8: cuz you have to wake up before it's one thing to be able to crush everybody it's one thing to be able to control every situation physically it's another to be able to control it and not let them know you can control it I can sit back I can let you do or say whatever you want to and I'm not going to perceive it
positively or negatively I'm just I know that I can control the outcome of this whenever I want to that's a super power I'm going to hide in the white noise and I'll just sit here and then whenever I want to I'll change it and that's what happens to a lot of people they feel like they're in this corner they can't get away out of it they don't see a way out of it or they're on a different plane now than their spouse or whatever else and they make permanent decisions without realizing the outcome like what
you're about to do is permanent dude there's no reset button you're not coming back in another life it's not like it's over for you I feel off a lot more people if they had to Clarity or they had somebody just to shake them and tell them that right now like not right now do it tomorrow do it tomorrow do it tomorrow do it tomorrow Church Hill Going Through Hell keep going steady pressure there's no reason to make a decision right now and the worst has ever been let's work on getting optimal and then make decision
when you're in optimal state but don't do it at the bottom do it at the top and a lot of the times you have to force them you have to give them the ability and I see a lot of SWAT Team guys now a lot of guys struggle with mental health stuff like sometimes you have to force the conversation sometimes you have to lie in order to get them to open up and I'll do some some back and forth of dudes like how does that look like how's that look like in conversation how's that look
like how do I engage with a guy how do I engage with my husband my wife that I've got some mental health going on you just say it why I don't know how to say it I'll do one dude I haven't slept in like 5 days me and my wife been fighting after that call last Tuesday I can't shake out of my head and it just it haunts me everying minute of every day I've been drinking every day she's pissed at me she been sleeping at a friend's house and the whole conversation just kicks over
they just like yeah that thing [ __ ] me up too man CU I can't get it out of my head keeps going over and over and Trauma is trauma doesn't matter what patch you have what fancy School you went to what selection course you graduated from that [ __ ] does not matter and that's really what I try to push out now like people try to put you on a pedestal because you graduated some course or you served in some unit I'll tell you every level people are string every level childhood affects a dude
in the special force Community same way it does a school teacher same thing it doesn't matter doesn't matter you did 10 deployments or whatever that does not matter that thing that happened to you at 6 still haunts you same thing if we don't get on the positive cycle list it's only going to get worse and a lot of guys they just they suffer in silence you know suffering silence and misery loves company if we can figure out a way to bridge those two and it starts with just you using your voice like you have to
say it I struggle mental health all the time and you should see the looks like but sure but you're this like don't they train you for that like maybe I missed the PowerPoint presentation where they talk about how mental health doesn't affect us I don't know most certainly affects me and kind of just went through the whole thing and then the importance of it and a lot of the stuff is you know kind of reshaped that whole narrative into being a professional being a pro at everything you do and part of that is communication part
of that is acceptance part of that that is picking somebody up when they fallen down being that on every level am I a professional at everything I do and am I trying to make myself 1% better in all this Fields yeah is my mental health perfect no do I still get depressed yeah do I still have anxiety yeah am I actively combed it right I am all day because I understand the importance of it now if I don't have any bandwidth of give other people there's nothing else to give to them but if I manage
my stuff as much as I possibly can I try to keep it isolated constantly polishing constantly refining it keep this [ __ ] in the box then I can open up the other 75% of my bandwidth to everybody else but if I don't my stuff's all over the table I can't help you out I'm just I'm in complete disarray I have to have some sort of organization but not so structured that it becomes rigid I've got to be able to adapt every day as things change something else gets implemented restructure my day yeah the be
a bro thing has been been one of the bigger things we've done and I think the mental health aspect is huge in there you know we tell stories to kind of get guys motivated and you know just how important it is to be a professional whatever you're doing and inspiring the generation behind you to backfill you it's kind of hard to do when you're just spit in hate and discontent all day long and you see people who do that a lot of people they want to Quick Fix they want take a pill and make it
happen it's not going to and a lot of people they set these goals are so unrealistic you ain't going to make them you don't have the discipline to pull that off and I know it's nice to Hope and want and wish ain't going to work why don't you set a goal you can actually maintain like let's go to bed at the same time every day for 7 Days let's wake up at the same time every day for seven days just do that let's add a 20-minute walk in after dinner let's add in one before you
go to work now let's see what's realistic now inside of your life structure can you add a morning routine that has Fitness before you go to work no because of this thisness I tell you to find a little gray area find a little buffer maybe go to bed earlier maybe wake up earlier there's something you can do just for you that makes you exponentially better without a lot of effort and a lot of it is micro winds I'm trying to stack up as many micro winds as humanly possible did I wake up the same time
that I was supposed to yep did I get my Fitness in yep get a cold Plunge in yep 20 minute walk yep protein shake yep diet and check yep did I make my first meeting yep that's six thing before 10:00 a.m. I've done that 7 days a week every day for 5 years pretty good man that's pretty repeatable do I do a 20-minute walk after dinner every night mhm yeah every night that's pretty repeatable I can knock that out do I take a shower every night yeah so why couldn't I do a walk no yeah
I tried keto it didn't work oh I tried this it didn't work I see with diet all the time best diet in the world is the one you'll actually stick to doesn't matter what it is that can be keto that can be vegan that can be whatever you want it to be if you'll actually stick to it that's best die for you no different that morning routine life has such a big physical component over and that's why I push it so much on military police firemen just overall every day because to me life is about
processing information whether that be conflict that could be navigating human terrain at the grocery store it could be whatever it is the better off I am physically gives me more options I can process more information because there's no physical taxation to me processing that because if there is I can already solve it there's a physical element in it I don't even know what it is I can pretty much get through it cuz I'm I'm honest there's not many things physically that I can't I can't grind my way through I got to jump on this I
got to push that I got to pick this chick I can do all that if anybody else can do it I can reasonbly do it and I think most people can especially if you put forth just a little bit of effort and the confidence that comes from that is really the key to mental health it's stop feeling like a victim and I say that to everybody else too if you're going to talk about mental health from a fetal position stop stop if you're laying in your bed right now talking about how bad your life is
stop nobody cares nobody's going to hear you from there if you're going to talk about mental health get up and do it in the grocery store get up and go interact with people say to out town get up and just move build a routine wake up drive your car 15 minutes go sit at Starbucks and drink a coffee inside the restaurant do that just watch people interact it pulls people out of depression they don't want to listen to it like I want to be alone I know you do that's why you've had this depression for
20 years get out and move be around people and see everybody's doing the same thing you are and now a lot of people just want to put in at work and they don't want to they don't want to hear the real truth the real truth is that everybody's got some stuff going on man everybody just be open and share it if you lead A busy life like me a millions of other people around the world you might be struggling to get your nutrition in that's where this stuff comes in absolutely clut it's Heth as easy
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