I Will Never Let You Go | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

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God's Message Now
I Will Never Let You Go | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say ...
Video Transcript:
my dear child you're carrying too many worries on your shoulders have you forgotten that I am your heavenly father holding your life securely in my hands you ask about your family rest assured they are safe under my protective care you've made a wise choice in declaring me as your God your lord the one who holds your life and Reigns in your heart leaving the past behind and handing over your burdens to me was a wonderful decision remember when I invited you to come to me if you were weary and burdened offering you rest you came
to me with a sincere heart and you believed in me completely if anyone ever told you that I was angry with you know that they were wrong I am not angry with you nor am I distant my love for you is unwavering trust in me with all your heart stop relying on what others say or the negative news that surrounds you not everything you hear is true and not everyone who speaks to you has your best interests at heart be cautious of those who try to pull you back into old ways who drag you into
gossip or meaningless arguments their Envy shouldn't distract you from the blessings I have for you keep keep your focus on me and I will guide you toward peace and joy it's time to say enough it's time for you to step into a life filled with peace and Tranquility I am the one who forgives all your sins who heals every wound and ailment who pulls you out of the depths of Despair I am the one who takes away your shame and transforms you into a person of honor and respect I am the one who crowns you
with favor and mercy who renews your strength every single day I want you to know me more deeply to feel my presence when I speak to you and to trust in the truth of my words everything around you may change Heaven and Earth may pass away but my word will remain forever my promises are unbreakable I have promised to show you Mercy to hold your family securely in my hands and to Love You Without End I will never leave you and I will never let you go believe in this truth and you will experience my
peace a peace that surpasses all understanding let go of the worries and fears and embrace the life of rest and assurance that I offer you my love for you is steadfast and my commitment to you is eternal trust in me and my peace will fill your heart this is your moment to rise above it all I am healing the Deep wounds in your heart and the things that have caused you pain for so long will no longer have power over you those difficult situations those painful memories they're being wiped away I'm here to heal you
to strengthen you so that you can stand firm even in the face of conflict let me into your life fully I want to be your support in every struggle I don't want to see you discouraged thinking that I don't hear your cries or that I'm not willing to help you time and again I've shown you my love even on the days when you strayed from my path I was there saving you protecting you from greater harm that's why I'm asking you now to open your heart and let my love flood in washing away all the
feelings that have robbed you of Peace forgive those who have hurt you and let go of the past trust that in time they will understand the pain they caused and I will take care of that don't hold on to resentment it only weighs you down I can turn even the negative things in your life into something good so release those bad feelings and I will help you forget because I know how hard it can be trust in me and let's move forward together free from the burdens of the past and full of Hope for the
future whenever the past comes creeping back into your mind and sadness tries to take hold come into my presence bring all your worries and fears to me if depression tries to overwhelm you bow before me and I will envelop your life your family and your home with my people peace and love you will find calm in the midst of the storm you will feel my comfort lifting you up don't allow these feelings to take root and cause harm to your body or your soul leave those painful memories in my hands I'm erasing your pain and
shaping a beautiful future for you and those you love I want you to know that there are beautiful surprises ahead what you have endured will pale in comparison to the immense joy and satisfaction that awaits you the trials you faced will seem small against the backdrop of the blessings I'm preparing for you I'm healing you today setting you free from the chains of the past I'm giving you the strength and the freedom to live your life with Renewed Energy and enthusiasm there will be no more hurt no No More Tears caused by others you've learned
a valuable lesson that your heart is safest when it's usted to me with me you will find the love and security you've always longed for I will guard your heart with my unwavering love and I will guide you toward a future filled with hope joy and Endless Possibilities you're never alone for I Am With You leading you into a new chapter of your life where peace and happiness reign as you walk this path with me remember that I'm always here for you whenever you feel overwhelmed simply come to me and I will give you rest
trust in the beautiful future I have planned for you and let go of the burdens that have weighed you down for so long with each step you are moving closer to the life I've prepared for you A life filled filled with love joy and peace that surpasses all understanding I am pouring out wisdom upon you helping you to discern whom you should trust let my deepest love fill the void in your heart that others have left behind I promise you my dear child that everything will be all right soon you will discover that my tenderness
is sweeter than honey and my presence will be your Constant Comfort wherever you go I am with you my love for you is boundless and from this day forward you will witness Miracles and blessings unfolding in your life I am your Shepherd and you shall lack nothing my love overflows in your life and my help is always Within Reach just a prayer away I invite you to seek me every morning so I can guide you to Green Pastures where you can find rest and to Living Waters that will refresh your soul and bring you Tranquility
I am stirring Within You A Renewed desire to live fully to fight for your dreams and to move forward with courage do not abandon the hopes I've have placed in your heart today you will trust in my word with all your heart you will understand deep within your soul that it is possible to overcome every obstacle and affliction that comes your way Victory is within your grasp even in the most difficult situations and peace will be yours despite the challenges that may arise you can achieve all this because I am infusing you with my strength
you are never alone my power is at work within you empowering you to rise above and live the Abundant Life I have promised I am instilling in you a firm character and unwavering Faith so that you won't be shaken by the challenges that try to hinder your path or discourage you in your pursuit of a better future you have made the most important decision by opening your heart to me allowing me to be your God and Lord in every aspect of your life this choice is the foundation on which you will build everything else yes
the enemy will attempt to oppose your plans but remember to come to me in prayer before you begin any new Endeavor place your trust in me and I will guide you ensuring that you do not Stray From the Path I've set for you when you put your Affairs in my hands I will protect you and I will bless the good and productive work you choose to undertake with me by your side there's no need to fear your steps will be secure and your efforts will be fruitful I am with you in every decision every plan
and every action you take trust in my guidance and you will see your life prosper in ways you never imagined there have been many moments when fear held you back many dreams that slipped away because you doubted your own abilities but today is a new day and I am giving you the wisdom to bring order to your life and priorities I am empowering you to achieve great things so much so that even your family will be amazed at what I am accomplishing within you immerse yourself in my word and watch as your spirit and heart
are transformed come to me with confidence especially when you feel burdened when doubts arise during the cloudiest days the darkest nights and the most stressful moments my holy spirit is always near attentive to your needs ready to respond but remember my answers come with faith and are aligned with my will trust in me and I will guide you on the path of true abundance peace and prosperity tell me with all your heart and soul that you believe in my promises surrender this day to me trusting that the doors you need will open the storms will
pass Victory will come and your blessings will arrive now is not the time to give up stand firm and resist the urge to despair I am giving you the strength and wisdom to overcome this season of struggle trust in me and together we will move forward into the fullness of life that I have planned for you I will shelter you under my wings where no enemy can reach you when you feel weary I will lift you up and comfort you with my endless love I am filling you with a hope that will renew your strength
and cover you with encouragement and energy I desire to transform your life and that is exactly what I am about to do do so listen closely my child even if you don't fully understand the reasons know that you are here for a valuable powerful and Incredibly important purpose I've placed you in this world to fulfill the dreams I've given you to accomplish wonderful things you are not a product of luck or chance it was my deliberate choice to create you and bring you into this world I made you to be a blessing not just for
yourself but for others as well so expand your faith and lift your head I want to see you smile again think back to those moments when you thought you couldn't endure and yet here you are wiser stronger and more resilient I chose you my beloved child I know you've made mistakes and sometimes you forget that I am I am always here beside you but I chose you because I see the potential in you I want you to be a successful respected and blessed individual someone who plants Seeds of Love and reaps a harvest of joy
and prosperity I have placed within you the gifts of Love forgiveness and a heart to help others these gifts are not only for your benefit but to bless those around you you trust in the purpose I have for you and walk forward with confidence knowing that I am with you every step of the way I want you to be a living example of my love showing it through your actions every day I desire for you to touch many lives to reach many hearts through the kindness of your hands right now I'm increasing your faith to
a level you have never experienced before and if it means I must mind you daily to keep your focus on me then I will do just that in countless ways I will make my will and my word known to you so do not be afraid for I'm here to help you do not be discouraged for my love for you is unshakable trust in me and keep moving forward I am with you filling you with encouragement I Stand By Your Side in times of adversity and on the days when you suffer I am always near tell
me with all your heart that you believe in me close your eyes and feel my presence when I tell you each day that I love you this is the greatest truth you can hold on to remember what my word promises even if your father your mother your family your children or your friends turn away from you my love Remains the promise of my love is sealed with my own blood blood and I will never leave you or abandon you I will be with you always day and night let these words bring you peace and comfort
as you read and hear them my love for you is eternal and I am with you in every moment I want you to come to me to Bow your knees and surrender your struggles into my hands there's no need for you to carry the weight of anxiety and nervousness all day right now I am offering you my peace accept it rest in the assurance that your life and the lives of your loved ones are securely in my care my promise to you is firm and eternal I will protect you and guide you toward a future
filled with good and peace I know things around you are changing but don't let fear take hold of your heart my plan is unfolding and it is perfect in every way that's why I urge you not to be afraid of what your eyes see I'm working behind the scenes bringing the blessing you've been waiting for into your life I have heard your cries and I never turn a deaf ear to your prayers even if you cannot see it I've stationed an army of angels around you guarding your every step so that you do not stumble
I understand that your you're not perfect and I know you will make mistakes but your humility and your simple honest heart are precious to me unlike those who boast of perfection but continually walk in error you'll find your reward and staying true to who you are so don't be discouraged if it seems like others are prospering while you are struggling this difficult season in your life will not last forever hold on to my promise for better days are coming trust in my timing and know that I am always with you working everything out for your
good the seed you planted has taken root and the fruits of your effort are beginning to grow you have listened to my voice and you have felt my presence I don't want to see you suffer any longer right now you're already starting to reap the Harvest of your faith a miracle is unfolding within you in your mind your soul your heart and even within your family trust me when I say that your eyes are about to witness wonders beyond what you've imagined I love you deeply and I want you to keep trusting in me don't
give up keep reaching toward the heavens even when you're weary for the fire of my love is always with you remember I'm Always by your side don't place your hope in people for they can fail you your strength and encouragement should not depend on the love and approval of others yes I created you to love and to be loved but the only true eternal love that will never fail you is my love my love is steadfast close and secure it's a love you can always rely on be careful where you place your heart don't entrust
it to those who might abandon you and don't give your future to those who may stop loving you after receiving everything from you do not let anyone who can turn their back on you hold the first place in your soul they could hurt your heart and bring turmoil into your life you asked for Hope and I have brought it to you you prayed for peace and here it is if you're ready to rest then Rest in Me my love and peace are here for you now and always if you must continue your work keep going
with persistence and Trust knowing that when you rest in my arms you're truly safe when you walk through life's challenges my powerful hand will shield you from the world's dangers remember you are never alone you are not abandoned no matter what happens around you even if those love leave you or turn away the most beautiful and Everlasting Love is always yours mine it's a precious thing to know and feel that your heavenly father is watching over you I understand how much you need these words right now life is sustained not just by physical nourishment but
by every word that flows from my heart to yours the nourishment I'm offering you now is peace encouragement tranquility and trust my peace I leave with you my peace I give to you the world and the people in it cannot offer you the Deep abiding love and peace that I can open your heart and receive it now even if you can't see me know that I am caring for you even when you don't feel my presence I am holding you close even if you find it hard to believe I love you more than you can
imagine and even in moments of doubt I'm always by your side if it seems like my response is delayed or your Miracle hasn't arrived yet trust that I'm filling your heart with the faith you need to believe that I have everything in my hands keep your eyes on me and let your heart rest in the assurance that I Am with You guiding you every step of the way it's not by chance that you're hearing my words right now your soul Longs for my presence even if you haven't fully realized it you may feel like things
are spiraling out of control but at this very moment I'm filling you with peace and calm take hold of this Tranquility that I'm offering you I'm showing you my love by keeping my promises by Leading You from One Victory to another guiding you toward the place of blessing I have prepared for you Heaven and Earth May fade away but my word remains unchanging my promises are steadfast and the Covenant of Salvation I made with you will be fulfilled No Matter What opposition arises I ask you now do you truly believe in my promises are you
ready to embrace the changes I'm about to bring into your life I will remove those who bring harm who cause you daily pain pain and who torment you with their words the battle you face is real and the struggle is ongoing but I am with you open your eyes and be alert to the threats that surround you stay vigilant in prayer bringing before me not only those who live under your roof but also those who are distant and indifferent to you forgive them do not judge them pray for them for I want to bless them
as well you will be my instrument to help them find their way out of difficult situations through you I will extend my grace and love to those who need it most trust in me stay close to me and watch as I work through you to bring light and hope to those around you you are living in a Time filled with challenges and I have chosen you to be a beacon of blessing my dear child I am your Fortress your unshakable rock your source of strength though a thousand may fall at your side and 10,000 at
your right hand nothing will come near you when I say your blessing is on its way believe it my word is true when I promise that everything happening to you is working for your good and your future rest assured because I do not lie it will be as I have said even when you face tough times and feel like you can't go on remember this you will rise again I will fill you with joy and strength the days of sadness will not last forever prepare yourself for the many beautiful and good things that are coming
your way Showers of Blessings that will enrich your life I love you deeply and I am speaking to you with love listen carefully to my words and hold them close to your heart even if you don't fully understand them right now know that I'm not angry with you I see that you're seeking answers and while I may seem silent I'm giving you the freedom to continue with your life and your plans however remember this when you set out on your journey you didn't consult me you didn't ask for my guidance and you didn't place your
path in my hands but I am still here ready to walk with you to guide you and to bless the work of your hands return to me trust in my wisdom and let me lead you into the fullness of the life I've prepared for you you took control of your life's journey from my hands and now that the winds are against you you wonder why things have gone wrong I once whispered to you give me your heart my child and keep your eyes fixed on my my path trust me with your plans feed on my
word and seek my will you did this for a while but then came a day when you began to drift away you thought you were strong enough to go your own way and you set off on a path filled with risks you chased after Prosperity believing you needed more than what I was providing you ran without caution seeking a false abundance and in doing so you turned away from the true happiness I held in my hands for you I tried to reach you I called to you in your dreams I spoke to you in countless
ways throughout the day but you didn't respond out of my deep love for you I had to intervene you chose to fight your battles alone and in your stubbornness you found yourself at the bottom of a deep pit in that place of pain sadness and confusion through your tears and sorrow you finally called out my name Jesus save me get me out of here and I was there waiting for you to turn back to me even when you tried to walk away I never left your side I heard your cry and I reached down to
lift you out of the darkness I have always been ready to guide you back to safety to the place of true Joy and fulfillment now as you return to me I will help you navigate the storms and Lead You Back to the path of peace and abundance that I have prepared for you trust in me once more and let's walk this journey together hand in hand I feel the depths of your soul as I speak to you with love and tenderness if you truly desire a life of lasting happiness you must remain United with me
for eternity there's no other path to True Joy if you want victory in your life you must stay close to my spirit always cleansed and protected by the power of my blood under the Refuge of my unending love come to me now my beloved child return to the home where you belong open your heart and receive the bread of life that nourishes and transforms your soul here in my presence you will find the peace and happiness you've been searching for if you distance yourself from me you will only find emptiness I know your heart so
well better than you know yourself and there's nothing you can hide from me even if you tried remember you can always come to me any day any hour I am always here ready to listen ready to hold hold you close you can share your deepest thoughts your struggles and your fears because I am fully aware of all that you feel and all that you need I have always been this way with you how could you ever doubt your importance to me when I have rescued you and given you new life you matter to me more
than you can imagine and I will never stop loving you or guiding you toward the life I've destined for you you know that this world cannot offer you the love or understanding you seek but here with me you will find everything you need and more I am here to satisfy your need for peace to surround your life with my love and to fill your heart with a deep powerful Assurance the joy of knowing and feeling truly loved my love for you has always been true even when you doubt during your hardest moments I Loved You
Then I love you now and I will continue to love you always it's time to stop placing your trust in those who betray you and stop giving your love to those who do not value it don't give the first place in your heart to those who have caused you pain and made you cry they do not deserve that place it belongs to me give your heart to me acknowledge me and respect me give me the reverence I deserve in your life I should be your God your lord your king no one else should hold that
position you have allowed others to take my place and that's one of the reasons you've been feeling so unsettled lately there's an emptiness inside you a void that you can't quite explain let me tell you what's happening that void will only grow larger if you continue to reject my love but if you turn to me I will fill that emptiness with my presence with a love that will never fail you I'm here waiting for you to come back to me to let me be the one who fills your heart and life with the peace and
joy you've been longing for that's why you feel sad while you wake up in the night with tears in your eyes you long to feel loved but you've been searching for love in all the wrong places there's no one in this world who can love you as deeply and completely as I do come to me and I will give you the peace love and rest your soul craves what are you waiting for why continue to pour your heart into those who only bring you pain must you wait to be hurt again before you return to
me crying out in sorrow even if you do I will still welcome you with open arms for my love is greater than any of your mistakes or poor choices but know this you don't have to wait for suffering to bring you back to me you can come now just as you are come to me today I am here waiting to embrace you with affection and show you the depth of my love if you choose to come now your future will begin to change your current struggles will start to improve I will intervene in your life
in ways that are Beyond natural understanding with your own eyes you will soon see a clear solution to the difficulties you're facing don't be like those who put their trust in negativity or in the voices of those who are content to live in spiritual Darkness if you are hearing these words it's because I've given you the wisdom and discernment to recognize the truth you have grown and you are ready for what's next the door to A New Beginning will soon open remember I am not some distant imaginary God I am real and I am with
you ready to guide you into the life I have planned for you come to me and let's walk this journey together you are not alone and you never will be trust in my love and watch as I turn your tears into joy and your struggles into victories you know who I am so stop doubting my word every time you found yourself in trouble I've been there to rescue you with my holy hand I've embraced you with love and I've given you new life even when your past was a mess after I intervened your present has
always improved Let the Fire of Hope burn in your heart the dream I planted within you is growing and soon it will flourish into a tree that provides shade provision and abundance not just for you but for those you love and care for deeply hold tightly to the life I have given you let Joy fill your heart because what I am about to do will transform your perspective you will soon understand the full picture of what I've been planning for you remember even though you have stumbled in the past I was always there with you
I forgave you lifted you up and never left you beaten or abandoned new days are coming days filled with light and joy the sadness you've carried will disappear and your heart will overflow with happiness when the miracle you've been waiting for finally arrives you will see it with your own eyes declare your faith now say to me I believe it as I always remind you I love you I saw every moment of your suffering every tear you cried until the break of dawn I was there right by your side offering you my sincere Embrace trust
in my love for it is unchanging and watch as I bring about the blessings I've promised I held you in my arms like a tender child comforting you with my love and affection in the midst of your tears and overwhelming sadness in those Quiet Moments you felt the peace that only I can give a peace Beyond understanding your tears began to dry and a deep Tranquility settled in your soul in the Stillness of the early morning I spoke to your heart I placed my hand upon you reminding you of my unchanging faithfulness and when you
awoke everything felt different you were lighter filled with hope and confidence your faith stronger than before but I want you to understand my beloved child that this is just the beginning I desire for your pain to end and for your life to be transformed in ways you can't even imagine do not stop praying and do not stop believing the victory is already in your grasp waiting for you to claim it when you seek more of my power the very power that seems inexplicable to your eyes you will find within yourself a renewed sense of Faith
and Hope this power will give you a reason to live each day with purpose and it will fill your soul with praise that overflows you see my child this journey we're on together is one of constant growth and deepening Faith each moment of pain you've experienced each tear you've shed is not wasted I'm using them to strengthen you to build in you a resilience that will carry you through any challenge as you continue to seek me to draw closer to my presence you will discover new depths of peace and joy that you never thought possible
so keep your eyes fixed on me even when the path ahead seems uncertain even when the storms of life rage around you know that I am with you my love is your anchor and my power is your strength I am guiding you toward a future filled with hope blessing and unimaginable Joy trust in me and let us walk this journey together hand in hand your best days are ahead and I am here ready to lead you into the fullness of life that I have promised you my beloved child even in those moments when you doubt
yourself and feel your faith waver remember that I have unwavering faith in you I know the strength and victory that lie within you you may think your faith is insignificant but it is powerful enough to confront adversities and overcome challenges I see your heart clearly I understand you more deeply than you can imagine I look Beyond mere appearances beyond what the world perceives you live in a world where judgment is frequent and many voices may try to sway you with their opinions yet stand resilient in knowing my thoughts about you you are precious in my
eyes do not weigh the words of those blinded by their own Pride too heavily they may seek your companionship with insincere gestures and Hollow Smiles but their approval is not what defines you I urge you do not share your time your secrets or your trust with those who do not value what is genuine and true I have blessed you with a life abundant and full of potential in me you will find the strength to conquer all your battles and the joy of true happiness the key to this Abundant Life is to release the need for
approval from others when you live for my affirmation alone you free yourself from the chains of false expectations and relationships this Freedom will guide you to a life filled with genuine connections and enduring peace remember if you ever need a friend I am always here you are never alone I'm always ready to listen to comfort and to guide you turn to me in your times of need and let my presence fill your life with hope and peace as you walk forward on this journey Let My Words Be The Light That guides your path and the
truth that sets you free from any bondage of Deceit or superficiality my dear child I am always here to listen to you with immense love and boundless patience when you speak I hold the universe in silence attending to The Whispers of your heart your struggles are known to me and I promise they will not last forever trust in me tell me you believe for your faith reaches me as a Sweet Sound blessing not only you but also your family your home and all those you hold dear I see you in the depths of your despair
but I'm here to lift you out reach for my hand with confidence and hold it tightly for my desire to help you is urgent and sincere your sorrow and your needs move me deeply they Echo up to my throne where I hear your heart's cries most clearly do not let the voices of doubt and despair drown out the voice of Hope and renewal there are many who might say that it is impossible for your dreams to flourish again but I urge you to turn away from such discouragement listen not to those who do not contribute
to your growth instead embrace the plan and purpose I have for your life attune your ears to hear only my voice guiding you forward your prayers when born from a patient and believing Faith are powerful beyond measure they are the keys to unlocking Miracles and ushering in the blessings I have in store for you hold steadfast in this faith and watch as the impossible begins to unfold before your eyes my dear child remember the times when adversity loomed large before you each moment you chose to pray rather than despair marked the beginning of a transformation
adversity vanished and victory embraced you recall those times when you felt utterly depleted yet after praying Newfound strength and courage surged within you these moments are living testimonies of my presence and responsiveness to your calls for help now listen closely to my words even in the darkest times when all light seems extinguished and you feel weakest know that Victory is still yours I am with you in those moments of Frailty hearing even The faintest Whisper of your plea for Aid today marks a pivotal point you are being elevated beyond the reach of your troubles take
my hand now and with unwavering Faith begin the ascent on the lad that leads to your Victory step by step climb with the assurance that I Am with You lifting you higher above each challenge this path is not just towards Victory but also towards a deeper understanding of my unending support and love for you my beloved your prayer has indeed reached my ears in the midst of overwhelming pressure fear anguish and despair you chose to place your trust in me it is this trust that unlocks my support and Promises a profound transformation in your life
today I am lifting you to a place where no adversity can reach you a sanctuary of peace and Security today marks a new beginning for you a day when the Shadows that have clouded your spirit begin to clear I am here to infuse your heart with a radiant sense of joy to dissolve the chains of loneliness to shatter the grip of depression and to heal the deepest wounds that bleed within you I've always heard your cries felt your tears and understood the weight of your burdens both during the darkest nights and the brightest days I
invite you now to come before me with an open heart share everything the pain and the past hurts the bitter roots that may seem dormant yet still taint your soul unveil the burdens that steal your peace and lead you to despair hold back nothing release every emotion that haunts you in the quiet of night and tears your spirit bring to me the chest of old memories that has done nothing but bring self-punishment and distance you for my love today let us begin to empty this chest together to cleanse your heart and renew your spirit in
doing so you will find that my love is boundless and my capacity to renew your spirit is Limitless this is your time of healing and restoration enveloped in the certainty of my unending love for you my beloved child behold I am making all things new the triumphs and joys of your past I will transform and multiply offering you deeper happiness and everlasting Delights that no one can take away from this moment forward your focus will be on the Reconstruction of your dreams you need not dwell on the past nor seek out those who have moved
on without you why revisit a place where you felt rejected let go of the pain once inflicted upon you you have endured enough disappointment but now that is behind you your path leads towards Joy now should anyone dare to mock your faith remember you have a heavenly father to defend you and those who wish to harm you will find themselves facing their own reckonings carry this Faith every day if some days you feel it wavering do not be troubled come to me anyway speak to me for I'm always listening if you find your soul feeling
empty if old sorrows and tormentors return to Cloud your spirit come to me just as you are in my presence you will find Healing I will liberate you break the chains that bind you and with a breath of divine wind I will scatter the dark clouds that obscure your light come and In My Embrace find the freedom and peace to live fully unburdened by the shadows of yesterday here with me every day is a new beginning radiant with the promise of my love and protection come to me at any hour be it dawn dusk or
midday whenever your heart seeks Comfort approach with a spirit filled with Divine love and I will inv velop you in peace your entire life from this moment into all your tomorrows rests securely in my hands when I promise you blessings trust that they will manifest for my words are true your blessings are on their Horizon ready to be embraced stand with open arms and a simple Faith ready to receive the goodness I am sending your way awake awaken each day with my words echoing in your mind allowing your soul to be uplifted by wholesome thoughts
and dispel once and for all the shadows of fear and anxiety your faith is a beacon of reality in a world of Shadows my power is boundless your prayers potent they will indeed yield the fruits you seek start each morning not with a focus on what is a Miss but with confidence in the changes that are to come your current trials are fleeting let light fill your home in Spirit open your windows wide and invite in the dawn call out to me and I will illuminate the darkest corners of your soul with my light hold
fast to my words and let no despair take root in your thoughts banish bitter Ness and resentment from your heart for they have no place in the life I have planned for you reject these destructive feelings do not listen to them do not voice them in their place let Hope and Grace flourish transforming your spirit and guiding your steps turn away from the idle chatter and the gossip that others may try to pass to you you are not dependent on the opinions of others and and in a world filled with negativity remember you are set
apart do not allow the voices of negativity and doubt to enter the sanctuary of your soul or the Peace of your home many will attempt to burden you with worries and cares that are neither your concern nor necessity maintain your focus stand firm in the commitments you've made to your projects your dreams and your faith stand tall and courageous walk securely advancing steadfastly as a soldier of Faith unafraid even when you see only problem surrounding you know that I see you under the watchful guard of a legion of angels appointed for your protection listen closely
to my guidance devote yourself to the truths I impart and shut out the malicious Whispers of the world immerse yourself in my word and Trust in my promises believe for today you are poised to receive profound blessings imbued with my power wrapped in my love and crowned with my peace I cherish you deeply nothing is beyond my reach your faith anchors in my Eternal Word with this Faith you can overcome Giants and turn back Legions For You are not alone in your battles though you may face countless challenges and feel on the verge of exhaustion
my Holy Spirit dwells within you infusing you with unwavering power this Divine strength ensures that your faith will not falter press onward with firmness and resolve for my presence accompanies you at every step you have expressed a desire for peace and to this I assure you do not be afraid challenges may arise but my promises to you are unshakable the trials of each day cannot rob you of Joy or disrupt your emotional balance adverse conditions will no longer Cloud your judgment nor will life's unexpected turns sour your spirit the truths I speak to you today
have cultivated spiritual maturity mental resilience and emotional steadiness within you now you understand that your future is not dictated by transient feelings you possess the Power of Choice fortified by the gift of self-control I bestow upon you Temptations will not overpower you failures will not weaken you mistakes will not halt your progress and Imperfections will not defeat you your trust is rooted in my word knowing deeply that each time you stumble I am here to raise you up should you falter a 100 times my forgiveness remains steadfast H hundredfold before you knew me I reached
out to you with open arms offering love and forgiveness even as you were ens snared by sin now that you have embraced faith in me how much more eagerly will I rush to your side to lift you from sorrow I am here to dry your tears cleanse you of guilt soothe your pain and remain everpresent in your life I see your determination to persevere to continue in my ways despite your missteps and the harsh threats from those who oppose you I urge you to hold yourself in higher regard you're precious to me belonging to me
entirely yet you find yourself among those who deny themselves the joy that is rightfully theirs encased in negativity if you wait for their acceptance they will pull you into their realm of Despair you would have to forsake your vibrant faith and the bright future at promises bitterness would seep into your heart and in frustration you might even blame me questioning my presence and assistance in your life but listen here I am am speaking directly to you offering a love so vast and profound still the choice remains in your hands choose to step away from those
who Cloud your spirit and embrace the Abundant Life I offer this decision my beloved child is yours to make you stand at a Crossroads and a choice lies before you will you embrace the promises I have made or will you linger in the Shadows of Despair are you ready to step into a season of Victory and Joy or will you remain Bound by emotional defeat will you trust in my words or be swayed by those who dwell in confusion and negativity consider whom you wish to please those who have brought turmoil into your life or
your creator who has swn dreams into your heart and loves you deeply I your heavenly father who gifted you life am now asking you what is your decision I invite you into a special place within my presence a space filled with promise and peace embracing my promises requires patience and faith a willingness to wait for my timing this journey involves giving time it's due planting your hopes and nurturing your dreams gradually not succumbing to the haste of a world that craves immediate satisfaction reject the ways of those who demand quick fixes and instant gratification whose
arrogance overshadows their gratitude such people lose sight of humility they judge boast of perfection and claim innocence while their words betray their faults choose instead a path of faith and patience step away from worldly pressures and towards a life enriched with my blessings knowing that in time all that I have promised will flourish and Thrive under the care of my hand what is your choice dear one my presence cannot reside in a heart that Embraces wrongdoing I do not bestow my blessings upon those who Fain Perfection and humility rather my spirit dwells with the humble
those who approach me aware of their imperfections never using their words to wound others through deceit or malice I have my gaze fixed upon you longing for you to choose the path that leads to me to embrace the gift of eternal life and to claim your spiritual inheritance I know you intimately your strengths and your vulnerabilities unlike those who follow the world's way you recognize the presence of an omnipotent God who loves you you unconditionally forgives your missteps lifts you from Despair and encourages you continuously towards the victory that awaits I implore you not to
forsake this chance for yourself your family or your community live truly within the sanctuary of my care protected by my love sheltered Beneath My Wings here peace and happiness will flourish in your life stre dreaming over you like a gentle nourishing rain this is the life I offer you a life rich with my presence and my peace I cherish you deeply my beloved child I'm intimately familiar with every trial you have endured every moment of weakness when you stumbled and each day that brought you tears and sorrow leaving you feeling as though life was too
much to bear yet I have always been with you offering my love to to lift you from Despair and granting you the strength to persevere reflect on your journey despite the hardships and the losses you have consistently emerged Victorious today you stand strong and the pain that once overwhelmed You Now lies behind you you know the path forward whenever you find that your legs can no longer carry you when each step becomes too much to endure when exhaustion clouds your vision and makes you question the worth of continuing remember this I love you endlessly your
life is precious sustained by my love my spirit invigorates you and your blessing is on the horizon come to me Rest In My Embrace let go of your burdens here in the shelter of my arms find the peace and strength to continue your journey is far from over and my love will always carry you forward my dear child I see how at times despite your many triumphs and experiences you still feel overwhelmed by insecurity weakness and anxiety it may seem to you as though you are alone as though I am not there watching over you
let me reassure you of my unwavering love and remind you that I am am always by your side every day of your life is carefully noted in my book I have promised you Victory and I intend to deliver it I am your heavenly father your omnipotent God who breathes life and strength into your being I am the one who provides for you and I have crafted beautiful plans for your future as you absorb these words open your heart wide to Hope for I will continually shower you with blessings challenges such as doubt and discouragement may
arise aiming to shake your spirit and weaken your resolve but be assured that my grace and love will forever envelop you surrender fully to me with all your heart and soul and in return I promise to unveil wonders you have yet to comprehend in The Quiet Moments when you reach out to me in prayer know that I am nearer than you might feel I am your father your protector your greatest love and your most faithful friend together we will explore the depths of all that I have plan for you there are Revelations I long to
share with you dreams I yearn to plant within your heart trust in me and you will see these dreams grow and flourish under my care one day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes and remove all the pain that has burdened you this promise is as sure as the Sunrise until that day comes know that I am here guiding you loving you and preparing you for the Eternal joy that awaits let this assurance fill you with peace and courage to face each day knowing that your future is in the hands of a loving
father who will never never leave you nor forsake you my cherished one I impart these truths to you so that you may always remember the promise I have made to your heart and the depth of my desire to see you thriving joyful and blessed in this moment and in all to come continue to place your trust in me cast aside any doubts fears or thoughts that Whisper of defeat if you hold steadfast to my teachings and endure you will see that the greatest blessings are not far off they are indeed closer than you might imagine
know this my love for you is eternal and I will never leave your side I am gently knocking on the door of your heart this day will you let me enter open your heart and allow me to invelop you in the warmth of my love I have eagerly anticipated this precious encounter with you receive my love with openness and confidence for I come not to chastise you for your past frailties nor to dredge up the mistakes you have laid before me you have sought my forgiveness and I have freely given it when I forgive I
wipe the Slate clean choosing not to recall your transgressions the errors of your past have been transformed into valuable lessons from which you have grown I know you are determined not to revisit old missteps with this knowledge I invite you to move forward unburdened by past regrets and enriched by the wisdom you have gained in this new chapter I promise to guide and support you offering my wisdom as a lamp to your feet and a light to your path as we walk together you will find the strength to face whatever lies ahead drawing from a
Wellspring of Grace that will never run dry I am here not only as your savior but as your most faithful companion and friend in every moment of joy and every challenge remember that you are never alone Embrace this journey with me for it is filled with endless possibilities and countless blessings each day is a fresh opportunity to experience my goodness and to live out the Abundant Life I have destined for you let us rejoice together as you step into the fullness of your purpose secure in the knowledge that your future is bright and your blessings
are on the verge of overflowing will you entrust me to illuminate your path with the light I have kindled within you will you heed my voice when I whisper guidance into your ear gently showing you the way Once More by making this wise decision to today you set the stage for prosperity and blessings that will follow as you open your heart's doors wide to me I come bearing gifts of immense value and beauty that I long to give you my desire is to remain with you to be a central presence in your home but also
to be heated my word soothes your soul like a soft Melody my Commandments rejuvenate your being as medicine revives the body my foremost wish is to enrich your life not to impose burdens too heavy for you to bear when I ask something of you it is for your benefit when I direct you to cease something it is to secure your Eternal well-being I yearn to dwell in your house to be acknowledged and given the reverence I am due I desire that your entire family understands who watches over them to always recognize the source of their
manifold blessings it is crucial that they remember from where they were delivered that they do not forget me nor sideline my presence they must maintain the faith knowing they live under my care and protection constantly shielded by my love as you walk with me each step taken in obedience and faith will open new avenues of joy and peace together we will nap navigate the complexities of life turning challenges into victories and trials into testimonies your home will be a sanctuary of my peace a place where every heart knows and experiences my unfailing love invite me
in fully not just into your home but into every aspect of your lives let my truth permeate your conversations guide your decisions and influence your actions as you do you will find your household flourishing under an open Heaven bathed in the light of my presence thriving under the Assurance of my infinite care there is no need to look far and wide for happiness peace and joy in my presence you will find all that you need and more I cherish you deeply you and your family are safely cradled in my hands even if you cannot see
me know that I'm caring for you even if you cannot feel my touch believe that I am holding you close even if doubt clouds your mind remember my love for you is constant and unwavering and even when my responses seem to T and the Miracle you seek appears distant I am nurturing your faith helping you to trust that all is under my control it is no accident that you hear my words today your soul thirsts for my presence you may feel as though things are spiraling beyond your grasp yet it is precisely at this moment
that I offer you my peace accept this calm I lay before you my love is demonstrated not just in words but through the Fulfillment of my promises guiding you from one vict to another leading you to the sacred place where your blessings lie and wait Heaven and Earth May fade away but my words will never falter my promises to you are unchanging and steadfast the Covenant of Salvation I have established with you will be honored no matter the opposition you face trust in this assurance for my word is eternal and my commitment to you is
unbreakable I ask you now do you truly believe and are you ready to embrace the changes I am about to initiate in your life I am prepared to remove those who cause you pain those who afflict you daily with their harsh words the battle you face is indeed real and the struggle is Relentless open your eyes and see the truth of your situation ation you must remain Vigilant against the threats that surround you and it is essential that you pray daily bring before me not only those under your roof but also those you care about
who may seem distant or indifferent forgive them and refrain from judgment pray for them as well I desire to extend my blessings to them through you you are meant to be a conduit of my grace aiding them in their times of trial you live in an era filled with challenges and I have chosen you to be a source of blessing amid these difficulties my child know that I am your Fortress your unshakable rock your strength in every moment even if thousands fall around you or 10,000 succumb beside you no harm will come your way believe
in my promise of blessing it is a certainty trust also in my word that everything happening to you will ultimately contribute to your good and your future I am a God who does not lie rest assured all will unfold as I have declared even in your most challenging times when you feel you can bear no more remember my dear child you will rise infused with joy and fortified with strength the seasons of Sorrow are temporary they will fade away prepare your heart for the abundance of blessings I am ready to pour into your life I
love you immensely and it is with love that I speak to you now listen carefully to my words hold them close even if their full meaning eludes you at this moment know that I address you with tenderness not in reprimand you have sought answers from me yet I have been silent allowing you the space to pursue your endeavors and make your own choices there was a time when you did not seek my guidance as you ventured into uncharted waters you did not ask for my opinion or commit your path to my care you chose to
steer your own course and now as you face adverse winds it pains me to hear you question my involvement in your struggles remember my words give me my child your heart and let your eyes focus on my path I have always encouraged you to entrust your plans to me to nourish yourself with my word and to seek my will for a time you walked Faithfully with me until the day came when you grew restless and chose to walk away believing you had grown strong enough on your own you ventured down a perilous path seeking prosperity
and more possessions thinking they were essential for your happiness in your haste you ignored the dangers along the way and pursuit a fleeting wealth that was but an illusion neglecting the genuine joy and fulfillment that I held out to you in my Open Hands come back to me my child return to the path that leads to True contentment and Lasting peace lay down the burdens you have picked up and let me guide you once more together we can ReDiscover the profound blessings and true Prosperity that come only from living in harmony with my will in
the quiet of your dreams I whispered to you and throughout your days I reached out in countless ways yet when I called you did not respond and out of my deep love for you I was compelled to step into your circumstances you chose to face your battles alone and through your stubborn resol you found yourself at the lowest point fallen into a deep abyss of Despair in that place of pain and confusion overwhelmed with sorrow you finally called out to me Jesus save me lift me from this darkness my friend in that moment I saw
the true repentance in your heart your cries touched me deeply like those of a child seeking Comfort I accepted your sincere repentance reached out my hand and rescued you now I speak to you with tender love directly to your soul if you seek a life filled with genuine happiness know that it can only be found in a lasting Union with me there is no other way for you to experience Victory and joy in your life you must maintain a close relationship with my spirit remain pure continue ually Washed by the power of my blood and
secure within the Refuge of my love this is the path to true peace and the Assurance of my eternal protection come to me now my beloved child it's time to come home open yourself to receive the bread of life which has the power to transform your soul remain in my presence for apart from me you will find neither true peace peace nor genuine happiness I'm reaching out to touch your weary heart with my Healing Hand soothing your tired emotions and inscribing my words upon your soul I will take away your Frailty and Infuse you with
strength and unwavering Faith through my sacred promises from my Throne flows The Living Water ready to satisfy the Deep thirst within you a thirst for more than just worldly satisfactions a yearning for Spiritual renewal you approached me today burdened with great need but I assure you I will grasp your hand firmly you will not stumble grow faint or be overwhelmed by life's trials the authority of my voice causes the barriers within your mind to shake breaking down walls of doubt and fear my divine power is at work within you healing your soul profoundly and permanently
I am speaking directly to you who Rises early to seek me who approaches me with a thirst no earthly water can quench who is weary from life's Relentless challenges your desperation has driven you to your knees but rest assured you will not need to rise until you have witnessed my power manifesting in your life bringing transformation and peace my dear child be at peace know that I Faithfully respond to those who seek me with a heart full of faith those who do will witness the unfolding of great wonders and miracles with their own eyes the
same Majestic power that flung Stars into the endless Cosmos is ready to enact profound transformations in your life should you offer me your heart with humility and truly believe in the depth of my love and affection for you my blessings are reserved for those who love me and earnestly seek me those who nourish themselves with my word and cast aside all negativity my presence is a constant companion to those who patiently await my answers trusting in my perfect timing to Vanquish their foes and to station my warrior Angels at every corner of their dwelling your
faith brings me great joy and it is celebrated across the heavens the celestial beings Rejoice the cherubim sing with joy and the whole Cosmos is stirred when you choose to live out your faith boldly marching forward like a valiant Soldier ready to embrace the victories and blessings I am about to bestow upon you I am ready to bless you now and you are prepared to accept this with a heart full of gratitude no longer shall weariness Cloud your spirit each morning your desire to embrace life will awaken you eager to receive my word with fervent
longing you are liberated I have healed you the chains of emotional bondage are broken and no force can hold you captive any longer you are free indeed right where you are feel my arms around you lean mean on me and know that I will never withdraw my steadfast support I love you deeply these words reach you not by mere coincidence but by Divine intention with me by your side you will face no defeat no failure if you hold on to my hand we will navigate through all challenges together in your moments of strife I will
hold you close providing Solace and strengthening your spirit with my gentle loving words I am deeply invested in your life and your circumstances remember though you live in a world filled with trials I have triumphed over All Through My Sacrifice on the cross and my Victorious Resurrection I wish to share this Victorious power with you I desire for you to experience the refreshing flow of Living Waters within you forever satisfying your deepest thirst cleansing your sorrow purifying your being and invigorating your tired Soul crave my presence seek me continually whether in the morning or at
night through bad times and good in abundance or in Need No Matter your situation you are not defeated it is not your fate to surrender or to discard the blessings that have been gathered along your journey After the Storm peace always returns the ocean May Roar and churn but it calms at the sound of my voice listen as you hear me now and let my peace still your own storms bringing Tranquility to your heart this peace that envelops you now is a precious gift borne out of my love embrace it warmly do not cast it
aside never doubt your worthiness of this affection be mindful of the ongoing battle within the spiritual realm your adversary aims to unsettle you to break you as one might snap a fragile stem but remember you are never alone I am steadfastly by your side all I ask for is a small measure of your faith make the choice to believe to welcome this unending love that accompanies you on all your Journeys Shield ing you from attacks life's circumstances can shift in the blink of an eye it's natural to feel sorrow and to shed tears such Expressions
can be healing for your soul helping to mend the spiritual wear and tear you endure however you must not succumb to the belief that your pain is Perpetual that the sorrow overwhelming you now will persist indefinitely Or that your fate is to dwell in defeat forever your foes and those who feain friendship May strive to keep you subdued to prevent you from finding the strength to rise and reclaim your spirit yet my purpose in coming to you is to ensure that you have life and have it abundantly look up and reach out to me let
me fill you with boundless joy and fortify you with unyielding courage together we will transcend these trials turning your moments of Despair into enduring triumphs I understand how you feel truly there are times when you might think there is no point in continuing the struggle it might seem easier to Simply give up and await whatever comes but remember I love you deeply I have a significant purpose for you and your family you cannot surrender now do not forsake the blessings I have planned for you do not Retreat back to a place of Sorrow that is
not what I desire for you I came so that you might have life in abundance and strength beyond the ordinary your feelings and the words of others do not Define your reality if today you encountered disdain or difficulties hear my Assurance I love you should you face sudden and severe challenges never doubt my love for you I am inscribing these words onto your heart and you will recall them daily no matter the circumstances no matter what challenges arise regardless of what you face my love for you grows stronger with each passing moment do not be
overwhelmed by painful emotions resist the urge to isolate yourself in loneliness thinking you are alone that nobody cares or that no one understands understands your pain and who am I I'm speaking directly to you and I'm certainly not a figment of your imagination feel the weight of each word I offer each one imbued with love that seeks to heal and mend your heart who am I to you I genuinely want to know if you see me not as a friend if you desire peace from my presence be courageous and tell me if this is your
wish I am ready to hear it but know this I will not leave you even if you try to push me away I will stay by your side when you turn from me I still extend my arms towards you if you reject me understand that I am not like others I truly love you and I will never abandon you my commitment to you is Everlasting and unshakable my choice to love you is unwavering and and even if you bid me to go I will remain speaking to you of my enduring affection until it resonates deeply
within your heart I believe that even now you can feel this love come let me envelop you in Sacred Love and guide you through the challenges you face spare a little time for me find a quiet place away from all distractions and listen to the words I am about to impart heart they are filled with love and warmth meant just for you do not overlook this heartfelt message it comes from a place of deep affection for I see how tirelessly you work to progress in your life these words are meant for you I am your
father I love you without condition every day I come to you brightening your day with sunlight wrapping you in love shielding you from the chill and refreshing you in the heat I speak to your tender heart which has endured hurt scorn wounds and humiliation you have felt alone abandoned and confused without direction or reason to live yet here I am continually reaching out to comfort to heal and to guide you I reach out to you in countless ways through myriad details that sometimes Escape your notice I know the burden you carry weighs heavily upon your
shoulders often leaving you with little desire to pray or seek my presence yet I hold no anger towards you I understand your struggles My Sacrifice for you was immense and my resolve to see you blessed is unyielding today I am determined to lift you from the depths of your sadness and St RP away the heavy emotions that cloud your soul the painful memories that drag you back into despair I have listened to your laments about feeling unappreciated and misunderstood about giving your All for Love yet receiving little understanding or consideration in return recall my own
Journey how I was nailed to the cross offered bitter vinegar in my thirst like you I too have felt the sting of ingratitude and the pain of betrayal I too have known the loneliness of being surrounded by false friends and the ache of being let down by those I trusted yet remember I overcame all I was betrayed and nailed to a cruel cross but I rose again in power and Glory I did this so that you would not have to endure and endless suffering I Rose so that in me you might find strength to rise
above the betrayals and disappointments of this world in your moments of Silent Cries for help when you feel all alone know that I am with you turning your Sorrows into joy and your trials into triumphs it is I your God reaching out to you today take a moment to feel my presence to read my words and listen to the truth they carry You are not alone I love you deeply let your tears flow not tears of sorrow but tears of joy for these are the answers to your prayers as you go about your day remember
do not ever forget amidst the storms of life your personal struggles and the mistakes you make and even when it seems the whole world is against you keep this truth nestled deeply within your soul go you're never alone I'm repeating this because it's crucial I love you and all will be well with you you have a compassionate heart and I see every good deed you do I promise to bless these actions and multiply the goodness that flows from them for those of you visiting the doctor today feeling anxious remember I am with you I have
not forsaken you I still speak with authority over your life and my power to work miracles remains undiminished for those worried about how you will provide for your family today hold tightly to this assurance I am already preparing A Feast for you a table Laden with provision so that you and your loved ones may partake in my Abundant Blessings trust in me my will is to fill you with health to alleviate your anxieties and to immerse you in my peace to those among you who face the heavy burden of debts you cannot pay hear this
trust in my power very soon you will encounter a surprise that will transform your current circumstances for those who are seeking employment do not lose hope continue your search without despair or discouragement my angels are with you guiding your steps ensuring you do not falter bringing you into favor with the right people and showing you which doors to approach you will find the means to settle your debts joyfully and extend your generosity to those in need I have placed a community around you and I will prompt many within it to act in your favor helping
you find not only employment but also friendship and companionship remember these words I speak to you for I am your Shepherd and you shall not want as you interact with others carry yourself with dignity and humility let your smile be broad even when your heart is heavy and tears are close I have endowed you with many gifts and talents some yet to be discovered by you the time has come to unveil all the grace with which I have blessed you your joy and faith will not only Inspire others to assist you but you will also
bring additional light into their lives remember every act of kindness you perform every smile you share generates light in the midst of darkness my dear child sometimes a simple smile from you can brighten the day of another who shares in your struggles of pain and loneliness know that I am with you today and this day will be marked by memorable moments continue to listen to read and to place your trust in my words soon you will come before me brimming with joy for all the blessings that will unfold in your life be calm and find
peace close your eyes release your concerns and let them be carried away by the wind disappearing into the clouds above allow yourself to be filled with my Holy Spirit I am breathing Divine Life into your surroundings and this presence will remain with you your heavy burdens and worries are no more they have sunk to the deepest ocean stay here a while longer do not leave just yet do not depart as you came I offer you my eternal love intertwining it with your heart in such a profound way that you will sense its warmth both day
and night this love will quiet the turbulent emotions within you calming the stormy feelings that seem as though they will never cease Embrace this peace my child and let it reshape your heart my words which flow from my lips hold the power to still your restless thoughts as a devoted father it is my duty to care for the well-being of your soul and the health of your emotions I have come so that you might have life in its fullest measure liberated entirely from the depression that severs your connection to reality look around and recognize the
blessings I have scattered in your path beginning with the gift of life itself the greatest gift of all even though you have endured suffering know that I am actively transforming your circumstances because you have approached me with a simple innocent Faith see seeking mercy and love consider how many are caught in the despairing belief that they will never break free from their bonds go forth and share the message with those in pain I do not desire for any to perish my love is so profound that I have done and will continue to do everything within
my power to deliver them freedom and salvation you are free this very moment you are no longer ens snared by any Vice despite the obstacles you encounter and the challenges you face I am fortifying you you will no longer be overwhelmed by destructive habits that lead to illness and sorrow you are someone with a heart of great Beauty and wonder endowed with assurance and resolve you are in a genuine relationship with me remember I am not just a concept find to the pages of the book you once tucked away in a drawer by hearing my
voice today you acknowledge my reality and the impact I have on your life that book is far more than mere paper and ink it is my Living Word capable of bringing about profound and dynamic changes within you I am deeply grateful my child for your thankful heart and your faith in me today I have spoken to you you affirming that wonderful things are on their Horizon anticipate them with joy you reached out to me and it was impossible for me to ignore the cries of your heart during those dark and sorrowful days when life seemed
devoid of meaning do not lose hope I'm intimately familiar with your thoughts and emotions which is why I have chosen this moment to speak directly to you your soul needs to hear my words so that you can find peace and happiness once more let my voice soothe your spirit replace your anxieties with peace and refill your heart with hope and joy remember I am always here speaking to you guiding you and loving you unconditionally you were brought into this life to fulfill a profound purpose you are destined to be a bless blessing to many even
if doubts Cloud your belief today let these words serve as a beacon to shift your perspective you will once again feel that immense courage that surged through you when you first began to dream back then you were full of plans and aspirations but your path became cluttered with obstacles and you faced adversaries who sought to bring you down they may have shaken your faith and caused you pain pain but today marks the beginning of your Resurgence I have forgiven your missteps your past will no longer Shadow your future all your defeats and failures have been
wiped clean stand strong and courageous in your faith in me and allow yourself to dream once more I have many responsibilities I wish to place in your care and I am prepared to bless you abundantly filling your life with provision however I urge you nourish yourself with my word and truly Embrace faith in me do not hesitate to seek me in prayer I am ready to offer you the comfort and love you require whenever you pray know that I am listening I am fully aware of what you have endured how you feel now and I
have seen your faithfulness through times of hardship all your doubts fears and uncertainties are not unnoticed by me I will address each one infusing your heart with peace those elements in your life that cause you distress will be removed I am committed to clearing the obstacles in your path or equipping you with the tools necessary to overcome them I am truly pleased with you your constant search for me and your Praises do not go unrecognized I have witnessed your victories in challenging circumstances and although you might not always see it I've been right there beside
you opening doors clearing paths and guiding your steps I have healed you and shielded you from harm you carry my unwavering promise that I will always be present with you whenever you encounter difficulties or face issues that seem insurmountable come to me in prayer I will listen with a heart full of love and respond to your needs do not let go of your hope in me remember I'm the one who wields the power to create and dissolve to build and to break down when it seems like everything is going against you trust that I am
actively working in your favor cast aside your fears especially the fear of others opinions and persist in your prayers you are under my protection no one can intimidate you or make you feel small because my word empowers you with faith and the wisdom you need to progress March confidently towards your goals don't look back but forward where I am leading the way and clearing your path hold on to these words I share with you treasure them in your heart and put them into action for I your God am ever present and will never forsake you
at any time day or night you are free to reach out to me ignore those who say you can't achieve your dreams I'm always here ready for you to turn to me I understand that you face immense challenges and there are times when it feels nearly impossible to keep your composure yet it is crucial to prevent your adversaries from succeeding in their aim to see you falter therefore bring your troubles to me each day I have come to ease your load I am here to assist you and to instill peace in your life I will
handle all your concerns you need only to walk beside me and trust in your heavenly father while you may not see what lies ahead rest assured that I have designed your future with precision and I Know It intimately trust in my guidance and in the journey we are on together I understand that it might be difficult to grasp what I'm conveying to you now especially during these challenging times but remember the intensity with which you have cried will match the joy you will feel when you embrace my blessings I have witnessed your sorrow in the
early mournful hours your disappointment and pain I am here now to offer you my shoulder lean on me and find relief pour out all that burdens your heart and leave it with me so you may find breath and peace cease your doubts and Trust wholly in my ability to resolve your troubles those who have caused you pain will witness my power at work in your life and will be compelled to withdraw I am here to provide you comfort and to infuse your restless nights with peace as Dawn breaks your eyes once filled with tears will
witness the fruits of your perseverance the cessation of your sorrow your blessing is already on its way trust in this for I do not speak falsehoods give me just a moment of your attention this isn't mere coincidence you're hearing my voice because your heart is in profound need crying out for something more something deeper I'm here to respond to that cry let me be clear I hope today you will truly believe in my words and never disregard them again I speak to you with Endless Love at all times and in all ways because my deepest
desire is for you to fully experience the life I have for you to accept and and be transformed by the holy anointing I pour upon you I want you to understand the magnitude of change within you you are not who you once were you no longer need to battle the same old demons repeat the same errors or remain captive to those who belittle you convincing you of your worthlessness stand up now you are liberated break free from that mental bondage today I shatter every spiritual chain that has held you back you no longer need to
fall back into harmful habits or feel compelled to submit to those who wish to harm you you're my Chosen One my child my daughter my son my love for you transcends the ordinary it is real powerful and filled with Supernatural Grace today marks A New Beginning you will rise stronger and more more certain than before joyfully accepting the blessings I am bestowing upon you you will hear my voice guiding you in your dreams and feel my comforting presence as soon as you awake As you move through your day courage will be your companion you will
tread through the fiercest fires and not be scorched you will face tumultuous waves and not be overwhelmed as you Embrace this new phase of your life remember that my presence envelops you always no obstacle will prove too daunting no adversary too strong your faith renewed and robust will serve as your shield and strength wherever you go whatever challenges you face hold fast to the knowledge that you are watched over loved and guided by me never again will you walk alone my spirit is with you turning each step into a testament of your faith and each
challenge into a Triumph stand up and walk forward now is the time step confidently upon the waves one step at a time as if you are traversing the sea itself keep your gaze fixed ahead never losing sight of your dreams and the Beautiful destination you're striving to reach [Music] behind you flows a mighty torrent of my blessings powerful and Unstoppable they course through valleys level mountains uproot weeds demolish barriers and fling wide the doors before you these blessings are Relentless and cannot be hindered no force can stand against them you are forever enveloped in my
love a love so profound and boundless that it transcends human understanding it is hard to explain impossible to fully grasp just feel it believe it accept it with faith in the days ahead I will reveal this love to you in ways that are beyond the ordinary in a manner so profound you will see my hand clearly in your life you will want for nothing that is my promise to you I am your provider fully aware of your needs and your current struggles do not let anxiety overtake you regarding the challenges you face close your eyes
remember my words and let your mind and heart be filled with peace and Tranquility look around there are many opportunities many doors waiting to be opened approach these doors with courage and resolve I am commanding you to do so and when you step forward do not fear I will give you the words you need to speak move boldly for I am with you every step of the way guiding you loving you and providing for every need today make the choice to advance on your journey do not let fear paralyze you as you stand and step
forward the heavens will open and I will shower you with blessings that are both abundant and genuine you will find yourself with more than enough free from debt abundance in provision with plenty to share give bless and seow from this day onward this cycle of abundance will continue daily monthly and yearly take these words to Heart read and listen to them repeatedly until their meaning resonates clearly with you you must follow my directives immerse yourself in my word and March forward with conviction now is the time to awaken to rekindle your faith to invigorate it
and accelerate it embrace the plan I have long held for you cast aside any Recollections of past failures and any feelings of guilt choose to persevere to combat daily challenges and to disregard the Whispers And criticisms of others forgive those who have wronged you continue on your path forget past hurts and press ahead my words will shield you your faith will serve as your sword I am here to assist you in navigating any obstacles you encounter commit to this perseverance I provide you with the strength to endure and overcome remember I am your Shepherd your
provider I know precisely what you need and I promise to supply not only what you lack but also to Grant you far more more speak to me with your lips and affirm with your whole heart that you will persist in fighting living and believing do not be intimidated by the unsettling news that comes your way understand that I have a purpose in all things and I hold the ultimate Authority my power can still the fiercest storms part the vast seas and enable you to walk upon their tumultuous waves I have the ability to raise you
from a bed of suffering to heal your body and to restore Wellness to your soul I acknowledge every tear you shed in times when the world greets you with pain and affliction seek solace in your faith you love me you believe in me my presence envelops you reaffirming that I will Infuse every part of your being with love and peace even amidst discouragement it's a misconception that time heals all wounds I am the Healer and I do so completely leaving no scars the trials of life will not Mar you permanently instead they have contributed to
your growth making you wiser I will also ease the burden of painful memories trust in my continual presence and healing for I Am With You Always transforming your challenges into opportunities for growth and your pain into lessons of strength my hands were nailed to the cross enduring the cold cruelty of the nails to Bear your suffering within me to cleanse you with my blood and to lift from you the weight of guilt this was done so you could receive my grace and so all burdens and Sorrows might be removed from your heart whether in times
of Joy or in times of pain whether in health or in sickness my presence will never leave you this is my promise to you and in your life I will perform Miracles that will manifest the boundless possibilities of living in accordance with my word humbly accepting both the trials and blessings I provide there are indeed formidable challenges I will alter for your benefit there are struggles and trials designed to transport you to better circumstances conflicts meant to fortify your spirit and situations crafted to enhance your wisdom if I permit these things to happen it is
for your ultimate good and when I say I will be with you guarding you against evil trust that I will follow through you will Thrive as I have declared it is my my intention that every good thing that comes into your hands is Multiplied and blessed believe this wholeheartedly without doubt or self-deprecating excuses about past failures or feelings of unworthiness if you commit to fully believing in me then also trust in my capacity to forgive to experience the fullness of my blessing turn away from the voice of the Accuser ignore criticisms and Slanders do not
let your mind dwell on the negative words of those who envy your promising future embrace my truth let it guide you toward a life filled with abundance and peace instead of allowing fear and anxiety to take hold of your spirit feel the warmth of my hand upon your heart fill yourself instead with joy peace hope faith and and Trust I will instill a deep Joy within you and songs of praise will flow from your lips your life is about to transform your blessings are descending directly from Heaven abundance will find its way into your home
and you will be released from any chains of debt and financial errors that have entangled you you may feel as though you are navigating a season of scarcity but I urge you to listen to my words and view your surroundings through the lens of Faith be attuned to the doors I'm opening for you and seize the opportunities that arise show appreciation and kindness to those you encounter on your journey I'm placing special people in your life who will extend their hands to you mirroring my support and care approach everyone you meet with friendliness and kindness
treat all with dignity and respect for I am preparing to bless you in ways that will astonish you in ways you cannot yet foresee you are destined for remarkable things in times of hardship you will not falter instead you will rise and shine amidst the darkness you will be a testament to my power a beacon of light for others to see your life will be a Vivid demonstration of my love and might let me share something profound with you the words you read and hear are spoken to many of my children yet not all choose
to believe some turn away making excuses preferring to trust those who would see them Bound by misery sin pain and sadness they reject my blessings my words my promises but remember I cherish you deeply it's crucial that you trust in my love to avoid the pitfalls of doubt and fully embrace the blessings I have ready for you I recognize your faith you are different from those who doubt time and again you have shown that you believe in my promises and my love for you is immense now receive my blessing you are safely held within my
hands I envelop you with my protection and Care do not be afraid those who challenge you will face me your Defender though your troubles may seem numerous I will deliver you those who oppose you will soon be overwhelmed with confusion and shame right now it might appear that they encircle and defeat you but I'm about to intervene I will assist you in just a few days you will look around and find your adversaries gone their frustration mounts as they fail to conquer you unaware that your strongest Ally is your Defender your God your savior continue
to trust and believe in me for me nothing is impossible act on your faith move forward with confidence know that I have bolstered your faith always move ahead assured of my presence and support I have bestowed upon you a remarkable ability the power to tread upon the waters to face formidable evils and to overcome them you are not alone in this fight your bravery is a testament to the strength I have placed within you the shadows of fear and anxiety that once loomed over you have now receded grasp your sword firmly and press on in
the battle for a great blessing awaits you you you are destined to triumph over the challenges that lie ahead I have provided you with answers and Escape roots for every trial you will face with my spirit you have been anointed to bring healing and encouragement to many this blessing extends not only to you but also to your family I will usher in peace and Harmony within your home soon you will sense a shift a change brought about by my abiding presence all forces of Darkness that have caused suffering will be dispelled they will Retreat permanently
from your life seek me and you will find Solace for your soul place your trust firmly in me in my promises in my word I am your God your steadfast rock your health and your strength I am your salvation cling to my hand and you will never never stumble I am your Shield your Sovereign your healer now with all the strength you possess affirm your belief in me and hold tightly to your faith with all your heart know that I love you deeply I've always been with you I am with you now and I will
forever be by your side I'm calling you to pray earnestly for your family it is essential your prayers are potent and effective you have witnessed my responsiveness when you come before me your family is facing trials that weigh heavily on them they may smile yet hidden beneath are depths of pain and struggle I urge you to approach my altar kneel and intercede fervently for them I promise to wrap your loved ones in a shield of spiritual protection guarding them from the assaults of the adversary I will shield them from illness and harm and imbue their
hearts with wisdom the doors that seem shut will swing open revealing opportunities that were once obscured from view to you I grant the strength peace and serenity you need along with the insight to speak to your family with kindness and understanding to never use words that wound understand and empathize with their struggles as they navigate their own difficult paths when you are in their presence show them love embrace them warmly stroke their hair gently and as you do pray through your touch my anointing will transfer my power will lift the Gloom from their Spirits I
will liberate them from their burdens I will mend their broken hearts share my word with them reminding them of my promises so they may always remember my endurance faithfulness and love always speak my name with deep reverence in your home and watch how gradually the troubles will dissipate and my presence will fill your family life a time is approaching when you will witness with joy the transformation of their lives you will see changes in their character and many who seem to have lost their way will find the path to my light and their destined blessings
hold fast to your faith in me do not be swayed by the negativity that might surround you for I have a grand plan and my plans never fail they unfold as I have decreed and no force can thwart them however your home needs a champion of Faith someone who believes wholeheartedly who prays with Vigor dedication and unwavering Faith you are that Beacon of Hope hope it is through your prayers that your family will navigate through challenges and seize Victory know that I cherish you and your loved ones deeply find solace in me for I hold
your present and your future securely the blessings that are on their way to you are a testament to my selection of you for a special purpose if you stand firm in your belief and hold my my words close to your heart those who wish to see you fall will instead stand back in astonishment as I perform wonders in your life in the coming days I lift your face and wipe away your tears offering you peace and joy draw near and listen to the promises I have for you each day open your Bible sit in Stillness
read and nourish your Hungry Heart be strengthened feel the immen power I am pouring into your being sometimes you look upwards searching for a sign from heaven but now I urge you to look forward for I am actively responding to your prayers and fulfilling your requests the blessings you have sought are being granted according to my will ensuring your well-being and ushering in Freedom and prosperity into your life the abundance I bestow upon you will not be accompanied by sorrow you need not incur debt nor mortgage your future no one will be able to diminish
or steal what I've given you never underestimate your worth or feel undeserving when you witness your home filled with my blessings accept them as rightfully yours given out of my deep love and desire to see you flourish yet be aware the enemy will attempt to seow seeds of doubt and may try to snatch away your blessings and dreams I endow you with wisdom to discern between those who offer genuine counsel and those who seek to deceive with falsehoods beware of those who use sweet words as aure they may profess love only to ens snare and
Rob you of your Vitality be vigilant I am providing this warning so you remain aware and avoid the snares your adversaries are setting for you I am committed to protecting and caring for you you have my unwavering promise however it is essential that you engage in daily prayer to be filled with my presence continue to believe in my words and trust in me I will encircle your home and your family with my heavenly hosts do not let doubts take root in your mind remember always that I love love you your life is securely held within
my hands I am here to assist you through your challenges to lift you from discouragement to help you focus on the future and to persist in your faith so you may ultimately Triumph and prosper trust in me as your heavenly father feel free to converse with me openly to share your needs because I also desire for you to know me not just as a protector but as a close friend I am ready to extend my hand to you ensuring you that I'm always attentive always listening take a moment to sit and talk with me use
your own words to share your thoughts your plans the secrets of your heart and your deepest emotions speaking to me is beneficial for you it heals your soul calms your mind and as you verbalize your feelings your faith is activated setting the stage for miracles to unfold today is the day to share all that's on your mind with me but also to listen as I speak to you know this I am not here to judge or reprimand you nor to remind you of past failures listen closely my child as my spirit gently Whispers in your
ear telling you of my boundless love for you each morning as you awaken and your first thoughts turn to me telling me of your need and your love your words rise like a sweet fragrance a worship that reaches my Throne as the sun illuminates the day my presence lovingly envelops your life your family and your home offering protection and warmth remember in any challenge you face I am ready and willing to assist you I will not withhold any good thing from you whatever you ask of me that will bring blessing into your life I will
respond swiftly enveloping my answer in My Loving Care offer me your thoughts and trust me with your heart let go of the burdens that threaten to wear down your faith and snatch away your dreams place them in my hands right now release those worries that make you doubt my love for you know that I am always here ever willing to listen always prepared to assist and my love for you is without condition when you feel overwhelmed by the challenges you face remember that you are not alone the weight you carry heavy as it may seem
is not yours to Bear alone I am with you ready to lighten your load and brighten your path each fear each doubt each uncertainty hand them over to me and watch How I transform them into peace and Clarity let this act of surrender be your first step towards a deeper faith and a restored hope in The Quiet Moments of your day take time to speak with me just as you would confide in a close friend share with me your deepest concern turns your highest hopes and your darkest fears as you open up about these things
you'll find not just Solace but also strength my presence offers more than Comfort it provides the power to overcome in these conversations you'll find your spirit renewed and your courage rebuilt furthermore as you walk through your days consider each step a move closer to the Fulfillment of your dream dreams with each Act of trust with every small surrender you allow me to weave my will into your life crafting outcomes better than you could have imagined this partnership this Divine collaboration is not just about overcoming what life throws your way but about thriving and achieving a
greater purpose Embrace this truth my love for you is a fortress unyielding and protective within this Refuge fear has no place and doubt Fades away stand firm in this assurance and let it Propel you forward as you do you'll not only witness miracles in your own life but become a Beacon of Hope to others this is the promise I make to you today a promise of unwavering support and endless love you need not endure the tempests that begin in your mind mind do not let the Winds of Despair carry you down the pathways of pain
ask yourself who will you heed more the cries of Despair The Whispers of failure or the loving tones of my voice speaking directly to you there is no need for you to wallow in despair for I have demonstrated time and again that if you trust in my word I will fling open the gates of Heaven for you you are my beloved child and you are not meant to live in darkness my spirit is always with you providing Comfort no matter where you are or where you go your hearing this message is no coincidence I am
fully aware of how life's struggles have scarred you how past adversaries have wounded you and why you still carry those wounds but I am here now if you embrace me in this moment I will lift you you from your Agony Shield you beneath my wings and shelter you in my shadow I urge you to listen closely to read carefully and to focus on my words believe in what I tell you I do not wish for you to suffer any longer the hardships you experience are not the result of my wrath or punishment my love for
you is boundless and eternal understand clearly that I am here to permanently raise you up to cure your Despair and to lead you away from failure never feel ashamed of your belief in me and my word rejoice in witnessing the Wonders I work in your life and in the lives of your family everyone who believes in me has the privilege of being heard in my presence of reaping the fruits of their faith and obedience anticipate the AR of Supernatural and marvelous Miracles soon you will witness significant positive transformations in your loved ones which will fill
your heart with immense Joy therefore even when challenges appear and difficulties arise remain confident that I will never abandon you I am perpetually by your side through every circumstance and at every moment I I am here to assist you you can speak to me with confidence and Faith but remember also to listen engage with my written word there I will speak directly to your heart filling you with my spirit and empowering you with a strength that cannot be diminished by anyone or anything promise me with your own words that you will seek me daily with
all your love and faith here I will be waiting for you I love you and this is your proof I have come today to speak to you and touch your heart precisely when you need me the most my love for you is unwavering genuine and everlasting know that nothing not even your sins or mistakes can ever separate you from the immense love I have for you even during times when you felt distant from me my love relentlessly pursued you I freed you from the chains that suffocated your will to live whenever you call out to
me know that I am right here when you are driven to desperation and you cry out I open wide the doors of my heart seeing you kneel in prayer I look upon you with immense tenderness and my grace envelops you as you navigate paths filled with risk and bitterness my presence shines brightly guiding you through the darkness from before your very conception I knew you I precisely selected the moment of your birth nothing in your life happens outside my Divine will or without my approval while you might not understand or appreciate my actions now in
time you will see that everything I do is for your benefit to fortify you to promote your growth and to prepare you for greater things my vision for you is to elevate your life to new heights of faith and commitment I want to place my shining sword in your hands so that as you Proclaim my word astonishing Miracles will unfold Before You cast aside any feelings of unworthiness view yourself as you truly are a child of the almighty God a courageous Warrior War endowed with strength determination and destined for victory believe in this Truth for
it is the essence of embracing and accepting my love for you you are not meant for defeat Beyond these trials which you will surmount through your faith awaits The Splendid reward of Victory amen [Music]
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