If Not Today, Then Tomorrow

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Dry Creek Wrangler School
Video Transcript:
good morning I think it's still morning Dwayne here Dry Creek Wrangler school well it's afternoon now so good afternoon Dwayne here Dry Creek Wrangler school um I'm out in the tax shed the walls are bare don't have the stove on at the moment uh for those of you who've been around for a while you been around me in the Channel us uh you you are aware that my my biggest character battle let's do it like that is uh being wound a little too tight and it's it's the thing I have fought the most over over
the last few years and uh so I'm out here right now um chilling because it's what I need to do and uh you know and I found one of my this is just going to be rambling okay we're just going to sit here and ramble for a little bit if you don't mind uh in the horse world one of my biggest complaints from the very start when I started trying to learn to train horses learn to understand horses started watching videos um all the horse trainers who were putting stuff out that were trying to show
you how to fix a problem with a horse the horses I mean it was obvious to someone who worked horses a little bit the horses had been worked had been um warmed up had been they had been handled and then taken and washed and brushed and cleaned up and then brought out and then the video turned on cuz the horses were always perfectly behaved they may not know exactly the one thing that the trainer was trying to teach them but they were perfectly behaved and usually in most cases whatever it was he was trying to
teach them that was a second or third time they had been through this so they were already starting to get an idea and I would get frustrated and I'd say my horse isn't behaving like that um I have to start from the beginning so I wish you would be less worried about your image and more concerned about teaching the reality of the situation and show us um behind the curtain of how things are when you get a fresh raw horse that doesn't know anything and doesn't want to know anything well you watch a lot of
you watch a lot of videos and podcasts and stuff today um of men trying to tell you how how to go through life and how to do this and how to do that there's a lot of theory and the theory might be good uh but very rarely do you see practical application where the guy saying this is what you need to do and this is what you need to do very rarely you say well today this is and things aren't working out and so this is what I got to do they uh they keep that
image polished well today I started getting ginned up I'm just going to be be honest with you I got I got I it it started distress started building what's going on is I have the other channel the uh um the tack room Bible talk and I did a video a couple days ago about a subject to me it's it's just clear as a bell it's just open and clear and so I set and clarified it and I have had I've been inundated with religious mhe heads who just are arguing and arguing and arguing now I've
had people say before Dwayne why don't you just turn comments off because in the midst of all of these over religious knobheads who cannot listen and cannot discern and cannot understand I have sincere people who come in and they have a sincere question and I am able to answer that question or at least show them a way of looking at it and they're helped and I don't want to lose that and I don't want them to lose that so anyhow I that started stressing me it shouldn't all right but um it uh I started getting
really aggravated at these people and uh and it started reflecting in my answers these comments I I it's been a long time since I've done a video where I've blocked so many people uh from the comments cuz people just they they've got in their head what they want to believe and they'll take a verse of scripture out of context and they'll ignore all the other verses any I'm not going into that okay but that was starting to stress me the other thing that's stressing me is as you know maybe you know you'll know now we're
moving back to Kentucky uh for a lot of reasons all right and and so we were going to try to pull out of here first thing this morning and my son-in-law I flew him out from Kentucky to help he's a he's strapping healthy strong young man and and he helped yesterday and we got a lot of stuff done but until he came out it was just mama and I and so things weren't going moving along at the rate that I was wanting to because I was worried about winter weather and I had stuff I had
to take care of like I had three three different situations of horses to get the horses settled and all of this takes time it takes paperwork you got to have the you know en Welling you have to have the brand inspector out you have to have you know I had to have the vet out to pull blood so I had to wait for the cogin test and the health papers to come back so every time I turn around there was another delay and I'm watching the weather reports and the weather January weather in Wyoming starting
to come in so we got Jonah is out and we got a lot of work done yesterday and we're going to try to pull out this morning but we just we didn't have stuff done you can only do so much especially when you know it's dark at 5:00 in the morning and it doesn't get light till 8:30 um and it's 12° and and uh so we didn't and so that started stressing me and then we got weather coming in it's snowing out there right now it's 12:30 in the afternoon and and it's snowing and then
I'm getting weather reports that they're having a supposed to be a huge ice storm through Kansas City and all the way up to Washington DC ky's calling for big ice storm rain and so that started stressing me CU I've got to get all this stuff even if we were packed I've got trucks and trailers and dogs and people and everything to get through the weather you know snow and ice and and all this stuff 1,600 miles to Kentucky and we're at the last point of packing where you've got all the little stuff that just keeps
showing up trailers are like well that's full I don't have room for that that's against that and so we're going through all that and uh so I was starting to get stressed and I didn't do anything bad I I didn't snap at anybody I haven't slammed any doors I haven't but it was building I could feel it and what's worse Mama could see it now one of the things you always got to be aware of if if you're a person who if you're not just a walking Xanax you know if you've got a bit of
this how you affect other people now my blessed wonderful wife has been with me through the worst of my stress through the worst of my wound too tight days the worst of my temper the worst of she's been for years and so even now when I have a handle on things and and I'm not like exploding and you know things like I used to when she sees that stress building in me it really starts stressing her because she remembers how it used to be not it wasn't ever abusive I have never struck my wife or
screamed at her and called her bad names not like that okay but it really started stressing her which I don't want okay um so what I've done is I'm like okay we're not pulling out out of here right now it's snowing I'm not taking two uh duly trucks full of with two trailers full of all of our stuff and pulling out of here in the snow on slick roads heading towards an ice storm I'm I'm just not going to do it okay so we're we're going to we're going to um slow down and we're going
to take things as they come and we're not on the schedule and so I told my wife I told de I said I'm going to go out in the tack shed I'm going to have a good cup of coffee of juniper Mountain Wrangler roast coffee I'm going to have a cigar paragus Black Label 6X 60 and I'm going to just get control of myself not so the advantage the positivity about this as opposed to was the way I used to do it I would finally get control of myself once I had lost control okay are
you picking up what I'm putting down now I have learned to just stop step back and get more control of myself before I start losing control before I start slamming stuff before I start raising my voice before I start cussing and carrying on around here I just I feel it coming you know when I was young you feel a a cold coming on or the flu you just keep going and you can feel it usually a lot of times you can feel it coming on it's like man I think I'm starting to get sick but
you keep going and then it hits you knocks you flat down and so and then you start pouring on you know the the whatever your remedies are and the medicines and everything else to try to fix it well it's a lot easier to catch it and your stress your temper your the way you handle things it's a lot easier to stop and step back and get a hold of it before it becomes a full-on conf flager you learn you learn that that de blame clock doesn't really mean as much as it used to okay um
one of the one of the guys here a Rancher here up the road been the most most uh the best guy here been the most supportive the most neighborly um he's been ranching for Generations out here and we've pushed cattle you know we've helped him gather cattle and he you know he said he's off and said if you want to gather those cows in off of that one piece back there on the back side of the property and bring them in and if if you miss a couple of cuz it's some of broke pretty steep
draws and with heavy trees and stuff down in there and you know you get a mama cow with a calf she gets Hol Up Down in there you you know it's easy to miss he said if if you don't get all of them today we don't even care cuz we're just moving from one pasture to another where the grass is better whatever he said because they'll be there tomorrow and what we don't get today we'll just get tomorrow and that's sometimes s and it's hard in the life that we have built in this culture in
this country it's hard to just say you know what it's time to stop time to sit down for a minute and if we don't leave today we'll leave tomorrow and if the roads are covered in ice and snow tomorrow we'll leave the next day and the plan is to head out once the roads in the weather once we're packed and the weather is where I feel like it's not unwise to head out we're going to head out and if we hit more weather we're going to pull over and we're going to wait it out I'm
not going to White Knuckle it down the road at 35 mph with the windshield wipers it's going crazy and the four-wheel drive on and and say cuz we got to get there we got to get there there is not near as many places in in a life that you've got to get to today that we think we have to get to today when we're young and uh sometimes sometimes the best thing we can do is say you know what tomorrow's another day if you take your hand go in and fill your bathtub up with water
okay fill it up kneel down beside of it take your hand raise it all the way up and bring it down as fast and as hard as you can bam on that water what's going to happen you're going to hurt your hand and it's going to bounce off of that and you're not going to go very deep but if you slow down to about third of the speed and you come down calm and deliberate it's not going to hurt near as bad and you're going to penetrate a whole lot deeper into that water Sometimes the
best thing you can do is just say look if I keep getting wound up trying to push this clock I'm just going to wind up breaking stuff and Wrecking and getting wound up too tight inside start snapping start being disrespectful to people start being rude to people um things aren't going to be calm and smooth so what I'm going to do is it's not the schedule that I planned it's not the well planned but we're going to step back and we're going to take what we have and we're going to deal with it and so
that's what we're doing right now okay and Dwayne why are you telling this because I don't want to be that guy on the video with a calm half broke horse that's trying to maintain my image more than I'm trying to show you a better way we're going to take the scrubby horse we're going to take the horse that's just all wide eyed and his ears pinned and we're going to show how to deal with that horse and we're going to take life that's not as ideal as we want it to be and we're going to
show you that we're going to show you how we deal with that um and so here we are and uh about to uh I've chilled way down my coffee is about done about half done with a cigar I'm going to finish this cigar and then we're going to go about that we're going to go back out and we're going to go on about our business and we're just going to start getting stuff done and what we get done we get done and what we don't get done we'll do tomorrow or the next day all right
so uh I just want to encourage you wherever you're at in life take your foot off the accelerator a little bit now sometimes momentum is your friend sometime momentum will kill you all right and so maybe today you need to just say tomorrow's another day and tomorrow will probably be a better day and today we'll do what we can and you know when I was a little kid we didn't have television but we had records now by records I mean we had i i as a little kid and dad had some records that were dramatized
readings of certain Classics and one of them that we had was Black Beauty remember the story of Black Beauty the horse well we had a dramatized reading of Black Beauty on a vinyl record when on the record player um and uh and we we listen to that listen to it listen to it and you know there was a quote on that and that quote and I never forgot it I mean I was probably 5 years old and to this day I can still remember it I can still remember it in the voice that that read
it on the record just do your best and leave the rest and will all come right someday or night just stop have a cup of coffee and a cigar let the snow pass and then go back out and keep going okay there's very few things that you've got to do in a snowstorm now you got to feed your Critters they got to eat all right but other than some stuff like that just do your best and leave the rest and you can pick it back up later all right so this is me wishing you a
chill nonstressful relax relax day and just saying son what you don't get done today you can do tomorrow and everybody may not be happy about that but your life ain't about everybody else's happiness all right be logical be reasonable be safe and be calm and we'll catch you guys next time
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